• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Same Home New Home

Equestria. Manehattan. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

Away from the Angels, secret areas, there was Zeraora, experiencing a rollercoaster for the first time. Encouraged by Rainbow Dash, the Thunderclap Pokemon found herself on a rollercoaster which was currently ascending. Recently, she hasn't had any signs of letting her rage out, feeling completely composed.

It was thanks to the people, ponies and Pokemon she's been around that she could feel calm and happy. But right now, the rollercoaster invoked the opposite feeling as seen by the look on her face.

"You're gonna love this, Zeraora. It gets the blood pumping!" Rainbow Dash said with absolute glee. But while Rainbow Dash was psyched, Zeraora wasn't feeling it.

"Ze...!" In fact, Zeraora looked rather uneasy. Her mouth was trembling as she noticed that she was getting higher and higher. The Electric-Type couldn't help but look to the side, seeing the view of Manehattan's buildings get smaller and smaller.

Rainbow Dash noticed Zeraora's discomfort and immediately shifted gears. It was at that moment, she realized that Zeraora wasn't exactly pleased to be on here. "Wait, a second. Are you afraid of heights?" Right as Rainbow Dash said that, it was too late. The Rollercoaster was at the highest peak and was about to drop.

As the rollercoaster reached its apex, Zeraora's eyes widened in sheer panic. Her claws instinctively dug into the safety bar, her heart pounding louder than the rushing wind around her. Before any further words could be exchanged, the rollercoaster plummeted, gravity taking over as the cars descended with incredible speed.

Screams of those onboard went off as Zeraora let out a yowl that echoed through the air and parts of Manehattan, a mix of terror and surprise escaping her as the wind whipped past. Rainbow Dash, sensing her distress, reached out a hoof, trying to comfort the Thunderclap Pokémon. "You've got this, Zeraora! It's just like a really fast thunderbolt!" she exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Zera!" But unable to handle it, Zeraora would cling to someone safe. In this case, it was Rainbow Dash.

"Wait, hold on!" Rainbow Dash bellowed but was soon met with an electrifying gift. Due to Zeraora being absolutely petrified, she accidentally unleashed a burst of lightning from her body which shocked Rainbow Dash. There was now a burst of lightning trailing from the sky, livening up the ride. "Ghhhh!"

The coaster moved through many twists and turns while Zeraora kept holding onto Rainbow Dash, not letting go until it was all over. And poor Rainbow Dash had to take all of the lightning and by extension, so did Castform who was in Rainbow Dash's saddlebag. "C-Castform!"

Thankfully, no one else was shocked and it was only Rainbow Dash and Castform who had to take the brunt of it all. It also made for a rather nice sight. Some ponies would look up to see a lightning bolt trailing through the sky, even if it involved Rainbow Dash being electrocuted.

After a few minutes of rapid movement, it was finally over. Zeraora was free from it as her blood was rushing. That was just a part of it. Everyone else would get off while Zeraora sat there, unable to move at the moment.

The Thunderclap Pokémon, still in a state of panic, looked mortified at what she'd accidentally done. She released Rainbow Dash quickly, leaving the cat and taking a few steps back, her ears drooping in embarrassment.

"It's alright, Zeraora! No harm done," Rainbow Dash reassured, shaking off the residual tingling from the electric shock as smoke came from her teeth. Castform would do the same but his entire body was now smoking.

Zeraora, though visibly calmer now that the ride was over, still seemed apologetic. She murmured an apology, sparks flickering nervously around her fur. The more time she spent around this group, the less her rage was starting to show which was a tremendous positive.

"Hey, no worries! It's all part of the adventure," Rainbow Dash said, giving Zeraora a reassuring smile. "But you won't have to worry about going back on that thing. I promise." She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ze..." Zeraora managed a small smile, realizing that despite the initial fear and the accidental shock, she'd made it through an experience she never thought she would. And she'd done it with friends by her side. Understanding Zeraora's discomfort with the rollercoaster, she decided to introduce the Thunderclap Pokémon to less intense but equally fun experiences. And there was plenty to offer.

"Alright, how about something a bit more laid back?" Rainbow Dash suggested, leading her through the bustling streets of Manehattan. They wandered through the colourful markets, trying out different treats and interacting with the locals, Zeraora cautiously tasting some of the delights Rainbow Dash recommended.

Next, they found themselves in the spacious park of Manehattan, filled with ponies and Pokémon enjoying various activities at this time while the Sun was slowly setting. Rainbow Dash showed Zeraora a game of Frisbee, where she effortlessly soared through the air to catch the disc, her speed and agility impressing the Thunderclap Pokémon. Naturally, she startled everyone here since she makes the sound of thunder due to her swift movements. It even threw others off their game and focus.

The rest of Rainbow Dash's friends such as Fluttershy and Rarity would hang around Zeraora, showing her what she was missing out on. Rarity had all of her Pokemon lined up, having new outfits for them. Zeraora would have the honour of wearing them, even if she wasn't too big on dresses.

"Rrr.." She grimaced looking at the design of these dresses. Rarity already took the time to craft one for her as Pheromosa held the dress out.

"Darling, you simply must indulge in a bit of fashion!" Rarity exclaimed, gesturing towards the ensemble of clothes she had prepared. "Don't be shy. Just a brief test and you can take it off whenever you want."

Zeraora, not particularly keen on the idea of wearing dresses or accessories, hesitated for a moment. However, Rarity's genuine excitement was infectious, and with a bit of persuasion from Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, Zeraora tentatively agreed to try on an outfit.

Rarity meticulously draped a stunning garment over Zeraora, adjusting it to fit perfectly. The Thunderclap Pokémon, feeling a bit out of her element, glanced around awkwardly, her friends cheering her on. It was still rather nice to have others cheer her on after what she's been through.

Alas, Zeraora still disliked it. In response, she used her plasma to burn away the clothes. Rarity's face would twitch as she was rather hurt by it. She tried keeping her smile up, but it was quickly broken. Seeing this, Zeraora rushed over to Rarity who huddled next to a building, rocking back and forth. To make amends, she picked up the pieces of the dress, attempting to put them on to make Rarity feel better. Of course, there was nothing left.

"It's alright, Zeraora..." Rarity stood up, taking a deep breath before transforming her gutted frown into a cheery smile. "I made a spare just in case!"

"Leavan!" But Rarity came prepared as Leavanny whipped out another dress from Rarity's bag.

As the day progressed, Rainbow Dash introduced Zeraora to various ponies and Pokémon, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and friendship. Zeraora, initially reserved, found herself warming up to the cheerful ponies and their Pokémon companions, sharing playful moments and laughter.

Zeraora, initially reserved, found comfort in Fluttershy's soothing demeanour. With Fluttershy's encouragement, Zeraora mingled with the gentle Pokémon, exchanging friendly gestures and getting acquainted. Not all of Fluttershy's Pokemon were here since they weer all back at the Pokemon House, but she grew a bond with the three Pokemon by her side at all times.

They watched street performers, listened to live music, and even participated in a friendly game of tag with other Pokémon in the park. Zeraora got involved once she saw the Pokemon chasing each other. Eager to show off her speed, she took off at lightning speeds, easily outpacing them all.

Naturally, this made it unfair and Zeraora lowered her head, apologizing for making it too difficult for the other Pokemon. The Thunderclap Pokemon was rather eager, but as Cobalion revealed, she was still a child at the end of the day. Rainbow Dash made sure to tailor the activities to suit Zeraora's comfort, ensuring she felt included and at ease throughout.

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Rainbow Dash and Zeraora found themselves perched atop a hill overlooking the city. The view was breathtaking, the city lights twinkling below them.

Zeraora nodded, a soft smile gracing her features. Though the rollercoaster was a bit much, the rest of the day had been filled with new experiences and wonderful moments, all thanks to Rainbow Dash's thoughtful guidance.

With the evening setting in, they made their way back, the day's adventures creating a bond between them that would last far beyond the fun-filled afternoon. "You know, Zeraora, today was pretty awesome, right?" Rainbow Dash said, glancing at the Thunderclap Pokémon beside her. "You might not have liked the rollercoaster, but we had a blast together, didn't we?"

"Ora." Zeraora certainly enjoyed today. But, despite this great level of joy, there was something missing, In her mind, the home she once had was impossible to forget about. It brought more than just enjoyment, but peace.

Rainbow Dash noticed the subtle change in Zeraora's demeanor, a fleeting moment of nostalgia crossing her expression amidst the joy of the day. Sensing the shift, Rainbow Dash approached Zeraora with a gentle understanding.

"You still miss your home, huh?" Rainbow Dash spoke softly, her tone empathetic as she sat beside Zeraora, the city lights twinkling in the distance.

"Zera." Zeraora's smile softened, her gaze distant for a moment before returning to Rainbow Dash. With a nod, she conveyed the sense of longing and nostalgia that lingered in her heart despite the wonderful day she'd had. Alas, she couldn't return to it since it's been ruined by Necrozma.

"Yeah. I feel you. Missing home beats a lot. Even if you're having a lot of fun." The pegasus sighed. "But, what can we do? Kidd and the Ranger Union left you in our care, so we're doing to do our best to try and make you a new home."

"Hold on. Your home is Alola, isn't it?" At that moment, Rarity spoke up as something came to mind. "Can't we just go to the Alola in our universe?"

Rarity's observation piqued Zeraora's interest. The mention of an Alola in their world brought a glimmer of curiosity to her eyes, a flicker of hope that perhaps there was more to this than she initially thought.

"Zera?!" Zeraora stood up, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and intrigue.

Fluttershy nodded gently, adding her thoughts to Rarity's observation. "Hmm. It's not the same world though. But it's the same region at the end of the day."

Zeraora mulled over this revelation. The idea that there could be an Alola in this world, albeit different, sparked a new perspective within her. It wasn't her world, but it held echoes of familiarity and a semblance of home. "Zee....!" It was so exciting that she was generating electricity around her.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't really think about that." Rainbow Dash now thinking about that possibility as it never crossed her mind until now. "That's a great idea, Rarity! Great going!"

"Hmph." Rarity smiled, glad of a small but impactful achievement since it struck Zeraora's heart. Zeraora nodded slowly, the notion stirring a newfound sense of possibility within her. The idea of exploring a different Alola, even if not her original one, felt like a step toward reconnecting with something familiar.

With a small smile, Zeraora expressed her gratitude to her newfound friends for shedding light on this possibility. And she did so with a hug, grabbing Rarity and Fluttershy.

"G-Goodness...!" Fluttershy bellowed as her face felt like it was about to pop. At least she wasn't shocked by electricity. Despite the differences and the vastness of the worlds they inhabited, the notion that there might be a piece of Alola waiting for her here gave her a sense of hope and purpose.

"Well then..." Rarity uttered while in Zeraora's clutches. "Off to Alola then. I was thinking of moving locations. Shall we call Lucas and have him open up a gateway?"

"You bet. I'll call Twilight right away. Once we get enough sleep, we're high-tailing it to Alola!" Rainbow Dash whipped out her trusty Xtransceiver.

The night was beginning to arrive as the late afternoon was bidding its farewell to the world. As the night settled in, the city's lights painted a picturesque scene against the dark sky. Zeraora had something to look forward to tomorrow morning.

Nightfall graced Manehattan as yet another day of the Pokemon Festival came to an end. This was, for the most part, the second most peaceful Pokemon Festival out there as many have not noticed too many issues. The very first Pokemon Festival was still the safest one out of all of them.

Zeraora, sitting a bit off to the side, was lost in her thoughts, her gaze fixed on the stars above as she was thinking about Alola and how she might see it again, even if it wasn't her Alola. But she had to imagine it would feel familiar. Rainbow Dash and the others were currently asleep inside of Manehattan's hotel while Zeraora stayed outside. But she wasn't the only one who stayed awake at this time.

Zeraora, sensing Pheromosa's presence, glanced over with a small nod of acknowledgement. Next to her was Bayleef who was also awake under the night sky and right behind them both were Nightmare Moon and Twilight Moonlight, who was still under Nightmare Moon's watch.

"Look at you. Completely composed now." Nightmare Moon pointed out. "Well, how is it?"


"I mean, how does it feel to be around others? It's not so bad of a feeling, honestly." Nightmare Moon could relate. She once wished to be on her own due to her ideals, but soon found enjoyment around others. "It helps, doesn't it?"

"Phero." And Pheromosa was here to ensure that if Zeraora loses it by some chance, the Lissome Pokemon would catch up to her and fix it all. Zeraroa had to ask Pheromosa immediately if the Alola here was as wonderful as it was back in her world before it was absorbed by Necrozma. "Mo..." While Pheromosa hasn't been to Alola all that much, she can safely say one thing. It was a pleasant place to be at. "Pheromo!"

"Zera!" Zeraora was elated to hear that. Granted, she was also hoping to find the exact spot she used to be around her entire life. Hopefully, that was still available in this world.

"You all can go to Alola. I'm going for Ash Ketchum." Twilight Moonlight, who decided to approach Ash in a different way, would pass on Alola.

"No, you're not." Nightmare Moon used her wing feathers to perform a finger wag. "You're under my supervision after all. You're coming to Alola and enjoying the view. Unless you want to join my group and be free of your crimes."

"Tch. As if." But Twilight Moonlight was very much adamant about that. Her loyalty ran strong. "Besides...how are you even restraining my magic? I can still feel it growing but..."

"Hm-hm." Nightmare Moon smirked. "My magic deviates from others. It's the result of me being Luna's alter-ego. You can't hope to free yourself from me, no matter how much your magic grows."

Dodge Junction.

Going through a deep thought of her own at the middle of the night was Sci-Twi. While Zeraora stared at the night sky, thinking about her home, Sci-Twi held up her Arceus Pendant, thinking about the angelic encounter she just had.

Strident Heart spoke about how the pendant was now classified as a Divine Item. it was how she was able to see the angels in their Astral Project and one day, she might have to give it up since mortals are not allowed to wield such power.

"Arceus. I wish I could speak with you. You'd be able to fix all of this, right?" Sci-Twi said, hoping to speak with Arceus. But the Alpha Pokemon did not respond.

Sci-Twi was in deep contemplation, her gaze fixed on the Arceus Pendant in her hands. The weight of Strident Heart's words lingered heavily on her mind—the realization that wielding such power might not be sustainable for a mortal like her.

"Doing okay?" Ash and Pikachu walked up to Sci-Twi, checking up on her.

"I'm fine. I'm just worried about what I saw. I only got to see the Astral Projections of those angels because of this thing. I might have to give it up."

"Nah. You don't have to give it up."

"I hope not. I was thinking about Arceus too. I've never actually spoken to him or seen him. If I could, then he would solve everything, wouldn't he? He helped you out of the trial after all."

"Yeah. It would be pretty great if he showed up. He doesn't show up a lot but back when things were new for both our worlds, we saw Arceus here and there."

"You did? Frequently?"

"Kind of. Arceus had to show up to get us all used to this new life. Showed up for Celestia too. She saw him first." Ash closed his eyes. He wasn't there when Celestia first met Arceus, but he was told about how the exchange went, picturing it in his head. This also went for when Arceus would show up at Ponyville for a bit to update them all.

In the wake of Arceus's explanation, Celestia pondered the implications. The notion that their worlds were merely pawns for some cosmic curiosity seemed unsettling. Yet, in the midst of uncertainty, a sense of responsibility began to bloom within her. That's how it was from the start. From the very beginning, this was all just for the RIft's amusement, wanting to see new and exciting things as if it was a child.

And in the end, many went along with it, growing together while being worlds apart. Despite how terrifying it was to have a Cosmic Being toy with their worlds just for some entertainment, they learned how to appreciate the new life they were given. Ash remembered how Arceus would show up to Ponyville, towering over everyone. The ponies would always look absolutely starstruck when viewing Arceus, especially when he spoke.

To Sci-Twi's ears, it was fascinating how adversity can often lead to unexpected bonds when she didn't quite believe in that from the start. Despite the initial unease and the unsettling nature of their circumstances, it was heartening to hear that the inhabitants of both worlds found common ground so quickly. It seems like this experience helped them appreciate the uniqueness of each other's existence. Granted, they had help from Ash and other experienced trainers to really make them comfortable.

"Good times. And now, here we are." Ash would lie on his back, feeling the hard ground of Dodge Junction. "Arceus and everyone pitched in to make this new world we live in. You can't reach Arceus right now, but it's not the end of it, Twilight. It never is. He'll show up."

"At the right time, I'm guessing. But if Arceus doesn't show up in time, I could lose this. And the shards too since they apparently count" Sci-Twi scrunched her face before facing Ash. "You won't let that happen, right, Ash?"

"No way. I didn't give up when I was put on trial and I'm not stopping now. If you ever have trouble, Pikachu and I will be there. I mean, you've got Pikachu's ancestor right by your side so there's that too."


"Thanks. I might need it when I go to Summer Camp soon." Sci-Twi was relieved. "But you'll be doing something else, won't you? I don't think you have time for Summer Camp."

"Ah, I went to a Pokemon Summer Academy once. And a Summer Camp years later. So I've got time for sure." But Ash was no stranger to Summer Activities that keep him in one area.

"Oh, but I bet it won't have any Pokemon in it." Sci-Twi grumbled. "I would've loved that, but my world still isn't used to it. I need to know what a Pokemon Summer Camp feels like."

"You totally can." Ash slid over, putting his hands together as well as Pikachu. "Not in this world but yours. I can just talk to Professor Oak."

"Really? That easily?"

"Well, yeah. Professor Rowan opened up a Summer Academy in Rowan, so I bet Professor Oak can do it too." No matter what, Ash always had Twilight's back. Whether it's Princess Twilight or the Human Twilight. "Right now, let's keep going until this festival ends. Where to next?"

"Well...It's been brought up so many times lately. How does Pegalysium sound?" Sci-Twi stood up, finally wishing to go Pegalysium.

Ash Ketchum nodded in understanding and could grant that wish. The two of them would perform their own Handshake. It was done by having the side of their fists clash before raising them into the air in unison. That was a promise. But of course, some rest for the time being.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 369 End.

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