• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Astral Necrozma

Equestria. Up in the Night Sky. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

Astral Necrozma.

By absorbing the gateway itself, Necrozma underwent a cosmic upgrade. A transformation that has never existed before until now. During the conflict underneath the night sky that was littered with Fairy Matter, the world gave way to this new Necrozma.

Astral Necrozma retained the basic structure of its original form but underwent significant visual changes. Its body takes on a radiant, ethereal quality with a shimmering cosmic glow. The prism-like crystalline structure on its back transforms into an intricate celestial array, resembling a star map. The normally yellow portions of its body turn into a deep, indigo hue, giving the impression of a night sky filled with stars. Its eyes now shine with the brilliance of distant galaxies.

Luna, the many Golurk and the Canterlot Guards looked in horror and shock at this new transformation. Necrozma would let out his signature cry, but now the sound of it was mixed with the eerie sounds of the cosmos.

The roar of Astral Necrozma was not merely an auditory experience; it carried a tangible force, akin to the power of a hurricane tearing through the cosmic expanse. The shockwaves reverberated through the transformed night, further emphasizing the magnitude of this celestial metamorphosis.

"This isn't like a Rift Pokemon at all. This is something else entirely..." Luna already had a bad feeling that Astral Necrozma was far different from every Rift Pokemon she's seen. He has embraced the Rift Energy instead of being given it by chance.

"Luna..." Darkrai hovered in front of Luna. "I know for a fact Daybreaker won't let anything bad happen to you. She's still holding back since her own Luna is gone."

"Oh, you're right. As long as I'm here, Daybreaker can't possibly hope to let Necrozma go all out." That did seem like an advantage on Luna's part. Because of how Daybreaker feels about Luna, she can never bring herself to let the worst happen to her, especially when an example of the worst possible thing was right in front of her in the form of Necrozma.

"Is that what you think?" Daybreaker spoke through Necrozma once more. "You should know that I'm not afraid to step past any boundaries. I warned you to back down earlier and now here we are. Facing down a Gateway-powered Necrozma."

"How long have you had this at your disposal...?" Luna uttered while grizzling her teeth.

"It's actually rather new, but not something that was hard to get used to. Pokemon are already capable of handling Rift Energy within them rather well compared to us ponies or even a Human. Necrozma is no different, but I was a bit hesitant before. I had to make sure the Rift wasn't up to anything. But thanks to Ghetsis, I have nothing to fear."

"I hope you're seeing this, sister...This might spiral out of control sooner than we expected." Luna thought to herself, feeling rather nervous in the presence of this Astral Necrozma. The things he could do in this state terrified her.

"I can just open up another gateway. So for now, let's continue where we left off. Necrozma. Shadow Claw." Daybreaker commanded. Necrozma ignited his cosmic claws with a shadow energy as Luna and her group braced themselves. But right before their eyes, once Necrozma let out a slash, not only did he not move from his position which confused them, but a flash of cosmic energy appeared right next to the Moon Princess.

"What?!" Luna shifted her eyes swiftly as out of that portal appeared Necrozma's claw. Unexpectedly, she was slashed by the Shadow Claw from a completely different direction. This also applied to Darkrai, who received a slash from the side as well.

Necrozma swung his claw more than once as gateways appeared above and under the rest of Celestia's forces. More Shadow Claws appeared, striking the Golurks from different directions and dealing super-effective damage.

"Is this like Hoopa's ability...?!" Luna grunted after being staggered by the Shadow Claw. This reminded her of what Hoopa was apparently capable of. More specifically, the Hyperspace Fury as this attack resembled it.

"Darkrai! Thunderbolt!" Luna bellowed, forming a shield around her to protect herself against the incoming Shadow Claws. The claws would fly out of the portals, smashing the barrier, but they couldn't break through.

Darkrai managed to avoid three Shadow Claws while zooming through the air before unleashing a flash of lightning from his claws. The electricity travelled as fast as it could, striking the Prism Pokemon directly. Darkrai managed to get a direct hit on Necrozma, pushing him back, but it wasn't enough.

"No matter the look, no one's unbeatable! Follow up with Dark Pulse!"

Darkrai would advance gathering the power of darkness in his claws. Necrozma would glare at Darkrai before unleashing his chilling cry. The cry was meant to push Darkrai back, but the Pitch Black Pokemon managed to push through, remaining strong. With all of his force, Darkrai pushed through the pressure before unleashing his Dark Pulse in the form of a black beam.

However, as soon as it got close to Necrozma, a gateway opened. Dark Pulse did not reach Necrozma, but instead, it went elsewhere, reappearing next to one of the Golurk.


"Unless he just has the power of a gateway in general?!" Luna gasped at the revelation of what Necrozma could do. It looked like he was now a walking gateway, able to position attacks whichever way he wanted.

"I can guarantee you, that's not all," Daybreaker spoke. "Dragon Pulse, Necrozma."

Putting its claws together, Necrozma gathered up the arcane power of a Dragon as cosmic sparkles would appear alongside it. The Golurk, acting fast, would unleash Shadow Balls to intercept Necrozma's attack. Multiple blobs of shadows were raining down, each packing super-effective damage if they can hit.

With a flash from his body, Necrozma showcased more of his capabilities. The Dragon Pulse in his hands would suddenly distort when surrounded by the cosmic sparkles, becoming more than just a beam. The Dragon Pulse, while expanding, would distort the gravitational field around Necrozma, causing incoming physical attacks to lose their momentum.

The Shadow Balls reached a slower velocity, but not only that, they started orbiting Necrozma. The Golurks and the Canterlot Troops looked in shock and awe as Necrozma was practically a walking planet as well.

And after gathering all the Shadow Balls around his body, he would fire Dragon Pulse while also sending the Shadow Balls back. It was a fierce combination of Dragon Pulse and Shadow Ball as all the shadowy blobs would circle the dragon-shaped beam, darkening it with a ferocious trail of shadows being left behind.

Luna expanded her shield to block the incoming attack, encompassing all of her allies. The impact of the blast was tremendous upon hitting Luna's shield. It enveloped her massive shield, surpassing its size while lighting up the night sky. The force of it would shake the trees below as well as many forests nearby. The force of the explosion was felt far and wide, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape.

Luna grit her teeth, doing her best to keep this shield up as the ferocity of this impact was practically otherworldly. The celestial energies continued to surge, pushing against Luna's magical defences with relentless intensity. The strain on the shield was palpable, and Luna felt the weight of the battle pressing down upon her.

As a result, Luna and everyone else were pushed down to the ground by the force of this combination. Luna still managed to keep the barrier up but not her balance. As such, the shield hit the ground hard, landing near Whitetail Wood as a massive dust cloud emerged from the impact.

"Ngh..." Luna groaned as her shield was lowered. She successfully kept them all safe after managing to withstand such a mighty attack. But it was not over yet. Not when Necrozma started descending.

Rainbow Falls.

Over at Rainbow Falls, Ash was attempting to rush in there, seeing the conflict in the air descend to somewhere else. After being influenced by Prisma for a moment, he was still ready to help.

"At this rate, they won't make it that far!" Ash exclaimed. "We gotta get in there!"

"No, Ash!" Twilight, despite one of her wings still feeling a burning pain, would hold Ash back. "You can't go!"

"Come on, Twilight...! You gotta let me go!" Ash groaned, trying to move forward. But he didn't want to use his full force since Twilight was injured.

"No way! You were influenced by Prisma! Even if it was for a while, it happened! If you head in there, Daybreaker might force him out of you again, but on a greater level than before!"

Twilight's stern words resonated with Ash, and he paused, realizing the gravity of the situation. The memory of Prisma's influence wasn't there for him but he was informed that he was influenced by him slightly. And the end result was an Ash that intimidated Twilight.

"I can't risk it, Ash," Twilight continued, her voice filled with concern. "After what just happened, I don't want her to exploit any vulnerabilities. Please."

Ash reluctantly nodded, understanding Twilight's point. Despite his determination to join the fight, he couldn't ignore the potential risks involved. Twilight, still recovering from her injuries, couldn't afford to lose Ash to the clutches of Daybreaker's manipulation.

Ash really wanted to help. Just like how he wanted to help those who have been turned into Fairy Magic. But right now, there was nothing he can do. All of his brute force and will wouldn't help him here, not with how things are developing.

"Alright," For the sake of his friends, Ash would accept Twilight's request. "But I gotta do something. I can't just stand here and watch."

"For now, let Princess Luna handle it. I have something that's coming to mind right now." Twilight added, thinking as hard as she could. "I doubt Necrozma is going to leave here anytime soon. Right now, we should focus on saving everyone else here before they're taken away."

"But how do we turn them back?" Ash approached one of the Fairy Magic, holding it in his hands. No one had the solution to revert them to normal just yet after all."

"This is Fairy Magic." Twilight glanced at the Fairy Magic."Down to its very essence. All of that Fairy Matter carries a huge amount of it if it can pull this off. Maybe there's a way to cancel it out. I can only think about the Rift Cauldron right about now. Gather them all up."

For Twilight, using the Rift Cauldron was her best option. If Necrozma was going to tap into the power of the Rift by absorbing an entire gateway, Twilight would have to do the same to save all of these lives. Twilight used her Rift Magic to generate a basket that would fit all the Fairy Magic in. Ash, Pikachu and Espeon would gather all the Fairy Magic around Rainbow Falls, keeping them away from Daybreaker's forces who had already been defeated on this very location.

Practically everyone in Rainbow Falls had become Fairy Matter, meaning all of them were in the basket. Now that they had all of them in, all that was left to do was return to Twilight's Castle and the Princess of Friendship was hoping that her friends were alright.


Back at Ponyville, those who were freed from the trance before they could be transformed into Fairy Magic kept their eyes away from the Fairy Matter in the sky. Those who were stuck as Fairy Matter were just left there as no one knew what to do with them.

"Everypony indoors!" Mayor Mare bellowed, prompting everyone to enter a building just to ignore the Fairy Matter in the eyes. No one was looking up anymore and just kept moving. Those who didn't live in Ponyville had one other option. Entering the gateway to Pallet Town. Doing that would keep them away from the Fairy Matter entirely.

Bodies were entering the indoors while some were entering another side of the world. Fluttershy went straight back to the Pokemon House, checking up on all of her Pokemon, hoping that the Heal Pulse managed to reach them. Thankfully, her Pokemon were alright. The Heal Pulse didn't leave them out of the picture.

"Oh, thank goodness..." A relieved Fluttershy said, almost falling over. "Quick. You should all get back inside. It's not safe out here." With her order, all the Pokemon quickly retreated to their respective spots. And those who couldn't get indoors would just have to keep their eyes away from the skies.

Right now, Ponyville was in full lockdown until the Fairy Matter in the sky vanishes. And by extension, this spelt the end of this year's Pokemon Festival. No one looked up but they could hear the erratic sounds in the skies.

And at this moment, returning to Ponyville were Ash and Twilight, who managed to avoid the effects of the Fairy Matter entirely. When approaching, they saw that the streets of Ponyville were empty, devoid of life while the festival decorations were still up.

They looked around them to see some Ponies, Pokemon and Humans appearing as Fairy Magic while the rest were indoors, visible through the windows.

"Ash! Twilight! It's not safe out there!" Opening her window to speak to them was Amethyst Star. Everyone then noticed how Ash and Twilight had a basket of Fairy Magic at their disposal, going straight for the rest that were still lingering around.

"Sorry. But do you have any more of this? I want to try and reverse everything here." Twilight requested everyone indoors, expecting some of them to have pulled the Fairy Magic in.

Indeed, some of them have taken the Fairy Magic in since some of them were loved ones. Hearing Twilight's words, the residents of Ponyville, while keeping their eyes away from the sky, would bring the Fairy Magic over. The basket, now filled with the essence, emitted a bright, magical glow. All of this Fairy Magic was enough to reach this intensity.

"Alright. This should be enough for now." Twilight said when seeing the basket. "Let's hope the Rift Cauldron can sort this one out." It was off to her castle where the Rift Cauldron would pack a lot of Rift Energy for usage. Everyone would continue to stay indoors while Ash and Twilight advanced to the castle.

All the while, in the far distance, the crackle of Rift Energy could be heard with the brief flash of a cosmic light. Whitetail Wood wasn't too far from here after all. The danger of Necrozma was eerily close to them.

Canterlot. Canterlot Castle.

Back at Canterlot, Princess Celestia was already busy doing what Ash and Twilight set out to do. Those who have been entranced were snapped out of it by Celestia and Gardevoir's combined might, unifying their magic to break the trance.

But there lies the problem of the Fairy Magic. Celestia held a familiar face in her hooves, wondering how to reverse this mess. The troops who remained in Canterlot would gather all the Fairy Magic they could, not just from Canterlot but from nearby areas that were affected.

"Hmm..." The Ruler of Equestria was in a deep state of focus along with Gardevoir. The two of them used their own Fairy Magic expertise on this, doing what they could to reverse the effects. "At the end of the day, even if affected by Fairy Matter, it is still Fairy Magic. Which means, it's packed with Infinity Energy and the best thing that we can do is reverse it."

Celestia's plan involved reversing the Infinity Energy inside. After all, that was the main thing that drove all Pokemon with Aura being its equal. Her interaction with the Fairy Magic would result in it wobbling, showing that she was most definitely doing something to it.

But while doing this, her mind was thinking about Luna, knowing that she went straight for Necrozma. That was a plethora of danger waiting and Celestia wished she could be there for her sister, but she had to be here for her subjects who have been transformed into potential food for the Prism Pokemon.

More and more Fairy Magic were being brought in for Celestia to handle as they had been successfully retrieved before Daybreaker's forces could capture them. So far, no one has been sent back to Universe 11 or absorbed by Necrozma, but it felt like an uphill battle trying to keep them all safe.

Whitetail Wood.

Back at Whitetail Wood, Luna and her group stood before Astral Necrozma who touched down, letting out a brief cosmic flash from his boy. The remains of Luna's shield would drop to the ground like glass as the area was covered in smoke from the downed ships and the hard impact that appeared earlier.

The Golurk who were defeated were brought back to their Poke Balls to rest, prompting the remaining Canterlot Soldiers to back away and focus on retrieving the stolen Fairy Magic. Plenty of it had been scattered after the ships had fallen and were just lingering there, under threat of Necrozma absorbing them.

It was all riding on Luna protecting all the innocents from Necrozma, which she managed to do so far. But Luna could already tell that it was only going to get harder from here.

"You have the power of a gateway, but you're still Necrozma at the end of the day," Luna said with the wind aggressively blowing in her face. "You're not the first cosmic enemy I've faced."

"He could be the last," Daybreaker spoke through Necrozma once more. "After we're done here, this world will never be the same again. Necrozma and I can already feel it being one step closer."

"And then what...If you do absorb all the light in this world, what will you do next?"

"I thought about it, but I could still use this universe for my own. Add it to my Solar Empire. It is the most rich when it comes to Pokemon and the resources can't be taken granted for. I've already been thinking of a compromise after Necrozma devours everything and more importantly, you'll be there."

"You are still on that? No matter what you say, my answer is No."

"You're not the first Luna that's said that. No matter where I go, all Lunas have the same response. It's rather disheartening. I wish you could see things my way, then we wouldn't have to be in this mess. Well...we'd still be in this mess, but you would be safe."

"Since I'm not the first Luna to do so, then isn't clear that what you're doing is objectively wrong?" Luna questioned. "Why would you go this far Especially for Necrozma?" Luna couldn't quite understand it. If every Luna Daybreaker's met has opposed her, why continue on this path "Are you that far gone"

"You should know that I'm not one to go back on my word, Luna. Each and every Luna I've met, I've tried to bring them back to my universe, to fill in that missing hole. But no matter what...it's always the same. Especially when I come across other Celestia. Granted, Empress Twilight was the one who tackled them mainly, so I had no part in that. But I did tackle every Luna out there. And I even came across Lunas who have lost their Celestias."

Daybreaker continued, reminiscing of her experiences across different universes and how she's met with so many Lunas who have not sided with her. Not even for a second. That seemed to be a burning constant that Daybreaker just couldn't negate.

In Daybreaker's quest to expand her dominion across worlds, she encountered various alternate Lunas, each representing a unique facet of the Moon Princess's character in different dimensions. However, to Daybreaker's dismay, every Luna she encountered harboured an intense resentment and hatred towards her twisted counterpart. Some of these alternate Lunas witnessed the tragedy of their own Celestias succumbing to darkness, and the sight of Daybreaker, a corrupted version of their beloved sister, filled them with disgust and anger.

Daybreaker, blinded by her thirst for power and control, attempted to sway these alternate Lunas to her cause. She argued that her reign brought order, stability, and strength to Equestria, claiming that she had transcended the weaknesses that led her counterparts down the path of defeat. However, the alternate Lunas were unyielding in their rejection, seeing through Daybreaker's delusions and recognizing the tyranny she had imposed on Equestria.

I even came across other Nightmare Moons. Seeing them didn't make things better. If anything, they reminded me about how I became too passive in the past, relying so much on the flaw that was the Magic of Friendship and the flaws of harmony.

Naturally, Nightmare Moon was defeated as well. Each and every one of them fell, losing their empire as it was replaced by the Solar Empire. Seeing them sparked that anger within Daybreaker as that was a past she didn't wish to revisit ever again.

The alternate Nightmare Moons, sensing Daybreaker's internal struggle, seized the opportunity to exploit her doubts and manipulate her emotions. They painted a picture of a universe where strength and dominance were the keys to power, contrasting the supposed weakness of harmony that had led to Nightmare Moon's rise to power.

As Daybreaker engaged with these alternate Nightmares, she faced a relentless barrage of accusations about her previous weaknesses and perceived failures as Princess Celestia. The alternate Nightmares condemned her for being too merciful, forgiving, and committed to the principles of friendship. Daybreaker, in turn, felt a growing frustration with the memories of her own benevolence.

Conflict erupted in each alternate universe as the alternate Lunas fiercely resisted Daybreaker's influence. These clashes between the corrupted Solar Empire and the rebellious forces led by the alternate Lunas became fierce battles, echoing the struggle that occurred in Equestria.

And of course, by the end of them, Daybreaker stood victorious, but at a tremendous cost. She had to watch every version of her sister fall, but none of it compared to her own universe's sister, who had perished instead of being defeated.

"Failing to convince any of them was so frustrating. No matter what, I never strayed from my true goal. And yet, I had to question myself. Failing to convince any other Luna of her vision forced me to confront my own inherent flaws in my ideals. Something I didn't want to admit for the longest."

Daybreaker continued. While Luna couldn't see her, she could already envision what the Solar Queen was feeling at the moment. "To me, defeating all those Lunas felt like I was filling in the hooves of what the Changelings and the Dread League had done."

"So then why did you keep on going?" Luna asked, wondering why Daybreaker would continue down this path if she knew what she was doing was even challenging her thoughts.

"Because I can never go back, Luna." The truth of the matter was that Daybreaker was steadfast in her new goals, no matter how much her ideology was tackled. "I have to keep moving forward. The old ways just won't do it anymore. Harmony may have flaws, but I'll make it perfect. Something my past self could never do.

Luna, resolute in her commitment to the principles of harmony, responded with determination, "I understand...But no matter what...I just won't let it happen." Luna stayed adamant, narrowing her eyes.

"Figures. But I haven't lost hope in you yet. Maybe after you see how pointless all of this is and how I'll succeed in my goals, you'll come to my side, Luna. Necrozma. Let's finish up here as soon as possible."

Astral Necrozma was already geared up for more action. From his body, he unleashed a cosmic storm that blew the trees of Whitetail Woods. Luna grit her teeth against the pressure, standing her ground while the Canterlot Soldiers and the Golurk were holding on for dear life.

"Gather up the rest of the Fairy Magic and return them to Canterlot," Luna ordered when looking back at the soldiers, wanting to keep the innocents safe from Necrozma's grasp.

"Understood, your majesty!" The soldiers nodded in understanding, quickly going for the Fairy Magic. Luna and Darkrai would take on Necrozma together for a second round.

"One Pokemon is never enough for you." Luna grimaced before using her magic to throw another Poke Ball into the air, summoning her next Pokemon. Out of it emerged her Aurorus.


"As long as I keep you occupied, you won't be leaving here with innocents." Luna grinned, having the plan to keep Necrozma around without letting him have the chance to absorb anyone. Even against his new transformation, she showed no fear and was looking into a potential victory.

"Go, Darkrai! Poison Jab!" Luna bellowed. "Support him with Ice Beam, Aurorus!"

Darkrai flew in with another exchange ready for the Prism Pokemon. Necrozma was already prepared, using Shadow Claw once more. Necrozma would promptly put up his claws to block the incoming Shadow Claw as the impact sent him flying forward.

Necrozma's body flew through a plethora of trees while Darkrai chased him down as fast as he could. Upon reaching Necrozma in time, when going in for another Poison Jab, Necrozma would sway his body, narrowly avoiding Darkrai's claws. Necrozma's own claws would slash the back of Darkrai's body, knocking him back.

The Pitch Black Pokemon hit a rocky wall, but he didn't have time to breathe. Necrozma summoned a gateway behind himself, allowing him to rapidly end up in another spot. By going through this gateway, Necrozma appeared above Darkrai, following up his Shadow Claw with an overhead.

Surprised, Darkrai was slammed into the ground so hard that his body would bounce. The Master of Shadows grunted as his hidden legs were grabbed by Necrozma, who spotted them. Showing high tenacity, Necrozma revealed Darkrai's hidden legs, preparing to slam him.

Saving him from another hit was Luna, who would quickly strike Necrozma's back with a fierce beam, staggering the Prism Pokemon. This allowed Darkrai to force Necrozma off him by manipulating the shadows beneath him. These shadows would strike at Necrozma's arms, loosening the grip as the Pitch Black Pokemon flew back.

"Follow-up with Dark Pulse!"

Darkrai, with his shadowy presence, began the confrontation by unleashing a wave of darkness that swept across the woods. The shadows danced and twisted, forming ethereal tendrils that sought to ensnare Necrozma. The cosmic Pokémon, however, stood resolute, its form radiating with a blinding light that repelled the encroaching darkness.

Following up with that was Aurorus's Ice Beam which came flying in from afar. It passed by Darkrai, targeting Necrozma, who would use his newfound cosmic abilities to immediately ignore it. He created a gateway in front of him, sending the attack elsewhere.

The gateway appeared above Luna, attempting to freeze her, only for the Princess of Friendship to fly away as the chilling beam hit the grass, freezing it immediately.

"Prismatic Lasers!" Daybreaker bellowed. Necrozma then retaliated against Darkrai with his Dragon Pulse. Brilliant beams of draconic light shot forth, cutting through the shadows and colliding with Darkrai. The clash of dark and light lit up White Tail Wood which was receiving a harsh beating from all of this.

"Dark Pulse, once more!" Undeterred by Necrozma's fierce yet dazzling display, Darkrai summoned a sphere of energy. The sphere pulsed with dark energy as it spiralled towards Necrozma, aiming to drain the cosmic entity's strength.

Necrozma responded with a defensive manoeuvre, surrounding himself with a radiant barrier of light. The Dark Pulse collided with the barrier, causing a brilliant explosion of contrasting energies.

"Thunderbolt! Aurorus, use Earthquake!"

"Rorus!" Stomping her feet on the ground, Aurorus would summon golden shockwaves that ripped through the earth, causing a mighty earthquake. Assisting her was Darkrai, who would unleash Thunderbolt from above and to make sure that Necrozma would stay on the ground, Luna used her magic to form a mystical chain.

These chains erupted from the ground, appearing beneath Necrozma before the Earthquake could, wrapping around his arms and body, leaving him vulnerable to these attacks. The blast of 100,000 volts came crashing down, electrifying the Prism Pokemon. But once the shockwaves appeared, Necrozma, tapping into his newfound abilities, would leave behind a cosmic illusion.

His Rift Energy would burn through the chains by using the heat of the stars to do so while his body fizzled out, leaving a starry afterimage. That was all the shockwaves managed to hit, missing the Psychic-Type. Necrozma then moved through the air by leaving cosmic afterimages behind, forcing Luna, Darkrai and Aurorus to keep their eyes on him.

Using the light of the cosmos, Necrozma would temporarily flash his opponents to catch them off guard, illuminating White Tail Wood.

"Now, use Photon Geyser!" Necrozma cried out, taregting Aurorus for a Photon Geyser. All his Psychic attacks wouldn't do a thing to Darkrai after all.

"Quick, Darkrai! Dark Pulse, go!"

In a pivotal moment, even after being flashed, Darkrai conjured a massive Dark Pulse, managing to fire as soon as possible. The sphere spiralled towards the cosmic entity, but Necrozma countered with a barrage of Photon Geysers. The beams of light clashed with the dark sphere, creating a dazzling display of energy clashes.

"Let's try this again but with a greater effect! Dark Void!" Darkrai, sensing the need for a strategic advantage, created an immense otherworldly void, an expanding nightmare that threatened to engulf Necrozma. This Dark Void was slammed into the ground, reaching a larger size than it usually appears as.

"Absorb it for yourself, Necrozma!" The Prism Pokémon, undeterred, absorbed the darkness and transformed it into a brilliant light, countering the ominous void with blinding radiance.

Luna wasn't too shocked by this. After all, she has seen Necrozma absorb Darkness before and it was not pleasant. Not for a moment. "It isn't over yet! Flash Cannon!"

"Rorus!" Aurorus continued to provide support from afar, unleashing a silver beam from her mouth. Necrozma, however, was already prepared to absorb this as he braced himself.

"I need your help, Lunar!" At that moment, Luna called for Lunar Ire's help. Lunar Ire had previously taken on Necrozma but it didn't end well. This time, she wanted to make things different as the signature colour of Lunar Ire would envelop Luna's entire body. Right as the Flash Cannon approached Necrozma, Lunar Ire's unique abilities kicked in.

With a single gaze and a dark flash in her eyes, Lunar Ire induced a temporary state of darkness or eclipse, plunging the area into pitch-black obscurity. This was mainly for Darkrai to use to his advantage. Necrozma's vision was obscured, causing him to be snuck by the incoming Flash Cannon. And following up with that was Darkrai with Dark Pulse.

Dark Pulse was perfectly obscured, allowing Darkrai to land the attack. Necrozma cried out but it wasn't over. Darkrai would unleash repeated Dark Pulses from every direction, rapidly bombarding the Prism Pokemon with a series of concealed attacks and Necrozma just couldn't see them coming.

However, with the power of the Rift, Necrozma intensified his brightness to the point where he came his own star. The light pierced the darkness, dispelling Princess Luna's magic. Darkrai would grunt at this sight as his next Dark Pulse was blown away by the expanding light.

"Is that all of you've got What a bore." Daybreaker taunted, finding some enjoyment out of this. After all, she was confronting her sister. "You're still unable to properly beat me, Luna, no matter what the world."

"Things are different here...Go, Darkrai! Dark Pulse! Aurorus, use Ice Beam!" Luna bellowed as her horn would flash, unleashing a beam meant to unite with Dark Pulse and Ice Beam.

As the battle reached a fever pitch, Darkrai gathered energy for a devastating Dark Pulse. The chaotic sphere of dark energy materialized above Darkrai, ready to be unleashed upon Necrozma. Sensing the imminent danger, Necrozma harnessed the power of the gateway, preparing an even greater Dragon Pulse.

White Tail Woods itself seemed to hold its breath as Darkrai's Dark Pulse, Aurorus's Ice Beam, Lunas Magical Blast and Necrozma's radiant power clashed in a cataclysmic explosion. The shockwaves reverberated through the area, distorting the trees and the ground due to their intensity. The clash reached its zenith, threatening to reshape Whitetail Woods itself.

"With this, we'll win!" Luna bellowed, putting her all into her magic to intensify her beam. And for a while, it looked like Luna's side would push through, beating out the Dragon Pulse.

"So you think." But alas, Daybreaker shut it down. With a glimmer in Necrozma's eyes, the Dragon Pulse would suddenly gain an equally astral appearance as the fangs of the Dragon would widen. Stardust sparkles would fly out everywhere as the Dragon Pulse started eating away at the beam.

Luna, Darkrai and Aurorus would groan, doing their best to hold it back but it was actually overpowering their attacks. Luna could even feel the heat of this attack. It felt like an actual star was right next to her and Aurorurs certainly felt it. Just like that, Dragon Pulse would devour their attacks, causing them to explode, eclipsing their bodies.

As the dust settled, White Tail Woods stood on the brink of change. Craters could be seen everywhere from the aftermath of this clash. White Tail Woods was practically a shell of its former self as a massive dust cloud would rise into the air for many to see.


Celestia most definitely saw it. While working on the Fairy Magic, she was getting somewhere as pink sparkles were flying out of the Magic, signifying interaction with the Infinity Energy. But she was promptly distracted by the sight of the dust cloud in the sky and the cosmic flashes that came from it.

Celestia was fearful of what was happening with Luna. She put her faith in her little sister but at the same time, she feared the worst. Celestia shook her head, knowing she had to continue working if she wanted to save her subjects.

The Sun Princess continued to focus her efforts on only the Fairy Magic and nothing else. And with a burning determination, she was shocked to find a new development. After replacing all the Fairy Magic made from the Fairy Matter with Gardevoir's own Fairy Magic, she broke the trance. The Sun Princess gasped upon seeing this Fairy Magic seperate as a pony who was trapped in it would fall out.

"Ough..." The pony would groan after finally being freed, feeling absolutely perplexed after being in such a state for so long. Celestia now understood the key to breaking the trance and freeing those ensnared by the Fairy Matter. "Princess Celestia?"

"So... if we replace it with other Fairy Magic, we can disrupt it." Celestia observed. This had to be known to others, especially those who are trained in Fairy Magic.

The Sun Princess felt a mix of emotions, relief for those she had already saved and a sense of urgency to help others still affected by the cosmic enchantment. She couldn't let Luna's valiant efforts go in vain since she was out there doing her best to give everyone enough time.

Celestia had ways to go. There was still a lot of Fairy Magic to cover, but she was going to make sure that multiple of them were dealt with, no matter how much it costs her. Looking at Gardevoir, the two of them would nod in unison, knowing what had to be done.

"Hang in there, Luna..."

Whitetail Woods.

Necrozma descended, observing the aftermath and the smoke in front of him, waiting for Luna to show up. White Tail Woods went silent for a while, knowing peace for a while. But it wasn't the kind of peace that anyone would want.

Standing there in the dust was Luna, who would take deep breaths. Aurorus had fainted, unfortunately, failing to withstand the attack. Darkrai was barely hanging in there, holding onto his arm while his body was smoking. All of that light practically burned him.

"Just like always, I win, Luna." Despite the exhaustion and the toll the battle had taken on Luna and her Pokémon, the Moon Princess remained resolute. She may have faced setbacks, but Luna wasn't ready to admit defeat.

"You may have the power now, but it doesn't mean you're right, Daybreaker. I've been in your hooves before...This path you're on will only worsen things for you. I won't let you harm this world or any other," Luna declared, her eyes still filled with determination.

Daybreaker, speaking through Necrozma, chuckled at Luna's defiance. "Back then, I would've understood, but now now. Suffering is subjective, Luna. What you see as suffering, others might see as progress. This world needs a ruler strong enough to shape it into perfection. If you won't join me willingly, then I'll have to force you."

As the dust settled, revealing the battle-scarred landscape of White Tail Woods, Necrozma stood tall, its cosmic form radiating an ominous glow. Luna, despite the odds, was ready to continue the fight.

"Say what you will." Luna wiped some scratches and leaves off her face. Darkrai, summoning the last of his strength, hovered by Luna's side. The Pitch-Black Pokémon may have been battered, but he wasn't out of the picture yet. "Besides, I haven't lost yet."


"If I can't beat you, I'll at least succeed in keeping you busy, Necrozma." She would put on a grin before summoning one more Poke Ball. And from it, by throwing it into the air, Luna summoned her next and newest partner. The Dragon of Ideals. Zekrom.

Thunder would crack in the night sky, singing the arrival of the Deep Black Pokemon. From the bright light emerged a mighty figure, the Dragon of Ideals, Zekrom. The skies would rumble as Zekrom made his appearance, looking down on Necrozma.

Zekrom appeared with its imposing form and a stern expression, surveyed the battlefield. Luna's grin widened as she felt the powerful presence of her newest ally. Zekrom, standing alongside Darkrai and Luna, emitted an electric charge that seemed to intensify the air around them.

"Zekrom That same Zekrom" Daybreaker commented, recognizing that Zekrom as the one Empress Twilight once had.

"I'm counting on you, Zekrom." Luna said, looking Zekrom in the eyes. Zekrom nodded in understanding before looking at Darkrai as well. The Pitch Black Pokemon always did his best but it looked like he was reaching his limit here. The Deep Black Pokemon would take over from here.

Zekrom, with sparks of electricity coursing through his mighty form, and Necrozma, radiating an otherworldly glow, locked eyes, signalling the commencement of an unprecedented battle.

"Buying time? Even that won't help. Observe." Daybreaker spoke as Necrozma, who was getting the hang of this power, would pull off something rather disturbing. By raising his arms, that gravitational pull he had from earlier would kick in, but it wasn't to deal with incoming attacks. "If you didn't notice, I had Necrozma absorb a bit of Fairy Matter but it pales in comparison to the gateway. However..."

Absorbing a bit of Fairy Matter from the air, Necrozma's gravitational pull had a terrifying result. The soldiers who were retreating with the Fairy Magic were far, but not far enough to reach Canterlot in time.

The cosmic power that Necrozma wielded, amplified by the absorption of Fairy Matter, manifested in a gravitational force that reached far and wide. The unsuspecting Canterlot Soldiers, who were valiantly retreating with the precious Fairy Magic, suddenly found themselves unable to resist the overwhelming pull even from this distance.

As if drawn by an unseen force, the Fairy Magic began to leave the soldiers' grasp, defying the laws of nature. The soldiers struggled to maintain their hold on the magical essence, but the gravitational pull intensified, making it increasingly difficult for them to keep the Fairy Magic within their possession.

The Golurks, sturdy as they were, also felt the strain of the force, their metallic bodies being tugged by the relentless pull of Astral Necrozma's cosmic abilities.

Luna watched in shock and horror as the Fairy Magic would soar through the night sky, heading for Necrozma. It was too late to stop it. Necrozma ended up absorbing the Fairy Magic which contained Pokemon who were unfortunately taken over by the trance.

The absorbed Fairy Magic, tainted by the influence of the trance, merged with the cosmic power within Astral Necrozma. The Prism Pokemon's form flickered and shimmered with the newfound energy, the stolen Fairy Magic now an integral part of its cosmic essence.

"No..." Luna felt a heavy weight in her chest as she witnessed the unfortunate fate of the Pokemon trapped within the Fairy Magic. The once-trapped creatures, now absorbed by Necrozma, became an eerie manifestation of twisted energy. Their presence, once vibrant and lively, was now distorted and amalgamated into the cosmic entity. This also applied to the animals that once lived in White Tail Woods, unfairly taken away.

The transformation of the stolen Fairy Magic served as a grim reminder of the stakes involved. Daybreaker's cunning strategy had not only thwarted Luna's attempts to protect the innocents but had also fueled the power of Astral Necrozma to unprecedented levels.

Daybreaker, speaking through the Prism Pokemon, taunted Luna, "So, do you still want to keep buying time? Necrozma's growing more and more as we speak."

Luna closed her eyes before gritting her teeth. At this point, Lunar Ire would be unleashed, but not this time. She was in tune with Lunar Ire, unable to be engulfed by the Sorrowful Rage Magic. But she was certainly feeling some rage after failing to save those Pokemon and animals. Now, she was definitely not letting Necrozma leave here.

"You won't leave here at all! Zekrom! Use Thunderbolt!" Luna bellowed.

"So be it! Photon Geyser!"

Zekrom, embodying the power of thunderstorms, unleashed a relentless barrage of Thunderbolts upon Necrozma. In response, Necrozma retaliated with beams of cosmic energy, its version of Photon Geyser, creating an explosive exchange of electrical and psychic forces.

Whitetail Woods was set ablaze by this and nearby locations would feel the intensity of this clash. Both attacks would tie, leaving behind craters and a scorched ground thanks to the heat of these attacks. Pure Electricity and Photons were attacking the landscape after all.

"Fusion Bolt!"

The Deep Black Pokémon roared with thunderous might, shaking the very foundations of the battlefield. As the battle escalated, Zekrom harnessed the power of Fusion Bolt, releasing a colossal bolt of lightning from his claws. Once thrown, the electricity would rupture the grass, trees and anything else in White Tail Woods.

"Use Dragon Pulse!"

Zekrom and Necrozma clashed in a titanic struggle once their attacks collided. Each attack resonated with the power of thunderstorms, and cosmic energies, creating a celestial display that could captivate anyone.

"Bolt Strike, now!"

"Meteor Beam!"

Flying through the smoke, Zekrom enveloped his body in an electrifying orb while Necrozma would ascend. Zekrom chased the Prism Pokemon down, who was currently building up a Meteor Beam.

Necrozma was struck by the Bolt Strike as Zekrom caught up. The impact left a powerful thunderstorm that could be heard by many while also launching Necrozma back. But it wasn't enough to stop Astral Necrozma. After flying back, he unleashed Meteor Beam in the form of a stardust wave.

Zekrom put his arms up to block the attack which was heavy to deal with even for him. Zekrom felt his wing arms shake upon contact while also pushing him back, just like he did to Necrozma.

"Not yet! Dragon Claw!" Luna bellowed as Zekrom flew back in.

"Now, use Shadow Claw!"

The clash between Zekrom and Ultra Necrozma intensified, causing the skies above to roar with thunder and cosmic energy. The very state of Whitetail Woods quivered as their attacks collided, creating shockwaves that distorted the battlefield. The sheer force of their conflict echoed across nearby locations, heard by many.

The area crackled with residual energy, Zekrom and Necrozma found themselves in close proximity. The two legendary beings, now hovering just meters apart, locked eyes in a moment of intense connection.

In this intimate space, Zekrom, with a surge of determination, descended towards Astral Necrozma. Zekrom's mighty claws crackled with electric energy as he prepared for a precise strike. The Legendary Pokémon unleashed a rapid series of strikes, each imbued with the power of Dragon Claw.

Not to be outdone, Astral Necrozma responded with swift elegance. Its form flickered with shadows as it materialized a set of ethereal claws. With a ghostly glow, Necrozma's Shadow Claw met Zekrom's onslaught, creating a dazzling display of contrasting energies.

As the claws met and separated in a rhythmic ballet, the surrounding cosmic energy seemed to respond, pulsating in harmony with the movements of the battling legends. The intensity of their close-quarters combat added a layer of intricacy to the already breathtaking spectacle.

Zekrom and Necrozma would interlock claws, entering a momentary struggle in the same position. The rocks beneath them would rise. They looked each other in the eyes, Necrozma, wanting to feast on Zekrom's light while Zekrom appeared furious at Necrozma's actions and the harm he was bringing.

Their clash also created a shadow barrier around them thanks to the intensity. Eventually, the two split up, flying back and sliding on the ground.

"Let's finish this, Necrozma! Prismatic Lasers!"

"I will not lose! Bolt Strike!"

In this charged atmosphere, Zekrom prepared for his ultimate attack, gathering the potent energy of thunderstorms for the grand finale. The Legendary Pokémon's body pulsed with electricity as it unleashed the devastating Bolt Strike. The colossal surge of electrical power surged towards Astral Necrozma with blinding speed, leaving a trail of lightning in its wake.

In response, Astral Necrozma harnessed the radiant energy of the cosmos, forming an array of dazzling Prismatic Lasers. The multicoloured beams of light intertwined, creating a mesmerizing display that danced in harmony with the pulsating cosmic energy that surrounded the Psychic-type Pokémon. Necrozma's attack resonated with the power of the stars, embodying the very essence of celestial might.

The Bolt Strike and Prismatic Lasers collided in a spectacular display of elemental forces. The electric brilliance of Bolt Strike clashed against the cosmic radiance of Prismatic Lasers, creating an explosion of light and sound that reverberated through the cosmic battlefield.

The clash reached a crescendo, enveloping Zekrom and Ultra Necrozma in a swirling vortex of energy. The brilliance of their attacks illuminated the entirety of Whitetail Woods.

Everything went silent once more. As the clash subsided, a moment of breathtaking calm settled over the battlefield. The energies of Bolt Strike and Prismatic Lasers intertwined, creating a celestial tapestry that hung in the void of the night sky. The clash had reached a titanic end.

The aftermath of Zekrom and Necrozma's legendary clash left an indelible mark that was unexpected. As the overwhelming energies subsided, a fierce rift manifested in the sky, a testament to the titanic forces that had collided in the cosmic battlefield.

The Rift, a swirling vortex of electric currents and cosmic radiance, hung ominously in the cosmic expanse. Its edges crackled with residual energies, creating an otherworldly display that captivated the attention of Legendary Pokémon. The very nature of it left behind a mess for this universe to deal with, a fusion of thunderous storms and ethereal light that rippled through the area.

As for White Tail Woods, it was ruined. Done for. The finale of the clash left it in a detrimental state. But only that, it also affected locations such as Saddle Lake and anywhere near it. Just like how Daybreaker and Gardevoir shook the world previously, this clash was shaking nearby areas. Not on the same scale but still troublesome.

All that was left was Luna lying on the ground, out cold from the aftermath. And shielding her from it was Darkrai, who had also fainted in the process.

Necrozma appeared from the smoke and so did Zekrom. Both were still standing. But something was amiss. Necrozma's body was starting to fade. He appeared far more transparent now in his astral form.

"Hm. It looks like we expended too much energy. Our gateway isn't perfect after all." Daybreaker said as she got a bit too into it. Necrozma was fading. "No matter. I think we're done here, for now. This was a good enough test run with Fairy Matter."

Necrozma was returning to Universe 11 as using all of that power burned through the time limit for the gateway within him. Necrozma, being the gateway himself was automatically returning.

Zekrom looked around him to see the aftermath and Luna lying there with Darkrai protecting her. On this night of the Pokemon Festival, which was reaching its final moments, Daybreaker left behind a catastrophic effect that lingered in the night sky and one that would disrupt the land yet again.

Luna succeeded in protecting so many lives that night. But there were some she couldn't reach. Pokemon and animals had been taken away, absorbed by Necrozma for fuel. And now, it was difficult to know if they could ever be saved. Or if even White Tail Woods could be saved.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 395 End.

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