• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A Wishful Play

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Day.

A new day at the Pokemon School but yet another day where that tear in the sky still exists. When entering the school, everyone would occasionally glance at the tear in the sky, cautious of what it could do. Entering the class was Potion Nova, who would be teaching today's lesson.

"Morning, morning. Glad you could all show up even after what has happened recently." Potion Nova spoke to her students, referring to the wild events at the Pokemon Festival. "I hope all of your respective homes haven't been ruined."

"Well, that Dragon Matter thing showed up at the Dragon Lands for a while. Does that count?"

"It did?" Potion Nova gasped as all the other young Dragons could confirm it. "I still don't know what to do about that thing...What was that potion anyway?"

"I thought you would know," Smolder questioned.

"I would. Honest. But I don't think I have anything that turns someone into a cube. Not sure why I'd make that though...Just seems uncomfortable."

"Well, nothing good came from it." Apple Bloom grumbled. "Yesterday, my sister's Kangaskhan's kid got affected by it."

"Oh my goodness! Is she alright?!" Potion Nova questioned.

"She's fine. Turned back to normal and all. Nothing a good family love couldn't fix." The filly earth pony smiled proudly. "Even if we had to do a few things first."

"I don't think it's all bad." Sitting there with an innocent smile on her face was the one responsible for the emergence of Dragon and Fairy Matter in this world was Cozy Glow, but that was still something no one else knew of. "Why don't we just use it for good?"

"Well, we could but...it's brought nothing but trouble for us." The teacher lowered her head. "And I never saw it coming. Not even for a moment. How does Mega Evolution even react to that in the first?"

"So...Aren't we going to learn anything today?" Sandbar questioned, realizing class hasn't started yet.

"Right, right!" Potion Nova snapped back to her senses, remembering she had a class to teach. "Well, today I would teach you the usual, but things are different. Pretty soon, we'll be having a Play."

Instead of a lesson, Potion Nova was preparing them all for an upcoming Play. The students exchanged curious glances, intrigued by the mention of a play. Potion Nova continued with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"That's right! Now, I don't actually have a theme for the Play. Principal Twilight suggested that we let you students choose what the play should be based on. Specifically, it has to relate to events that have happened in this world."

"Anything?" Gallus thought for a moment. The options were plentiful since a lot has happened in this world.

"Anything. It can be the day we first encountered the Pokemon and the two worlds crossed paths or even the First Pokemon Festival, which fittingly, is the one festival without a heap of danger. Anything, really. And to help, I brought in some extra guests."

Potion Nova introduced new students to the class who would walk straight through those doors. These ponies were none other than the vampire ponies from Magehold.

The arrival of the vampire ponies from Magehold drew a mix of surprise and curiosity among the students. The vampire ponies were a unique addition to the class, their bat-like wings and mysterious auras setting them apart from the regular Equestrian residents.

"Everyone, meet our guests from Magehold. They've graciously agreed to share their impressive skills when it comes to theathre play," Potion Nova explained, gesturing towards the vampire ponies. "They're around your age groups so it'll be easy to learn from them.

The vampire ponies acknowledged the class with polite nods and friendly smiles, their crimson eyes gleaming with an otherworldly charm. The students exchanged glances, intrigued by the presence of these magical beings. Some of them were still intimidated by the vampires.

"We learned from Queen Fantina herself. She taught us everything we know!" The vampire ponies had one massive advantage. Fantina taught them quite a lot during her time at Magehold. The Hearthome City Gym Leader was the perfect teacher for them and they have most definitely carried her lessons and skills with them.

"I did too." Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. Indeed, Fantina was her tutor for a while, specifically for Pokemon Contests. But perhaps not as long as Fantina since she was trapped there for months.

"Ooh! Can we do the Black Crusade play?!" One of the young vampires suggested, making the pupils of everyone else shrink.

The suggestion of the Black Crusade play stirred a palpable tension in the room. The memories of the perilous event, the threat posed by Yveltal, and the subsequent actions of the Dread League were still fresh in the minds of many. Potion Nova swiftly redirected the focus, acknowledging the sensitivity of the topic and opting for a different theme.

Even though the vampires were free from the Lich Queen's reign and the group known as the Dread League had been disbanded, there was still a nervous air when it came to the vampires.

"Anything but that!" Potion Nova shut that down immediately. She then let out a nervous grin after her bellow, not meaning to shout at the students. She was just startled by such a request. "Sorry about that. Just uh...talk it out with each other and decide what you want to do. N-Not that one though, if you don't mind."

The classroom buzzed with discussions as the students and vampire ponies brainstormed various possibilities. Ideas ranged from the exploration of the first encounters with Pokémon to the vibrant festivities of the Pokémon Festival. The diversity of experiences in this world offered a rich tapestry from which they could draw inspiration.

Potion Nova, with her expertise in magical arts, was particularly intrigued by the prospect of incorporating enchanting elements into the play. She encouraged the students to think creatively, envisioning a performance that not only entertained but also transported the audience into the enchanting realms of Pokémon and magic.

Watching this from afar was none other than Twilight Sparkle herself along with Fantina herself. Fantina had shown up to the Pokemon School since the vampires were all here and she was willing to help out with this play.

"This is going to be Magnifique, Twilight! Whatever they choose will be wonderful! I'll make sure of it." Fantina spoke.

Twilight Sparkle smiled, nodding in agreement with Fantina's sentiments. "Mhm. I have full confidence in them. With you here, things will be much easier. I just hope they don't get too startled by the vampires. Things still aren't smooth with them after the Black Crusade. They're easing in but..."

"They're fine. The little ones have always been sweet, even if they are a bit wild." Fantina continued. And she would know after seeing how the vampires truly are. In reality, when exempt from the Dread League, they just wanted to live exciting lives and now they've gotten that wish with Rosa Maledicta and Opal Vivacity being defeated.

"Alright then. I've called Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy over to help with this play. As for me, I won't be there to see it in action since I'll be helping Princess Celestia. Lucas and Nate should be here soon so that they can help open up gateways to the other worlds." Twilight referred to the Universal Alliance that Celestia made. It has been a while since they've been seen and with Lucas and Nate present, they could reach them once more.

"I got it!" At that moment, Scootaloo hit the jackpot, coming up with an idea. "Let's do the Jirachi Play!"

Her decision was a play about Jirachi. Specifically, when Ash and his friends fought tooth and nail, moving through a vicious dimensional space just to reach all the Jirachis that were trapped in a nigh-unreachable dimension. When they reached all the Jirachi, Ash made the ultimate wish to merge both worlds together so that they would permanently be as one. That was the Play she wished to do.

Potion Nova and everyone exchanged glances, considering Scootaloo's suggestion. The idea of a Jirachi play seemed intriguing, capturing a pivotal moment in the history of both Equestria and the Pokémon world. The concept held a ton of benefits, making it a compelling choice.

"Oh, that one? Not a bad choice. All in favour?" Potion Nova asked the class. Immediately, they were all in full agreement. That seemed to be something everyone could get behind with ease. "Great! It's settled"

"Thanks! Then I'll play Ash!" Scootaloo raised her arm, opting to be Ash.

"Wait, hold on. What makes you think you get to play, Ash?" Gallus questioned, halting Smolder for a moment.

"Because, Gallus, I'm the one who suggested it!" Scootaloo chimed in, her excitement evident. "And Ash is the hero of that story, so I'm pretty sure I get to play the part! Plus, I know Ash closer than anyone in here. Uhh, plus Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom too."

"That's not fair though. Ash is taller than all of us, and you're not tall enough." Gallus pointed out.

"Neither are you..." Scootaloo side-eyed him.

"You could choose me. I've got the charisma and the attitude to nail Ash's character. You need someone with real flair for the role, not just someone who reads about it in a book. Like me or every other griffon here. Mostly me."

"What about me?" Smolder interjected, "None of you have any of Ash's Pokemon? I have a Charmander which is connected to Charizard."

"I do have an Ash Pokemon. I have my Tailow, remember?" Gallus replied.

Silverstream fluttered her wings excitedly. "I could totally be Ash! Think about it, guys. I can bring an awesome mix of pony enthusiasm and griffon spirit to the character. Plus, flying! Ash never flew, but I can add that for dramatic effect."

"Well, actually, under the power of the Sea Temple, he-" Sweetie Belle was about to interject Silverstream's comment, only to be cut off.

Yona chimed in with a thunderous yell, cutting Sweetie Belle off, "Yona think play needs strong hero. Yona can be Ash! Right?"

Ocellus, in her quieter tone, added, "I think any of us could do it. But, um, maybe I could bring a unique perspective to the character? Or we could just bring him here. Just a thought."

Diamond Tiara, trying to assert dominance, added, "I should be Ash. I mean, I'm practically royalty, and Ash is the King of the Sea, right? It's a perfect match."

The classroom was soon filled with the voices of the bickering students, each passionately advocating for their chance to portray Ash in the play. Other students joined the discussion, offering their opinions on who would be the best fit for the role. Smolder, who initially wanted to play Ash, found herself caught in the middle of the debate, torn between her fellow friends.

Potion Nova, attempting to restore order, raised her hooves to get the attention of the class. "Alright, settle down, everyone! We'll hold auditions, and the best actor for each role will be chosen. It's an opportunity for everyone to showcase their talents!"

Despite Potion Nova's attempt to calm the situation, the students continued to voice their opinions, each believing they were the perfect candidate to portray Ash. The lively debate persisted, adding an unexpected layer of drama to the auditions. Potion Nova closed her eyes, knowing of one other option on the table to solve this before it spirals out of control.

"Hah...I feared something like this would happen. Alright!" Potion Nova bellowed at the top of her lungs, halting the students once more. "There's only one way to settle this. You know the rules of the Pokemon School. If you reach an impasse and can't decide on something, there are two options. Consult with teachers or members of staff, which obviously isn't working right now...or option two. A Pokemon Battle will decide it."

"Really?" The students who wished to be Ash spoke.

Potion Nova continued, "A Pokémon Battle between all the contenders. Winner takes the role of Ash. But remember, this is not just about power. It's about capturing the essence of Ash, his spirit, courage, and the ability to connect with Pokémon. So, gather your teams and meet me at the training grounds for a friendly competition. Let's make this a play to remember!"

The students who opted to be Ash, filled with newfound determination, hurriedly left the classroom to prepare for the upcoming Pokémon Battle. The training grounds awaited them, promising an exciting clash that would determine the star of their Jirachi Play.

School Battlegrounds.

The battlegrounds were buzzing with excitement as the students gathered, each with their Pokémon ready for the friendly competition. Potion Nova stood at the center, overseeing the event with a keen eye.

"Alright. Since you're all so dedicated to wanting to be Ash, only one of you will get that role. You will battle with only one Pokemon since we don't want to drag this out. I hope you've picked your strongest because this is the only chance you'll get."

"Hehe..." Scootaloo grinned, holding up her Poke Ball which contained Rapidash. She indeed had her strongest Pokemon with her. Having an equally proud smile on her face was Sweetie Belle, whose Poke Ball contained Meowstic. Both of them had considerably powerful Pokemon on their side who they've been with for four years.

"I don't like the looks on their faces..." Smolder narrowed her eyes before looking at her Charmander. "Alright, Charmander. I really wanna get this role, so we're going to win this."


"You know...We Changeling can technically turn into Ash and any Pokemon." Ocellus pointed out that one major advantage. Everyone else wanted to obtain that role while the Changelings could easily emerge as Ash and Jirachi thanks to their transformation.

"They're not listening." One of her fellow changelings shook his head. Some of the changelings were out there on the field, wanting that role for themselves.

The contenders lined up on the field, eager to prove themselves. Smolder, Gallus, Scootaloo, and several others formed a circle, preparing for the Pokémon Battle that would determine who would play the iconic role.

"It's simple. The last Pokemon standing gets that role." Potion Nova laid out one simple rule. "We need to start setting up the play before lunch and before school is over so 20 minutes maximum. All of you, send out your Pokemon."

All at once, several Pokemon would fly into the air. Rapidash, Charmander, Swellow, Piloswine and Liepard entered the scene among many others.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Fantina approached Potion Nova, ready to watch over this battle.

"Eh. They'd just keep bickering. It's better to just let them settle it like this. Rule of the School after all." The unicorn shrugged, knowing there was nothing else could do. "Best option here."

"This is a great option!" Some students were in agreement for this, specifically the Dragon and Griffin students who wanted to see a good battle. They didn't care who won this, as long as they got to see a battle.

"Uhh..." Standing there with dumbfounded faces were Smolder and Gallus, who might have bitten off more than they can chew. The second they spotted Rapidash and Liepard, they were already starting to see some drawbacks. They expected to face Pokemon as small or around Charmander and Swellow, but Rapidash and Liepard easily towered over them.

Charmander and Swellow looked up to see these two giants, knowing that they might already be facing a rough challenge. It didn't matter how many other students there were. These two were going to be a problem since they have actively been in so many battles. One of them even won a Canterlot Junior Tournament.

But Charmander didn't seem afraid and neither did Swellow. Both would puff their chests out, trying to act tough, but the same couldn't be said for their trainers.

Canterlot Castle.

Meanwhile, over at Canterlot Castle, Twilight was arriving to help with the re-emergence of this alliance. All the while, her students were out there fighting for the role of one character. And finally, joining them in this room was Lucas along with Nate.

With both of them present, they could open up as many gateways without issues. Lucas and Nate checked out the scenery, whistling at the sight before them. Nate showed up with a cosmic cloak once more, but he could freely take it off once here at the castle.

"Glad you could make it. This is going to be another special day." Celestia said when greeting them both. "I get to look forward to play and reunite with the Universal Alliance."

"So...How many do I have to open up?" Lucas asked.

"Hmm...How many can you do without straining yourself?" Celestia wanted to make sure Lucas could handle multiple gateways at once. Opening two wasn't too bad but beyond that was a mystery for Lucas.

"Bah, don't worry. As long as I'm here, my plasma will heal you up." Nate reassured, placing his hand on Lucas's shoulder.

"You might have to keep the Plasma on him at all times, Nate. You can only revitalize him after he opens the gateways." Twilight informed. "Just do that and I think Nate will be fine."

"There are at least 20 of them I would like for you to open." Celestia requested 20 maximum. Quite a hefty number, but Lucas was ready to confront it.

"20, huh? Alright. Let's do this." Lucas looked on with determination, putting his hands together to prepare himself. Twilight was also building some Rift Magic to assist him while Nate kept his hand on Lucas's shoulder as support.

Once they all had their positions, Lucas's eyes would flare with the spatial power of Palkia that was residing within him. By holding out both of his hands, the particles flew forward, swarming in multiple positions. Celestia and Luna watched as all the particles flew around the throne room, each possessing the potential to form a gateway.

Appearing in a flash was a gateway. The first one had been made, materializing itself in the middle of the throne room. That was just one and 19 more had to be made. But this was where the challenge came in.

With beads of sweat forming on his forehead, Lucas extended his trembling hand, struggling to maintain the delicate balance required to manipulate the fabric of reality. The portal slowly unfolded, revealing a breathtaking landscape of floating islands and ethereal creatures. However, the effort left Lucas visibly drained.

Undeterred by the strain, Lucas decided to test his limits further. As he attempted to open multiple gateways simultaneously, beads of sweat turned into a cascade, and his breathing became laboured. Each portal required an intricate dance of focus, and maintaining more than one at a time proved to be an overwhelming challenge.

One by one, gateways were beginning to appear. Lucas managed to summon over 10 of them, having 9 more to go. However, the limits of what Lucas could do were starting to show. Nate's plasma was keeping him powered up as there was a sudden reaction that Nate didn't expect. The plasma was intensifying in response to Lucas's strain, almost as if it was trying to save him.

Lucas's eyes glowed with determination as he opened portals to universes with inverted gravity and swirling time. However, the strain became more apparent, his movements slower, and the air around him crackling with the intensity of his efforts. The once seamless process now resembled a struggle against an invisible force resisting his every command.

"Done!" Lucas bellowed as he reached the maximum 20. After finishing up, he would sit down, feeling his body tremble. The plasma from Nate would crackle out of him, tempering further harm. "Man...Nailed."

"Well, done, Lucas. Head back and rest." Celestia thanked him. That was all Lucas had to do for today. "There's a few of them out there but you can open them at another time."

"Are we just going to leave all these gateways out in the open though?" Twilight asked. The gateways being out in the open here was odd, especially if there was trouble lurking somewhere beyond them. Someone could definitely look through this universe or enter it freely.

"Not exactly. While I wanted Lucas to open them up again, the Ranger Union lent me a new and improved Travel Sphere that I was waiting to use for this occasion."

Right on time, one of the guards of the castle approached with a neatly decorated box. And from that box, Twilight and the others would gaze upon a new version of the Travel Sphere.

"The Travel Sphere 2.0." This new Travel Sphere boasted an elegant and streamlined design, marrying futuristic aesthetics with an air of sophistication. Its exterior is composed of a lightweight, yet durable, metallic alloy with a polished, mirror-like finish. The surface was adorned with subtle, luminescent patterns that trace intricate pathways, symbolizing the interdimensional connections it facilitates.

"Oooh..." It felt truly comfortable in Twilight's hooves once she held it.

"With it, we can open and close gateways freely. We're not exiting anymore Rift Problems we've been having ever since our worlds became one." Celestia explained. "More of these are being made but this one is brand new. With it, I can contact my allies from across universes once more and-"

At that moment, while admiring the Travel Sphere, a voice came from the gateway. Celestia, Luna and Twilight turned their heads, viewing one of the gateways that this voice came from. And right before their eyes, they saw what appeared to be the equivalent of Las Pegasus in another universe. However, there was something amiss.

Las Pegasus was lacking any light. Not that it was shut down and inactive at the moment. All forms of light were gone, making Las Pegasus seem rather dead. Much like Tropezete Town.

Seeing that immediately confirmed to them what was happened. Necrozma had attacked. Being unable to reach any of them for a long time left them vulnerable to attacks from Daybreaker. The question was when was this and if those on the other side were safe at the moment. The same went for the other worlds.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 399 End.

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