• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Whereabouts of a Dragon

Equestria. Near Frenzy Forest. Day.

The Despair Plant swarm that appeared around Deerling Forest had been stopped, by none other than Princess Celestia. And the way they were stopped was by restraining them. The Despair Plants were dropped into a massive crater that had formed near the forest, overlaying that crater was a massive light light dome.

This was made by none other than Princess Celestia and her partner Gardevoir. Specifically, Celestial-Gardevoir. The duo fused, becoming stronger together, allowing them to deal with this many Despair Plants. But they had some help. It wasn't from just Celestia's other Pokemon and the Canterlot Troops but the Pokemon Frenzy Forest.

Delphox, Aggron, Vespiquen and others had shown up, defending their home from the Despair Plants. And the proof of their fierce battle could be seen thanks to the destruction that nearly reached Frenzy Forest. Celestial-Gardevoir had just now unfused, bringing back Celestia and Gardevoir.

"That should keep them there," Celestia commented while looking down on the Despair Plants. They smashed their bodies against the Light Barrier, trying to break free. They threw out all their best attacks at it, causing the barrier to ripple. However, the magical field that Celestial-Gardevoir made proved to be effective enough to take their hits. "Thanks for your help. It made it a bit easier for us." She then turned to face the Frenzy Forest Pokemon.


"But this Light Barrier won't do. For every other Despair Plant in the world, even I can tell they all can't be contained." Celestia continued. "At least we stopped the ones that were approaching Canterlot."

"Your majesty. You have a call from the Ranger Union." Approaching Princess Celestia after the battle was over was a Canterlot Guard. And on his back, an item could be seen. It was the only way Celestia could contact the Ranger Union, requesting their assistance. It appeared in the form of a phone that had the Ranger Union symbol on it.

It was brought over by Celestia's magic, immediately being answered just Celestia triggering the button on it. No direct contact was needed. Just magic. Once triggered, Celestia was already expecting to see the face of a Pokemon Ranger or even a member of staff concerning the development of the Black Crusade. However, that wasn't who showed up on the screen.

Instead, it was Luna.

"LUNA?!" Celestia shouted, startling everyone around her. This thunderous shout was well-deserved as Celestia was grealty worried for the safety of her little sister. Even though Nightmare Moon's presence already confirmed that Luna was alive, Celestia couldn't bare to imagine what Luna was going through. But seeing her sister once more was uplifting to her. "You truly are okay!"

"It's good to see you again, sister. I'm calling you thanks to the Ranger Union. We met up at a Kalos Airport recently."

"Where are you now, Luna!? Are you still at the airport?! Your horn is chipped! Do you need to rest?!" Celestia threw rapid-fire questions at Luna, wanting to make sure her sister got the best treatment right now. When she saw Luna's chipp horn, Celestia started panicking.

"It's not a serious chip. It's only minimal so it shall grow back eventually. It was the Sirens who healed me, using a Healing Song to do so. I'm now grateful for them. I'm planning on heading back to Equestria now. One of the planes is available for use."

"You are? Oh, thank goodness. What happened in Kalos, by the way? Rosa Maledicta scared me into thinking the worst had happened to you until Nightmare Moon said something.

"It's Opal. She did something horrific. Something I was afraid I wasn't able to stop. And unless I get back to Equestria on time, she's going to try it again just to bring out Xerneas."

"Opal did this to you?"

"A beam of great destruction was formed by her and many other vampires. It levelled Anistar City and locations near and far. She might try it again and I don't know if I have the power to stop it. Or if I'm fast enough to get there in time."

"It's alright, Luna. Just come back home safely, alright? But where is Opal now?"

"She combusted and returned to Magehold. But she's probably going to cause mass destruction anywhere she can. Kalos doesn't matter to her anymore. All that matters is that Xerneas shows up and wiping out a massive amount of life before Yveltal can even do it is an effective way."

"That's her plan...?!" Now that Celestia heard about Opal Vivacity's plan, it was as horrifying as it can be. So many innocent lives would be lost just to bring out Xerneas, who was also being threatened. "Then we can't let her get too far if she's already heading out there. Right now, I've decided to approach Magehold at last. As long as we can take Yveltal out of there, our advantages will come flooding in."

"Wait..." Just then, a voice chimed in on this conversation. It spoke from Luna's side and showed a blue spark of lightning showing up on the screen. Luna gasped, looking back to see what it was. There was only being she knew that could generate blue lightning. None other than Zekrom.

The Dark Stone that Kyurem was residing in sat near Luna, still inside the Siren's Van. "Zekrom? You're awake?!"

"I needed some more time to recover my strength. I used a lot of it by helping you protect everyone else from the explosion earlier. It was foolish of me to take such a risk but it was worth it."

"I should've known that you had a hoof in stopping that explosion. I wasn't alone at all." Luna softly smiled, relieved by that. And thankfully, Zekrom was recovering, being able to speak to Luna now.

"We can't leave yet...Not when Reshiram needs us." Zekrom prioritized Reshiram being found. He couldn't give up on his other half. "Not when he's near..."

"He's near?! Do you mean it?!" Celestia and Luna both said.

"When I ventured Kalos for a while, I sensed his presence. He's indeed in Kalos. And there's a reason for it. I should've caught on already but Reshiram was ahead."

"There's a reason for him showing up in Kalos? Are you saying that he went missing from Holon because he sent himself there? How?"

"It's Xerneas. Xerneas is why. Most likely, he was already aware of what Xerneas would do once the Black Crusade was initiated. He sent himself to Kalos by using the last of his strength to move there. And for these past months, he's been recovering his strength, much like me."

"So he did travel underground..." Celestia was right. At first, she wasn't sure that Reshiram went underground at all thanks to what the Time Flower showed her. But it seemed like that was the case. "So that means Reshiram anticipated something like this! Right?!"

"I'll admit, no matter what universe it may be, he's always been a bit smarter than me," Zekrom admitted to Reshiram's intelligence. "I'm more about pure power. But yes...Wherever he is in Kalos, he's waiting for us. As long as I can sense his presence, I can lead you to him. So we can't leave Kalos yet."

"Are you sure, Zekrom? Do we have enough time?" Luna asked, wondering if they had all the time they needed to find Reshiram and head back to Equestria before things really spiral out of control suddenly.

"He's my brother. There'll always be enough time." Zekrom and Reshiram had a brotherly bond even if they both come from different universes. The connection was there thanks to them being parts of Kyurem. That answer resonated greatly with Celestia and Luna. They were sisters and they could understand where Zekrom was coming from. That won them both over.

"Alright. We'll go after Zekrom. You said he was close so the last place you were at should be a good lead."

"I wish I could come with you and help. But I have to oversee things from here. Make sure Reshiram gets home safely, alright? And call me if things go awry or something else comes up." Celestia requested.

"Alright. I'll be back as soon as possible. Lead the way, Zekrom." Those were Luna's last words on the Ranger Union Call, hanging up and staying in Kalos for a little while longer.

"Reshiram could be coming back. So I can't afford to let him see the state of Equestria or the entire world. I have to stop the Black Crusade as soon as possible. We're taking a bulk of our forces to Magehold. Queen Vespiquen. Delphox. Will you help us?"

"Vesp! Vespiquen!" Vespiquen was all in for it. She and her subjects of Combee which were plentiful in their numbers agreed. They already teamed up with Celestia's forces and since the Black Crusade involved their own well-being, of course they were going to help. Vespiquen didn't really rule the entirety of Frenzy Forest, just one major part of it but that didn't stop all the others from joining in. A majority of Frenzy Forest's Pokemon would join up with Celestia's forces and head straight for Magehold.

Now the advance on Magehold was ramping up. It was the primary target and the best way to destroy the source of the problem. Or in this case, save the source.

Magehold. Magehold Chamber. Day.

The Necropillars. Insanely powerful skull-headed pillars that had the power to sap away Magic, rendering anyone who is unfortunately hit by its waves magicless. And the first two victims were Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Applejack's Earth Pony Strength had been removed from her as her hooves were trembling, trying to stay strong. Pinkie Pie just felt woozy, unsure which part of her was gone even if she was also an Earth Pony. But her magic didn't come from her physical strength, unlike Applejack.

This worked for the vampires since their CUrse Magic was not affected, essentially making them the only magical beings. And such a terrifying power was already being planned to affect all Equestrians and beyond, rendering them magicless. However, the pillars worked efficiently except for when they came across the Pokemon. Mew and Slurpuff were utterly immune, still being at their very best.

"Riolu...I need ya to break those pillars down. I can't do much so it's up to you." Applejack pleaded to Delta Riolu while trying to keep herself up.


"Just make it quick, Mew. Slurpuff. Fluttershy could be close after all." said Pinkie Pie to her partners.

"Don't be ridiculous! Look at you! Can you even battle well with your Pokemon in such a condition?" Sweet Fang pointed out, believing that their unified skills would be lacking thanks to their diminished magic.

"We don't need magic. All we need is Aura. Use Dark Pulse on those pillars!"

"Rio...Lu!" Riolu was going straight for what mattered. The pillars. He leapt into the air, putting his paws together and gathering an orb of darkness on the spot. However, stopping that from happening was Sweet Fang, who breathed out Dark Magic from her eyes.

The darkness met with another form of darkness right next to the Necropillars. Sweet Fang would block Riolu's Dark Pulse, stopping it from even touching the Necropillar.

"Drat..." Applejack scoffed, hoping to make it a quick takedown.

"Let me try! Dazzling Gleam, SLurpuff!"

"Puff!" Attempting to stun the vampires was the next approach. As long as they were here, it would be difficult to reach the Necropillars. Slurpuff lit up this dark room by generating light from her body, directing most of it towards the two vampires.

"No use! Not this time!" However, here at Magehold, now that the vampires were the ones being attacked, they were prepared for the abundance of light. The shadows from the Pony of Shadows were their shields, putting a veil around their bodies as the light came their way.

"The light didn't work?! What's up with that?!" Pinkie Pie gasped, flabbergasted since the Dazzling Gleam trick always worked. It was always an effective way to handle a vampire but it seemed that wasn't the case this time.

"You're in our territory now. And the shadows are strengthened here. Much more than anywhere else when the Moon is up. It's not an immunity but it works well when dealing with you intruders." Shrivel explained.

"Just great..."

"You don't have to worry about just us. The entire chamber is also your enemy! Like so!" Sweet Fang raised her hoof as two parts of the walls would extend, becoming weapons. Much like how Applejack and Pinkie Pie ended up down here in the first place, a rectangular piece of hard stone would target them from both sides, ready to bash at them at full force.

"Mew?!" Mew sensed this and quickly took action. And he took action by turning into a Machamp. His body swiftly transformed, giving him two extra limbs and some added muscle. "Champ! Machamp!" Mew successfully grabbed the walls, preventing them from squishing the heads of Applejack and Pinkie Pie, which it came very close to doing so.

"Thanks for the save, Mew! Now, use Aura Sphere!"

"Ma...Champ!" Mew only needed two of Machamp's arms to hold the walls down while the other two would be used for an attack. In the hands of the upper arms, two Aura Spheres were forming as they were then thrown out with little effort thanks to the stellar strength of a Machamp.

"Riolu! Get 'em with Power-up Punch!"

"Rio!" Joining the two Aura Spheres was Riolu, pulling his paw back for a Power-up Punch. Sweet Fang and Shrivel backed away, having the chamber protect them. The walls would once again move, coming together to form a shield in front of Sweet Fang and Shrivel. Riolu smashed his paw into the walls, immediately being pushed back as his arm trembled. Flying by him and crashing into the wall shield were the two Aura Spheres, destroying the defences. The walls broke apart after the Aura Spheres took them out, only to show Sweet Fang and Shrivel preparing something.

With nefarious grins on their faces, they both held their hooves out, summoning a unification of Dark Magic. And this magic appeared rather sharp, forming a dark spear. Riolu gasped after seeing the dark blade coming straight for him, targeting his head.

"Ma...Champ!" However, Mew would quickly rip off a part of the walls with his bare hands, throwing it at the sharp Dark Magic. A great interception on his part as the attack was stopped the moment it came across this stone which was thrown with great velocity behind it.

"Get back and use Dark Pulse, Riolu!"

"Slurpuff, use Fairy Wind!"

"Lu!" Riolu would then back away after Mew saved his life, letting out a quick Dark Pulse which was joined by Slurpuff breathing out a beautiful pink gust of Fairy Magic.

Shrivel and Sweet Fang would unify their strengths once more, forming an X-Shaped Dark Magic attack. This X-Shaped magic was also sharp yet again, slicing through the rubble and this time, it wasn't being stopped by any stone. The magic came into contact with Dark Pulse and Fairy Wind, forming a struggle. But this struggle did not last forever as Dark Magic cut through them both. Dark Pulse and Fairy Wind were sliced in half, blowing up afterwards and making way for the Dark Magic.

"Ri!" Riolu narrowly avoided the attack, rushing to the side. So did Slurpuff who was almost hit by this attack. The next ones in line for this attack were Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Pinkie's eyes felt like they were about to pop out just by looking at this X-Shaped Magic. She zipped to the side as her tail was hit by the magic. A part of her tail was cut off as if it was made out of butter, showing how serious it would've been if it landed.

Applejack was next as she swayed her head, almost taking the attack. A bit of her hat had been cut off as another close call had been made. But not when the final target was up ahead. Mew. Mew gasped after seeing the X-Shaped attack coming his way, attempting to stop it. It was already incredibly close so he had to act as soon as possible, using Machamp's four arms.

"Ma!" The four arms met with the Dark Magic, creating yet another struggle. He tried pushing it back, harming himself in the process. It felt like he was holding multiple blades all at once. However, he successfully managed to throw it away, causing it to hit the walls instead. "Champ!"

"Annoying little...How about I take control of one of your Pokemon, huh?!" Sweet Fang grizzled her teeth at them, planning to use her signature Curse Magic on the Pokemon.

"We ain't getting anywhere with this, Pinkie. We can't break those pillars this way." Applejack said before feeling the part of her hat that was cut off. "You should probably use that Z-Move of yours."

"Genesis Supernova?"

"That's the one...It worked well when we went up against Empress Twilight. There's no doubt it'll do well."

"You have a point there. But I don't think they'll give me enough time for that. But I know a sure-fire way to bring this whole room down." Pinkie Pie already had something in mind. And of course, it involved Mew. "Mew! Transform into a Wailord!"

"Ma!" Mew heard her loud and clear. The best way to bring down something was with a large amount of force. And they didn't get any larger than Wailord.

"Wait! In here?!" Applejack gasped. Right before she could try and stop Pinkie Pie, wanting her to reconsider this, Mew had already gone through with it. He instantly left the form of a Machamp and went for something much, much bigger. It took a while for Sweet Fang and Shrivel to process this themselves but when they did, they soon remembered what Wailord was and how big it was.

Stupendously big.

Mew's body was rapidly growing, already taking up a huge chunk of this room. Applejack, Riolu and Slurpuff all widened their eyes, collectively having the conscious decision to run for it while Mew was still growing. A clever move on Pinkie Pie's part but it was obviously going to affect more than just the vampires in front of her.

"Not good! Protect the Pillars!" The priority of the pillars were still important as Sweet Fang and Shrivel did not flee. Instead, they formed a dark shield in front of them that also enveloped the pillars. They could not stop Mew's transformation as the Float Whale Pokemon was about to make an entrance.

And it was a staggering entrance as he already hit the ceiling based on his height alone. The ceiling felt the light yet powerful weight of Wailord hit it, breaking it apart with ease. And the impact it would have just by starting from this lower part of the chamber would be noticed very much. With a Pokemon as large as Wailord, how could it not? The next thing Sweet Fang and Shrivel saw was a blue and white body coming straight for them and taking up the entire room.

"What's that?!" Up with Rarity and Opal, a tremor managed to reach the room they were in, interrupting their battle. It was none other than Mew using Wailord's massive body to fill up spaces in the chamber that were not large enough for such a Pokemon.

Both of them had no idea what was going on and neither did the Pokemon themselves. Both sides assumed it came from either a vampire or a Pokemon. Either one was capable of creating a tremor in their own ways. This would then reach Ash's group, who were currently powering through as many vampires as they could.

Lucario was using Aura at the moment, trying to find the Aura of his friends. Lucario felt many Auras around him as a majority of them either belonged to the Pokemon or the vampires. He just had to find three familiar auras and that wasn't all that hard. He knew what the Auras of Fluttershy, Cadence and Flurry Heart felt like but the trick was getting there since the chamber was so massive.

His movements were promptly stopped once the tremor came through. But more than just the tremor, Lucario also saw a massive Aura appear out of nowhere. It wasn't exactly the strength of the Aura that was massive, but the one behind it. He saw the Aura silhouette of Wailord, surprising him as neither Twilight nor Fluttershy had a Wailord. He could only assume this was Mew's doing.

"They're really going at it, huh?" Ash assumed it was just the battle between the Vampires and Pokemon that was happening around here. Nearby, a battle could also be seen between these two sides, raging on as it was hard to tell who was gaining the advantage. Standing before Ash's group were two Triantis Despair Plants, sharpening their claws so that they would pack an extra punch. "Lucario, Force Palm! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Eve, Shadow Ball! Absol, Night Slash!"

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu and his friends would quickly try and dispatch these Triantis, sending a fierce blast of lightning and a blob of shadows out while Lucario and Absol got in close. The attacks landed with Thunderbolt reaching the Triantis. The Triantis tried deflecting the Thunderbolt with their claws and soon the Shadow Ball, only for Lucario and Absol to intervene. Lucario and Absol struck the Triantis, knocking them off the steps and sending them flying down into Magehold's lower levels.

They weren't going to bother having long battles with these Despair Plants. Not when their friends were still here somewhere.

The room where Wailord appeared had been damaged greatly, totalling the statues that once resided there. The plan worked despite how simple it was. But when it comes to Wailord, Simple was the best option. Other levels of the chamber had been revealed above as Mew's Wailord increase even knocked some vampires out with this brief destruction.

Applejack, Riolu and Slurpuff avoided the destruction while PInkie Pie was doing perfectly fine. It was as if none of the rubble hit her at all. Whether that was planned by Mew, was unknown but they wouldn't put it past these two considering how in sync they were.

As for Sweet Fang and Shrivel, their barrier broke apart the second Mew's Wailord Body touched it. This destruction actually managed to get two of the Necropillars, turning out as a success. The skulls on top of the pillars had been knocked off with other parts being broken off.

"Yes! It worked!" She may not have her magic anymore, but Pinkie Pie kept her energetic self, especially when it involved something highly positive.

"Could've warned us first..." Applejack sighed while holding onto Riolu for safety.

"They got them?!" Sweet Fang was in disbelief.

"Only two! We still have two more left along with many others! Who cares if you've destroyed these ones!" Shrivel refused to let them have a moment of triumph, stating the obvious to try and keep the pressure on them. "When they go off, all of your friends will be magicless and that will leave only the Pokemon for us!"

"Yeah. But all we have to do is break those two. And I think Mew has another transform he'd love to show you." Pinkie Pie squeed as she was the one who put the pressure on them. Sweet Fang and Shrivel were worried about what other transformation Mew could take on which could take out the remaining two pillars.

"Kh. Just wait until I get the chance to use my magic on you and make you all my servants. But...I've already sorted that problem out." Sweet Fang smirked. "I have one Pokemon who will be enough for you."

"Just one?" Applejack raised an eyebrow, confused as to what Pokemon she was referring to. She was hoping it wouldn't be Yveltal since that was the only important Pokemon in Magehold at the moment.

"You can show yourself and deal with these intruders now." Sweet Fang turned her attention to the darker parts of the chamber. Even with this destruction, the chamber still shrouded parts of itself in darkness. Moving past the rubble and out of the darkness was a Pokemon that was not unfamiliar to everyone's eyes. But to Fluttershy and Applejack, the one who showed herself was a total surprise.

It was none other than Sylveon. Specifically, Cadence's Sylveon. And right behind her were some Golurk. The same Golurk that held Cadence and Flurry Heart when returning to Magehold. And once they showed themselves, judging by the way they emerged from the shadows and stood beside the two vampires, they were not in their right minds. With Sweet Fang involved, they were under mind control.

Sylveon had a slightly noticeable change. Her beautifully sparkling eyes were desaturated, losing most of their life. The ribbons she always had on her were emanating a Dark Magic that took away from her inviting presence. Even her stance was uninviting. Her usual prim and proper stance was now fierce and wild. She bared her fangs which were never that sharp to begin with. It felt like a different Pokemon appeared before them that only slightly resembled the original Sylveon. The Golurk didn't have any chances on them at all though.

"Say it ain't so...!" Applejack removed her hat, recognizing the Sylveon that stood before.

"Sylveon?! Golurk?!" Pinkie's jaw dropped. "What happened to you all?!"

"It was easy taking control of this Sylveon here since she was down for the count. I wished to do the same to the two princesses but her majesty's magic managed to break the mind control, unfortunately." Sweet Fang laughed, loving the looks on their faces. "And the Golurk I brought along still work for me! And since they've been under my influence for so long, the control has strengthened!"

"And that's not all. Sweet Fang went through the effort of enhancing these Pokemon. They're now better than ever, having the influence of Curse Magic within them." Shrivel joined in on Sweet Fang's speech.

"What did you do to them?!" Applejack demanded answers. From what she was hearing, they might have done what they're planning on doing to Fluttershy but with Curse Magic involved.

"It's mainly Sylveon that matters. Show them, Sylveon! Your new Dazzling Gleam!" Sweet Fang ordered, essentially becoming the new Trainer of Sylveon while Cadence was unavailable.

"Sylveon..." Sylveon would use Dazzling Gleam, which seemed rather silly considering the weakness of the vampires even if they had the Pony of Shadows shielding them. However, it wasn't as Dazzling as it used to be. Not anymore.

The Curse Magic that had been injected into Sylveon had been activated. The magic showed itself by mixing with Dazzling Gleam which did not have its usual bright appearance as always. Instead, it was Pitch-Black, devoid of anything that was considered Dazzling. All of its colour had been lost but another change was the power behind it. Thanks to the Curse Magic, the Dazzling Gleam grew to a great size instantly. A field of darkness flew out, enveloping the rubble and masking it from everyone's eyes.

Mew was the closest target thanks to the size of a Wailord as the Dazzling Gleam reached him first. He cried out as the field expanded even more, but only in one direction, avoiding the Necropillars entirely. Applejack, Pinkie and their Pokemon readied themselves when facing this massive Dazzling Gleam.

It was perhaps the biggest one yet. And possibly the most destruction as the sheer force of it was enough to cause pressures that blew their manes and nearly sent Applejack's hat flying off. They flinched at the pressure of this Dark Dazzling Gleam as this entire room was soon hit by the attack, instantly surpassing what Wailord made.

The sounds of Applejack and Pinkie Pie screeching could be heard, followed up by a powerful explosion that blew more of the chamber apart. Another tremor came through but it wasn't as strong as the Wailord one. However, the damage it would deal was greater than the Wailord Tremor.

Mew mainly took most of the damage as his massive body was then sent flying, forcing him to turn back into his original form. He would then fly away alongside Pinkie, Applejack, Slurpuff and Riolu as they all hit the walls at the further reaches of this room while the upper levels were wide open, dropping an abundance of rubble from above.

And standing viciously in the midst of the destruction she caused was Sylveon, not her usual self at all. Sweet Fang would pet Sylveon on the head for pulling off such a wonderful form of destruction.

"Good girl." She said to Syvleon. It truly felt like Sweet Fang had stolen Sylveon away from Cadence and given her power only exclusive to Magehold.

But Sweet Fang wouldn't stop there. She eyed down the Pokemon of Applejack and Pinkie Pie, already having the intention of spicing them up the same way as Sylveon. And the same went for all the Pokemon intruders rampaging across the chamber.

Pinkie and Applejack groaned in pain as it still felt like some form of light had hit their bodies but there was a complete absence of it. They looked over at Sweet Fang and Shrivel's devious and mocking grins, knowing that they had turned the tide with this shocking reveal. A friend of theirs had turned on them and when deviating to the other side, has become a fearsome force that only follows one thing that the Dread League all follow. Destruction.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 168 End.

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