• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Something tasty worth looking forward to

Unova. Route 4. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

Rubbing his hands together and stretching his arms, Lucas was prepared to risk it all, not yet fully recovered and aiming to open up a new gateway that would lead to the Dragon Lands. Lucas would make it at Route 4 specifically since it was the closest aside from Castelia, which already had a gateway.

Behind him was Twilight Sparkle, who had her Rift Magic at the ready, but Twilight wasn't 100% sure that this was a good idea since Lucas was still feeling off. He twitched his arms, getting himself ready while also generating tiny space particles on his fingertips.

"Are you sure about this, Lucas?" But a cautious Twilight Sparkle had to wonder if this was the right call. It hasn't been done with Lucas still feeling perplexed and the outcome could be anything.

"Positive. Let's do this." Lucas wasn't about to have a second thought when it came to the safety of his friends. He was all-in on this and nothing was going to stop him it seems.

"Alright..." Twilight was still unsure, but what would try it out regardless. With his hands out and Twilight's Rift Magic emerging, the unification of these two completely different cosmic abilities would go off. Lucas welcomed the Rift Energy, holding his hands out and channelling the Spatial Power within at such a weakened state. At first, it looked like it was actually working. A spark of Cosmic Energy was appearing in the middle, ready to expand into a gateway.

"Ghhhh!" But it was a failure. A complete failure. Lucas fell over immediately as his body would receive a sharp pain. Afterwards, his body would pulsate for a moment, prompting in him hitting the ground hard. "Oh, man...That was a bad call."

"I told you it was too risky. There was no way you could've done it without going through a full recovery. And now you've prolonged it." Twilight facepalmed as this is exactly what she warned Lucas about. "Oh well...Who am I to say? I've done some reckless things here and there."

"Looks like we're gonna have to take the long way there to the Dragon Lands. It's a good thing you made a gateway over at Castelia, huh? Using that will take us straight to Canterlot and we'll head to the Dragon Lands from there." Ash kneeled, facing his counterpart.

"Yeah...Hope Nate's doing well. I mean, he can take care of himself but it sounded pretty serious on the phone." The Sinnohan Trainer from another universe sighed.

He would be helped up by Ash and Twilight collectively, needing extra support to get off the ground. His arms and legs had given up and needed the time to replenish. Poor Lucas had to go through all of this with seemingly no cure. But with Nate apparently having something else that helped him get to this universe, perhaps there was a chance. But doing this action while still feeling woozy would have other consequences that Lucas was not yet aware of.

Equestria. Manehattan. The Battle Carnival.

For Rainbow Dash's group, it was back to Manehattan and for one reason only. The next Frontier Battle would be tackled. Rainbow Dash was already sitting on one victory but there were still a few more to go.

She stood before the Battle Carnival which was also the Battle Frontier, returning to take it on once more. She lost her first battle here and reclaimed victory. Now, Rainbow Dash was hoping to be on a continuous winning streak up until the very end. She saw this as a prelude to the Equestria League and as a way to improve.

Present here were the students of the Pokemon School, who were allowed to come over and view a Frontier Battle. But not just view it, but learn from the Battle Frontier.

"Okay! It'll be a little bit before the battle begins, I can assume. We talked about this last time but this is your chance to find a profession in Pokemon that you love." Teaching them today was Potion Nova, who did not bring her massive potion with her this time. If it was even slightly out in the open, chaos would surely ensue. "I heard some of you want to be Frontier Brains. They're not exactly Gym Leaders but they're similar. You'll see what we mean when we get there."

"Do we have to do the weird gimmicks as Frontier Brains?" Raising her hoof was a Seapony.

"Apparently. If you didn't, it wouldn't be any different from Gym Battles. That's what makes it fun, right?!"

"Aaah..." However, the reactions from the children said otherwise. While some of them enjoyed the thought of gimmicks, others thought differently. Mainly the Dragons. The young Dragon students weren't sure about how they felt when it came to having gimmicks in Pokemon Battling.

"Boo. That's just lame." Smolder, who was in the crowd, would give a thumbs-down. "What about winning with just what you have? Winning with a gimmick is lame and losing with one is even lamer."

"I mean...yes. But it's just as fun as using a potion. It's always random. Just saying. And as Frontier Brain, you don't have to worry about limiting yourself all that much compared to a Gym Leader."

"I'd rather be a Gym Leader." A Dragon expressed. So did the other Dragon Students.

"If being a Frontier Brain isn't up your alley, that's fine. But I know some of you are still interested so I'll still walk you through it all."

"None of this is really for me. I'm here for something else." Speaking to herself was Cozy Glow, who was only interested in seeing how the battle would play out since it involved Daybreaker's enemies. And among that group was the Mythical Pokemon Zeraora as well as Mew. Ash's friend group certainly had some rare and powerful Pokemon that Daybreaker's alliance would want and have already tried pursuing.

"But...If you think gimmicks aren't your thing, you can just choose not to do it as a Frontier Brain." Potion Nova smiled, leaving one eye open as she caught the interest of those who had a different mindset of Pokemon Battling.

"We can?!" Some of the Dragons uttered at the same time. Potion Nova hit the jackpot with those words.

"That's right. But it's only the final one. Everything else has something unique but the last Frontier Brain is the rawest form of Pokemon Battling. Of course, you'd have to be incredibly strong and that's what you're all aiming for, right?"

"Not really. Not me at least." Sandbar shook his head.

"When you put it like that..." Smolder's opinion rapidly changed once she learned that there was more to it. Potion Nova had them right where she wanted them.

"Do you get anything special as a Frontier Brain?" Cozy Glow spoke up, wanting to know if there was something worth achieving as the final Frontier Brain? A strong Pokemon maybe?"

"Not really. You're just at the top of the food chain, that's all." Alas, that was the only answer Cozy Glow would get it since it was that simple. The young pegasus was rather disappointed in this revelation. What a waste of a question. "At least, that's what I think. This Battle Frontier's slightly different from the rest so, who knows? One thing's for sure, you're going to love this. Get ready to see how riveting a Frontier Battle can be."

"Ms Nova. Can I study potions instead?" Cozy Glow switched the topic when speaking to Potion Nova, bringing up her potions. "All of this isn't really that exciting for me."

"I can tell. But it's great that you're interested in Potions. I mean, everyone in the school is so..."

"But I want to know absolutely everything about them. I don't have magic of my own since I'm just a pegasus. A part of me wishes I was born a unicorn so potions are the next big thing. And they can interact with Pokemon too?"

"You're rather young so I'll have to teach you and everyone else the small steps of Potion Brewing."

"I know I can do more than the small steps!" She exclaimed, putting on a bright smile.

"R-Really? I mean...I did the same when I was a kid but most of it was with my friend Ebony. Not many use potions, especially not kids. Are you that interested in it?"


"Mmm...Alright." Potion Nova slowly nodded her head. "I guess I can give you extra lessons on potions after school if that's what you want. For now, take a gander at this battle. There's always something interesting to come from them."

The carnival was soon flooded just for the view of this Frontier Battle. They were still new to Equestria so it was only natural for the carnival to be flooded with guests and there was a bonus thanks to the existence of Yaks, Dragons and other species.

This was also their first time seeing a Carnival.

"What kind of building is this place?" Gallus squinted his eyes, looking at all the colours of the carnival. "Ah, my eyes..."

"This is a carnival. Great, isn't it?" Sandbar said, obviously finding it pleasing. But for other species, the sight of the Battle Carnival was perplexing to the eyes. Yona was especially feeling it. Even if she's seen colourful things here and there, the Carnival took the cake, easily.

All other yaks were having the same reaction to the colours and yet, it wasn't making them upset. They just weren't sure what to make of it. But one thing was for sure, they knew what they could do. Their confusion was quickly staved away once their noses picked up on the sweet scent of food. The Battle Carnival had plenty of food to go around. Catering to all species.

"Carnival's aren't so bad!" Yona switched up immediately, already loving carnivals if it meant she could consume free food.

"You might be right." Smolder nodded in agreement, hovering over a sweet selection of gemstones. Specifically, Type Gems have been selected and were being displayed as food. Perfect for the Dragons. Naturally, because they were children, there was no hesitation.

Hands and hooves were flying in at high speeds and abundant numbers, rapidly grabbing their personal favourites. Entire tables were being emptied out by these hungry mouths. The employees were stunned to see all the food they prepared swiftly disappearing. It wasn't just the students but their Pokemon as well. Smolder's Charmander seems to have adopted the same appetite as a Dragon.

"Char! Charmander!" The Fire-Type could be seen eating the Fire Gem, scarfing it all down.

"Is that safe for your Charmander?" Sandbar asked while holding a pie.

"It's fine. He's used to it." But Smolder wasn't bothered at all. This was not the first time he's consumed something Charmanders aren't known for eating at all. Potion Nova was a bit worried that the children may be a bit too hyperactive before the battle can begin. They might not even focus on it. But nothing a little potion couldn't fix in case it gets to that level.

She also knew that the best way to burn off that steam was by letting them partake in the Carnival's activities since it wasn't just a place to watch battles and eat.

The one who would be partaking in this Frontier Battle was currently in her own room, receiving a polish. The Celebrity known as Sharon, who was among the first to be chosen as a Frontier Brain. She wanted to look her best before battling, getting her eyelashes done and polishing her face.

Like the celebrity she was, Sharon would make sure that she stands out from the crowd, no matter who her apparent was. Such was her style and it also helped that she was nicknamed the Princess, even though being a Princess in Equestria is not that rare.

"Miss Sharon. It's almost time." An employee walked in, informing Sharon that her battle was on the horizon. "A lot of students have shown up for today's battle it seems."

"Perfect. Let the kids here watch how a celebrity battles. Nessa missed out on her opportunity, focusing too much on Ash like some schoolgirl crush. I know how to really grab the attention of others. This battle's going to show them a lot of style." After freshening herself up, Sharon would take out a Poke Ball, already having her first Pokemon at the ready.

She made her way out there and immediately, right next to the Princess were cameras. They were not meant for the opponent but for her. They only showed up after she was done freshening up. She even stopped to pose for the camera, making sure that they got her good side. Rainbow Dash had no idea what kind of battle was coming her way.

Speaking of Rainbow Dash, she was peacefully waiting for her next battle, already registering herself. Once registered, she made her way to the location of the second Frontier Brain. Neither of these Frontier Brains had differing power levels and any of them could be challenged at any time.

Upon entering, she already knew who she was facing next. This room was an opulent lounge, adorned with velvet curtains and gold accents, reminiscent of an old theatre. It was also filled with the scent of expensive perfume, reflecting a plethora of lights from overhead chandeliers, mingling with the sound of excited whispers.

The room was decorated for a show, already having cameras plastered across the walls that would watch all of this play out. Only Sharon's Arena had this display, for obvious reasons. Rarity and Sharon weren't so different as she would already make sure the camera was looking at her, looking her best. Joining in was Pinkie Pie, who would try and look her silliest.

"Oh yeah...This is definitely Sharon's Room." Rainbow Dash commented. "Who else would it be? Sharon could do anything, honestly."

"She might let you and your Pokemon wear dresses." said Rarity, putting an unspoken fear into Castform's eyes and a nervous look in Rainbow Dash's.

"Uhh...I hope not. Not sure what that would do." The pegasus could do without that. She wasn't against dresses but her Pokemon were a different story entirely. If this were Sweetie Belle participating, then her Pokemon would most definitely enjoy it.

"So, it's you, Rainbow Dash." said Sharon, who walked through the doors, greeting the pegasus. Some of the cameras went straight to Rainbow Dash, getting all up in her face. "I should've figured you'd be up next."

"Yeah...So far it's just been me and Lightning Dust, huh? Slow days..."

"It'll get better. First, I want to thank you and the others. Saving Nadya back there." Sharon brought up the whole situation with Nadya. "If we knew sooner, we would've acted but...that would've made things worse for us."

"Ah, it was nothing!" The pegasus laughed. "So, what's it gonna be? Judging by all the fancy stuff, is it gonna be...dressing up? Because if so..."

"No, no, no. That won't do. No one's exactly found the perfect formula for that kind of battle style. Instead, I proposed something better. Something that would be pleasant...or awful depending on your taste." Sharon winked. "I don't want to get your Pokemon too into it immediately and hopefully, they haven't eaten yet."

"Eaten? Ooooh!" Pinkie Pie's ears perked up as her pupils shrunk. "Do you mean...This is a-"

"That's right. You're standing in a Battle Restaurant." Sharon revealed the theme of this Frontier Room. It was all about food. Not fashion or even theatrics despite the appearance. "I made sure to ask my Daddy to pick out the best culinary chefs and food options out there to make this one possible. Plenty of recipes from across the world were chosen."

"I get to eat?! Oh, this is great! Best Frontier Facility so far!" For Rainbow Dash, this was seen as an absolute win. A battle that allows food? Perfect.

"Aw...C-Can I join?" Pinkie Pie scrunched her face as she wished she had joined the Battle Frontier just so she could relish in these delicious options that have yet to be seen.

"I would say it's just your Pokemon. But you get to eat too as well if you want." Sharon shrugged. "I'm a bit of a culinary expert myself, if you must know. I trained in a lot of things just to be great at them and cooking is one of them."

"Let's start right away! Right away!"

"Not yet." Sharon slowed her down. "Preparations need to be made. I still have a few things to do. So you should prepare yourself as well while you're at it. I'll be waiting and so will the crowd." Sharon would walk off, needing a bit more time to ready up, giving Rainbow Dash the same amount of time and something to truly look forward to.

"Hmm...I don't know how many Pokemon I should bring in this. But it doesn't matter. All of them have some pretty good tastes."

"Rainbow Dash. She hasn't told you everything, I suspect." But Luna wasn't too quick to go with the flow even if she wasn't participating. "There might be more to this one than just food."

"Don't worry. I know there's something beyond this." But Rainbow Dash wasn't slow. This wouldn't be a battle without some drawbacks. "That's why me and my Pokemon are ready to start feasting, believe me."


"You should take a good long look at this, Zeraora. You're gonna see what I'm really made of. Well, with some eating here and there." She would face Zeraora, wanting the Thunderclap Pokemon to witness this battle. Knowing that Zeraora was the same age as the CMC or around it, she was practically a child and Rainbow Dash was here to impress. Zeraora was interested in Rainbow Dash without a doubt.

She was the one who was mainly there for her so the Thunderclap Pokemon would definitely take the time to watch her battle. It was bound to be a rather delicious one. At least, that's how it would seem at face value. While Rainbow Dash was ready for something unexpected, Sharon and her devious smile indicated at something that would catch the pegasus off guard.

All the while, Cozy Glow, who steered away from her classmates, would walk off to do some action of her own. While she did want to observe the battle, she also wanted to see if she could manipulate it. Knowing that Zeraora was part of Rainbow Dash's party, now was the perfect time for the young pegasus to try something. As possibly the weakest member of the Daybreaker alliance, she was certainly the most ambitious.

Chapter 351 End.

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