• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Battle Frontier Begins

Sinnoh. Jubilife City. Day.

Jubilife City. One of the largest cities in the Pokemon World and a place that the girl from 200 years ago, Arezu noticed. Or rather, the name is what she noticed and recalled. Speaking of Arezu, she was brought here by Ash and Hilbert at her request. There was one place she wished to see and hoped that it would exist in the modern-day Sinnoh Region and indeed, it did exist and was bigger than ever.

"Unbelievable! This is what Jubilife Village became?!" An amazed Arezu commented on Jubilife City. The future was splendid, showing the evolution of an old location. Life was thriving here at Jubilife compared to what it once was.

"Yeah. It's a city now. It's also the largest city in all of Sinnoh." said Ash.

"It went from such a small civilization to this? Akari is missing out on this! I don't even recognize it at all. What do you have here in the future?"

"Well, uh..." Ash looked at his fingers, attempting to list everything here. "Jubilife's got a TV station. There's this place for a Poketch and..."

"It's a lot. That's all you need to know. And see it for yourself." Hilbert said, bringing up the best possible thing Arezu could do here.

"Let me see..." Arezu twiddled her thumbs as she instinctively walked off. She would get a good look at Jubilife City, seeing what she could recognize, if possible. It has become so developed that any remnant of it being a village was practically non-existent, aside from a history book or more. "There's one place I'm hoping exists here." She thought to herself.

Her eyes met with the shops of Jubilife which interested her more than anything. And Jubilife was brimming with them. Arezu pressed her face on a jewellery shop's window. The beautiful diamonds, pearls, rubies and sapphires caught her attention, making her eyes light up.

"Oooh. I'd love to wear those! Could you perhaps buy some for me? If possible?"

"Sure. I have enough money for that," said Ash. He had plenty of money thanks to all of his adventures and battles. He might as well be rich but he barely notices a majority of them.

Before Ash knew it, a lot of his money had been spent buying Arezu jewellery. She had all kinds of jewellery around her neck and arms, gazing at their brilliance. Surprisingly, this meshed well with her 200-year-old clothing.

And yet, Ash had plenty of money left. So much money that Arezu felt the need to buy something else. Her attention quickly shifted to the clothing store. Arezu already saw modern-day clothing for herself and how varied it was. But wearing modern-day clothes would be absolutely wonderful to her.

"I would love plenty of these!" An excited Arezu said, picking out all the clothes that she could. Piles of clothes were formed as some of them were being thrown at Ash and Pikachu. Ash and Pikachu found themselves being covered and almost drowned in clothing. Arezu had plenty of options and settled for all of them, having a plethora of bags to carry these clothes.

Thankfully, Ash had the extra muscle to carry them. Specifically, Dragonite and Lucario. He, Dragonite and Lucario could carry these bags of clothing that Arezu selected as they made their way out of the clothing store. There were other stores to shop at which Arezu would take full advantage of. And with Ash at the helm, paying for everything, Arezu felt like a Princess.

A restaurant was chosen as Arezu ordered only the most pristine and posh food she could find, indulging in it. For someone who comes from 200 years in the past and what sounds like a rather limited civilization, she ate with class. Arezu would even slow down, viewing windows that had TVs behind them. Arezu would gawk at the wonder that was television, trying to see if there was anything familiar that could come on.

"How fun!" Arezu giggled with excitement. "Back in my era, options such as these were completely non-existent. All we did was either tend to the Noble Pokemon or go out in the wild. Little could be done in Hisui."

"Not many? Even for 200 years, it can't be that empty with options," said Hilbert as he thought otherwise. "That's all you did?"

"Occasionally, something interesting would happen but it was always rather taxing on us. This is completely different and I absolutely love it. If only I could stay in the present." Arezu gushed. "At least I can take these back with me. The look on Adaman's face when he sees these."

"So you'll be heading back now or soon?" Ash asked since Arezu has gone on quite the shopping spree.

"Not yet." Arezu came to a halt, slowly turning to face Ash. "There is one more thing I need to do before I leave. Or rather, I need to see. Ash. Is there a chance that a shop that involves Hairstyling exists?"

"Oh yeah. There's tons of those out there." Ash confirmed it instantly. That much was obvious.

"Is there one in Jubilife as well?"

"No...I don't think so." The Champion of Alola scratched his hair. "Why?"

"Well, I'm hoping for one thing. You said that you have seen me before. But you were obviously referring to my descendant who you can't remember her name." Arezu added, remembering that first conversation with Ash very well. "Where is she? Is she working on Hairstyles elswhere in Sinnoh or in another part of the world."

That was Arezu's biggest question. She wished to know where her family tree went and if it involved Hairstyling even in the modern-day. The thought of that would greatly please Arezu. It would make her feel like her small work over at Jubilife Village mattered in the future and developed with the world. Just the thought of kickstarting the next generation of her bloodline. Even if it wasn't hairstyling, any occupation would do. However, not only did Ash know the answer to that but the occupation she was in was not one to be proud of.

"Yeah..." Ash sighed before giving a serious stare to Arezu. "I've seen her. But she's not styling hair at all."

"Oh...Well..." Arezu bit her lip before keeping her optimism. "That's fine. It's honestly unrealistic for me to expect my family to keep doing the same thing down the road. What does she do?"

"She's part of Team Galactic. It's a team that used to exist but it's no more. Her and everyone on that team tried to reset the universe."

"W-What!?" Arezu did not see that coming. Of all the things that she could've found out about her descendants, this was not one of them. Aiding in the complete resetting of the universe was outrageous.

"It's true. The same thing goes for my universe." Hilbert raised his arm being honest about it. "Lucas told me all about it. Looks like both our universes share events, huh?"

"In every universe, my descendant tries to destroy and restart the universe." Arezu's pupils dilated as she looked down. Her bags were dropped as she was in absolute disbelief. And how couldn't she be? "That can't be. W-What happens!?"

"Sorry. I don't know." Ash couldn't answer that. He knows nothing about Arezu's family line. This was something he couldn't answer. But Arezu needed an answer. The fact that something like this could happen down the line.

"What happened down the line? What could lead to such a decision?" Arezu couldn't get it out of her head. Something like this was impossible to burhs off, especially when it has something connected to her despite the time gap. "Surely...It must be something in my family bloodline..."

"Hey, no need to worry." But Ash was there to comfort her. "That doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. From what I've seen, you're pretty awesome."

"That is just me, Ash. I have no idea what my bloodline will be like down the road and what led to one of my descendants making such a decision. How am I supposed to respond to this?"

"We're still here so the universe was never reset. And besides, even though what Cyrus and Team Galactic tried to do was insane, I could still see what they were going for." Despite their actions, Ash always did see the other side of them. He never agreed with and barely anyone outside of that team would but he knew everyone had a reason for certain things.

"Yeah. There was probably a reason why she sided with Team Galactic and was all for that universe-resetting plan," said Hilbert. "To be fair, it's not like it was gonna be gone forever if they won. But there sure would be a ton of changes."

"I see..." Arezu took a deep breath, taking it all in. "I have to head home and think about this for a moment. "But thank you for your words, Ash. Hilbert. I hope to see you again."

"Sure. You can enter the future anytime you like." Ash would gladly love to see her again. "But uh...we're not saying goodbye to each other just yet. Gotta help you take these back home. What are you gonna do when you get home with these clothes by the way?"

"Many things. I'll start more than just a small hairstyling business." Arezu could at least go home with something new to offer. But in her mind, her descendant's actions were impossible to ignore. And for Arezu, she had to remember it and try to figure out what might happen down the road. Because surely, there was a reason for it.

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

Yet another day has come and gone. A peaceful Ponyville, as peaceful as it can be, was sitting pretty as always. Young ponies living here were already on their way to the Pokemon School for the day. And today, somepony older was heading elsewhere.

That pony was Rainbow Dash, who was setting her sights on the Battle Frontier. "Today's the day. You'll get the chance to take on the Battle Frontier, right?" Rarity said.

"That's right. I can finally get this thing rolling! I mean, not all the Frontier Brains are there but they say it's good enough!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Recently, news had come out that the Battle Frontier now had two more of its Frontier Brains available, making it four Frontier Brains. Two more were missing but this was seen as good enough.

"Hah..." Walking over to his friends was Ash who looked rather exhausted.

"Ash? You look awfully tired. What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy after seeing her good friend so tuckered out while the Sun was shining so gracefully.

"Arezu...Wanted to buy more stuff." Ash sat down, lowering his head as it had to do with Arezu. "Even after we were done with Jubilife. Couldn't get that much sleep."

"Pika-Pika." Pikachu wasn't facing that issue. It was mainly Dragonite and Lucario who carried the other bags since they had the muscle for it. He would pat Ash on the back, feeling his pain.

"Oh, it's only natural." Rarity chuckled. "I would tire anyone out if something piques my interest. But for her, she's from the past so her interest far surpasses mine and anyone else here."

"Sheesh. How much money did you spend for her to buy something?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"A lot. But I've still got plenty." Ash answered.

"Still? How often did you use your money during your adventures, Ash?" Spike questioned.

"Uh...I used it to eat, find a place to sleep, try out rides and some event stuff." In short, not that much. Ash was loaded, which to someone like Arezu, was the perfect opportunity to buy a lot of things.

"And you just let her use so much of your money?! I know it's not a massive dent Ash but..."

"It's fine." Ash expected something like this in the first place and had no qualms. "I knew she wanted to use my money, so I went through with it. But carrying those bags was not what I was prepared for. Anyway, what's up?"

"I'll tell you what's up! It's showtime! The Battle Frontier can get started! Two more of the Frontier Brains showed up, which means we're eligible to enter now!" Rainbow Dash would show Ash the newspaper.

"Oh yeah!" And just like that, Ash was re-energized, standing back up with high energy. Anything with a battle apparently restarted his spirit. For a brief moment. He would then make an exhausted face, sitting back down. "Nah...That's not even working for me."

"You need some fuel, Ash. Here." Luckily, Pinkie Pie was there to fuel him. Another thing that re-energizes Ash. Food. She would instantly feed Ash with as many cupcakes as she could gather, giving him the strength to continue for the day.

"Mmm!" Ash would feel his taste buds sing with joy and happiness after having Pinkie Pie's food which never failed to disappoint."Ah, yeah, that's much better. Thanks, Pinkie."

"Let's get a move on! I wanna be the first to challenge it and show everyone up!"

"You only show others up when you're last, Rainbow Dash or in the middle," said Rarity, knowing how something like that was supposed to play out.

"Since the Battle Frontier takes place in the entire Battle Carnival, you're gonna have to choose where you wanna start. We've been in there already so I'm guessing you know where to go, right?" Ash would get back up, finally having all the strength he needed for today.

"That's right. And I get to challenge whoever I want first. I think I could take on Sharon. Or maybe Luca. I don't know who the other two are. I gotta see them first to decide on something."

"Twilight won't be with us again?" said Fluttershy, bringing up the Princess of Friendship.

"Pokemon School, remember? I bet she must regret taking on the position of a principal. What a shame." Rarity shook her head.

"She'll catch up!" Rainbow Dash shrugged it off. " Just like now everyone's gonna have to play catch up after I ace the Battle Frontier! I'll be done with it in maybe two weeks or so. Maybe even less! Battle Frontier, here I come!"

Manehattan. The Battle Carnival. The Battle Frontier. Day.

Back to the Battle Carnival. Many were around this carnival but not for the purpose of seeing the Battle Frontier. They were only here to enjoy the Battle Carnival. That was the main appeal of it and the Battle Frontier could be considered something on the side. Right now, the carnival was very active with ponies inside, enjoying what it had to offer.

"Hello!" Bursting through the doors was Rainbow Dash, here for a throwdown with the Frontier Brains. Any of them would do. And upon entering, she was greeted by a Snorlax wearing an adorable top hat with a colourful bow, keeping in line with the carnival theme. However, eyes were drawn over Snorlax's real eyes, making it seem awake. And the way they were drawn absolutely terrified Rainbow Dash and the others upon seeing it. "Ghh!"

"Snorlax." Despite the terrifying eyes, Snorlax welcomed them inside.

"Look at this. One of our trainers who's signed up for the Battle Frontier." An employee said, approaching the group while the carnival went on in the background. "Welcome back. And you came at the right time. A rather early time too."

"Early as I can be." Rainbow Dash raised her head. "Just like how I was the first to do a Gym Battle here at Equestria, I'll be the first to take on the Battle Frontier. So, when do I start?"

"You can start at any time and since you look so eager, it's best that we get you started right now. Some of our employees are doing what they do best, entertaining our customers but you don't have to worry about that affecting your battle. Some will even love to view your Frontier Battle in the many rooms that we have."

"Do I get to choose who I get to battle first? That's how it went for you, right, Ash?" The pegasus looked over at the King of the Sea, wondering if she did have an option.

"Well, I only went to the first Frontier Facility I found out about. So I guess you can choose whoever you wanna start with."

"Indeed." The Employee confirmed it. "Unlike some Gym Battles, you're free to battle any Frontier Brain at any time. And the reward? A symbol made out of gold and silver. Those will be the equivalent of your Gym Badges. Now, we currently have four Frontier Brains here. The other two showed up yesterday but are rather busy at the moment."

"Fine with me! I think I'll get a bit daring today. Show me one of the new faces. That's who I wanna battle before I take on someone familiar." Rainbow Dash wanted someone she hasn't seen before, needing that challenge in her life.

"Alright then. The one we'll show is..." The employee held her hand out as along came a Swellow, dropping off a scroll in her hand. That scroll would then be opened up, showing Rainbow Dash the list and images of the Frontier Brains. "Her! You will be taking on Nadya."

"Wait. Her?" Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, viewing the image of Nadya. "Pretty small."

"Aw, look at her." Rarity gushed, finding her adorable. "Are you sure you want to take someone as cute as her on, Rainbow Dash?"

"Pssh. I've taken on cuter. I think." Rainbow Dash tied playing it off cool but couldn't think of another young Trainer of this kind of status that she's battled. Not at the moment, at least. "Maybe. Probably."

"She is a youthful one. Owns her own hotel where she comes from. Much like how Sharon is known as a Princess for her celebrity status, Nadya here has her own title. The Multicolor Plate Spinner. You should be careful around her. It's the youthful ones that tend to battle the wildest."

"Works for me. Alright, where can I find her?"

"You can find her-"

"Right here!" That answer would come straight to Rainbow Dash. After hearing about her name, Nadya made an appearance and it was a speedy one. The young Frontier Brain was currently riding on what appeared to be a rocket that was stylized to fit the carnival aesthetic.

The others gasped as the rocket was coming straight for them. It looked like Nadya was about to perform a horrible crash and the speed she was moving at wasn't reassuring. Snorlax didn't seem phased. In fact, it didn't look lit was paying attention at all.

Nadya had a rather devious look on her face as if she was doing this on purpose. And judging by how much of a balance she had on it, she most likely was. But just as everyone thought she was about to crash the rocket, it would suddenly melt and wobble. That was not a rocket. Instead, it was a Ditto.

"Ditto!" Ditto would revert to its original size as Nadya leapt off the second the Rocket Transformation ended. Ditto would just end up crashing into Snorlax, splatting on its back.

"I'm here!" Nadya made her rather alarming entrance, striking a star pose upon landing. "I came here as soon as I heard my name! I was just around the corner if you're wondering."

"Some entrance..." Applejack's heart was beating rather quickly as she was convinced that the rocket was about to explode. Audino even put up a Protect that ended up doing nothing. "If that was a real rocket..."

"Rockets don't get that big anyway. Unless they're from Unova." Nadya shrugged it off. "Anyway! Glad to hear i'm up first! I knew I'd get chosen first out of all the Frontier Brains. It just seemed natural. Hopefully, no one's looking down on me and that's why they chose me."

"I assure you that's not the case." The employee said, shifting her eyes over at Rainbow Dash, hoping that's not why the pegasus chose her.

"Nope. Definitely not." Rainbow shook her head. "I chose you because I wanna prove something."

"Prove something? You?" Nadya squinted, tilting her head and gazing at the multi-coloured maned mare. "Ehh...You don't look like the type."

"I don't?"

"No. You look one of those toys I had when I was young!" Nadya snickered. "It was a rainbow Ponyta and it was just the cutest thing I've ever seen! So the same goes for you!"

"A-Are you calling me a toy?!" Rainbow Dash barked at Nadya who would continue to laugh after immediately angering her.

"It's not the cute part you're reacting to?" said Rarity.

"This whole place feels like a toybox come to life. That's what I said when all of this crossover stuff happened in the first place. It's a dream come true for us little girls so don't feel too bad about it. Just like how you shouldn't feel bad when I beat you."

"When you beat me? As if!" Rainbow Dash scoffed as she fell right for one of the oldest tricks in the book. The Instigation of a Child. "I may be new at Pokemon but I'm older than you so I got a lot more to offer! No way a kid's going to beat me."

"I'm not a kid though. I'm just small, that's all~" Nadya whistled. "And you'll eat those words. Even if I was a kid, I would still be tough enough to take you on."

"Then let's do it. Right now. Rainbow Dash's the name!"

"You can do it in the required room if you would make your way there please." The employee broke up the squabbling. "Nadya. Please try not to rile up our customers. We talked about this."

"What? It gets them pumped for a more fun battle. That's what my father told me anyway. I hope you're ready, Rainbow Dash. You'll have time to choose which Pokemon you wanna battle with. Or...you could choose Rental Pokemon if you're not that confident."

"I am confident! My team's full of confidence!" Rainbow Dash flexed her hooves as Castform would fly out of her saddlebag, shouting with her.


"This will be a long battle, won't it?" Starlight Glimmer said. The energy these two were giving off made it clear that this upcoming battle would be a long one.

Whether it was their Pokemon being tough enough or their personalities clashing against each other. Either way, it was something worth watching. At last, Rainbow Dash could begin her first Frontier Battle as a way to fill in for the missing Equestria League while many trainers were currently playing catch-up. And it would be against Nadya, who was the youngest Frontier Brain here as the journey continues.

Chapter 231 End.

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