• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Galactic Throwdown

Equestria. Canterlot. Canterlot Castle. Day.

In Canterlot Castle, Twilight was currently with Celestia and Luna. Luna herself had just returned from Alola, dealing with the rest of the Malamar, much like the Pokemon Rangers. Celestia was immediately caught up with everything that happened last night, straight from Twilight and Luna's own experiences. Not only that, she was immediately contacted by the Ranger Union, informed about what Daybreaker's Group were doing now.

"They didn't even take a break from it all. They're already in Outer Space." Celestia spoke after speaking with the Ranger Union. The voices of those from the Union was actually playing from the new and improved Travel Sphere. Not only was it a means of quick transportation, but it was also given a communication function.

"They might be going straight for the Moon, just like Malamar." Twilight's suspicion was coming true indeed. Daybreaker's Team were very much doing what Malamar did but on a greater level.

"Who knows how far they've gone into space? Can we even follow them?" Luna questioned.

"Hmmm..." Celestia pondered. Despite taking on threats that dabble in space travel, she's only been to space once and it was via curiosity. "We do have one way of entering outer space. Or rather, two ways."

"Yeah? What are they?" Twilight leaned in with Luna, eager to know.

"That Rocketship that Team Rocket owns. Is it still around?" Celestia asked, immediately thinking about the one thing that can actually got into space and carry many.

"The Rocketship? Well...last I saw it, it was blasted off into the horizon with Team Rocket. The next time I saw Team Rocket, their Rocketship was nowhere to be found." Twilight grumbled. "I'm not sure they have it with them anyway. If they did, we would've noticed by now. I haven't even seen Tea Rocket for a while now."

"Hm. Then, option two is on our plate." With option one already done for, Celestia was going for the second option. "We'll have to talk with Galaxy Master."

"Him?" Luna groaned once Galaxy Master was brought up. "Really?"

"He's a great ally, Luna. You have to admit. He's also capable of going into space with that tower of his. I'm positive that Reshiram and Zekrom can breathe in space, but we still need to be in something to keep our oxygen." Celestia continued, raising a valid point.

"I know. But sister...Galaxy Master's body is made out of Pure Light. The same light from the Sea Temple Crystals since that is what brought him into existence. I already saw what one crystal did to Necrozma."

"True. But he is without a doubt plenty of help. There's no other way to reach him than speaking with Ash." Celestia pondered.

"Well...I could also speak with Potion Nova." Twilight had her own way of reaching him, putting on a proud smile. Since Potion Nova and Galaxy Master were teammates it was pretty easy to reach him with Potion Nova's help. "I'll talk to her, Princess Celestia."

"Wonderful. We'll be waiting, Twilight." Counting on Twilight, Celestia would focus her efforts on other things. Despite bringing up Reshiram, Celestia herself wasn't planning on heading to outer space, she had the other universes to tend to since they've been attacked by Daybreaker over the past months.

The Pokemon School.

"What do you mean she's not here?!" Alas, as soon as Twilight got back to the Pokemon School, she was shocked to find that Potion Nova was not in today.

"We were supposed to have her for today's lesson, but..." Scootaloo replied. Potion Nova was absent for today's lesson, pushing the option of having them reaching Galaxy Master.. The students were just lounging around in the classroom, doing whatever without a teacher present here.

"If she's not here, then that means..." Twilight reached one conclusion. Most likely, Potion Nova was already tackling this issue at this very moment. It seemed that Galaxy Master and Potion Nova were already ahead, dealing with a problem that transcends Earth itself. Twilight's eyes then turned to the window, gazing into the blue Sky where the Sun beamed down, wondering if the two of them were already in space. Twilight's mind raced with possibilities as she considered the implications of Potion Nova's absence.

Deerling Forest.

Currently, many Rangers had been sent to Deerling Forest over at Equestria. Once enough Pokemon Rangers were selected, they were ready to enter outer space. Among them was Jackie. With the Travel Sphere in hand, they had to be in a completely different area for it to function properly and Equestria was always the place to be. Currently, the rangers were speaking with the dispatchers back at the Ranger Union in Hoenn.

"Since we don't have available ships of our own, you'll have to enter one of the ships and overtake it." One of the dispatchers said. The best way to go about this is by having them take control of one of the ships. That way, they'll have something to use. "Princess Flurry Heart's instructions will help you plenty."

"That's great and all but...there's one thing I'm actually worried about." Jackie said while gearing up with his Capture Stylus, already knowing he'll run into opposing Pokemon in those ships.

"What's that?"

"There are tons of Pokemon already looking for Daybreaker's Team. They probably know who caused that huge ruckus during the Pokemon Festival and they're not gonna stop until they punish her. You know what that means, right?"

"Rayquaza..." One of the dispatchers had already caught on. She knew who Jackie was referring to, making the other rangers and dispatchers gasp.

"That's right. I have a feeling that things might get dicey up there and we'll be seeing Rayquaza pretty soon. Zygarde already started moving after what happened with the Black Crusade and Rayquaza isn't going to be any different. Hopefully, by the time we get there, Rayquaza hasn't already beaten them before we get the chance to have some fun."

"Well, just make sure you don't anger Rayquaza or provoke it in any way. Now, open the gateway." With the usage of the New Travel Sphere, a gateway was immediately opened up and it had one set destination. One of the ships of Daybreaker or Empress Twilight.

Specifically, they would show up in a discreet place of the ship. Thanks to Flurry Heart, they knew exactly which spot they should go for where they'll remain undetected. With Jackie going in first, other rangers would follow as the Deerling of the Deerling Forest witnessed many Pokemon Rangers vanish, entering a single ship. The gateway would then close before the Deerlings' eyes as the Rangers were now in enemy territory.

But they weren't the only ones heading into Outer Space.

The Galaxy Tower.

Just as Twilight predicted, Galaxy Master and Potion Nova were on their way. Currently, the Galaxy Tower was taking flight, breaking through the stratosphere already. Onboard, Potion Nova was closing her eyes, holding onto something due to the velocity the tower was ascending. From the bottom, it was using light energy to propel itself into the air, leaving behind stardust in the process.

"You packed me a space suit, right?!" Potion Nova grumbled while Pikachu rolled on the floor. "I'd really like to make it back to my students! We're supposed to be making Move Potions today!"

"It's fine, Nova. You'll be safe up there. Once we arrive, we'll intercept their movements so they never find Solagleo or Lunala. Space is a big place, so if we throw them off balance enough, it'll stick a massive wrench in their plans."

"Let's just not get lost in space. If things get out of hand, I have the potions for the job. Hopefully. How are we going to stop their movements though?" Potion Nova asked.

"Well...There'll be plenty of ships up there. We won't take them on directly. Instead, we'll do everything in our power to throw them off their course. No matter what, they can't get to the Moon or even the Sun. Somewhere around there, Solgaleo and Lunala are there."

The Galaxy Tower continued on its course, moving at greater speeds once it finally left Earth and reached Outer Space.
As the Galaxy Tower continued on its course, hurtling through the vast expanse of outer space at incredible speeds, the stage was set for a monumental clash between three powerful factions. Daybreaker's Alliance, the Pokémon Rangers, and Galaxy Master's Team were all converging in the final frontier, each with their own goals and objectives.

Kanto. Pallet Town. Ketchum Household. Day.

All the while, back on Earth, Ash was now receiving a call from Twilight via his Xtransceiver. He was just outside his home, ready to set off on another adventurous day. "You think they went into outer space?" Ash spoke to Twilight.

"I was hoping that you could contact him. That way, I'd know if Potion Nova was with Galaxy Master in outer space." Twilight spoke back.

With a swift motion, Ash activated his Xtransceiver's communication function, dialing the frequency that would connect him with Galaxy Master's team. As the call went through, he held his breath, hoping for a response that would provide some clarity in the midst of the chaos unfolding among the stars.

"Looks like he's not picking up. That always means he's busy...so he's definitely going straight for Daybreaker." Ash replied, giving Twilight a clear answer.

"So Potion Nova's already up there!" Twilight gasped.

"I say we go up there and help 'em out!" Enthusiastic as ever, Ash pointed to the azure sky, aiming to enter space as well just to chime in. And his adventurous spirit was also eager for it. The same went for Pikachu.


"Are you crazy?!" Twilight roared through the screen at Ash and Pikachu, making the both of them jitter. "You remember te last time we went to space, right!? Plus, there's no way we're going up there without a suit. We got lucky the last time being protected from the vacuum of space."

Ash scratched the back of his head sheepishly, realizing the validity of Twilight's concerns. "Yeah, you're right, Twilight. It's always pretty risky going up into space. But that hasn't stopped us before, has it?"

Pikachu nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Pika..."

"Hah...No." Twilight shook her head before putting on a smile. She was guilty of getting involved in dangerous situations against fearsome foes. The entire Malamar situation was a perfect representation of that. "But I don't think we can go into space right now anyway, Ash. And who knows how far they've gotten. If only we still had that Rocketship with us..."

"The Rocketship?" Ash spoke, recalling the ship that Team Rocket briefly used. At that moment, it clicked for him. "I got it! I know how we can get up there!"

"You do?" Twilight blinked. "Wait, do you know where the ship is?!"

"Nah. But you've gotta see this. Meet met in Pegalysium, Twilight. Bring some backup while you're at it." Ash had something to share with her, immediately hanging up the call.

"Ah, wait-" Twilight's voice was cut off as Ash was already on his way to Pegalysium.

Outer Space. On one of Empress Twilight's Ships.

As the Pokemon Rangers slipped into the secret compartment of the enemy ship, they moved with practised precision, ensuring that their presence went unnoticed by the occupants. Each step was taken with caution, their movements silent as they navigated through the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Okay, we're in. Everyone got a Shift Stone with them?" Jackie asked, looking back at his fellow Rangers.

"I do. Hurry and use it, it's already cramped in here." One of the Rangers groaned as the compartment they entered in was rather small since it was meant for ponies. Not Humans.

Together, they collectively used the Shift Stones, attempting to transform themselves into the forces in this ship to perfectly blend in. They were about to perform plenty of sabotage, taking the discreet path instead of causing a ruckus.

As the energy of the stones enveloped them, their forms shimmered and changed, seamlessly adopting the appearance of the ship's crew. From the light emerged Fake Members of Empress Twilight's Forces.

Once their transformation was complete, the Rangers glanced at one another, nodding in silent acknowledgement of their success. "Nice." Jackie then took off the helmet, revealing that his appearance as a pony was similar to that of his natural appearance. Blonde hair, blue eyes and all. "Is it all good?"

"Yeah~!" Some of the girls would squeak at the sight of Jackie's face before closing their mouths, remembering not to make a sound. With their new disguises in place, they blended seamlessly into the bustling corridors of the ship, their movements now unnoticed by the unsuspecting crew.

As they made their way deeper into the vessel, the Rangers kept their senses sharp, remaining vigilant for any signs of suspicion or discovery.

But there was one issue. Not many, if not all are used to being ponies or have ever been ponies. One Ranger, attempting to duck behind a corner, accidentally bumped into a passing crew member, quickly recovering with a sheepish grin and a mumbled apology. Her movements were disrupted as a pony. Walking on hooves was not as easy as it seemed.

Jackie seemed to be managing fine but even he was wobbling here and there. But with gentle timing, he was starting to get the movement patterns of a pony down.

Meanwhile, some of the other Rangers were struggling to imitate the pony crew's movements, resulting in a few mishaps. One Ranger, attempting to replicate a pony's prancing gait, ended up tripping over their own feet and stumbling into a nearby crate.

Another Ranger, trying to mimic the way a pony flicked their tail, accidentally smacked themselves in the face with their own makeshift tail made out of a piece of fabric. The Dispatchers back at the Ranger Union could already feel the clumsiness from here and simply sighed.

"Kidd was right. We should've trained them in that." One of the Dispatchers said.

For the most part, they were staying out of trouble, mostly standing still while the ships were all approaching the Moon. But while Jackie was beginning to look for something to sabotage, his ears caught onto a familiar voice.

The voice of Empress Twilight.

"At worst, it could end up shattering pieces of the Moon. That would just leave Necrozma with less light to absorb, but it'll be enough, I suppose."

Jackie's ears perked up as he overheard Empress Twilight's conversation, his curiosity piqued by the mention of Necrozma and the potential consequences of their actions. But this wasn't anything new to him.

"But that could all go wrong if Rayquaza shows up." Just like what Jackie was thinking, Empress Twilight thought the same thing. She was also expecting Rayquaza. "The Rangers are the last of our worries."

Just then, the ship, and by extension the other ships out there all received an alert. "Attention. High-Level Threat Pokemon up ahead." The ship was notifying them of a Pokemon out in space that was just up ahead. And there could be only one Pokemon in quesiton.

"It's Rayquaza," Jackie muttered under his breath, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "We knew this was coming."

"Shoot! It's already here!" Empress Twilight grizzled her teeth when looking up at the speaker of the alarm. With her order, her own troops would immediately scatter, heading to their stations to prepare for the Dragon-Flying-Type. With Rayquaza in the picture, that heap of trouble some of them feared was coming true.

And why wouldn't it? Daybreaker's team were currently on a hit list by some of the most vital Legendary Pokemon who protect the planet. After what she and Gardevoir did, there was no way they were going to be exempt from Legendary Trouble.

The Solar Sword.

Upon receiving the alert of the high-level threat Pokémon, Daybreaker's attention was immediately drawn to the approaching figure in the distance. As the green form slowly emerged into view, the unmistakable silhouette of Rayquaza became apparent, its powerful presence casting a shadow over the ship.

"There you are." Daybreaker smiled when spotting Rayquaza. She saw Rayquaza not just as a formidable adversary, but as a potential source of power. "I bet you have a lot of Light Energy for Necrozma to absorb," Daybreaker remarked, her tone laced with anticipation. She knew that Rayquaza's presence in the vicinity could provide them with plenty of light.

For some of the strongest Pokemon out there, Daybreaker was expecting them to possess enough Light Energy to excite Necrozma.

Meanwhile, aboard the other ships in the fleet, similar scenes unfolded as crews reacted to the sudden appearance of Rayquaza on the horizon. Many Engineers monitored the ship's systems, ready to enact emergency protocols if needed to navigate away from Rayquaza's looming presence.

The Sky High Pokemon let out a powerful roar, essentially informing them it was coming straight for them all. Especially Daybreaker. There was no way Rayquaza was going to let them touch the moon, let alone reach it.

"You're here for me, aren't you?" And Daybreaker knew it. "Challenge accepted. I'll blow you away and take all your Light Energy. Weaken him. Fire."

As Daybreaker issued her command to weaken Rayquaza and open fire, a sense of urgency swept through the fleet of ships. Crew members sprang into action, manning weapons systems and targeting the legendary Pokémon with precision and determination.

On Daybreaker's main ship, the crew swiftly activated the ship's arsenal, directing Magical Energy cannons with tons of light towards Rayquaza's imposing form.

Meanwhile, aboard the other ships in the fleet, similar scenes unfolded as crews coordinated their efforts to weaken Rayquaza and drive it away. Many of the forces on each ship, took aim, aligning targeting reticles with the distant silhouette of the legendary Pokémon as they prepared to unleash a barrage of energy blasts and projectiles.

With Daybreaker's command ringing in their ears, the crews of the ships unleashed a volley of attacks upon Rayquaza, unleashing a storm of energy and firepower in an effort to weaken the legendary Pokémon and drive it back. Beams of concentrated energy lanced out from the ships, streaking across the void of space toward their target with deadly precision.

In response, Rayquaza would slither around some of the rays of light, evading them with its serpentine shape. Not only that, Rayquaza found some openings, using Hyper Beam. a fierce burst of Infinity Energy would fly forward, engulfing some of the rays of light and heading straight for the Solar Sword.

However, the beam was immediately stopped by a Golden Magical Shield, preventing it from touching the Solar Sword. Daybreaker grinned as she used her own magic to block it. Not only that, other unicorns on her team were using their own magic to protect the ships. After blocking it, the attacks came flying back, pelting Rayquaza.

As the onslaught intensified, Rayquaza's form shimmered and shifted, buffeted by the force of the attacks raining down upon it. The legendary Pokémon roared defiantly, unleashing blasts of energy of its own in response as it sought to defend itself against the relentless assault.

"Yeesh! They're really going at it out there!" Jackie whistled, seeing the flashes of lights and various attacks flying by. The darkness of space was being lit up because of this clash. But now that they were busy fighting Rayquaza, Jackie and the other rangers saw this as a perfect opportunity to sabotage them.

Just right from the chaos unfolding in the vast expanse of space, the Galaxy Tower was nearby. From its vantage point, Galaxy Master and Potion Nova observed the intense clash between the ships and Rayquaza.

"It's already started." Galaxy Master said. As they gazed out into the abyss, the spectacle of the battle played out before them, the flashes of light and bursts of energy casting a surreal glow across the cosmic landscape. Despite the distance separating them from the fray, Galaxy Master and Potion Nova could feel the intensity of the conflict reverberating through the cosmos, even reaching their ship.

"It's quite the sight, isn't it?" Potion Nova remarked, her voice tinged with awe as she watched the battle unfold.

"Get your potions ready. We're not going in the middle of it, but were are going to mess those ships up." Galaxy Master said.

"I got it!" Potion Nova reached for the array of potions she had prepared for the journey. As she retrieved the vials containing her potent concoctions, Galaxy Master was getting the tower ready to unleash these potions.

The conflict that each faction expected to happen was finally occurring. The Guardian of the Skies Rayquaza, the Tyrannical Forces of Daybreaker and Empress Twilight, the Pokemon Rangers and Galaxy Master's team were all active, just away from Earth but also away from the Moon itself.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 418 End.

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