• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Solid Sister, Sealed Daughter

The Dream Realm. Hyperdream.

In the Dream Realm, Divine Power was gathering up in a single spot. A powerful aura could be felt all around the realm as Crag held his hands in the air, his body emanating a cruel darkness. He was sending the divine energy he obtained from Arceus, sending it over to the real world. But he wasn't just gathering it all into a single spot. With Luna and Darkrai being his opponents, Crag would also use Divine Power against them.

Luna's eyes widened as she felt an immense surge of power coming from the Dream Dragon, sensing the incredible amount of divine energy that was emanating from him. "Is this...? Could this really be...?" She uttered.

"This is Arceus's power!" Darkrai answered, confirming her suspicions. The pressure that was building up was becoming overwhelming, forcing Luna and Darkrai back. Crag cackled, putting his claws together, generating a crackling pulse of Nightmare Energy mixed in with Divine Energy.

"It was a delight getting to deal with you two, but it's about time I finished this. My dear Mistress wants the power of Arceus immediately. So this must end swiftly. Don't worry. This power won't destroy you, no. It'll make you one of us, a Nightmare. Just like everything else." Crag's claws crackled and sparked, creating a cataclysmic flare of Nightmare and Divine Energy.

He would then unleash the flare, directing it straight at the two. The energy was coming at them, a bright light that was a mixture of black and gold, but Luna narrowed her eyes, her horn flashing as she decided to respond to such an attack.

Luna's eyes lit up as she unleashed her own flare, clashing with Crag's. The two flares collided, resulting in a sonic boom that would reverberate throughout the realm. Luna was pushed back by this Sonic Boom and so was Crag, who was actually surprised by her retaliation.

"Impossible! You managed to tie with it?! This was the power of Arceus, no doubt! How were you able to handle it?!"

"You only took a bit of his power. While it's still intimidating, that doesn't make you unbeatable. You're also sending some of it to Nightmare Rarity after all, so you're already losing some of that power. Which means, I can easily overcome you in no time."

"Bah! I will keep half of the power while the other half goes to the Vfeiled Mistress! And after we're done here, we'll continue to take power from Arceus's Dream until there is nothing left." Crag snarled.

"Even so, Luna...Be careful." Darkrai spoke. "Arceus's Dream isn't the only one he's stolen power from. He can surprise you with something unexpected, so watch out."

"He is correct. Such as this!" Crag would suddenly clench his claws, grabbing the space in the Dream Realm as if it were a blanket. By grabbing it, Crag began pulling the space in front of him forward, which in turn, started pulling Luna and Darkrai his way.

"Ack! W-What is this?!"

"Gah! The space itself is being pulled forward!"

Crag would continue pulling the space, creating a force that was dragging his opponents in. Luna, however, wouldn't let it get the better of her. She would create a telekinetic force, using the power of her mind to pull the space back towards her, preventing herself from moving.

"Go, Darkrai! Poison Jab!" Luna bellowed while manipulating the space around her. Darkrai nodded, advancing towards Crag, lacing his claws with Poison. Darkrai suddenly sped, up, becoming a bit of a black blur as Crag would swing one of his claws directly at the Pitch Black Pokemon.

Darkrai managed to dodge, flying under the claw before then delivering a direct hit to Crag's chest. The impact was heavy, causing Crag to stagger and lose his control of space, stopping the pulling motion.

After delivering the blow, Darkrai would repeatedly slash at Crag's claw with heavy hits, lifting him into the air each time. Body shot after body shot kept raising the Nightmare Dragon, keeping the pressure up. However, Luna then noticed how some of the Dream Bubbles above were starting to fall, no longer floating properly.

She gasped as it was revealed that Crag, while being continuously struck, managed to manipulate the Dream Bubbles above him by messing with space once more and was now sending them towards Luna and Darkrai with the weight of a building behind them.

"Darkrai! Watch out!"

"Hm?!" Darkrai didn't have the chance to dodge, not knowing what was happening above him. Crag's manipulation was incredibly subtle. Dream Bubbles would start pouring on them all in massive numbers, Luna put up a protective barrier around herself as the bubbles were covering her, essentially flooding her and Darkrai.

Crag cackled as he was also being flooded by them, but he made sure he wouldn't take any damage as the three of them had their bodies hidden from the Dream Realm, masked by the Dream Bubble. However, not even 5 seconds later, Crag came flying out of the Dream Bubble, receiving another hit that sent him upwards.

"What!?" Crag was in disbelief as Darkrai had delivered his strongest hit yet.

"Go! Dark Pulse!" Luna shouted. The Pitch Black Pokemon wasn't done as he would also fly upwards, having a Dark Pulse ready in his claws. The Darkness around his claws would be clenched, preparing to be used as a Physical Attack instead. Darkrai flew past Crag, going over him and deciding to attack from above.

He cocked back his arm and claw before diving down at high seeds, becoming a black streak as the shadows were being trailed behind him. Before Crag could react, he would receive a heavy strike directly on his chest, which sent him plummeting through the Dream Realm as darkness danced around his body, leaving him staggered. This was followed up by Luna unleashing a beam of Lunar energy, hitting the Nightmare Dragon directly and forcing him even further down.

"Go for it, Darkrai! Dark Pulse and Thunderbolt! Together!"

Darkrai would generate Darkness on his left and Lightning on his right, immediately flying down once more at his best speeds. Crag's eyes widened as Darkrai ruthlessly slammed both attacks onto the top of his head, generating an intense burst of power.

The sheer explosion of this attack would blow Crag away, sending him hurtling through the Dream Realm before his body ended up stopping in front of one of the Dream Bubbles. He would struggle, his body trembling as he was bewildered by how quickly the tides were turning. Darkrai was now performing well with Luna by his side, which stunned Crag. He initially thought it was because he gave up some of that Divine Power to the throne room, but this was rather ridiculous.

"Now, Luna! Get ready to end this!" Darkrai shouted as Luna was prepared to attack, her horn shining bright.

"Alright!" Luna closed her eyes, her magic building up inside her horn, preparing to finish the battle by obliterating Crag, ending this Nightmare. But while she was building it up and Crag's body was starting to stagger since the Thunderbolt had paralyzed him, something would fly through the Dream Realm, heading in Luna's direction.

Luna's charge-up was interrupted as a nightly- beam the size of a string came up to her The Moon Princess gasped, instinctively putting up a barrier instead of unleashing an attack as the string would collide with her shield, resulting in a paroxysm of Nightmare Energy.

"Nnngh!" Luna gritted her teeth, her eyes widened. She would quickly see that the blast came from Nightmare Rarity, who had made her move to stop her. She was using a string of her hair as a makeshift beam.

She did say she would be showing up to the Dream Realm to finish what she started with Luna 2 years back and she certainly wasn't lying. This was a reminder to Luna that she wasn't done with her, wanting to put an end to her for good.

"V-Veiled Mistress!" Crag gasped.

"Luna." Nightmare Rarity spoke, hovering above them all to feel better than the rest as a smug smile met her face. "My, oh, my. You've kept Crag occupied for a while, haven't you? Especially your Darkrai. What a splendid job you've done."

"Mmrgh..." Luna grumbled while eyeing her down.

"And I'm so glad I could interrupt the moment too. That was just perfect."

"V-Veiled Mistress. If I may speak.." Crag groaned, his body still trembling. "I was just about to deliver the final blow to them, so please do not be concerned. I'll handle this."

"You won't. Because I'll be the one doing that." Nightmare Rarity stated, making Crag's eyes widen. "I need you to gather more power from Arceus's Dream, alright? Do you think you can manage that?"

"O-Of course! Yes!" Crag nodded rapidly. "Anything for you, my Mistress!"

"Good. Then go ahead." She said as Crag nodded, beginning his ascent into the sky. Luna and Darkrai glared, ready to give it another go. The Nightmare Queen would start descending slowly, keeping her eyes on her. "Now then. Unlike last time, I don't believe there'll be any interruptions if I'm not mistaken. Right now, out there, your universe is clashing against mine. I suspect that by the time I'm finished here, everything back out there will be over. And in my favour of course. If not, then I'll have to finish up everything else."

"I highly doubt that." Luna scowled. "You're right about one thing. There won't be any interruptions. After all, the last time we confronted each other in here, I had yet to control Lunar Ire. But now, I am in full control, unlike last time."

"Hoh? Do you think I was just sitting around, twiddling my hooves after that?" Nightmare Rarity questioned. "You'd be very wrong, Luna. I have been quite busy, making plans and setting things up. Dreams are what are most important to me, so I made sure to prepare myself for the day I fully conquer this Dream Realm. Especially since it's the largest I've ever seen. Dreams of the past, present and even the future are stored here, all for my taking. And it's only a matter of time until it becomes mine. You'll just become an obstacle in my way."

"Darkrai. Can you continue?" Luna asked, glancing over to her comrade.

"I'm still beat up, but I can go on." Darkrai held onto his arm, still suffering from the damage Crag dealt to him this entire time. "But what about Crag? One of us will have to deal with him."

"No need to worry," Luna smirked, knowing something that Nightmare Rarity didn't. "There's someone that'll deal with Crag. Let's focus our efforts on her. We'll force her out of our Dream Realm and bring her whole empire down. I'm positive that it won't be too long."

"Hah!" Nightmare Rarity hollered with a bellowing laugh. "Haha! Oh, I'm actually hoping that it's long. Because then, you'll get to see the outcome on the outside when it's all over. So do try your best, Luna."

Universe 5.

Back outside, in Oculus Gloom's base, she had revealed that this world's Moon was none other than Twilight Sparkle. This shocking revelation was enough to stun the Pokemon and even their Trainers. It was an absolutely devastating truth, and the thought of it being real was enough to bring chills to their spines.

"S-She's the Moon?" Twilight Velvet murmured, her body trembling.

"Yes. The Veiled Mistress knew how much of a problem she could be, so as a result, she was made to become the Moon itself. That way, any attempt to break our overflowing power source will require the destruction of the Moon itself. And of course, Twilight Sparkle herself. We Nightmare Monsters can simply return even after being destroyed. We are made from the Nightmares or many after all, so in a sense, we are immortal. We are eternal. And the only way to stop that is by bringing an end to Twilight Sparkle."

"You're lying!" Moondancer protested.

"Am I?" Oculus Gloom chuckled, turning her gaze back to the Pokemon, all of whom were struggling to fight back the transformation.

Some of the Pokemon and even their Trainers had given in, succumbing to the Nightmare Energy and were now beginning their transformations, screaming and crying as their cells were changing, becoming the stuff of nightmares.

The process was already taking place, starting from the very core of the body. Their bones were shifting and cracking, changing into a far more monstrous form, and their organs were beginning to shift as well. Some of the Pokemon's faces were distorting, becoming terrifying.

Scootaloo was forced to watch as her Rapidash was no longer recognizable, his body morphing and changing, the sound of bones breaking was loud enough to hear. She would look down at her own body, realizing that she would be next.

"S-Stop! Let him go!" Scootaloo tried to move about, attempting to wiggle her way out, but nothing was working. Her limbs were too weak and she could hardly even move.

"Much like how it is pointless to resist the transformation, it will also be pointless for you to even try and defeat us." Oculus Gloom continued. "I know for a fact you cannot bring yourself to destroy Twilight Sparkle. Even if she is not the one from your Universe. I tell you this because this confirms our victory. You cannot hope to stop us, no matter what you do. Your universe has lost and the Nightmare Monsters are unstoppable."

"Oh, Twilight..." For Twilight Velvet, that was soul crushing. To hear that her daughter was the very power source for this enemy was too much for her. The thought of destroying her own daughter was horrifying and she didn't know if she could even attempt to do so. No one would wish to do such a thing.

As a result, Twilight Velvet and friends of Twilight suddenly had Nightmare Energy surrounding their bodies, reacting to their emotions. They would soon find themselves getting closer to their restraints, almost like they were being pulled forward.

"Hm. It appears the Nightmare Energy is responding to you. How fitting." Oculus Gloom uttered. "By learning this, you have gained a new Nightmare. The Destruction of your Daughter or Friend. Either one works. With this, corrupting you will be 10x easier than it was before."

Just then, the walls of this area would break open, resulting in debris falling down. Oculus Gloom's attention turned to the source of the disturbance, seeing some Nightmare Monsters fall down.

"Hm?!" Oculus gasped as through the smoke and the dust was none other than Dimstar and the Vampires, all of whom had managed to break in.

"Dimstar!" Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and some of the Ponyville Residents bellowed.

"Found you. It looks like you're doing what I expected." Dimstar narrowed her eyes, her tendrils floating around, unseen by everyone else. "Are you all alright? You're not hurt, are you?"

"Well, this is a surprise." Oculus Gloom slithered to the side when gazing at the Vampires. "To see fellow Creatures of the Night such as your self assisting them is strange. To think that you Vampires actually sided with them. How pathetic."

"They saved us from centuries of darkness, so we owe everything to them." Dimstar scowled. "While we still live in darkness, it has a brightness to it very much needed. And right now, you Nightmare Monsters and your Universe are attempting to take that light away from us. So we won't stand for it."

"Yeah, yeah!" Eccentrick bellowed, waving her hooves and supporting Dimstar. "What she said!"

"We're gonna save all of you. So hold on." Dimstar would then extend her tentacles, aiming straight for the Shadow Slime Monster, who was unable to see the tendrils coming its way. No one could.

The Shadow Slime Monster was suddenly struck by a powerful impact, causing the whole body to shake and tremble. A massive dent was formed on its body, which caused it to wobble and stagger.

"Wh-What...!?" Oculus Gloom was baffled, feeling the impact despite not being the one hit. The Shadow Slime Monster was thrown to the side, the ponies within being freed from its grasp. All of their bodies were still covered in slime, so they were still rather sluggish.

"Ugh..." Mayor Mare groaned, her body covered in slime. All of them groaned as they were trying to get the slime off of their bodies as they laid there. Oculus Gloom would growl before glaring at Dimstar. The vampires immediately rushed over to try and grab all the ponies, taking them away.

"You will not interfere! Begone!" Oculus Gloom hissed, extending her own tendrils and shooting them towards the vampires. Dimstar noticed how she had tendrils herself, quickly blocking the incoming attack by having her own tendrils clash against hers.

"D-Dimstar...Our Pokemon..." Apple Bloom groaned while being picked up by one of Dimstar's tendrils. The Half-Lich Half-Vampire glanced at the Pokemon, seeing how some of them had started transforming, and others were already done, their bodies looking nothing like they used to.

"It's too late. It's already started. You can't do anything about them now. If I were you, I'd be more concerned about yourselves!" Oculus would lash out, swinging her tendrils in multiple directions. Dimstar's eyes widened, quickly throwing her vampires aside before getting hit, her body moving around rapidly.

Dimstar's tentacles would be sent flying, the impact strong enough to cause the half-lich and half-vampire to spin around in circles. She gritted her teeth, enduring the pain. She then narrowed her eyes, deciding to respond in kind.

"I won't let you stop us!" Dimstar would suddenly extend her own tendrils, shooting them directly at Oculus Gloom. The single-eyed monster was hit by the attacks, feeling the impact of Dimstar's invisible tentacles.

However, despite being unable to see Dimstar's invisible tendrils, Oculus Gloom was still managing to block them. She could sense the attack coming, her senses allowing her to feel the air currents and movements in the area.

"I gotcha!" Ecentrick, using her Reverse Magic, placed her hoof on some of the Pokemon here, undoing the transformation that took place. Oculus was stunned. The magic would overlay the Nightmare Energy, promptly reversing it to what the Pokemon originally had. Infinity Energy.

"Impossible...She has the power to reverse it so easily...?" Oculus Gloom was dumbfounded, never expecting something like this.

Those who were grabbed would be led out by the vampires one by one, all of whom were making their escape. But some of the ponies were still unable to get up, their bodies still covered in the Shadow Slime.

"You aren't going anywhere." Oculus Gloom snarled as her eye would suddenly flash. From the floor, a dark substance would emerge, shooting up. It was like a liquid, a black puddle that emerged, and it would cover the floor, spreading itself around the entire room.

"What the heck is this stuff?!" Eccentrick yelped, her hooves being covered in the stuff. The vampires and the ponies were all shocked, their feet, hooves covered in the dark liquid.

"This is the liquid that makes up my body. While it is not my main form, this is the substance I'm composed of. This liquid will cover your entire bodies, keeping you in place and making you unable to move. If you think any of you are leaving, you are greatly mistaken. Especially you, Lich.

Dimstar gasped, her eyes widened as Oculus Gloom turned to her. "Having a Lich as a Nightmare Monster will also do us wonders. You're not just an obstacle, but a powerful one. I can't let you leave. If I do, then my Mistress will be disappointed."

"Ngh...!" Dimstar growled, struggling to break free from the substance. Oculus Gloom would cut off the exit to her base, preventing the others from escaping. That substance would rapidly move across her base, blocking off all doors, windows, and exits.

The vampires who were moving through the base found the entrances being covered, which would trap them all. The entire building was covered in a dark substance, which would make it extremely difficult to escape.

Dimstar snarled at Oculus Gloom, knowing she wasn't leaving here as soon as possible. She would have to get past this problem first and it certainly wouldn't be easy. Not when Oculus Gloom was Nightmare Rarity's Right-Hand and most loyal Servant.

Within the Palace, Celestia was having to deal with the obstacles inside. There were Nightmare Knights, the same ones as the one Sweetie Belle had defeated earlier. All of them were coming her way, attacking her. In response, Celestia had brought out her Kommo-o to take on these Nightmare Knights and their heavy weapons.

At the same time, the castle was attempting to sabotage her, being filled with Nightmare Monsters that exist in the walls, stairs and so on. Kommo-o had blocked the swords that were aiming to strike, parrying their attacks and striking them with his claws. He would unleash Dragon Claw, launching some of them back with sheer strength.

He would then proceed to unleash a flurry of blows on the Knight, landing multiple hits before finally knocking them away. Kommo-o's arms were swift, delivering heavy strikes to the Nightmare Monsters, showing why he is the Dragon type known for his fists.

Celestia was quick to follow, releasing a powerful flash of light that dispersed some of the Nightmare Monsters. Their bodies fizzled out, vanishing into nothingness, their energy being sent back to the Veiled Mistress.

Gardevoir's Dazzling Gleam would do the same thing, sending the remaining Nightmare Knights back, which left a clear path for her and her Trainer. As Kommo-o was dealing with some of the obstacles, Gardevoir's eyes would glow as she levitated objects with her Psychic, creating a pathway through the castle.

One of the doors opened up, revealing to be another monster with a massive mouth. These doors and the entrance they held would release a storm of Nightmare Energy, shooting out to hit Celestia and Passion, who narrowly managed to dodge the attack, running into the hallway.

"Passion! Plasma Bolt!" Celestia bellowed after dodging it.

"Garde...!" By combining Mystical Fire and Thunderbolt, the result is the powerful Plasma Bolt. A powerful beam of electricity and fire would strike the door, leaving a hole in the entrance and a charred spot where the monster was. The door would melt, collapsing to the floor, allowing her and Passion to run through.

"Kommo-o! Dragon Rush!" As Kommo-o continued battling the Nightmare Monsters, Celestia had him deliver a swift attack that was far more devastating, sending the opponents flying. They were all knocked back, which made Kommo-o's way to his trainer easier.

"Go!" Kommo-o nodded, joining Celestia and Passion. The group would make their way through the hallway, running down the steps while being careful of the floor and stairs.

Eventually, while moving, Celestia suddenly heard a voice inside her head. She paused, as the voice rang out to her, the Sun Princess narrowing her eyes. She looked to the right, noticing that the sound was coming from that direction.

Celestia stopped her movements, her gaze being focused on the door in front of her. Gardevoir and Kommo-o, alongside Passion, looked at Celestia, confused.

"Gardevoir...?" Passion uttered.

"That voice..." Celestia's eyes widened, recognizing the voice. It was familiar. She would start walking over, approaching the door. This door didn't have any special tricks to it. So far, this was the most normal door in the castle, which was strange. And the room itself was the size of a broom closet.

And in this room, which was a mere broom closet, was a pony who had been missing since the attack began. Celestia's eyes widened upon opening the door, realizing that this room was some sort of ballet room. And in it was a statue of Luna, one that was dressed in a ballet outfit.

The Princess of the Night had been turned into a statue, frozen in time, and she was here.

"Luna...!" Celestia gasped, rushing over to her sister. It appeared that the only thing Nightmare Rarity couldn't freeze was her voice as she was constantly calling out her sister's name.

"Sister..." Luna cried out. That was only the word she could spout. But it was enough for Celestia to know that it was really her. Celestia could hear the sorrow in her voice. The cruelty behind this was clear. Nightmare Rarity had turned her version of Luna into a statue, making her a living decoration.

Celestia placed her hoof on Luna gently, her eyes narrowing. Touching the statue allowed Luna to finally stop spinning, standing perfectly still. Luna's eyes would meet her sister's, who was clearly distraught, seeing the state of her younger sister. With her horn glowing, Celestia would begin to use her magic on the statue, hoping she could turn it back.

Thankfully, that was the case. Her magic was strong enough to return her sister back to her normal self. The material of the stature shattered before fizzling out, revealing Luna to be standing there.

"Sister...?" Luna uttered with a weak voice as she collapsed. Celestia managed to catch her, looking into her little sister's eyes. Her eyes were hollow and void, no longer full of life. But she was still able to speak, so she was conscious, even though her eyes looked lifeless.

"It's alright, Luna. I'm here." Celestia held her close. "What happened...? She turned you into a statue? Flurry Heart did mention how Nightmare Rarity would go from universe to universe, taking the princesses of the world and turning them into statues, decorating her castle with them."

If only this Luna could say anything else. She was far too weak right now, the effects of her transformation into a statue being clear. Her body was incredibly cold, shivering. Celestia would hold onto her, trying to warm her up with her magic. The warmth of the Sun would surely help, and she was more than happy to provide it.

It even burned away the ballet dress that Luna was wearing, removing it completely as a way to be free from Nightmare Rarity. But she wasn't free just yet. Not until everything else was done.

Luna actually did feel warm, but she wasn't saying a word, her eyes looking at her sister. Luna couldn't stay here. Not in this universe. Not with this conflict happening. Celestia wasn't sure which Universe she came from to take her back and she couldn't exactly say it right now.

"You need to be somewhere safe. Far away from here. Kommo-o." Celestia then faced Kommo-o. "Take her back to our universe. Send her to the Pikachu Highlands. They'll keep her safe there. Once you do, come back."

"Ko! Kommo!" Kommo-o bowed. He would then carry the weakened Princess, heading straight for the exit. Celestia would turn her gaze back to her sister, whose body was still quivering.

"Don't worry, Luna. You'll be fine. We'll handle things from here. I promise." Celestia spoke, causing Luna to look her way. The Moon Princess's body was still shivering, her eyes not blinking. But she did eventually nod her head, letting Celestia know that she had understood.

She would watch her sister walk away, her body being held by Kommo-o. She had faith that the Pokemon would be able to bring her sister back to her Universe safely, knowing how much strength they have.

But for the Princess of the Night, it was over for her. She couldn't do a single thing anymore. This Universe's Luna had already fallen and her place was taken by her own.

"Nightmare Rarity...!" Celestia growled, furious at what Nightmare Rarity had done to her sister. Alternate Universe or not, Nightmare Rarity had no right to do such a thing. Not to any princess. And that's what made her so unforgivable. She had a greater drive to bring her empire down as she continued on her way, searching for the throne room.

This anger that was burning up in Celestia was potent indeed. Potent enough for a small flicker of flames to show up in her mane.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 477 End.

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