• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Action, Alola!

Equestria. Yakyakistan. Day.

In Yakyakistan, the Yaks were currently viewing a movie straight from PokeStar Studios. Ever since they learned about movies, they've been hooked and it became their favourite hobby. The way they're able to view it in their land despite having no screens is by using some sort of magic, making it possible.

Yona was one of those Yaks viewing it, standing next to her Piloswine. Out of all the Yaks, Yona was the most interested in movies, and it's safe to say she has a thing for them. Recently, she's been given movie equipment of her own, courtesy of PokeStar Studios. Once the film they were viewing finished up, the Yaks would all give a loud applause by stomping their hooves and trumpeting.

"So much fun. So much fun!" One of the Yaks exclaimed. They all walk off afterwards, getting on with their day. Yona and Piloswine would continue to stay, watching the credits roll by.

"Yona wants to make a movie like that already..." The Yak said to herself, thinking about the plot of the movie she had just watched. She then gazed at the equipment she had with her, knowing what had to be done. She's been waiting for this day and now was the moment to make it happen.

Wasting no time, she pulled the equipment using a rope she attacked to herself, dragging it along the snow with the widest grin on her face. It was off to her home.

"Yona is going to make her own movie now. A movie about Yona and Piloswine." She would get right to work, picking up the camera and aiming it. She would press the record button, beginning the recording process while she was still moving. She had yet to even return to her home. "Yona, a young Yak, is going to be the star. And Piloswine will play the lead!"

"Pilo." Piloswine grunted, looking at the camera.

"This will be Yona's movie. It's going to be great!" The Yak spoke as she continued walking, moving through the area with Piloswine by her side. But while moving it, Yona was thinking about the premise of her movie. She knew a movie always needed that instead of just randomly doing things for the sake of it. Her eyes would wander around, seeing all the snow, the mountains, the trees, and the clear sky.

"Oh! Yona knows!" She would suddenly stop, gazing at the scenery. The extremely cold scenery before her was the perfect inspiration for a movie. She already had the title for the film and it was 'Frozen Yogurt'. "Yona make a movie about the frosty north! Frozen Yogurt. Mmm...Yogurt..."

"Swin..." Piloswine would mumble.

Using her own home as an example, Yona would get to work, taking a crack at her first movie with just her and Piloswine. With her mind made up, she would start acting, putting herself into the mindset of a protagonist.

"Oh, oh! Yona's character. Yona's character..." The Yak would try to think of what her character would be like. But nothing was clicking for her at all it seemed. She didn't know the first thing about the plot either, considering she came up with this on the spot. But that wouldn't deter her at all.

"Oh, oh! Yona's character is going to be a Yak. And she will live in the mountains with her family. And her name will be...Yona. Yona."


"Yona, the Yak!" She would repeat, not having a creative bone in her body at the moment. From this point on, Yona would just wing it, going with the flow and improvising. She would continue narrating, speaking about the Yak, but her words would become a jumbled mess. She had no idea what she was doing, but she was going to try her best.

This went on for minutes as Yona was just rambling and speaking about the Yaks in general, having a lot to say. She would speak about her family, the mountains and other things she knew about her land, but not much else. It was obvious she had no idea what she was talking about and just saying anything she could. It became less of a movie and more of a diary.

Regardless, she enjoyed herself, but soon started to realize that her movie would have no plot at all if it kept going like this. The Yak would stop, scratching her head, wondering what she should do.

"Hm. What should Yona do now? Where is this story going?" Then, something clicked for Yona. Why not just go to more experienced people when it came to making movies? And the first two people that came to mind were Ash and Rarity.

"Yona's gonna go talk to Ash and Rarity!" The Yak declared. "They'll know what to do. And Yona can show them her movie. Maybe they can help!" With a plan in her head, the Yak was ready to make her way out of here and straight to Ponyville.

However, when she approached the gates, she was stopped by Yak Guards, who stood in her path. They would refuse her, stating that it was still risky to go out there since the world was recovering from a piece of the moon being previously missing. But that wasn't gonna stop her.

"Yona has to make a movie. This is a Yak emergency."

"There are no emergencies."

"Yes, there is." Yona insisted. "Yona can't have a movie without a plot. If Yona has no plot, her movie is a failure. If her movie is a failure, then...it will be the end of the world."

"The end of the world?!" One of the guards exclaimed.

"That's right. So Yona needs to talk with Ash and Rarity. They can help her make a good movie."

"We have no choice. We can't let the world end." The guards would step aside, allowing Yona to pass. "Please, be careful out there."

"Yona will be. Yona will be." The Yak assured.

With the Yak Guards letting her through, she would leave the safety of the gates, setting her sights on Ponyville. She had her eyes on Ponyville the whole time, hoping the guards would let her through. With her mission set, she would walk off, leaving the land of the Yaks and heading towards Ponyville.

Lying just to leave was worth it for Yona. Her love for film drove her to that level easily. With a grin on her face, Yona happily left Yakyakistan, dragging her equipment through the snow once more.

Along the way, Piloswine would walk by her side, the two travelling across the snow-covered ground. She was not deterred by the cold winds and freezing temperatures since she was built for it all. This Frozen Wasteland looked like the perfect place to film a movie.

As they made their way across, Yona would keep the camera rolling, filming everything she could see. From the mountain ranges, the forests, the snow, the sun, the skies, everything. Plus, because of the effects the broken piece of the moon, the enigmatic Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter have done to the world so far, some of the more bizarre sights were visible.

Like a forest of glowing trees and a strange purple mist. But the weirdest of all was the giant, floating ball of energy that was hovering over the land. She had no idea what these sights were or how they got here, but she wasn't complaining. They were good things for her movie and she was going to capture it all.

Obviously, she knew getting close to them was just asking for trouble, so she kept her distance. Doing so allowed her to see more of the sights that these forces have done to the world While dangerous, the Dragon Matter and Fairy were also rather beautiful to look at, which is why the Yak was keeping her camera on.

However, the one thing she didn't account for was reaching Ponyville from this distance. All Train Services were currently on hold due to recent events, so she would have to travel on foot. That's where the problem started.

The journey to Ponyville was quite lengthy and she had no way of getting there faster. She was a Yak, not a pegasus. She wouldn't be able to fly. She also had no car, no bus, and no train. That left her no choice but to walk all the way.

But Yona would press on, having her mind set on this. While walking on the land, she came across one of the many gateways scattered across certain locations. The gateway before her was right near a lake, leading to one part of the Pokemon World.

The way she found it was from whispers. Whispers that sounded like they came straight from the Dragon Matter itself, almost as if it was speaking to Yona, telling her to face this direction before seeping back into the land.

This was a direct gateway to the Alola Region, as seen by Yona poking her head through it. Upon gazing through it, this part of Alola was none other than

Melemele Island, the main island of the Alola Region, which was located close to the region's capital city, Hau'oli City. To her surprise, when lookng through it, she spotted Ash, who was present in Hau'oli City.

"Ash!" Yona immediately recognized him, calling his name. She wouldn't have to go all the way to Pallet Town to find him since he was already present here. What tremendous luck. Or that could've been the Dragon Matter at play since the two were connected.

Currently, Ash had met up wth his friends from Alola on this day as he was seen chatting with Mallow and Lana respectively. When hearing the call, the three would glance in the direction the voice came from, spotting Yona.

"Yona?" Ash spoke her name.

"Ah!" Mallow got past Ash, holding his shoulder and gazing at the yak. "Someone from Equestria showed up! Who's that Ash?"

"Ah, this is Yona." Ash would walk forward. "She's a Yak from Yakyakistan. I didn't even think this gateway connected to Yakyakistan."

"It doesn't." Lana confirmed, already knowing what was beyond that gateway. "And isn't it a bit dangerous right now? The world is still recovering from that event and it could be dangerous."

"Yona walked all the way here! Yona's fine!" She spoke with a confident face

"Y-You did?" Ash stuttered, not expecting her to go that far especially in these circumstances.

"Yona wanted to show Ash and Rarity her movie! It's very important. Yona can't have a movie with no plot."

"Movie!?" Mallow and Lana collectively exclamed, zipping past Ash and making him spin around. Ash was immediately dizzy as the two girls of Alola got in front of the Yak with starry eyes. "Did we hear you right? Did you say you have a movie?!"

"Mm!" Yona confirmed with a nod before dragging her equipment through the gateway. "Yona was making a movie for PokeStar Studios. Yona's first go!"

"PokeStar Studios!" Mallow gushed as she gazed into the heavenly skies. "I've heard about that place! All the way in Unova where all the movies in the world are made! Aah...the place of dreams."

"Yeah. The place of dreams." Lana's eyes sparkled. "I've heard it's where the greatest stories in the world are told, the actors and actresses are the most talented and the films are the best of the best. The place where a dreamer can become a reality. And the best part is, the director doesn't have to pay a dime."

"I didn't know you guys were so into movies." Ash spoke as this was news to him.

"We've been interested in them for a long time, actually." Mallow added. "We've only heard of them and seen very few here at Alola. But there's so much more out there. All the stories in the world, the best films and the most amazing characters. Ah, it's so fascinating!"

"All my stories could become real if I was a movie star." Lana smiled.

"I could do so many different things. The possibilities are endless!" Mallow exclaimed.

"Ash. Yona was hoping Ash could help since Ash has been to PokeStar Studios a lot."

"You've been to PokeStar Studios multiple times?!" Mallow exclaimed before facing Ash. "Ash, how have you been keeping this a secret? You've been to the land of dreams multiple times and haven't told us?!" She zipped over to him, placing her hands on his shoulder while Lana did the same, shaking him.

"Y-You guys didn't ask!" Ash's words were stuttering while he was being shaken.

"Well, we're asking now!" Lana and Mallow shouted. "How many times have you been there?!"

"I lost count!" Ash replied while still being shaken. He didn't expect them to be this interested. "Do you guys wanna go there?"

"Go there? All the way to Unova? Mmm..." Mallow swivelled, thinking for a moment. "I don't think t's worth it. I'd prefer if it came here. For Alola to shoot its own movie for the first time. Ah, imagine it, a movie starring Alolan Pokemon. The audience would love it."

"Imagine it..." Lana would speak up, gazing at the clouds. "The people of the world, coming here for our film. The land of the Alola Region, the first region in the world to ever have its first ever movie The first region to bring its dreams into reality. The first region to show the world it can tell a story."

"In that case..." Ash slowly raised his hand. "I'll handle it. You can count on me to bring some stuff from PokeStar Studios here."

"Can you do that?" Mallow faced Ash with a prolonged gasped.

"Sure can!" Ash pointed at himself. "It's pretty easy. You'll have all the stuff here you need in no time. Is it gonna be just the two of you or..."

"Are you kidding? You think someone like Professor Kukui is going to pass on this? Imagine what he'd do if he got the chance? Maybe Royal Mask can make his movie debut." Mallow giggled when thinking about it.

"And then there's the others." Lana nodded. "Oh, this'll be so much fun!"

"What about Yona's movie?" Yona would speak up.

"Don't worry. We'll do something about your movie, Yona." Ash approached young yak, smiling.

"Yona can really show it to you? Really?" Yona asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Really. It's no problem." Ash held his fist out, prompting Yona to bump it with her hooves. She was very well aware of a fist bump, getting used to other places's gestures.

"So when are we doing this?" Mallow asked. "The sooner the better. If we can get some of the people to act, we can start shooting the film right away."

"I'll head to Unova right away! Come on Pikachu!" Ash wasn't waiting any time, immediately jetting off with his best buddy. "You guys show Yona around Alola, okay?! I might be back today or tomorrow! Depends how fast I get there."

"Gotcha!" Lana smiled, giving him a thumbs up. "See you later, Ash!"

"Come on, Yona!" Mallow exclaimed, guiding the young Yak. "You'll see what Alola has to offer!"

Very soon, Yona would get to see what kind of region Alola was in comparison to where she comes from. For starters, compared to Yakyakistan or even Equestria itself, Alola was rather hot. Compared to the freezing temperatures, the region of Alola was tropical, giving Yona a new experience.

It started with Yona being introduced to Alola's food, specifically the local delicacies of Malasada. She had never eaten them before or many foods beyond where she comes from, but upon tasting the treat, she absolutely adored the flavor, eating a bunch of them. An instant hit for the young yak. In her mind, she was already thinking of somehow adding Malasadas to her movie in some way, choosng to involve the things she loves.

As she was busy stuffing her face with Malasadas, Mallow and Lana would guide her across the island, showing her around. While she was busy eating the Malasadas, the trio would make their way across Hau'oli City, the main city of Melemele Island. Yona would witness an abundance of people going about their business and living their everyday lives, seeing all sorts of people.

Yona's eyes would scan a group of kids playing baseball, a group of young adults playing football, a boy and girl riding bicycles together and a mother and her child having a picnic. Looking at this began flooding Yona's mind with ideas, thinking about her own movie.

From these people and their activities, Yona would stir up more and more ideas. Before this, she had no idea what to do with her own movie, but the people of Alola gave her plenty of inspiration. More so than any place she's been to so far, which isn't a lot admittedly. All she's had to visit is Canterlot, Unova and the Wilds which still had a lot to offer in their own ways.

They would take her to the beach, letting her gaze at the sparkling waters. She had never seen the ocean before but once she did, she was completely amazed, seeing the beautiful waters, the white sand, the clear skies, the gentle breeze, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

"Aah, so nice..." Yona breathed, gazing at the ocean. "Calm and nice."

"Alola is one of the regions with the nicest weather in the world." Mallow said before taking a small dip in the water. "Warm, sunny, the perfect weather. You could stay here all day and never get tired of it. I couldn't ask for a better home."

"Come in for a swim, Yona." Lana had already entered the waters, suggesting the Yak. "It's very warm. You'll enjoy yourself."

"I-In?!" Yona's smile suddenly shifted into a frown in a heartbeat.

"Aww, come on." Mallow encouraged. "It's not that bad. Looking at the water, Yona froze for a moment as fear from within was starting to show itself. The young yak would step back, her hooves digging deep into the sand, staring at the sea. She was afraid as seen by her rapid expression shift.

"Yona. Are you alright?" Mallow noticed her sudden change, looking at her.

"N-No. Not in the water." Yona shook her head. "Yona doesn't like the water."

"Oh, that's fine. You can just try your hooves at the sand then." Mallow winked, looking on the bright side. "Go on and play with it."

"Play with stand?" That sounded outlandish to Yona. What did she mean by playing? The Yak slowly moved towards the sand, crouching down. She would feel the sand on her hooves, comparing it to the snow that she's been used to for so long, ever since she was born.

But it was much different. Much different than snow. It was grainy, dry, and not very cold. She had no idea how to play with this. The Yak would continue to move her hooves around, watching the sand being dug up and tossed. The sand, despite being coarse, rough and getting everyhere, wasn't that bad.

"Ooh." Yona cooed before messing around with the sand, throwing it in the air, feeling it in her hands and even eating it.

"Ah, no, no, no!" Mallow waved her arms frantically. "Don't eat it, Yona! It's not good!"

"Sand doesn't taste good. Yona will remember." Yona nodded, swallowing the sand. "Yona doesn't know what to do."

"Aahh..." Mallow's pupils shrunk as she was stunned after seeing Yona swallow the sand. It didn't help that Piloswine did the same thing. Afterwards, Yona would drop her body on the sand, rolling against it. Instinctively, she was pretending that the sand was like snow, making a snow angel.

Obviously, that wasn't happening with the sand. The result was Yona moving around on the ground, spreading the sand everywhere and even covering herself in it. Seeing this, Mallow and Lana looked at each other with sweat drops. They knew they were going to have to clean up the sand later.

Up ahead, and slowly emerging from the sand was a stealthy Palossand. This Pokemon, despite being a sand creature, was able to sneak up on the unsuspecting Yak. She didn't even realize he was right in front of her. But the Pokemon would let out a cry, catching the attention of Mallow and Lana as it was emerging to surprise Yona.

"Ah! Yona!" Mallow shouted, trying to warn her. However, there was no need to warn her since Yona ended up steamrolling Palossand, flattening him. Mallow and Lana blinked, stunned by the fact that the sand Pokemon was knocked out by the Yak.

"Palo..." Palossand groaned as Yona's physical strength caught it off guard. Such as the advantage of being a yak and Yona was no different despite being a child.

"Oh. There was a Pokemon under there." Yona stated the obvious, sitting on top of the fallen sand-based Pokemon. Seeing this, she immediately went for one of her Poke Balls, throwing it out and pulling the Ground-Ghost-Type in.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Palossand was caught.

"The strength on her..." Lana spoke, completely bewildered.

"You'd think the sand would at least stop her." Mallow added, seeing the sand Pokemon enter the Poke Ball. Yona was a force to be reckoned with, especially since she wasn't even aware of what she had done.

Afterwards, the trio would leave the beach, deciding to check out another spot in Alola. The next spot would be a grassy area, a large field that had plenty of open space. Yona found herself having the time of her life so far in Alola. It was worth lying to the guards just to be here.

But as the day went on, Yona was starting to feel a bit hot. Being in the sun for so long wasn't something she was used to. The Yak would look at the sky, shielding her eyes from the bright rays. Alola was definitely a stark contrast to her homeland.

"Are you okay, Yona?" Mallow asked.

"Yona's not used to this heat." Yona admitted. "Not even Sun at Yakyakistan is this strong."

"I guess our world's Sun is stronger than what's Equestria and beyond." Lana said. "Isn't it still strange that we have two Suns and Two Moons now?"

"Nah. That's why the world is now bigger since both our worlds came together. It balances it out." Mallow shook her head. "With a bigger Earth, we've got double the sunlight and double the moonlight."

"Hm. Do you think Solgaleo and Lunala will do something about that? I mean, they're not just going to ignore something like this." Lana asked.


"Solga...Luna..." Yona repeated those names, not knowing what they meant. "Who are they?"

"Oh, you don't know?" Mallow leaned in. "Well, this is a great chance for you to hear it! See, here at Alola, the Sun and Moon have their own emissaries. Solgaleo and Lunala. One is the Emissary of the Sun and the other is the Emissary of the Moon."

"Emissaries of the Sun and Moon. How beautiful." Yona's eyes sparkled.

"But it's not just that. There's a third emissary." Mallow added. "There's Necrozma. He's the Emissary of Light. The Sun, the Moon and Light. Three beings that are the foundation of life. And they're the ones that bring light to the world, giving us the power to thrive."

"Necrozma?!" Yona gasped when hearing that name. Necrozma has been quite well-known recently after what Daybreaker has been But clearly, Mallow wasn't talking about that Necrozma.

"Oh, no. You're thinking of that Necrozma from another universe. Here, Necrozma is actually a good guy. He protects the light. If not for him, Alola wouldn't have all the light it does." Mallow explained, shocking Yona. "He can be a bit aggressive, we'll admit."

"Mhm. He chased poor Nebby through an Ultra Wormhole and could've taken all the light from Alola. Thankfully, Ash was able to calm him down and Nebby helped him regain his original form." Lana added. "We're lucky to have such an emissary."

"Ultra Necrozma's the form that's all about peace." Mallow then looked up. "I'm not sure about this other Necrozma based on what I've heard though. He actually has a Trainer."

"So...Solgaleo and Lunala are like Princess Celestia and Luna?" Yona immediately made a comparison between the two. "Like, their emissaries."

"I mean, you're not wrong." Mallow giggled, seeing the parallel. "If only there was a third emissary of light. Then it'd be matching."

"Who'd even be the third?" Lana asked.

"I can't think of anyone. Oh well." Mallow shrugged it off. "Say, Yona. How about we check out that movie of yours you've been working on? It looks like Ash will be back by tomorrow. We should start preparing for it."

"Preparing. Yona can do that." The Yak was already excited, nodding in agreement. She would walk ahead of the two, ready to go. Only one place to go and that was Alola's own Pokemon School.

Universe 11. The Solar Empire.

It has been approximately a week ever since Daybreaker's mission in space. The Solar Sword appeared as healthy as ever, barely suffering damage during all of that mess. Daybreaker's team succeeded in drawing out Lunala and two other powerful Pokemon in the process. As for the result?

Deep in the labs of the Solar Empire, Sunrise Sparkle and her fellow ponies stood before a massive container in the shape of a sun which as hovering off the ground. And inside that Sun-shaped container as a familiar energy. The energy inside resembled that of the night sky, almost as if a night cloud had been ripped from above and captured.

But this was not just some part of the sky. Instead, the readings on the many screens present in the lab showed one Pokemon this belonged to. On the screen, a holographic Lunala was shown.

"It's only 12% Light Energy," Moondancer commented when reading the stats on this piece of Lunala. "If only we got the rest of Lunala. We'd have 100% Light for Necrozma. And if we caught Solageleo, that would go up to 200%."

"12% is still good." Sunrise thought otherwise. "It's a shame that Lunala managed to get away, but she can't hide forever. Now that we can track her with this part of her, it'll save up so much time."

"Deoxys was so annoying though. it defended Lunala so vehemently that Necrozma only managed to strike one part of Lunala off its body. How much do you want to bet that another Pokemon will try to defend Lunala when we find her again?"

"I wouldn't count on it. Rayquaza and Deoxys are both elsewhere after our clashes with them. The only ones left are Dialga and Palkia but as long as we don't disrupt space or time in any way, we'll be fine. We don't even have to worry about Arceus either."

"Necrozma also took a bite out of the Moon itself. But it looks like that's driving him crazy..." One of the scientists spoke as a sudden rumble could be heard. That rumble had a source and everyone here knew the source for it.

Far, far from the lab and over at the centre of the Solar Empire where Daybreaker's throne room was, rays of prismatic lights were suddenly flying out, shooting through the windows and cracking it. Many could easily see these lights as they would pierce the clouds themselves.

Daybreaker's Throne Room.

"Calm down, Necrozma!" Currently, Daybreaker had to deal with Necrozma herself. She slid back, narrowly avoiding an incoming ray of light that struck the walls of her palace. Necrozma roared violently, his body letting out an iridescent glow that resembled the Moon.

Nearby guards had already been knocked out by the lights, unable to stop Necrozma's rampage. But to Daybreaker, this was a familiar sight as she has seen this before.

"This is just like what happened with at the Sea Temple," Daybreaker recalled this scene when Necrozma absorbed the light from just one Sea Temple Crystal. And by doing that, he went wild, losing control to the point where he didn't listen to Daybreaker immediately.

Now, the same thing was happening again and this time, the attacks were directed at his own Trainer. Necrozma released his Photon Geyser at Daybreaker only for the Solar Queen to slice it in half with a searing flame. The attack would combust, covering the throne room in embers and photons.

"I see. No wonder Lunala is so connected to Necrozma." Daybreaker spoke while the smoke was clearing. "Just by absorbing some of the Moon and Lunala's energy, he's going wild. All of that had the same power as the Sea Temple Crystal."

Necrozma then rushed in with Shadow Claw, attempting to slash Daybreaker as he was acting hostile to everyone at the moment. Daybreaker was ready to engage with the Psychic-Type as her horn lit up for a counterattack. However, all it took was Gardevoir appearing to immediately end this.

She held her hands out, generating a dazzling field of Aura and Fairy Matter, blocking Shadow Claw. After halting the attack, she would use the Fairy Matter to affect the Prism Pokemon, sending a soothing energy through his body. Necrozma growled, feeling the Fairy Matter affect his body from within.

Thanks to Gardevoir, Necrozma calmed down, lowering his claws and hovering back.

"I knew that would work. This Fairy Matter isn't so bad." Gardevoir spoke, bringing the Fairy Matter back to her. She was already getting used to it by this point.

"Thank you, Gardevoir" Daybreaker sighed. "Alright. Now I know. High levels of Light can lead to Necrozma losing it. He grows hostile, struggling to listen to anyone else. And this was just from bits. Not even the full thing."

"What do we do then? What if he goes rogue again?" Gardevoir questioned, not wanting to deal with a rampaging Necrozma. Especially one that is stronger than before.

"I'll figure it out. I can only imagine that reaching his full strength will at least temper him. Necrozma's been trapped in an icy prison for centuries, so it's only natural that he'd act this way when getting so much wonderful light." Daybreaker continued. "But I bet he's also upset that he couldn't absorb all of Lunala."

"So. Let's go back for Lunala then. We know where she is and we can easily chase her down whenever. You''ll let me grab some of her Aura first before he does, right?"

"Right, right. I'm planning to pursue Lunala very soon. But Lunala might also inform our opponents since she made her getaway. I wouldn't want Celestia getting involved in our pursuit. That entire universe is already on the lookout for us after all. I want to deal with them at some point but not before I can complete Necrozma."

"Let me handle that then." Emerging from the shadows and making her appearance was none other than Nightmare Rarity, using her own magic to blend in with the darkness. "If you're so worried about them, I can take over for you."

"You? Really?"

"Really, darling! You see...the night has been whispering to me as of late." She held her hooves out, bringing the darkness to her. "After what you, Gardevoir and Necrozma did to that universe, something amazing has been brewing. The level of nightmares have been increasing. People's fear levels are rising because of you three."

"They are? I suppose so..." Daybreaker thought for a moment

"You left a mark on the Moon itself. You shook their entire planet and you even accelerated Dragon and Fairy Matter in their world." Nightmare Rarity continued. "Before all of that and after the Dread League, they all had this gigantic feeling of hope and dreams which is just bleh. But now? Nightmares are about to become more and more frequent and I'm looking forward to it."

"So. You'll be launching your next attack on Universe 1 now? You barely even touch that world if I'm being honest with you. You and Starlight are always doing your own thing."

"Because we're preparing." Nightmare Rarity winked. "And I know a lot about that universe by now. It has a lot in common with my own after all. Since you're getting closer and closer to restoring Necrozma, allow me to quickly deal with any problems that might slow you down."

"Hm. Alright then. Go for it. But I'd recommend staying away from my counterpart. Do it outside of Celestia's reach. I personally want to deal with her myself. Do what you can." Daybreaker ordered as she also wanted Celestia out of the action. She wanted to make her encounter with her counterpart something special. Aside from that, Nightmare Rarity and by extension, Starlight Glimmer were planning their attack on Universe 1 next.

"Give me some time to prepare." She grinned deviously. "You won't be disappointed."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 451 End.

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