• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Race for the Shards Begins! Celestia's Big Approach

Alola. Melemele Island. Iki Town. Kukui's Lab. Day.

"What? You want us to keep the Shards?" Speaking to Ash from the phone was Kukui. He called him all the way from Equestria, informing him of something rather crucial, while also entrusting the shards to him. The Ground and Steel-Type were to be kept by him.

"Yeah. After what happened, it's for the best. If too many shards get too close to each other, it'll lead to something crazy." Ash explained, referring to the huge hole that opened in the seas of Hoenn right near Lilycove City. "You should've seen the size of it!"

"So if five of them are near each other, they'll cause that kind of reaction." Kukui sighed. "I'll hold onto the Shards, don't worry. And the same goes for the Fire Shard here, wherever it is.

"Thank you very much!" Lena's face came into the frame as she pressed her face against the phone, unsure of how this device worked. Kukui backed up when she pressed her face on it, slightly alarmed.

"Hah...Don't worry, Lena." Kukui assured. "These'll be in good hands. Good luck finding the rest. How many do you need to find again?"

"The ones on our side are the Flying, Fairy, Ground and Steel Shards. Volo's side has the Dragon, Ghost and Rock Shards. The Fire Shard is also somewhere in Alola. And since there are 18 Types, that means we have to find 10 more. The Electric, Water, Bug, Ground, Poison, Dark, Psychic, Grass, Ice and Fighting Shards.

"Got it." Kukui nodded, writing the types down. "So, you're still out at sea, right?"

"Yeah." Ash's face would smush next to Lena's. "We're gonna be looking for the rest of the shards for a bit."

"Right. You guys do that. Be careful, okay? I would say stay out of trouble, but knowing you, that's a lost cause." Kukui joked, making Ash giggle.

"Yeah, probably. Thanks, Kukui."

"Alright, Ash. Stay safe. And thanks."

With that, the call would end, leaving the two alone. Kukui then looked back at the two shards at his disposal, wondering what could possibly happen if all 18 of them are close to each other. Either they are fully restored or something cataclysmic happens.

Equestria. Out at Sea. The Sea Temple. Samiya.

"So, how are we even gonna find the other shards?" At the Sea Temple, Rainbow Dash had to know how finding the other shards would work. Volo had his own way of finding them thanks to that bracelet he found, while Ash's group might have to just wing it.

"Easy!" Lena stood tall and proud, beating her chest. "I can predict where a shard may be!"

"You can?" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie said unison.

"Lena here ate some weird egg in the past that lets her guess where a shard could be." Jessie slid over, outstretching her arms to Lena. "It's how she found some of them and she even came to Alola because of the Fire Shard.

"It's not consistent but it sure is helpful." James crossed his arms, nodding.

"She's a walking treasure tracker!" Meowth exclaimed.

"Ohoo! That's so cool, Grandma!" Ash's eyes lit up. "What kind of Egg did you eat?!"

"Well, it was an egg that apparently relates to Arceus. I didn't know that at the time and I was just hungry, so I ate it." Lena admitted with a sheepish grin. "Tasted great, but it also gave me this ability to sense the Shards. And it also made it so that I can harness their power." Lena then held out the Fairy Shard.

"Only you and Volo can harness it's power?" Rarity leaned forward, gazing at the shards and their excellence.

"Mhm. Volo can do it because he's a descendant of the Celestica People, so it's something that's always been within him. I have the Egg to thank for this though."

"Mighty useful. So, are ya picking up another shard yet?" Applejack nudged.

"Hmmm..." Lena closed her eyes, focusing on the shards and their powers. She could sense the faintest of connections, her mind trying to locate the next one. But then, the connection would become stronger, leading her to a specific direction. She was able to see something no one else could. Much like how Aura Users and Lucario could view others from certain distances with their Auras, Lena gained a special view, showing her the remaining shards in a black space as they were all glowing brightly. "Okay...I see it.

The level of brightness on some of the shards signified which ones were at least nearby even at great distances. Three of them were currently glowing bright. That being the Grass, Water and Bug-Type Shards.

"So, which one are we going for?" Ash asked.

"They're both shining bright, but it looks like the Water Shards are letting out a bit more. So we should go there first. But it doesn't seem like the Water Shards are on land." Lena would kneel, placing her hand on the floor. She moved them across the smooth marble floor of the Sea Temple, concentrating her accidental ability. "Not on land, which means...It's probably somewhere in the Sea. Somewhere South."

"The Sea?! Awww!" Hearing that made Rainbow Dash realize how difficult it would be to find the Water Shard. The Sea is massive after all and the shards are rather small. Even if they are glowing, the fact that the water is so vast and large makes it nearly impossible.

"Of course, it had to be the Sea..." Applejack lowered her head, not too surprised by it.

"That'd be impossible!" Pinkie Pie bellowed, her mane shaking. "We'd have to look across the entire South Sea to find those shards! That'd take like...like..like...forever! I'm not sure how long that is, but it's a really long time!"

"And there's a chance a Pokemon might've already eaten it or something. Water-Types are said to have the most amount of Pokemon out there." Fluttershy commented, the fear of finding a Water Shard only to see a Pokemon swallow it and digest it filling her mind. "Oh, my..."

"No way we can build something for that." Jessie shook her head. Team Rocket, while great at building amazing things just to get the job done, the grand scale of the Sea was another story.

"Heh. Yeah, but it's not impossible." Ash grinned, not even the slightest bit intimidated by it all.

"You see a bit too confident." Jessie shifted her eyes at Ash, lifting her glasses a bit, but not too much to give away her identity. "Don't tell me you think we can find those Water Shards that easily?"

"We totally can! Right, you guys?" Ash faced the Samiyans.

"But of course. After all, his Majesty is the King of the Sea." Alo nodded while stroking his beard. "All Water-Types bow to him when he unleashes the power of the Sea Crown. That includes any Pokemon who can dwell in the sea."

"Oh, yeah! That's right!" Rainbow Dash's smile returned. "Duh! How could I forget?!"

"Eh? Really?" Lena said with a stunned expression. "Y-You can do that? I knew you were the King of the Sea, Grandson but this is bigger than I thought..."

"Lucky you." James bit his shirt. "Having so many people around you to help out..."

"It's pretty sweet. All my friends always help out when we need each other." Ash grinned, looking at the Samiyans.

"His Majesty doesn't see us as his subjects, but his friends. Because of that, it elevates our bond and makes us even better." Safia approached them. "If only my Mother and Father were here to see how far our Sea Temple has come."

"I'm sure they're glad, Safia," Alo added. "After all, you are technically the Princess of the Sea, even after all of these years. Your parents would be proud to see you."

"Thank you, Alo." Safia bowed her head before facing Ash. "Your Majesty. Let's begin and have you wield the Sea Crown once more."

"Alright. Sounds good to me." Ash grinned, looking forward at the altar were the Sea Crown was kept. All those individual crystals counted as the Sea Crown, especially when together. Recently, they've just been revitalized and were ready for use once more. Manaphy hopped off, standing near Ash.


Once more, the People of the Water would have to pray to unleash the power of the Crystals. In this case, they would pray for the Sea Crown to emerge yet again. Manaphy started singing, humming a beautiful melody as his body was beginning to ascend, leaving the marble floor.

This caught the attention of the others, the song reaching their ears and touching their hearts. The melody was filled with serenity and tranquility, a soothing tune that resonated with their minds. The Samiyans joined in, chanting and humming a similar melody. The crystals would glow, releasing their light as it would gravitate towards Ash.

His body was beginning to shine, the crystals' lights surrounding his body. The aura around him would grow, reacting to the Crystals and Manaphy's melody. The Samiyans continued their chant, their voices growing louder. Ash's would gain a Golden Aura that was as bright as the sun.

The crystals would all release a bright light, the energy filling the room. Ash would close his eyes, his senses focused. And just like that, he stood there with his Radiant Aura which was the Sea Crown itself, facing his friends.

"It's so beautiful seeing it a second time." Rarity admired, gazing at the Golden Aura.

"Mhm. Sometimes I wish I could have that Aura." Fluttershy admitted, thinking it would suit her. "It's like the light of the Sun.

"Oh, really?" Ash uttered before pointing at all of his friends. "In that case, here you go!" To their surprise, Ash would affect them all with a single point, not even touching them. In a flash, their bodies were feeling something grand emerging from within them. They all looked at their hooves, seeing their bodies emitting an aura.

The girls gasped, seeing the aura around them, their eyes wide open. All of them had gained that beautiful golden light, the auras shining brightly.

"Hah!" Rainbow Dash would fly up, feeling her aura around her. It was the same one that Ash and Manaphy possessed, an aura of the Sun. "I can already fly, but now I can move in the water no problem!

"Beautiful!" Rarity checked herself out, seeing the Golden Aura. She was happy to have her own Aura, immediately leaving the floor, easily taking flight.

"This is incredible, Pinkie!" Twilight approached, her own aura shimmering. All of them were already getting used to the flight it gave them, even though Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can already fly. "Now we can easily swim through the water and travel to the bottom of the sea!"

""Yeah! Never was a big fan of swimming, but now I'm loving it!" Applejack twirled in the air, enjoying the power.

"Mhm. It's like I have wings that are meant for the Sea." Fluttershy's eyes glimmered, a soft smile on her face. "This must be what Water-Types feel like."

"Now, to tell them all." Speaking of Water-Types, Ash would take flight, leaving behind a Golden Trail of his aura, heading straight for the sea. "Hey! Everyone! Can you hear me?!"

As Ash was heading to the waters, the Pokemon below would turn their heads, sensing something. It was Ash, calling out to them, the Golden Aura being visible from a distance. His aura was calling to the Pokemon, who could hear his words loud and clear. One by one, the Water-Type Pokemon around these seas would pop their heads out of the waters, emerging and gazing at the Sea Temple, which was currently on the move.

Water-Types of so many different varieties would gather, coming out of the depths of the sea. Ash was seen from above, flying out and waving at them. They all came to the King of the Sea, heeding his call.

"I'm gonna need your help with something. Somewhere way out in the South, there are these Water Shards that we're trying to find. They're blue and pretty small. They look a lot like these." Ash gave a demonstration, holding up the Flying Shards in his hand. "If you see them, can you let me know? Cause we're gonna be searching for them all across the South Seas. I'm gonna need your help! Please!"

Ash would plead with the Water-Types, asking them for their assistance. He hoped they could all help him find the Water Shards, using their knowledge of the sea. Of course, they would obviously help, serving their King. Each of them let out their respective cry, the seas being filled with an array of sounds.

"Alright! I'm counting on you!" Ash said before pointing to the south. "Go for it, everyone!"

Just like that, the Water-Types stopped whatever they were doing, diving down into the water and swimming off. Their mission was clear and simple: search the South Seas for any sign of a Water Shard. With the help of their King, they would spread far and wide, covering the area. Following them to the South was the Sea Temple while Ash himself would fly through the air. His friends joined him, taking flight with their golden auras too.

"You think this'll work, Ash?" Rainbow Dash flew next to him, having faith in the Pokemon of the Seas.

"For sure. I have faith in all of them." Ash smiled before accelerating through the air. "Hey, how about I race ya? You're super fast in the air, but I bet I'm faster with this!"

"Nuh-uh!" Rainbow Dash shook her head before pursuing Ash, the two zooming across the skies. Ash's aura would trail behind him, Rainbow Dash doing the same with her Rainbow Trail which merged with the Golden Trail.

In the sky, seven rays of light flew by, heading South. They would soon reach the shores, flying along the waters. And just like that, they were on their way, racing the wind and the waves. All seven of them were having the time of their lives, laughing and enjoying the trip.

The journey was a rather lengthy one, taking quite some time. However, the group had their fun. Flying together, they were able to make the trip rather entertaining. Nearby cities and towns would see these lights, watching them zip through the air. They were in awe, watching these mysterious lights and rays flying by.

Canterlot. Canterlot Castle.

At Canterlot, the afternoon Sun had arrived, the warmth reaching the city. Time went on with no issue whatsoever. Any issue happening across the world would be assessed by Princess Celestia, who was allied with the Ranger Union and so on.

She would stand by her balcony, the breeze blowing through her hair, her mane and tail flowing along with the wind. The clouds were so white and pure, the Sun shining down on the entire city. The princess was gazing into the skies, looking out into the vastness of the world. At the same time, she was currently chatting with the Ranger Union, using one of the Travel Sphere's many functions. The new version of the sphere wasn't just for opening gateways, but it could also act as a video call.

""So, that's what Ash and the others are doing." Celestia spoke, getting news of what Ash, Twilight and the others were currently up to. "Goodness. There's always something new."

"Yes, it is quite the predicament." The man on the screen was no other than Professor Hastings, the man in charge of the Ranger Union's Technology. The Chief of Technology to be exact. "It all comes back to Arceus it seems. And so far, Arceus is seemingly asleep again. It's strange to say the least."

"What about Daybreaker and the others? Any updates on them?" Celestia questioned.

"Recently, we've been getting something. They've popped in and out of universe here and there, up to no good as well, but they seem to be acting in short bursts. They haven't been using Necrozma to absorb as much light as they usually do. Instead, it seems like they're just stealing from a few sources and going. But the one who's showing up the most is that Nightmare Rarity."

"Nightmare Rarity..." Celestia repeated, her expression growing solemn. The last time she heard of her was when Luna battled her in the Dream Realm, but their battle was cut short. Nightmare Rarity hasn't been seen for a while compared to the others.

"Most likely, it's who works under Nightmare Rarity. Luna told us before how she has her own minions of the night. The similiarties between her and Nightmare Moon are obviously strong since they come from the same magical source. New ones have appeared it seems."

"New ones? What do you mean?"

"Some of our Rangers spotted what appeared to be Pokemon that have been affected by Nightmare Rarity's magic. They even gain that same night-like appearance, their bodies becoming a shadowy colour."

"Are they alright?!" Celestia gasped.

"They are fine. When we found them, their transformations weren't complete, so we were able to save them. But it's clear that Nightmare Rarity could be planning something big. She might be planning to affect us all with that same magic. I assume."

"A very good chance." Celestia looked out into the horizon. "But this time...I'm not going to take any chances. Too many times Equestria, Kanto and everywhere else have been caught off guard by these attacks from other Universes. This time, we'll reverse it on them before they get the advantage. If Nightmare Rarity is truly planning something, we'll strike first. And the others as well."

"Oh. Really?" Hastings said with a slight gasp. "Positive? That would mean you'd have to open a gateway to her universe then. And strike when she leasts expects it. Are you sure about this? She's dangerous and she could be ready for that."

"Even so, we must take the initiative and go on the offensive. We'll have to strike at a moment she doesn't expect." Celestia was going all the way with this, not wanting to hold anything back. "When did you last see these Pokemon that were affected?"

"Just 6 Days Ago, I believe. Not too long ago. There's a chance they could be on the move again somewhere in the world. We'll get a notice of their own gateway opening up."

"In that case...When their gateway is about to open, that's when we'll open our own. That way, they'll never know a gateway is appearing in their universe. We'll strike from behind, hitting them and leaving before they can retaliate."

"R-Really?" Hastings was astonished by this proposal. Celestia was taking this a step further, taking the initiative.

"I'm sure. I'll need your help again, Ranger Union. Soon, I'll focusing on taking down another part of that alliance My counterpart, Daybreaker, and everyone surrounding her have been causing too much harm and chaos to our home. Many of these scenarios have even shaken the world. So, now, we're going to stop it. Before they get the chance."

"I see...That is rather surprising." Hastings said, rubbing his chin. "Very well, we'll be on the lookout. Good luck, Princess." His hologram would vanish along with the video call.

"Luna." Celestia turned her head to see her sister Luna standing nearby. This entire time, she's been in this room, concealed by the shadows of the sun's shades. "It's time. Our enemies are starting to stir, so we're going to hit them while they least expect it."

"Thought you'd never ask." Luna smiled. "This will be my speciality. I've dealt with Nightmares more than anyone and I have unfinished business with her. I'll stop her before the worst can happen, just like any other nightmare. But are you sure about this, sister?"

"I am. Let's go to them for once. We won't be sending everything to their universe, but we will be sending a force there. Just enough to catch them off guard and attack from behind."

Celestia was not pulling her punches with this. Taking everything in, she wanted to put a stop to this alliance as soon as possible. She looked at her subjects above, prioritizing their well-being. Celestia knew that these enemies of hers were very much capable of doing the worst to the world.

From the Tremors caused by Daybreaker and Gardevoir plus Malamar attacking the Moon, the Sun Princess was now taking full initiative. And in her eyes, a blazing determination would burn. More than usual.

The blazing determination in there had a greater flare than before. A flare that matched that of the Sun. But this solar determination, while one that had a ton of drive for a better future, had something else behind it. And Passion could faintly sense it. It was mild, but there was something there that her heart responded to. A great sense of hope, but also something else.


As the journey continues.

Chapter 464 End.

Author's Note:

Now, we move into the Nightmare Rarity Stuff.

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