• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Illusion of Unilight

Pegalysium. Flock Falls. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon

Hidden in a secret cove here at Flock Falls, Ash, Sci-Twi and Bertha came across an unidentified object that was made by Windkiss and was to be inherited by her descendants. The voices within were examining Ash's group, seeing if everything they said was the truth.

All the while, the Indigo Union were outside, being the reason for the mysterious item's defensive nature. They had their Unown at the ready, knowing confrontation with Ash would only lead to a plethora of issues.

"We don't sense even a slither of a lie from you." And thankfully, they saw the honesty. "Apologies."

"No problem. Not like the Indigo Union's gone just yet though." Ash wasn't bothered at all. He was used to it by now. "They could show up here again sometime."

"What even is this thing supposed to be?" Sci-Twi kneeled to face the unidentified object. "And how did Windkiss make something like this."

"Since you are not the ones who will inherit it, you cannot perceive its true form. Her descendants and bloodline are the only ones that can properly view this form. You spoke of her descendants, knowing them."

"That's right! Windflash and her family! I think she's over at the Pokemon School right about now." Ash continued. "All of them are. But if they could be here right now, it'd be awesome."

"It is only natural that they would be in hiding. After all, Windkiss created this item in response to the rise of the Indigo Alliance. Their existence dates back to even before Windkiss was born." The voices resonated again, revealing more information. "Flock Falls holds significance in Windkiss's lineage. It's a place where the energies of nature converge, amplifying the artefact's power. The resonance here acts as a safeguarding force, ensuring its concealment and true form until the rightful heirs can access it."

Bertha nodded, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "It's like a harmonic nexus, a convergence point for the artefact's purpose to be realized. And they've avoided it for this long?"

"Can't blame 'em. They went into hiding" Ash shook his head. "But even if the Indigo Union's somewhere else, Windkiss's descendants don't really get all that involved with stuff she left behind. Even after Twilight told 'em everything, they stuck to what they knew and had. Ash scratched his head, taking in the gravity of the situation. "So, until Windflash and her family come here, this thing stays hidden?"

"I don't believe it...They aren't motivated to appear here?" The voices couldn't believe what they were hearing. But they had to be there to really see it all. Windkiss's descendants did not have plans to show up here.

"Doesn't sound like they have much of a reason." Bertha shook her head, laying the hard facts. "Even after the Indigo Union was driven elsewhere."

"I guess you're just stuck here untl they need a reason." Sci-Twi shrugged. "But...if they did show up, what would they use it for?"

"You said that the Indigo Union was driven elsewhere? But...this item was meant to do just that and more. Are you saying that they have been defeated?"

"Well, they're still around, but we took it to 'em and kept them from messing with Pegalysium." Ash and Pikachu collectively smiled as they were involved in fending off the Indigo Union. "I mean, they still show up and cause trouble, but ya know..."

Hearing this, the voices within the item finally showed themselves, no longer being as formal as they could. The object shimmered as out of it emerged the projections of the individuals within. And much like the Clock Door over at the Sky Monarch, this item also had a pony within. Multiple of them. Projections of ponies appeared, gazing at Ash's group.

"So then what is our purpose?" The Glowing Ponies asked. The main reason they were made was seemingly negated based on recent events.

"Eehh..." Ash couldn't really answer that. Neither could Sci-Twi or Bertha. They were just exploring after all. "Ah. I know! Since they still show up, the Indigo Union's not out of Pegalysium's hair just yet. That's it!"

"It isn't the same." The Glowing Ponies sighed. "And what even are those creatures with you?"

"Oh, you've been missing out." Ash said while holding up not just his Pikachu, but Sci-Twi's Alpha Pikachu as well. And to say that Twilight was stunned by seeing Ash hold up two Pokemon, especially one being heavier than the other was an understatement.

"Well, should we leave you now?" Bertha asked. "I think we've done and seen everything we can here. Aside from using it."

"Wait." The ponies spoke. "What about our purpose? Windkiss is already long gone so we were hoping that her descendants would eventually emerge and discover this item."

"Mmm...You can't do much like this and there's not much you can do now that the Indigo Union's not as powerful as used to to be." Ash scratched his head, pondering the situation. That's when something clicked in his mind. "I got it! I get that you were made to stop the Indigo Union, but they're not the only problem out there right now."

"What else could there be? Are you suggesting threats from other lands are present?"

"They totally are. For starters, they built an extra Pegalysium over this one after messing with the Clock Door. And there's a whole bunch of trouble outside of Pegalysium and back down at Equestria and beyond."

"Contact with Equestria? And just when the founders of Pegalysium did everything to ensure both nations wouldn't meet with each other." The Glowing Ponies were even aware of Pegalysium's origin and how it relates to Equestria.

"Even if the Indigo Union isn't as big a threat, but they're still a problem...there might be other dangers out there. You could protect this place or help in other ways."

"Great thinking, Ash!" Sci-Twi was this as a positive.

The ponies within the object exchanged glances, their luminous forms shimmering faintly. "Perhaps you're right. But how do we ensure her descendants find and understand this? They don't even want this item."

"I got nothing. Maybe they might keep it as a family heirloom if they find it." But Ash was stumped on this.

"Ridiculous!" The ponies bellowed. "That is absolute disrespect to this item's creation. But, it has to enter their hooves somehow. You will have to ensure that it ends up in their grasp. We have waited for far too long.

"Can we even touch it?" But Sci-Twi wasn't 100% positive about this. The energy that this item gave off was very much mystical and could be dangerous.

"Totally. Here goes..." Ash was about to take that risk. Moving his arms forward, he was already feeling the energy coming from this indescribable item with mixed dimensions. It felt warm but also somewhat welcoming.

"Be warned, Human. The artefact you are about to hold wields the fierce energy of many gales, coalesced into a single magical force that can match the very heat of magma itself, almost reaching the level of the stars and-"

"Got it!" But it didn't matter as Ash could perfectly hold it in his hands. So much for that magma-like heat. "This is pretty warm."

"Oooh, it is." Sci-Twi felt the same, putting her hands over it. The ponies within were rather embarrassed. Years of being stuck here and their grandiose power didn't seem too big of a deal for Ash's group. It seems that the world and the power structure around it has greatly developed while they sat here with the item.

"Pika?!" But at the moment, Ash's Pikachu used Iron Tail, reacting to something approaching. He leapt into the air, deflecting a crimson beam that almost struck Ash. The red beam would hit the walls of the cave instead. Sci-Twi yelped while Ash and Bertha immediately turned their heads to where the beam came from.

Appearing here were the Unown.

"Unown!? That means..." Ash already knew the answer to this. If the Unown were here, so were the Indigo Union. However, they didn't show themselves. Instead, it was just the Unown as the troops of Second Wind did not appear here. The Unown made their way through the Wall of Wind, using their Hidden Power to easily do so.

"What are those things?!" The voices within questioned. But that was just the distraction. The remaining Unown were hiding behind the Wall of Wind. Using Hidden Power, they shot at the ground, unleashing its many effects. The ground was met with a crimson light which soon latched itself onto the walls.

And from the Unown, the voice of Second Wind spoke, using other Unown to do so. "It's only natural that the artefact would not deem you as a threat. But I can guarantee it will see Prisma as a threat. Let your surroundings change and give you a taste of Prisma's world."

Around Ash's group, the Crimson Light would rise, covering everything with a blinding appearance. The intention of the Unown was to bring the view and existence of Prisma to the artefact. And while they lacked the power to revive Prisma they could do one thing. Mimic Prisma's world.

Illusion of Unilight.

And it was a success. The red glow faded and the eyes of Ash were slowly opening. He was completely fine, unharmed. So was Pikachu. Both of them found themselves somewhere else that wasn't a cave. In his hands, he still held the artefact from Windkiss as that wasn't taken away.

"Huh?" Ash found himself wearing a red cloak and completely different clothes. The same clothes that a Young Prisma wore. Only Sci-Twi could recognize this specific look but Ash kept his original hairstyle and not Prisma's hair.

"Twilight! Bertha!" Ash cried out for them as he found himself outside of a stadium. No sign of Twilight or Bertha or even the Unown that appeared. "Man...We're in an Unown Space." But Ash was fully aware of where he was. He's dealt with this before.


Ash and Pikachu also noticed that there were others around them that weren't Twilight or Bertha. People were here. But not just humans, but ponies. This place was an area where towering skyscrapers adorned with colourful banners representing different species dot the skyline. Pokémon, humans, ponies, dragons, changelings, yaks, and various other species coexist peacefully, each contributing their unique talents and abilities to Unlight's community. This was indeed Prisma's world as Ash was viewing it in another light.

This time, at its fullest.

The massive land of Unilight was visible to his eyes and what it used to be before it was lost. Only the Unown could recreate a part of it. The residential areas are designed to cater to the needs of every species. There are sprawling forests and lush green spaces where Pokémon roam freely and live in harmony with nature. Sturdy and cozy homes equipped with magical enchantments accommodate ponies and other creatures that prefer natural habitats.

This was the world that Celestia envisioned and once existed. It was also a world that Ash dreamed about, but not exactly via an illusion from the Unown. As they ventured further into the city, Ash noticed a wonderful mix of Pokémon, humans, and other creatures interacting harmoniously. He's seen sights like this before but never with this many species together. Not even the Pokemon Festival has reached this level yet.

As Ash and Pikachu navigated the colourful streets of Unilight, they encountered a variety of creatures, each going about their day with cheerfulness and a welcoming spirit. The city was a marvel, bustling with activity and resonating with a harmonious vibe that filled the air.

To think that Prisma once lived here. Where did it all go wrong?

He turned to face the stadium, seeing what it entailed from the outside. The stadium was a mesmerizing sight, a convergence of ancient architecture and futuristic design. Par for the course when it came to Unilight. He could even see a bit of the inside from this distance. Its sprawling structure appears as if woven from the very fabric of the universe itself.

The entrance was guarded by towering figures of Golurks, who were welcoming visitors into a corridor adorned with holographic murals depicting legendary matches from aeons past. And from the stadium, Ash could hear the sounds of cheers and applauding. The sound of a Pokemon Battle being viewed.

Currently, he couldn't find Twilight or Bertha and he definitely knew that this world was 100% fake. The Unown were only showing him this. "As cool as this is, I gotta find them. Where are they?"

"Pikachu. Pika?" Ash and Pikachu would love to explore this world, but their friends came first.

"Ash Ketchum." The voices spoke to Ash. "Use our power to find them."

"Your power? But I thought only Windkiss's descendants could use it?"

"They can. And they are the only ones who can perceive its power. But we spare a surrogate magic that will help you track your friends."

"Many thanks." Ash very much appreciated it. With a shimmering glow, the voices allowed Ash to harness its power temporarily. And with it, he immediately used it as a GPS. A blue ray of light would point directly at the stadium, telling Ash to approach there first.

As for the ones responsible, the Unown were in the sky, looking down, observing Ash's movements. They transmitted the vision of this illusion to Second Wind, making sure she was getting a good view of it.

"Hm? What is this?" Second Wind was rather displeased by what she was seeing. She expected a completely different outcome than this. "You fools! He's only wearing the clothing of Prisma! The artefact cannot possibly register him as something else entirely."

"A-Apologies." Speaking through the other Unown were Second Wind's troops. "But this was the best that the Unown could do. They could only replicate the world but replicating Prisma seemed impossible for them."

"Tch. Of course, it is." Second Wind hated hearing something like that. "Whatever. We can still force it out of him. Make sure that you target Prisma specifically. His soul is in there after all and I can think of one other way to unleash him." But the Grand Queen wasn't about to call it quits. Not when she had Ash in this illusion.

Ash continued on his path, approaching the stadium. The Golurk immediately allowed him through, stepping aside from him as the doors would open and unleash a brilliant light. Ash saw how much it mimicked a Pokemon League Stadium from the indoors. That much was the same even in Unilight.

And just like a League Stadium, there were other Trainers visible who were passing by. Immediately, they locked onto Ash, specifically recognizing him as the Legendary Prisma.

"Looking good Prisma!" A Human Pokemon Trainer said after running past Ash. Of course, he referred to him as Prisma since he was wearing his clothes and did look like him thanks to that face. Not quite the same hairstyle though.

"Hey, Prisma~" A Griffon Trainer would wave at him, flashing her eyes before passing by. Other Trainers gave their greetings, calling him Prisma. All of them recognized him as his fame was undoubtedly vast. Ash waved back at them, even though he knew he wasn't Prisma. But he technically was Prisma.

Ash was then led to the waiting room of the stadium where other Trainers were seen. Naturally, they greeted him too while some would move away upon seeing his arrival. "Wow. They really respected Prisma, huh?" Hearing this, Ash had to wonder what Prisma was actually like back in his world. Based on what he's heard about him, none of this is really adding up.

While venturing further into the stadium's waiting room, Ash couldn't help but ponder the enigma surrounding Prisma. "Pikachu," Ash murmured softly, leaning closer to his partner. "This isn't how Prisma is supposed to be, right?"

"Pi." Pikachu shook his head, mirroring Ash's confusion. This world seemed to have constructed its own perception of Prisma, perhaps influenced by legends and stories that might have taken on a life of their own. But he had to think about Twilight and Bertha first as the beam of light was getting stronger, meaning he was getting closer.

As Ash mulled over these thoughts, a Trainer approached him, adorned in a striking outfit adorned with various elemental symbols. "Hey, you're Prisma, right?"

Knowing that he took on the appearance of Prisma slightly, he would respond immediately. "Uh, yeah, that's what they call me here."

The Trainer's eyes lit up with excitement. "I've heard so much about your battles! They say you're one of the most powerful trainers out there."

Ash scratched his head, feeling a bit perplexed by the exaggerated reputation attributed to him. "Well, I guess that's kinda true. Maybe not here." The waiting room buzzed with anticipation as trainers exchanged greetings and whispered about the legendary Prisma's presence among them.

Ash couldn't shake off the feeling of being out of place. He longed to find Twilight and Bertha, to break free from this illusion and return to his own reality. He knew this was not real after all. The blue ray of light emanating from the power Ash borrowed led him to a certain corner of the waiting room, pointing directly at a door marked with intricate symbols.

"Ash Ketchum. She is just up ahead. Continue at once." The voices blurted. Without hesitation, Ash headed toward it, hoping that beyond this door lay the answers he sought and the reunion with his friends. The other Trainers couldn't receive their answers at all from Ash.

Ash's path led him to another door which had regal decorations around it. And standing there were two Dragon Guards, wearing armour and holding staffs that were surrounded in flames. They certainly looked like they came straight from the Dragon Lands as Ash had to wonder if that place also exists here.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for a friend of mine." He said to the guards with no fear, who would soon lower their eyes to meet with Ash and his Pikachu. "Her name's Twilight and-"

"P-Prisma!" These stout and tall guards were actually intimidated by Ash's presence, seeing him as Prisma. So much for their bold appearance. Once they saw Ash, they stuttered and stumbled on their words, surprising the duo. "Of course. Right this way." Without hesitation, they would step aside. But not only that, they seemed to know who Ash was referring to know when he brought up the name Twilight.

The doors would open, revealing the beauty that was waiting ahead.

As Ash and Pikachu step into this ethereal space, they are greeted by a harmonious blend of soft, iridescent hues that mimic the colours of a twilight sky. The walls, adorned with intricate tapestries woven from threads that seem to shimmer with a faint, ever-changing glow, depict scenes of the celestial dance between day and night.

The room is bathed in a gentle, ambient light that seems to emanate from delicate fixtures resembling crystalline orbs suspended from the ceiling. These orbs emit a soothing, subtle luminescence, casting intricate patterns of soft shadows that dance across the room.

Seating arrangements consist of gracefully crafted chairs and plush cushions upholstered in fabrics reminiscent of the colours found in twilight. Subtle purples, dusky pinks, and hints of deep blue. The furniture seems to meld seamlessly with the room's ambience.

In one corner, a small fountain burbles softly, its waters glimmering with a faint iridescence. The gentle sound of flowing water adds to the tranquil atmosphere, creating a sense of calm and serenity.

Delicate floral arrangements, comprising otherworldly blooms that seem to shimmer like stars, adorn various surfaces, infusing the room with a subtle yet captivating fragrance. This was a room fit for royalty.

"Check it out...What Trainer do you think this is for?" Ash marvelled at the sight.


"Ash!" Just as promised, the artefact would lead him to his friends. Well, only one of them was seen at the moment and it was none other than Sci-Twi. The sound of her running over could be heard as Ash turned to face her in this luxurious room.

"Ah, sweet! Twilight!"


But Twilight also looked different. She kept her Human appearance in this world of various species but came with her own clothes. Her figure, adorned in flowing iridescent robes, shimmered like the fading light of dusk. Her hair, a cascade of opalescent strands, seemed to hold the essence of stars, twinkling with each movement.

The crown upon her head was a delicate arrangement of ethereal crystals, each one representing a different facet of twilight, dusky purples, soft pinks, and hints of midnight blue. Her eyes mirrored the enigmatic depths of the evening sky while still keeping that signature purple appearance. Sci-Twi definitely changed up the most.

"Oh, I'm so glad you showed up so soon, Ash! What just happened?" A flustered Sci-Twi asked after reaching Ash. "One minute we're at the cave at Flock Falls and the next...I'm in here for some reason. It's nice and all but..."

"Man. Sweet Dress." Ash complimented after observing the getup but not the other appearances outside of the clothes

"Y-You think so..." Sci-Twi was rather glad to hear that, especially from Ash. It even made her blush a bit. "Never mind that! What is this?! Where are we?"

"This is Prisma's world. I know that for sure." Ash confirmed from the start. "And these clothes..."

"I know those clothes. That's what Prisma wore!" Thanks to what Scione showed her, Sci-Twi recognized the getup immediately, grabbing the red cape. "You mean we got sucked into that lost universe?!" She would screech, already thinking about the worst.

"Nah. It's just an illusion made by the Unown." But Ash staved off her fears immediately. "The Indigo Union probably did this, but I don't know why. I'm wearing Prisma's getup and you're wearing uh..."

"I guess I'm a princess now." Sci-Twi giggled. "They started calling me that the second I showed up here. I wasn't sure what to think. I was still stuck on that Unown part. If you're wearing Prisma's clothes...who am I supposed to be?"

"Twilight Luminaria. Who else?" Ash nudged. "But I guess you're a Human Version of her. Kept the glasses and everything."

"She didn't have glasses in my dream," Sci-Twi grumbled, adjusting her glass afterwards. "Well...How do we get out? What do we do to break out of an illusion."

"We can get out of here, no problem. Just gotta find Bertha. Wherever she is." That was all they needed to do. Afterwards, they would be out of here.

"Princess Twilight." Entering the room was a well-dressed woman who would bow her head. "The battle is about to start and...oh. Prisma's already here?"

"Hey." Ash waved, followed by Pikachu and Alpha Pikachu doing the same.

"Um...Sorry if I'm interrupting anything. But Prisma. Y-You're up next. The seats are ready, Princess Twilight." The employee of this stadium said.

"Uh...Ahem!" Sci-Twi cleared her throat, trying to sound like a princess. Sci-Twi was quick on her feet, using her identity to use this as an advantage to find one person. Bertha. "Before you do that...could you do one thing for me? A woman has gone missing. Her name is Bertha. I was with her not too long ago and now I've lost sight of her. I would like for you to find her. Please?"

"Nice." Ash gave a thumbs-up for that formal speech.

"Apologies if I sound rude but, Bertha isn't missing." That is until the woman dropped a bombshell.

"She's not?" Ash and Twilight collectively said when looking at each other and back at the woman.

"She's just outside the stadium. I believe she's already finished preparing herself. All that's left is for you to show up. Prisma."

They now knew where Bertha was. At the arena. But perhaps, nothing drastic happened to Bertha since it was only Ash and Twilight who had any relation to Prisma's lost universe. The Unown and by extension, Second Wind continued to watch the events play out. So far, everything was moving at a calm pace but Second Wind wanted to see more.

She didn't want any entertainment. All she wanted was for Prisma to show up. And with a devious look on her face, she had a good feeling that specific moment was coming. Especially when they mentioned Bertha's name. Once her name was spoken by Ash and the employee, Second Wind grinned, having something wicked brewing.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 372 End.

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