• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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19: A Night Forgotten...

In the waiting room Sasa paced by the door. The nurse had taken her Chosen away quickly for treatment. She stopped as she felt his presence fade to a dull flame in her mind. Oblivion had a powerful presence about him and suddenly it was gone. “Chosen?” She awaited a response from him but received nothing. She stood up and pawed at the door.

“Sasa?” Applejack stood up and came over to her. “Easy pretty girl. He’ll be fine.”

“Applejack, is something wrong with her coat?” Twilight asked.

Applejack looked down to the cat and watched as her coat lost its ethereal look and became more solid. The sea blue shadow that always came off her was gone and her coloring was muted.

“Wha’ happened?” Applejack asked and tried to pull the giant cat away from the door. Twilight came over to help and together they pulled the cat away from the door.

“Chosen?” She kept calling out to him but received no answer. She knew he lived due to him being immortal, but she could still feel panic edging into her voice. “Chosen!” She growled and tried to pull away from the mares. Normally they would not be able to pull her away from the door, but since her connection to Oblivion is what gave her that power, with his presence so diminished she lost that strength. Her sight faded to what was normal for a feline in Equestria.

She had lost the ability to see the Spirits of those around her and she felt panic rushing through her. As much as she tried to calm herself she felt iller at ease. She looked to the mares as they tried to calm her. She saw the concern in their eyes as they held her back. Applejack was family to her and Twilight was close to the same. She turned to them and buried her head under them, whimpering, she hoped to be close to them and surrounded by their scent would be enough to calm her rising panic. Oblivion did not permit himself to be put under anesthesia so it had to be something else.

“She’s shakin’ like a leaf. She’s connected ta Oblivion. Could somethin’ have happened ta him?”

Twilight shook her head. “I hope not. If something did then they would tell you at least. You’re his contact on the paperwork.” She replied to the orange mare as they both sat by the trembling feline. Running their hooves over her fur and holding her close.

Sasa could feel them close to her but it was doing little to quell her fears. Logic told her that he was fine and would probably scold her for overreacting. But the other half of her mind was jumping to conclusions. Oblivion was a powerful Alicorn, the likes of which had never been seen in this world or any other. A Spirit strong enough to handle a World Spirit and bend it to his own will. Equestria may have fashioned his curved horn but his Spirit surpassed her and created his own form. The only thing he had no control over was the part that made him an Alicorn.

She had told him before that only an Alicorn could handle the Element of Spirit. But right now those details were at the far reaches of her mind. All she wanted, was to feel his presence in her mind. She knew that her own presence had faded without him there. He didn’t need to be beside her but his connection to the World’s Spirit gave her the ability to stay with him and enabled her to access his powers as well. She huddled into the mares and stilled.

“She scared a somethin’. Ah just don’t know what.” Applejack whispered to the other mare as she stroked the tiger’s fur.

Twilight looked worriedly to the cat between them. “I’ll go and ask about him to see what's going on,” Twilight said and stood up. The purple mare stood up as the door opened.

Sasa sat up and looked to the door. Redheart stood in the doorway. “Chosen?”She whispered, not expecting a reply, but still hoping. She turned around to face the door and listened to the mare.

“Figured I should give you an update on what’s going on with Oblivion.” She said to the small group.

“Yes please,” Twilight said as she helped hold Sasa back as well.

“All right. So we did an x-ray of his right shoulder and chest and the right shoulder was violently pulled out of the socket and then pushed back in. The problem with that is that it was done badly so we had to dislocate it again and then put it in the proper place. That stallion has bones made of steel and heavily muscled. He’s not bulky but his strength made it hard to manipulate the bones. So it took a lot of effort and he is going to be sore. With the chest x-ray, we found that his lungs have been bruised. Nothing horrible, but it is still going to hurt for him to breathe. Thankfully, his internal organs appear undamaged and were well protected.”

“What about the cuts to his right side?” Twilight asked. She held onto Sasa, half to keep the cat with her and because it made her feel better to have her there.

“Those ended up pretty bad. The worst of them actually tore and now goes from his shoulder to just past his hip. We have to stitch it closed and then bind the sections that tore with the correct clips. I won’t lie and say that he’ll be up and running in a day. He needs to be kept quiet for at least a week. The wounds themselves take a back seat to the damage to his lungs. If pressed that can become troublesome. The medication we sent him home with before is not a strong enough pain killer. We will prescribe a new drug for him that can be taken just as often as the other but is stronger to handle the injuries that he has. The doctor advised that we keep it on a schedule with him and keep the stress minimal. He recommended that the medicine be given every 6 hours that way there is next to no interruption in the pain removal.” Redheart informed to the mares. “He also is going to a very pronounced limp in that right foreleg. We will send him home with a large cooling pad that can be used for a much longer time span. We will also send a sling to hold it in place on his shoulder and part of his chest. He is pretty bruised up so don’t be surprised if he’s not in a great mood.”

Applejack sat back and chewed her lip before speaking. “Ah am curious. How did ya get him to allow ya ta mess with ‘em? He hates anypony fussin’.”

Redheart grinned. “He agreed to be put under anesthesia The doctor was surprised when that stubborn pony agreed. He was exhausted already so messing with him in that state was akin to cruel and unusual punishment. He went down quickly so the strain was nonexistent.” The mares looked surprised. “Oblivion is a strong pony, but he lost a significant amount of blood, so his body was fighting a losing battle and putting him under was the kindest thing to do.” Her smile faded as she thought back. “The problem we have is that we have no idea what blood type he is. We stopped the bleeding but his blood pressure was so low that we had to pump him full of fluids and wait to do anything with him. He scared us all at one point though. His blood pressure and heart rate dropped and the machines panicked. Alarms went off but we found out that it was a natural reaction for him.”

Applejack looked at her, confusion on her face. “Natural?”

Redheart nodded to the confused mares. “His body acted as best it could to help itself. His blood pressure slowly climbed due to his body pulling back and basically relaxing. It slowed down its own vitals in an effort to help itself recover. His blood type is unknown currently due to us not running any blood testing unless we have his express permission. We did do the basic testing to make sure there is no infection, but nothing intensive. So, for now, we are just treating when we can and let him rest. I’m not sure how he was still standing when he got here. He lost enough blood to have him pass out. But I have to ask, where is he from?”

Twilight shrugged and looked to Applejack. “Ah think he called it the Northern Realms. Not in Equestria.”

“I see. That explains a few things then. From the little bit of blood we got from him it was strange to view through the microscopes. His body reacts differently to drugs so we had to do a bit of trial and error. But we finally got the right mix for him.” Redheart explained to them. “You can see him in a while. We still have him under and are working on the wounds at this time. One of us will come and get you once we finish with him.”

“Thank you, Redheart,” Twilight said to her with a small smile.

The mare left the room and closed the door behind her. Twilight held Sasa’s fur and sighed. “Thank Equestria he’s okay. When Sasa started to panic it made me nervous.”

Applejack nodded. “Same here. Ah never asked him about his connection ta her. By the way, she was actin’ had me worried.”

The mares breathed with relief. Sasa collapsed to her belly and sighed. She wanted to reach out to him but since he was unconscious he would not respond. The Spirit beast laid silent as the mares ran their hooves over fur, soothing her and them. Applejack and Twilight stayed on the floor with Sasa and leaned against her. The cat stayed down and the mares stayed by her. Even though she knew that Oblivion was fine she was still wound tight, her nerves frayed. She was glad to hear that he was not in any pain but she was still upset. The mares with her were as well. Sasa could sense the anxiety from them. Her own anxiety was not helping. She sat up and rubbed her forehead on Applejack's shoulder, trying to soothe the anxious mare. Once Applejack looked to her, she pawed at Twilight, who laughed at the cat.

“Well, ah figure that he’s gonna be okay. Even though Ah wanted ta hit ‘im fer getting hurt worse. But then ah think of what might’a happened without ‘im.” Applejack said as she stroked the cat’s fur.

Twilight blanched and frowned. “None of us could have stopped that dragon. I can’t teleport that many ponies. Without him, it would have been different. I keep thinking that Fluttershy would have acted sooner but I don’t think she was close by. I didn’t ask her how close she was. But if the fight had lasted much longer then I’m not sure how long he would have lasted.”

Applejack shuddered at the thought. “Ah don’t think he would have let himself fall. Ya have seen ‘im. He would have used every bit of power he could get from his armor if he had ta.”

“That’s true. But if it hurt him to even breathe then...”

“Nah. That’s enough a that. He’d never give up. End a that.” Applejack shook her head and made a slashing motion with her hoof, ending the conversation.

Twilight nodded and looked to Oblivion's tiger. “He’d have been fine. He has Sasa helping.”

“True.” Applejack smiled and they went back to tending to the feline between them.

“I have never seen him have any temperament issues so far.” Twilight commented to draw their attention away from more somber subjects.

Applejack looked thoughtful. “He got pretty upset at Apple Bloom once, but he didn’t show any anger toward any pony. His voice was stern, but not all that angry. If we fuss over ‘im he gets a little short. But ah think that’s because he doesn’t like or wants the attention.”

Twilight nodded. “He has a very even temperament. He’s not docile by any means but he has moments I suppose.”

Applejack laughed. “They are rare times, but he will raise his voice if he needs to. He has at me a couple ah times. But ah deserved it.”

Time passed by and both mares leaned against the cat and drifted off using her as a pillow. Sasa stayed still, supporting the dozing mares, and stared at the door. She would speak up every now and then to see if he was coming around but was met with silence each time. She laid her head down and closed her eyes.

The door opened and Twilight jolted as Sasa growled an alarm. Both mares sat up and looked to the door. The tan stallion that had led the black unicorn away was standing in the doorway. Sasa quieted as the mares stood up and Twilight put a hoof on the cat's shoulder.

“I was asked to come and get you when he was moved. He’s still out cold and heavily drugged, but he is able to come around on his own.” He turned to lead them, then stopped and looked over his shoulder. “I would also recommend not touching him until he is awake. He’s really bruised up. Neck and up should be okay.” He advised and the mares nodded.

The pony led them down the hall and into a separate wing of the hospital. The wing was quiet as they passed by rooms with ponies that were resting up and healing. He stopped by a door and opened it for them. Twilight and Applejack went first and Sasa trailed them. Oblivion laid motionless on the bed covered up to the mid barrel with a warm blanket. A large ice pack laid across his shoulder to help with the swelling. His black coat was clean of any dirt and blood and he seemed to be comfortable. His breathing was shallow but steady. An IV was on his foreleg, along with a blood pressure cuff. A clipboard hung at the end of the bed with various measurements and vitals. Behind them, the door closed and Twilight drew up next to him. Bandages covered him from girth to hip and around the front of his chest. Twilight looked back to Applejack who tried to smile but failed. A magical gauge was around the base of Oblivion’s horn, monitoring his magic output and strength. Sasa walked up to Oblivion’s head and put her head up by his and nosed the black stallion.

“Chosen?” She said to him. She still received no response from the unconscious pony. She sat down to watch him sleep instead of trying to wake him.

The door suddenly opened and Secret walked in. “Applejack?”

The orange mare turned around and nodded to him. “Ah’m here.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Secret Heart. I’m the one that has been patching him up.” He said to her.

“It’s nice ta meet ya.”

“I need to speak with you about Oblivion if I might have some of your time?”

“Ah, course.”

“Is it all right if I stay or should I go?” Twilight asked from her place at Oblivion's shoulder.

“That’s up to Applejack. She is the contact on his paperwork.”

“It’s fine. She’s close ta him as well.” Applejack voiced. “She will most likely be helpin’ with him.”

“That’s actually what I was hoping for,” Secret said to the mares as he leaned back on his haunches and picked up the clipboard at the end of the bed. “Cause, if his past is any indication, he’s active, very active.”

“Yeah, he is.” Applejack agreed.

“Well, you need to find a way to keep him quiet for at least a week. His body cannot handle much, if any strain. I know Redheart went over the laundry list of issues with him but left out the big details so I could go over them with you.” Applejack looked nervous and waited for him to continue. “Don’t worry, he’s not dying. He’s hurt, but he’ll be okay with time. First, he did end up with a minor concussion for getting thrown to the ground by a dragon. Still, am not sure how he survived that, but he’s a tough pony. That will probably fade first, just don’t hit him in the head with anything. No matter how much you might want to at times. He might end up with a headache, but with the medication, we have him on he won’t feel much if anything. Understood?”

Applejack nodded and looked back to find Twilight with a scroll and quill, taking notes. The purple unicorn looked up as they were silent and them staring. Her ears pinned back and she looked sheepish but didn’t stop.

Secret shook his head and went back to the clipboard in his hooves. “Next is his breathing. No doubt you noticed that he had a wheeze when you brought him in. Well, come to find out his lungs were both bruised. The bruising is not so severe that we need to keep him for a few days while it eases up. So he will be able to go home this afternoon. Right now his breathing is shallow due to his body compensating for the strain. He does this naturally on his own. We have nothing to do with it.”

Both mares looked to the sleeping pony, then back to the doctor. “So he’s able to breathe like that and be okay?” Twilight asked. “Is that okay for a pony his size?”

“Yes and no. A pony his size should be breathing much deeper than that. But his system has slowed itself down, heart rate, pulse, all vitals have been naturally adjusted on its own. So without any medical interference, he is supporting himself. But that does not mean he can run a marathon. The lungs themselves need a week to heal to an acceptable level. So he is supposed to only walk, no trotting and definitely no running. That will put a strain on those lungs and his airway could fail.”

Both mares stared at him, then nodded. “He’ll walk if ah have ta hobble him mahself.” Applejack vowed.

Secret chuckled. “You might have to. Granted with that right shoulder as damaged as it is I’m sure he’ll be fine with walking or standing. When the dragon threw him he did pull back for a moment and that is what wrenched the muscles in it and allowed for it to be pushed it out of the socket. We had to dislocate it a second time in order to get it into the joint at the proper angle. His walking back here on it made that worse. But it’s understandable why you walked back instead of teleporting. A wise choice and keeping him at a slow pace was the best plan.”

Applejack and Twilight nodded and waited for him to continue. Twilight looked to the black pony, who remained unmoving. Sasa laid her head in front of him and rubbed her nose against his forehead then pulled back to watch him.

“All right, so the biggest issue with the cuts to his sides is that he tore them wide open. The largest of them has been pulled apart. It was the one that was responsible for the amount of blood. He did lose a fair amount of blood, but his body is able to compensate for that. So the stitches that we put in were ripped and we stitched them shut again. Given time, they will heal.” He paused and looked to the mares. “Do either of you know what could have caused the deep scar on his back?” None of them saw Sasa twitch at the question.

“Scar on his back?” Applejack asked, with a tilt of her head.

“Yeah, come here.” Secret stood up and set the clipboard down. He moved to Oblivion’s back and moved the blanket back. Along Oblivion’s back was a scar that went from his neck to the base of his tail. It had tendrils that went along the sides of his back and toward his ribs.

“What could have caused that?” Twilight asked.

“I was hoping you knew. None of us can figure out what could have done it. It honestly looks like tree roots going out to his sides. It’s strange since the scar itself is somewhat new, but the way his fur is covering it makes it seem older.” Secret said to them and laid the blanket back over Oblivion’s body.

He picked up the board and sat back on his haunches. “So I do have a question for you.” The mares waited.“We placed a magic monitor on his horn and set it to monitor his power levels and alert us if it was low. It went off.”

The mares looked nervous. “His magic collapsed?” Twilight asked.

“No. That would be easy to figure out. It shattered because it could not handle the amount of magic he had going through the horn and his body.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “That’s impossible. Those are designed to handle even an Alicorn. How could it possibly break?”

Applejack listened and could not stop the baffled look that went over her face. “So if he broke one, why is he wearing one now?”

“We altered this one to simply monitor the magic in him. Even then it nearly broke so we had it simply tell us that there is magically going through him. Not how much. Otherwise, he would have shattered a few more. What kind of Unicorn is he? I have never had a patient with as much power as he has. To put this in perspective his body is able to convert magic and use it as energy.”

Twilight looked to him. “I know he can use the power from the armor that he wears. But are you meaning he can use raw magic the same way?”

Secret nodded. “That’s exactly what I mean. He has raw magic going through him at all times. If he chooses, he can convert that raw magic and use it. Though I don’t think he does.”

Applejack looked thoughtful. “It’s not hurtin’ ‘im is it?”

“Oh no. It’s helping.” He replied to the farm mare.

“How so?” Twilight came to stand by Applejack.

“It’s actually helping him to heal. He has natural regeneration, but that seems to be aided by the raw power going through him at all times. So it is constantly filtering through him and regenerating him. Any idea how old he is?”

“Ah know he is older than mah brother Big Macintosh, but not an exact number. Ah never asked fer it.” The mare admitted. Which was true. She didn’t have to lie since she had never asked for an exact number. She just knew he was over one hundred years old.

“I just assumed he was in his mid-twenties,” Twilight said to them.

“Well, it might actually be impossible to tell you an exact age.”

“How so?”

“The raw magic going through him is aiding in healing and possibly doing more than that. He could actually be very slow to age. So he could actually be much older than he looks. We would need blood tests to tell us more, but we do not have his permission to run more extensive tests.”

“You mean he could be fifty or sixty and still look twenty?” Twilight said, her voice doubtful.

“Exactly,” Secret said to her and waited after speaking for it to sink in.

Twilight stared for a time before she responded. “That’s different.”

Secret shrugged. “The amount of magic going through him is not detrimental to his health. But it is an anomaly in terms of normal ponies. Anyway. I will leave the two of you to sit with him should you choose. We will discharge him this afternoon to be safe.” The stallion hung the clipboard on the end of the bed and left the mares in the room with the unconscious stallion.

The door closed behind him and Applejack looked to Twilight and they both grinned. “Witcher.” They intoned together.

“That has to be the reason why the dragon didn’t kill him. It couldn’t.” Twilight commented with a giggle.

Applejack nodded. “With that magic goin’ through ‘im and bein’ a Witcher, it couldn’t stop him.”

Twilight smiled and looked back to the stallion. “But one thing is sticking with me. Could it be a part of who he is to have that much magic? He said that a Witcher does not have any magic. He only uses the Signs but I got the impression they are not so much magic as a skill. He can use them without the use of his horn. I mean I knew he was powerful but to have magic going through him that can slow down aging. I know that he is older than he looks but it never occurred to me that he was that much older. He never mentioned anything?”

Applejack shook her head. “Like ah said, ah never asked ‘im for an exact number. Ah figured that was his business.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s true. It is rude to ask another ponies age. I know I don’t like the question personally.”

Applejack walked over to the bed and stood by him. “All ah care about is that he’ll be okay.”

“Yeah. Anything else is irrelevant. Your right.” Twilight admitted and let it drop. “Are you going to stay with him?”

“Ah need ta head home and tell Granny and the others what happened. Do ya mind stayin’ till ah get back?”

“Of course I don’t mind. I’ll stay here with him till you get back.” Twilight told her friend and sat down in a chair to wait.

“Thank ya, Twilight. Ya want me ta check on Spike?” Applejack said to her with a smile and headed for the door.

“If you don’t mind, yes, please.” Applejack nodded and opened the door. Twilight watched the other mare leave and looked back to Oblivion himself. Sasa stayed at his side and watched over him. Twilight looked out the window and watched the stars as she waited. Time passed, she turned her attention to Sasa. Her eyes widened as the cat’s fur returned to its normal state and her eyes brightened. She gave a happy purr and backed up a step or so. Oblivion groaned and his eye opened a slit as he shifted on the bed. The purple mare stood up and walked to stand by Sasa.

One eye cracked open and he growled under his breath. He could see Sasa looking to him and a purple light beside her, that he knew to be Twilight.

“Gods below.” He growled. He shifted once more and tried to move.

“No, don’t move too much.” Twilight laid a hoof on his neck, applying gentle pressure.

“Take it easy Chosen. You need to be still.” Sasa whispered to him.

He raised his head a bit and opened his eyes fully. He looked around and was greeted with a plain room with a window above his head that took up most of the upper wall. Chairs sat across the room as he looked around it. Sasa came up to him and pressed her forehead gently against his neck.

“How do you feel?”

“Like hell,” Oblivion replied, his voice was quiet as his breathing was still shallow.

“Well, you got tossed around by a Dragon, so I’d say that’s about right.” Twilight quipped to him.

Oblivion snorted and looked up. A ring was around his horn and he suddenly glared at it. His horn flared and the ring lit up with an odd gray color, it gave a loud squeal before it shattered.

“Oh no. Wait.” Twilight tried to stop him before he broke it but she was too late. “Damn.”

“You allowed that to be put on me?” He said to her. His voice was quiet still but she could hear what sounded like outrage under it.

The mare titled her head. “Why would I stop them?” Oblivion arched his neck at the comment. “It was a magical monitor.”

“A what?”

“Its job is to monitor a unicorns magic to make sure it doesn’t bottom out. It’s for your safety. If a Unicorns magic fades out too much it can hurt them and damage their horn.”

“Oh shit.” Oblivion cursed under his breath and looked to the pieces of the ring. The door flew open and they both turned to look as Redheart stood in the doorway.

“Are you all right? The ring alerted us that something was wrong then stopped transmitting.” She saw the remnants and sighed. “Another one?” She sighed once more and walked over to his bed, Twilight moved out of the way, taking Sasa with her. The earth pony moved a trash can over to the bed and used her hoof to move the pieces into it. “That’s the third one that couldn’t handle your magic. I think it’s safe to say its fine and we can stop monitoring it.” Oblivion said nothing in response. Twilight also held her silence. “It’s good to see you awake. Any pain?”

“It’s minimal at best.” The black unicorn answered her.

“Good. That means we can now just maintain that level. We will discharge you later this afternoon. Use your magic sparingly to avoid any strain on your body for now.” She advised as she moved the trashcan back to the wall and headed for the door.

“Very well,” Oblivion replied as she closed the door behind her.

“You could have told her you broke it,” Twilight said to him.

“So could you.” He said back.

The purple mare started and then smiled. “Yeah. So why didn’t you?”

“She didn’t ask.”

“That’s beside the...Really?”

Oblivion was silent as he waited for the purple unicorn to stop sputtering at him. Sasa put a paw over her snout as she laughed.

Twilight glared at him then broke into a wide smile. She giggled and put a hoof over her muzzle. “That is so like you.”

“She speaks truth. You never give more than what is asked unless you choose to.” Sasa chuckled.

Oblivion suddenly started and hissed as his shoulder spasmed under the cold pack. “What time is it?”

“Umm... A little before five in the morning. Why?”

“All right, so there is time.”

“For what?”

“I gave my word that I would meet Blue Blood at noon.”

Twilight gaped at him for a time before recovering. “You do realize that you are in no condition to be walking around? Redheart even told you to use as little magic as possible. Teleporting to Canterlot is not a small amount of magic.”

“True enough. But I am a pony of my word.”

“I know that but surely you must see the drawbacks to this?”

“I do. I’m not blind nor am I stupid. If you have an idea, then feel free to tell me. But at this time I need to keep my word to him.”

“Are you crazy?!” The mare shrilled.

Oblivion cringed at her volume but recovered. “No, I am not. I am simply saying that I do not intend to break my word to him.”

Twilight sputtered before she forced herself to calm down. “Okay, yelling will not solve anything with you. Give me a second.” She said and turned away from him. He could hear her breathing deeply before she turned back to him. “Okay, I understand that you wish to keep your word. But I think Blue Blood will understand if you send him a letter. I’m sure he would not wish you to hurt yourself further.”

Oblivion sighed and leaned back slightly. “I’m aware of that possibility.”

“Then send him a note. In a couple of hours. I don’t think the sun is even up yet.” Twilight commented to him, the mare turned around and sat back down in one of the chairs.

“Most likely not. Bloody hell.” He replied and let his head lay back down on the pillow.

Sasa walked up and nosed his cheek. “You should rest Chosen. You have had a very long few days.”

“True enough. But I need to figure something out for Blue Blood.” He replied to the tiger.“If what I saw the other day is still active then that mask is strengthening the wraith attached to him. If that goes on too long it could hurt him and cause his spirit to fall.”

“It’s up to you, but I agree with Twilight. Perhaps wait till next week when you have some of your strength and stamina back.”

The stallion was silent as he closed his eyes. There was no doubt that he was tired, but his mind was still working. He had a sense that Blue was struggling and the part of him connected to the Spirit of Equestria urged him to act. His body ached and pain occasionally went through him when he breathed too deeply. The stallion had bruised his lungs before and knew that his body would act accordingly to minimize the damage and start healing. His energy was low and he could feel exhaustion biting at him as he let himself relax. “There has to be a way that I can still meet with him. Twilight and the others won’t like it but I have no choice. My own comfort comes secondary to this.” He shifted and let his right foreleg stay still in place to prevent moving the cold pack strapped around his body, keeping it in place. He heard the door open and his ears flicked to listen.

“How is he?” Applejack walked into the room, it sounded like she was trying to keep her hoof steps quiet.

“He woke up while you were gone. He broke another magic ring when he came around. And I kind of got into an argument with him.” Twilight whispered to her friend.

“What about?”

“He set up an appointment to meet Blue Blood today at noon. He said he gave his word and he won’t break that. I tried to explain that he can’t go walking around in his condition but I think I would have had better luck arguing with a wall.”

“Eeyup.” Applejack piped up. “Well, ah suppose he will be going to Canterlot later.”

“You aren’t going to stop him?”

“It’s useless ta try ta stop him. Ah can ask him but ah know him well enough by now to know he will do what he thinks he should. Even if it means hurting hisself a bit. Best ah can do is to ask ‘im ta take it easy.” Applejack commented.

Twilight huffed and leaned back in her chair. “I know he will, but I wish he would consider how it affects the rest of us. We know he is a pony of his word but still, there are limits. Or there should be.”

“Ah know. Ah don’t disagree with ya. But fightin’ with him is a losing fight. Like ya said, a wall will give before he does. If ya let him know ya are with him and ask him ta take it easy he’s more likely ta listen to ya. Forcin’ ‘im won’t work.”

“I guess. He’s not unreasonable, just stubborn.”


Oblivion opened his eyes and looked to the mares. Twilight was leaned back in her chair with Applejack just to the side of her, her saddlebags sitting on her back. “I think that’s the first time I have heard of you giving up on anything, AJ.” He commented, startling the mares.

Applejack turned to him and chuckled. “Well. Ah don’t wanna give up like that. But ya are yer own pony and fightin’ with ya is never any fun for anypony. So workin’ with ya is better.”

“True enough. I appreciate the understanding. I have no intention of running around Canterlot. I intend to sit on my tail for the most part and chat.”

Twilight looked to him. “If I had asked you what would you have said the same?” He nodded to the other unicorn. “Ugh. Arguing with you didn’t help anything. Applejack is right, supporting is easier than fighting with you.”

“Also true. I don’t intend to spend the entire day in Canterlot either. A couple of hours maybe, then return to the farm.” Both mares stared at him, disbelief clear on their faces. “You act as if I am completely oblivious to my own state.”

Twilight shook her head and managed to recover first. “Sorry about that. I guess I got used to arguing for a bit. It’s not that I think you’re oblivious, just stubborn.”

“I am stubborn that is true, but I’m not a fool.”

Applejack nodded after recovering as well. “Well ah’ll talk to the front desk about lettin’ ya out earlier. Ah know they won’t like it but its yer choice. Not like they need ta do anythin’ else with ya.”

The orange mare walked out the door, she poked her head back in and looked to the purple mare. “Oh, Spike is fine.”

“Thanks.” Twilight watched as Applejack closed the door and she sat back in her chair. “Sorry about yelling at you.”

Oblivion raised his head off the pillow and looked to her. “It’s fine. I’ve been yelled at before, so it didn’t bother me.”

“Even so. It was uncalled for.”

“Apology accepted, Twilight. Don’t worry about it.”

She smiled and sat quietly. He set his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes once more. He heard Applejack’s hooves on the floor and they turned to hear her when she came back into the room.

“Okay. Ah got it settled. Can ya send a note ta yer friend letting ‘im know ya might be late? They said they will try ta get ya out by 1130 or noon.”

“That’s fine. It would be unreasonable to assume they can do that on short notice. I won’t hold it against them if I am late.” He said from his place on the bed.

He heard AJ walk over to the chairs and sit next to the purple unicorn. “Ya’ll can go home if ya want, Twi. Ah’ll be here.”

“Okay, I’ll leave him to you Applejack. Hey, Oblivion?” She walked over to him and he opened his eyes to look at her. “I wanted to thank you for what you did. You could have killed that dragon, right?”

“Yes. But there was no need. I may have gotten banged up for my act of mercy, but nothing dire.” He said to her and raised his head once more when she stayed in place.

She wrapped her forelegs gently around his neck and hugged him. “You are a very special pony and I’m so glad you were there with us. It could have been different without you. So, thank you so much for being you.” She said.

“I wasn’t going to let you all go alone. As I mentioned to Sasa, I am the only one with any battle experience. Besides, better me than any of you. I have a few advantages as a Witcher.”

Twilight smiled as she held him. “Just get better, okay. I’ll come over and we can practice some more magic or you can tell more fun stories.”

“I’ll look forward to it. Till then.” The unicorn mare let go of him and walked out the door. Oblivion laid back down and caught the grin on Applejack’s face. He sighed and looked at her. “All right. I know you’re going to try to tease, so get it out of your system.” He said to the mare, his face impassive.

She scowled. “Ya know ya ruin it just like that. It’s not fun if ya don’t react.”

“I lost many of my emotions a long time ago AJ. Embarrassment is one of them. I don’t feel many things. So it’s pretty much wasted on me.”

“Ya mean ya don’t actually feel anything?”

“I feel some things but they are minimal. Some things you can work with, anger, for example, is one that persisted but it can be toxic if allowed to run too much. So I keep a lid on the emotions I have left.”

“That’s sad ta hear. Ya never talk about it.”

The stallion looked to the mare. “You never asked.”

She snapped to look at him. “So if ah ask ya would tell me?”

“Within reason, yes.” He said to her. “If I think that an answer will upset you too much then I will hold back until a later date.”

“Makes sense.” She said to him and looked to her hooves. “How much does Twi know?”

“She asked about the Trial of the Grasses, what creates a Witcher and a few other small details.”

“Oh, so she knows that part?” He nodded in response. “Did ya leave anypony behind?”

“How do you mean?”

“A special somepony?” He tilted his head at the term. “A wife?”

He barked a laugh and then wheezed for a moment. “Gods no.”

“Really, ah would have thought ya had somepony.”

“No. I stay out of romance. Geralt gets himself tangled in that spider web enough for all of us.” Oblivion said after getting his breathing back under control.

Applejack was quiet as she thought. “Ah just thought there was somepony special since ya act so nice ta us and Apple Bloom. Just thought ya had family and foals.”

“No. I have dealt with foals before, but nothing extensive. Twilight mentioned a similar assumption. As a Witcher, I do not have the ability to sire foals of my own.”

Applejack stared at him. “Why not?”

“The Trial of the Grasses is to blame for that. Our bodies are altered during the Trial so some things are lost in the exchange.”

The mare stared at him before turning to gaze out the window. “That’s sad. Ya would be a good father.”

Oblivion snorted. “Unlikely, but I suppose it was a nice compliment.” The stallion closed his eyes and let his mind wander some. He had never once thought of having children of his own. Ciri had been enough of a handful to manage. He had threatened to toss her off the battlements more than once during her training. He had come to Kaer Morhen at Vesemir’s request for a season to help with her training. At the end of it, he was amazed he had hair left. The number of times he had put his fingers through it and nearly smacked his head into the nearest wall he was even more surprised that he and Ciri had survived it. He cared about her, but not to the extent of Geralt and Vesemir. They were on more intimate terms with her, while he had stayed back.

“What about yourself? Any plans to have foals of your own?”

Applejack started and sputtered as she looked to the black pony. “Well if ah found the right pony ah might. But I haven’t really been lookin’ since ah work so much.”

Oblivion chuckled quietly. “No need to panic Applejack it was a simple question.”

Applejack covered her face with her hooves as it turned red under her fur. “Was that revenge fer asking bout yer love life?”

“Not at all. If I had been trying to tease you I would have kept talking, and not end with a question.”

She said nothing as the blush began to recede. “Ya can be brutal when ya want ta, ya know that?”

“Oh certainly. You should hear what happens when I verbally abuse my fellow Witchers. That is brutal.” He informed her.

“So, ya tease them more than us.”

“Of course. Ponies are more sensitive to such things. Witchers are used to such things and we expect it from one another.”

Applejack sighed and let her hooves fall to her lap. She smiled and started to giggle. Oblivion chuckled with her as she laughed. “Yer fellow Witchers must have pretty thick skin ta deal with ya all the time.”

“We all do. I give as much as I get, so it evens out.”

They lapsed into a comfortable silence. Sasa stood up and pressed her nose to Oblivion’s muzzle. The pony opened one eye and looked to the cat. “How are you feeling, Chosen?”

“Like I got trampled by a Fiend, thrown by an Ice Giant, and chewed on by a pack of Nekkers.”He responded to her inquiry.

“That good?”

“Yeah. Damned fabulous.”

Sasa chuckled and nuzzled him once more. “Are your wings all right?”

“Seem to be. I checked them on the way back and they seemed to be in one piece.”

“Good to hear.”

The unicorn closed his eye and let himself doze. His ears flicked to listen, listening to the hospital around him. The door opened a few hours later and Oblivion opened his eyes. He had fallen back asleep and awoke to look to the door. Redheart walked in and closed the door behind her.

“All right, so we have processed your discharge and we would be very pleased to know that you plan on taking it easy for a couple of weeks.”

“That is the plan. I do have an obligation for this afternoon, but I plan on sitting quietly for it.” He informed the nurse.

“So I have heard. Well, there is no stopping you, but kindly take it easy. I would prefer for you do not need to have us repair the damage again.” She said to him, her voice stern.

“Understood.” Oblivion used his magic to push the blanket back as Redheart came over to tend to the IV on his leg.

She removed the IV and applied a wrap to it prevent it from bleeding. When she finished he got off the bed after she stepped back to make room for him to move. He was stiff but there was no soreness or immediate pain. He was certain that there was a pain but it was being suppressed by the heavy painkillers in his system. Applejack stood up and took the offered paperwork from Redheart as she turned to lead them out of the room. Oblivion limped after them, in silence. Sasa stayed at his hip and occasionally nudged his leg alerting him to her location. The black stallion stopped at the front with Applejack and completed the paperwork. He didn’t bother asking about the total for the visit. It was not that important currently. They walked outside and Applejack stopped as they reached the road to head back into town.

“All right. Ya heading out?” She asked.

“Yes. I am a couple of minutes late but that should be fine. I will be in touch later.”

“One second.” She reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a small bottle. “Here are the medications from before. Ah’ll have the new ones ready for when ya get back. Just take a couple ah these before ya go.” He nodded and used his magic to create a glass of water and swallowed the two offered pills. “All right ya have fun and take it easy. Send me a letter when yer gonna come back.”

He nodded and his horn lit up and he teleported to the Canterlot menagerie. He shook his head and looked up to find Blue Blood standing a few feet away from him, with an expression of what could only be fury on his features.

“Do you have any idea how long I have been here?” He said, his voice low.

Oblivion summoned Sasa, who sat beside his shoulder. “I am only late by a few minutes. I can explain...”

“No. I have been here for 10 minutes waiting. You are usually early so I ensured that I finished my duties for Auntie Celestia early to ensure that YOU would not be kept waiting.”

Oblivion looked at the angry stallion and found the Wraith behind him to be stronger than before. “Shit. We need to calm him down quickly.” Oblivion started to open his mouth when the other stallion stomped his hoof angrily and went on.

“You have no consideration for how difficult it can be to make time to set aside for a casual meeting. You...”

“Enough!” Oblivion barked out. His chest tightened but he continued. “Is this temper tantrum of yours going to go on for much longer? I will not be treated this way by you or anypony. If you would listen you would find that the reason for my tardiness is actually quite valid. I’m sure you heard of the Dragon that was breathing smoke close by Ponyville.” He waited for the other to give a nod. He breathed in to try to alleviate the pain in his lungs. “Very good. Then you must know that the Elements of Harmony were tasked with ‘asking’ the beast to go elsewhere.” Another nod. “We did accomplish our task but not without there being bloodshed.” Oblivion’s magic tossed his cloak off his side and he turned to let the other see. The heavy bandages on his body showed a clear white against his black fur.

Blue Bloods' eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. Oblivion placed no weight on his right foreleg as he turned, the bandage around his lower foreleg clear as he shifted. Sasa moved away from the stallion as he looked to the other pony. “How in Equestria?” Blue Blood whispered.

“The dragon attacked, despite attempts to speak to it. I am the only pony in the group who is battle-tested, so it fell to me to protect the others. I chose not to kill the dragon, despite being able to if I chose to. My mercy earned me bruised lungs, which are currently causing a fair amount of pain, a side full of stitches, a concussion, and a severely wrenched shoulder. But I ensured that I would be released from the hospital in time to meet up with you, despite several arguments with a great many ponies. So that is why I was late. By a few minutes.” He said as he stopped to breathe.

Blue Blood stared at him and looked to the other stallion as he panted. “You fought a dragon yesterday?” Oblivion nodded. “But still came to Canterlot? Why?”

Oblivion waited for his breathing to even out before he answered. “Simple.” Blueblood looked at him and waited. “I gave you my word that I would be here. I never break my word, no matter the circumstance.”

Blue Blood was silent as his words sunk in. “Even though you are so badly hurt you still made sure to come here?”

“Of course. We made an agreement. Every Saturday at noon we will meet up to partake in...Donuts I think they were called.”

Blue Blood suddenly sat down and hung his head. Oblivion started toward him but stopped as a hiss of pain escaped him. Sasa ran over to the downed pony and nuzzled him. The pony’s spirit roiled around him and Oblivion recognized pain and sorrow coming from him. He replaced his cloak into its place and limped slowly to the other stallion. He stopped in front of the Prince and waited. He would have put a hoof on him but it would have meant moving his shoulder.

“Blue Blood?” Oblivion said his name and waited, there was no response, at first.

“My friend, I am so sorry.” He whispered.

“I’m sure you had your reasons...”

“No! There is no excuse for me to treat you like a cur.” He said and looked up at the black stallion. “What kind of friend am I if I do not listen to you? You tried to explain everything to me with patience and all I did was act like a spoiled foal.”

Oblivion chuckled. “I do not hold it against you. I knew something was bothering you.”


“As the Bearer of the Element of Spirit, I can reach out and check on ponies I know to see how their Spirit is faring. I reached out to check to see how you were doing after Rarity mentioned that you had not responded to her letters and seemed upset. I could tell that for some reason you had that mask of yours on and seemed quite upset and angry. So I knew that I needed to be here no matter the circumstances to check on you. You were...”

Oblivion halted when a Blue Blood put a hoof over his muzzle. “So no matter what, you check in on me and the others?” Oblivion nodded. “Does that hurt you to do?” He pulled his hoof away and put it back on the ground, waiting for the reply.

“No. It does not hurt me at all.” Oblivion explained, without revealing too much. “I check in on the others as well. Rarity seemed worried so I checked in on you. I can’t see what is causing the distress, but I can tell when there is an issue. I decided that a simple letter was not strong enough and that I should be here instead.”

“So you chose to come here even though you were in a hospital? How long did you get to rest before coming here?”

“After being released?” Blue Blood nodded. “I didn’t. I slept there overnight then came here after being discharged, as per our agreement.”

Blue looked to the other pony and let his head hang after seeing that the other spoke only truth. Sasa nuzzled him again and purred as she tried to soothe the Prince of Equestria.

“Well said Chosen.” She told the black pony, who nodded. She put her head under Blue Bloods and forced him to look up.

The black stallion stood in silence, waiting. Blue pulled himself to his hooves. He breathed in and exhaled slowly. “I owe you a great apology. Even more, than I think I can repay. Please know that I am so sorry for how I have acted.”

“I know.” Oblivion interrupted. “Put yourself at ease, Blue. I hold no grudge and am not angry with you. All I ask is that you think things over before you act. So would you like to explain what has happened to put you so on edge?”

“Not here no. Let’s go into town. Can you walk that far? I can call on some ponies with a sedan chair?”

“A what?”

“It’s a flat cushion that four ponies carry while you sit on it.”

“Gods no. That just sounds mortifying. I can walk that far.”

“All right.” Blue led them out of the menagerie, staying at the other unicorn’s side as he limped. “Oh. I checked on your sword earlier this week.”

“Oh? And how is the progress?”

“Steel Horn finished the crossbow after looking into your suggestion and was able to finish it faster than he thought so he started on the repair a few days ago. He estimates late next week.”

“Excellent. The replacement I have is fine but I find myself missing the original.”

Blue smiled and went silent. They walked into town and into Joe’s Donut Shop. “Blue Blood and...Something Shadow. Sorry about that.” The tan pony apologized.

“Oblivion." The black unicorn supplied his name to the embarrassed baker.

“Ahh yes, that’s right. All right then. You’re usual Blue Blood?”

“Yes thank you and two cups of your best coffee.”

“Coming right up. And I know you liked the doughnut from last time so I’ll bring ya a few. And you, lovely kitty, might like what I crafted for her. Hope she likes fish.”

“I do yes.”

“She does,” Oblivion informed him after the cat gave him the answer.

The two sat down at a booth and Sasa laid down under the table to avoid being stepped on. Donut Joe brought over the coffee and poured a cup for them both. Blue sat across from him and waited till he walked away before speaking.

“So about this week.” He began and Oblivion turned his ears to listen intently to the hesitant pony.

“Take your time. Not like I’m expecting the whole story in one breath.” He assured the nervous pony.

“Of course not. I’m just not even sure where to start.”

“How about after I left?”

Blue looked to him and nodded. “That day was fine, it was after that things went sour.” He paused. “Auntie Celestia asked me to sit in on a council meeting for her. That’s not new, I have done it before for her, many times. So I agreed. Normally the council meetings are about taxes and whatnot. This was different.” He stopped and looked to his hooves.

“How so?” Oblivion encouraged him to continue.

“They were talking about education. Normally, a boring subject at the best of times. But this time they wanted to enhance the curriculum and start excluding different students from certain subjects.” He looked to the black unicorn, who leaned forward to listen. “For example, they wanted to remove Earth ponies and Pegasus from Magical History, since they can’t actively use magic. Or Physical Education only for Earth ponies. Then add a new subject on a flight for Pegasus. Thereby not allowing the other species to understand the workings of the other pony’s talents.”

“How does that make sense? I am a unicorn and I choose to learn the mechanics of flight and how an earth pony uses their magic to grow crops. The knowledge may not directly affect what I can do but it is pertinent. What they are discussing is nothing short of...Gods, what are the words? I read them in Equestria's history...Species Exclusion”

“I agree. I started to speak out about it but was drowned out. I was trying to avoid using my mask as you encouraged me to do.” He hung his head. “I tried everything. I even stood on the table.”

“I would love to see that.” Sasa interjected.

“Silence.” Oblivion admonished her.

Blue opened his mouth to continue but stopped when Joe approached the table, two plates on his back and one in his hoof. He set the plate in his hoof on the ground for Sasa and the others in front of the two stallions. Oblivion took a sip of his coffee and set it down in favor of one of the treats in front of him. Both stallions looked down when a low growl went through the air. Sasa was sniffing the treats and growling at them. Joe looked a bit nervous until the cat held the plate in her paws and eagerly devoured the donuts on it. She licked her jaws and front teeth then gazed up at the pony who made them.

“I suppose she enjoyed them?” Joe spoke out.

“Seems to have,” Oblivion replied.

Sasa looked to him and purred her approval to him. “Well, that pretty face earns her a couple more.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes as the pony walked away. Blue had remained silent and was back to staring at his hooves. Oblivion leaned back. “Go on.”

Blue startled and sighed. “Well, when nothing worked I just got so...angry at them. I finally lost my temper. I slammed my hooves on the table and just yelled at them. I used that stupid Prince mask and they finally listened. I informed them that excluding foals from classes just because they cannot fly, or use magic means nothing. Every foal should understand each other etc. I spent a half hour yelling at them. When I finished they all just nodded and wouldn’t even look at me. I told them all to leave and sat alone when they were gone. I’ll be honest I was pretty pleased with myself for a moment until I realized what had happened.”

“You used that Prince mask to subdue them.” Oblivion supplied.

“Yes. I didn’t even give them the chance to comment or argue. I kept thinking that I was in the right and that they had to be put in their place. Even if their place was cowering before me.”

“You realized that’s not the pony you are,” Oblivion stated as he held his coffee in his magic.

“Exactly. I almost hid under the table when I realized what I had said. I pretty much went after each one of them and told them they were wrong and knew nothing. I had no right to act that way. I was just so tired and angry that I...”

“Snapped?” The other nodded. “Everypony has a moment where they have to make a choice Blue. Sometimes that choice is wrong or times it is right. Losing your temper is a normal reaction...let me finish.” He added when the other opened his muzzle to argue, then shut it again. “But attacking another pony, even with words, is unacceptable. You above all know that. Having had it done to you before.”

Blue Blood nodded and took a bite of his food. “What do I do? I want to apologize but I can’t seem to find a good way to speak with them. Auntie Celestia and Luna found out and I have been removed from hosting the council meetings.”

“And the reason for that is?”

“Because I need time to realize what has happened and make amends. How can I make amends if I can’t get them all in one room? I don’t think they would appreciate me going to their personal homes.”

Oblivion was silent as he listened. He could see that Blue regretted what had happened and wanted to make it right. “I can understand why they did what they did, but at the same time. Admonishing you when you clearly regret your actions, therefore giving you no chance to repent for it is foolish.” Oblivion stated, bluntly.

Blue Blood looked to him. “Then what can I do?”

Oblivion considered for a moment. “Is it possible for you to call upon them on your own?”

“How do you mean?”

“To call an emergency meeting and require their attendance? That way they cannot avoid it for fear of repercussion.”

“I suppose I could, but I’m certain they would not want to be near me.”

“That is why it is required. They have no choice, but to attend.” Oblivion said to him. He leaned forward against the table, gently due to the wounds on his barrel.

Blue Blood was quiet. “Even if I call upon them do you really think they will listen to me?”

“Blue. One thing I have learned while I have been here is that ponies here are very forgiving. Even if you do not think you deserve it they will forgive. It’s in their nature to. They will no doubt be upset but they will let it go. Leave the mask behind and explain yourself. Acknowledge what you said and did and then explain what drove you to act the way you did.” He explained. “Perhaps they did not realize that they were in fact excluding your opinion completely from the conversation.”

Blue was quiet. “How do I face them though?”

“With dignity. Hold your head high and accept what you said and explain it to them. If you speak truly they will know. Give these ponies a chance.”

Blue looked up. “If I call this, can you be there as well?”

Oblivion’s ears went back for a moment at the request. “Why would you need me?”

“It’s easier to be me around you. I think it would be easier to leave the mask behind me if your there to stop me from using it. I would, of course, have a chair for you so you’re not standing due to your wounds. And I would like to get this done with, quickly.”

“So you wish to do this now?”

“Yes, if you can.”

Oblivion sighed and leaned back. His wings flicked against his sides and he waited before he answered. He looked to the other stallion and he could see the uncertainty in the others spirit. “Very well. Might be best to do this quickly anyway. If you need me there, then I will attend as well.”

Blue looked nothing short of relieved as he let himself sag against the booth. “Thank you, my friend.”

“Good choice, Chosen. He is pretty shaken up by this.” Sasa said from under the table.

“I agree.”

“When we go back to the castle I will request to have the requests sent out. But keeping it from Auntie Celestia will be impossible. All requests still go through her. She might not allow it.” He lamented quietly.

“Allow me to handle Celestia. She will permit it. I’ll give the request to her myself.”

Blue looked to him and a small smile graced his muzzle. “You’ll probably bully her into it.”

“I might.” Oblivion joked back.

Blue gave a laugh and picked up his coffee. “A toast to a good friend.” He said and Oblivion raised him as well. The two cups clicked together and Blue smiled.

Joe brought out a small bag of donuts for Sasa as they paid and left. They reached the castle and Blue Blood led him through the halls as he started drafting a meeting notice. “I’ll meet you at the council chambers that you were in before. Do you recall where it is?”

Oblivion considered for a moment. “Yes, I believe I can find it. I will have Sasa remain here with you.”

“Perfect. Here is the request for Auntie Celestia. I’ll take care of her. I’m sure she would like to eat those treats from Joe anyway.” His own magic took the letter and gave it to the black unicorn while taking the bag off Oblivion’s back.

“Go ahead and start the request for their attendance. It’s early enough in the day to have them here before dinner with their families if they wish to argue about that.”

Blue nodded and watched as his friend's horn lit up with azure flame as he focused on Celestia's spirit and used that to reach her. He vanished in a flash of blue flame. He appeared a few feet from Celestia's throne and sighed. The monarch looked stunned to see the black unicorn. Oblivion sighed and limped over to her.

“I have a request for you.” He stated to the Alicorn, who took the note in her magic.

“How are your wounds? Twilight made them seem quite severe.”

“To some they are. Where I am from this is nothing small as well but worked around.”

She gave a grim nod and opened the letter. She read it and looked to the black stallion. “I’m afraid I cannot approve of this.”

“And your reason is?”

“I love my nephew dearly, but his behavior was beyond what even I can allow.”

“I can understand your hesitation. But. He is quite distressed by what happened. Did you ask him why he acted the way he did?” She hesitated in her answer and Oblivion stared. “You have no idea?”

“I gave him the chance to explain but he did not give a very good reply. He was unwilling to speak of it.”

“With good reason. I know what happened from what he has told me.”

“Why would he speak of the incident to you and not me?”

“With me, he does not need to be anything besides a pony. To those around him, yourself included, he is a Prince.”

“He is a Prince. That is why his behavior was reprehensible and he has not tried to make amends for it.”

“He is trying to. Would you rather he go directly to their homes and apologize?” She said nothing in reply. “That seems unreasonable. By calling on them to come back to the council chambers he can speak with them altogether. Therefore making it easier for all of them.”

“By requiring their immediate presence? How is that not upsetting them?”

“It has upset him for long enough. You are one of the blindest monarchs I have ever met.” Celestia and her guards stared at the black pony. “You see the suffering of these nobles, but not of your ‘beloved’ nephew. I can see it and I have known him for far less time than you.”

“How can you know that better than I can?” Celestia asked.

“Gods below. I am the Bearer of the Element of Spirit. You wielded it once, did you not gain the ability to see the Aura of the ponies around you?”

“Not in terms of exacts no. I could see some, but not enough to form much of a response to them. Why do you mention it?”

“I can see much more than that. His spirit is being torn at by guilt and regret for what happened. Your solution was to bar him the ability to make amends with the ponies he upset. If you are that concerned about it, I will be there with him. He is close to me so I will prevent any issues within the chambers. If you do not approve of it I will find a way around you. I will not allow him to suffer needlessly.” Oblivion stated to the mare.

Celestia stared at him, shock in her eyes. “You can see the damage being done?”

“Yes, clear as daylight.”

The mare looked back to the scroll and then to the black unicorn. “You will be with him?”

“Through it all, yes.”

“Then with that covered, I will happily approve this. Please help him. If what you say is true, then please help him.”

“I intend to.” Oblivion took the approval from her as the great doors at the end of the room opened. He looked back to find several ponies walking in. He looked to them and all he could see was anger coming from them. “Gods below. What is the issue with this group?” A deep green stallion came up the throne and bowed to the Princess before rising. He had a cutie mark that was a mallet of some sort.

“Princess. I received a council summons from Prince Blue Blood. You told me and the others that he would not be calling for any more meetings. What is the meaning of this?”

Celestia looked sideways to a smirking black unicorn. “That was quick.”

“Is this what you meant by going around me if needed?” She asked him. He locked his eyes with hers, seeing the laughter in them.

“Well, even I am a bit surprised at the speed he took it to heart. Though I am hardly upset at the notion of getting this done quickly.” He answered the white Alicorn.

She sighed. “I have approved my nephew's request to speak with all of you together.”

“Princess with all due respect. I will not be in the presence of that rude pony that has no respect for the ideas of others.”

“Enough,” Oblivion said aloud. His voice was quiet but held strength under it. “Would you like to enlighten her about the topic of the discussion itself or should I?”

The pony sputtered. “Who do you think you are? Princess, I demand an explanation as to the identity of this pony that has the gall to speak to me this way.”

“Justice, please calm yourself. This is Oblivion Shadow, Bearer of the Element of Spirit. He is here to aid in the discussion between you and my nephew.”

“I will not hear of it. Element bearer or not. This pony has no right...”

“Silence, you foal.” Oblivion roared. His own patience frayed. “I care not one whit about what you will allow or not. You are secondary in this situation.” Oblivion stated. He advanced on the ponies that were standing, now stock still. His shoulder popped in the joint, but he forced it to hold him. “You will walk into that council chamber and you will listen, and listen well. I have fought dragons, fiends and all manner of monsters and walked away with a victory. You will be nothing before me. I will not listen to your foal whimpering any longer.” The ponies all stared at him. “Am I clear?”

The ponies nodded as Celestia hid behind a hoof. The ponies started to file out of the room and Oblivion breathed. “That was quite the declaration. Are you all right?”

Oblivion focused on breathing as he nodded. “I will be fine. That took a bit more effort than I anticipated.” He walked after the group of ponies. “Is that all of them?”

“Yes. That is all. Please sit and rest Oblivion. You look exhausted.”

“Well, I will after herd that group where they belong. Can’t have them running off. That reminds me. They were discussing changes in education.” Celestia waited for him to continue. “Segregating the foals into groups. Unicorn only curriculum that excludes Earth ponies and Pegasus from magic-related events and vice versa.”

Her eyes widened. “Please tell me that was a joke.”

“Celestia, I’m a Witcher. Do I look like I am jesting?”

“No. No, you do not. I cannot believe that was even suggested.” She looked away from him and down to her hoof boots. “Oblivion. I do hereby give you and my nephew the ability to abolish all ideas of that nature from now on.” The black stallion gave a slight nod and limped to the door. “And Oblivion?” He stopped and looked back at her. “Thank you for staying with him.”

Oblivion gave her a nod before leaving the room, closing the doors behind him. He walked behind the council ponies and ensured that they made it to the room ahead of him. He walked in to find Blue Blood standing with Sasa at his side.

“Stay at his side.” He instructed the cat.

“I will not let him stand alone. Where will you be?”

“Behind them.”

Oblivion sat down behind them at the wall, taking the weight off his front and leaning back into the wall. The ponies took their seats and waited. The black unicorn gazed past them to the Prince.

“Chosen, he is shaking.” Sasa warned him.


Oblivion stood back up and came around to a gap in the table. “I will say this now and you will listen to my words.” Every set of eyes in the room looked to him. “There will be no discussion of a curriculum that will exclude a certain breed of the pony from any class. Myself and Bl...Prince Blue Blood has been given absolute authority by your Princess to prevent any ideas that could limit the foals learning from ever crossing this table again.”

Blue Blood looked across the table and Oblivion looked at him. His eyes were hard but they let the other pony know he was there.

“Thank you for attending. I wish to apologize for my prior behavior. I was frustrated by the lack of communication and let my temper get the best of me.” Blue Blood began.

“That is hardly an apology, Prince Blue Blood.” One pony interrupted.

Blue Blood had to work not to cringe. Oblivion stepped back from his place and walked around the table. He leaned close to the interrupting pony. “You will hold your tongue till he has finished speaking. This is part of the problem. Unless a pony puts you in your place you do not even allow them the dignity of speaking uninterrupted.”

“You have no rights here...” Another interrupted Oblivion.

The black unicorn turned to them as Sasa gave a loud roar. Silencing them all. “Good girl.” Oblivion praised the cat. “Here is part of your problem. Nopony is willing to listen to the other. I’m amazed Blue Blood didn’t yell at all of you sooner.” Several opened their muzzles, only to have a ring of azure flame surround them. The same flame that covered Oblivion’s curved horn. “Be silent all of you. That ring will remain till you stop acting like petulant children and learn how to listen. I have dealt with a classroom of foals more disciplined than the lot of you.”

He grew up next to Blue Blood. “Speak.” He said to the other stallion.

“Thank you Oblivion. He is right. While I regret my actions I know what caused them. You will not listen to any pony. Not even each other. I stood on this table trying to speak to you like a normal pony. None of you would listen or even turn a glance at me. So my actions were from desperately trying to work with you. I have been coming to these meetings and found that nothing is ever accomplished. These meetings are a joke to any pony who has had the displeasure of going to one. Nothing ever happens and all that we leave with is anger and frustration. Any one of us could change that and make these meetings something that we can actually accomplish a goal.”

Blue paused as he looked around. He was quiet as Oblivion spoke next. “Where I come from there are no meetings where ponies can discuss things. Areas are ruled by a single house or family. There is no ability to have choices. It is all done at the whim of the family head or Lord of the area. You have no choices.” Oblivion said to them. His voice was strong and unwavering. He sat back and leaned his flank against the wall, letting it hold him up. “You would squander this chance to make lives for the ponies better by bickering and arguing like children in the streets. Normally I would simply inform you of what is going to happen as I do where I am from. Equestria does not work like that. But by the Gods, I will silence you to force you to listen to a pony that is not yourself.”

Blue Blood gave a small smile as he looked to the assembled ponies, rings of flame still around their snouts. “Please, leave those on for now.” He whispered to the black pony, who nodded. “As I was saying, I am sorry for my behavior but it has also let me see what the biggest problem is. We do not talk so much as yell and scream at one another. By nodding, has that solved anything?” The two unicorn stallions looked around there was no response. “I thought not. So here is what I propose. We try to remember what we learned in school and listen to every pony. I was not kidding when I said these meetings are seen as a joke since we never accomplish anything. I treated them as a joke. I have and I admit to that. It was the part of my day that I dreaded and I was the first to think that beating my head into a wall would get me further than even trying to speak up.”

Oblivion looked to the ponies and he could see understanding finally starting to dawn on them. “About dammed time.” He muttered under his breath. He leaned further into the wall. His body was tiring and his wounds were starting to ache. Sasa moved to stand between the two unicorns and sat down between them.

“Are you going to be all right, Chosen?”

Oblivion didn’t respond for a moment. “Yes.”

She gave him a gentle nudge. “I think you need to lay down before you fall down.”

“You find me a spot in this cramped room and I will.”

The cat started around the room while Blue Blood continued to speak to the group. Oblivion looked down and was surprised to find the ground moving under him. “Oh no.” He whispered to himself. “Sasa.Get back here.” The cat was back to his side and he looked to her. “I’m going to pass out.”

“Oh no. Okay, can you teleport to your room here?”

“Maybe. Why?”

“Better to fall there than on the floor here. It has a rug in it.”

“True enough.” His horn brought a scroll and quill to him and he jotted a note to Blue who read it and looked to him before the pony vanished. Sasa ran to the door and started to claw at it.

“Hang on, girl.” Blue Blood opened the door and the cat took off at a hard run for the bedrooms. “Oh no, Oblivion.” He looked back to the council who were massaging their jaws. The note had told him to keep working with the council, but he worried more about the injured pony than them.

Author's Note:

Okay this one took a second to finish due to my work PC working with a different writing system. I have to go through and redo the spaces in the system so it does take some time. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Oh if anyone knows how to get Microsoft Word to do the spacing properly let me know. I copy and paste the chapters from word to the website. Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Edit Complete 5/1/2018
Edit 2: 12/18/2018
Edit: 11/12/2019

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