• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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50: A World Left Behind...

Geralt sat in silence on his back as the stallion broke into an easy trot. Geralt held a hand on his withers and the other held a tight hold on a hank of the stallions silver mane. They reached the entrance to the vineyard and the stallion cut through the rear of the field and broke into a slow lope as he saw the house ahead of them. He slowed to allow Geralt to slide from his back, taking the monster head with him and then retrieve the women from the house. Oblivion waited as they came back out and he glanced at the two-legged Witcher.

“Come on. First, we need to replenish your decoctions and potions. I’ll give you the extras I have of some of the mutagens for when you can’t get them where you are.”

Oblivion nodded in agreement and followed the other down into the lab that he had discovered in the cellar of Corvo Bianco. Oblivion marveled at the size of it as Geralt began to unload the saddlebags Oblivion carried and pulled out the vials that he needed to replace. He looked back as Ciri came down the stairs and reached out to him and looked to the transformed wings at his sides. “You’re all right?” She asked him.

“Yes. I’m sure to be sore from it, but I am fine.” He assured her.

The young woman appeared unconvinced but finally nodded after a moment’s hesitation. She trotted back up the stairs and outside to rejoin the waiting Duchess. Geralt quickly went through the potions and their ingredients and restocked all of what Oblivion had used and was missing. Oblivion looked over Geralt’s shoulder as he added the mutagens into a container of their own, labeled it and set it inside the saddlebags on Oblivions body. The ones that needed time to process he put back into the saddlebags to cure and finished restocking the others supply.

“That should keep you going for quite a while.” He replied and led the stallion out of the cellar. “You may need to get creative and make new ones to use the supply from over there to make them.”

“I never did well in making my own but I suppose one is never too old to learn.” He replied with a chuckle.

Geralt nodded and they joined Anna and Ciri in the courtyard and walked out to the clearing. Anna drew up to him and laid a hand on his neck, as they walked but remained silent. They reached the end of the field and Geralt handed Anna her bag, which he had tossed over his shoulder, and she pulled the book from within it and held it in front of them, as the others were soon standing around her. She looked to the two Witchers as, if waiting for their approval to open the book.

“Are we ready for it to be opened?” Anna finally asked.

“I am hesitant to open it personally. We have no idea what could happen.” Geralt admitted.

“I agree. But we have to take the chance to try to send Oblivion back. I don’t think he wants to live here in that form.” Ciri replied with a nod to the Alicorn.

“She has a point,” Oblivion admitted. “While I am glad to have seen you all, I no longer belong here.”

Ciri clenched her jaw at his words. “But you are still cared for.”

“That is true. And that is something I would not trade for either world. But I am needed there.” He replied to her.

Anna breathed in and then released the breath slowly as she gripped the book. “Then we will open it now.” She finally spoke, her voice held finality and the others nodded. “I have seen magic similar to this before so I would recommend closing your eyes unless you wish to be blinded,” Anna said to them as her hands shifted to hold the book in a better position.

Oblivion watched as she gripped the book and closed his eyes when its pages. He could feel the world shifting around them and he braced himself with his claws in the soil and waited for it to end. His medallion trembled violently at the amount of magic and he could feel the Element he wore heating up against his fur. He shook himself to prevent the Element from burning his fur and waited as the ground suddenly pitched under him and his claws dug in as he heard a loud yell from the others and he opened his eyes at the sounds. The others were being rolled down a tall hill and he looked past them to see a drop at the bottom. His body went into motion and he gathered speed as he galloped down the hill and reached Anna first. He slid his wing under her and stopped her rolling. She gripped the grass in her hands and stopped as he galloped past her, aiming for Ciri.

Oblivion leaped to land close to the young woman and the same wing helped her to stop her rolling and he galloped past her to gain on Geralt, who was already trying to slow his own slide, having gotten himself up. Oblivion watched as the Witcher tried to drive a dagger into the hill but lost his grip. Oblivions wings tore from his sides as he leaped into the hair. Allowing the wings to do their job of holding him. He got close to the Witcher and his eyes widened as the edge loomed and he beat his wings faster to try to get his claws into the others armor. He lunged forward but his grip failed as he simply tore the collar of the armor and Geralt went over the edge. Oblivion heard a scream as he closed his wings and dove after the Witcher. He dove and was soon next to the other Witcher and angled his body close to him and Geralt understood his aim and he reached out to grip the stallion’s mane and he pulled himself to Oblivions back and gripped the thick mane and held tightly to him with his legs. Oblivion wings snapped out and he angled to glide upward and his wings beat, propelling them upward and over the edge. Oblivion stayed above the ground as he flew up to rejoin Anna and Ciri at the top of the hill, where they had started.

“Are you both okay?” Anna asked them as the Alicorn nodded.

“Aside from the initial terror, yes.” Geralt admitted.

Oblivion nodded and shook himself as he inhaled and held the breath for a moment before releasing it. “That was quite the introduction to this place.”

“Could do without being scared to death,” Ciri added.

“Agreed,” Oblivion replied and then began to look around them.

The clearing they stood in was surrounded by a forest so thick that no light seemed able to penetrate the darkness. As they gathered their wits and recovered from the initial fright the others soon joined him in looking at their surroundings. Oblivion broke from them and began to walk closer to the forest edge, which was close to twenty feet away from them. He glanced back to find the others on his heels. The Alicorn reached the forest edge and looked into the trees.

“It’s just darkness. I don’t see any light coming through it.” He said as he glanced over his shoulder as the others joined him.

“I don’t either,” Anna said aloud as she drew up next to him.

“Can't even tell the trees apart it’s so dark.” Geralt said and glanced to the stallion who nodded in agreement.

“Oblivion can you fly up and see if there are more clearings?” Ciri asked him.

Oblivion nodded and backed away from them, his wings extending and carried him up and over the forest canopy. He winged his way over the forest and waited for an opening. Nothing opened for him as he flipped around and hovered in place for a moment as he tried going to the right and then left. He snorted and winged back to the others. His hooves hit the ground a minute later as he landed close to them a shook his head.

“Nothing. It goes on endlessly. Nothing to the sides of us either. I would have to try the other side as well to be certain that we are truly surrounded.” He related to them.

“Odd,” Anna said aloud, her expression uncertain.

“Ciri?” Oblivion looked to her and when she did not reply he looked to her.

Her eyes were staring far away and she did not move when he called her name. Geralt reached out to her and the stallion nosed him to stop him. He shook his head and they waited as Ciri finally blinked and looked at them.

“Okay. Something is here.” She said to them. When none of them spoke she went on. “I’m not sure what it is but it’s got magic and it’s not friendly.”

“Can you sense anything Geralt?” Oblivion asked.

The younger Witcher shook his head. “Nothing on my end. You?”

“Not at the moment.” Oblivion focused and tried to reach out with his own senses. He found nothing as he shook his head and shrugged to the young woman. “Can you lead us to it?”

“I think so yeah,” Ciri replied. “But I don’t know if we will be okay coming out near it. Oblivion can Anna stay on your back? Just in case?”

“Of course. Anna.” Oblivion knelt, allowing the Duchess to vault to his back and settle quietly behind his wings. He pinned his wings down against her legs, ensuring that she would not fall from his back if he jumped away.

Ciri nodded and waited as Geralt got behind her and Oblivion behind him. The young woman led them forward, picking her steps carefully. The stallion made sure to follow at a slight distance and keep a close eye on Geralt’s back. On his back, Anna shifted and he could hear her quietly grumbling about sitting on the stallion’s swords and saddlebags. He didn’t say anything to her and allowed her to complain a bit as they followed Ciri forward. Oblivion ears flicked as they moved deeper into the forest and as they moved Oblivion could feel something creeping over him. His skin trembled at the sensation and he gave a low snort of discomfort as the feeling grew in strength. He finally halted and shook himself, trying to shrug off the strange sensation. He trotted to catch up with Geralt and Ciri and fell back into line, the feeling still present.

“Are you all right?” Anna asked him as they walked.

“I’m not certain.” He admitted. “Are you?”

“I feel a bit out of sorts but nothing dire, I suppose.” She replied.

“Hmm…” Oblivion shook himself once more as he trotted to keep up once more. “It’s just a feeling that keeps going through me. I’m not certain what it is or what causes it, but it is nearly constant.”

Geralt looked over his shoulder at the stallion’s words. “You’re not the only one.” He admitted and rolled his shoulders.

“You as well?” Oblivion replied as the other nodded at his words. “Ciri?”


“Anything?” Anna called out to her.

“No. I’m okay. Why?”

“Something seems to be eating at our dear Witchers.” Anna relayed to the other woman.


“They can sense something but nothing clear.”

“Okay. We are getting closer to what I’m seeing though, so maybe that’s what you’re sensing?”

“I hope so.” Oblivion replied. “Otherwise this will drive us both insane.” He called to her.

“We’re close. Just hold on.” She said to them, picking up her pace as she walked. “Bit delayed on sensing anything aren’t you?” She teased, trying to distract the fidgeting Witchers.

“Says the Princess with Elder Blood.” Oblivion teased back.

Ciri chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. They followed behind her and the forest began to shift ahead of them. Oblivion reached ahead and gripped Geralt’s armor in his teeth as he gripped Ciri’s arm, waiting for it to stop moving. On his back, Anna held tightly to his mane as she watched the woods stretch and fold in on itself.

“What is it doing?” She whispered to the stallion, who shrugged in response, his voice silent due to having a mouthful of the Witcher's thick armor.

“I don’t know.” Ciri related to her.

Geralt watched intently, his eyes roaming over the forest, waiting for it to act. Oblivions claws dug into the ground under him, his body lowered to allow himself to recover if the grounds pitched once more. The black stallion was quiet, his breathing even as he waited. The transformation came to a halt as the small group was quiet, waiting. Minutes passed as they waited to be certain that it would not move any more than it already had. Ciri finally looked over her shoulder and nodded to them, moving forward once more. Geralt released her arm and Oblivion released the mouthful of armor he held and followed behind them. The feeling still persisted and he chose to ignore it as best he was able. AS they came out into the new clearing the four of them paused just inside the border and waited as the woman in front of them looked around them.

“Ciri?” Geralt finally spoke after a minute of silence.

“It’s around here. But I’m not sure where.” She admitted to them.

Anna jumped down from Oblivions back and came to stand with them as she glanced around the small clearing. “Well. Standing here will get us nothing. I suggest we, cautiously, move ahead.”

Oblivion nodded and walked forward, leading the way. The stallion’s skin trembled as the feeling set in and remained, despite his attempts at ignoring it. As he moved his ears flicked and his eyes scanned the edges of the clearing and he paused in the center of the clearing and waited as the others drew up next to him. His eyes narrowed as he saw what appeared to be a small pond close to the edge of the clearing. He glanced at the others and they had seen it as well. He broke into a trot and reached the pond ahead of the others and glanced into the waters.

“Seems to have no bottom.” He said aloud as they joined him.

They looked to the bottomless pond and Ciri looked to him. “What do you think?”

The Alicorn was quiet as he looked from the pond to their surroundings. His eyes saw nothing out of the ordinary. He opened his mouth to speak when a sound caught his attention. Beside him, Geralt also began to look around them. Oblivions ears flicked and he caught sight of something above the trees. The sound of wings approached him and he looked to it as the others stared in the direction he knows looked. The Witchers were silent as they watched as what looked like a swarm approached them. Oblivion shifted and spread his own wings to allow the others to stay behind them. Anna placed a hand on his flank, allowing him to know where she stood, Geralt and Ciri mirrored her and the stallion stood ahead of them. As the swarm approached it came to a halt at the edge of the clearing and stayed in place.

“It’s like they're waiting for something,” Anna whispered, knowing that the Witchers would still be able to hear her despite her quiet speech.

“I agree. But what?” Geralt replied to her with a question of his own.

Oblivion stood ahead of them, his eyes trained on the swarm and he looked down to see the surface of the pond trembling. The ripples were constant and did not end as if footsteps were causing the disturbance. Behind him, Ciri suddenly slapped his flank and he glanced back to her, his eyes narrowed.

“That’s what I was sensing.” She said to him and pointed to the waiting swarm.

“Great.” Oblivion griped and looked to the swarm once more. “Run for the trees.”

“Why?” Geralt asked.

“Something is about to happen. Look to the pond.” He instructed and Geralt did as instructed, his eyes widening slightly at the ripples.

“Run.” He spoke only the one word and began to herd the others ahead of him, with Oblivion at their heels.

The Alicorn looked back as the swarm moved. His vision was dominated by the swarm and the sound rattled his ears as he pushed the others ahead and they reached the tree line a bare moments before the creatures of the swarm would have had them.

“What are those things?” Anna asked them as they hid among the trees.

“They look like a small type of gargoyle,” Ciri said to her. “But those are normally bigger, right?”

“Yes. Much bigger.” Geralt affirmed to her. “Normally a gargoyle is man-sized or larger. These ones are the size of a harpy.”

“I agree,” Oblivion commented as he watched the swarm. “There are thousands of them.”

“Now what?” Ciri asked.

Oblivion gave a non-committal shrug of his shoulders and waited. His eyes scanned the swarm as it circled endlessly in the clearing. Oblivions would catch small gaps and he could see that the pond was undisturbed. They were staying away from it. “Odd.” He whispered aloud and he lowered his head and body to the ground and laid down to see if he could see under the swarm and into the clearing. He got to his hooves as he confirmed that the swarm was avoiding the pond entirely.

“What is it?” Geralt asked him.

“They're staying away from the water. They’re giving it a wide berth while they are circling here.”

“Why?” Anna asked.

“I’m not sure. But I think we fled too quickly. We might have been able to stay close to it.” He admitted.

Ciri knelt down to look as well and she nodded. “He’s right. Hey. Do you think I can get close to it?”

Oblivion and Geralt looked to her at her words. Geralt looked to the circling swarm and then back to his ward. “Are you certain you want to try that?”

“We have to do something. That pond is important. I’m not sure how important but it’s important.”

“I agree. She can port herself to it and back if needed. When we were there the surface was rippling. I’m not certain if it was connected to the swarm or something else. Try it, but be cautious.” Oblivion said to her and she nodded.

Ciri vanished as she used her powers and Geralt dropped to the ground to watch the pond as she was next to it. “She made it.” He said aloud and Anna gave a sigh of relief.

“And?” She spoke up.

“She’s just watching the surface. She reached into it but she pulled back and vanished.” Geralt reported and the young woman reappeared as he finished speaking.

“Okay. Oblivion.” The stallion looked to her as Geralt got to his feet. “I need something of yours.”


“I’m not sure. But I kept seeing a flash of silver. So you’re the only one here with silver. So either a bit of your mane or a feather maybe?”

“Both are fine.” He replied and waited as she tried to gently pull out a silver feather and then cut a small hank of his mane.

“Be right back.” She chirped and was gone a moment later.

Geralt once more dropped to the ground to watch and he looked up to the stallion. “She dropped in both and the water erupted out of the pond.”

Oblivion dropped to this knees and looked to confirm what the other had said. “By the Gods.” He whispered as he confirmed the other words.

The waters of the pond had darkened and became black in color. Oblivion's mind went to the story from the book and he watched as Ciri backed up from the edge of the pond and looked back to them. Oblivion wanted to call her back but he wished to see what was going to happen. The swarm screamed as the waters rained down on them and their flight became erratic. Their formation broke down and Oblivion heard Ciri scream as they dove at her. The stallion lunged to his hooves and looked to Geralt, who stood with him. The two of them shared a glance and Oblivions wings pulled from his sides.

“Anna. Remain here.” He told the Duchess, who nodded. “Geralt.”

The younger Witcher leaped to his back and the stallion’s wings lifted them into the air. The great wings beat against the trees and leaves fell from the canopy as they took to the air. Oblivion cleared the treetops and angled for higher. The Alicorn’s gaze stayed on the swarm as they were above it. The water from the pond still rained down and the swarm continued to scream in response to the rain. Oblivion saw the young woman on the ground close to the pond and his eyes widened. She wasn’t moving. On his back, Geralt saw her as well.

“CIRI!” Geralt yelled to her and she remained motionless.

Oblivion folded his wings and allowed them to plummet, his goal was to land beside Ciri. He flared his wings feet above her and landed heavily. Geralt leaped from his back and was beside her in a moment. Oblivion stood above them, trying to shield them from the small creatures. Oblivion brought his wings down, to avoid them being shredded and waited as the other Witcher tended to the woman on the ground. The monsters swept over his body as he stayed still. He felt one tear into his withers and try to stagger him. The stallion dug his claws into the ground and allowed them to ram into him, he refused to fall.

“Geralt?!” He shouted to the other Witcher as he lowered his head to avoid being hit in the head and face.

“She’s not waking up.” He hollered back.

“Is she breathing?” Alarm crept into the stallion's mind as he called back to him.

“Yes. But she isn’t responding to us.” He cried back.

Oblivion shifted his body to get his head as close as he dared to them and look over her as well. She had several cuts from the monsters but nothing that would have knocked her unconscious. “Damnit.” He yelped as another set of claws cut into his flanks. "Ill shield you. Get her out of here.”

“And how are you going to do that?”

Oblivion spread his wings, allowing them to be rammed into as he stood nearly over the Witcher on the ground and angled his wings to lay over them. “Just go.” He said as he felt the collisions to the appendages. He willed them to hold firm as the monsters screamed continuously. Geralt got his arms around Ciri and began to move as quickly as he could, half dragging her toward where Anna waited. Oblivion could barely hear the Duchess screaming to them to hurry. He grimaced as a set of claws tore into both wings as they went over them. He didn’t look up as the wings held firm and strong in place.

As they neared the edge Anna reached out from under the still swirling swarm, trying to get a hand on Ciri’s arm, to help drag her to safety. Oblivion pushed forward and stuck his body in between the Witcher and Ciri and the swarm. The swarm rammed into him with more force than he was ready for and it nearly toppled him. Geralt ducked under his belly with Ciri and Anna was able to stand and grab a hold of her. Together they got her to safety and Geralt reached back to grab Oblivion when the stallion cried out as something gripped his hind leg and tail. He kicked out with his other leg as it dragged him back.

“Oblivion!” He heard Geralt and Anna screaming his name as he was pulled away from them.

Geralt watched as the stallion vanished and he was left reaching out to empty space. He started to go forward when Anna gripped his armor.

“You go out there you’ll get killed.” She shouted at him as she was holding him back and held Ciri in her other arm. Geralt nearly pulled away from her but stopped and nodded to her. “If you think that will stop that Witcher you don’t know him as well as you think.” She said to him when he allowed her to pull him away from the swarm's edge and back to Ciri.

“Ciri.” Geralt called her name and slapped her cheek gently to try to rouse her.

“Do you have any water or anything we can splash on her?”

Geralt shook his head. “No. All of the supplies were placed in Oblivions saddlebags.” He admitted.

“Grand.” She replied, her voice sarcastic.

Geralt looked back to the wall of monsters and he strained to hear anything that might tell them the Alicorn was still alive. He could hear nothing as time went on and he finally gripped Ciri’s shoulders and then gave her a harder slap with one hand. She cried out and flailed as she came to and he held her arms down to her sides as Anna spoke to her, trying to calm her.

“Oblivion.” She said aloud as she stilled. “I know what to do. Where is he?”

The others hesitated and then Geralt looked behind them. “In there.” He said to her, his voice low and his face grim.


“When we couldn’t see you he and I took to the air to get you back. You were collapsed by the water and he protected us as I dragged you here. He got pulled back in there after we got you to safety. We haven’t heard from him since.” Geralt said to her.

Ciri looked to him, her eyes hoping that he was wrong. “No. We have to get him out of there. I can...”

“No, you can’t,” Anna said to her. Cir opened her mouth to argue and Anna held up one hand to silence her. “I understand you want to save him. And believe me, you are not the only one who wishes his safe return to us. But running into that swarm blind will make things worse. When we get him back, and we will, what do we need to do?”

Ciri was quiet as Anna’s words struck true and she finally nodded in understanding and Anna placed a hand on her shoulder. “We need to jump into the water.” She whispered to them.

“You’re kidding?” Geralt replied.

“No. I saw a tree in the ripples. I think it’s the one we need. It was huge and it didn’t appear to have any kind of sky or land limiting its growth. It went on and on. We need to get to it. But we need him to do it. He has to go in first, then us.”

“How do we make sure we all go to the same place?” Geralt asked her.

“Well, I’ll grab a chunk of his tail and then you hold hands with me and we jump after him. Since the water reacted the way it did to his feather and mane then it needs him first. It’s the way it is right now because not all of him went through it.” She explained.

“Bloody wonderful.” Geralt cursed and looked back to the swarming gargoyles. “Let’s hope he finds a way out of that.” He motioned to the wall of monsters and they nodded in agreement.

Oblivion looked back as he was dragged to his side and then pulled along the grass. Above him, the swarm screamed and he saw the gargoyle-like creature that had a hold of his hind leg. It bore a strong resemblance to a gargoyle in the head and shoulders but its body was elongated and its hind legs had vanished into the rest of its body. He snarled at the creature, his teeth bared as he dug his claws into the ground, halting the dragging motion and he felt it stop and release his leg. The stallion lunged to his hooves and lowered his body as the creature was still. Oblivion watched it intently, his ears flicking around him to avoid being caught unawares by the circling swarm.

“You are not welcome here.”

Oblivions eyes widened slightly at the words that slithered out of the creature’s mouth. He remained on guard as the swarm screamed endlessly in his ears. The stallion remained silent as the monster remained still, its tail occasionally flicking behind it. Oblivion snorted and finally spoke in reply. “How do you know if I belong here?”

“You are not of thissss world. You are wrong.” It called back to him.

“That does not explain anything.” Oblivion countered.

“Your life ended.”

Oblivion was quiet as he ensured that the monster and its swarm were not going to attack him immediately. “It ended here once. But I did not choose to return to it.”

“Musssst leave.”

“I will once I know how.” He replied. “I have no intention to remain here.”

“The waterssss. They will lead you.”

Oblivion looked beyond the creature and saw the still erupting water of the pond. “So I need to walk through it and then what?”

“Then the right path will open up. You musssst go.”

Oblivion looked from the pond to the creature and for a moment considered going through it. He paused at the thought of not saying anything to the others and hesitated. They had brought him here and given him their aid in returning him back to Equestria. He shook his head and raised his head high as he spoke to the creature.

“I will leave when those that came with me are allowed to come with me. Not before.”

“NO!” It shrieked.

Oblivion pinned his ears at the shrill sound and stood his ground. The monster lunged at him and he reached back for his weapon and the silver blade snaked out and cut a line through the creature’s neck. The shrill scream ended as the head fell behind it and to the ground. The body stayed up for a moment before falling to the ground as well. The swarm screamed and their flight became more erratic, driving the stallion to the ground, his ears firmly pinned to his skull. He could feel the occasional claw slice through his fur as he kept his wings pinned tightly to his sides. He closed his eyes and waited as the sound began to die out and the deafening sound of wings began to subside. The Alicorn got to his hooves, flicked the sliver blade clean of blood and slid it back into the sheath, and looked to the pond.


His ears flicked and he looked to find Ciri running toward him, Geralt and Anna on her heels. She slid to a spot in front of him and he regarded her, his orange eyes giving off their slight natural glow. She threw her arms around his shoulder and neck and held onto him, her grip tight. He wrapped his neck down and held her close.

“Are you all right, Ciri?” He asked her, his tone quiet.

“I’m fine.” She replied and released her hold on him and stepped back a few steps. “Are you?”

“I’ll heal. Nothing serious.” He replied.

“What about your wings? Geralt said you used them to protect me and him.”

Oblivion extended his wings and allowed the young woman to look over them. “I’m actually surprised that they were able to withstand the punishment. But I am not going to complain about it either.”

Ciri chuckled and nodded. “Okay, well I know what to do now.”

“I need to go through the water?”

She stared at him and nodded. “How did you?”

“That thing told me.” He said to her and pointed his horn to the dead monster. “Seems it knew that I am no longer from this world and was trying to get me to leave sooner. I clearly declined their request. Unfortunately, it seemed to think that I was slower on the draw. Was able to kill it without getting into too much of a fight over it.”

“Clean slash.” Geralt commented as he looked at the corpse.

“Not a bright monster to be honest. But now we know what to do. I assume you will be following me through?” He said to the group, who nodded in reply.

Oblivion led them to the still erupting water. The rain that had been falling on them since it happened remained as the Alicorn stopped and waited for the others to be ready for him to lead them through. “I assume I need to go first?”

“You would be right. The only reason the water is like it is because of you. I used a bit of my hair and it did nothing. But I added yours and this happened. So I’ll be behind you then Anna and then Geralt?”

“Works for me,” Oblivion replied and waited as Ciri gripped Anna’s hand then gripped a hank of the stallion’s thick silver tail. Geralt took the young woman’s hand and oblivion waited till they looked to him before he walked forward, his stride slow to allow them to keep up easily.

Oblivion was silent as he closed his eyes as the feeling of the water went over his fur and he waited as the scent of water filled his nostrils and he breathed slowly as he led them through. His orange eyes stayed hidden behind his eyelids until he could feel the heat on his fur. His coat was soaked through from the waters. His orange eyes opened and he kept moving as a tree loomed ahead of him. He tore his gaze from it and looked back to the others. They emerged from the waters, dripping wet and came to his side.

“I saw it in the water but it didn’t look like this,” Ciri admitted.

Oblivion breathed as he regarded the tree ahead of them. The trunk itself was easily twenty or more feet wide and its boughs stretched into the skies. He didn’t see an end to the limbs of the tree. But what held his attention was the bark of the tree. It was the same crystal that covered the cavern that Equestria had shown him. More importantly, it was the same as the gemstone in his saddlebag. He left the gem on his bag until he deemed he might need it.

"You saw it?” He asked Ciri as she stared at the tree as well.

“Yeah. I saw it in the ripples before I added your feather and mane. So this is what it was showing me. But the image was not very detailed. Now that I see it I can’t believe what I’m seeing, to be honest.” She replied to him.

Oblivion nodded and waited as the others came to grips with the enormity of what they were seeing. “It's bigger than I thought it would be.” He admitted.

“You’re not kidding.” Geralt replied and patted the stallion's shoulder. “So now what?”

Oblivion shook his head and they glanced at Ciri who shrugged. The stallion walked forward, his steps deliberate as he watched for any movement from the tree itself. As he neared it the tree remained silent and he was soon close enough to see his reflection the crystal bark. The Alicorn was quiet as he reached out a hoof and tentatively tapped a claw against the bark, and waited for any reaction. He gave a quiet sigh of relief when nothing happened and looked over his shoulder to the others as Ciri joined him. The young woman reached out and her hand laid on the crystal bark. She left her hand there and glanced at him as he gave a slight shrug as the ground shuddered. Their eyes connected and they both backed away from the base of the tree.

Ciri was faster to rejoin the others and he was on her heels, backing up as quickly as his hooves would allow. The ground trembled and the earth in front of the tree began to bunch and tear. Oblivions' eyes narrowed as he stared at the grass. The earth tore open and stones began to come out of the ground. Oblivions eyes were wide as he watched and the sight of the stone was enough to have him backing up and reaching into his saddlebags.

“Oblivion?” Geralt asked him as he saw the stallion rooting through the saddlebags on his barrel.

“Keep away from that thing.” He advised and continued to look through the saddlebags on his left side.

“You’re kidding,” Ciri called to him.

“No, I’m not. I know what is coming and I can stop it if you can buy me time.” He called back to them.

“Damn. Okay. You take Anna and get some distance. Ciri and I will keep it back.” Geralt yelled.

Oblivion nodded and waited as Anna got to his side and he pushed her away from the tree and close to twenty feet away. She went to his other saddle bag and opened it.

“What am I looking for?” She asked him, her voice hurried.

“A gemstone. It’s made of the same crystal as that tree.” He replied as he searched. She nodded and dug into the saddle bag at his side.

Geralt pulled his silver sword off his back and look to Ciri. “Get Oblivion's silver sword.” He yelled to her, she teleported to the stallion’s side.

He watched as she told him what she doing, he nodded in agreement, she then returned to his side. He watched as the creature came from the ground and now stood before them. It was enormous. Even for an Elemental, it was huge.

“Geralt?” Ciri whispered to him.

“I know.” He replied and bumped her arm with his elbow. “Stay out of its range. We just need to occupy it while he gets whatever he needs.”

“Understood.” She replied and lowered into her stance and held the blade aloft.

Geralt could see the runes running the length of the silver blade and for a moment he felt a tinge of envy at the blade but his mind quickly ignored it and focused on his own task. The Elemental was easily more than twenty feet tall and dwarfed the two in front of it. Crystals covered its body and they undulated over its form as it began to solidify and become more focused ion its form. Geralt waited as eyes came out of the crystals and a roar that could shake the heavens came from the creature.

“Oblivion?!” He yelled to the Elder Witcher.

“Working on it.” The stallion hollered back to him.

He looked over and saw Oblivion shed the saddlebags and toss them to the ground to allow him to search them easier. Geralt refocused on the Elemental and gave the stallion the time he needed. He charged the monster and slid under a wide-armed swing and his blade thudded dully against the monster's leg. He gaped for a moment at the blade as it could not cut into the creature. Ciri teleported into view and Oblivions sword cut at the monster as well. It swung at her and the young woman teleported to avoid the swing. Geralt rolled away from the monster's legs and rejoined the young woman.

“Just keep it occupied.” He said and went back to ensure that the monster's focus was on them.

Ciri grunted as she raced at it once more, the blade in her hands stabbed and she rolled out of the way of it. Geralt backed up and charged as well. He swung his own blade and it chipped away at the crystals on the Elementals body. But he could not see any dents on the creature's form. As time ticked past Geralt could feel exhaustion beginning to bite at him, as he paused and backflipped away from the monster, trying to force it to chase him. He glanced away from the fight to find Ciri attacking as well. His body was beginning to show the exhaustion as his movements were beginning to slow and he cursed under his breath as he attacked once more.

Oblivion glanced up as the others waged a losing fight against an Elemental he knew they could never defeat. Anna cursed under her breath as she pawed through the saddlebag. Oblivion Cursed colorfully as a shout caught his attention. He looked up as Geralt rolled over the grass and came to a stop on the ground. Oblivions eyes widened as the exhausted Witcher struggled to his feet and held his sword up, ready to go on. Oblivion snarled and reached into the saddlebags once more. His claws found what he wanted as he held it up as he spun to gallop t the others and get in between the monsters and them. He tossed the gem into the air and closed his jaws around the chain that held the gemstone. His teeth clicked close on the chain and the Alicorn’s claws tore into the earth as he galloped to protect the others. Behind him, Anna screamed as the monster picked up a stone and prepared to throw it at the other Witcher.

“Geralt! Down!” Oblivion screamed at him as he neared the other Witcher.

Geralt wisely dropped to the ground and the stallion stood over him, ready to take the stone if the need came. He focused his mind and forced his will to the gem in his teeth. The Elemental paused for a moment and then released the stone in his grip. The stallion pushed back, trying to mitigate the impact of the stone on his chest and neck. The impact was punishing but not as bad as he had been ready for. His body rolled backward and he went head over tail as he landed on his side. Oblivion got to his hooves and took the chain in his claws and slid the gemstone around his neck. As he did he calmed his mind and went still. He closed his eyes and waited as he forced the calm onto the gem that now hung around his neck. He waited as silence caught his ears and he looked up as Ciri pulled Geralt to his feet and they looked back to the Alicorn behind them. The Elemental had stopped in its place and now was stone still.

Ciri looked back to him as he walked up to them. “Are you all right Geralt?” He asked the Witcher.

“I’ll live.” He replied and stayed standing. “What did you do?”

“The gemstone I’m wearing came from the same cavern that created that thing.” He replied.

“You’re kidding?” Ciri said o him, her eyes wide.

“No. I have been to the cavern and I know the history of the gem. This Elemental is the protector of that cavern. The gem I hold was stolen and used to hurt others. The gem reacts to the emotions of the one who holds it. I can also use it to command it.” He informed them, as Anna joined them. “Since I lack the emotion it can feed upon it goes silent. Though I have to admit that I haven’t seen it this size in a while.” The others looked to him and he went on. “The size depends on the situation I assume.”

Ciri was quiet as she slid the silver sword back onto Oblivions back and then approached the monster. She reached out a hand and it moved, causing her to yelp and leap back. She looked back to find Oblivion with a slight grin to his muzzle.

“Very funny.” She chided him, though a smile tugged at her mouth.

“Now what?” Anna asked as she rejoined them and slid Oblivion’s saddlebags back into their place on his body.

“Well. I touched the tree and that thing came to us. But I touched it now and nothing happened. So I guess, now, maybe it’s up to you Oblivion.”

“Oh?” He replied.

“Yeah. It came when I touched the tree. But I’m not the one who can command it. Maybe it can take you back.” She reasoned.

“That would make sense, in a way. This started with the one who came before me.”

“What do you mean?” Anna asked him as he looked at the still Elemental.

“The previous Guardian was the one who stole the gem, to begin with. So in a way, it makes sense that it now falls to me. I will be returning the gem to the cavern when I am done with it. So it comes full circle.” He replied.

Anna was quiet as she set a hand on the Alicorn’s shoulder. “So it is time for us to say goodbye?”

Oblivion glanced back to her and nodded. “So it seems.”

Ciri clenched her jaw and stayed at his side. Geralt looked at the Elemental and then to the ground before him. Oblivion said nothing as they came to terms with the fact that he was going to be leaving them behind. He was also coming to terms with the fact that he would probably never see any of them again. He walked forward and then turned back around to face them. The three of them regarded the stallion in silence as his orange eyes regarded them.

Anna stepped up to him and she wrapped her arms gently around his face, her hands on his cheeks. He heard her sniffle and she pulled away from him to look him in the eyes. “You must promise that you will try to return one day. Even if only for a moment.” She said to him, her hands caressing his forehead, her touch feather-light.

“I am not sure if I will ever be able to. But, if I can, I will.” He said to her.

Oblivion reached back to his wings and yanked two feathers from his wings, one silver, and one black. Anna took them in her hands when he gave them to her. She smiled and kissed his forehead, just below his horn. She backed up, tears spilling from her eyes as she tried to smile for him once more. Ciri stepped up to him and threw her arms around his neck and shoulders. Oblivion held her tightly to him as she gripped his mane in her hands. Ciri released him after a minute and she pulled a dagger from her boot and looked to him. He turned his head to allow her to cut a hank of his silver mane. She cut out a small chunk and backed up from him, tears in her eyes.

Geralt stepped up to him and the stallion said nothing as they simply stood in silence. Neither said anything as the seconds ticked away. Geralt looked to him and the orange eyes of the Elder Witcher watched him in return.

“You can’t ever come back, can you?” He finally asked.

Oblivion whispered his reply. “No.”

“Don’t lie to me.” Geralt asked him.

“I won’t. You and I have been brothers too long for that. I will never forget our last hunt, nor will I forget any of the time that I spent with you and the others. You are my brother and a new form or a new home will not change that.” Oblivion said to him.

Geralt nodded. The Witchers were quiet as Geralt walked up to him and also held the stallions head close to him. Oblivion waited as the other held him close. He could feel the other's heart beating through his armor. Oblivion could feel the sense of loss echoing through him. Geralt pulled back and the stallion once more yanked two feathers from his wings and bade the Witcher cut a chunk of his mane as well. The Witcher’s were silent as nothing needed to be said as they parted. The Alicorn was quiet as he turned away from them and looked to the still Elemental. As he began to reach out to command it he heard a choked cry and glanced back. Anna had turned away and was hiding her face behind Geralt’s shoulder. The Alicorn stopped and went back, her sorrow beat against him. His snout reached out and he nudged her one last time.

“I will never truly leave you.” He said to her. “So long as you remember me, and think of me every now and then, I am never truly gone, dear one.” He whispered to her.

She cried out and turned to him, burying her head in his long mane and sobbing against his fur. Oblivion turned his head to her and wrapped his neck around her as best as he was able. His wing came down and he wrapped it close to her. She sobbed against him and he didn’t move or speak. He remained beside her as long as she needed. Ciri ran her hands through the stallion’s fur and Geralt set a hand on the stallion shoulder. When the Duchess quieted he pulled back and she sniffled as he looked to her.

“Anna.” He said to her. She looked at him. “I am leaving you behind, but I will never forget. I remember you as a child and trying to learn how to ride a horse. I remember those times and I cannot forget them. I will remember the time I spent with you.” She gave a sniffle but he could see the beginnings of a smile on her face. “Those are times I cannot forget. I treasure them as I do the others. I am always with you, even if I am not at your side. You lead your people and you protect them well.” He said to her.

“You taught me how to love and how to love them.” She whispered to him.

“You already knew how. You were just being stubborn.” He replied and she smiled at his words. “You are the best of them, and they know that. Now lead them and show them the heart that I know you have. I will not forget.” He said to her, his voice a bare whisper as he nuzzled her one last time.

She smiled for him and breathed in through the tears still in her eyes. He looked to Ciri and nuzzled her as well. “And I will not forget you either, Little Swallow. No matter how upset I was with you I never thought of you as anything less than one of us.” He said to her.

Ciri breathed in as she tried not to cry as well. “I won’t forget, Oblivion. You were always family to me. I knew that I could count on you. No matter what I needed. You were always there.” She said to him.

“I may not be at your side now, but I am with you. Your courage will serve your people well. Show the world that a lass taught by Witchers has the courage of a nation.” He said to her.

“I will. I promise.” She said to him.

“I’ll hold you to that.” He replied to her, his voice quiet.

Oblivion glanced at Geralt who laid a hand on his neck for a moment before patting his hand and then putting his hands down to his sides. Oblivion looked to the Elemental and approached it, he stopped a few feet from it and waited as he looked to the gem around his neck. One last glance over his shoulder and he issued the command to the Elemental. “Take me home.” He whispered aloud.

The Elemental surged forward, its hands gripped the stallion’s shoulders and Oblivion grimaced as the bruises on his body complained at the handling. The Elemental turned to the tree after lifting the stallion off his hooves and holding onto him. Oblivion looked over his shoulder as the tree began to glow and the bark on its surface began to ripple and undulate as they approached. He kept his wings tight to his sides as the trees glow was growing blinding and he was forced to close his eyes. He felt a bit of resistance as the Elemental took him through the tree.

The Elemental tore through the portal and into the ruins. Oblivion paused as he looked around them to ensure he had his bearings before he dismissed the Elemental completely. The monster set him on his hooves and backed away several feet at the Alicorn’s unspoken instruction, then vanishing into the ground once more, until summoned. The portal behind him began to flicker and he spun to look through it once more. Ciri and the others were calling out to him, though he could not hear what they were saying. He bowed his head to them, a rare smile crossing his muzzle as the portal died and went dark. He closed his eyes as the loss of those he held dear weighed on him. He had said his goodbyes to them but that did not mean he would toss their memory aside. His orange eyes stared at the portal, almost as if hoping it would open once more. When it remained dark he backed up away from it and his eyes closed for a minute as he recalled the world he had left behind.

Author's Note:

Okay, update 2 of 3. I will finish the edits tonight and should be able to get it rolling by tomorrow night. Thank as always for the support and for reading. Thank you again!

Edit: 11/14/2019

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