• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

  • ...

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87: More to Know

Oblivion sat at the table in Twilights library as the mare came downstairs and looked at him closely for several seconds. Sasa rolled over and looked at the mare as she came down the stairs with the notebook he had made for her. He could see that she had a plan in mind and was looking expectantly at him. He set the language book aside and looked at her, waiting for her to go on.

Twilight said nothing as the seconds ticked past. She looked at the book in front of her and her lips pursed for a second before she seemed to square her shoulders and then looked closely at him. “Can I see the map that you have?”

He gave a slight tilt of his head as his horn lit and it appeared in front of her. She gripped it in her magic and another map came from her magic as she compared them. Sasa shifted and sat up as the mare looked uncertain. Her eyes went from the map to him and then back again.

“Uh oh. I know that look.” Sasa said to him.


“She’s figuring something out.” She replied. “Careful Chosen.”

Oblivion said nothing further as Sasa laid back down on the floor by his hooves. Twilight set the maps down and looked closely at him for several seconds. He remained silent as she seemed to be trying to figure out how to speak up. His orange eyes watched her closely as she inhaled and closed her eyes.

“I know this might not be my business but your map and mine don’t make sense.”



Her magic gripped both maps and they hovered in front of him. He scanned what she held in front of him and he quickly saw what she meant. Her map showed the location that the Northern Realms held as something else. He closed his eyes for a moment before his magic gripped his own map and sent it back to his saddlebags.

“I see what you meant.” He informed her.

“Can you tell me why they don’t’ match?”

“Does it matter?”

She paused at his reply and ran her hoof over her muzzle before she nodded. “It might seem small to you and I know why you don’t seem bothered by it but your one of my best friends and I need to know the truth.”

“Oh boy.” Sasa whispered to him.

Oblivion bit back a sigh and leaned back on his haunches. His claws clicked as he flexed them against the floor. Sasa sat up and regarded the mare closely as Twilight waited for him to speak.

“What do you wish to know?”

“Is the Northern Realms in Equus?”

He was silent for several seconds as he contemplated his options. ‘Clever mare.’ He thought to himself. “No.”

Twilight breathed in a deep breath as he spoke and her eyes went wide. “So you’re not from Equus at all?”


“Explain it to me.”

“Careful.” Sasa advised.

He ran his claws over his face for a second before he stared at the mare. “I am not sure what you wish to know. I am here…”

“How did you get here?” She shouted in frustration.

Sasa cringed at her volume and he closed his eyes as he thought over what he should and should not tell her. “Magic. Put simply. I am not sure of the exact method but I woke up here and you know the rest of the story.”

Twilight looked back at him and then she inhaled and put a hoof to her chest to calm herself. “So you’re not from this world at all?”

“No. The world I am from is called the Continent. There is no other name that I am aware of for it.”

“So when you went missing you were sent back to your world? And how did you get back here?”

He said nothing as he recalled the forest, the crystal tree, and the Elemental. “I was sent back and spent the time I was gone working out how to get back here. I worked with Geralt, Ciri, and Anna to get back here. We used a spell to find a certain forest within a spellbook and then used further magic from Ciri to figure out how to use it. That Elemental I used when I came back?” She looked thoughtful and then nodded as she recalled. “That was how I got back. It had the ability to reach out to where I was and bring me back once I was able to command it.”

“So it tripped across worlds to bring you home?”

“Yes. In a way.”

Twilight was silent as she stared at him, her eyes wide. She suddenly gulped and looked closely at him. “Were you always a pony?”


She pushed back from the table and looked at Sasa who shook her head in silent reply to an unspoken question. “What were you once?”

“A mutant.”

“A what?”

“I was human once but that changed when I went through the Trial of the Grasses. I became a mutant to the other humans that had once been my kind.”

“What is a human exactly?”

“A two-legged creature. I can show you.”

His horn lit as he called on his sketchbook once more and he flipped through it until he found a full-body picture of Lambert and his magic sent the book to her to look at. Her eyes went wide at the image and her hooves gripped the sketchbook. She scanned the image and then looked at him.

“Did you look like this?”

He tilted his head slightly as he thought back to his old form. “I was thinner and taller.”

She looked back down at the sketch and then back at him. “What about the others?”

His magic turned the pages until it came to the last few pages and she looked at the image of Geralt, then Ciri, and then Anna on the final page. “Their pretty.” She whispered.

He said nothing in reply to her utterance and waited for her to speak. The mare set the sketchbook down in front of her and then flipped back to the page with Lambert. She shook her head and leaned back on her haunches.

“It’s just… Wow.” She muttered and looked back at him. “Can you go back and forth? Between worlds?”

“No.” He replied easily. “I am here for the remainder of my time.”

“You’ll never see that world again?”


“And you’re okay with that? Never mind I’ve asked you that before and you're fine with it.” She chuckled and closed the sketchbook. “I still don’t see how it’s possible. You were brought here or you brought yourself here?”

He was quiet as Sasa looked at him and she gave a slight nod in reply to him. She knew that he could not answer with the full truth. He did not wish to lie to the mare, but in the same breath, he could not tell her everything.

“I was brought here for a reason I assume. Perhaps it was to ensure that the Elements of Harmony could be used again. I am not sure of the exact reasoning.” He lied. He knew the reason and he knew it well. “Does it matter?”

She paused and stared at him as a smile went over her muzzle. “I guess it doesn’t matter. But I still wish you could tell me everything. I know you well enough to know that you’re not telling me everything. Are you?”

He remained silent and simply watched as she closed her eyes and her magic covered his sketchbook and it levitated back to his grip. He sent it back where he had gotten it and he watched as she looked at Sasa and then back to him.

“I have more questions for you if you have a bit of time?” She said to him as she sat down across from him.

Her magic flipped through the notebook and she hovered it close to him for him to look at. She held out the notebook and he leaned forward and he could see that she was pointing to a section about Hyms and their kind. He leaned back and she set the notebook down in front of her and waited for him to answer her questions.

“What more would you like to know?”

“Are they really hard to fight?”

“The problem is not fighting them it’s getting them to show themselves long enough to get a silver blade on them.” He replied. “They attach themselves to a pers…pony and feed off the emotions of guilt and sorrow and slowly drive them insane or drive them to suicide.”

“Wow. Have you ever come across one?”

“Once or twice.” He replied.

“When?” She asked, her voice pitched slightly as she spoke.

“Geralt and I were helping one of Crach an Craite’s children to do something worthy of a ruler.” He paused at the look from her. “The former king of Skellige had passed on and the contest for the next ruler was in motion. She had placed her sword on the table and put her name into the running for it. We joined her on Spikeroog as she looked to help Udalryk with his issues.”


“It’s a Skellige name. Their names are usually longer and are a bit more complex than normal.” He informed her. “He was suffering from something that made him harm himself and he believed that it was his dead brother tormenting him from the grave.”

“How is that possible?”

“It depends on the circumstances. The dead do not rest well depending on how they left the world. Basically it was his belief that because he survived a boating accident and his brother did not, he was being haunted for it.”

“How did you cleanse him of it?”

Oblivion paused and looked carefully at her for several seconds. “We tricked the Hym.”

“How do you trick a monster?”

“To get a Hym to show itself you can either trick them or tell the victim about the Hym and cleanse it through force.”

“How do you use it through force?” Twilight asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

“You have to place torches around the room and make sure there is light in the room. Once that is done you have to talk to the victim and then wait for the Hym to make an appearance. You have to fight them in the light as they move through the shadows. It’s not the easy way but it is one option.”

“And the other method?”

“The trick. You can trick the Hym into moving from the victim to another one.”


“Cerys and I may have conspired to trick both the Hym and Geralt.”

“That’s mean.”

“It worked.” He replied. “We used Udalryk’s infant child and fooled him into thinking Geralt had put the baby in an oven and that it was dead. That tricked Geralt into feeling guilty for the death and the Hym moved to him.”

“What!? You put a foal in an oven!?”

“Let me explain.” He said to her and she fell quiet. “We waited for it to move to Geralt and then showed both of them that the foal was fine. Once it was shown that the foal was fine the Hym lost its food source since it is drawn to guilt and without that it dies.”

“Oh… Wow, so how did Geralt react? Was he mad at you two?”

“No. He was impressed that we were able to fool him completely. We gave the infant back to its father and that cleansed the monsters remaining presence from him.”

“Poor Geralt.”

Oblivion chuckled and leaned back on his haunches. “He got over it.”

Twilight chuckled and shook her head. A thoughtful look went across her face and she looked at the medallion that hung around his neck with his Element wrapped around it. “What do you think the Elements could do to a Hym?”

Oblivion looked down at the medallion and then glanced back at her. “I’m not certain. The Elements are not designed to attack monsters, least not that I am aware of. From what I have read of them they are designed to cleanse and protect, not really attack to harm another.”


He nodded. “I do not know everything about them but from what I have seen they are meant to protect. They did not harm Luna when she was banished, nor did they hurt her when we cleansed her.”

“That’s true.” She agreed. “So you think they would not do anything against it?”

“It’s not that I think they will stop functioning. I think they would still work but I don’t think they will be able to do much in combat. There is not a large amount of information out there about them.”

“So they can’t be used against monsters?”

“I do not think they are designed for it.” He replied.

Twilight looked thoughtful as she flipped the page of the notebook. She paused as one stood out to her and she looked up at him. “Whats a Gaunter O’ Dim?”

Oblivion sighed and shook his head. “Master Mirror or the Man of Glass. Not one to foul with.”

“You don’t like him?”

“It’s not so much a dislike as a healthy wariness.”


“Gaunter O' Dim is a powerful being, creating pacts with people in exchange for their souls and is able to control time with a mere clap of his hands.”

“Oh… Wow. So he can do that?”

“Yes. He got Geralt to make a pact with him in exchange for helping him get out of a cage that was a trap from one of his other contracts.”

Twilight stared and she blinked. “What?”

“He had made a bargain with another pony. The other pony, Olgierd, had made a bargain to get his wealth returned to him. That would allow him to then marry his noble mare love and live happily ever after.”

“And it didn’t work like that, did it?”

“No,” Oblivion said with a shake of his head. “Basically, Gaunter loves making loopholes and playing off words to allow him to make his contracts make difficult choices. In this case, it was a choice between sacrificing his love or his brother. He chose to sacrifice his brother and his brother died the next day.”

“What in Equus?”

“Yeah. You don’t make a deal with him if you can avoid it. There was an even worse side effect from the bargain.”

“What side effect?”

“It gave him a heart of stone.” He replied and her eyes went wide. “He no longer had the ability to feel any emotions as time went by. Eventually, the lack of love and stress killed his wife, Iris.”

Twilight’s mouth had dropped open and she was now staring at him. “Oh by Celestia…And what happened to Geralt?”

“He was given three tasks by Olgierd. Once the three tasks had been completed then they would confront Gaunter and he would have to remove the marking he had placed on Geralt since the contract would have been completed.”

“Why would he give him tasks to do?”

“The tasks were for the most part nearly impossible. One of them was to show his brother the time of his life.”

She paused and looked at Sasa and then back to him. “Wait, didn’t he sacrifice his brother?”


“So that’s impossible…How in Equestria did he get past that?”

“He was able to use a spell I think that allowed the brother to use his body to go to a party.”

“He was possessed?”


“Did you ever meet him?”

“Master Mirror?” She nodded. “Yes, I did.”

“And? Did you make a deal with him?”

“Absolutely not.” He replied quickly. “I was warned by Geralt previously and as much as he tried I did not play by his game.”

“That’s good.” She replied as she settled back. “So how did Geralt get out of the deal?”

“He accomplished the tasks that were set by Olgierd.”

“But this Master Mirror doesn’t make things easy so what did he do next?”

Oblivion chuckled and nodded as she spoke. "We had a choice to make. Either let Olgierd die and allow Gaunter to take his soul or free him.”

“Tell me you freed him.”

He nodded. “I admit I did argue with Geralt for a moment but he won the argument. So we had to play his game and try to save both of our souls and Olgierd’s. We played his game and through combat and a riddle. The riddle was that we had to find an unbreakable mirror.”

“Unbreakable mirror?” Twilight replied and looked thoughtful as she thought it over. “Unbreakable… mirror...”

“Keep thinking.” He said to her. “You’re clever enough to get it.”

She looked at Sasa and then back at him as her eyes went wide and a smile went over her face. “Water. An unbreakable mirror is made of water.”

He nodded and leaned forward. “We looked down at the reflection in the water of a fountain and found O' Dim in the reflection. Though the reflection was not exactly what he normally looked like. He had eyes like a snake while his cheek and jawbones had become more demonic-looking.” He said to her. “It was quite an experience.”

“But you did save Olgeird?”

“Yes. Olgierd did not die for his bargain. He gifted Geralt a sword for his efforts but we both decided to never deal with him again. What happened to Oglierd after that I have no idea. Maybe he moved on and died later or he lives still, I don’t know.”

Twilight looked thoughtful as she scanned the information in the journal about Master Mirror and then set the journal down in front of her. “What was the last adventure you had with them?”


“The last thing you did before you left your home?” She clarified and he leaned back and sighed. “I mean, the last thing you did with them all.”

“All of them?” He thought back as she waited for him to speak. “We had to stop the Wild Hunt but that happened months before I left. The last time I was around Geralt before I came back here, we fought back a ProtoFleder.”

Twilights ears flicked at the name and she began to scan the pages once more. He waited as she found what she was looking for. Her magic held the journal aloft and she read through it and then looked over the binding to him.

“That’s a…vampire?” She asked him. “Those can’t be real.”

“I promise you they are where I am from. They come in many varieties and they vary in power.”

“It says ProtoFleder are fast and agile and carry venom in their blood and in their fangs.” She read aloud to him and he nodded. “How do you fight one?”

He chuckled and leaned forward. “Carefully. In this case, there were two of us, but that did not make it any easier. If needed you can drink down a draught of Black Blood to keep their venom at bay and prevent it infecting you. If they do get a bite on you then your blood acts as a poison to them.”

“How many types of potions do you know?” She asked him as she scanned the pages once more. “You go through three or four in here but I don’t know that one.”

He was quiet as he tried to think of how many he knew by heart and carried with him. “I know twelve potions and twenty-five decoctions.”

Her eyes went wide as he spoke and she blinked at the numbers. “How do you keep them all straight?”

“Carefully. I was trained in them when I was young and schooled in each of them by my teachers. If we did not know them by heart then we were punished. I made sure I knew them all, I didn’t want to have to learn the same thing over and over so I ensured I knew them.” He explained.

“You mention Swallow in this journal. How common is that one?”

“Do you mean how often is it used?” She nodded. “It’s used frequently. It allows us to regenerate faster and keeps us on our hooves.”

“So each potion and…Decoction? Has its place?”

“Yes. Each one has its uses and its own drawbacks. You have to know when the right time to use them is or you risk being caught in the wrong situation.”

“You mention toxicity. I thought they were nontoxic to Witchers?”

Oblivion sighed and looked at the feline for a second before he went back to looking at the purple mare. “Each potion is toxic in its own way, even to a Witcher. Depending on your tolerance is how many you can use before it knocks you out. I can take more than normal due to the advanced Trials, but that does not mean I push my luck.”

“For example?”

He thought back to the ones used in the fight against the ProtoFleder. “For the fight with the ProtoFleder, I used a dose of Ekkimara, a dose of Katakan, and Golden Oriole if I recall correctly. Highly toxic but effective for the situation.”

“How can you tell when you’re overdoing it?”

“When we use them we get lines through our skin that grow darker depending on the level of toxicity that we have within our bodies.”

“What does it look like?” She asked and his horn lit as his saddlebags hovered in his magic and he looked at her and waited.

“Oh no. No. I don’t need a demonstration.” She said to him and waved her hooves almost frantically as his saddlebags vanished. “So it just dark lines?”

“Basically. Our eyes dilate and their color fades to black. It can be startling to look at if you’re not ready for it I have been told. It can also depend on the potion that it does to us. For example, potion of the cat. It enhances our eyesight and allows us to see in the darkness as if it was pure daylight. It makes our eyes glow a bit brighter I have been told.”

“So they vary in what they do. Each one does something different from the others and their effects vary to a huge degree?”


She looked back at the notebook and flipped back through it to the vampires that were detailed. “Have you ever met a higher vampire?”

“Yes. Geralt and I are actually fairly good friends with one.”

“With a vampire?”

“Higher Vampires are the elite of their kind and do not require blood to sustain themselves. They exist for years far beyond even me or Celestia and Luna.”

“You're over a hundred and their…oh wow.” She breathed out. “So they never die?”

He shook his head and leaned back on his haunches. “They can be killed but their situation is unique in that regard.” He explained and she nodded as she bade him go on. “A higher vampire cannot be killed by me or a silver blade. Only one of their own can kill them.”

“And if they hurt anypony?”

He tilted his head to the side for a second before righting it and a chuckle broke from him. “That has happened fairly recently actually as I found out.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I was sent back I found out that our friend Regis had been forced to kill one of his own. I assume he had been forced to. I did not ask for many details from Geralt. When a higher vampire is forced to kill one of their own they become the enemy of every other vampire in the world. Regis is now the enemy of his entire species.”

“So they all hate him for killing another vampire?”

“Yes. The one to be killed was named Detlaff. I knew that he was a friend of Regis and they got along well. What happened to cause such a rift I am not sure. I was able to guess that something happened that included Anna Henrietta’s sister, Syanna. I would guess that Detlaff had either gone after her or something similar to cause Geralt to be called after him and in so doing call Regis.”

“Wow. So a higher vampire cannot be killed by a Witcher?”

“They cannot be killed by anything except another higher vampire. Fighting them is pointless and all you will do is exhaust yourself.” He supplied. “Anytime one is brought to our attention we try to see if there is a way to simply speak with them and work it out that way.”

“So they are intelligent?”

“Very. Most have hundreds of years under their belts and have the experience to prove it.” He explained. “If you wish to know more about the world then you ask one of them and see if they will be interested in you enough to talk about their lives and the times they have seen.”

“And Regis?”

“He will talk if you give him the chance.” He replied with a chuckle.

“Who is Anna Henrietta?” She asked. “You mentioned her a minute ago.”

“She is the Duchess of Toussaint.”


“Their ruler. We might call her a Queen.”

“Oh. So she’s not their princess?”

“Oh absolutely not. She is the younger of two daughters. Syanna is her elder sister but seems to have no interest in ruling according to what I have been told. Syanna, Sylvia Anna, was cast out of the family when they were both young.”

“Why was she cast out like that? Didn’t her family object?”

“It was her family that sent her away and cast her aside. I am not sure exactly what was done to end up at that choice but it is what happened.”

Twilight shook her head and looked upset at the truth she had been told. “Did you know her?”

He nodded and sighed. “I met her a few times. I was more involved with her sister than her. I had been asked to see to a monster or two that had been spotted in the area and they took an interest in what I was doing, as the young often do.”

“How old were they?”

“Syanna was…” He ran his claws over his mouth as he tried to remember her exact age. “Somewhere between eleven and fifteen or so. Anna was younger than that. I dealt more with Anna than Syanna and was usually around her teaching her to ride a horse.”

“You were her friend?”

“In a way I was. I was gone before Syanna was banished and came back after for a few years and was found around Toussaint for a while. But I did not remain, as usual, for too many years before I moved on.”

Twilight looked at him and flipped through the book before she stopped on a new page. “Time for a lighter question. What monster do you hate fighting the most?”

He looked away from her and found himself at a loss for what the worst one was. “That’s not an easy one. But if I had to pick one I would say I hate Leshen the most.”

Sasa looked up at him and nodded as Twilight giggled and scanned her book once more. “They’re not in here.” She teased.

“I can show you what one looks like but I did forget them when I was making your gift.” He informed her as his horn lit and his sketchbook appeared in front of her.

She reached out and gripped the book as his magic released it when he found the right page. She cringed and stared at the image. “Yikes. I can see why you would not like them.”

He said nothing about his history with the monster and waited as she began to scan through his sketchbook. She closed it and he took it back before she could go through too many of the pages and find the drawings of those he had left behind. His magic sent it back to his saddlebags and he waited for her to fire more questions at him.

“Back to Master Mirror. What do you think would happen if Discord and he met?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “I actually think Gaunter would be on our side in that case.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Just that Discord does not operate the same and he would probably rub Gaunter the wrong way. Discord is chaos incarnate while Gaunter operates on wordplay and loopholes for his deals. Chaos does not do deals with others. If Discord did make a deal I would assume that it is subject to interpretation, much like Gaunter but the big difference is how they react to the options they give.”

“You said he loves to force them to make terrible choices. Discord didn’t seem to do that.”

“He didn’t. Discord is chaos and chaos has no way to be predicted easily. Gaunter thrives on the emotions and problems he creates as a result of his victim's choices.”

Twilight shook her head. “Geez. The Northern Realms are complicated.”

He chuckled and nodded. “In many ways so is Equestria.”

She shook her head and a light laugh escaped her. “What about you’re fellow Witchers?”

“Who do you want to know about?”

“What can you tell me about Geralt?”

“Gwynbleidd.” He replied and she tilted her head at the title. “That is what he is called, it means White Wolf. He got the name because of his white hair and pale skin.”

“What language is that?”

“Elder Speech.” He supplied. “It is the language of the Aen Seidhe Elves. It’s one of the only old tongues still in use, the others have faded into nothing. All other languages originated from the Elder Speech.”

“Do you have a nickname like that?”

“No. I tend to avoid ponies and keep to the wilds. Geralt is more often to be found in the cities and towns and is better known than I was.”

“Too bad.” She chuckled and he shook his head.

“I prefer to remain unknown. It suits me.”

He remained silent and simply watched as she closed her eyes and her magic covered his sketchbook and it levitated back to his grip. He sent it back where he had gotten it and he watched as she looked at Sasa and then back to him. She suddenly got a strange look on her face as she looked at him and then back to her notebook. She flipped through it and then closed it as she leaned forward.

"One more thing." She asked.

"Go ahead."

"Whats a horse?"

His ears flicked to face her as she spoke and he felt a sense of disquiet roll over him as he realized what he had said. Next to him SAsa slowly turned her head to look at him as a grin crossed her muzzle.

"Oops?" She giggled to him. "You stepped in that one."

"Gods below. A horse is simply a large pony. Imagine Celestia's height with a saddle and bridle." He began.

"Wait. Wait." She waved a hoof for him to stop speaking. "You mean as a human you ride horses?"

"Of course. Humans are slow on land. It would take weeks or more to get anywhere without the use of a good horse."

"But how can you ride a horse that has thoughts and feelings of its own and... What?" She began to rant as he shook his head.

"I see what you mean but. Horses, where I am from, are not the same as a pony is here. For example, they do not speak, they are normal colors, and they are made to be ridden and used as a beast of burden." He explained and her eyes went wide.

"Did you have a horse?"

He paused and after a seconds delay he nodded. "I had my mare yes."

Twilight looked shocked as the seconds went by. "So when you got mad at Spike for sitting on your back it was because in your world that is what a horse is for?"

"Yes. Basically," he replied.

"What was your mare like?"

He paused once more and he glanced at Sasa as she bowed her head for several seconds. "She was one of five horses I had over the years. She was a grey with a black mane and she was a one rider horse. No other could ride her aside from me. Lambert tried once."

"Ouch." Twilight winced.

"He never did it again." He chuckled. "She carried me through many contracts and even more lands. She fought her fair share of battles and kept me out of the range of attacks if needed."

"What was her name?"


Twilight looked at the feline who nodded and smiled brightly. "Same name as you?"

Sasa nodded and Oblivion said nothing in reply for several seconds. "Geralt and I do the same thing when it comes to naming our companions. He names them all Roach and I name them all Sasa."

"Easier to think of a name when its all the same?"

"Pretty much. Being imaginative is not normally in our skillset. We can be creative if need be but it is not normal for us. Eskel and the others might use different names for them but we do not."

"Even the stallions were named Sasa?"

"Al of my horses had the same name, regardless of their gender."

Twilight shook her head and looked at the notebook. "What happened to her?"

He was quiet and glanced at the table for a second before he looked back at the purple Unicorn. "She died."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Nothing to apologize for. It happened quickly I hope and she did not suffer."

"You hope?"

"I took on a contract to remove a Leshen. I was fighting one when another showed up. I whistled for her as the two Leshen began to fight each other. She reached me about the time that their attacks did as well."

"Wait you mean...?"

"It killed us both and I woke up here." He replied.

"By Equestria. So you died... back there and then were brought her by magic?"

"So far as I know yes."

"So she tried to rescue you and you both were attacked and you both... died there?"

"Yes." He replied. "You have seen the scar on my back that resembles tree limbs or vines?" She nodded. "That is the scar that was left behind from the attack that killed us."

"Oh wow..." She fell silent as the seconds ticked past.

Oblivion said nothing as she remained quiet. Sasa leaned her head against his shoulder and rubbed against him. He ran his claws through the fur of her chest and waited for the mare to speak further. He could tell that she was considering all that he had told her and that it would take some time for her to come to terms with it.

“If I have more questions will you answer them?” She asked, her voice quiet as she looked up at him.

“Can you keep it to yourself?” He asked in reply.

She nodded as a smile stayed on her muzzle and he nodded in response.

Author's Note:

This chapter got a bit messed up during the transfer from PC to FimFiction. Let me know if anything seems out of place. I have read through it but just in case I missed anything let me know. I hope I explained things suitably. If anything needs to be clarified or detailed let me know and I will redo the section. Thanks to Acadians6545 for the help with allowing me to bounce ideas off of him. Much appreciated.

Edit: I added in a piece about the horses that Sunsong pointed out. Thought it would be kind of fun to add it in. Let me know what you think!

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