• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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84: Babies and Witchers

Oblivion looked at the trees as the Ice Elemental stood close by, having been commanded to the spot by Oblivion. He had been told by Applejack that they had to harvest as much as possible due to a caterpillar invasion. While he had simply looked at her she had glared back at him and he had simply shrugged and commanded the Elemental to follow him into the trees. Sasa had chuckled at his response and was now picking up apples from the ground, pushing them into her bucket as he picked them up in his magic and dropped them into one of the several barrels he had scattered around them.

“Don’t believe in the caterpillar invasion, Chosen?” Sasa teased as she picked up her bucket.

“It’s not that I do not believe in it.” He replied. “I simply fail to see the severity of it. I could simply divert them if the need came but she is not going to listen to alternatives.”

“That’s true. You could have just as easily incinerated them all and that would have been the end of the issue.” She admitted.

His magic picked up several filled barrels and he turned to the Ice Elemental. His horn brightened as he reached out with his command through his magic. The Elemental moved and picked up the barrels closest to it and fell in behind the stallion as he moved. Sasa carried her bucket next to him and they moved toward the barn. He looked up as a frantic looking Mr. and Mrs. Cake were moving toward him. He could see their twin foals in a saddlebag around her barrel and he paused to see what had them both so upset.

“Oblivion. There you are.” Mrs. Cake called out and he waited as they both came up to him.

He looked back and he could see Pinkie Pie on their heels. The pink mare bounced jovially behind them as they came to stop in front of him.

“We need your help.” Carrot Cake said to him, his tone stressed.

“What is wrong?” He asked them and he looked over his shoulder to the Elemental as it stilled behind him.

“We need you to babysit.” He quickly explained.

“Hah!” Sasa barked a laugh in his mind.

“We have a large order that we have to fill and we lost track of time with the twins and we could use a babysitter.” Mrs. Cake explained further.

“And you came to me?” He replied.

Sasa snorted and dropped her bucket of apples and sat down to laugh. [i]“Oh by my claws! Can you imagine?! You? Babysitting?!” She howled as she laid down and draped a paw over her snout as she broke out in laughter.

Oblivion ignored the laughing feline and he looked at them as he shook his head. “I am currently working and am not able to…” He paused as Applejack loped up to him.

The orange mare pulled his mane till his ear was close to her mouth. “Ya can go ahead and help them. We can handle the caterpillars. Well, we can if ya can give yer new pet the ability to take orders from us.”

Oblivion looked at the Elemental and his mind went over what he knew of them and he shook his head. “As far as I know there is no command that would give you control of it.” He replied. “I have never heard of one accepting the orders of another other than its creator.”

“You’re not its creator.” Sasa pointed out.

“While that’s true I am not sure how to command it to listen to her without the aid of magic. Anything more complex than follow I use magic to convey.” He reasoned back to the feline.

He looked up as Mr. and Mrs. Cake looked nervously at him as he sighed and looked at the Elemental. His horn lit as he tried to convey a new command to the Elemental through his magic. The Witcher was quiet as his magic faded and he looked at Applejack.

“Try it.” He said to her.

“Umm. Follow me?” She asked it and the Elemental remained still.

Oblivion shook his head and the orange mare shrugged. “Worth a shot.” She admitted. “Ya can still go ahead and help 'em.”

“I have no experience with infants.” He admitted.

Applejack stared at him for several seconds before she looked at the pair of nervous ponies as Pinkie bounced happily behind them. “Why don’t ya work with Pinkie and take care o’ ‘em with her?”

He looked at them and then to the farm mare. “I don’t mean to sound cruel toward Pinkie but I think they are trying to find anypony besides her to watch them.”

Applejack blinked and then looked at them and the pink mare. “Ya might be on ta somthin’ there.”

Sasa purred beside them and they looked at her as she walked over to the foals and put her nose close to Pumpkin Cake. The foal reached out and tugged the feline’s long whiskers. Sasa pulled back and snorted as the foal cooed.

“Never mind. I was going to say that they can’t be that different from cubs but I may be mistaken.” She said to him and joined him.

Oblivion sighed and looked at them and nodded in defeat. He knew that he was going to end up helping them so he figured fighting it was simply wasting their time and his. The parents looked thrilled as he closed his eyes and bit back another sigh. Sasa rumbled a laugh as he accepted his place and waited for any instructions from them.

“We will meet you back at Sugarcube Corner and we can go over the list and other things before we leave.” Mr. Cake said to him and the Witcher nodded in reply.

Pinkie looked defeated as they turned and trotted back the way they had come. Oblivion could see that her spirit had taken a bit of a hit and he closed his eyes for several seconds before he addresses the mare. “Pinkie. Since I am now watching over a pair of foals I am appointing you as my assistant for the night.”

Her eyes went wide as he spoke and Applejack chuckled as the mare bounced into the air as she laughed. “This will be so fun Oblivion. We can play with them all night, or until its bedtime, and we can have the most fun ever.”

Oblivion had to admit he knew very little about infants and even less about how they were treated but even he knew that babies needed to sleep just as much as they needed to play. The babies would need to rest and be fed in equal measure and he was suddenly regretting his choice to include her.

“Please remember that you are helping me with them and not the other way around.” He reminded her as she stopped bouncing to listen. “Infants require more than simple play.”

“I know. But they love playing with me. So this will be great.” She said as she turned and motioned for him to follow her.

“Gods below.” He cursed under his breath as he fell in behind the mare.

“Chosen. What about the Elemental?”

He looked back and his horn lit as he gave the Elemental the command to return to the barn and wait for him to return. His horn stayed alight as he teleported to land in front of Sugarcube Corner and summoned Sasa as he knocked on the front door. It was thrown open and Pinkie reached out to pull him inside. He looked back at the front door and then to her as he tried to think of how she had gotten there before him.

“Just let it go. Sweep it under the same rug as you do with her normal antics and you’ll end up with less of a headache.” Sasa advised.

He shook his head and looked at the parents as the foals sat on the floor between them. Mrs. Cake looked up as he walked up to the counter and they both looked relieved to see him.

“You asked Pinkie to help you?” She questioned.

Oblivion nodded as Sasa came to stand with him. “She lives here and is more likely to know where things I may need are located.” He explained. He chose to omit that he could see how disappointed she had been when he had agreed.

Both of them seemed to accept what he said and Mr. Cake vanished into the back as he began to gather what they needed for the delivery. Pinkie was bouncing around the room as the twins laughed and giggled at her antics. Sasa walked over to join her and Oblivion could see the wide eyes of the foals as they stared at her.

“Now, here is a list of things that they may need and how to get in touch with us if anything happens and you need us.” She said and held out a list to him.

His magic gripped the scroll and it unfurled in his magic to lay across the floor. He stared at it for a second before he looked at the nervous mare and nodded. “Understood. If I need anything I will consult your list.”

He could see the nervousness that went through her as she looked from him to her foals and then back to him. “Have you ever babysat before?”

“No.” He replied easily.

Her eyes went wide and she stared at him. “Never?”


“Nicely done Chosen. Now she’s even more worried.” Sasa chastised him from her place with the foals.

“I will make sure that they are in the same condition as when you leave. If I have need of anything I will reach out to you but I doubt we will have much to worry about. Between the two of us, we should be fine.” He said to them with a glance at the pink mare behind them.

“If you’re sure.” She replied.

“It will be fine.” He said to her.

Mr. Cake came out of the back and began to usher her forward. Oblivion rolled up the scroll and his magic set it on the counter. Oblivion said nothing as they both looked back at the foals and then hurried out the door. He looked back as the foals saw their parents leave them behind. The Witcher watched as their faces began to screw up in a sour expression and he had a moment of regret before they both began to cry.

“Oh no.” Sasa said to him. “Do something.”

“Such as?” He replied to her.

“Pick them up?”

“And do what with them?”

“Sometimes just walking them around helps?”

He raised an eyebrow at the feline as Pinkie looked at him and he sighed at her. “You pick up the filly and I will handle him.” He said to her as his magic picked up the colt.

Pinkie looked at him as they kept crying and he watched as she set the filly against her body and held her close. He mimicked her and began to walk around the room with the colt huddled against his fur. The foals crying began to quiet as he moved and Pinkie was soon on his heels as he circled the front end of the home.

“Now what?” She asked him as he moved.

“I have no idea.” He admitted.

“What's that list say?” Sasa asked him.

His magic gripped the list and it unfurled once more. His eyes scanned the document as he walked and he was soon reading through a list of what-ifs a mile long. The foal began to chew on his mane and he flipped his head to get his mane out of his mouth. Pinkie giggled as the filly chewed on her mane and she pulled it away as well.

“I have a way to make them laugh.” She called out to him.

“Oh?” He replied and looked over his shoulder at her.

“This way.” She said and led him off to the side and he looked around as she set the filly at a small table and he set the colt with her.

“When in the Gods name did you set this up?” He asked her and she shrugged and picked up a broom to talk into.

He stared blankly as the foals watched her as she tried to make jokes on a makeshift stage. Sasa sat down with them and he saw her head tilt to the side as she stared. He stared as she began to bounce around the room on her tail when the jokes failed to make the foals laugh. Oblivion moved off to the side to stay out of the way and he kept an eye on the foals to make sure they did not move from where they had been placed. He cringed as Pinkie suddenly tripped over her own tail and she rolled toward him and he moved out of the way as she struck the cupboard behind him. He looked down at her as something hit him in the back. He looked back as flour-covered his back and flanks. Pinkie was covered from head to tail in the white powder.

“You must be kidding.” He nearly broke out cursing as the sound of laughing caught his ear.

The foals were laughing as Sasa chuckled at the sight of both of them. He sighed and looked back at the mare with him as she looked up at him.

“Oops. But it worked. They’re not sad anymore.” She said to him, justifying the end result.

Oblivion said nothing as his horn lit and covered them both, removing the flour. “I fail to see the entertainment in that.”

“It was kind of funny though.” She giggled as she got to her hooves.

“I will assume your right and now we need to feed them.” He replied as he saw the clock on the wall.

“Okay dokey. That should be easy enough.” She said as she picked up Pumpkin Cake and his magic picked up Pound Cake.

“Here are their high chairs,” Pinkie called as he followed behind her into the kitchen.

He set the colt in the chair and Pinkie got into the fridge while he stayed close by them. He watched as she set the bowls on the high chair trays and they both watched as the foals stared at them in reply.

“Oh geez.” Sasa said to him and she walked to sit in front of the foals. “Here’s what you need to do. Find a spoon."

Oblivions magic reached out to the kitchen around him and he found a spoon within one of the drawers. “Now what?”

“Pick up a little of the food in the spoon and give it to him gently. Let him clean the spoon and then repeat.”

Oblivion did as the feline instructed and his magic levitated the spoon up to the foal’s mouth and he leaned slightly forward and ate what was on the spoon. Pinkie stared at him for several seconds before she went for a spoon and mimicked what he did.

“How did you do that?” She questioned.

He looked at her for a second as his magic gripped the spoon and repeated what Sasa had told him to do. “I had a little help.” He admitted and tilted his horn toward the grinning feline.

“Oh, such a smart kitty.” Pinkie said as she patted Sasa’s nose.

“I remember a few things from pony’s talking about their kids. I have never been around them personally but it makes sense that they can’t eat like a normal pony and would need some kind of help.” She explained. “A spoon made the most sense considering that they are eating mush.”

After several minutes of them feeding them they foals seemed done and Oblivion set the spoon in the half-empty bowl and turned to look for a washcloth to clean the foal's faces as Pinkie began to talk to them. He looked back as Pumpkin tried to eat the table cloth and Pinkie took it away from her. The foal looked upset as Pound Cake raised his hooves and pushed them down onto the edge of the bowl. It arced into the air and flipped back and landed on him. Pumpkin stared at her brother in surprise and began to cry. Oblivion reached back and pulled the bowl off the foal's head as he started to cry. The Witcher looked up at the ceiling for a second to silently curse while Pinkie and Sasa tried to soothe the foals.

“I know.” Pinkie called out and raced for the back of the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” He asked her as he started to clean the foals off to the best of his ability with a washcloth.

“Hold still.” She said to him and pushed her body up against his as she threw a bag into the air.

It landed heavily against his head and it burst open to reveal a cascade of flour that fell across both of them. Oblivions' eyes closed as he fought against the desire to curse at the pink mare. He opened his eyes to see her giggling nervously at him as the foals laughed.

“Oh…Oh my Chosen.” Sasa giggled as he snorted sending a small cloud of flour away from his nose. “You look like a pinto.”

“Do not do that again.” He said to the mare as she got to her hooves.

“It worked though. Their happy.” Pinkie argued.

“And we are covered in flour…again.” He informed her as he got to his hooves and his horn lit to get rid of the flour once more.

Pinkie shrugged and he managed not to sigh in exasperation with her as he picked up both foals and turned to her with them hovering in his magic. “Where is the bathroom since it’s time for their bath?”

“Oh, this way.” She quickly answered and he followed on her heels.

Oblivion watched as the foals played in his magic as he moved them through the air gently as Pinkie filled the tub with water. She looked back at him and he set them slowly into the warm water. Sasa sat down beside the tub and he sat down beside it as well. Pinkie began to blow bubbles above them and they began to giggle and he sighed in relief until the bubbles popped and both foals began to cry once more.

“Oblivion, make some bubbles that can’t pop.” Pinkie said to him.

His horn lit up and azure fire bubbles began to float around the foals. They stared happily and began to bat at the flames. Pinkie sighed with relief as she began to wash their manes free of food and dirt. Sasa reached out and nosed one of the bubbles toward the foals and they lunged for it, splashing water onto the cat’s nose. She yowled and back up, knocking Pinkie half into the tub. Oblivions magic gripped the mare and he pulled her out of the water. The foals looked startled and began to cry in repose. Oblivion sighed and the bubbles that had entertained them vanished as Pinkie walked out of the room.

“Sorry Chosen.” Sasa apologized.

“It happens.” He replied and his magic began to wash the soap off of the foals and they were slowly quieting as Pinkie came back into the room.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to see her carrying a bag of flour. His eyes went wide as she looked at him. “No.” He said to her and she looked helplessly back at him. “No. Pinkie they are fine. They're quieting down. Flour is not needed.”

Sasa backed up away from him and Pinkie tossed the flour into the air and his magic lashed out to catch it before it burst open. She looked up as his magic glowed brightly, holding the bag of flour in the air above them.

“I told you no.” He said to her as she reached up and smacked the bag of flour with her hoof.

Behind him the babies sniveled and whimpered as the flour cascaded down from the bag. His magic held the bag as it had broken open when Pinkie hit it. It covered him and the mare with him. He looked at Pinkie, his expression blank as it coagulated on her fur due to her fur being wet. Sasa looked at him as the foals howled with laughter and Pinkie smiled.

“They love it.” She said to him as his magic gripped the flour bag above them.

“Do that again and you’re fired.” He said to her, his tone serious.

The mare looked stricken as his magic cleaned them both off and he turned back to the foals and finished their bath.

Oblivion was standing outside the foal’s room as Pinkie played with them while he went over the list once more. His head came up as a smell caught this nose.

“Oh dear Gods.” He said as Pinkie came out of the room to look at him, her hoof over her nose.

“I think they need to be changed.” She said to him, her voice nasally.

“I can smell that.” He agreed and the list vanished into his magic as he walked back into the room.

Sasa was laying on the ground his her paws over her snout as the foals played with their toys. “They need to be changed desperately, Chosen.”

He simply nodded to the feline and his magic picked up both foals and set them on the nearby changing table. Pinkie came up next to him and held out a pair of diapers. His magic held them aloft and he removed the soiled diapers and cleaned them both and replaced new diapers on them. Pinkie took the soiled diapers and threw them out as she tried not to gag. The foals giggled as his magic held them aloft and set them back on the ground to play for a bit longer. Pinkie went back to play with them before they set them to bed and Oblivion looked over his shoulder as they played.

Sasa leaned up against his hind leg as she sighed. “Well, it went pretty well for the most part.” She said to him and he looked back at her. “Aside from the flour incidents.”

The black Unicorn was quiet as he sighed and his horn lit as he summoned the list from his magic and went over the last few items before he turned back to Pinkie Pie. “Okay time for them to go to bed, Pinkie.”

Pinkie looked back at him and her face morphed into one of sadness as the infants both yawned. “Are you sure that they need to go to bed?”

“Positive.” He replied.

She looked disappointed as his magic picked up both foals and set them into their crib. The foals babbled as they were put under their blanket and Pinkie nuzzled them as they both yawned once more. Oblivions magic faded as the foals closed their eyes. He picked up a reluctant Pinkie in his magic and carried her out of the room and closed it gently behind them. He set Pinkie onto her hooves and he began to walk down the hall toward the stairs.

“Are you sure they will be fine?” Sasa asked him.

“They will be fine.” He assured her.

“Are you sure?” Pinkie asked as she pushed open the door to check.

“Pinkie…” He grumbled and turned back to her as a shadow left the room.

His orange eyes caught sight of Pound Cake and his magic lashed pout and captured the foal as he squealed. “I think not, little one.” He said and walked back toward the bedroom with the foal in his magic.

He set the foal against his shoulder as he had done before and went back into the room to find his sister chewing happily on a rubber chicken. Oblivion fought back a slight tilt of his head and looked at the filly as his magic gently removed the chicken from her mouth. He set the chicken back in their toy box and set the colt back in his crib. Oblivion said nothing to them as he turned to leave once more. He stopped as the sound of buzzing caught his ears and he looked back as Pound Cake took flight once more. His expression went completely blank as his magic lashed out and captured the colt once more.

“I think they want to play more.” Pinkie said with a giggle.

“While that might be true it is now past their bedtime.” He replied.

He set the foal back into the crib and his magic created a small dome over the top of the crib that would not allow either of them to escape from it. He looked over as the filly’s horn lit and a toy appeared in the crib for her to chew on. Pinkie giggled behind him as he stared at the foal. His horn removed the dome over the crib as he went back to the crib and stood his head over them. Both foals looked up and he reached into the crib to remove the toy. His claws pulled the toy carefully from the foal’s mouth and he tossed it back into the toy chest.

“We are done.” He said to himself and then his horn lit as the dome went back over the crib and the filly got a mischievous look in her eye as her horn lit and she was surprised when nothing happened.

“What did you do?” Pinkie asked him as she came back over to him.

“Magical disruption.” He quipped.


“Her magic will not work inside of the crib. If she is outside of it then it will work but not inside it.” He explained as he turned to leave the room.

Sasa chuckled as the foals began to whimper. Pinkie looked nervous as the black Unicorn walked to the door and turned to wait for her to join him.

“She can’t have a toy?” She asked.

“If she wants her to choke on it.” Sasa quipped.

“It’s a choking hazard.” He supplied.

“Oh.” The pink mare turned to the foals and shrugged as she leaned over the dome and kissed them both good night again.

Oblivion pushed open the door as she turned to join him. The mare walked out of the room and Oblivion turned off the light for the final time. He would remove the dome once their parents returned home. Sasa padded quietly behind them as they walked down the stairs and into the front of the home. Oblivion looked around the room and he could see that it was a bit messy from the repeated flour incidents.

“We should probably clean up before they come back and see a disaster.” He informed the pink mare and she nodded in agreement.

His ears flicked as the front door opened and Mr. and Mrs. Cake walked inside, their expression uncertain. Their eyes went wide at the sight of the clean lower level and they looked at the two pony’s calmly drinking coffee and juice at the table. Oblivion downed his coffee and his horn lit for a second as he removed the dome over the crib. Both ponies stared and their faces slowly pulled up into a smile as Oblivion led them up the stairs to the foal’s room. They pushed open the door he looked over their heads to see both foals sleeping peacefully in their crib. A feeling of relief went over him for a second before they both looked happily at him as he moved to walk back down the hallway.

“Thank you so much Oblivion.” Mrs. Cake said to him quietly as they walked down the stairs.

“It was fine.” He assured her.

“They were no trouble?”

“They are infants. Trouble is part of their job but they were easily managed.” He replied.

Mr. Cake chuckled and nodded in agreement. “That’s true. I’m glad to see the two of you did so well with them. We weren’t sure how it would do since neither of you has any experience with babysitting.”

“We did fine. Between the three of us, it was handled.” They tilted their head at the number and he pointed a hoof at Sasa who gave a toothy smile in reply.

“We had almost forgotten you Sasa.” Mrs. Cake admitted. “Thank you so much both of you. If we ever need help again we know where to look.”

Oblivion bit back a quick disagreement but held it in. Sasa chuckled through their connection and he looked at her for a second as she shook her head. “Maybe not Chosen?”

“Or not.” He replied to her.

“Had your fill of babysitting?”

“Enough for a lifetime.” He agreed.

Author's Note:

Here we go for the newest experience for our Witcher. I was not sure if I was going to keep this chapter or skip over it. But after talking with a friend I realized it could be kind of fun. So here we go. Babies make everything interesting.

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