• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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27: Training from Hell...

“Chosen. The Thestral’s have returned.” Sasa’s voice pulled him from sleep.

The stallion yawned and pulled himself to his hooves. He came outside and looked to the Lunar guards. Cross motioned for the unicorn to come over to him as he pulled out the first aid kit. Oblivion sat down by him as he removed the sling around his leg and unwrapped the limb to clean it. His eyes widened at the claws. They were already beginning to recover.

“Faster than I thought it would be,” Oblivion said aloud.

“So this is normal?” Cross asked him.

“Normal? I’m not sure. I haven’t torn out claws before.”

Oblivion leaned over the hoof and Cross began to apply salves to it to keep it from becoming infected. The torn flesh was mending and the hard claws were already beginning to regenerate. Sasa walked over to him and looked to his hoof as well.

“I am curious of something.”


“Why not train them together? Would be easier.”

“I want them to be able to act independently. If they are all together it does give them more of a formation, but it can also slow them down. This way they can function separately while still being aware of the others.” He explained. “Having two separate groups’ means they can use their pair tactics instead of a group of four. They will learn to be aware of the others, but not depend on them at all times. Their tactics will be different. Since the Thestral’s are stronger than the average pony I will have them on the ground. The Pegasus will be in the air, so there is no issue with them colliding.”

“I see.”

The sun began to rise and Oblivion nodded for the feline to wake the other two ponies. She opened the front of the tent and a loud roar sounded. Loud yells were heard from inside as the two ponies awoke. She walked in and harried the two ponies till they were staggering outside the tent, yawning.

“Morning,” Oblivion said to them, as Cross bound his leg back into position.

“Sir.” They both intoned and waited for instruction.

“A very light breakfast. The first day of training is the worst. I would rather you didn’t throw up on my hooves.”

The two Pegasus nodded and Striker went back to their tent for two rations of food.

“You two eat and rest up. You’re at sunset.” Oblivion said to the other two guards, who nodded and followed command as well.

“Sir?” Silver said to him as he finished his breakfast.

Oblivion looked at him. “Yes?”

“Will we be doing sword work?”

“No.” Both sets of guards looked uncertain at the blank reply. “You will first be learning about magic itself. I assume you have basic knowledge of it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, then we can simply review the basics and move onto theory.”

They were silent as they each finished their food and the Thestral's went to their tent to sleep. Silver and Striker stood up and walked over to the black stallion. Sasa sat down with them and they waited.

“What is magic?”

“Magic is the use of mental will of a unicorn that can turn an idea into a reality depending on the mental ability of the caster?” Silver piped up.

“Depending on the pony that is true. The pony we are dealing with has enough skill to conjure an ice wall over a foot thick and teleport. Teleportation is not an easy skill. It requires a certain amount of focus and control. So we will be going into this fight believing that she is able to accomplish more than that. You will not be using a sword against her.”

“Sir!” Striker said to him. “How can we battle her?”

“You will not be trying to kill her. We need to capture her alive if we are going to get any answers. I will be teaching you how to exhaust her and wear her down.” Both ponies went quiet. “But first, we will be enhancing your stamina and agility. I will have the Thestral's on the ground to harry her while you two are in the air.”

“Any reason for that?” Silver asked.

“The Thestral's have higher strength and in the moonlight, they can recover from injury faster. You two are better in the air. Both of you are armored, you can withstand more of a frontal assault.” Oblivion explained to the questioning ponies.

The black stallion stood up quickly, his horn lit up, and Sasa yowled as she jumped away from the incoming blast. Silver yelped as both of them were blown back by the incoming magic attack. Striker scrambled away but was still thrown head over hooves. Silver shook his head and looked up as the stallion's horn lit up again. He took to the air with Striker on his heels.

“Avoid it as long as possible,” Oblivion shouted to them. Another blast of magic tore through the air and the two stallions found themselves fleeing from the multiple blasts of azure flame that were coming after them.

Sasa watched from the ground as they zigzagged and spun to avoid the magic flame. She cringed as Silver was tossed from the air, he slid along the ground and laid still, groaning. Striker kept going as he waited for the blasts to come at him. They didn’t follow him so they were normal projectiles, not homing.

Sasa trotted over to Silver, who began to sit up. He shook his head and looked up, watching his fellow Pegasus. The blasts made no sound as they went through the air.

Oblivion watched as the pony wove through the air. He focused his magic and sent out three azure flames and the pony in the air yelped as one struck him. He fell to the ground and rolled to a stop at the edge of the forest.

“Ouch.” He grumbled.

“Not bad,” Oblivion said as he teleported to them.

“You can teleport as well?” Silver asked him.

“Of course. How do you think I know the requirements of teleport so well?” Oblivion asked him.

“Good point.” Striker said as he sat up and regarded the unicorn. “How did we do, sir?”

“Not bad, considering.”

“Considering?” Silver asked him.

“That you are up against a Witcher, as well as an Element bearer.” Oblivion clarified. Both ponies smiled then looked to the stallion, waiting for his next attack. “Good. Never think the fight is over. Knights and all that believe each fight is an honorable one. True warriors know better.”

“What do you mean?” Striker asked.

Oblivion sighed. “Did you learn nothing when I punched you?”


“Exactly, you do what you must to win. Even if it means kicking your opponent between the hind legs.” Oblivion said.

Striker and Silver cringed at the comment but nodded. “So we fight to win and leave any honor behind?”

“Exactly. I fight to win. No matter what I have to do I will not fall. My goal is to be the one standing at the end.” Both stallions nodded in understanding. “Now up.”

Both stood and waited. “Now avoid the same magic, together. I trust you both know how to move in a formation?”

“Yes, sir.” They intoned.

“Good. Show me.” His horn lit and the ponies nodded to each other as they took to the air. Time ticked by as he drove them nearly to the ground only to have the pair switch sides and kick off the ground.

“Interesting.” He commented to himself.

Sasa sat by him, watching the pair as they spun and jigged in the air to avoid the flames. She could see that they were beginning to tire, their movements not as precise or controlled as they had been. Oblivion kept driving them. Finally, after over 2 hours Silver began to fall behind. Striker adjusted to the new pace, even as Silver worked to give more. They slowed as a fireball arced between them and Striker reached over, gripped his partner’s fur and drove them to the ground. They looked at Oblivion as the stallion continued to harry them. They galloped across the grass, dodging. Sasa leaped into the taller grass and ran low, parallel to them. She jumped and slammed her broad chest into the two ponies, knocking them off their hooves. Both cried out as the cat slammed into them. Striker jumped to his hooves, ready to keep going, even as Silver panted beside him. Oblivion stopped and teleported to them.

“So two hours at full tilt is the limit, Silver?” He asked.

Silver pulled himself to his hooves, his legs shook, and his wings brushed the ground as he looked to the black unicorn. “I...can...keep…ugh.” The pony dropped to the ground. He kept trying to get up, refusing to fall behind. He panted, his sides heaved for air.

“Two hours at a hard flight is nothing to be ashamed of.” Sasa said to Oblivion. “Most ponies can’t handle it for that long.”

“Considering that I did not let up and harried you at every corner the fact you lasted that long is impressive. Take a moment to think back on the activity.” Oblivion said to them.

Silver paused as he thought. His eyes widened as he realized what the unicorn meant. “We actually didn’t do too badly.”

“We’re better as a pair.” Striker said.

“Exactly. Your strength comes from that formation. You are able to dodge and fight longer information.” Oblivion informed them.

Silver sat up and regarded the stallion. “That was the point of the exercise. Why didn’t you just tell us?”

“What is the point of teaching you if I give you the answers?” Oblivion asked him in return.

Both pursed their lips and then a wry chuckle escaped Striker. “He makes a good point. Learning it the hard way means we remember it, right?”

“Precisely. Take a few minutes to get some water. Then we move on to the next exercise.”

“There’s more?” Silver asked, his voice gave a low pitch as he stared at the other stallion.

“Of course. I did warn you.” Oblivion said as he walked away from them.

Silver groaned and collapsed back to the ground. Striker pulled him to his hooves. “Come on. We have to keep going. We committed to this so we have to be useful.”

“I know, but damn.” Silver groaned again but stayed standing.

Sasa walked with them as they got back to camp and found water waiting for them. They slowly drank it. They both knew not to gulp it down and then try to run on it. Oblivion said nothing to them as he waited for several minutes.

“What will you have them doing next, Chosen?”

“I am debating on combat training or simple strength building.”

“Combat meaning?”

“Hoof combat. A blade will be useless in this fight. We need her alive.”


“You will be acting as their opponent.”

The feline looked to him, her head tilted slightly.

“They work best as a team. Silver being as tired as he is is actually the perfect situation. Striker has more stamina so it will teach him to watch over a falling comrade and it will motivate Silver to act differently and try to keep up, therefore enhancing his own stamina.”

“I see.” She admitted and looked to the resting ponies. “I don’t think they were totally prepared for the run you are giving them.”

“No. They were not prepared.” He said to her. “But that works in my favor. They have no idea what is coming and that will sharpen their focus.”

The two stallions stood and approached Oblivion. “Sasa.”

“My turn.” She said as she stood up and charged the two ponies. Striker shoved Silver to the side as the cat ran past them, then spun, having dug her long claws into the ground and then attacking them once more. Silver looked to the black Unicorn for a moment then back to the attacking feline. Both stallions dodged her blows until they ran into each other and took a full attack by the feline.

“Sasa,” Oblivion said. She stopped and waited. Her aqua eyes sparkled as she waited for his command. “Now.”

She lunged at them and they dodged away from her. She lashed out with her hind legs, her hind paws struck Striker in the chest, sending him rolling back. Silver jumped to his side and then shoved him away from the cat.

“Come on, Strike.” Silver yelled.

The pale stallion got to his hooves and shook his head. He breathed in, the hit from Sasa’s paws had knocked the wind out of him. Oblivion said nothing as Sasa pushed them. The azure flame began to ripple across the cat’s fur as she didn’t let up in her attacks. Striker stayed at Silver's side as they both fought back. Neither had any idea how long they had been fighting with the feline, who didn’t seem to tire. Flames danced over her as she suddenly vanished.

“What the?” Silver murmured.

Silver felt the impact on his back and hind legs. He cried out as the pain hit him. He collapsed under the weight of the enormous cat as she stood over him, her paws on either side of him. Her girth leaned down on him, limiting his breathing.

Striker had jumped away at his yell. The pale blue Pegasus saw his partner under the cat. The cat snarled and roared at him, the claws on her right paw bloodied. Striker felt anger rising inside him. His wings spread as he growled back to the feline. “Get off him.” He snarled to her.

Sasa snarled and growled. “Oh, now he’s pissed.” She commented to Oblivion who had turned his head to watch, instead of simply listening.

“Finally. I wondered what it might take to get one of them to react.” He commented to her.

Striker lunged at the cat. She swiped a paw at him as Silver struggled under her. He gave a quiet gasp, pulling air into his lungs. His right hind leg hurt and he knew Sasa had dug her claws into him. He tried to kick at her, but his body had nothing left to give. As much as he hated to admit it, he had to wait for rescue.

Striker backed up and regarded the cat. He lowered his body and pawed at the ground. He charged forward and jumped as she swiped at him. Sasa gave a yelp as his shoulder crashed into her. He opened his wings and used them to start pushing the cat. Her front teeth grazed his shoulder as he pushed her.

“Let him win Sasa. This is perfect.”


“Just don’t make it too easy.” Oblivion amended.

She huffed at him and growled, digging her claws into the ground, just enough to allow her to fight him a bit. She used her other paw to swipe at the pale Pegasus. Striker groaned as her claws scratched over his neck. She gave a startled noise as he flapped his wings harder and finally tossed the cat away from Silver. Silver sat up, gasping as he pulled air into his lungs.


“I’m okay. Thanks, Strike.” Silver tried to get to his hooves, but the cat's claws had dug out his hind leg, he couldn’t stand on it. “Shit. My leg.” He said to his partner.

Striker leaped over him and stood between Silver and the feline as she stood up. Her back arched making her appear even larger than before, she snarled viciously at the ponies. Then her fur went back to normal, she sat down, and a deep purr rumbled through the cat. Both ponies stared at her.

“She says well done.” Oblivion’s voice startled them both and they looked at him.

“Sir?” Silver said, his voice quiet.

Azure flame covered both stallions. Striker looked at his shoulder and watched as the wound healed. Silver stood up slowly, his leg healed as well.

“You did well against her.” He said as he turned to face them.

“Sir. Was that at your order?” Silver asked.

“In a way. I needed to see what each of you would do.” He explained. “Silver you kept trying despite knowing that you had no chance of getting away from her. So you placed your faith in Striker to help you out. Not a bad thing. Ponies have great faith in their fellows. Your ability to look to Striker and know that he would not flee, despite the ferocity of the feline is a testament to the trust you have in him.”

Sasa walked up and nuzzled both ponies, a purr rumbling through her.

“Striker. You refused to let your fellow be left behind. Were you afraid of her?”

Striker looked away and then back to the stallion. “Terrified, actually.”

“So why not run?”

“Silver has been my partner since we got to training. He’s always been at my back. I can’t leave him behind. He’d never leave me behind.”

“Oh? So it was loyalty then?”

“That too.”

“And what else?”

“I...was furious. I had to stop her. She had clawed him and I knew he was tired. He needed my help.”

“There it is,” Oblivion said to them.

“He’s got a bit of a temper.” Silver admitted.

“Not always a bad thing. Had you lost control of it you would not have been able to stop Sasa. But you didn’t.”

“How can you tell?” Striker asked.

“Anger is not always a detriment to your abilities. If allowed to run wild then it can spell disaster. But when focused it can create strength instead of blindness. You used it to toss Sasa off your comrade.” Oblivion replied to him. “When one loses their temper it means many things. It can signal a loss of control and cognitive thought. But it can also signal the end of a fight. The fact that you could stand to protect Silver, who had been disabled by Sasa’s claws says that you had more to give if needed.”

Striker was quiet. “But, I’m exhausted.”

“You are that’s true. But by using that anger properly, you had more left. Yes, you would have collapsed had you kept going but the fact that you focused it and harnessed that strength means you have a rudimentary understanding of how that anger works.”

“I got in trouble for my temper a lot in training.” Striker admitted. “Silver bailed me out of cleaning duty and other tasks.”


“Yeah, he would help out or even take the blame. He didn’t have to, but he did anyway.” Striker claimed and sat quietly before continuing. “He started teaching me how to keep it in check and eventually I kind of stopped worrying about it.”

“You suppressed it, basically,” Oblivion observed.

“I guess so.”

“By doing that you learned how to control it to an extent.”

“So are you going to put the Thestral's through the same run?” Silver asked, humor in his voice.

“No. Theirs is different since they are on the ground.” He informed them. “Both of you eat and rest.”

“I’m gonna be sore tomorrow.” Striker complained.

“Oh definitely.” Silver laughed as he stood up. “Sir?”


“Thank you for healing us. How did you do that?”

“The Element of Spirit can do many things. And you’re welcome.” Oblivion replied. “Send the Thestral's when they are up as well.”

Both stallions nodded then turned to walk back to camp as the sun began to set. Sasa walked up to him and nuzzled his chest.

“How long before you think they can handle their task?” She asked as she sat down to clean her paws of blood.

“I’m not certain. The Pegasus doesn’t have the stamina for a prolonged battle at this time. But since I will be going after the Leshen they only have to hold out as long as that takes. Which will not be very long. Not several hours like they have been trained in today. But I want them to be able to hold out if needed.”

“And the Thestral’s?”

“We will see. They are in direct combat so we need to see how long they can last against you. When they get here start running them.”

“Understood.” She leaned against him as they waited for the Thestral's.

At camp Silver and Striker both collapsed next to the still active fire. “So your thoughts?” Silver asked.

Striker groaned. “I admit I was not ready for any of that.”

“Me neither. I had no idea he was going to sic Sasa on us. That was terrifying.”

“She definitely made us work for every second that we were on our hooves.” Silver said to him.

Both Pegasus went quiet as they thought over the training from the day. “Thankfully he didn’t ask us to go patrol. I’d fall out of the sky like a rock.” Striker commented.

“No joke.” Silver chuckled. “The Thestral's have no idea what’s waiting for them.”

“Oh no. They’re going to be surprised...Very surprised.” Silver gave a malicious smile to his comrade.

“Should we just not mention it?” Striker asked.

“I think we should sit here like the training was nothing and we are fine.”

“Are you serious? I can’t even stand upright.”

“No, come on.” Silver said and hauled himself to his hooves, though it took visible effort.

Striker groaned and stood up as well. “Okay fine. But we sit by the fire. Standing is not an option.”

“Why not?”

“You idiot. Our legs are shaking.” Striker commented.

Silver looked down and found his legs quivering under him. “Right. Yeah, sitting is better.”

The two stallions sat by the fire and waited for the others to awaken.

Sasa trotted into camp after a while and the Pegasus put their hooves over their ears as Sasa put her head in and roared, awakening them. She looked at the two ponies by the fire and they smiled at her. She tilted her head and walked over to sit by them. Cross and Vantage came out of the tent, they gave a nod to the two Pegasus.

Vantage came over to them and sat by them while Cross grabbed their food. “So how was training?”

“Not too bad.” Silver responded.

Sasa spun to look at him. Mischief suddenly sparkled in her eyes as she purred. “Oh, this is hilarious.” She laughed back to Oblivion.


“Silver and Striker are making it seem like training was nothing big.”

“What? Why?”

“To fake out the two Thestral’s!” She laughed through their connection.

“Gods below. When they get here, attack them, hold your claws for now.” He said to her.

“My pleasure.” She replied, laughter in her voice.

Vantage took his portion and started to eat with his partner. Striker was quiet as he ate slowly. Cross looked to them. “So you two are okay?”

“Yeah. Why?” Striker asked.

“Well, the way it sounded Oblivion was gonna put us through the wringer.” He admitted.

“It’s hard to do as sore as he is.” Silver said to them. “Plus can you imagine fighting two ponies on three legs?”

“That’s true,” Cross admitted. “But that hoof is healing well.”

“Don’t want to hurt it.” Silver said.

“Hmm.” Vantage was quiet as he finished his meal. “Well. It’s our turn now. Any advice?”

Silver looked thoughtful, while Striker put food in his mouth, to stop himself from spouting off. “Just be on your toes, I guess.”

The two Lunar guards trotted after Sasa after she stood and motioned for them to follow her. Once they were out of earshot Striker collapsed inward and groaned. “Oh by the Sun, my back. I thought I was gonna snap in half-sitting here.”

Silver broke into a laugh as he held his sides and fell backward. “Oh man. They are in for the rudest of awakenings.”

“I can’t believe we just did that.” Striker said as a laugh bubbled up in his throat.

“I can.” Silver howled from his place on the ground.

As she walked with the Thestral's she heard a bout of laughter from behind them and she laughed in her mind.

“Stop laughing and hurry up. Time is wasting.” Oblivion chastised her.

“Fine. Once more ruining my fun.” She complained.

She broke into a trot and the two ponies stayed with her. They all saw Oblivion ahead of them and the ponies loped toward him as a loud growl went out and Sasa swatted Cross to the ground and then slammed her hip into Vantage sending him rolling.

“Whoa.” Vantage yelled as he looked up as Sasa went after Cross. “Cross get up.” He shouted to the other Luna guard.

Cross rolled to his hooves and started to open his wings when he felt pressure around his barrel. A ring of azure circled his barrel, his wings pinned to his sides. “Vantage!” He yelled as the others noticed it as well.

Vantage stayed on the ground as he dodged a leaping swipe from the feline. “Come on, Cross!”

The two Thestral's ran to join up and they faced out, their hips touching as they watched the cat. She circled them, growling.

“This could be a problem, Chosen. They are used to fighting together. She observed.

“True. So charge in and get under them. Force them to separate. They well-matched as a pair. They know the other well enough to not need to act differently. Vantage wears a light armor watch for speed from him. Cross is the one with the stamina due to wearing heavy armor. Force them to move.”

“Understood.” She charged them, watching for their reaction.

Vantage inhaled, held his breath for a moment, before opening his mouth and releasing the breath he held, a scream rent the air. Oblivion leaned back, pinning his ears.

Sasa stopped and fled under the sound. “Oh, by my claws!” She shouted, fell to the ground, and put her paws over her ears.

“Oh, by the Hells,” Oblivion said aloud as he shook his head to clear it of the ringing. He looked up as Vantage charged him, a smirk on the Thestral's face. “Well played. Go after the one giving the orders.”

Oblivion leaned onto his good foreleg and spun a bare second before the Lunar guard reached him. His hooves struck the pony in the chest, sending him rolling, away from the black unicorn. He spun back to the front as Cross approached him from the side. Sasa struck Cross and sent him rolling as well.


Oblivion lowered his shoulder and shifted his weight on his three good legs. “Lets.” He said, a smirk on his muzzle. He charged them with Sasa at his side and the battle began again. Vantage found himself scrambling under the assault from the taller stallion. He reached Cross and they tried to defend together.

“Three legs isn't stopping him.” Vantage shouted to Cross, who nodded.

Oblivion charged them, his stride unaffected by the missing leg. He rammed the pair of them and sent Vantage rolling, Cross managed to hold his hooves and tried to fight back. Sasa jumped over Oblivion's back and collided with the pony, sending them both rolling. She snarled and growled as she kept Cross on the ground. She laid over the pony, pinning him and limiting his breathing, the same as she had with Silver.

“Keep him, Sasa.” Oblivion barked out his commands.

Vantage saw his partner down and he inhaled once more. Oblivion pinned his ears and charged him again. Vantage started to scream, Oblivion ducked to the side, put up his good leg and close lined the Lunar guard. Vantage hit the ground with a loud cry of pain. He coughed and hacked from his place on the ground. Oblivion put one clawed hoof on the pony’s chest and held him. Vantage started to inhale once more.

“I wouldn’t,” Oblivion said and spread his claws. “You need at least two to three seconds for that sound to charge within your chest. It draws power depending on how long you hold it.” Vantage released the breath he had inhaled at the sight of the unbroken claws. “Good choice.” Oblivion pulled his claws back into his hoof and held the pony there for a moment before jumping back from him. “Let him up Sasa.”

Sasa rumbled and let the pony up. Cross coughed a few times before looking for Vantage. The other pony got to his hooves and walked over to his partner. Sasa reached Oblivion and sat down beside him.

“They did well.” She said to him.

“Agreed.” Oblivion replied to the cat. “They are suited well to combat.” His magic released their wings and they walked up to him.

“Sir? How did we do?”

“Considering you brought me into the fight, not bad at all.” He admitted to them.

“Though bringing you into the fight was a poor decision,” Cross said under his breath.

“True. But it was unexpected. Acting out of the ordinary is not a bad thing.” Oblivion watched their reaction. “Vantage.”


“That scream. What in the Hells is that?”

“It’s a skill that some Thestral's have. Most aren’t very good with it though, so it’s hard to control.” Vantage admitted.

“You seemed to control it fairly well.”

“I can control it. I just can’t use it very often.”


“Yeah, three times a day is my limit.”


“It hurts and can backfire if you overuse it.” Vantage explained. “I have overused it before and tore up my throat for my efforts. It can damage the lungs as well. Cross has had to stop me from overusing it before.”

“So that’s one reason you are paired?” Oblivion commented.

“Yeah. Cross and I also grew up together.”Vantage replied.

“So you have used it once. Or does the interrupted one count?”

“It counts,” Cross interjected.

“Hmm. How long would you hold it if not pressed for time?” Oblivion asked.

“The longest I have held it was five seconds. It starts to hurt after that.” Vantage responded.

“Hmm. Keep that skill hidden for now. The less our adversary knows, or hears, the better.” Oblivion advised.

“Yes, sir.” Vantage agreed.

“Sir.” Cross voiced. Oblivion looked at him. “Are you all right? I know your hoof wasn’t used but...”

Oblivion shook his head. “The other wounds were minor at best and have already healed. Just waiting on my foot to heal as well.”

Both Thestral's looked at him. “Already healed?” Cross asked as he approached and put a hoof through Oblivion's fur. The cuts that had been there yesterday from the ice wall were indeed gone.

“I heal faster due to being a Witcher. My body has been altered so it’s not abnormal for small wounds like that to heal in a few hours or less than a day.” Oblivion advised them.

Vantage looked to the confused Cross. “That’s a nice effect.”

“It can be. You heal with the moon, I heal in time.” Oblivion clarified further.

“So a Witcher is not a skill so much as a body type?”

“In a way. But that is not a subject for now. You two will be one harrying that pinto on the ground. Stay out of the air. Let Silver and Striker take care of that.”

“That’s why you pinned our wings?” Cross asked.

“Yes. You need to be on the ground. She has magic and now you will be doing an exercise similar to what they did. They were working on dodging magic in the air then did battle with Sasa.”

“Those lying...” Vantage cursed under his breath. “Sorry, sir.”

Sasa laughed and laid down, her paws over her muzzle as she laughed.

“They did fool you, yes.” Oblivion admitted. “Sasa laughed about it the whole time.”

“She knew?”

“Of course. She told me and then I adjusted things to match. Though from what I could tell they were laughing at your expense as well.”

Vantage fumed in silence while Cross was quiet. “I thought something seemed off.” Cross admitted.

Vantage looked to him. “Then why didn’t you say anything?”

“I...well...I don’t know.” Cross admitted, sheepish at the other pony.

Vantage sat down and scrubbed his face with his hooves. “You're killing me, Cross.”

“They could have poked them and they would have collapsed!” Sasa wailed with laughter and rolled to her side.

“She makes a good point.” Oblivion said aloud. “You could have touched one of them and they would have fallen over. I ran them into the ground.”

Vantage looked back toward camp, his eyes narrowed. “They are so gonna get it.”

“Let it be.” Oblivion said to them.

“But, sir?”

“It all worked out. You learned a lesson.”

“Never believe the Solar guard.” Vantage muttered,

Sasa giggled. “No. Keep an open mind and do not allow others to color your experience.” Oblivion advised.

Vantage looked to the ground. “That too.”

Cross smiled and patted the other on the shoulder. “He’s right. We should have known better than to relax just because they seemed okay. Sir, what is next?”

“Sasa?” Oblivion looked at her. She rose from the ground and stood by them. “What you saw her do is called Blink. It’s a very short-range teleport that is exclusive to her. She can draw on my power to use it. That’s why she is wreathed in my flame when she is preparing to use it. Never assume that just because she is an animal that she does not have a few of her own tricks. She can access my magic. Contemplate that for a moment.”

Vantages eyes went wide. “The Element.”

“Precisely. Neither she nor I am limited in our power. She can access the Element the same as I can. Example.” Oblivion's horn lit and his armor crawled over his fur. The crown settled into its normal place and Oblivion could feel his body recovering with it in place. It settled into place and sat, covering his fur. “I can draw greater power and strength from my armor. Never assume that what you are seeing is the end of the ponies abilities. I did not know about that scream of yours Vantage. It was a bit of a shock.”

“You recovered quickly from it though.” He pointed out.

“I am designed to recover. Nothing short of a room of Leshens is going to shock me into not being able to move. That being said it is a skill that will remain hidden for now.” Oblivion focused and the armor slid back into its place. He left the guards on his forelegs just in case. “I will leave a piece of it in place just in case. It will aid in healing as well.”

Both Thestral's were quiet as they waited for the black stallion to continue. “Sasa.” He waited as the cat refocused on him. “Do you recall from the memories I showed you how Nekker acts?”

She was quiet as she considered his request. “Yes. I remember them. Nasty little creatures.”

“That they are.” He replied to her then looked to the other ponies. “This way.”

He led them further into the tall grass and waited. “Sasa is going to attack you in a way that is similar to how a monster that I know attacks. Your job is to avoid her.” Oblivion informed them and teleported a short distance away to a small hill. “Sasa?”

“I’m here.”

“Go.” He watched as the she-cat slunk through the grass and approached the watchful ponies. They had put their hips together and their bat-like ears flicked as they listened for the cat. Oblivion focused on her and she paused.

Sasa looked back in his direction and took a step forward. Her body was light and she realized that Oblivion had imparted his silent movements to her. She moved with no sound thanks to him. She approached the Thestral's from the side and angled herself to jump for Vantage. She neared him and paused, watching them as they looked around. She waited to both of them to be looking away from her as she sprung. Her broad forehead collided with Vantage’s shoulder and the pony yelped as she then put her teeth around him and dragged him several feet before letting go and stalking them once more.

“Damn it!” Vantage barked out. He stood up and then felt the impact in his back once more. Sasa pinned him for a moment, then dragged him again. She let go and vanished. “Ouch.” He grumbled and stood back up. Cross reached him, but then was taken as well. He cried out and Vantage loped after him. He found his friend slowly getting up. Vantage had a bite mark from Sasa’s teeth on the back of his neck where she had bit down and dragged him. She had gotten more of his mane versus his skin due to her long incisors. She had pulled Cross by his foreleg.

“We have to stay moving. Better to run into her than be flattened.” Vantage explained.

Cross nodded and they galloped off. Cross had a hitch in his stride on his foreleg. Both of them moved through the grass, trying to figure out how to track the cat.

Oblivion watched as they ran, weaving and trying to locate the cat before she got them. He cringed slightly as Sasa caught Cross once more and dragged him several feet before releasing him and vanishing once more. As time went by they began to wait for her to attack and then react. She usually caught them and hauled them off their hooves but every now and then they dodged her and fled. They began dodging at the slightest movement of the grass around them and veering away from it. Vantage was the first to start slowing. His stamina was lower due to his armor not slowing him normally. Cross could no longer due to having higher stamina from the heavy armor he wore.

“Sasa.” He reached out to her and she paused. “I want to see how Cross does alone. Find a way to stop Vantage, he’s starting to lag anyway. If needed get him and hold him.”


He watched as Sasa got close to the Thestral and then sprung. She collided heavily with the unprepared pony and pinned him. A paw went over his mouth and she silenced him. Her body pinned him to the ground.

Vantage felt the impact reverberate through him and he gasped. Sasa pinned him to the ground and covered his mouth with one enormous paw. He tried to push against her but felt her weight drop onto him. He gasped as his breathing was slowed by her weight. He started to inhale but found he couldn’t get enough of a breath to do anything. His lungs cried out as she held him down. ‘Damn. Cross, a little help.’ He thought to himself.

Cross stopped when he realized that he was alone. He waited for Vantage to jump up, cursing about the feline. But there was no response. The other Thestral was gone. He looked to Oblivion but the unicorn was still as stone. He spun around and still nothing in sight. The medic was quiet as he hunkered down in the grass. The fear bit at him. Vantage was the brave one.

Oblivion watched as the pony hunkered down. “Interesting.”

“Chosen? Is he okay?”

“I’m not certain. He’s down, but he’s not hurt.”

“He’s alone.”

“Yes. And he’s not coping well with that fact.”

“Well shit. Should I let Vantage go?”

“No. We have to get him moving.” Oblivion looked to where he knew Vantage was, pinned by Sasa. “Sasa don’t hurt him, but let him holler.”

“Got it.” Sasa shifted and moved her paw away from his mouth and leaned on one of his legs. Vantage cried out and she recovered his mouth and shifted off his leg. She gave him an apologetic nuzzle and went still. Vantage looked at her, his jaw clenched as he tried to struggle again, to no avail.

Cross started at the pained shout from Vantage. He stood up and looked around. “V?” He yelled and went quiet. His ears flicked, trying to find him. His friend needed him to find him. He sounded hurt. Cross trotted in one direction and stopped to listen. He galloped several feet and slid to a stop, his ears flicking. “Vantage!” He cried out again.

Oblivion watched as he seemed to be trying to locate him but was having no luck. “How is he doing Chosen?” Sasa's voice rang in his mind, asking about the pony.

“He’s running in circles. He wants to find him but can’t seem to do anything. Odd. His ears should be just as sharp as a bat. Or at least close. But he seems to be working on panicking.”

“Not good.”

“No it isn’t. He can’t seem to get his bearings. Let Vantage go. This is a lesson in futility.”

Sasa leaned off Vantage and let him sit up. She purred and nuzzled him. “That’s enough!” Oblivion shouted. Cross saw Vantage and smiled.

“V.” He galloped up to them, with a look at the cat. “You’re okay?”

“I’m fine. She didn’t hurt me. She leaned on my leg but I think she just wanted me to make a noise. She let off it right away and even nuzzled me. Not sure what the point of holding me down was though.”

“The point was to see if Cross could find you.” Oblivion stated as he neared them.

“Oh.” Vantage was quiet.

“Cross. You seemed to shut down at the loss of Vantage in the area. I had Sasa let him cry out to see if we could entice you to act.”

“So I was right. She wasn’t trying to hurt me.”

“No. The purpose was to get Cross moving from the spot he had hunkered down in.”

Vantage looked at Cross, who was staring at the ground. “Cross. Come on, really?” The other Thestral said nothing in his own defense.

Oblivion was quiet as he waited for any response. “Vantage. Care to explain?”

“Well.” Vantage was quiet.

Sasa nudged him but there was no response. Oblivion snorted. “Very well. Do you know of any other Thestral that can fulfill the role we need?”

“One that has the medical side and is able to fight?” Vantage asked.


“Cross is fine he just needs...umm...” Vantage searched for the right words.

“Vantage, I do not have time to coddle him. Unless you would rather put your life on the line and hope he can defend you from that pinto mare. She will not stop just because he hides. If she can attack me that quickly what can she do to you if your partner cannot function?”

“Does he want the Element to be taken and you murdered?” Sasa asked. “Put that in front of them. I think it will kick them into a reply.”

Oblivion looked at Sasa and brought the guards on his legs back to the medallion and then pulled the wolf-shaped gem off his medallion and into his hoof. “Do you want her to take the Element of Spirit? Without it, the other Elements cannot function, thereby rendering them useless. She would try to corrupt it by bathing it in the blood of its Bearers heart, which she would tear out to test on it.”

Vantage looked at the Element in Oblivion’s hoof. “Cross. Either you tell them, or I will.”

Cross raised his head. “What?”

“You heard me. He’s right. We need the Element safe. Our job is to support him and now part of that is keeping that crazy mare from taking the Element and murdering its bearer. Tell them the truth.” Vantage to his friend. His voice had a hard edge to it.

Cross looked to the ground and then to the Element. He was quiet. Oblivion turned his hoof to the side and Cross watched the element fall from his hoof and land on the ground, with a dull thud.

“I’m half blind in my right eye and deaf in my right ear.” He finally admitted in a rush, hanging his head in shame.

Vantage looked relieved and watched as Oblivion's magic picked up the Element and returned it to its place. “So that’s why you hid.”

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry.” Cross said and looked up to the black stallion.

“Well, that complicates things.” Oblivion stated.

Sasa walked up to the ashamed pony and nuzzled him. “What's the plan now, Chosen? We can’t send him away.”

“I know that. I wanted to know what his reasoning was and sending him back would simply break him.” Oblivion looked at the pair of Thestral's. “So this is the main reason you are paired. Vantage knows how to communicate with you if you can’t hear him fully or see him.”

“Yes. I rely mostly on body language to assess the situation.” Cross explained.

“He must have a hard time understanding you then.” Sasa added in.

“True. I don’t react normally.”

“All right we may have to adjust this. Cross cannot be on the ground without hearing the mare and seeing her. Vantage you are still on the ground. Your speed on the ground and ability to scream like that cannot put elsewhere but in the ground.”

“What if we put Striker with him?" Sasa chimed in.

Oblivion glanced at her. “Might be our only choice.” He said aloud.

“Sir?” Cross said to him.

“Might have to trade up to the teams. The main problem there is getting Striker to work with Vantage and vice versa. Will keep Silver in the air and pair him with Cross. Cross.”


“Your role will be altered. I can’t have you on an active flight with Silver if you can’t see or hear him. Silver is an active flier, very agile. That is why he and Striker work well.” Oblivion explained. “I’m not going to send you packing, but I will need to alter your role.”

“I understand sir. And I am sorry for not saying anything sooner. I didn’t realize that we would be doing more than just pitching camp.” Cross explained.

“Information would certainly have been helpful sooner. But what’s done is done and there is no changing it. Now we simply walk forward and work with what we have. Come. We need to speak with Striker and Silver about this as well. Getting to be time to wake them anyway.” Oblivion said as he looked back to camp and started walking back.

Cross followed behind them, his head low. Sasa walked up to him and nudged him. She purred and tried to encourage him. Cross gave a weak smile. “Thanks, girl. But I just messed everything up.” He lamented and walked with her.

She rumbled at him and nuzzled him again. “Chosen.”


“He’s not taking this well.”

Oblivion looked over his shoulder. He could see the Thestral’s spirit and it was diminished. “Bloody hell.” He cursed to the feline before he glanced to the Thestral. “Cross?”


Oblivion faced forward as he spoke to the Thestral. “Yes, telling me sooner would have been beneficial. But better I know now versus when we are in the middle of a fight with her. Just because we have to alter the plan does not mean all is lost. It does not mean you have killed any of us. It just means that the groups to handle the pinto are different. You will have to learn how to read and help Silver and he will do the same. Vantage will have to learn to run with Striker. All that means is that things are different, not impossible.” He explained and went silent.

Cross nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

Oblivion snorted and kept walking, Vantage at his side. “Well said, sir.” Vantage whispered to him.

Cross held his head up a bit as Sasa purred at him. “You said something, didn’t you?” Cross said as he regarded the feline. She looked away, trying to look innocent. She looked at him, a sly wink escaped her as she trotted ahead to the black pony’s side.

They reached camp and Sasa roared to wake up the still sleeping Solar guards. They shouted, then groaned and walked slowly out of the tent.

“Sasa. I hate you.” Silver said to the cat as he walked out.

Strike walked out and groaned. “Sir? The sun isn’t even up.”

Oblivion sat down and waited for the stallions to reach him. “I am aware. We have a change of...” Oblivion's ears flicked and he held up a hoof to silence them. Twigs snapped and the sound of wind sounded in his ears. He closed his eyes and focused on his ears. They flicked and he tilted his head to give them height. The black unicorn was quiet as the sound faded. His hoof went back to the ground and he waited.

“Sir?” Cross asked him.

“The Leshen was close. Relatively close.” Oblivion explained.

“Is it here?” Sasa asked, turning to the village.

“No. It’s gone from the area.”Oblivion clarified.

The ponies and cat visibly relaxed as Striker and Silver approached and sat down heavily, sore from the run they did earlier. “So what’s going on?” Striker asked, through a wince as he tried to straighten his back.

“We have to make a couple of adjustments to how we are approaching the upcoming fight.”

“Why?” Silver asked.

Oblivion looked at Cross for a moment. “Cross is blind and deaf on one side.”

Both Solar guards looked to the Thestral. “Oh shit.” Silver muttered, then looked to the black stallion. “Okay, how do we work with him? I assume you already have an idea.” Striker nodded and waited.

Cross looked up and stared at the two other guards. “We will be switching up the teams. Striker?”


“You will be working with Vantage on the ground.”


“Silver you’re still in the air.”

“With Cross?”

“No. Cross has a different goal.” He looked to the stunned Thestral. “Your goal is to find out how that mare is controlling the Leshen. I get the feeling whatever she uses is hidden under that thick cloak. So if you see a chance, remove it.” Cross nodded. “You will be working with Silver as well, though. You have to be able to dodge and avoid any magic that she sends your way.”

“Understood, sir,” Cross replied.

Striker suddenly looked horrified. “Wait! Do I have to be up right now to practice again!?”

Oblivion couldn’t stop himself from sitting heavily and putting his claws over his face. “Gods below.” Oblivion left his claws over his features as he sat in silence. “No. You can try to sleep longer if you wish.”

“Meh. I’m awake.” Striker said and looked resigned.

Sasa chuckled and looked to the unicorn. Oblivion was quiet as he put his hoof back on the ground. “You need to rest as well Chosen.” She pointed out. “I can train them to avoid me.”

“Not right now we can’t Sasa.”

“Sir?” Cross put a hoof on his shoulder and waited for his attention. “You should get some rest, as well. You haven’t slept. Training us back to back will just leave you vulnerable to being hurt by the crazed mare.”

“Smart little thing, isn’t he?” Sasa pointed out.

“I am fine for now. My kind can go for several days without sleep.” Oblivion replied.

“But your body is trying to regrow two broken claws.”

“I know. Thank you for your concern. But training the group of you currently takes precedence.”

“Well, we need to get onto the right schedules to train on now.” Silver pointed out. “Since our teams are being changed. Either I stay awake or Striker does. Or we work for a little while then go back to sleep.”

“Better plan.” Striker said aloud. The group looked at him. “We patrol for a while and get used to working with a different pony. Then we sleep to try and get on the right schedule.”

“Smart little ponies.” Sasa said. “The only snag is that Cross is a Thestral. The sun hurts him.”

“The sun is up when you would be training with Cross. Thestral's don't do well in the direct sun.” Oblivion replied.

Cross and Vantage nodded. “Oh shit. Sorry, I forgot.” Striker said to them.

Cross looked at them. “That should be fine. I’m not going to be able to attack her from the air as well as Silver will be. I’ll be supporting from the shadows, right?”

“True enough. Silver and Striker. A patrol from the air with Sasa on the ground. Stay away from the mare and if you see the Leshen leave.”

“Yes, sir.” They saluted but both groaned and tried not to look as sore as they were.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Oblivion said to them.

“Sir. We guard doors.”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Just go.” He said and shook his head as they took off. “With armor, you twit!” He yelled at them.

Both of them cringed and came back. “Right.” They went to retrieve their armor and then took to the air. Sasa ran under them and loped into the forest. Oblivion watched as they vanished into the forest.

“Sasa, if you find the mare, avoid her.” He said to the cat as an afterthought.

“Why? Aside from her being crazy.” The feline replied.

“If she gets an idea of the connection between you and me then she could be even more dangerous. The last thing we need is for her to try going after you or the guards in the meantime. We will be ready for her in time.”

“Understood. I will avoid her as well. She was creepy enough on her own. Any ideas why she can control the Leshen?”

“I wish I had a concrete idea. There is no record of any monster of their type being able to be controlled that easily. She didn’t give it any commands which are strange. Makes me think that she can point it in a direction, but can’t truly tell it what to do.” Oblivion pointed out .“I have heard of mages trying to harness elementals and golems as guardians for a location. But I have never heard of a Leshen being used.”

Sasa was quiet. “That would make more sense. A golem is created by the mage correct?”

“Yes.” He replied. “They have more control for that reason. But she did not create the Leshen.”

“Thankfully. That would be truly frightening. When we saw her the Leshen didn’t move much as she was near it. It attacked that rabbit but that was it.” She replied to him. She glanced to the Pegasus’s to make sure they were still above her. “Oh. Don’t forget to send a letter to Apple Bloom.” She reminded him.

Oblivion cursed but realized that he needed to assure the filly everything was fine. His horn lit as he conjured a scroll and quill.

Apple Bloom:

I am sorry for not speaking to you before I left, but I was needed elsewhere. I am not sure how long I will be gone, but I will try to keep in touch through Applejack.


As far as notes went it was pretty short. He grumbled as he pulled another scroll and began to draw on it. He drew their camp and placed Sasa sitting by the fire. When he was finished he rolled the two papers together and with a flare of his flames, the messages were gone. As he waited his mind went over what he knew of how monsters were controlled. He had heard of various tales from the other Witchers but had little experience with them himself. His type of contracts were not in buildings and he tended to range farther than most for his own.

He had run into other Witchers more often than most due to the range of the contracts he went after. Lambert tended to stay in cities, while Eskel did more minor contracts. Geralt did both fairly equally rather than lean toward one type. He was better with people, while Oblivion was not. While he had been with Geralt that was the most contracts he had done in a city in years. It reminded him why he chose to stay in the wilds. He snorted and looked up as Sasa and the Pegasus returned to camp. They greeted him and Sasa gave him an affectionate nuzzle. He watched as they went to follow his earlier instructions.

Author's Note:

Okay here we go. New chapter! Trying to get my schedule back on track but am thinking it's gonna end up still being off. So I will do my best but I'm not going to force it since the story might suffer for it if I push too hard. Thanks for your patience and I appreciate all of you sticking with me!

Edit 12/8/2018: Typing errors
Edit 2: 12/18/2018
Edit: 11/14/2019

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