• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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71: Nightmare

Sasa pushed Oblivion's open saddlebag to the floor. ‘I just need his sketchbook.’ She thought to herself as she nosed the saddlebag. The feline had asked him to unlock the wardrobe in their room for her to get to his saddlebags. He was helping Mac with some of the chores and she was looking for inspiration for a Nightmare Night costume. She had thought of maybe being a royal guard to complement the stallions Alicorn, but after a few days, she chose to put that idea aside.

“Chosen?” She called out to him, frustration in her tone.


“Where in the Worlds is your sketchbook?” She asked him, frustration in her tone.

“It’s in my saddlebag.” He replied.

“I know that. But which one?” She questioned.

The saddlebag opened and she watched as the sketchbook slid out of the bag and bumped against her paws. She huffed and nosed the saddlebag back into the wardrobe. “Thank you.” She called out to him as she nosed it open. She found herself staring at a rough sketch of a Leshen and she grimaced at the memory of the creature.

“No.” She said as she turned the page to show a Wraith. “No.” She turned the page one more time and began scanning the pages. “No. No. No. No. No. No. What is this? This could work.” She said to herself as she stopped turning the pages. “Chosen?”

“Busy.” He replied.

She shook her head and closed the book, taking it in her teeth and carrying it out of their room. The tiger made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. The front door to the farmhouse was open and she walked calmly out into the bright sunlight. The scent of fall wafted over her and she inhaled deeply as she made her way toward the Witcher. She came around the barn and found the Witcher levitating a large section of the fence. Across his back a set of wide wooden stakes were balanced and she paused as she chose not to approach him and risk upsetting the balance on his back. Across from him, Mac cursed under his breath as he dug out post holes for the stakes on the others back.

“You’re busy.” She said to him and she sat down in place.

“I told you.” He growled to her.

“I was going to ask about a sketch in your book but I can wait.”

He narrowed his eyes at her as he tried to keep the load on his back from shifting. His magic flowed evenly and she set the book on the ground gently to avoid damaging it. Mac came over to him and took one of the posts from his back and set it in place. She waited as they worked and then began to scan the pages once more, her claws gentle on the pages. She found more sketches of monsters and even a few she did not recognize and others that made her turn the pages faster to avoid looking at them.

“You should sell your art Chosen. Ponies would pay a great deal for an artist to draw for them.” She said to him.

A shallow grunt was all she got in reply as the pair moved to the next post hole and she mirrored them, following quietly. Minutes passed as she waited and finally the book was picked up from the ground and he dusted off the covers as he grimaced at her.

“You could have held it up off the ground.” He griped at her. “Now what did you want?”

“I think I found a good idea for my Nightmare Night Costume.” She said to him.

“And why did you need my sketchbook for it?”

“What better place to find ideas?” She countered and he rolled his eyes.

“And what did you find?”

“Let me show you.” She said to him.

He held out the book to her and she set it gently it on a nearby patch of grass and began to look for the picture she had found. She scanned past images of monsters and found what she was looking for. It was a newer drawing and was toward the end of the book.

“There. Who is this? And the ones behind it are of other people as well.”

He looked to the page and then shook his head at her. “That’s Geralt. The drawings behind that are Ciri and then Anna.”

“Another Witcher. Can I use him for a base for my costume? They were the ones who saw you last.”

“It’s your decision, not mine. Nopony is going to know what or who you are. They were the ones that saw me off yes.”

She fell silent and did not ask about the people in the book further, sensing that it was still a bit of a sore subject for him. “Oh well. I was going to think of something to compliment your costume but all my ideas fell flat. But this looks like it could be fun. Can I borrow a couple of your swords?”

“You’re serious?” He asked her.

“Absolutely. It will be perfect. Please?”

He closed his eyes and shook his head at her. “Fine. It’s your choice. But you’re not using my good blades.”

“Of course not. I’ll use the old ones that you don’t use or have outgrown. Anything more than that is foolish.” She stood up and nuzzled his chest as his magic picked up the sketchbook once more. “You need a new sketchbook Chosen. That one is on its last legs and is almost full.”

“I’ll look into one eventually.” He replied as the book vanished as he sent it back to his saddlebags.

“You can afford one.” She teased.

“Perhaps.” He responded and made his way back to Mac.

The she-cat was quiet as she considered what she needed to do for her costume to be perfect for the holiday. She had never been able to participate due to her place in the menagerie and had never had reason to before. She was genuinely looking forward to the event.

“We just need to bunch up the cloak around the joints and that should hide them. They will look authentic but we can pass them off as fake.” Sasa said to him as he flicked his wings at his sides.

“I still think dressing up for this event is ridiculous.” He griped to her.

“I know but it is an important part of pony culture and it will be fun. Try to enjoy yourself a little.” Sasa teased as she nosed the cloak into place around the joints of his wings.

“And if somepony asks about who made them?”

“Magic.” She quipped back to him.

He sagged in his fur for a moment before giving up arguing with the determined cat. He looked back as she nosed the cloak and he used his claws to do what she had said around the joints. His silver armor sat in place and they had placed the cloak over it and then bunched it around the joints of his wings to hide them. His tail flicked absently as he looked at the mirror in the corner of the room. His silver and black wings sat easily on his sides.

“To keep them easily looked over we should hide the silver on them. Your opinion?” Sasa suddenly asked as she sat back on her haunches.

He looked to the long silver feathers and raised his right wing from his side. He focused and his horn lit as the silver feathers faded to black once more. He raised the left and put them next to each other for the feline to look at. She tilted her head and made a non-committal noise as she considered her options.

“Leave them alone. The silver is pretty.” She said to him and the silver once more bled into the feathers at her words.

Oblivion kept the wings raised as he looked at the feline. Her body was covered by an old set of his armor that he had altered for her to wear. She wore an old pair of gauntlets on her paws that had been altered by him as well. A pair of his old swords sat across her back, their hilts across her right shoulder. She had sat still as his magic had drawn out the old scars onto her fur to complete her Witcher costume. She moved to the bedroom door as he pushed it open with his magic and walked out the door behind her. His tall wings clipped the ceiling and the door frame as he went down the stairs. They made their way out of the farmhouse and out into the farm. Oblivion looked up as Mac pulled one of the hay carts towards Ponyville and the black Alicorn fell in at his side.

Mac looked at him and a smile threaded over the ponies muzzle. A black cloak with an apple skull fell across the ponies back and flanks. A top hat crowned his head and dark eyeliner had given the stallion's eyes a sunken-in look. “Ya goin’ as an Alicorn?”

Oblivion nodded. “Was Sasa’s idea.”

“Ya got the height fer it. Ah trust yer magic made ya a pair o’ wings?”

Oblivion nodded once more and Sasa purred from her place at Oblivion's side. Mac came to a stop as he tried to see the costume on the cat's form. Sasa came out from Oblivion's side and stood in front of the red stallion.

“Yer a…” He paused as he looked over the costume and Sasa turned to the side to allow him to see the rest of the costume. “Monster hunter. She’s what you are.” He finally said to her and she nodded.

“She’s a Witcher that I knew back in the Northern Realms. But close enough.” Oblivion said to him as the stallion began to pull the cart once more.

Oblivion stayed close to him as they moved into Ponyville and the red pony peeled off to go to his own task. Sasa purred as she looked over the costumes and the decorations stretched out in front of her. She trotted ahead of him and into the town.

“Hurry Chosen.” She called out to him.

“It’s not going anywhere.” He said to her. “Calm down.”

“I have never been able to participate in Nightmare Night before now. I admit I am more than a bit excited to experience it.”

“I can see that.” He said to her as she paused in the middle of the street to wait for him to join her.

His wings flicked in place as he moved and he could see others turn to look at the feline as he rejoined her. His orange eyes gave off a slight glow in the dark of the growing night. He drew up to Sasa and she led him into the crowds.

“There’s Apple Bloom and the others. Granny looks thrilled to be out so late.” The cat said to him and her paw pointed to the unhappy-looking elder mare.

Oblivion chuckled under his breath at the look from the matriarch. She was standing out in front of Twilights Library and the stallion moved to come up behind her. Applejack had thought to have him take them around but the fillies had chosen to have Granny Smith take them instead. Oblivion had been asked if he had his heart set on taking them and he reminded them that he did not know much if anything about the customs of the holiday originally. He looked over their heads and he could see the costumes of the mare and Spike as they handed out candy to the fillies. The elder mare and fillies walked away as Oblivion approached the doorway. Sasa purred out a greeting to them as they saw her and the stallion behind her.

“Happy Nightmare Night Sasa and you to Oblivion,” Twilight said to him.

“To you as well.” He replied to her.

Spike looked at the great cat and his head gave a slight tilt at the costume she wore. “What are you supposed to be?” He began until he saw the dual swords on her back and he snapped his claws at the sight of them. “Oh, you’re a Witcher.”

Sasa nodded and nuzzled the baby dragon in praise. Twilight giggled at the sight of the cat and then looked at the stallion. “And Oblivion is an Alicorn.” She said to him and he nodded. “Are they magic or mechanical?”

“Magic.” He replied to her. “Similar to what you did for Rarity.”

Twilight nodded as she looked at the pair of silver tinged wings. “I love the silver on them.” She said as she went over the rest of the costume. “Is that the armor from the Element of Spirit?”

“It is yes.” He said to her with an assenting nod.

“That’s not really what it’s meant to be used for.” She said to him as Spike tapped the armor on Oblivions right foreleg.

“So long as it is mine to command I will use it as I see fit.” He said to her. A glance at Sasa had the feline nodding to him. “But in my defense, it was her idea.” He said with a tilt of his horn to the tiger at his side.

“It completes the look that I had in mind perfectly.” Sasa said and he parroted her words for the mare.

“What is the name of the costume then?” Spike asked her. “It must have a name since you designed it.”

“He is a warrior prince.” She explained to them and then looked at the black Alicorn. “Find the humor in the fact that they are seeing them for the first time and they have no idea that they are real Chosen.”

“It is proving interesting to see the reactions to them. They can believe they are fake due to the holiday.” He replied to her.

“Precisely. They have no idea that they are seeing the real wings of a true Alicorn.” She chuckled through their connection.

Twilight and Spike nodded at the cat’s explanation and came out of the Library and into the growing night to join the stallion. She paused to show the cat her costume and Sasa tilted her head at the sight of the get-up.

“I have no idea who or what she is.” Sasa admitted to him as she nodded enthusiastically to the mare.

“Starswirl the Bearded,” Oblivion said aloud for the feline. “Looks pretty much identical to the illustration in the biography you let me borrow from you.”

“Pinkie said I looked like a weirdo clown and Spike asked if I was one of the old ponies at the retirement home.” She groused and the baby dragon looked away from her as Sasa laughed.

Oblivion looked at her, his expression blank. “Makes you glad I don’t have the emotions to laugh at that.”

“I have to admit, I kind of am.” She admitted to him with a bark of laughter.

He shrugged at her reply and stood at her side as they made their way into the main celebration. They stopped at several games and booths while Spike gathered candy and other treats into his arms. Oblivion paused at the sight of a lone cloud coming toward them. Sasa stared upward with him as it stopped to hover over the group who had been joined by Pinkie and several foals in costumes.

“Rainbow.” He said aloud and the mare made a hush motion at him. He tilted his head at her as she reared back on the cloud and slammed her hooves into the surface of the cloud. Lightning flashed and Pinkie squawked and the foals screamed as they took off running.

Spike fell backward and began to choke on a piece of candy. “Rainbow. That wasn’t very nice.” Twilight called out to the laughing mare.

“Oh lighten up old-timer. Nightmare Night is the best night for pranks!” The rainbow mare replied.

Sasa pushed Spike up and began to ram her forehead into his back to help him. “Look what she did to poor Spike.” She chuckled as Oblivion gave the baby dragon a solid thump to the back with one hoof to dislodge the blockage in his throat.

“It's all in good fun. Oh! Oh! There's another group over there!” Rainbow said as she zipped away from them to terrify another group of ponies.

Twilight’s horn lit as she laid a recovering Spike across her back. Oblivion said nothing as the purple mare huffed and led them toward the games area. Applejack looked up as they approached her and her eyes went wide at the sight of the great wings that stood raised above the stallions back. He gave her a sly wink and she smiled as laughter flit through her eyes.

“Howdy everypony.” She called out to them as they neared her.

“Happy Nightmare Night Applejack,” Twilight said to her.

“Nice costume.” She said to them and Sasa held her head up at the praise.

“Thanks! I’m a dragon.” Spike said as he jumped off the mares back.

“I reckon with that beard yer some kind o’ country music singer.” She said to Twilight as she prodded the beard.

Twilight groaned but didn’t say anything as the mare looked at Sasa. “Yer a Witcher. How’d she get ya ta let ‘er use yer swords?”

“She’s using old ones that I no longer need.” He replied to her. “Otherwise she would have been out of luck had I not had any others with me.”

Sasa nodded that he was right and sat down at his side. “What's with the face though?” Spike asked as he prodded the cat.

“She asked to be made up to look like an old companion of mine, Geralt. He has several scars and one of them is to the face that goes over that eye. I had to draw it in place for her.” He explained.

“You don’t have any scars,” Spike said to him.

“I do. I just keep my face out of the way of monsters and weapons. Others are not so quick on their feet.” Oblivion added.

Twilight giggled and looked back at him. “You have one big one on your back. The doctors asked us what could have made it when you were in there and we had no idea.”

Sasa visibly flinched at the mention of the great scar on his back. “I hate that they noticed that one.” She lamented.

“Leshen.” He said to them. “Two of them managed to catch me and I took the hit to the back.” He explained.

“Ouch.” Applejack said to him. “Ah’m not sure what a Leshen is but it must have been bad to scar like that.”

“I hate fighting Leshens.” He admitted.

Oblivion shook his head as the sound of feedback went over them and he pinned his ears at the sound. Sasa stood up as the others moved away from the games as Applejack prodded his shoulder.

“Ya let them out to be seen so yer gonna tell everypony bout ‘em?” She asked him.

“No. They are simply part of the costume.” He said to her. “It was Sasa’s idea to dress this way and I have to admit the irony is amusing to know that they are real and not the magic I am saying they are.”

Applejack grimaced as he spoke. “Ya should at least tell the others. Ah can keep ‘em secret like ya want but ya should tell them.”

“I will in my own time. At this time they will remain hidden.” He replied to her.

The orange mare looked uncertain as Sasa nuzzled her. “For now they are fine the way they are. I can understand both sides of the argument but you cannot tell him what to do with his own body.” She said and the stallion spoke for her and the farm mare nodded as he spoke for the cat.

“Ah know. Ah just hate hidin’ it from our friends and family. Ya know they would keep it secret if ya asked ‘em to.” She explained.

“I know they would. But I would rather not place that burden on them if I can avoid it. Do you really think Apple Bloom would be able to keep her silence?” He asked in reply.

The mare looked uncertain and finally nodded at him. “Ya got a point there.”

He opened his mouth to speak as the sound of screaming stopped him and he looked back to the center of town. Sasa trotted in the direction of the screaming and she looked over her shoulder to him.

“It’s Luna.” She called to him and he nodded in reply.

“Excuse me.” He said to the farm mare who waved him away.

He walked to the feline and then made his way toward the center of town with her. He could see the Alicorn mare in the center and he could hear her speaking the closer he got to her.

“She’s yelling at them.” Sasa said to him and he nodded. “She didn’t have any trouble talking to you and the others before.”

He paused on the outskirts of the crowd and listened as she tried to get the Mayor to speak to her. “What is the matter with you? Very well, then. Be that way. We won't even bother with the traditional royal farewell.”

“Traditional farewell?” Sasa asked him and he shrugged. “Oh no. Come on we should go and get her.”

“Agreed.” He said to the cat and moved through the crowd carefully.

He looked up as Twilight seemed to have come to the same conclusion as he did and he trotted to join her as they moved. He lowered his head slightly to speak to her as they walked along the road. “So what happened while I was speaking with Applejack?”

“Princess Luna made a bit of a dramatic entrance and I guess it scared everypony since nopony would even look at her. I think they still think of her as Nightmare Moon.” She explained.

“I see. That explains why nopony spoke to her. She was a bit loud though.”

“Yeah. I’m not sure why she was yelling at them.” Twilight admitted as they walked. “There she is.”

Oblivion looked up and he could see the blue Alicorn at the base of a statue of Nightmare Moon. “That’s ominous looking.” He said to the feline who nodded in agreement.

“Princess Luna? My name is…”

“Star Swirl the Bearded. Commendable costume! Thou even got the bells right.” Luna said to her as she got to her hooves and turned to face them.

Oblivion held back to allow Twilight to speak to her easily.

“Thank you! Finally! Somepony who gets my costume! Uh, I just came to welcome you to our celebration! My actual name is-.” She said to her, glee in her tone.

“Twilight Sparkle.” She said as her wings rose from her sides and she began to rise into the air, the wind kicking up around her. “It was thou who unleashed the powers of harmony upon us and took away our dark powers!”

Oblivions ears pinned back as she shouted and Twilight managed to hold her ground in the wind. Oblivion watched as she righted her costume and looked at the mare. “And that was a good thing right?”

“Of course. We could not be happier. Is that not clear?”

“It sounds like your yelling at me,” Twilight said to her.

“But this is the traditional royal Canterlot voice! It is the tradition to speak using the royal ‘we’, and to use this much volume when addressing our subjects!” Luna said to her as she shouted the mare back afoot.

“Lower your voice a bit, Luna.” He said as he came out of the shadows and the mare's eyes fell on him.

“Oblivions Shadow! Our dear friend thou are out for the holiday?” She said as she approached him, a smile on her muzzle.

“Sasa has been eagerly awaiting the event so I am playing along.” He replied to her as she threw her forelegs around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Sasa nuzzled the mare as she released the Elder Witcher. She hugged the great tiger and backed up to look at the pair of them. She looked at the pair of wings that rose from Oblivions back and a wide smile crossed her muzzle.

“Thou dressed up as an Alicorn?” She asked happily.

“It was Sasa’s idea.” He replied to her, nodding to the grinning feline.

“Thou dressed up as well?” Her eyes went over the felines form as the cat showed off her costume by spinning in a circle. “Thou make for a fine Witcher.”

“I told you ponies would know the costume.” She teased him.

“True. But they do not know which Witcher you are.” He replied.

“Details, details.” She dismissed.

Twilight drew up close to them and smiled at the sight and sound of the calmed down Alicorn mare. “What brings you to Ponyville Princess Luna?”

“Our sister told us to go out and experience the holiday. We chose to come to Ponyville since it is close to Canterlot and our friends are here as well.” She replied easily with a wave of her hoof. “But we must remember to keep up our traditional voice in the presence of our other subjects.”

“Perhaps you shouldn’t,” Oblivion said to her.

“Why?” She asked as she gave a slight tilt of her head at his words.

“Maybe that’s why your arrival was met with mixed results?” Twilight said to her. “I think if you just changed your approach a bit, you might be met with a warmer reception.”

Luna looked at her and then to Oblivion who nodded to her. “Change our approach?” She boomed out and Oblivion pinned his ears.

Twilight righted her costume and Sasa shook her head as the purple mare spoke up. “Lower the volume all the time?”

“Oh. We must keep with tradition and use our Voice.” She began as Oblivion began to shake his head.

“Not in this day and age you don’t,” Oblivion said to her. “That was useful over a thousand years ago. It no longer has a place in this day and age. Unless you are planning on shouting commands on a battlefield.”

She looked startled by the bluntness of his words and she shrunk back a bit. “We are not sure we can.”

“We can ask Fluttershy for help,” Twilight said to them, earning her a look from the feline and Witcher. “She’s the perfect one to teach Princess Luna how to lower her voice all the time. She can speak normally with us but asking other ponies to help will get you used to speak normally to others.” She explained the looks from the others.

Sasa gave a low growling noise and shook her head. “I don’t think I have seen any sign of Fluttershy since this began. I would think that she would not particularly enjoy Nightmare Night.”

“I haven’t seen her so far,” Oblivion said to the Unicorn.

“She’s probably at home. Nightmare Night is a bit much for her I think.” Twilight explained.

“Makes sense. All of this would be quite frightening to her.” Sasa said to him and he nodded in agreement with her.

Twilight pulled up next to him and the small group began to walk down the road.

“Don't worry, Princess. Fluttershy can give you some great pointers. She's delicate and demure with the sweetest little voice.” Twilight said to Luna as they stopped in front of the mare’s home.

“Go away! No candy here! Visitors not welcome on Nightmare Night!” Fluttershy shouted at the door.

Oblivion looked over at Twilight as Luna looked at the door, a look of surprise on her face. “Yeah, she’s quiet normally.” He assured the Alicorn mare.

Twilight gave a nervous laugh and approached the door. “Fluttershy, it's me, Twilight!”

The door opened slightly and Fluttershy was able to peek out from the crack in the door. “It is you. Ah, and Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon?” She slammed the door in their faces as she screamed.

Twilight looked at the door and then to the pair of Alicorns. Oblivion shrugged and Twilight gave another nervous giggle. “Hang on.” She said to them and pushed her way into the small house.

“Normally she’s more welcoming.” He assured the mare.

“They have never liked us.” She began to say to him.

“They will given enough time. You are adjusting to them and they need time to do the same thing. Nothing is immediate in life Luna, you know this.” He said to her and she seemed to understand.

She fell quiet as he spoke to her and she gave a quiet nod. The door opened once more as Twilight shoved Fluttershy ahead of her and held her in front of the Alicorn mare.

“Fluttershy... you remember Princess Luna?” She said as the Pegasus shivered at the sight of the mare.

“This could go one way or the other.” Sasa said to him.

“I agree. If one of the ponies who freed her is this frightened what about the others.” He said to the feline.

“I agree. This is not a good sign for the rest of Ponyville. Maybe if we went back and tried to see what we could do to help from there?”

“Maybe. But do we risk getting too far away from her and Twilight and not be able to act as needed?”

“That’s…a fair point.” She agreed and sat down at his side. “For now we should probably stay close and try to keep ponies calm. Or keep Luna calm.”

“I don’t think Luna is going to be the issue.” He admitted to the cat. “We will have to wait and see how this plays out for now.” His wings flicked and he allowed them to relax on his back.

“Don’t let those fall too far Chosen. Or they might look more real than we are ready for.” She warned him and the wings snapped back into their raised position.

His orange eyes looked forward as Luna sat down in place, her horn alight. “I thank thee, dear Fluttershy! Our normal speaking voice shall surely win us the hearts of thy fellow villagers.”

“Well that’s a good thing.” Sasa said as Oblivions ears flicked to listen behind them.

He looked back as Pinkie led a group of foals toward the cottage. “Fluttershy! You've gotta hide us! Nightmare Moon is here and...” Her eyes went wide as she saw that Fluttershy was in Luna’s grasp. “Ah! She stole Fluttershy's voice so she can't scream when she gobbles her up!”

The foals began to scream as they all turned and fled from the road. Luna dropped Fluttershy in a heap and made to follow them. “Nay, children, wait!” She bellowed and a hoof went to her mouth as she realized that she was yelling once more. “I mean... nay, children, no, wait.”

Sasa went to the Alicorn and nuzzled against her shoulder, trying to comfort her. Oblivion went to her and patted her shoulder in sympathy. He could see that her spirit, while normally bright, had taken a hit when the foals had screamed and run from the sight of her. Twilight joined them and tried to remain upbeat to raise her spirits once more.

“Come on, princess. Time for plan B.” She said to her and began to lead them away from the cottage.

As they re-entered Ponyville ponies caught sight of the tall mare and once more quivered away from her. He watched as Luna cringed as each fled from her. Her spirit roiled and he could see that she was growing disheartened by the fear that was aimed at her.

“It is of no use, Twilight Sparkle. They have never liked us and they never shall.” Luna said to the purple Unicorn.

“We can get through this. With a little help, they won’t be afraid anymore. We just need to show them that you’re just like them and I know just the pony to help with that. Applejack is one of the most likable ponies in Ponyville. I know she will have some ideas to help us out.” Twilight assured her.

“Give them a chance Luna.” He said to her and she raised her head to look at him and nod.

Twilight trotted ahead of them to speak to the orange mare and Oblivion ears pinned as she also cowered at the sight of the blue Alicorn. Sasa growled and the mare jumped back to her hooves and smiled.

“All you gotta do is have the right attitude. Loosen up a bit, be positive, play a few games, have some fun.” She said as she approached the mare.

“Fun? What is this fun that thou speakest of?” Luna asked as Applejack finished speaking to her.

He watched as Luna approached a party game with spiders and looked from the small fake spiders to the web and then back to the pony manning the game. Sasa went up to the game and took a spider in her teeth to show Luna. The cat put it in her paw and tossed the spider toward the web. She fell far short but Luna seemed to get the idea and tried to throw the spider as well. Much like Sasa’s attempt, it fell woefully short of the web and she looked back to the mares.

“You can do it, Princess!” Applejack encouraged her from the side.

Luna looked back to the web and took another spider in her hoof. She tossed the spider and it landed solidly on the web. Sasa purred in praise and rubbed her forehead on the mare's shoulder.

“Ha! Your Princess enjoys this ‘fun’! In what other ways may we experience it?” She asked as she spun around to face Applejack and Twilight.

A knowing look passed between the two mares as they began to show her around the stalls and other games. Ponies began to follow them as the Princess of the Night played among them. Oblivion stayed close as Luna’s spirit burned brighter with each passing game.

“How is she doing, Chosen?” Sasa asked him as she played a matching game with Luna.

“Much improved. It seems all it took was a few games to gain their belief. So long as she manages to keep her voice down I think she will do fine.” He replied to the spectral tiger.

Sasa was quiet as she went back to her game with the Princess of the Night. When they had finished he walked with them as they approached a catapult. He paused as he saw the siege weapon and looked down at Sasa as she drew up next to him.

“What in the Realms is this?” He asked her.

“Pumpkin Chucking.” Sasa replied. “The purpose is to hit the target as close to the bullseye as possible. The closer to the center the more points you get.”

“I see.”

“You should try it Chosen.”


“Because it’s fun.” She said to him.

“Oblivion.” Applejack called out and he turned to look at her. “The Alicorn’s should compete.” She said to him.

He shook his head and moved toward the second catapult. His magic levitated a pumpkin into the bucket of the catapult. Luna looked over to him as she placed her hooves on the bucket and waited as he did the same. He pushed down and released the bucket as she did the same. He watched as the pumpkins soared through the air and hit their targets. He was slightly off the center of the target while Luna got a perfect bullseye. He turned to her and bowed his head in defeat to her, earning him a laugh from the mare.

“See?” Sasa said to him and he shrugged at the cat. “It’s fun. Now my turn.” She said as she pushed past him. “Plus it’s great for friendly destruction and stress relief.”

“I’m sure it is.” He replied as Luna went into the crowd and he stayed back to allow Sasa to play with the catapult. “Do you need help? He asked her as she struggled with her chosen pumpkin.

“No. Half the fun is getting it into the bucket.” She quipped back to him.

He watched as she pushed the pumpkin over the ground and started to push it into the bucket. It fell to the side and she growled as she pushed it back into place. He heard a low growl come from the cat as the pumpkin rolled away from her once more. She glared at the errant piece of produce and stalked over to it to push it once more.

“Problems?” He asked her and she looked at him.

“Can you put it in the bucket so I can destroy it?” She asked and she watched as the pumpkin was levitated into the bucket of the catapult. “Thank you.”

He backed up to allow the feline to put her paws on the bucket and push it down. The pumpkin arced through the air and struck the same target as his. He looked at the cat as a bout of laughter came from her. Oblivion opened his mouth to speak to her when the sound of a scream went out behind him.

“What the?” Sasa said as she stopped her laughter and joined him.

Oblivion watched as Pinkie and the foals took off running once more. “'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!” Luna yelled to the fleeing group. Oblivion watched as the village ponies began to back away from her and the mare looked stricken. “Fair villagers, please do not back away. Let us join together in... Fun!”

The Alicorn looked around her and she gripped another of the spiders and tossed it toward the ponies who looked fearfully away from her. The ponies backed up another few steps and the black Alicorn began to walk toward the mare when her horn lit up with her blue aura. Her magic acted as a bolt of lightning that struck the bowl of fake spiders. Sasa walked up to one and she startled back as it began to move and its small fake eyes glowed red. A yelp went through his mind as the spiders spilled from the bowl and began to move across the ground. Sasa called out as the spiders went over her paws and shoulders.

“Get it off!” She cried out.

Oblivions magic summoned the cat to his side and she stood by him shaking for several seconds. Oblivion looked around as ponies panicked in the street and his magic gripped a pole as it fell and he laid it gently on the ground. Twilight’s magic covered a table and lifted it up as ponies nearly crashed into it. The spiders went to the web and all of them went to the middle of the web and Luna looked back to the crowd that was now too panicked to hear her. Sasa ran out to try to keep ponies from getting hurt with Applejack. Oblivion lifted up a stand and his magic picked up a pony that nearly crashed into it and then he set both back down. His magic picked up several ponies as they nearly crashed into each other.

“Do not run away!” Luna said to them.

He could hear Luna trying to be heard but his focus was on keeping ponies from getting hurt.

“As your princess, we command you!” She kept speaking, though nopony was listening to her.

Oblivions magic gripped a pole that the Mayor was holding onto after climbing up it. His azure flames held the pole in place to keep it from falling to the ground. A few feet away Twilight was holding several ponies in her aura as she did damage control with him.

“Be still!” Luna bellowed out and ponies immediately fell to the ground around her.

Oblivions wings flicked in place as he set the ponies he had in his magic down and then pried the Mayor off the pole she was clinging to and set her safely on the ground. Twilight did the same as him and set ponies in the ground and came to stand close by him. Sasa and Applejack joined them as the Alicorn mare raged.

“Princess, remember! Watch the screaming!” Twilight advised her from her place at the black Alicorn’s side.

He watched as Luna lifted herself into the air and began to address all those assembled. “No, Twilight Sparkle! We must use the traditional Royal Canterlot Voice for what we are about to say. Since you choose to fear your princess rather than love her, and dishonor her with this insulting celebration, we decree that Nightmare Night shall be canceled! Forever!”

He felt Sasa cringe into his side as the mare took off out of sight. Oblivion had seen the state of her spirit as she had left them behind. His eyes searched the area around them as he found Luna not too far away.

“Come.” He said to Sasa as he broke away from the group and broke into a trot to find Luna.

Sasa stayed close to him as he moved in between houses and she purred at the sight of the downtrodden Alicorn mare.

“Luna.” He shouted to her and she paused at the sound of his voice. “Wait.”

Her eyes were sad and her spirit had lost its bright light and was muted. “We were right. They have never loved us and they never shall.” She lamented.

“I admit that it has not gone the way we had wished. But canceling the holiday will do nothing except to frighten them further. It has upset you that’s true but at the same time, you have been gone for a thousand years. You expect them to come to terms with that as you have?”

“We wish to be loved as the Princess of the Moon. And we are still nothing but feared.” She replied to him.

“Love cannot be forced.” Sasa said to her as Oblivion spoke for her. “You may love them as your subjects but they need time to see you for who you are and not who you once were.”

Luna sat down and Sasa went to her and allowed the mare to hug her close. “We do not know what to do.”

Oblivion reached out and patted the mare's shoulder. “They do not know either.” He whispered to her. “I admit that I know very little of this holiday but if I were to judge it based on what I have seen from ponies just tonight it is well-loved. It is not meant to cast cruelty on you personally.”

“I have never been able to participate until now and I looked forward to it. I know it seems like it is meant to be an insult to you but it is not meant that way. Do you see how all the little ponies go out in their costumes to gather candy in the darkness? They are out in the dark with your moon lighting their way.” Sasa said to her as the mare released her from the hug.

Luna was quiet as she looked up into the sky at her moon. “We are lighting the way for them?”

“Yes. They can be out and see the world around them because of your moon. Nightmare Night is popular and well-loved. You are a part of the story of Nightmare Night and Nightmare Night is based on the fears of the night that’s true. But it is not you that they fear.” Sasa said to her. “They fear what once was.”

Luna was quiet as Oblivion looked over his shoulder to see Twilight trotting toward them, the bells on her costume jingling as she approached. The Unicorn reached them and looked at the saddened Alicorn.

“I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out the way we wanted it to. But Nightmare Night is one of the most loved Holidays.” She said to her.

Luna was quiet as Twilight spoke to her and she looked at the Black Alicorn who nodded at her. “But they still fear and dislike us.”

Twilight looked uncertain as Sasa rubbed her forehead against the mare’s fur. “There must be a way to show them that she is not what they think of anymore.” Sasa said to him.

“Pinkie is the one inciting all the screaming and running away. Perhaps if we get her on board and she can stop the screaming.” Oblivion reasoned to them.

“That’s perfect. We just need to talk to Pinkie.” Twilight said to him and began to lead them back toward Ponyville’s center. “Though we should get her alone otherwise it will just end up the same as before.”

Oblivion stood off to the side with Luna as Twilight lured Pinkie into the alleyway with a line of candy. “I can’t believe that is working.” He whispered.

Luna looked around him and shrugged as she leaned back out of sight. Sasa chuckled and shook herself. “I can. She loves candy.”

He cringed as Twilight tackled the other mare and pushed her up against the wall of one of the houses. After several tense seconds, she looked back to the end of the alleyway and Oblivion motioned for Luna to go out to the other mares. The Alicorn mare sighed and went out to try this new plan.

“The ringleader of the frightened children. Hast thou come to make peace?” Luna said to her as she held out a hoof to the other pony.

Oblivion looked up as a solitary cloud floated over them and he made out Rainbows Spirit as his horn lit. A bolt of lightning of his own struck the mare as she struck the cloud. Thunder bayed out as the pink mare screamed and ran. Rainbow yowled about the hit to her flanks as she sped away with the cloud. His horn remained lit as he reached out for Pinkie. Twilight beat him to her and she tackled the mare once more. He looked back to Luna who had sunk to the ground. Sasa sat down in front of her and purred.

The mare didn’t say anything as he stood close to her. Twilight came loping back to them, a wide smile on her muzzle as she slid to a stop. "Princess Luna! I've finally figured out why you're having so much trouble being liked!"

Oblivion stood far behind the statue of Nightmare Moon and his horn lit up as the foals all dropped off their candy in offering to Nightmare Moon. The final foal came to the statue and Oblivions horn called on a gust of wind and lightning to split the skies. Sasa stayed close to him but hid in the trees with Twilight.

“Citizens of Ponyville! You were wise to bring this candy to me. I am pleased with your offering. So pleased that I may just eat it... instead of eating you!” Luna bellowed.

Oblivions ears pinned as the foals all screamed and ran away as they had been doing all night. The stallion came out from hiding as the wind and lightning faded. Twilight came out of the forest with Sasa as Luna spat out a pair of fake fangs into her hoof.

“I am not sure that did what you wanted it to do.” She said to them.

“Just wait and see,” Twilight said to her.

“Wait for what? For them to run away again?” Luna asked.

“Give it a chance Luna. It’s a solid plan.” He said to her as his ear flicked back at the sound of small hooves.

The small foal tugged Luna's mane, asking for her attention. “Um... Princess Luna. I know there's not gonna be any more Nightmare Night, but do you suppose maybe you could come back next year and scare us again anyway?”

Luna's hoof went to her mouth as shock rolled through her. "Art thou saying that thou...likest me to scare you?"

“It’s really scary but fun.” He said to her and she stared at him as he spoke.

Oblivion looked at Sasa as the cat drew up at his side. “That takes care of that.” He said to her and she nodded.

Author's Note:

Okay, here we go. Sorry for the delay in releasing this. Got caught up in work and whatnot. You guys voted on costumes and there they are. Thank you again for helping with ideas and it was fun to add it in. Have a great Halloween everyone!

Featured: 10/8/2019
Edit: 10/11/2019

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