• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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39: A Medallion Found...

Oblivion opened one eye as the dawn broke. His body alert as he flicked his ears, listening for anything nearby. His wings flicked as he got to his hooves, shaking the feeling of sleep from his form. He reached back and wrapped the girth strap of his saddlebags into place and removed his map. He had traveled several miles from the last town, Oreton. He sat in silence as he scanned the map in his claws.

“Oreton was to the southwest, so I am heading in the basic direction of the borders. Now how would I track down a mage?” His mind went over possible options to try to return to Equestria but nothing short of a magic portal would work.

His mind raced over the mages he knew and he grimaced. He was on good terms with only a few mages or sorceresses. Most he did not trust enough to see him in his current form. He folded his map and set it in his right saddle bag and angled his body for the nearest border. The area he was currently in was right between two separate countries. His direction now was to head for the joined border and choose where to go from there. While flying would be easier and much faster he was hesitant due to humans looking to the skies. He paused as he gave a short shake of his head.

“Humans…Have I truly stopped seeing myself as being among them to the point where they are a species to avoid?” He asked himself as he began to walk forward once more.

The black Alicorn was quiet as he picked his way through the bushes and trees of the dense forest. He paused beside a pond and looked down. His orange eyes glared back at him from the darkness of his fur. His fur was dirty and blood matted his fur on his chest and shoulder. He looked over his form and found that he was covered in dirt and dried mud. His wings were dirt-covered, changing their lustrous black to gray. He groaned but didn’t start to try to fix the issue. “If I need to hide what I look like, then dirt can do that just as well.” He commented to himself, despite having grown accustomed while in Equestria to a regular bath.

His hooves carried him over the dense grasses and toward the center of the area, a fetid swamp that he had passed through with Geralt, months prior. He saw a small tree in his path and hopped over it, his hooves struck the ground and he sank up to his knees in the muck. A deep sigh escaped him and he looked down to the ground that now had engulfed his hooves. The Alicorn tried to pull his hooves out of the muck but it held fast.

“Gods Below.” A curse escaped him as his wings pulled from his sides and he used the power in the wings themselves to get out of the mud pit he had jumped into.

A hard sucking sound hit his ears as he finally pulled himself free. He set down a few feet forward and shook himself, trying to dislodge some of the mud. He stilled as a sound caught his ears. A strangled gurgle caught him as he looked around him. His wings laid against his sides as he listened. The sound of bubbling water sounded close by. His eyes widened slightly as he was able to recognize the sounds. “Drowner.” He whispered as he jumped into a hard gallop through the muck and swamp grasses. He was forced to slow when the trees narrowed and nearly blocked his exit. He rammed into the trees and felt them giving way under the pressure from his body. He yelped as the pain went through his right flank. He kicked out instinctively and was greeted with a loud crunching sound followed by a wet sound. A drowner fell to the soupy ground after the hard buck from the Witchers heels. Oblivion gripped the muck with his claws and surged through the trees. He found himself in a semi-open area and spun to face the drowners behind him.

He reached back and his silver blade slid from its sheath and he set it in his jaws and waited. There were three to five drowners and they weaved through the trees as well, their gaze hungrily focused on the black stallion. He ignored the stinging pain from the gashes in his flank and focused on the monsters before him. When they stopped and backed away from the circle of trees he had crashed through he watched, surprised at their sudden retreat. The Witcher watched, his brow furrowed, as they vanished into the muck of the swamp. The black stallion waited for several minutes before sheathing his blade and looking to analyze the gashes in his flank. The drowner had caught him just behind his hip and had torn the flesh for several inches.

“That’s what I get for showing my heels. Next time I’ll just fight in place. Worst that can happen is I get flanked again.” He said aloud to himself as he turned to leave the swamp. A familiar tree stood tall behind him. The tree stood on a small hill that elevated it out of the swamps muck. He walked around the small hill and found the entrance to the small cave that a Godling, called Johnny called home. He remembered that strange little being with some fondness, despite him being a post Conjunction being. A Godling was generally harmless, but they wielded powerful magic of their own, depending on their own situations. The entrance was shrouded in light-colored moss and nearly hidden by hanging roots and more of the soft moss.

“Hmm. Wonder if Johnny is home?” He leaned into the entrance and looked around as best he was able. ‘Perhaps he can add some insight into my current situation.’

“Johnny?” He called out into the small hole in the ground and waited for a response. He kept his eyes trained on the entrance, recalling how the little Godling had managed to startle both himself and Geralt when they had looked away from the entrance. Johnny had chosen to appear at that moment, earning a startled reaction from both Witchers. “Not here then.”

Oblivion stepped back and looked away. He waited for several seconds before looking once more, finding nothing looking back to him. ‘Thought he might pull the same trick again.’ Oblivion admitted to himself as he stepped back and leaned back on his haunches as he looked away from the tree, focusing on where he should head to get out of the swamp. The black Alicorn started to walk away from the tree as something impacted on his back. He yelped and immediately bucked when the object remained he plunged ahead and bucked several times. When that failed he plunged ahead and then put his head down and somersaulted himself forward, landing violently on his back. A shout of surprise sounded as the Witcher hauled himself to his hooves and began to reach for his sword when a childlike laugh caught his ears.

“Hello, Johnny.” He said aloud and turned to look at the Godling, who skipped in place, clapping in amusement at the now soaked Witcher.

“Not sure how you know me, but I’m no boor, I'll greet ya.” He chirped out and jumped to the ground, several feet in front of the Witcher.

“It has been a while since we last spoke.” Oblivion admitted, trying to shake his coat dry.

“And you are?” Johnny asked him.


“Oh, the other silver hair! Been a long time, you know. You should check in with your friends more often.” The Godling chastised him with a wide smile.

Johnny was as he remembered him to be. Wide yellow eyes, a wreath of twigs around his head and a red scarf around his neck. He stood close to four and a half feet tall.

“That is true,” Oblivion replied.

“Though I think I may have ya confused for another person.” Oblivion waited as he kept speaking. “The person I knew by that name was not a…Whatever you are.”

“That’s not very polite.” Oblivion chided him, in good humor. “Neither is falling on them from on high.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was a bit surprised when you flipped over to try to land on me.”

“What would you have done?” Oblivion asked him.

The Godling was quiet. “Maybe…stop and look back…or nah…probably the same thing.”

“I thought so.” He replied. “I have need of some information, Johnny.”

“Wait.” The Godling held up his hands and waved them at the Alicorn, earning him silence. “You still haven’t told me what you are. Or what you once were. There is a lot of magic around you. It’s actually hard to focus on it. Not sure what happened to ya, but you are not from here.” He said to the listening stallion.

Oblivion sighed and took the weight off his right hind leg. “Very well. Where would you like me to begin?”

“How do you know me?” He questioned.

Oblivion gave a short sigh. “You are going to make me remind you?” The Godling smiled widely. “Very well. We met when I and another Witcher, Geralt, came through here seeking a young woman. She was dropped off in the swamp and made her way into the Crones' hands by accident.”

Johnny looked at him intently and nodded. “I remember that. She interrupted my morn.”

Oblivion nodded. “That she did. Geralt and I helped you to find your lost voice after it had been taken from you and hid in a crow’s nest on high. Above a waterfall, I believe.”

“Ah! Yes, I know you now. But you were a human before.”

“I was never a full human, Johnny. I am a Witcher, still, am.” Oblivion clarified. “Though my form is a vast change than the last we met.”

“Right. So, what happened?” Johnny asked, his eyes going over the form of the Alicorn.

“It’s a long story. Basically, I was in a fight with two Leshen and when I was struck by one of them I awoke in a different…a world I suppose is the right word.”

He paused as Johnny’s eyes widened and he stared blatantly at the Witcher. “So that’s why you reek like that!”

Oblivion felt outraged boil in him for a moment, before it was quashed. He had forgotten that for the most part, Godlings speak exactly what they are thinking. His face was blank as he looked at him. “Pardon?”

“Oh. Well, I guess reek is the wrong word. It’s like when lightning hits. You know that smell?” Oblivion nodded. “It’s like that only there’s more to it. I guess that’s not clear enough.”

“Its fine, Johnny. I understand what you mean.” Oblivion assured him before he could go on a long tirade about the feel and smell of the stallion.

“Right. So what do you need me for?”

“I just need to ask a few questions.” He replied to the childlike creature before him. “I am hoping you can clear up a few things. I am unsure exactly how I am back here.”

Johnny walked up to him and vaulted onto his back, earning an angry look from the stallion under him. “You start walking and talking. Standing there all day is boring.”

Oblivion fought back a snarl and inhaled a breath before speaking further. “I had found the target of a hunt inside some ruins. She was able to kick me through an active portal and I awoke in the Northern Realms once more.” He replied as he picked his way through the swamp. He looked back at his passenger as he spun around and laid his back over the black Alicorn’s withers.

“What ruins?”

“They did not have a name. Though they did resemble some of the ancient Elven ruins that I have been in.” Oblivion clarified.

“Okay. So they were from here?” Johnny piped up.

“Perhaps. Though that makes no sense.” He replied. “They had been there for a very long time. According to those I spoke with.” He grunted when Johnny’s feet landed on his flanks, one of the deep claw marks. “Kindly watch where you put your feet.” He said over his shoulder.

“Right.” Johnny sat up and looked to the gashes. “So what happened then?”

“I found myself here. This was about three days ago or so.”

Johnny sat up and jumped off the stallions back. “So you’re from another world now, then?”

Oblivion paused before he spoke. “It seems that way.”

“Oh, don’t sound so put out by it.” The Godling chided him. “Besides, you seem to be okay there. Or are you planning on staying here?”

“I do not wish to remain here. I have a purpose to fulfill.” He replied, surprised at his own wording.

“Thought so. So you need a way to travel across worlds. I have heard tales of a way to move like that. But not personally.”

“These stories say anything about how?”

“Something about a tree… I think.” The Godling shrugged as the stallion snorted in annoyance. “Okay, okay, fine. Stay.”

Oblivion watched as the Godling jumped up and scaled a slim tree and looked out. “Okay, you remember the Crones place?”

“Unfortunately.” Oblivion replied from the ground.

“Well, they have books and that’s how I heard this story.” Johnny replied to him and began to climb down the tree. “Oh!” The Godling slipped and fell from the tree. Oblivion lunged up and got a mouthful of the red bandana around the Godlings neck. He gripped it in his teeth and as he gently set the Godling back on the marshy ground.

“Nice.” The childlike creature said to him after straightening his bandana. “Okay, come on.”

He swung one thin arm and bade the Witcher follow closely behind him. Oblivion kept an easy pace just behind the Godling. The last time he had been anywhere near the Crones place was when they had helped the Bloody Baron to find his wife and take her away to find a cure for her madness. He had avoided the place since. It made his skin crawl and the odor from it was vile, death and blood in equal measure. Johnny looked back to make sure he was close by and started to forge ahead. The Alicorn trotted to keep up and then lengthened his walking stride to keep up. They reached the small village and they both paused. Oblivion listened as the wind went through the trees and the old houses creaked. He remained at Johnny’s side as the Godling tried to look less nervous. Oblivion waited, the last time he had tripped around in this area his medallion had shaken enough to make noise on its silver chain.

“I don’t sense anything.” He said aloud, startling the Godling by his hooves. The child looked up at him.

“Me neither. But, I don’t like it.” He replied, his voice thin and quiet.

“Neither do I. But, if that story you recall is here, then we will look for it.” He said and began to walk toward the buildings. Oblivion glanced back and found the Godling stomping his feet for a moment before seeming to gather his courage and chasing after the stallion.

”I haven’t seen the Crones since the Sabbath.” Johnny remarked.

“I know that two of them fell.”

”What!?” Johnny yelped, his eyes wide.

“To the lass that you met there.” Oblivion responded to his high reply.

“That little thing?” He replied, his expression uncertain.

“Yes. She was trained by Witchers and has a power of her own…” Oblivion paused as the thought of the young woman caught his focus. “A moment. She can trip across worlds. Is it possible that she could send me back to the one I came from?” He asked the Godling.

Johnny looked thoughtful but shrugged in response. “I don’t know. You don’t have magic here so you can’t jump the worlds with her.”

“That’s true. Avallac'h is the only one that I know of that can travel with her.”

“Avall…what?” Johnny asked.

Oblivion gave a low chuckle at the response from his current traveling companion. “An Elven Sage.” Oblivion informed him. “He hid her for years to avoid the Wild Hunt.”

“So she fought the Crones and got rid of two of them?”

“Yes. She did that while Geralt went after Imlerith.”

“Oh? And?”

“He was victorious of course.” Oblivion replied as he waited for the Godling to finally draw up to his side. Oblivion began to walk forward when his medallion began to shake, violently on its silver chain. “Wait…” Oblivion paused and spoke in a whisper as Johnny began to walk past him. The ground under his hooves trembled and the Witcher lunged forward, his teeth digging into the red cloth and the nape of the Godlings neck. A childlike scream sounded as Oblivion yanked him back and threw him to land several feet into the swamp. Oblivion saw the child stand up and a furious look was on his face. The look went from anger to fear as he looked past the Alicorn.

Weavess emerged from the mist in the center of the small village. The Crone had one eyes covered and the other emitted small insects from the holes in it. A red cap covered her head and her clothes were still rags and a pair of legs came from her abdomen. She moved in an odd fashion as if she was twitching at all times. While that had not been the case the last time he had seen her, he doubted that she would be glad to see him. She didn’t speak as she stared at him and then bad to the Godling. He heard Johnny whimper quietly and the Witcher shifted to block her view of him with his flanks. The Crone was silent as her head angled back to stare at him.

“I can sense you.” She said to him, her voice quiet and was carried on the breeze.

“I’m sure.” Oblivion replied to her.

“You were here once. Though your form was of a man once.”


“We helped you once.”

“You did. In your own way.” He responded to her. “Your sisters fell to Ciri on the day of the Sabbath. The same day that Imlerith was felled by my fellow Witcher.”

She jerked and a quiet cry escaped her. “We lost favor that day.”

“I don’t think you much cared about the Wild Hunts favor or any others.” Oblivion interrupted her. “But you did take something from her. I want it back.” Oblivion said to her as he remembered Ciri speaking of losing Vesemir’s medallion.

“The medallion?” She reached into a pocket under her rags and produced the mentioned wolfs head medallion. “I will be keeping it. As payment for the loss of my sisters. I will add yours to it and then hunt down the other Witchers. When I finish there will be none in the world.” She snarled to him and swallowed the medallion.

Oblivion fought back a growl and simply regarded her. He recalled what Ciri had told him of the fight with the three Crones and he knew that he was going to have to employ a hit and run strategy with the Crone before him. He could tell that she had become more crazed since the loss of the sisters and he planned to use that to his advantage. He reached back and pulled his silver sword from its baldric and gripped it in his teeth. He figured that he could use one hoof to strike her, despite not having as good a movement with his claws. If all else failed he would use his teeth and claws on her. His horn had shown itself to be sharp and able to be used as a weapon as well.

He side passed away from Johnny, who had wisely hidden, his eyes on the single Crone. She reached at him for a moment then began to move with him, mirroring his movement. The Crone was silent as she waited for him to move. Oblivion tapped one hoof and Quen slid over his form, the gold hue of the shield showing him it was active. He knew that he still had Relict Oil on the silver sword so it would bite at the Crone and make any wounds worse. The Crone screamed and charged him, the stallion spun to face her and charged her as well. She swung to hit his face and he reared to his hind legs and stuck out with his forehooves. His claws reached for her and she vanished in a burst of crows. Oblivion jumped back and began to walk slowly around, waiting for the Crone to reappear.

The black Alicorn stopped and closed his eyes, allowing his ears to do the work for him. The flapping of wings caught his focus and he spun to the right, avoiding an attack from Weavess. He spun his body back and his blade cut into her shoulder. She screamed and vanished once more. Oblivion looked to the weapon and saw blood dripping off it. He snorted at the scent and flicked his head to remove the blood from the blade. He jumped forward at the sound of wings and evaded a strike from the Crone's own claws. Her fingers were long and ended in a set of broken nails, their edges sharp. She charged him and he bucked, hitting her in the face with one of his hooves.

Oblivion yelped as one of her hands caught his right hind leg, barely missing tearing his hamstring. He jumped forward to avoid her and she charged him again. While he was a bit taken aback by her methods he could see that madness over her own loss had affected more than he thought it would have. He spun to face her and reared up to meet her. She clawed at him and was able to cut into his girth, barely behind his saddlebags. He pulled his right foreleg over and was able to swipe his claws over her face. She reeled back and screamed as blood streamed from her face. Oblivion went to the ground and realized that he had blinded her. He barely heard the cheer from the Godling as he charged her once more. He lowered his head, dropped his sword, and his horn tore into her. She screamed and her hands gripped his head as she flailed her nails tearing into his shoulder and along the right side of his face. He flung his head back and she sailed over his back and collided violently with the ground behind him.

She screamed and clawed at her punctured abdomen, the legs that came from her flopped to the side of her body. Oblivion shook his head and jumped to finish her off. His hooves came down on her chest and she tore at him once more. Her hand grasped his right foreleg and she pulled on it, trying to pull him to the ground, where he was more vulnerable. Oblivion pulled back from her as his wings pulled from his sides. The oversized wings beat mightily as he was elevated by them. The Alicorn snarled at the strength of her grip as his wings lifted him from the ground and he shifted his body in the air and took off. He heard her screaming and he looked down to find her grasping his leg with both hands. The stallion barrel rolled to try to dislodge her.

When her nails dug into his hock he snarled and angled for the ground, intending to slam her into the ground to loosen her grip. His wings folded tight to his body as he angled for the ground. Allowing his body to gain speed as the ground rushed up at him. He flared his wings just before hitting the ground and she collided with the earth and released his leg. Oblivion backpedaled in the air to land several feet behind her. She wailed and flailed as much as she was able on the ruined ground. Oblivion looked around and heard a short whistle. Johnny held his sword and he tossed it into the air and Oblivion spun to catch it in his claws and then he used his momentum to drive the blade through the Crone, ending her insanity.

Oblivion backed up a step as she stilled. He inhaled a breath and held it for a moment then released the breath, calming himself. He looked to the Godling, who came to his side and watched as the corpse remained still and silent. While the fight had been short it took a toll on the Witcher and he groaned as his wounds acted up. He growled as the pain hit him, and then looked to the Godling.

“I apologize for throwing you, Johnny. I didn’t think I would have enough time to tell you to run.” He said to the Godling at his side.

“It’s okay. I know why you did it. Though if you had yelled…” He said and then paused.

“You would not have moved.” Oblivion responded while he paused.

“I would have…Okay, no your right.” The Godling shook his head and regained his usual good humor.

“Well if you don’t mind holding still, I can dress that wound for you.” Oblivion offered, seeing as how he had caused it he knew that decorum said he should help if he was able.

“Nah, I’m okay. You’re in need of more help than I am.”

Oblivion snorted and nodded. “True enough.” Oblivion removed his saddlebags and pulled out his potions. He hadn’t used them before since he had no way to make them again in Equestria. He found his Superior Swallow potion and downed the liquid. He growled at the familiar taste and sat quietly, feeling his energy return to him. It helped, but he knew that he had tears along his neck and face as well as the cuts to his fore and hind legs. Oblivion sighed as he rooted through the same saddlebag. He was looking for a specific potion. He set the others on the ground and kept searching for the one he needs.

“Don’t touch those.” He said without looking up as Johnny reached for a potion.

“I wasn’t gonna touch it.”

“Yes, you were.” He still didn’t look up as the Godling snorted at him and turned away in a huff.

Oblivion pushed a potion aside and cursed as he realized that he didn’t have the potion he needed. “Damn.”

“What?” Johnny asked him as he looked back at him.

“I don’t have the potion that can help my wounds. Will have to make do.”

“You can’t just make it?”

“I can, yes, but it takes time.” Oblivion looked up and he stood up to go back to the Crones corpse. He yanked his blade from her body and grimaced as he reached into her gut and began to search for the Wolf Medallion.

Johnny looked at him and made a retching noise as Oblivion pulled his hoof out with the Medallion in his grip. “That was nasty,” Johnny said to him, seemingly forgetting to be mad at the Alicorn.

“Yes, it was.” Oblivion agreed and shook his hoof to dislodge the blood and bile from his hoof. Oblivion limped over to the small stream that ran through the village and washed off his hoof in the waters.

“Why did you want that anyway?” The Godling asked as the Witcher returned to his saddlebags.

“It’s not for me.” He replied, setting the medallion on the ground beside him.

“Who’s it for?”


“Oh. That lass that you searched for. Why does she want it?”

“It belonged to another Witcher. He died protecting her at Kaer Morhen and she had the medallion as a memento of him. The Crone yanked it off her neck and took it. Ciri was pretty upset about it.”

“You gonna find her?”

“If I can’t, I’ll have it sent.” Oblivion reached into his pack and found the mutagen he needed for the Ekhidna Decoction. He found his mutagens in the right place and set about making the one he needed. “Hold this.”

Johnny cringed as he held the slime in his hand. It was a dark grey in color and he grimaced and pretended to retch at the sight. “I don’t wanna!”

“Too bad.” Oblivion quipped back to him. The Godlings tone reminding him of Apple Bloom. “It’ll be just a moment.” Johnny stuck out his tongue at the Witcher but cooperated.

Oblivion removed several vials of liquid. He found a bottle of Dwarven Spirit and set it aside. He found the Ribleaf that he needed and set it aside as he pulled out the mortar and pestle that he carried with him. He set the herb inside it and then reached for the other herb he needed. Berbercane Fruit was the final ingredient he needed. He set the herb inside the mortar as well and then took the mutagen from the still shining Godling. “See? Was not too long.” He jabbed at the Godling, who tried to look outraged, but failed as he smiled. The Witcher reached back and downed another gulp of the swallow potion and began to grind down the mutagen and herbs.

“You have all the other potions, but not that one. Why?” Johnny asked as he looked around the Alicorn’s body to watch.

“When I was in the other world I think it was one of the potions that got broken.” He admitted and then slowly added a few drops of spirit. “In that world, there are no Ekidnas. So I had no way to remake it.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” Johnny admitted and shrugged at the explanation.

“Why don’t you try to find the book you mentioned?”

“But I want to watch this.” He said.

“I won’t be done with it for an hour or so.”


“It has to soak into the spirit, then it has to be allowed to ferment in the potion bottle,” Oblivion explained.

Johnny threw his hands in the air with an exasperated sound and skipped toward the abandoned houses. Oblivion waited till he was gone and then began to grind the herbs and liquids together. The black stallion worked in silence and listened in case anything tried to sneak up on him. The Alicorn paused and looked at the deep tears in his neck and shoulders. He could feel the deep gashes on his face. He pushed the pain out of his mind and went back to his task.

Johnny returned over a half-hour later, book in hand. Oblivion had finished making the decoction and now was allowing it to ferment. “Found it?” Oblivion asked him as he approached.

“Yup. Gran must have moved it the last time I saw it. Was in the last house instead of the first.” He shrugged and set the book down in front of the stallion. “It done?”

“It is complete. It needs to ferment and when the color changes its ready to be used.”

“So what will it do?”

“It will use a large portion of my strength and energy and convert it into healing. Basically, it takes the strength I have to power it. That will allow my wounds to heal quicker.”

“So it’ll drain you?” Johnny gave him a strange look at the explanation.

“Yes, in a way. It will not completely drain me, but that is the reason I have been using the Swallow potion to augment my strength. So it should not drain me as much as it could.”

Johnny shrugged and flopped down beside the stallion. “What color will it turn? It’s a weird green red now.” Johnny looked at the bottle and then to the stallion.

“It will turn a deep blue.”

“Darker than the sky?”

“Yes. Think of the darkest night sky.”

“Oh. That’s a good color.” Johnny commented and began to thumb through the pages of the book.

Oblivion nodded and went back to check the wounds on his body. He stood to check the deep gash on his hind leg and was amazed it had missed his hamstring. The Alicorn was quiet as he sat back down and checked the smaller gashes around his right hock. After deciding that the wounds would heal with the help of the decoction and some rest he looked back to Johnny. “So what is the tale you are searching for?”

“I can’t remember the name of it,” Johnny said to him as he read the first few lines of each chapter.

Oblivion managed not to chide the Godling and simply sat in silence, waiting. He allowed his mind to wander as time ticked by him. The fight with the Crone had not gone as he had thought it might. He had anticipated that she would act differently due to the loss of her sisters but he had thought that she would be as unhinged as she was. He glanced over to the body and shook his head.

“Hey!” Johnny shouted. Oblivion startled and looked to the Godling, his expression blank. The Godling said nothing as he pointed at the potion. “It’s blue.”

Oblivion looked to the potion and nodded. “Finally.” Oblivion picked it up and uncorked the bottle. It had an earthy scent that was soothing to the nose. Oblivion glanced at Johnny, who was watching him intently. “Yes?”

“Can I try it?”


“Why not?”

“Witcher potions are toxic to anyone that has not been modified to handle them.” Johnny stared at him as he spoke. “It will kill you.”

“Oh.” Johnny looked away and back to the book, no longer interested.

Oblivion downed the potion, set the bottle to the side and folded his forelegs, laying down beside the Godling. Oblivion sighed then activated Quen. An action that used some of his power would activate the potion. The stallion grunted as the drain was immediate and he snorted in response. Exhaustion bit at him as he tried to remain conscious. Johnny laid down in front of him and began to tap him on the snout, keeping him awake.

“Stay awake, Witcher,” Johnny said to him. “Not a good place to take a nap.”

Oblivion raised his head and shook it to try to alleviate the feeling of sleep. “It took more than I thought it would.”

“Oh? So why did you turn on the golden…thing?”

“It activates the decoction. Without a skill that uses some of my power then it will remain dormant. The toxicity is the same, but it does not activate the purpose that I needed it for.”

“Well, that was bad planning.”

“Indeed.” Oblivion felt the drain wearing off, as his wounds began to knit together and heal.

“Wow. It really works though.” Johnny said to him and he stood up to watch as the gashes in Oblivion's neck began to heal.

The Witcher was quiet as he closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them a moment later. He looked to the book and then to his Godling companion. “Johnny?”


“Any luck with the book?” He asked.

“Oh right.” He flopped back to the ground and began to look through the thick tome once more.

Oblivion said nothing and simply waited as the Godling read through portions of the chapters. The black Alicorn closed his eyes and pushed his mind into meditation to allow his body to heal and recover its energy. He would down another Swallow Potion if he needed to, but for now, he would just allow the Toxicity to wear off on its own.

“Found it!” Johnny suddenly yelled. Oblivion looked to the Godling and then to the book. He sighed and looked back to the Godling. “Forest of Time and Space.” He quoted to the stallion.

“Ciri has a similar title. Hers is the Lady of Space and Time.” Oblivion replied.

“Well, it’s what she does, isn’t it?”

Oblivion nodded. “So, are you going to give it to me to read? Or are you planning on reading it to me?” Oblivion said to him.

Johnny looked at the book, then to the Witcher. “Nah. I’ll read it.” He finally said and turned his body to lean against the shoulder of the tall black stallion. “So long as you can stay awake!” He said to the Witcher.

“I’m fine. But your concern is appreciated.” He replied to the Godling.

Johnny gave a loud laugh and leaned heavily against the stallion's shoulder. “Okay, so here we go. The story of the Forest of Time and Space.”

Author's Note:

Okay finished it. So I did have to modify the use of the Potion itself. Swallow I didn't have to alter it in any way. As it renews strength and vitality. The decoction I had to toy with a bit. "Performing actions that consume Stamina regenerates Vitality." Is the exact definition of its ability. So I changed it a bit to act more as a healing potion. In reality its kinda the same as what it does. I always used this one with the Archgriffin Decoction. Huge boost to attack and that meant it healed with each use of the stamina wheel. Anyway. The story will be next. Story inside a story...Yes I did it. Heheh! I think I got all of my corrections made, but I might find new ones as I go. I'll update as I go. Thanks again!

Edit 9/24/2018 Typing errors corrected
Edit 2: 12/21/2018
edit 3: 2/26/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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