• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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78: Cleansings and Mysteries

Oblivion stood beside the well once more and his horn was alight with his azure flame as he closed his eyes to focus for several seconds. Behind him, Arrow and Sasa stood off to the side and waited for him to begin. They had both been warned to stay out of the way and stay back from him. White flame covered his horn as he pushed back his own magic and summoned the World Spirit to its task. He opened his eyes as the circle of white flame flowed over the ground and encircled the entire town and all the ponies who lived within it.

He glanced over his shoulder and a chuckle broke from him as Arrow pushed Sasa up onto the same wagon from the day before. The World Spirit reached out and he felt it touch each individual pony and he could feel each of their spirits as they connected to him. White flame flowed from his horn and he began to focus on healing the ponies slowly and stretching out the World Spirits power appropriately. His ears flicked around him just in case the shadow pony from before made another appearance. He had informed Sasa about it and she had agreed to keep an eye out for him.

“Be careful Chosen.” She cautioned and he gave a slight nod in reply to her.

He said nothing to her and focused on his own task. The World Spirit held each pony in its grasp and he began to focus on healing ponies in groups versus all at the same time. Minutes ticked past him as the ponies began to be soothed by the World Spirits touch. The results encouraged him and he drove forward with his plan to tend to them. He summoned his armor and it slid over his form as a buffer to his own strength.

“Chosen! To the right!” Sasa called out in warning.

He stopped his progress and looked in the directions Sasa had called out. His orange eyes fell on the dark pony as it came into the center of town. It said nothing as it stopped twenty feet away from him and waited for him to speak up. Silence pervaded as they stared back at each other. The World Spirit bucked under his command and he stopped its progress and it stayed with him, its power humming through him.

“What do you think you are doing?” The pony finally spoke up as the silence went on.

“I am healing this town.” Oblivion deadpanned.

Oblivion was not able to tell if there was any change in expression due to it not having much of a face. There were no eyes that looked back at him as the silence went on once more.

“I warned you of trying that.”

“You did. I simply chose to ignore it.”

The pony stomped a hoof and Oblivion watched as corruption flowed from its body for a moment. His vision narrowed and he could see that its form was inkier than it was blackened. Corruption flowed over its body and it moved over its form in a slow-motion that was missed unless looked for. Oblivion was silent as he watched and his vision shifted once more.

“Leave this place and you will live. Remain and I will break you with them.” He sneered.

Oblivion said nothing in reply as he flicked an ear back as Sasa moved from the wagon to the ground, he could hear her paws as she stalked around them on the edges of the town center. His orange eyes glowed from under his forelock and he straightened his body stared at the blackened pony.

“I will not leave them to you,” Oblivion growled. “They are mine to protect.”

“Then you will fall first. They belong to one who is greater than you.”

Oblivion called on his own magic and it flared under the World Spirits white flame. It gathered on his horn and the two magic’s began to swirl together. His horn held both magic’s in check as he gathered a ball of azure flame and sent it toward the dark pony. It phased through him and the black Unicorn stared for a moment as a feeling of surprise went through him for a moment. He watched as Sasa emerged from the shadows behind the pony and she began to stalk slowly toward him.

“Keep working on the ponies Chosen. I will tend to this intruder.” She snarled to him.

He watched as she slowly approached and he sent the World Spirit back to its work and it began to cleanse another street of the despondency that hung over them. The blackened pony began to walk toward him and Oblivion braced in case Sasa did not reach him in time. The Spectral Tiger lunged out of her low stance and her shoulder collided with the pony and staggered him. He focused on the feline who roared a challenge of her own. Oblivion said nothing as the pony sent a bolt of blackened ooze at the feline who took to her heels to draw him away from the Elder Witcher.

Sasa snarled as he sent another ball of darkness at her and she stopped and evaded it once more. A frustrated growl escaped the pony as it missed her. She could sense the amount of magic being channeled into the world around her and she swore to keep this pony away from him no matter what it took from her. The glow from Oblivion's horn grew and she found it was growing harder to keep her adversary focused on her instead of him. She charged him as he turned back to the Witcher as a ball of corruption was thrown at her. She slid to a stop and braced as the ball hit her in the chest and she was thrown off her paws and rolled backward. She got to her paws and shook herself before she charged in once more.

She rammed her shoulder into its flank and it staggered under her assault and bucked, striking her in the side. She rolled to her paws and came after it again. She snarled as she dug her teeth into the pony’s hind leg. Her long incisors speared into its lower flank and she yanked back, staggering her prey. Her aqua blue eyes were narrowed as she held and they widened as the ponies body began to undulate and it wrapped her snout and cut off her breathing. It was the same inky black liquid that had covered the ground the day before. She yowled and began to pull back violently. It released her and a blast from the pony sent her rolling and she stayed down this time.

“Stay back Sasa. He is mine.” Oblivion voice cut into her and she panted in reply.

Oblivion watched as Sasa stayed on the ground and he released his own magic and it went dormant once more. The World Spirit hummed through him and he held back on his efforts at cleansing the ponies and focused on the fight in front of him. He knew his magic had no effect and thought later had one of his blades in his magic and he held it close to him as the other pony waited.

“You are mistaken if you think that will have any more effect than your pet did.” It sneered.

Oblivion spun the weapon in his magic and stepped away from the well. The weapon was made of the world itself and he put his strength behind it as he waited for the other to make his move. The other pony charged him and he braced as he pirouetted out of the way, the weapon sliding over the other's shoulder and down his side in a thin straight cut. Oblivion watched as corruption oozed from the shallow gash and the other seemed shocked by the change in the situation.

The weapon was steady in his magic as he spun it again and waited. He couldn’t tell if there was any magic commanding the form or if it was what Equestria had called a Remnant. If he had more time he would have been able to analyze it further. Oblivion charged in as the other backed up at the realization that the weapon was able to damage it. The corrupted form reeled back as he swung the weapon and it carved into its chest and shoulder. The Witcher pressed his advantage and stayed in step with the other pony and slowly carved into its body and it began to bleed corruption across the ground.

The corrupted tried to fire a volley of darkness but the actions were parried by the Witcher as they danced across the central square and back toward the well. Oblivion spun and his hooves bucked the corrupted off its hooves and onto the ground. It got to its hooves and lunged away from him. As he squared off with it he heard the sound of a laugh.

“You may have stopped me this time. But next time I will ensure that you are too late. I must admit I never considered you would have more than magic at your disposal. That weapon is not normal is it?”

Oblivion stayed ready to go on as the other spoke. “Its origin is not something that you will need to worry about for much longer.”

“That’s true. I will leave here, but I will leave you a little gift, savior of the ponies.” The pony sneered.

Oblivion’s eyes widened as the form began to bubble and he charged forward as it erupted and corruption spewed across the square and began to sink into the ground. A curse rolled from Oblivion's lips as the light from his horn grew in strength and the second ring of white flame went out over the ground and he commanded it to sink into the ground to intercept the corruption that had been forced into the ground. He looked up as Arrow made his way to Sasa to check on the still laying down feline. He could sense that Sasa was all right but he sent a burst of his own magic over her form and healed any injuries the feline might have had.

“I am fine Chosen. Thank you.” She assured him as she got to her paws.

Oblivion refocused on the World Spirits efforts and he sent out a command for it to connect to the remaining ponies. He could sense that there was a little under half remaining and he commanded it to cleanse them all at once after he finished with the land again. He could sense the immediate strain as it worked and he could feel the cost of using it to cleanse on two different fronts. He called on the white flames to drive the corruption from the land and bring it to the surface. He watched as it bubbled up to the surface once more and he was able to gather it into a ball once again and he focused on the ponies and began to cleanse all of them.

Sasa could sense the great amount of magic being used and a glance to Arrow told her he could sense that something had changed. She wanted to tell Oblivion to be careful but she didn’t dare distract him. Her heart raced as she waited for him to be done. She looked back behind them and a few ponies had ventured out of their homes despite the white flame on the ground and were staring at the Black Unicorn. She looked back to the Witcher and his armor glowed as the white flame grew stronger and brighter.

“Is he okay?” Arrow asked her as he leaned close to her ear.

She had to admit she was not sure what she could tell him that would be close to the truth. She turned to look at him and nodded. She motioned over her shoulder for him to see the ponies and he immediately ran to them to keep them back. She got to her paws and joined him.

Oblivion could feel the strain biting at the edges of his mind as he channeled the World Spirit and commanded it to cleanse the remaining ponies. He reached out to the ponies closest to him and he could feel how they began to awaken from the fog that had held them. He closed his eyes as he willed the World Spirit to finish and he felt the magic from the World Spirit peak and it called all of the corruption it had gathered through the cleansing and brought it to him. He could feel the circle of white flame returning to him and he could hear the sounds of screams and cries as ponies saw it rescind from them. He opened his eyes as a large ball of darkness hovered in front of him. He allowed the magic of the World Spirit to begin to rescind as his own azure flame took over from there and he slowly burned through the ball of corruption.

He breathed out a deep sigh as the magic faded and he felt the armor around his body tighten on him and he felt a bit of strength flood through him and he remained still to avoid wasting the strength he had received. He looked to the paths around him and ponies were slowly filling the streets as they came to the center of town, following the circle of white flame. He saw Sasa standing beside Arrow as two ponies hugged the stallion tightly. Her aqua eyes turned to him and he kept his head high as she began to walk back to him.



“Well done. They are themselves once more.” She said to him.

“So I can see.” He replied and sighed once more.

“Are you okay?”

“I will be.”

“That was an enormous amount of magic that you channeled. I am certain you have overdone it.” She scolded.

“I know I did. It would have been fine if he had not corrupted the grounds once more.”

“That’s true.” She admitted. “What was he?”

“Equestria guessed he was a remnant of the power that was used here before. I do not think that is true.”

“I agree. That was far more than a remnant.”

“She also guessed it could be a pony of some skill casting it from a distance. I am leaning more toward that than I am the others after that exchange.”

“I agree. Could it be another Unicorn?”

“Most likely.”

“Lovely.” She said as she reached him and sat down in front of him. “You need to lay down and rest now I should think. Before you fall down.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply and gave her a silent nod of agreement. He closed his eyes for several seconds as the sound of whispers reached his ears. He opened his eyes to see a wide circle of ponies had surrounded them. Arrow walked up to him, his expression worried.

“You’re not going to die from all that are you?” He asked.

“No.” Oblivion breathed out. “Simply exhausted.”

“Okay good.” He replied, clear relief in his voice.

Oblivion looked at him as he could feel himself beginning to tremble. Sasa growled in alarm and stood up in front of him. He looked at the feline as his knees gave out and he collapsed to the ground. His vision went dark as he hit the ground.

Sasa sat in front of the bed that Oblivion laid on inside the inn. He had been unconscious for two days since he had cleansed the town and its ponies. She knew that it had taken everything it had from him and she was now left waiting. The silver armor that covered his body creaked as he breathed and she waited in silence for him to open his eyes. Many ponies had come to the room asking about him. So far Arrow and his family had been warding off spectators and keeping it quiet around them. A quiet groan caught her ears and she put her nose in front of his and she watched as he began to wake up. She pulled back to avoid startling him and returned to waiting patiently for him to look back at her.

Oblivion opened his eyes and was greeted with the face of a smiling feline. He remained quiet as she stared at him.

“Where am I?” He asked her as he stayed still on the bed.

“Arrow and his family brought you back to the inn to let you rest.” She informed him.

“Dare I ask how long ago that was?”

“Two days.” She replied. “Last time you overdid it you were out for a day I think.”

Oblivion groaned as he sat up and swung his rear legs over the side of the bed. He focused on the medallion around his neck and his armor slid back into place around it and was still. There was a quiet knock on the door and it slowly opened at Sasa’s low growl. Arrow poked his head in through the gap and his eyes widened at the Witcher.

“Bout time you woke up. Was wondering if it had in fact killed you.” He complained.

“I assure you I am fine,” Oblivion replied. “Is everypony all right?”

“Yeah. Everypony is even better than they were before. I’ve never seen them so lively. It’s a bit odd but I admit that I am glad to see it.” He replied and pushed open the door and stood by the doorframe.

Sasa got to her paws as Oblivion pushed himself off the bed and stood on his hooves once more. Arrow regarded the Elder Witcher and backed up as Oblivion came toward him as his horn lit. His saddlebags appeared around his body and he left the room open as Sasa fell in behind him.

“What are you doing now?” Arrow questioned as he fell in behind with Sasa.

“There is no reason for me to remain if what I came to do is done.” Oblivion reasoned. “I plan to pay for the room and leave.”

“Good luck with that.” Arrow laughed.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder as he started down the stairs. “Meaning?”

“You’ll be lucky to leave without a parade in your honor. Pretty sure a few mares will be thinking of naming their foals after you.”

Oblivion paused on the stairs and looked at the stallion. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

“About the foals maybe but the parade I’m not kidding about. I explained what had happened and what you had done and everypony was shocked you accomplished it but pretty damn happy about it.” Arrow admitted.

Oblivion began down the stairs and walked to the front desk and waited as the sound of hooves came from the back room. A pony came out from behind a pair of curtains and her eyes widened at the sight of the black stallion.

“You’re awake?” She shrilled.

“Yes. I apologize for taking one of your rooms and I am happy to pay for the use of it.” Oblivion began but stopped when she shook her head.

“Not gonna happen sweetheart.” She said, her tone stubborn.


“You’re not paying for anything. You saved all of us when you didn’t have to.” She explained. “Now I assume you have other things to be doing so get going. I won’t accept a single bit form you.”

Oblivion said nothing as a sigh escaped him and he looked over his shoulder at Arrow who looked back at him with a smug grin.

“Told you.” He said and a smile crossed his muzzle. “Come on. My parents wanted to meet you.”

“Why?” Oblivion asked him as he made for the front door.

“Same reason everypony wants to meet you.” He replied. “It’s called being grateful and wanting to thank you.”

Oblivion bit back a groan and fell in step with the other stallion and allowed him to lead the way.

They reached the small house after several stops and many thanks from ponies on the streets. Arrow pushed open the door and Oblivion walked inside with the feline on his heels. Arrow slid past them and walked into the front room with them on his heels.

“Here he is mom. Dad!” He greeted the mare in the front room and hollered for the other.

“I heard the door. And I see ya brought him with you.” A stocky red stallion said as he came into the room from the right.

“Sorry for shouting. Didn’t know you were that close.” Arrow apologized and stepped aside for them to see Oblivion.

A stocky mare looked at him from her chair and she got to her hooves, her coat was pale pink with a white blaze down her nose. “Welcome to our home, Oblivion.”

Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head in reply to her greeting. “Thank you.”

“The way I hear it you’re the one who is owed our thanks.” His father said to him. “I’m Aviator and that is my wife Calista.”

“You owe me nothing,” Oblivion assured them both.

“How did you know we needed help though?” She asked him.

“Good luck Chosen.” Sasa chuckled as she sat down at his side.

He was quiet for a moment as his mind raced. “I had heard from a merchant that he had been through here and there appeared to be an issue. I was in the area so I chose to investigate.” He lied easily and waited for them to reply.

“That makes sense. Anypony that came through here would have gone pretty much unnoticed. Most of us stayed in our homes unless we had to leave them.” Calista replied and nodded to him.

“I noticed that first. Ponies’ failed to notice me and the cat that travels with me.”

“She would have gotten ya noticed quickly before.” Aviator informed him. “Not sure what caused it but pretty soon it got hard to even get out of bed in the morning and even the smallest thing became impossible. Didn’t even hear him knocking and yelling at the door when he came to see us.” He said as he pointed to Arrow.

Arrow nodded and looked over at the Black Unicorn. “That was some pretty potent magic you used to fix everything though. I have to admit I was not sure you could do it after that pony, or whatever he was, attacked you. Where did you learn that kind of magic?”

“I learned the base spell from a book but over time I changed it and was able to strengthen it to correct the land and village.” Oblivion lied to them.

He heard Sasa chuffing next to him and he chose to ignore her mirth. The ponies seemed satisfied with what he had told them and were ready to move on in their questioning.

“I have a question,” Oblivion spoke before they could.

“Go ahead,” Calista said to him, her voice calm.

“I read of a merchant that came here many years ago and he left items behind that corrupted the town.”

“Ahh, ya been reading the old records,” Aviator said to him and the black stallion nodded. “That doors locked though.”

“I picked the lock to get in.” Oblivion freely admitted and their eyes went wide.

Arrow looked at the ground and then to the pair of stunned parents. They both looked at him and he shrugged with a deep sigh.

“I did try to stop him.” Arrow informed them. “But I did end up helping instead. He figured it all out with the help of the records so it ended up being a good thing.”

His parents both looked from him to each other and soon broke out into laughter. Aviator approached the black Unicorn and slapped him on the shoulder.

“I knew I liked ya.” He laughed. “Arrow mentioned ya simply took a room at the inn and that ya didn’t seem too worried about the breaking and entering.”

“I planned on paying for it once everything was done,” Oblivion explained.

“I doubt you’ll end up paying for anything. Hell, ya might leave here with a few bits in your pocket.” Aviator chuckled as he dabbed one of his eyes.

“I don’t need any pony’s money. I acted as was needed.” He assured them.

“So ya say but they might not see it that way.” Aviator replied as he made for a chair beside his wife. “Ya read up on the history of the area that’s clear. What more did ya need to know?”

“The Unicorn that came to rid the area of whatever was causing the issue. Did he leave any records of what he did or what he suspected?”

“Not that I know of,” Calista replied to him softly. “Although…”

“Hmm?” Oblivion looked at her as she looked thoughtful.

“There was a rumor that at the time he had dropped something extra into the well.” She admitted. “It was never written down exactly what it was and only a few knew about it. As far as I know, he never said what it was.”

Oblivion’s ears pricked as she spoke. At his side, Sasa leaned against his shoulder. “He dropped something into the well? How reliable is this rumor?”

“My grandfather was the mayor back when that all happened,” Calista explained. “He stayed close to the Unicorn when he showed up. Truth be told I would hope he did not mistake some of the ashes for anything real. He always said it was something more than ash.”

Arrow looked back and forth from the Unicorn to his parents and a sigh escaped him as the Unicorn looked thoughtful. “You’re going to search the well aren’t you?”

“If there is anything down there that can explain what happened then I need to know what it was.” Oblivion replied. “is the well straight down and it ballons at the bottom or is it a straight drop?”

“I’m not sure,” Aviator admitted with a shrug. “Never thought about it personally.”

Calista shook her head and Arrow shrugged. “I am simply asking to avoid breaking a leg jumping into it,” Oblivion said as he turned to leave their home.

“Jumping into it?” Arrow yelped as he turned to follow the Unicorn. “You’re out of your mind.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply as he led the pony out of his home and into the town, heading for the towns well once more. “We need to know if it is something that can explain what happened back then and now,” Oblivion replied as Sasa fell in at his side.

He heard Arrow sigh deeply as the stallion grumbled under his breath about crazy Unicorns and their pets. As they emerged from the streets and into the center he made a straight line to the well and gazed into the darkness within it. Sasa came to stand at his side and peered into the well.

“Be cautious Chosen.” She said to him. “This well was the source of the corruption before.”

“It has been cleansed and now it is as pure as it ever was.” He said to her. “Do not worry about it.”

“I know you cleared it. But that does not mean that what might be in there is not corrupted still.” She explained.

He gave her a nod and backed up as his magic pulled his saddlebags from his barrel and set them beside the well. Arrow pulled up beside them and he looked from the well to the Witcher and back to the well.

“Oh man, you’re really going to do this. That opening is barely big enough for a normal-sized pony. You’re not a normal-sized pony.” Arrow pointed out.

“I am aware,” Oblivion replied.

“Be smart about this.” Arrow went on. “Just use magic to find it.”

“I don’t know what I am looking for.”

“Look for something out of place. It can’t be that hard.”

“It’s not a matter of difficulty so much a matter of knowing what to look for. If I can’t see what it is then how do I know if it is useful?”

“Ugh.” Arrow groaned and threw his head back for a moment. “You are out of your mind.”

“I have been told worse,” Oblivion said as he put his hoof on the lip of the well and jumped the edge.

His shoulder scraped the wall of the well and he straightened his legs to keep them close to his body and he gasped as he hit the water. He shook his head underwater and then kicked for the top. He panted as his head broke the surface and looked around him. The bottom had morphed into a cavern and he looked around him as his orange eyes gave off a dull glow in the dark of the well. He looked up and he could make out the shapes of ponies who now looked down at him.

“I’m fine Sasa.” He reached out to the feline.

“Understood. I will let the crowd know.” She chuckled back to him.

He kicked his legs to keep his head above water and he narrowed his vision as it focused and he began to scan the walls. Nothing jumped out at him and he looked down into the blue water and his vision remained focused as he held his breath and dove down. He summoned his wings and they beat in the water to propel him deeper, faster. His claws dug into the mud and he held himself in place as his wings stilled to keep from throwing up dirt and silt. His orange eyes stared into the water and he looked in the immediate vicinity and found nothing close to him. Over two minutes went by and he finally went for the surface to get a breath of air. His wings pushed him up and his head broke the surface once more.

“Now for the other side.” He muttered and swam for the left side of the room.

He dove down again and his wings propelled him deeper as the ground sloped away from him and he dug his claws in again for purchase. He began to move slowly through the water and his eyes scanned for anything out of the ordinary for a well. He angled for the slope and dug slowly through the dirt for anything that he could latch onto. When nothing came up he swam for the surface. He looked up to the smooth sides of the walls of the well and he stopped to think about how the item would have moved if it had been thrown into the well with the ashes.

“It would have bounced from wall to wall until it hit the water. If there is any current then it would have moved through the cavern and down that slope over time.”

His horn lit as he summoned a potion from his saddlebags. The killer whale potion appeared in his magic and he popped the cork and downed the liquid quickly. His skin shivered as it took effect and he took a breath and dove for the slope once more. His wings beat and he was at the bottom quickly and he dug his claws into the mud and began too slowly make his way down the slope. He could see that the cavern was being fed from a larger body of water and he angled his body to follow the water. His wings pushed him through the water as he scanned the bottom and the walls.


“Busy.” He replied and left it at that.

His wings beat steadily as he moved and over five minutes had passed and he knew he was growing low on time. The killer whale potion was not meant to last forever. He was about to teleport out of the well when a gleam caught his eye. He paused mid-wing stroke and he focused on a side passage and angled his body to go down it. He could feel the killer whale running its course and his wings beat harder in the water, propelling him faster. He breathed a few bubbles as he paused ion the small cavern and his eyes scanned the surface as he pushed one wing up to see about a ceiling and the wing curved in the water, showing him there was no air pocket. He scanned the bottom and his eyes landed on a small glimmer of silver. He dove for the bottom as his lungs began to burn. His claws dug into the mud and he reached out for the silver item and his claws surrounded it and he called on his wings to vanish as his horn lit.

Sasa paced beside the well as Oblivion remained gone. Beside her several worried ponies now stood with them. Arrow had explained why he had jumped into the well and what he was looking for. Most were concerned that he would drown before he found anything and Arrow made sure to assure them that he had the magic to teleport so he would be fine. Sasa had informed him that the Witcher was able to teleport and that he was in no danger. Even though she herself knew he would be okay she still felt worry bubbling in her mind.

She sat down in her original place and waited as a flash of azure flame went out and she yowled as she rolled backward and jumped to her paws. Oblivion stood in place, water dripping from him as he panted and breathed deeply. She came up to him and looked at him closely.

“Tell me you didn’t nearly drown yourself?” She accused.

[i]“I’m fine.” He said to her.

“Tell me it was worth the near-drowning.” She growled. He held up one hoof with something gripped tightly in his claws. “Nice.” She praised.

Oblivion shook out his mane and body and breathed in as he recovered. Sasa grumbled as the water hit her fur and he sat down heavily in place and looked at what he had found. His claws opened to reveal the small silver tube. His eyes narrowed and he could see how it worked upon closer inspection. He gripped the other side of the tube and pulled. A ripped piece of cloth unfurled as he pulled gently. He was not able to read what was written but he knew a map when he was looking at one. Behind the writing was a section of a map of Equestria and a small symbol was written off to the side of it.

“What is it?” Arrow asked him.

“It’s a map of some kind. I can’t read what is written on it though.” He admitted as he turned it around to show the stallion.

“Yeah, I have no idea,” Arrow admitted after looking at it. “So that was what you found? That little thing?”

“Sometimes the most important items are not the largest in size,” Oblivion replied.

“Yeah, yeah.” Arrow groused.

“Can we go home now?” Sasa asked him as she looked at the small item as he released his grip on it and it went back into the small silver tubing.

“Yes.” He replied and sighed as he got to his hooves and placed his saddlebags around his barrel. “It is about time we leave. Everything should be fine now.”

“You have quite the fan club here,” Arrow said to him with a look over his shoulder.

Oblivion looked past him to the surrounding ponies. “I did what had to be done.”

“I know. But still.” Arrow replied.

Oblivion said nothing as his horn lit. “If anything happens to send word to Celestia or Luna. They will get the message to me directly.”

“Got it. I’m leaving for home as well but I’ll make sure they know.” Arrow assured him. “Good luck with whatever you do.”

“You as well,” Oblivion said to him as Sasa nuzzled the pony gently.

His horn lit and he vanished in a flash of azure flame. He summoned Sasa a moment later and he sighed as she appeared at his side. His hooves were silent as he began to move across the farm's front orchard. He looked up as Applejack came through eh front gate and trotted forward at the sight of him.

“Welcome home. Yer back just in time.” She said as she neared him.

“Just in time for what?” He asked her as she stopped near him. “And what are you wearing?”

He looked at the full-body costume she was wearing and his head gave a slight tilt. She looked sheepish for a moment before a smile crossed her muzzle.

“Was just somethin’ we used ta help Rainbow be a little humbler.” She explained. “Ah’ll tell ya everythin’ inside. So how come yer all wet?”

“I did a bit of swimming.”

“A bit?” Sasa said to him.

He said nothing in reply to the feline as he followed the orange mare into the house and closed the door behind them.

Author's Note:

There we go. All done and we were able to avoid that episode. so we will pick up on the next one. Thank you for reading and special thanks to Acadians6545 for the ideas and help with the flow of the chapter.

Featured: 3/9/2020

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