• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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30: A Gems Memory...

Oblivion snapped awake. His mind rushing into focus on the disturbance that awoke him. His connection to Equestria’s spirit screamed out for him to respond to it. His eyes looked around him to find himself in the lush valleys that told him he was within Equestria. The Witcher vaulted to his feet and chuckled.

“Well if the sudden lush paradise didn’t give away where I am the sudden reappearance of my hands is certainly telling.” He quipped to himself as he began to scan his surroundings.

His ears perked and he looked over his shoulder to see the white mare trotting to him. She stopped and reached out her nose to nuzzle his cheek.

“Welcome back, Oblivion.” She said to him. “I am sorry for calling on you like this. Normally I would have waited for you to be further asleep or unconscious.” She said to him, remorse in her voice as she nuzzled him once more.

He stepped away from her and turned to face her. “I assume the matter is dire if you have reached out to me this way.”

She nodded. “Yes. You came into contact with a spirit that has been…” She paused and seemed to be looking for the right terminology.


“Yes.” She nodded and then sighed. “What can you tell me?" She smiled at the look he gave her. "I do not pry into the world as much as you might think. Allowing the beings of this world to live without my interference is my goal. They have no need for me to be in their immediate lives. I try to stay in the background.”

Oblivion tipped his head and began to walk. The mare drew up beside him. “Shattered is about the only word that I could think of when I looked closer at her. Our first interaction with her was not exactly friendly. She was spotted by Sasa and two of the guards that were sent with me to investigate the possible appearance of creatures from my world.” He paused as she nodded. “I do have a question for you.”

She looked at him. “Can I guess the question?” Oblivion nodded to her as she looked ahead of them, keeping an easy pace with him. “You are wondering how much I know about the portals that have been connecting with your world.”

“Yes.” He replied. “They were appearing within the vicinity of the farm. Only recently I was informed of their much further reaching. The mare had an object with her that allowed her to create the portals. Though she had no way of knowing what would come out of them.”

She sighed and looked at him. “I can sense when the portals are made. They are not portals as they are tears in the seams of the world itself.”

“Does it have anything to do with my arrival here?”

“In a way, yes.” She replied. “Don’t give me that look. I can see you internalizing it and bringing the blame on yourself.” Oblivion looked away for a moment, then nodded in understanding. “If anyone is to blame it is me. I was searching the worlds for a being that could handle the Spirit of this world and protect the ponies and other creatures. I almost didn’t turn an eye to your world but a feeling came to me and I found you. I connected to your world and brought your spirit to Equestria. By doing that I did… Attach to it for a time.”

“All right and what effect has that had?”

“The balance of this world was… Skewed a bit when I brought you here. You will always still have a connection to your own world. That cannot be changed or altered. You cannot go back to it but you will always have a sense of it. Maybe not consciously, but you can feel it.”

“That fore sense I have every now and then?”

“Yes. You can sense when a tear has happened or will. You may not know its exact location or what has come through, if anything, but you will still feel it.”

Oblivion was silent as they walked in silence for a time. “So when I have that feeling of restlessness then I know a tear is happening or will happen?”

“Yes. You may not be able to immediately find it but you will feel it.” She said back to him. “Your connection is growing slowly stronger and it is beginning to give you a clearer insight into the World Spirit itself. So the tears are a remnant of when I acted before, not a direct result of your arrival.”

“So will they end on their own? Or do I need to invest a greater amount of time in hunting for the creatures that come through?”

“They will never wholly vanish. But the ones close to you will diminish in power. The ones that have been made unnaturally are not an effect of either of us. Though I am curious about how this mare was able to create them.”

“It’s an artifact of some kind. I am not sure of its specifics.”

“I will wait until you know more. In the meantime, please continue.”

Oblivion nodded. “She attacked myself and Sasa earlier in the day but nothing came of it. Anyway, she was seen by the others and she actually outlays some of her goals to the Leshen that she had gotten from an open portal. She was able to tame it to an extent with the same artifact I believe. So she said that her goal was to claim the Element and use its power as her own.”

Equestria snorted a laugh. “There is no force on any world that would give her power over it. I should know.”

“As I informed the mare later.” She nodded for him to continue. “After training the guards to be able to wear her down we began our goal to subdue her. I met up with her in the forest and used the Elements Sight to look at her. Her spirit was broken beyond anything that I could even comprehend. It wasn’t even corruption that can be traced back in time to the former Guardian. She was broken over time by others.”

“What do you think of what you saw?’

Oblivion was silent as he thought back. “To be honest I felt next to nothing for her. As far as what I saw she was so shattered that all I saw was madness. She had broken on a primitive level. Even if a being is broken they can maintain themselves when their mind holds onto a bit of their sense of self. By doing that they can recover over time. But.” The mare waited as he shook his head. “Without that last bit of herself, she has recreated herself in a way that allows her to function. Though I do not think that function is due to a strength of character or spirit itself.”

“That is your viewpoint?”

“Yes. Though it may be flawed to some due to my lack of an emotional tie.” He admitted.

The mare was quiet as he went over his explanation. “What did you sense from her when you first saw her?”

Oblivion was quiet as his mind went back to when he had drawn up her when she was with Quiver. “When I drew upon her, her spirit was diminished to the point that it was barely discernible. I wasn’t sure if that was due to her pulling it back and keeping it muted or if there were other factors. With the use of the Element, I found that she had been broken.” He paused. “As far as sensing anything from her, no. I did not sense much of anything from her.”

Equestria nodded. “That is your opinion based on what you saw and felt?” He nodded in reply. “Do you think she could be helped?”

Oblivion shook his head. “Honestly, I do not think so. I am aware that I should be looking to aid those that are a dire need, but this one. I am not sure there is a remedy for that, least, not one that would benefit her in any way.”

Equestria nodded. “Sometimes a being may be too far gone. There are times where that is the truth we face.”

“I will say that I commend her for rebuilding her mind, but she has lost all sense of the being she was, to begin with, and has lost all sight of it.”

The mare paused and turned to face him as he halted beside her. “So in your opinion what should be her fate?”

Oblivion was quiet. “What are the options? Currently, she is slated to return to Canterlot. Though a life sentence for her seems… unwise. There is no rehabilitation for her.”

“As the Guardian, you can remove her spirit. Thereby removing the chance that it can ascend and be healed. If it is as far gone as you say then that might be the kindest option.” She informed the Witcher, who nodded. “Other options are to see if you can break through the self-imposed corruption to see if anything remains of the pony she once was.”

“I think trying to remove it would do more harm than good. It would probably kill her.” He replied.

Equestria nodded. “It is up to you. Whatever your choice remember that you are the final decision on spirits that have been damaged enough to warrant your action. As time goes on and you gain more control over the World Spirit then you will be able to teleport yourself to the location of the spirit in question and tend to it that way. But that will happen in time. For now, you can continue on your current path.” She nuzzled him once more. “Enjoy your day.” She whispered and pushed his shoulder roughly with her nose, sending him backward.

Oblivion snapped awake and his head raised as he looked around him. His ears flicked and he heard the guards outside with Sasa. He stood up and shook himself, removing any remaining sleep from his body. He began to reach out to Sasa when a voice cut through his thoughts.

“I will kill all of you!” The mare screamed out from the chariot.

Oblivion sighed deeply and waited for a moment to see if she spoke more. When she remained silent his magic opened the front of the tent and he walked into the morning sun.

Silver was the first to notice him as he walked up to them. “Sir!” He called out to the black pony. “Good to see you up and moving sir. Sleep well?”

“I did yes. Thank you for asking.” He replied and stopped close to them, turning to the side. “So how is our…Guest doing?”

“Oh, she’s fine. Been screaming at us for about an hour. Lucky you for being able to ignore it.” Vantage added in, his voice tired.

“Being able to sleep through her wailing would have been nice. I think Sasa started to keep an eye on her at some point last night. She was out here when I came out.” Striker added into the conversation as the mare glared and growled at them.

Sasa growled in annoyance. “I was out here to watch over her yes. Though I wish I could have knocked her out. She came to a couple of hours ago. Any ideas on how? Your spell should have kept her out cold.”

“It would have had Equestria not wished to speak with me.”

Sasa growled and nodded her understanding. “And what did she want?”

“She wished to ask my opinion on this one. The state of her spirit. She could sense when I came into contact with her. She could feel how broken she is so she wished to speak with me about it.”

Oblivion walked over to her and waited as she glared at him, her eyes full of hatred for him. He paused, waiting for her to react. “I will kill you and the Element will be mine. Maybe not right this second, but I will have it.” She vowed, venom dripping from her voice.

“That will never happen. The Element is not capable of being corrupted. I should know since I am the only being that can wield it. But I do have a question for you.” His magic held up the gem that she had been wearing, then one that could create the tears into his world. “Where did you get this?”

“You want me to tell you anything?” She snarled. “You lied and then killed…my…” Tears welled in her eyes as she recalled the death of the Leshen. Her eyes went to the head that was lying by the campfire. “I will have revenge for it.”

Oblivion sighed and shook his head. “Do you think that monster had any feeling for you? That is even more preposterous than thinking you can command the Element.”

She lunged at him but the bindings stopped her from touching him. Silver and the others had attached her shackles to the chariot, preventing her from escaping. “I will have what I want. You will not be able to stop me.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes and turned away from her. “Do not grow complacent with her bindings.” He advised the guards, who looked uncertain. “The last group that relaxed around her wound up with their throats slit.” He added as he walked past them.

Silver and the others startled and stared at the mare, who smiled at them. Her smile set them all into checking her hobbles and ensuring the ring on her horn was properly set and unable to be removed. Sasa chuckled in his mind and nuzzled his chest as he sat down beside her.

“That was just to terrify right?” She chuckled to him.

“No. That was what happened to the ponies that shattered her.” He replied.

Sasa gasped and looked to the mare, a growl rumbling through her. “She tries to hurt any of you and I will rip her throat out.” She vowed and snarled at the mare.

Oblivion ran his claws through her fur. The guards returned to their places and sat around the fire. They would look over to her as she struggled for a time against her bonds.

“Sir,” Cross spoke up. Oblivion looked at him. “Did she really?”

“That is what she revealed to me when we spoke.” He began.

A scream sounded from the mare. “I told you that because you are like me. You’re just as broken.” She raged at him.

Striker looked to him. “What does that mean?”

“She asked me why I do not show emotion. I explained that I do not truly have many of them. The emotions I do have are heavily muted. So I informed her that I had been broken once. But I was reborn from steel and silver. So a very different end result.” Oblivion explained. “She shattered to the point of losing all sense of self. She slipped into madness and has no way to get out of it. It is all she knows and all she can ever be.”

The mare stopped her raging and stared at him. “I am not mad.” She yelled.


“Yes. I am enlightened.”

Silver snorted and hid his muzzle behind a hoof, struggling not to laugh. Striker fought back a grin as well. Oblivion glanced to her, amusement in his eyes as Sasa fell to the ground laughing.

“Enlightened?” Vantage yelled at her. “You are a murdering psycho. How is that enlightened? You used the deaths of ponies to try to attack the Element of Spirit. You are nothing more than a lunatic.”

She paused as he spoke. Oblivion watched her carefully as she blinked, seeming to be startled by the Thestral’s vehemence. Even Sasa had looked at the pony, surprise in her features. She stood up and walked over to the Thestral, who was half standing. She nuzzled him and he sat back down, breathing a bit heavier for a moment. He sat down, looking a bit ashamed of his outburst.

“Sorry, sir.” He said aloud.

“What are you apologizing for?” Oblivion asked him.

“I let her get to me.” He replied, staring down at his hooves. “We have to be better than she is and keep ourselves calm.”

“Alright. So why did you lose your temper at her?” The Witcher asked him, his voice calm and collected.

Vantage was quiet as he swallowed before answering. “My little sister is kind of like her. Not that crazy, but still a bit off-kilter. She’s still nice, but she has no grasp of the real world and how to act in it. So seeing this mare made me think of her.”

“I see,” Oblivion responded. “I do not blame you for the outburst. As a way to distance yourself from the… Corruption of this mare, think of the good that your sister has in her.” He advised the shaking Thestral. “She has remained clean despite her disability and that is a strength of a different kind. Do not forget that.”

Vantage sniffed and looked at the black stallion as he spoke. A smile began to crawl over his muzzle. “Your right. She’s still sweet and gentle and good.”

“She is a sweetheart,” Cross added in.

Silver and Striker both smiled and patted the Lunar guard on the shoulder. “She sounds like a fun filly to be around.” Striker spoke up.

Vantage nodded, agreeing with the Solar guard. Oblivion looked to the mare, who had gone quiet when Vantage spoke up. Oblivion watched her as she blinked then sat down to stare at the bottom of the chariot. Sasa glanced over as well and found her still and quiet.

“Should have asked him to speak up sooner. He shut her up.” Sasa said to him through their link.

“I don’t think it was him yelling at her. I’m certain that it was the content of what he said.” Oblivion replied to the feline.

“You think so?”

“Yes. By showing that a pony similar to her does not have the same temperament I think it showed that she chose her fate. She sees for the moment anyway that she has made herself into what she is.” Oblivion advised at the cats questioning tone.

Sasa stood up and walked back to lay by Oblivion's hooves. He ran his claws through her fur and was silent. “Still we need to find out how she got this gem?” Sasa pointed out.

Oblivion nodded and stood up once more. He walked up to her and stopped, his hooves silent as he approached.

“Where did you get this?” He asked her once more. His voice quiet and calm.

She glanced up at the jewel, her eyes stayed on its glimmering surface. “It was a gift. Part of a promise.” She replied. Her voice sounded hollow and the passion from earlier gone.

“A gift? From who?” He pressed her gently for more answers.

She was still for a moment as the gem seemed to entrance her. “Asmara. She gave it to me. Said with it I could call on a new world to help give me what I want.”

Oblivion startled for a moment at the name that fell from the mare’s lips. “Who is Asmara?”

“She said she came from far away and that I reminded her of herself when she was young. She gave it to me and told me to use a bit of magic and put the magic into the gem. If I did that then the jewel would help me.”

“Help you do what, precisely?”

“Help me to get revenge.”

“On who?”

“Everypony.” She said, her voice sounded dead and hollow.

Her voice grated over him and made his fur stand on end. He kept holding the jewel aloft as it seemed to calm her to an extent. It seemed to have the same effect on her as it had on the monsters that she summoned. Made her tractable and quiet. He fell silent as his mind went over what she had said. He knew of an Asmara from the Northern Realms but he was having trouble thinking they were the same.

“Chosen?” Sasa’s voice startled him from his thoughts and he glanced back to her over his shoulder.


“Are you all right?” She questioned him.

He backed up several steps and put the gem away, removing it from the mare’s sight. She blinked and began to snarl at him once more. He sat back down and waited for his thoughts to clear. “I’m fine.”

“You seemed a bit startled.”

“The name she spoke. I have heard of a person with that name in the Northern Realms. It’s troubling that the same name has popped up here.”

“What type of person?” She began to ask.

“One that is just as bad as this one. But not as chaotic. A sorceress of some power and influence. Not enough to get added to the Lodge, but known.”

Sasa growled, her ears pinned as she tried to put the thought out of her own mind. “Someone is like this?”

“Not exactly the same. As I said she is more calculating than crazed. She was one that the others knew of but few have had interactions with. She stays out on her own for the most part. This is more troubling to me than the monsters that remain.” He admitted to the cat.

Sasa nodded. “Can you reach out to Equestria about it? She might know more.”

“I can try to. I have never reached out to her on my own. She usually calls on me.”

“Worth a try.”

“True enough. Perhaps meditation will give me the clarity I need.” He admitted to her. “Keep the guards here and the mare monitored. I will return in a while. Just leave me be for a time.” He replied to her as he stood up and began to leave the camp.

“Sir?” Silver asked as he walked by.

“I have an idea. I need to reach out to a friend. I will return once I have finished. Keep her under observation and ensure her survival. But to do not let her free under any circumstances. Sasa will remain to help.” He advised them as he kept walking.

“Yes, sir.” They intoned.

Oblivion broke into a gallop as he distanced himself from the camp. He waited for his senses to kick in and tell him how isolated he was. Once he had that sense wash over him he slowed to a walk and folded his legs under him and closed his eyes. His mind slowed at his command and he began to slow down his breathing and bring his other functions down to a diminished level. He reached out to his armor and it slid over his form and settled into its place on his body. His crown slid into place and he called upon its power to lower his eyes and grant him a deeper Sight should he need it. The black Unicorn's eyes remained closed as he began to reach out to the Spirit within the world itself and reached out to hold it gently to him.

He breathed in and then out slowly. “Equestria.” His voice whispered her name and he focused on her as he reached further, slowly so as not to overextended himself a second time.

A whinny answered his call and he opened his eyes as warmth fell over him. He looked up to find the white mare trotting up to him. He remained in place, just in case he was seeing things. Her form was brilliant to the point of being painful under the enhanced Sight of his crown. He closed his eyes as she neared him and then felt her warm breath on his cheek.

“I am here.” She whispered to him.

His crown slid back to its place at his command and he opened his eyes to find her folding her own legs to lay in front of him, a smile on her muzzle. He raised his head slightly as he beheld the mare.

“You are learning quickly.” She praised him, her smile persisting.

He nodded at her. “Took some trial and error.” He admitted to her. “So are you here or am I?”

“I am here in a sense. For example, if we stood up and moved your body would remain here. You reached out to me and our spirits are within the expanse of the Spirit of Equestria itself. You called upon it and it answered giving you access to a part of its world.”

Oblivion nodded and stood up with her. He walked several feet away and looked back. His eyes widened as he saw that his body remained in place. “That’s a bit… Disconcerting, I admit.”

She giggled and nuzzled him. “It can be. In time projecting your spirit will become second nature to you. Within the Spirit World, you can cross great distance with nothing more than a thought. But I am sure you did not call me to practice.” She teased.

He chuckled. “You are correct. I spoke with the mare and she breathed a name that I know of from my world. Is there a chance another has crossed over?”

She shook her head. “No. I can promise you that the gateway to come here is closed. It can be prodded and small things can sometimes come through but consciousness cannot pass through it. No matter the magic that they bring to bear.”

“What if they are in the exact same place that I?”

She shook her head, ending his speech. “No. I promise you if that were possible I would be the first to tell you.”

“So the name is a coincidence?”

She looked thoughtful and bade him walk with her. He was silent as she thought for a time. “It is possible that the mare here is a mirror.”

“A mirror?”

“Yes, a mirror image of the being that you know. She is not an exact copy so do not worry about any memory crossing the worlds. But they do have some similarities.”

“She had knowledge of the tears.”

The mare paused looking to him, questions in her gaze. “What?”

He reached out and pulled the gem from memory to show her. She gazed at it, curiosity in her eyes. “This is the gem that our prisoner was given by this other mare to use.”

Equestria looked to him, her footsteps stopping as she looked at the jewel. She reached out a hoof and it floated to her, hovering above her hoof as she inspected it. “This is.” She began but paused as the gem glittered.

“It’s a gem of some strength, even I can sense that about it. It’s not overpowering but it seems to have an ability to pacify some around her.”

“How do you mean?”

“I held it near Winter Snow and she became, tractable. She answered questions and seemed to have no thought or emotion during the time she was staring at it. When I removed it from her sight she reverted to how she was before, vicious and raging.”

The white mare was quiet as she looked back at him. “This gem is from a very special place. I know what it is.” She said and the image vanished. “Come with me.” She said and took off at a hard gallop.

Oblivion leaped into motion and ran at her hip. He watched as the forest swept past and he found himself crossing seas in a few strides. He focused on keeping up with her and slowed to a trot as she led him to a cave, its entrance barely visible.

“In here.” She spoke aloud and walked through the trees and foliage.

He walked behind her and entered the cave at her heels. “What is here…” He paused as something pushed back against him.

Equestria looked back to him, sensing he was not at her back. “I know it feels… Wrong. But please believe me. You are safe here.”

He nodded and walked up to her. The feeling persisted but he pushed it to the back of his mind. They walked through a gap that would not have been able to fit either of them in a body. His mind focused ahead as he could see something at the end of the small road they were on. Equestria pushed ahead and he stayed with her. He froze in his steps at the cavern ahead of him. The ceiling was over a hundred feet above him. From wall to wall it was as wide as it was tall. The walls glittered and shone, despite there being no light. The mare waited as he looked around them, slowly coming to terms with their surroundings.

“Where in any world?” He whispered out loud.

“That's the thing. This is a Conjunction.” She explained.


“It is a meeting place of sorts. This is where I was when I found you. It holds power that even I cannot truly fathom. The gem that you found, it came from here.”

“How? We couldn’t fit our bodies. The only way on was through the Spirit Realm.” He spoke out as he walked up to her, despite the cavern feeling as though it was pushing him away.

“That is true. This place protects itself with great magic. So I am unsure how a single gem escaped.” She admitted as he drew next to her.

“Could it have been taken in the past?” He asked her.

“I suppose it is possible. But I do not know.”

“Is there any way to find out how this one was taken?”

She paused, seemingly in thought. “Perhaps.” He waited as she looked to him, once more. “You might be able to.”


“Yes. Your connection with this place is innate, due to your past. Perhaps if you can channel through the gem you can see how it was broken away and taken.” She said to him, excitement in her voice. “I cannot since I have no true connection to his place aside from using it to find you. Which is not a strong enough connection.”

“How could this help you to find me?”

“I channeled my power into this place. It can act as a focus and then allow me to begin to look to worlds and beyond them. You have a stronger connection here than I ever will. You were brought here through the walls of this place. These crystals are a part of you in a way.”

Oblivion inhaled at the implications but held his tongue for a moment as he sorted his thoughts. “So this place is where it all began?”

“Yes.” She replied. “This place was here even before this world had truly begun. It was the beginning and it remains to this day.”

“Interesting. Then why do I keep feeling like its pushing against me?”

She smiled. “Because you share a piece of it. But it realizes that you are a living being which it holds some, fear of. So I think it is a bit…Confused.”

“You speak as if it has a mind of its own.”

“Not so much a mind. Simply a consciousness that is neither good nor evil, right or wrong. It exists beyond such things. So using it and the gem we have I am confident you can access the memories held in that gem.”


“Yes. It is a living being in a way. Not in the same way as you. It does not breathe nor does a heartbeat inside of it. But it sees and remembers.” She informed him as he watched her. “Will you try?”

Oblivion sighed. “I don’t really have a choice. Do I need to real gem?”

“You can call upon it from this realm. The cavern remembers the missing jewel.” She advised and stepped back to give him room.

He inhaled once more and folded his legs under him once more. He reached out and the gem seemed to grow more tangible to him as he focused on its surface. Soon it appeared to be the real thing in front of his gaze. He closed his eyes and reached out to the cavern around him. It began to pulse under him as his horn lit and covered the gem in his mind. He held it as the pulsing grew deeper and began to resonate through him. His mind reached out to the gem and the cavern around him. He gasped as something seemed to collide with him and he jolted. He grit his teeth and held onto what he had found. His mind fell away and he found himself once more standing in the cavern.

“Shit. I think I failed.” He spoke aloud and tuned back to where Equestria stood. The cavern was empty as he spun on his heel. His senses told him the cavern was empty.

From behind him, a laugh sounded out. He startled and turned. A red stallion stood in the opening of the cavern.

“Been a long time trying to find this place. Should have known it would prove… Challenging.” He said aloud and looked over his gouged and damaged body.

His fur had been rubbed off in places and gouged open in others. His right foreleg was jutting at an odd angle, indicating it had broken. Oblivion looked at him as he knew who he was looking at. The former Guardian. Oblivion looked around him and watched as the torn stallion limped into the cavern.

“This is what she has been hiding from me for so long. Well, not even the Heart of the World can hold me back forever. In time she will understand why I am about to break through this place. So much power is held here.”

Oblivion held back a shudder as the other's voice slid over him and he sneered in response. “So you are the reason behind this gem?” Oblivion spoke aloud, fully aware that he could not be heard.

The stallion walked several feet and looked down at his broken foreleg and shredded body. He growled and reached out to the world Spirit. It cried out as he commanded its power to heal himself. It shuddered and bent to his will. Oblivion could feel it screaming out in protest as a black mass bubbled under his fur and repaired the wound. Oblivion pulled back as the Spirit Realm screamed in protest and his head rang with it. Even in memory, he could feel its pain and anguish. The red pony walked up to one of the walls of the cavern and set a hoof on its surface.

“You will give me what I want. If I have to tear this cavern apart I will have the jewel within it. With it, I can spread my reach even further. Ponies will fall to me and I will have all that I have ever wished for. No pony will dare to oppose me. Not even Equestria herself can stop me.”

He reared back and struck the cavern wall. Oblivion could fell it shudder at the violence of the strike. It cried out as the beating on the cavern wall went on. The red whirled and kicked the walls with enough force to finally break off a piece. The cavern shuddered at the violence of the impact and Oblivion felt it react.

The cavern surged with magic and the red ignored the upheaval. He picked up the gem, a vicious smile on his features. He regarded the gem and began to leave the cavern. He stopped as the cavern began to tremble under his hooves. Oblivion turned around and watched as a being emerged from the center of the cavern. Crystals covered its body as it pulled away from the ground. A pair of eyes flowed out of the crystals as they undulated over the surface, covering it in layers of gems as it grew. Oblivion backed up as the power of it surged around him. The cavern itself fed this monster.

An Elemental of incredible proportions emerged from the upheaval of the cavern. The red backed up as its gaze landed on him. It stood an easy twenty-five feet tall. Its limbs were two to three feet wide with a barrel chest. There were no discernible features aside from the pair of, now glowing eyes. The eyes held the gaze of the red as he stood still. Oblivion backed up until his flank collided with the back wall. He watched as the creature surged forward, with a speed that was shocking for its size.

The red leaped out of the way and rolled to his hooves. He stood up and seemed to be expecting the creature to be slow to turn. Oblivion started as the creature stopped in its tracks and whirled around striking the red in the flank, knocking him sprawling. He yelped at the impact and gathered himself once more. He leaped away from its strike and brought forth his own magic to bear against it.

“Magic won’t work.” Oblivion breathed out. “This place is magic.”

As if confirming his thought the Elemental shrugged off the darkness that the other threw at it. His eyes widened as he jumped away. “No! This cannot be happening. I have what I want and nothing will stop me.” He bellowed at the creature, who didn’t flinch at the venom in his tone. He began to pull a huge amount of his own magic to himself and pointed his horn at the creature.

Oblivion watched as the Elemental seemed to be waiting for the red to finish his channeling, almost as if it was curious. The red screamed as he released a mass of Corruption that brought Oblivion to his knees. His mind screamed out at the intense feeling that pulsed over him. He stood back up as the mass struck the Elemental. It paused and the red smiled, his triumph seemingly clear to him. He looked at the jewel in his hoof and began to walk past the Elemental.

“Never assume you have won. An Elemental is an opponent you don’t turn your back on.” The Witcher spoke aloud to himself. “Especially one that size.”

As if agreeing with his assessment, the Elemental lashed out and struck the red in the ribs, sending him violently into the far wall. The pony cried out as his bones broke and blood welled in his mouth and throat. He spat it out and watched as the creature began to approach him. His horn lit and he called on more of the corruption that he had created to him. It covered him and he allowed it to flow into him as well as cover him. He stood up, his eyes sunken and they burned in their sockets.

Oblivion pulled back as he felt his stomach lurch. His body was reacting to the corruption. It felt evil to him and he struggled against it. As he tried to pull away he watched as the Elemental reached out and gripped the reds throat in its hand and crushed it. The pony fell to the ground, but then stood back after a beat of several seconds. Corruption surged out from it and wrapped around the Elemental. The creature pulled away as the darkness wrapped it completely. The red laughed at the struggle.

“I own this world! You think a few rocks can stop me!?” He screamed as the creature once more pulled away.

Oblivion felt his body beginning to heave at the feeling of corruption. He could feel it as if it was covering his body and slithering down his own throat. The red walked past the Elemental once more and headed for the exit. Oblivion found himself calling out to the crystals, telling them to fight.

He paused as the cavern seemed to hear his call and it heaved once more. The red yelped as the Elemental pushed aside the corruption and charged for the offending Guardian once more. He lunged from the exit and was nearly through when the elemental got hold of his hind leg and the bones crunched in its grip. The red screamed but was able to pull away, by leaving much of his flesh behind. The memory began to fade as the Elemental pulled back and screamed at the loss of a piece of itself. Oblivion felt his world collapse and he fell with it.

“Oblivion!” Equestria called out his name.

The stallion roared as he plunged to his hooves. Sweat drenched his coat as he panted in place. His stomach heaved and he retched where he stood. He coughed and backed up, his eyes scanning the cavern walls. They fell on the spot where the gem had once belonged. He stared at it then let himself fall to his knees. He looked to Equestria, who was waiting for him to speak.

“It was him.” He finally breathed to her.

“Him?” She parroted back to him.

“The Fallen Guardian. He’s the one that took the gem.”

“What?” She cried out, disbelief in her voice. “How? I never told him of this place.”

“I know you didn’t. He knew you were hiding something so he found it on his own.” Oblivion sniffed and pulled himself to his hooves. “He broke the gem from the wall. He wanted to use it to spread his reach even further. The cavern reacted and broke every bone it could before he managed to stall it long enough to escape.”

Equestria gasped and fell to her rump. “What else?”

“That was the only thing it showed me. I should have been more specific with what I needed to see.” Oblivion berated himself for his own errors as he began to pace. “I didn’t need to see the beginning…I…Dammit.”



“It showed you what it wanted you to see. Perhaps it sees that the Guardian of old began this and its thinking you can fix it.”

“If I redo this will it show me what I want to see next?”

“I do not know. I have never asked anything about this place. If you want to try then I will stay with you but you are in a bad state right now.”

Oblivion nodded. “I Know. That was a bit…Disturbing to see.” He admitted and began to calm his nerves and rein his sense back in. “It’s a not reality in the literal sense but you feel it as though it were. He used the World Spirit to heal himself and it bucked and screamed against him.” She walked up to him as he paused in his pacing. “That was most unpleasant.” He commented and she gave a thin smile in reply.

Oblivion closed his eyes and breathed, pulling in air to his body and letting hit relax and calm. Once he was sure he could handle another dive into the story of the gem and he laid back down and reached out it once more. Equestria laid down at his side, her shoulder touching his. He nodded to her, a silent thanks for her support then refocused on the gem once more.

He opened his eyes slowly. He found himself staring at the front of a store. “Oh come on.” He growled under his breath. “I made sure to focus on her name.”

“Striking Sky!”

A yell startled him and he spun as he heard a name called. A turquoise Pegasus mare trotted behind him, a wide smile on her muzzle. She looked to be a few years older than Apple Bloom, but not by too much. He turned with her and watched as she trotted up to a pair Pegasus ponies. They were both taller and he guessed they were her parents. They embraced her and began to walk down the street. The Witcher looked back to the store but found himself watching the family. He growled and took off after them. Oblivion trotted after them and followed several feet behind them.

“So did you see anything new?” The father asked.

The older filly shook her head. “No. They had really nice jewelry, but nothing that seemed special enough for grandma.”

“Don’t worry we will find something for her.” The mare said to her.

Oblivion watched as they walked to a new store and stopped in front of it. Oblivion couldn’t read the sign on its door and watched as they opened the door and walked in. He blinked and found himself inside the store with the family. His bearings caught up to him and he watched.

“Excuse me.” The filly spoke out to the storekeeper.

Oblivion pulled back as the ponies features were marred and undulated under his fur. He had no features that showed he had a face at all. The ponies showed no fear at what they saw. Oblivion paused as he realized that the gem did not know the pony so it did not know his features. The Unicorn shook his head to clear it and focused ion them once more.

“What can I do for you?” The store clerk asked.

“I’m looking for a necklace. It’s a gift. So it needs to be really special.” The filly informed him.

He seemed to think and then addressed the small family. “I have an idea. Got this in a sale years ago. Never found anyone that it spoke to.” He said and reached back to a drawer behind him.

“No.” Oblivion breathed. “No…Not…” He paused as he saw the gem from the cavern appear from the drawer. It was still unrefined and had rough edges. It had never been treated.

The filly gasped at the brilliance of the jewel. Her parents walked up to stand with her as she smiled at the jewel in the ponies hooves. “Never thought I would be able to sell it. It’s never been refined or shaped so I’m not sure if you can. I know it’s not on a necklace but maybe you can do something with it.” The sales pony said to them.

Oblivion could feel the gem beginning to speak. It was a constant sound in his ears. Sounded like rushing water, but a sound was deeper within it.

The filly and her family stared at it and smiled. She looked to her parents. “It’s perfect. I know a place that can cut it down and make it perfect. They have the perfect chain.” She told them.

“Are you sure this is the one?” Her mother asked her.

“Yes. I have never been so sure of anything in my whole life.” She told them. Her excitement was palpable as her father looked to the pony behind the counter.

“My girl has an eye for gems so what’s the price on it?” He asked.

Oblivion watched as they began to haggle over the stone's price. His mind screamed to leave it and run but he knew that was not an option. A price was struck and Oblivion heard the gem still calling as it changed hooves. The pony had wrapped it in a nice bag and gave the bag over to them. Oblivion gasped as a screech sounded in his mind. The sound grew in his ears and he closed his eyes, trying to block it out or lower the volume. He opened his eyes and found himself in a new store.

“Uncle Cutter!”

He turned even as his head pounded. The filly raced into the store as another pony turned to her. His features marred, same as the other one. Oblivion refocused on the filly and her family. The gem in the same bag as before, held in her teeth.

“What do I owe the pleasure, pretty girl?” He called out to the filly as she reached him, setting her bag in the counter.

“I found it!” She cried out. Delight in her tone.

“Found what?” He asked her.

“The perfect gem!” She cried out as her wings fluttered lifting her onto a chair. She pulled the gem out of the bag and set it on the counter. “Isn’t it perfect for grandma?”

Her uncle was quiet as he lifted the jewel, analyzing it. “Well, I’ll be.” He said to her. “I think you picked out the best gem in the whole of Equestria.” He said to her.

The filly giggled and smiled to her uncle. Oblivion pushed a breath of air out of his lungs and pulled in another breath. His lungs burned even as he breathed. He listened as they began to speak, the ringing in his ears was growing, making it harder to hear them over the din it caused.

“Well, what kind of cut should we use?” He asked the filly.

She looked thoughtful for a moment, before responding. “Umm. What about that one?” She pointed a hoof to the poster behind him, showing the same cut as the gem that Oblivion held in his possession now.

“That one?” He asked her. “Are you sure? That one is pretty difficult.” He admitted to her.

“It’s perfect. Grandma will love it. Can you do it?” She asked of him.

The filly bounced on the cushion as he nodded. “I’ll try it out. Haven’t done it in a while but I’ll give it a try for you.”

“Thank you!” She shrilled and jumped the counter to hug him.

Oblivion backed up as the sound began to pulse as he watched the stone being cut. Each cut rang through his body, pain that was enough to tear him apart sounded through him. The stallion found himself on the floor of the work room as the gem was cut. He closed his eyes as he waited for it to finish, knowing that the gem was going to be cut and that he was going to feel the pain it felt and have to get back up to see the rest of its memory, despite the assault. The sound continued assaulting his ears. His eyes opened and he lunged to his hooves as the gem was polished and then he was out at the front counter once more.

His head hung low as he tried to focus through the screaming in his ears. “I know you’re hurting.” He panted as he saw the gem being finished and set aside. “But torturing me won’t change that.” He snarled at the jewel.

“Uncle Cutter!” The filly’s voice cut through him and he looked up as she flew in to see the gem.

Oblivion raised his head and went over to the counter with her. She squealed with joy as he pulled a silk cloth off the gem. Revealing the glowing gem underneath. It was an enormous gem, even in a beveled silver setting.

“It’s still such a large gem, Cutter.” Her mother spoke up. Oblivion hadn’t even heard them come in.

“I know. I was going to break it into smaller pieces but.” He paused and Oblivion had a moment to thank the Gods that he hadn’t cut it deeper. “But it was too nice a gem to do it. The quality of this jewel is incredible. Even in that rough facing from before.” He admitted to them.

“It’s so beautiful.” The filly admitted to them. “How did you make it so perfect?” She called out.

“By breaking my skull in.” Oblivion replied, snidely. He sighed as he missed what the reply was. “That was untoward. They have no idea what they are messing with.” He said aloud. Suddenly he halted. “Wait. If the gem is not in the hooves of the Guardian that means he has been sealed. So how did this get into the hooves of a retailer?” His thoughts slammed into focus as he realized that the gem hadn’t been taken from the fallen, it has been released into the world by him. Oblivion looked back to the family. “Oh no.”

His head pounded and the pulsing began to speed up. He looked up as the front of the store gave way as it was being beaten on. Oblivion blinked and he was outside, he gasped as the Elemental shattered the front of the jeweler. He jumped back as the front completely gave way. Stone and glass shattered as it was pulled from its foundation. Oblivion heard the ponies inside screaming as they looked up to the front. He watched as the filly reached for the gem and slid it into her saddle bag. Her mother placed her on her back and spread her wings to fly. Her father and Uncle did the same.

“What is that thing?” Her father yelled above the shattering glass and breaking metal.

“I have no idea. Let’s get out of here.” Her mother yelled back.

Oblivion watched as they took to the sky and avoided the grasping hands of the Elemental. “They won’t make it.” He whispered. The pounding had lessened and his eyes followed them as they flew. His own wings flicked against his sides, but he kept them down. He knew what was about to happen.

The Elemental picked up a chunk of the store front and threw it at the fleeing ponies. He closed his eyes as he felt the impact on the father’s body. His own body shuddered and he panted as the pony died, in that instant Oblivion knew he had died instantly. An impact like that was unable to be survived through. A scream resounded as the Uncle dove to catch the falling body, only to be struck by another chunk of cement. The impact resounded through the Witcher as he watched, silence pervading around him.

“Gods below.” He whispered as the bodies fell and landed, wetly on the street.

He looked away from the street and looked up as the mother turned and saw her family die in front of her. On her back, her daughter screamed and cried as her family was being ruined before her eyes. Oblivion's own heart raced in his chest as he watched. He could feel their fear due to the gem being with them, so close to their grief and sorrow. The Elemental reached down and picked up another chunk of the storefront. Oblivion felt the fear tear into the mother and her filly as they watched. Oblivion's wings spread and he took off for them. He got in front of them only to feel the concrete go through him. A wet crunch sounded behind him and he breathed as he looked over his shoulder, the mare’s chest caved in and she began to drop from the skies. He watched as the mare was able to stop herself from colliding with the street. Protecting her daughter from the impact with her own body.

The Witcher descended, surprised at his own actions as his hooves landed close to them. The filly sat up and looked down as her mother told her to run and then died in front of her. She screamed in grief as the Elemental neared her. Oblivion looked over his shoulder at the creature and then to the filly as she stood up and faced the monster. Her whimpers broke against Oblivion and his body shook under the weight of the grief, terror and sheer rage from the young mare. His eyes looked to her and his connection to the World Spirit suddenly screamed out at him. He cried out as he was driven to his knees by the sheer sound.

The filly screamed and he watched as she broke. Her mind and spirit broke within her and she was left with the feeling of rage and revenge. He watched as she glared at the beast and then watched as the gem in her saddle bag began to glow. She pulled it from the bag and held it before the creature.

“It can’t attack if the gem is in its path. It can’t risk breaking it.” Oblivion breathed out as he watched the scene unfold.

He watched as he was proven right. The creature watched as she held the gem in front of her. “You want this?” She screamed at it. Fury in her voice as she shook with rage. She looked at the bodies of her family and snarled at the monster. “Well it belongs to me now and you will never have it back. I will break you with it. You took my family. You killed them!” She screamed and the gems glow increased.

Oblivion gasped as she poured her rage and pain into it. He looked at her and he knew that she had no idea that she was reaching into it and, in her own way, corrupting it. The Elemental screamed and Oblivion cried out as the Elemental's pain reflected back on him. The creature reeled back as the gem pulsed and drove it back into the ground. It vanished and the filly screamed once more as she threw the gem at the ground where it had once been. Oblivion watched as she fell on her mother’s body and cried. He could feel her grief, despite not having the emotion himself, and he found himself mourning with her. He looked up as ponies came out of the shadows to see what had happened. For the first time since the memory began the Witcher looked around him and found that he recognized parts of the city.

“Holy Gods. It’s Canterlot. This happened in Canterlot.” He said aloud as Royal Guards came forward to see what had happened and what needed to be done.

A guard went to the filly as his fellows laid white sheets over the bodies of her uncle and father. They tried to pick her up and get her away from the corpse of her mother, but she lashed out and drove them away from her. A mare walked up to her and knelt beside her. She gently put a hoof on the filly’s back and rubbed her back, gently. The filly looked up, her face tear stained and looked at the guard as she removed her helm and gave her a little smile.

“My mom.” She whispered. Her hooves gripped the fur of her mother. “She won’t wake up.”

Oblivion saw the guard look at her. “I know sweetie.” She said and held out her forelegs to the filly. Who allowed herself to be bundled into her chest, where she finally collapsed, holding onto the warmth of the mare with her. “It’s going to be okay.” She whispered to her, stroking her mane. “It’ll be okay.”

Oblivion looked over to the gem and watched as a guard began to reach for it.

“NO!” The filly screamed and tried to escape the embrace of the mare. “It’s mine!” She screamed.

The guard picked it up and trotted it over to her. “It’s okay. I was gonna ask if you knew about it.” He explained to her, his voice soothing as he also stroked her mane, soothing her. She calmed under their soothing voices as he put the gem into her hoof. The filly pulled it to her chest and held it tightly.

Oblivion watched in silence. “So that is what happened to it on this day.”

“Whats your name sweetie?” The mare asked her as she nuzzled her mane and soothed her.

“My name?” She whispered back.

The mare nodded into her mane and held her closer. He watched as the filly seemed uncertain for a moment. Then her gaze sharpened and landed on the spot where the creature had been. “Asmara.”

“That’s a pretty name. What does it mean?” She asked, trying to focus the filly on something other than her grief.

“It’s from a story that mommy read me once. I don’t want the name I was given anymore. It hurts too much to keep it.” The mare nodded into her mane, letting her work through it on her own. “It means vengeance.” She finally spoke its meaning and Oblivion felt himself shudder at the tone of her voice.

He breathed as time flashed past him. The filly grew under the care of her extended family, into a strong Pegasus mare. Her name had been legally changed to Asmara. He had seen her make that choice early on in her life and had felt the grief that came with the total loss of herself. She was still aware of herself and held her heart close but she had let the filly she had been fall away. As time had gone on she had allowed ponies to think that she was fine and that she had moved on. When in truth she had done nothing of the sort. Her memory remained clear on what had killed her family. She kept the gem with her at all times and refused to allow any pony to handle it.

Oblivion watched as time slid to a stop and restarted. He looked up as he saw the mare, now renamed, Asmara walking through the countryside. He could see her spirit was broken and torn but was still intact in places. As she kept moving he saw the mare, Winter Snow. They had met in a book store, Winter Snow was frantically researching the Elements of Harmony. She caught the eye of Asmara due to the frantic writing.

“What are looking for?” Asmara asked her, after watching her for an hour or so.

The pinto mare looked up, a smile on her muzzle. “The Elements of Harmony are back in the world.” She said, her voice blank and matter of fact.

“So I have heard.” The Pegasus responded.

“I need to get them.” She went on. “Or at least one of them. According to this the Element of Spirit is the most potent of them.”

“Oh?” That seemed to catch the other's attention. “How much more powerful?”

“Overthrow monarchs, destroy lives, that kind of power.”

Asmara looked to the gem around her neck. “What kind of power does it use? Does it use stone and gems?”

“It is a gem. So that’s possible.”

Oblivion watched as the mare grinned. His skin crawled at the look that crossed her. "What if I asked you to help me find a monster?”

The pinto looked up at her. “I really don’t need a monster. I am one.”

“What if you could control other monsters?”

That seemed to gain her the full attention of the pinto. “You have earned my attention. But do something good with it, or I’ll kill you too.”

“Why kill me? You have bigger fish to fry.” She replied, the threat having no effect on her.

The pinto looked up, realizing that her threat had not scared the Pegasus in the slightest. “Oh, this could be fun. You’re a bit like me it seems. So what do you want from this, relationship?”

“I am looking for a special monster. I have been hunting it for… Oh, ten years now.” She replied.

“That’s a hell of search time.”

“It is. May I sit with you?”

Oblivion shuddered as the two mares sat and began to talk. He watched as days went by and then weeks as they met and spoke often. The Library came into focus once more. They began to compare their desires and in time they seemed to find an agreement.

“I will let you borrow the gem that brought about the deaths of my family and it will allow you to connect to monsters, real ones. And in exchange, you get the Element of Spirit. Then, once you have it we meet up and all I want is to use the Element to summon the monster that I want. Then once it is dead you can have the Element back and I get my necklace back. Deal?”

The pinto smiled. “Deal. Whats to stop me from just running off with it?”

Asmara smiled, her down more disturbing than the other. “I will hunt you down, to the ends of Equestria, and skin you alive. Try me.” She whispered into the other mare’s ear.

Winter Snow smiled. “So a deal then. I love this new thing we have going.” She added as the gem landed in her hooves. “So how do I use it?”

“Just hold it in your magic and give it a little push. Not too much or you’ll break even more. So just enough to call on a portal. Once it appears, stop channeling. Once that happens the monster that comes through, if it does it’s not a guarantee, will not attack you or hurt you. You can, to an extent, control it. Then use it to get the Element.”

“I still need to find it.” The pinto lamented.

“I already did.” Asmara replied.

Oblivion cringed as he realized that he had been hunted without knowing it.


Yes. A friend of mine works in the palace. She said that the Element of Spirit is held by a stallion. A black stallion. He has combat experience so it is believed that he is actually plotting to harm the monarchy. Whether that is true or not, is beyond my concern. But he carried it with him, normally. Not sure if it’s all the time or not. But worth the risk, no?”

Oblivion listened as he realized that accusation sounded familiar. An image of the clerk from his sparring fight with Luna crossed his mind. The mares name was Second Sight. He remember her well enough. He cursed as he realized that he had been set up months ago. This had been brewing for a long time. Now he had the gem and he had to decide what to do with it. He could return it to the cavern and move on or…

“Dammit.” He cursed as the mares began to part ways.

“How do I find you after I have the Element?” The pinto asked her before they parted.

“Oh. Don’t worry once you have the Element I’ll find you.” She replied, her smile sweetly terrifying.

“That is so cryptic, I love it.” The pinto trotted off, the gem dangling around her neck.

“Soon. I will have all that I ask for.” Asmara said aloud to herself.

It was the last thing Oblivion heard before he snapped back to the cavern, the gem showing him all he needed to see. He panted as he collected his thoughts, Equestria at his side, waiting.

“I know what happened to it, I know how, and I know who had it.”

“You found your answers?”

“Yes.” He replied as he stood up.


“I know where to start. It all began in Canterlot. I’ll start there. I need to place the monsters on the back burner for now. They can wait, this gem will not.”

“Are you going to return it to this place?”

Oblivion paused, then shook his head. “Not yet.”

Equestria's eyes flashed for a moment before she paused as well. “Why not?”

“I need it to end one problem before it festers even further. This gem has broken another mare besides the one I have with me.”

Equestria startled the flash of anger gone from her gaze. “Oh no.”

“Yes. This one is even worse in my opinion. She plans and plans for the long term. I was a target before I even knew it was happening.” He replied to her. “For now I have the information that I need. I give you my word that I will return it to its place.” He vowed to the mare.

She nodded. “I understand. I know you are a pony of your word. I am sorry for the moment of doubt that I had.”

“No apologies are needed. I would have questioned myself as well in your hooves.”

She smiled and nuzzled his neck. “Then back to your body, it is. Just focus on it and you will be back within it in an instant.” She informed him. “Good luck.”

He nodded to her and closed his eyes to focus on his own form. He felt an impact and then opened his eyes. He looked around and found himself in the field that he had mediated in. He stood up and groaned as his joints popped under him. “Ouch.” He griped for a moment shaking his limbs to get more feeling into them and beginning his walk back to the others.

“Welcome back, Chosen.” Sasa voice rang out to him.

He chuckled as he walked back to them. “Good to be back, and do I have a tale for you.”

Author's Note:

Okay, here we go. This one actually hit me late last night and I wrote in a few hours of having creativity kick me in the ass a few times. But here it is. Its earlier than any of my normal postings but I think putting them out sooner rather than later is going to work better in the long run. So Enjoy!

Edit: 12/18/2018
Edit: 11/14/2019

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