• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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26: Discovery...

Oblivion woke up and his ears flicked in various directions before he opened his eyes. Beside him, Sasa still slept. He slowly stood up and walked out of the tent and stretched outside, under their illusion, his wings stretched and extended their full length. His swords appeared on his back and he moved his shoulder blades to get them into the right position. Silver and Striker were both awake and appeared to be practicing. He walked slowly up to them and watched. He watched their hoof work and shook his head.

“Freeze.” He barked out. Both stallions froze in place as the Unicorn stallion walked up to them. “Are you trying to kill or annoy each other to death?”

They both stayed still as he reached out a hoof and shifted Striker’s right hind outward and then shifted the pony’s upper body to match. He pushed Silver’s hip until it was in line with his shoulder and then backed up.

“Now strike.” He ordered and waited.

“Ouch!” Silver yelped as Striker’s practice blade slapped him across the hooves. He dropped his sword and held his hooves to his chest, pain lancing through them.

“Don’t stop,” Oblivion ordered and Striker leaped forward, chasing the ailing stallion, a grin went over his muzzle as Silver yelped and fled.

“Better.” Oblivion said as he watched. “Disarming your opponent is the easiest way to win a fight. If they don’t have a blade it is easier for you to take them on. Do not rely solely on the sword in your hooves, though.” He walked up and picked up Silver's practice blade. “Watch.”

He held it in his hoof and spun it over his hoof and changed his stance for the shorter stallion. “Now.” He ordered and Striker went after him. He tried to strike Oblivion’s hooves but the black stallion dropped the weapon and socked the other pony, sending him rolling backward. Oblivion spun on his right hind leg, lowered his body, grabbed the blade from the ground, and Striker looked up as the weapon tapped his throat. Oblivion leaned back and his magic gave the blade back to Silver.

“Just because this is practice does not mean that you stop. Your opponent is not going to stop when you drop your blade or yelp in pain. They will kill. Remember that and do what must be done to win. The blade is an extension of you. When I hold one of mine it is not a sword. It is attached to me and is simply an extension.” The two stallions listened intently to the black stallion. “I have been doing sword work for a very long time. My instructors trained me to not need to the blade. For example, sock you in the nose. Hitting a pony in the nose will always make their eyes water. That blurs their vision and makes them easy to attack.”

“That’s true. My eyes are still watering.” Striker replied as he held his nose.

“So you could tell that our stance was wrong just with a glance?” Silver asked.

“Yes. I have trained ponies before. It was either fix it now or wait till I saw your names on a tombstone.”

Both stallions cringed at the example. “Thankfully Equestria is pretty peaceful.” Striker pointed out.

“Is that a good reason to be complacent?”

Both stallions sat there, looked to each other, and then wisely, shook their heads. “Why don’t you train ponies now?”

“You just saw the kind version of my training tactics. Normally, I would have beat you both like a drum, then expected you to get up and redo.” Both cringed. “My training tactics are meant to train Witcher's, not guards. A Witcher is a killer by trade. It’s what we do. Whether it is monsters or ponies that is our fate.”

Both looked shocked but waited for him to say more. The stallion opened his mouth then shut it as his head tilted, his ears flicked toward the forest as he listened. Both guards were silent as they waited for him to relax. Muscle trembled under his fur and his silver blade was halfway out of its scabbard, his ears picked up on the sound more clearly and the silver went back to its sheath as the steel began to pull out of its own. He listened, then he relaxed and let it go back into its sheath.

“Sir?” Striker asked, his voice quiet.

“It’s nothing,” Oblivion said to him.

“Seemed like something.” Silver said to him.

“It’s gone now.”

“The Leshen?”

“No. That’s why I was listening. If a Leshen approached I would have told you to get into the air immediately. Leshen tend to stay in the forests they use as their territory. This was no Leshen.”

“What was it?”

“Honestly, it sounded like a pony.”

“But the villagers stay out of the forest. Right?” Striker said as he stood up.

“Yes. This was not a villager. They are cautious as they move. This being was not.”

“Any ideas?” Striker asked him.

“A few, but none that I will mention at the moment,” Oblivion said to them.

Silver stood up and looked to the Black Unicorn. “If we practice more, will you keep helping?”

“No.” Oblivion gave a flat reply and moved to the edge of the forest.

“Are you alright, Chosen?” Sasa asked, as she walked out of the tent and trotted up the stallion.

“I’m fine.”

“More than I can say for Silver and Striker. Did you beat them up for fun?”

“Hardly. Their stances were atrocious.”

She chuckled and nuzzled his shoulder. She sat down and waited for him to move. “So what is it?”

“I heard what sounded like a pony in the forest.”

“The villagers are to scar...”

“Wasn’t one of them.” He interrupted the saber cat.

She looked from him to the forest, surprise lancing through her. “Who would be crazy enough?”

“I’m not sure. But I intend to find out.” He looked over his shoulder to Cloud and Silver, who were assessing their bruises and stepped back. “Striker.”


“I want you in the air. Look for anything that could be out of place in a forest. Stay within 5 miles of the village. Do not exhaust yourself. If you see anything, I want it logged and then come back to report it. Do not attack it. Is that clear?”

“Crystal, sir.”

“Good. You may approach it so long as it remains unaware of your presence. It sees you, you WILL flee. How long can you fly in that armor?”

“I can fly for half a day fully armored, sir.” Striker responded and saluted.

“Good, I want you in that armor, now.” He commanded and the pony took off for his tent.

Sasa sat at his side. “Sasa.”


“You’re on the ground. If you see anything out of place, pony or Leshen you call on me. The Leshen I am not as worried about as the possibility of a pony in there.”

“Understood.” She said and nuzzled him before she ran into the forest.



“You’re in the village. I need you to make sure that there is not something that is being hidden from us. You’re the most approachable of the group of us. They have seen you before so you’re the least likely to be completely ignored. The other two, Cross and Vantage, why are they not up as well?”

“Their breed is a Thestral pony. They're more nocturnal. That’s why they are in the Lunar Guard.” He replied.

“Ahh, that makes sense. Bat type.” Oblivion tapped his hoof as he thought. “Okay, they will watch over at night. All right, you’re in the village. I will monitor the forest from the edges. I might range away from the village. Stay aware. If needed come find me should anything come up, I’ll be pacing the outskirts of the forest. If I have to, I’ll bring Sasa back and have her stay with you. She can reach out to me if needed.”

“What do you mean, sir?”

“She is connected to me through my Element of Harmony. Because of it, she is linked to my mind and me to hers.”

“Oh. So she can talk to you?”


“Understood. Should I be in armor?”

“No. We need them to talk to you. If you go in armored, they are less likely to approach you. The armor is a sign of authority and can be frightening to ponies.” He replied. “Which is why I am not wearing mine.”

“Understood, sir.”

Oblivion looked to the fiery orange pony, who awaited instructions. “Go.”

He pony saluted and took off into the village, which was just waking up. He stayed in place as his ears swiveled on his skull. He didn’t hear the sound of hooves within the forest. The Witcher could sense Sasa moving through the trees. He snorted and flicked his tail, striking his flanks as it moved. He danced on his hooves and broke into a controlled lope and stayed at the edges of the forest as he moved. He stopped as a scroll appeared in his magic. His magic held it and opened it for him to read.


Apple Bloom is pretty upset that you’re not here. Can you send her a letter? That way she has something of yours to make her feel better?


Oblivion growled and sent the letter to his saddlebags. ‘I will send her a letter when I have time. Right now this needs to be addressed.’ He thought to himself and resumed his run. The stallion was quiet as his hooves took him along the edge of the forest. He stopped after over an hour and halted.




“Give it time, Chosen. I had a scent but I lost it. When I have anything more I will call you.” She replied and he felt her moving away from him.

The stallion danced on his hooves and started back the way he had come. No other sounds caught his attention as he loped in silence. His hooves made no sound as he loped forward. The Black Unicorn was quiet as he moved, his mind going over the possibilities and finding that nothing explained the sounds from before. A pony in that forest made enough noise to catch his attention and then vanish. A portal made noise, which left a teleport. But his medallion would have caught the magic used by a teleport.

Even Twilight’s magic made his medallion tremble when she used a teleport. He slid to a stop as his ears perked and he waited. A sound caught his ears and he focused on it. He closed his eyes and focused on his ears. They moved slowly as they followed the noise. The black stallion reached out to Sasa and found her to be close to the sound. She was tracking it. He stayed silent, not reaching out to her and distracting her.

Time ticked by him as he waited for any signal from the feline or the ponies under his command.



“Come to me.”

His head raised and his horn lit as he teleported to the she-cat. He looked at her and she pointed to the ground in front of her. A burn mark was on the ground. The marking was old and had been there for several weeks. He looked to it and then brought his head up. “It’s a portal. This is a similar size to the portals that I have seen before.” He said to her. She sat down and waited for him to continue. “This is the spot that the Leshen first arrived. What makes no sense is how it’s still here. Usually, they reappear and take them back.”

Sasa nodded then walked away from him. “Over here.”

The stallion trotted to her and saw a portal burn, though smaller than the other one. “Odd. This one is smaller.” He muttered to himself and his vision narrowed as he analyzed the ground. Even though time had passed tracks could remain if they were not tampered with. Hoofprints showed in the ground, though they were barely visible.


Sasa waited as he began to follow the faint trail. The tracks stood out enough for him to track and stay on its trail. Sasa followed him and waited as he focused. The stallion tracked for over an hour and then stopped. His ears flicked as a whistling sound caught his attention. His vision was still narrowed as he listened.

“Chosen, duck!” Sasa yelled at him and collided with his flank.

The Unicorn fell to the ground and looked up as a bolt of ice went through the air above him. He lunged to his hooves and began to scan the area around him. The sound of hooves on leaves caught his attention, he lunged forward to chase it. He cleared a fallen tree and kept running. The sound was close to him as he chased it down. He lengthened his stride and started to gain on the pony in front of him. He caught a glimpse of a pinto pony as it ran ahead of him. A heavy cloak flowed behind the pony as the stallion began to catch up. He lengthened his body as he tried to grab the long cloak. A pair of brilliant green eyes looked back to him and the pony winked at him, causing him to pull his head back.

A wall of ice erupted from the ground behind the pony. Oblivion dug his claws in and tried to turn to the side. His momentum had him crashing into the ice wall and then through it. His body screamed as small shards of ice tore at him and he was flung head over hooves. He landed violently on the ground while shards of ice fell around and onto him. He faintly heard Sasa crying out to him, as his ears rang and his head spun. He closed his eyes as he lay still.

Sasa cried out as she saw Oblivion crash into the ice wall and screamed as he went through it. She could feel the pain that was going through him. She reached him and called his name. She got no response to her pleas.

“Chosen!” She cried out, trying to get him to focus on her voice. She could sense that he was losing consciousness. “No, stay with me.”

She pushed against him, trying to get through to him. She stood up and looked back to the remains of the wall. It was over a foot thick. “That’s why it hurts so much.” She panted. “Oh. You can be mad about this later.” She said to him and jumped to land in front of him. The feline laid down and put her forehead against his and focused on his connection to her. She reached out to him and began to pull the pain from him and put it on herself. She panted against him as pain assaulted her. She kept pulling from him until she could feel him coming around. “Chosen?”

Oblivion’s eyes opened as Sasa spoke to him. He groaned as his body lay still. He could feel the pain ebbing and he looked up to find Sasa with her eyes closed and her forehead against him. Understanding hit him and he pulled away from her, stopping her from pulling more from him.

“Sasa. Why did you...?”

“You can be mad later.” She panted to him. “But for now...Please...Tell me you’re okay?” Her voice was broken and halting.

His ears pinned when he realized that her voice was not that way due to pain. She was crying. She stood up and staggered into him. Her paws wrapped around his neck and she nuzzled him, frantically.

He sighed and raised a hoof to stroke her fur, but stopped with a grimace. He looked to his right hoof and found that he had snapped off two of his claws at the second joint. When he had tried to stop he had dug them in and they had torn under the impact. He set his hoof back down and raised the left. His fetlock hurt a bit, but his claws were intact. The Alicorn looked to the ice wall and cringed at the sight of it. Sasa cried against him.

“I’m okay. Easy girl.” He said to her and used his left hoof to pet her fur. She slowly calmed and released him from her paws. “It’s not like you to panic like that.”

“You could have snapped your neck or your back. Even on you, that would have left you’re crippled, in a forest, with a Leshen.” She pointed out.

He closed his eyes as the truth of her statement struck him. “That is a very good point.”

He slowly got to his hooves, ice shards falling from him. Several large shards were embedded in his skin but they would melt in time. He growled under his breath as he set his right hoof down. Blood flowed slowly from the wounds as he looked around them.

“Damn.” He muttered.

Sasa sniffled beside him and rubbed her head against his chest. His skin trembled as the shards began to liquefy due to the warmth of his blood and body. “It was a mare, a Unicorn mare.”

Sasa looked at him. “I can honestly say that right now, I do not care. Come we need to get back to the others and get your wounds tended.” She gave him a solid push and he had to work to stay standing.

He relented to the shoving feline and began to limp back to the village. He started to light his horn but chose not to. The last thing he needed was to show up in the middle of the village bloody. He stopped next to the ice wall and watched as it began to melt as well.

“That was terrifying, Chosen.” Sasa commented through the pain that she had taken from him.

“I did try to stop.” He added to her.

“I know. And you tore out a couple of claws doing it. But I think if you had hit it harder, you would have been unconscious before hitting the ground.”

“I agree. Was a hell of a spell. I didn’t even have enough time to counter it.” He replied to her. “She looked back and winked at me as I got close to her, next thing I see is a wall of pure ice.”

“The cheek!” Sasa replied, her voice indignant.

“I was not particularly impressed either,” Oblivion added as he began walking back to camp. Time passed them as they walked back.

“Oblivion, sir!”

Oblivion looked up as Striker descended to land in front of him. The pony panted as he caught his breath. “Sir, I wanted to tell...you...I…What happened?”

“There was a pony in the forest that is not from the village. Sasa and I went after her.” He explained.

“And she beat you up, sir?” Cloud asked.

“No. The ice wall she conjured did. I nearly ran her down when she created a foot thick ice wall.”

“Ouch.” Striker cringed and looked over the pony in front of him. “Hell of a wall, sir.”

“Yes. Was quite the spell. I was too close behind her to react. So I ended up running into it and then crashing through it.”

“That explains the cuts.” Striker replied.

“True. So we are walking back to camp.”

“Why not teleport?”

“I did not want to arrive in the village bloody. That might make them panic further.”

“Good point. The Thestral ponies are up and moving, sir.”

“Good. So what were you needing to tell me?”

Striker cringed. “I found a shattered ice wall...sir.” He muttered and looked away from the black stallion.

Sasa chuckled and leaned against Oblivion. “Well, least I know you were looking.”

Striker cringed and nodded. “Didn’t see any sign of the Leshen or anything else, sir. I’ll head back and have Cross ready a first aid kit.”


“Yeah, he’s the medically trained pony of us. We always make sure to send one medical trained pony on any excursion.” He explained.

“I’ll meet you there in a bit.”

“Don’t rush it, sir.” The pony took off and started for the camp.

Sasa chuckled again as Oblivion started walking once more. The cat stayed at his side. “How are you doing Chosen?”

“I’ll live. I’m more concerned about my claws.”

“They will grow back. It might take a bit and you won’t be able to use the other claws on that hoof though.” She admitted.

“Lovely.” He commented.

He limped on the still bleeding hoof and had to keep it lifted to jump down any inclines. He nearly fell on a couple of them and had to take them slowly to avoid falling onto his face. He finally reached the camp and even he had to admit that he was tiring. Soon as he reached camp Cross descended on him and ushered him into his tent to be treated. A light turned on when they entered, turning on when the pony touched it. The Thestral waited till he laid down before he started to treat his injuries. Sasa laid down behind him and was silent. Cross cleaned and bandaged his chest and shoulder as they had multiple puncture wounds in them. He looked down to the right hoof and reached for it.

“You’re going to be surprised by what it looks like. I will warn you now.” Oblivion advised him.

The quiet pony nodded and took the bleeding limb in his hooves and stared at it as the claws showed. Oblivion didn’t try to keep them hidden. The pain in the hoof was enough to have him not keeping the intact claws hidden. The pony shook his head and pulled a small stand up to sit between them. He set the hoof on the stand and began cleaning the torn flesh of his claws. Oblivion didn’t move as he cleaned the wounds. It took more time than Oblivion thought it would to clean and tend to the torn claws.

“Are all your hooves clawed, sir?” Cross asked as he finished cleaning it and applied a salve to the wounds and began to wrap it.


“How did that happen, sir?”

“I am a Witcher and our bodies have been altered. One effect is having clawed hooves.”


They went back to being silent as the Thestral continued to wrap the Unicorns hoof. Once it was finished he wrapped a sling around his body, keeping Oblivion’s right leg up by his body. He left the tent and watched as Silver came running back into camp. He glanced to the side and found Sasa laying quietly beside the dead campfire.

“Sir.” He ran up to Oblivion and slid to a stop, saluting.

As much as he wanted to stop them from calling him 'sir' he knew it was a losing battle to argue with a habit that strong. “Yes?” Silver looked him over. “I spotted a pony in the forest and gave chase. I got close to her but she conjured an ice wall and I crashed through it. Was too close to stop.”

“A mare? Bright green eyes? Heavy cloak?”

Oblivion stared for a moment, then nodded. “Yes. A pinto. Have you heard anything?”

“She’s not from around here. A couple of ponies have seen her before. She never comes to town and disappears like a ghost. They didn’t say anything about her coloring. So you got closer to her than they did. Will you be okay?”

“I’ll be fine. We need to find out about this mare. I lost track of her after hitting the ice wall.”

The orange pony nodded. The Thestral’s were quiet as they waited for any further instructions. Oblivion was silent as he stood on three good legs. Sasa still laid by the dead fire and was still. The Unicorn reached out to her.

“I’m fine, Chosen.”

“You could have...”

“No.” She replied. “You were losing consciousness. Letting you black out in that forest was not an option. There was an unknown pony and a Leshen. Not an option.”

Oblivion was quiet as he considered her reply. “That mare didn’t seem worried that I was able to catch up to her.”

“I don’t think she was. I think she knew we were there.”


“Yes. She attacked you, meaning she knew who you are, to a certain extent. She must have known why you were here as well. It’s hard not to know that a Bearer of Harmony is on his way.”

Oblivion cursed under his breath about the Element of Harmony. “That damn thing is going to get me in more trouble than I could find on my own.”

Sasa chuckled in his mind. “Perhaps. But it is also helping you to use your abilities.”

“True enough.”

A hoof tapped his shoulder and he looked to find Striker looking at him. “Sir. What do we do now?”

“Well, now we have the Thestral’s as well.” Oblivion looked over his shoulder to find all four soldiers waiting for him to speak. ‘Bloody Hells.’

Sasa laughed once more as he looked at her. He looked to the forest, then to the two Thestral. “I assume you two have enhanced vision at night?”

Cross and Vantage nodded at him. “Yes, sir.” They intoned to him.

“I want both of you in the air. Are you light armor or heavy?”

Cross was quiet. “Heavy armor, sir.”

“Then I want you up high. While the light is active I want you with Striker. Watch his back while he’s in the forest. Vantage?”

“Light armor, sir. Mine is the same design just lighter metal.”

“Good. Then I want you down low. Sasa?”

“I’m okay.”

“You’re with Vantage.”

“Vantage if you spot anything tell Sasa and she will contact me.” Oblivion gave his orders then looked to Silver who was awaiting his orders. “Silver, your back in town. Till dawn hits that is your territory. Somepony must know this mare. She can’t live in the forest and survive out there easily.”

Silver nodded and ran back to the still active town. Sasa stood up and gave Vantage a nudge into action. He ran for the tent with Cross behind him. She went to the three-legged stallion and sat by him.

“Will you be acting as back up?”

“Very funny.” He responded. “If I must act, a few busted claws won’t stop me.”

“I know.”

“Stay with Vantage. If you need to use my power then go ahead. I want you either at his side or under him.”

“Understood.” She replied. Then a chuckle escaped her. “Command suits you, Chosen.”


“It does. You understand the strengths of every pony and act accordingly. You are well versed in strategy and how to put any strength to good use.”

“Perhaps. But that does not mean I enjoy having command.” He replied to the feline at his side. “You are all right to move then?”

“Yes. I’m okay. It’s already beginning to fade to where I can ignore it. More of a dull ache.” She admitted to him.

“Good. Here comes Vantage.”

The Thestral trotted up to them and started to make a few adjustments to the armor. The breast collar of the armor was a deep purple that went back to his shoulders and ended in a couple of spines along the edge of the back of his shoulders. The saddle portion of the armor was a lighter blue with pale blue and white lines along its edges. The helm had a deep purple fin that went midway down his neck. The helm went down to guard his snout. The final piece was the set of hoof boots he slipped on as he stood by Oblivion.

“I’m ready, sir.” He stood tall and waited for further instructions.

“All right. Fly as fast as you can safely through the trees while still being able to notice anything out of place. Sasa will run under you and Cross will stay up high.” He looked up at the tent. “Cross?”

“Here, sir.” The other Thestral ran out of the tent, nearly tripping over his hooves as he approached.

“You stay up high. Just above the tree lines if possible. Keep an eye on Vantage and Sasa if you can. Do not range too far from them.”

“If we see this mare?” Vantage asked.

The black turned to the forest and paused. “She has magic at her disposal to try to avoid it if you can. Have Sasa contact me and I will help as I can.” Sasa purred to the two ponies, who smiled at the feline. “I assume you are stronger at night?”

“Yes, sir. We have higher attributes in the moonlight. Our skin can burn in the sunlight unless covered or we use a special sunblock. Don’t worry we have plenty of it.” Vantage added at the look from their commander. “We heal faster in the moonlight, our strength is greater and we are faster. But that’s only at night.”

“Understood,” Oblivion said to them. “Ready?” All three ponies and Sasa all nodded to him. “Go.”

They saluted and took off. Cross and Striker took to the air as Vantage galloped to the forest with Sasa at his side. He took to the air as they reached the forest edge. The feline ran just under him as they vanished from sight. Oblivion watched the forest edge, his ears flicked as he listened. ‘This had better not be a wild goose chase.’ The black Unicorn shifted on his three hooves and waited for any news.

Sasa ran underneath the Thestral and used her own senses to look around them. Above her Vantage scanned around them as the sun began to set. She looked above them and caught a brief glimpse of the other two ponies above the canopy. She glanced at Vantage as he scanned as well. The spectral tiger was quiet as she started to look around her, looking for anything out of the normal. Time went past them as they found nothing. Above them, she knew that Striker had left them and went back to camp. His was a pony for day use, while the Thestral’s were meant for the night.

Vantage reached down and swatted at her when he missed he flew down and pushed her to the ground. “Easy girl.” He whispered to her at her growl. “Ahead of us.”

Sasa looked past the trunk they were hiding behind as the Leshen walked into view. She shuddered at the sight of it but was silent. Beside her Vantage gulped at the appearance of the creature. She chanced a look up and watched as Cross landed on a high branch and hid among the leaves of the tree. The cat looked back and stared. The pinto mare came into sight and approached the Leshen. As she neared the monster it went still and was silent. It didn’t attack her as she approached it. She reached out and set a hoof on the monster's bark skin. Sasa huddled into the ground, unnerved at the smile that crossed the mare’s mouth.

“Don’t worry my beautiful monster. You can tear them all apart soon enough. But the black one needs to be alive. He bears one of the Elements of Harmony. I want it. Even if I can’t use it, I want to see if I can break him and then use him to control it. He may know how to fight, but he has never seen you before. No pony has.” She cooed to the monster as she rubbed her body along its legs and claws.

Sasa looked to Vantage, who looked nothing short of disgusted. “I’m gonna puke.” He whispered to her.

Sasa nodded and turned back to the scene ahead of them. The mare started speaking once more as they stayed silent.

“So when you kill them to make sure to hold the black unicorn. I hurt him earlier so holding him will be easy. I do wonder how the Element will act if I just rip out his heart and drown the Element in his blood.” She visibly shivered at the thought. “Oh, what face would he make if I did that?”

Sasa fought back a snarl as she listened. Beside her Vantage shuddered. “She’s insane.” He whispered and Sasa nodded in agreement.

“Or I wonder if I could enslave his mind? A stallion like though would make a formidable bodyguard. Not to mention he looks to have some experience with mares. A stallion that looks like that is no slouch in the bedroom.” She mumbled something to herself, a shiver going through her. “A good lover as well.”

Sasa fought back a gag as the mare thought over options of what to do with Oblivion. Vantage put a hoof over his mouth and looked away.

Sasa knew she should reach out to Oblivion and tell him what was going on, but she paused. He was injured and running on those torn claws would hurt him. The mare was a fair distance from the camp and he was safe in his current location. Even as this insane mare plotted to enslave him if she could. The feline knew that Oblivion would never fall to mind control, but that didn’t mean it couldn't hurt him.

“I want that pony alive though. If I can’t have him, then I'll kill him and take the Element. If my informant is right he has it with him. The only one that refused to let the Princess have it.” She gave a visual grimace at the mention of Celestia. “That stupid ruler has no idea what she let him keep. That gem is worth more than anything in the world. Although I will have to ask him where it is. If he did leave it back in Ponyville then this whole ruse has been for nothing.”

She swayed on her hooves and gave a dramatic huff. “Does any pony have any idea how much effort it took to bring those monsters here? No. No pony has any idea of the power and time it took. I was sure that the one death would make them send him, but no. They are just that stupid, that it took six dead ponies.” She fell to her rump and looked over her shoulder to the Leshen. “But you. Oh, my lovely slave. You were the perfect one to bring here. I had no idea what I had found when I used that teleport and you came through it.” She stood up and walked back to it. “So perfect.”

Sasa’s eyes widened. ‘She’s the cause?’ She said to herself, focusing on the mare.

Vantage looked nothing short of murderous as he watched the mare. “She did all this, to get to him?”

Sasa put her paw over his mouth as he spoke aloud. The Leshen twitched and spun to look through the forest. The mare did the same. Sasa chanced a look up at Cross and found him well hidden. Vantage cringed down as Sasa pulled her paw away from his face. A rabbit tore from the undergrowth. The Leshen lashed out, impaling the creature on the gnarled roots. The body was mangled as the roots held it. If she had not seen it, Sasa would have had to work to figure out what it had been.

The mare smiled. “How bloodthirsty you are.” She cooed to the Leshen as it stilled once more. “It’s okay. I don’t mind that you like to kill. That works for me.” She said and rubbed her body along the Leshen once more.

Sasa fought back a sigh of relief. Vantage closed his eyes and gave a soundless prayer. The feline fought back the urge to hit the stallion in the nose. He almost got them caught. A rabbit saved their tails from being maimed and having to call on Oblivion to help them. ‘Saved by a rabbit. I will never let myself live that down.’ She said to herself as the crazed mare walked away from the Leshen.

“Well, it’s time for me to get some sleep my little pet. You can kill any pony that comes into the forest. Actually, find a pony to kill in the forest. That black stud will come into your territory if a pony dies. Ponies care far too much for each other these days. But leave that little stallion alone. He made a hidey hole under that creation of yours was a lucky stroke of genius. He’s just a little thing with a lucky streak.” She said and vanished with a flash of green.

The Leshen shuddered and moved away from them, free of whatever holds the pinto had on it. The cat and Thestral's waited till it was gone then emerged from their hiding places and took off for their camp.

“Chosen!” Sasa yelled to him. She felt the stallion startle as he reached out to her.

“Where in the Hells have you been?” He asked her. “I reached out to speak with you and got no reply.”

“What do you mean?” She asked as she ran back to him, keeping pace with the Thestral's.

“I could feel you, but there was no response to my calls to you. The only reason I didn’t come after you were due to Striker and Silver convincing me not to.”

“Remind me to thank both of them. I will explain when I get back. Trust me, it will be worth it.” She bargained with the stallion.

She could sense the stallion relax as he waited for the small group. They broke through the tree line and Sasa skidded to a halt. She looked for the black unicorn. She lunged to him and wrapped her legs around his foreleg and nuzzled him.

Oblivion looked at the cat as Cross landed next to Vantage, both panting and heaving for breath. “What in the Gods name is going on?”

Vantage looked to his superior and paused, the mare's words drifted through his mind. He shivered and his stomach visibly heaved. “Pardon me, sir.” The pony ran off to the side and emptied his stomach into a bush nearby.

Cross went over and patted the others back as he heaved. The Thestral pulled himself out of the bushes and fell to his rump. He spit off to the side and blinked as a glass of water hovered beside him. Azure flame held it as he took it and washed his mouth out. He spit the mouthful of water into the bushes and downed the rest of the drink. Azure flame covered it again and it refilled, hovering by Cross. The medical pony took it and sat down as he slowly drank the water in the glass. A bowl appeared on the ground and Sasa let go with one foreleg and drank from the offered bowl, she finished then wrapped her leg around his again and nuzzled him again.

“Thank you, sir.” Vantage said to him, a weak smile on his muzzle.

“Normally I would say for you to sleep on it and then tell me. But clearly, this cannot be delayed. So spill it.”

Vantage cringed and inhaled. “We found the Leshen, sir.”

Oblivion looked about to scold him but held back. “And?”

“We didn’t fight it. I pushed Sasa into the ground and we hid behind a fallen tree. It was elevated off the ground and we could see the Leshen on the other side of it. About ten to fifteen feet away.”

“Go on.” Oblivion said as he sat down and Sasa finally released his leg, lying beside him.

“That mare showed up, the pinto.” Oblivion started and waited for him to go on. “Sir. She’s insane. Completely batty.”

Sasa snorted and nodded. “He’s not kidding. Even I think that mare is severely unhinged.”

Oblivion said nothing and waited. “She’s after you, sir.”

Oblivion tilted his head slightly before composing himself. “Why is she after me?”

“She’s after the Element of Harmony.” Cross supplied.

“Jokes on her. It can’t be used by any other.”

“She doesn’t care.” Vantage went on. “She can control the Leshen...”

“What?” That caught his full attention.

“She went up to it and treated it like it was a puppy. She even nuzzled the thing.” Cross said, a shudder going through him. "She talked to it like it could understand. She planned all of it.”

“Okay, calm down,” Oblivion said to them. “Your story is jumping around.” He looked to Sasa, who nodded. She leaned her forehead against his shoulder as he watched the memories from her. He pulled back and shook his head. “Oh, that’s vile. But how is she using the portals to summon the monsters she’s using?” He mused aloud. “The teleport was normal magic, but other than that how is she controlling it?”

Striker and Silver came forward. “Sir?” Silver asked.

“She is after me. More specifically the power to control the Element itself.”

“How could she use it? It's attuned to you though, right?” Striker asked.

“True,” Oblivion said to them.

“She doesn’t seem to care.” Vantage added. “She did say that she wanted to see if she could mind control Oblivion and use him to control the Element. And more...” Vantage stopped.

Oblivion rolled his shoulders at the thought of being that crazed mares lover. Sasa growled and nuzzled him. “Anyway,” Oblivion said to them. “As I said, jokes on her. Even if she did rip my heart out and cover the Element in my blood that would do nothing. It would be as dead as I would be.” Striker stared at him. “Her words, not mine,” Oblivion added. Vantage looked like he was going to be sick again. “The problem is how is she controlling and summoning the monsters that she has? Did she say anything about there being more?”

“No. Made it sound like she could only make a portal and wait to see what came through it,” Cross said to him.

“That would make sense in a way. I’m no expert on portals, but that does align with what little I do know. They cannot be used without a mage or a unicorn operating them. Their purpose normally is to transport a pony from one place to another. I have not heard of one being able to cross this far of a distance though.” He looked to the forest. ‘Though being able to cross worlds is new to me as well. Unless this mare has powers like Ciri.’

“Sir.” Cross stood up.

“Yes?” Oblivion watched out of the corner of his eyes.

“You should head back.”

Oblivions' head turned to look at him. Sasa stared at the Thestral. “Oh?”

“She is after the Element and you with it. You cannot be lost here, sir.” Cross explained. “Without you, the other Elements will not function, correct?”

“True enough,” Oblivion said to him. “But I am also the only one who can fight the Leshen. Even if I taught the four of you, you would fail to stop it.”

“Sir. With all due respect, that’s not important.” Striker added. “The Elements of Harmony are the biggest weapon Equestria has. They act as the first and last line of defense for the entire kingdom. They cannot be allowed to fall into the hooves of an enemy. Especially not this one. She is clearly insane and the fact that she would first try to mind control you to use it is proof. If that failed she would kill you and try to corrupt the Element with your death. We cannot allow you to fall into her hooves.”

Sasa sat up and looked at Oblivion, who stared at the guards, his orange eyes narrowed slightly. Chosen. They do not know that the Element cannot be tainted and it will never fall into the hooves of another. It can only be yours, they do not know that.”

The black unicorn sighed and looked at the Solar and Lunar Guards. “I understand your explanation. But let me put this into perspective. If any pony goes into the forest, they will die. That is not a matter of if, but when. If she has control of it then it can obliterate this village and all the ponies in it. If she is as insane as it seems then she will not stop with just this place. She will continue. An Ancient Leshen is a force that even my kind can be killed by. A Witcher is meant to fight monsters of all types. An Ancient Leshen, while rare, is a vicious opponent.” The guards looked unsure as he explained. “If she can control it then this place will be removed from the map.”

They startled. Silver stepped forward. “Can you stop it?”

“If I have been sent away, then no. Granted, I would love to see any of you try to stop me.” He stated to them and the guards looked noticeably nervous at the declaration. “Which is why I have a better idea.”

They all looked at him, Sasa included. “Oh?” She said to him, curiosity hummed through her.

“If this mare can control it then we use that against her. She can’t be in two places. According to the vision I saw from Sasa she has to be fairly close by or it acts normal. She might have the ability to summon it to her since it fled from a fight with me earlier, which is outside of the normal.”

“Okay. We are definitely listening.” Vantage said.

“Good. If I’m right then we can kill it, but it needs to be quick. So I propose a two-pronged assault. During sunset is when all of you can be utilized, correct?”

The Thestral’s nodded. “Our powers are a bit diminished, but not by much,” Cross replied.

Striker and Silver nodded. “We can still see just fine and our strength is normal at that hour.” Silver added.

“Good. Then we will use the four of you to harry that mare. Sasa will help you find her and then I will summon her to my side to help with the Leshen. You four will give that mare a run. I will attack the Leshen and kill it as quickly as I can to stop her from using it against you.” He stopped and considered before continuing. “In the meantime, we need to go on as if nothing has changed. The last thing we need is that mare getting a whiff that she was spotted. The main difference will be that the four of you are going to be put through a training regime of my design.”

“I thought you said you weren’t going to train...” Silver said.

“I did.” Oblivion interrupted. “But if you are going to go against a unicorn, of unknown ability, you need to know magic and how to fight it. I will not lie and say it will be easy. My techniques for training have killed before. I will not be kind to you. I will work with the Thestral’s at dusk and the Pegasus at dawn.”

The ponies looked nervous but steeled themselves and nodded. “We will not disappoint you, sir.” Silver vowed and the others agreed. Sasa purred at them.

“She will be helping as well. It is possible that the pinto could call on other monsters. I am not sure if she can or not. So you will work with Sasa as well. She will act as some of the smaller monsters that could be summoned as well.” Oblivion waited for them to nod in understanding. “I suggest you find something that you value above your own life and hold it close.”

“Why?” Cross asked.

“It might be what helps you get up after I have broken you,” Oblivion said to him. His voice was steel and the ponies gulped.

Sasa looked at him and she saw a Witcher. Her Chosen had fallen back and a true Master Witcher had taken his place. Sasa stood up and regarded him as he waited for them to reply.

Silver stood tall and looked to their commanding officer. “Sir. We will not fail you or any pony. Please do not hesitate to train us. We will always get back up.” He vowed.

Oblivion snorted. “Good. If I have to peel you off the ground after you fail, then you’ll wish you had not volunteered.”

The other three stood tall and Oblivion looked over them. Sasa came over and stood with them, her head high. “I will help them as well, Chosen. Their strong hearts will not give up and they will not fail you.”

“I know you will. We will see if they have what it takes to stay standing or not.” He said to her before regarding the ponies once more. “Sasa vouches for each of you saying that you have hearts that are strong enough to handle what I throw at you. Do not prove her wrong.” He said and turned away from them, facing the forest.

Silver and the others looked to the feline who looked to each of them and purred. “They have the spirits to do this, Chosen. Have faith in them.” She said to him and she regarded the stallions.

“Faith?” He whispered to himself. “We don’t have time for that.” His voice was quiet as he spoke aloud. He had no doubts about their spirits. He could see that they burned brightly and he could sense the resolve in them. But at the same time, he had to put these ponies through hell to get them to handle anything that mare might have up her sleeves.

“Striker, Silver get some food and rest. We start at dawn.” He said loud enough to be heard. “Cross, Vantage, back in the air. Nothing strenuous. Both of you stay above the tree line. Scan for the Leshen. I don’t anticipate your finding it. But if you do find it, then Vantage you come back. You’re the faster of the two of you, lightly armored makes for swift flight.” He said to them.

The stallions did as commanded and followed his orders. Striker went to their tent and brought out two meals for them and they sat at the fire to eat. Silver began trying to start the fire once more. The fire came to life and the Pegasus reeled back with a yelp. He looked at the blue flame as it died out and went back to the normal orange and red. A glance to their superior showed his horn fading. “Thank you, sir.”

Oblivion gave a stiff nod but didn’t look back. His leg stayed bound to his body as he listened around him. Sasa laid down by the two stallions as they ate. As minutes went by they finished their food and Silver walked up the black pony.

“Sir. Should we leave a portion out for you as well?” He asked.

“No, it’s fine. I have my own. Thank you for your consideration.” Oblivion responded.

Silver nodded and gave the other stallions shoulder a gentle pat before walking away.

Sasa watched them go into the tent and then looked to Oblivion. “Liar.” She said to him as she walked up to him, sitting down beside him.

“I didn’t lie per say. I just omitted that I had already eaten the night before we left.” He admitted to her.

She chuckled and bumped his shoulder with her own. “How is your hoof?”

“I’ll heal in a couple of days. Not sure how long before the claws are back to normal though.”

“Hopefully quickly. Training those ponies three legged will be difficult.”

“They will be learning to avoid magic and how to counter it. I don’t need to move as much for that.”

Sasa looked at him, mischief in her eyes. “Are you sure you don’t just want to be a kept stallion?’”

He looked down to her. “Gods no.” He replied as Sasa laughed in his mind. “Gods, I heard that in your memory and I had to stop myself from cringing. The way she said it was...unsettling.”

“Try being right there when she said it.” Sasa shuddered at the memory. “I thought Vantage was gonna be sick. I nearly retched as it was.”

“I can imagine. Just the thought is enough to make my skin crawl.” He admitted to her.

“Is that why you hesitated to lash out when they wanted to send you back to Canterlot or Ponyville?”

Oblivion gave a rare laugh. “Perhaps. But at the same time, my interest is piqued. A pony that can control a Leshen is worth fighting and trying to understand. The true downside is that your ability to see spirits is limited and I didn’t have time to analyze it when I was chasing her.”

“That’s true. You said you couldn't reach me. What did you mean?”

“You mentioned once that you could sense me once, but I didn’t answer.”

“True. That was when you got beat up by that human.”

Oblivion glared for a moment at the implication. “Yes. I think there is something with the portals themselves.”

“But there was not portal with the mare.”

“True. There must be a reason why I couldn’t reach you. Perhaps an item or something that she has. I couldn’t see anything around her neck or on her that would make me think she was jamming the signal.” Oblivion was quiet as he thought back over the memory from Sasa. “Perhaps there is something to do with the portals made by her. I wonder if she was making the ones from before as well.”

“How do you mean?”

“The ones that appeared by the farm. If she was looking for me then they would have been near me. Perhaps the stronger they get then the more they interfere with our communication ability.”

Sasa was quiet. “Interesting hypothesis.”

“Can’t prove anything unless we get that pinto to talk.”

“Yep. You should rest Chosen. I’ll stay up and watch over the camp.”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “The Thestral’s come back, wake me.”


Oblivion limped to his tent and walked inside. He settled down onto his blankets and curled himself into a ball and let his mind slip as he slept.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for the wait! Here is the new chapter finally! For the record...moving sucks. Getting set up is even worse, especially when a member of the moving crew (my father) is convinced that the stuff I had set out to keep in my new place was not actually needed. So a huge amount of stuff ended up in a totally different place. We are talking miles away! Ugh. Anyway. Here we are again and I hope to get things on schedule and the other chapters may not be on my old schedule but I will try. Enjoy!

Edit 12/8/2018: Typing errors and added page breaks
Edit 12/16/2018: New errors corrected (Thank you again MaKill!)
Edit: 11/14/2019

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