• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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66: Lies and Golems...

Oblivion trotted into town with Sasa on his heels. He had finished the most recent history book that he had borrowed from Twilights library, it was balanced easily on his back.

“Last night was fun.” Sasa said to him as she came up to his shoulder.

He nodded to her and kept up his easy pace. “It was quite the sight.”

“Until Spike passed out in the punch bowl.” Sasa replied with a chuckle.

“He is a baby dragon. I am not shocked that he did not last the duration of the meteor shower.” Oblivion replied to her.

Sasa chuckled and nodded as he spoke. “Still. Poor thing was worn out.”

Oblivion was quiet as they neared the Library and he rapped his hoof on the doorway. Sasa pushed open the door and he followed her in. Inside the Library had nothing out of the ordinary but as he moved inside something felt off to him and he paused for several seconds. His orange eyes scanned the room as he searched for the cause and his eyes fell on an owl that was perched close to the doorway.

“He’s new.” Sasa said to him as she also regarded the bird, who was now watching the enormous feline closely.

“Hey Oblivion,” Spike called out as he came into the room.


Sasa walked up to the baby dragon and nuzzled him as he glared at the owl across the room. “What do you need?”

“I need to return this,” Oblivion said to him as the owl took to the air and removed the book from the stallions back. “That’s new.” Oblivion watched as the owl set the book down on the table and went back to his perch.

Oblivion could see now that the upset he could feel was coming from Spike. Oblivions eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of the diminished spirit from the young drake.

“What's with the owl?” Sasa asked as it kept watching her closely. “And I have no need to attack it. So it can stop staring.”

“What's with the owl?” He asked Spike.

“He’s the new junior assistant for Twilight.” He growled.

“Junior Assistant?”

“Yeah. I’m her number one assistant and he’s number two. His name is Owlowiscious.” Spike informed him.

“Owlo…what?” Sasa said to him and he shook his head.

“She can’t pronounce it,” Oblivion said and tipped his horn to the questioning feline who had tilted her head. “I haven’t seen him before.”

“He showed up this morning. So what else did you need from me Oblivion?” Spike said to him as he looked intently at the stallion.

“I don’t need anything else, Spike. I simply needed to return that.”

“Anything new to read?”

“I still have the books on Starswirl I borrowed from her. I’m good for now, thank you for asking.” Oblivion assured the drake. Spike looked defeated as the stallion made to leave. He paused for a moment as Sasa rejoined him. “Are you all right Spike?”

“I’m fine. Just perfect.” He grumbled.

“Yeah that’s convincing.” Sasa said to him.

“That did not inspire confidence, Spike.” The stallion informed him.

“No, it's fine. I’m just making sure you were okay.”

“I’m fine Spike. I’m more concerned that you seem defeated by something.”

“What makes you think that?”

“You’re forgetting that I am a Witcher and it is my job to know when someone is lying,” Oblivion informed the drake who shook his head and tried to look thrilled with a wide smile. “I can also see your spirit.”

Spikes smile dropped at the reminder of what Oblivion could see and he scratched the back of his head with his claws. “It’s nothing. Just not used to the owl.”

“It’s not like he’s here to replace you. His purpose is to help you as well as her. You fell asleep in a punch bowl last night which shows how tired you were so you are allowed to take it a bit easier with the owl around.” Oblivion said to him.

Spike nodded and seemed to brighten a bit at the stallion’s words. “I know. It’s just different.”

“Different isn’t bad. You’ll get used to it.” He said as he turned back to the door and made to leave.

“Thanks, Oblivion.”

“You’re welcome.”

Oblivion ears flicked as a soft knock came from his bedroom door. He had retreated there earlier once dinner had finished reading. His magic covered the door and it swung open to reveal Apple Bloom.

“Spike is here. Said he wanted ta talk to ya.” She told him with a wide smile.

“Thank you.” He said to her and his magic covered the book about Starswirl and set it on the desk nearby.

He got off the bed and Sasa joined him as he walked out of the room and down the stairs. He went to the front door and walked out to find Spike standing outside with a pole that carried a small pouch on the end of it.

“Spike?” Oblivions' voice made the baby dragon turn to face him.

“Hey, Oblivion.”

“It’s late out for you. I’m sure Twilight will be most upset that you’re out this late.” The stallion said to him as the feline walked out past him and up to the baby dragon.

Spike didn’t reply as Sasa nuzzled him. “Chosen. I think he plans to run away.”

Oblivion said nothing as he considered what she had said. “Going somewhere, Spike?”

“Twilight doesn’t need me anymore. She has Owlowiscious to help her.” Spike said to him, sorrow in his voice.

“I’m sure she will always have need of you Spike. You cannot be replaced.” Oblivion said to the dragon who shook his head in reply.

“I did something unforgivable,” Spike said to him.

“And that is?”

“I tried to frame Owlowiscious for killing a mouse and she caught me. She also found out I lied about one of the books in the library.”

“Disappointment and dismissal are different things, Spike. That is not grounds to throw you away from her side. I think you might be overreacting.” Oblivion said to the baby dragon.

“No, I don’t think she wants me with her anymore. She has him now.” Spike replied and looked more dejected.

“Then why did you come to me?” Oblivion asked bluntly. “I may be low on emotions but I am good at reading ponies. You have no desire to run away Spike. You want somepony to stop you.”

“I just wanted to let you know you were wrong. That’s all.” Spike defended and tried to look certain.

“I’m sure.” Oblivion his voice heavy with sarcasm. “If you’re so intent I will walk with you for a time.”

Spike nodded and began to lead the stallion away from the farmhouse. Sasa nudged his hip and her paw pointed to the ground. Spike was leaving tracks behind that would no doubt lead anypony to him.

“Leave them. Better to have others looking if the need comes.” He said to the feline who nodded in agreement.

“What makes you think she would throw away years of friendship with you for an owl that she only recently met?” He questioned as he drew up next to Spike.

“He’s better at all my jobs. He got her breakfast ready and he didn’t lie to her.”

“So you told a lie about a book?”

“Yeah. I was looking in it and I sneezed. It burned the book and I didn’t tell her when it happened. I just put it back and hoped she didn’t notice.” He admitted, his voice depressed.

“That’s one small mistake that can be remedied with an apology and an idea of how to fix it. Find a new copy and offer to work for it.”

Spike shook his head and Oblivion bit back a sigh and walked forward with the baby dragon as they moved deeper into the orchards. Sasa stayed close behind them as the baby dragon walked them forward.

“And what else makes you think that she wants nothing more to do with you?” Oblivion pressed.

“I tried to frame Owlowiscious with a fake toy mouse and some ketchup,” Spike said to him. “That was when she said she didn’t love me anymore.”

Oblivion paused in his steps for a moment before he went over what he has been told. “You used a fake mouse to frame the owl for killing it in the house I assume?”

“Yeah. I thought that would make Twilight not like him anymore.” Spike admitted. “All it did was make her hate me.”

“I greatly doubt she hates you. She will be even more upset when she finds you gone, Spike.” Oblivion pointed out.

“Nah. She won’t notice. I told you she doesn’t love me anymore.”

“I doubt that. I have seen ponies in this place do many things but hate has not been one of them. Upset at each other? Sure. Angry, sure. But never hate. Hate is something that comes from deep within. It devours the spirit until it is all that is left. Twilight is not the type to hate.”

“You sure about that?” Spike asked him.

“I am certain. And I have no doubt she will be searching for you as soon as she realizes you’re gone. We both know that.”

“You’re getting close to the Everfree Chosen.” Sasa advised from behind them. “If you’re going to take him home now is the time.”

“Spike. Twilight would never replace you. You know better than this. If you would stop to think about what you know of her does this seem like an unforgivable sin?”

“She doesn’t need me,” Spike said as he stopped and turned to face the stallion. “You can tell me that a hundred times and I know that she’s never going to forgive me.”

“You do not know her as well as you think if that is what you believe. I have known her a fraction of the time you have and I know she would forgive. I will not stop you but I wish you would listen to yourself.”

Spike stopped with him and looked at the Black Unicorn. “You’re not going to stop me anymore?”

“I can’t stop you if you’re not going to listen. Your loved Spike but you have convinced yourself that there is nothing left for yourself. Twilight will hunt for you and I will help her find you so she can tell you herself what I have already told you.”

“You can’t tell her where I am,” Spike said to him, his voice insistent.

Oblivion snorted a laugh. “You can’t stop me from telling her and you can’t stop me from tracking you.”

“Then I just have to get far enough away.”

“I have tracked monsters for days and weeks at a time. Your welcome to run but I will help her find you.” Oblivion assured him.

Spike looked at the confident black unicorn and then to the feline who stood behind them. She purred to him and tossed her head back the way they had come, trying to get him to go back with them. Spike turned with a determined look to his face and walked away from them. Oblivion growled under his breath as they stayed in place.

“Chosen?” Sasa came up to him and looked at him. “Why aren’t you following him?”

“We will. But not close. He may be a baby dragon but he is still a dragon with sharper ears than most ponies. In a minute or so we will follow.” He assured her.

She nodded at him and sat down in place to wait for his signal. “I cannot believe he is so convinced that Twilight will just stop loving him for one small incident. As you said disappointment and dismissal are two very different things.”

“When you are young it is hard to see the difference. She has always been there as his caretaker and moral compass. When that is questioned it feels as though it has been shattered and cannot be repaired. It’s hard to see past it.”

She huffed and got to her paws. “I suppose you have a point.”

“We will make sure he is safe until Twilight gets here. I’m not going to leave a baby out here without somepony watching over him. Come.” He said to the feline who nodded to him as he began to track the baby dragon.


“Finally.” He said aloud as Twilight joined them.

“How long have you been out here and have you seen Spike?” She questioned, ignoring his impatience.

“We have been out here since Spike left us at the edge of the Everfree and we have been watching the cave ever since we found that he had gone into it.” He explained to the mare.

“Oh thank Equestria. Why in the world is he out here?” She went on.

“He seems to have convinced himself that you no longer need or love him.”

“WHAT!?” She yelled in shock and Oblivion pinned his ears. “Sorry.”

“I had much the same reaction when he told me. I was not able to change his mind so I allowed him to go on but we trailed him here.”

“Why does he think that?”

“You became disappointed in him for the damage to a book and the attempted framing of the owl. That made him question the relationship he has with you and this is what drove him out here.”

“Oh no. I was mad at him sure, but I would never be that mad at him.” She said, desperation in her voice.

“I told him the same thing but he was certain he had the right of it. And now here we are.”

“So he’s in the cave. Is he alone?”

“For now. The cave is large so I am unsure what lives in it. We should…” His ears flicked as the sound of limbs breaking caught his attention and he held up a hoof when Twilight began to speak to him. “Down.”

He reached up and pulled the mare and the owl on her back to the ground as a green dragon came from behind several trees. The dragon headed for the mouth of the cave and then into the cave.

“No…no…” Twilight whispered as the dragon vanished into the cave.

“Shit.” Oblivion cursed as he stood up. “Twilight you wait out here. Sasa and I will go in there and distract it long enough for Spike to flee.” He looked up as Owlowiscious landed on his back. “And the owl will help it seems. Once you get him on your back run for it.”

The mare nodded as Oblivion and Sasa moved to the mouth of the cave. Owlowiscious hovered close by as they moved into the cave. His ears were trained forward as they walked briskly into the cave and he could hear Spike talking.

“Sasa. Run ahead and get its attention the owl and I will be behind you.”

“Got it.” She replied and took off at a hard run.

Oblivion waited as the cat roared and then he charged in as the dragon spun to face them. “Spike! Run!” He roared out as the baby dragon saw his chance and took to his heels.

Oblivion didn’t use his sword as he had no intention of remaining to fight the beast. The dragon leaned down as Owlowiscious took to the air and flapped in his vision to obscure where they were. Sasa bit at the dragon’s calves and Oblivion spun to deliver a punishing kick to one of its front paws. He looked up and watched as Spike ran for the cave mouth and vanished from sight.

“Sasa! Run for it.” He commanded the cat and she took to her heels. “Whatever your name was, come here!” He hollered for the owl and it soared for him as his horn charged.

The Unicorn sent a blast of magic intended to dazzle the dragon’s eyes long enough for them to flee. The beast roared as the blast exploded in front of its eyes and it roared again at the sudden light. Oblivion waited as the owl gripped his fur and Sasa raced past him as he ran. He ran outside and easily tracked Twilight's hoof prints as they ran. His claws dug into the ground as he ran for the mare who was waiting for them half a mile away. Oblivion slid to a stop as Twilight joined them with Spike on her back.

“Thank Equestria you're all okay.” She said, relief in her voice.

“Thankfully it didn’t try to follow.” He said to her.

“That blast of magic you sent at it knocked it senseless.” Sasa said to him as she panted at his side.

“As long as everypony is okay that’s all that matters,” Twilight said to them. “Spike, what were you thinking? Oblivion said you thought I didn’t love or need you anymore.”

“Yeah. You have Owlowiscious to help you out and didn’t need me.” He replied to the mare.

“Oh, Spike. Sure I was disappointed in you but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you. You are one of my best friends and my number one assistant. The reason I asked Owlowiscious to help out is that owls are nocturnal. You’re a baby dragon and you need to rest at night. It was never to replace you, he was just there to help out at night when he is awake anyway.” She explained.

Spike glanced at the owl that was still perched on Oblivions back. “Owlowiscious I’m sorry. I guess I was just jealous and thought you were out to take my job. I’m sorry.”

Owlowiscious looked at the dragon and seemed to nod at him in response. Oblivion said nothing as the owl remained in place on his back.

“And thanks Oblivion.”

“Hmm?” The stallion glanced at the dragon as he spoke.

“You did exactly as you said you would and showed Twilight where I was.”

“I didn’t show her. She found me. Sasa and I were outside the cave when she found us there.” He informed the dragon who looked back at the mare.

“Owlowiscious found your footprints in the ketchup you used to try to frame him and led me out here. He led me to the Farm and then when the tracks faded he found Oblivion.” She informed them.

Oblivion said nothing as the owl hooted from his back as Twilight led them back toward the farm. Sasa nuzzled the dragon as they walked and then moved back to Oblivions side.

“That was a bit of excitement for the evening.” She said to him as they walked.

“Was not a boring evening that’s true.” He admitted.

“Now to go back home and rest for the night.”

He gave a quiet nod to the feline and moved ahead of her as they walked. His hooves were silent on the grass as they moved back to the farm in the dark of the night.

Oblivion was still as he meditated, Sasa sitting at his side. His ears flicked absently as he focused internally. He worked to establish a stronger connection to the World Spirit under his control and he thought that through focused meditation he might achieve more control over it. He had enough control of it to know when a pony was in trouble close to him. So far he had only been warned of a large upset in it once and nothing since then. So far his efforts had not yielded any results.

“Anything Chosen?”

His ears flicked as she spoke. “Nothing so far.”

She sighed and laid down at his side. “Hours of effort for nothing Chosen?”

“This is not meant to bring about great results immediately. It takes time.”

“I am aware but I figured you would have something to show for your efforts by now.” She replied.

Oblivion said nothing in response to her impatience. His concentration had been broken by the impatient felines questioning. His body trembled as he got to his hooves and shook himself heavily. His tail flicked as he began to make his way back through the orchards. He had ventured into the back half of the orchards for his meditation. The black Unicorn had to admit that the feline was not wrong about his progress with the World Spirit. He would have thought that he would have had more progress by this point.

He opened his mouth to speak to her as his medallion began to shake on its chain. He went silent as he began to search around him for the source, his body beginning to tremble in anticipation. His eyes narrowed as he searched the trees around them for any signs. Sasa got to her paws at the sight of him. She stood waiting for him to move as he began to slowly move in a circle, gauging his medallion for the direction he needed to go.

A heartbeat later and he dug his claws into the turf and took off into the back of the orchard. Sasa yowled as she fought to stay on his heels as he tore through the orchard, his body subtly angling to allow the medallion to continually gauge the strength of the disturbance he was chasing. He plunged into the Everfree and galloped deeper into the thick trees. He slid to a halt and waited as his eyes resumed scanning the area.


“Something is here.” He said to her as she drew up alongside him.

“Any ideas about what it could be?”

“Not yet.”

She fell silent as he began to spin slowly once more, his medallion had fallen silent. A low vibration through the ground caught his attention and he dug his claws into the ground to get a sense of direction from the ground under his hooves. He followed it as it guided him to the left and he walked deeper into the forest itself, chasing after an unknown quarry. He paused as a sound caught his attention, a low bellowing sound that vibrated through him and the world around him. He paused as he looked up and a sight caused him to spin to hide behind a nearby tree.

“Shit.” He cursed quietly as he pushed Sasa to the side and out of sight as well.

“What is it?”

“Golem.” He replied to her as he bit back a string of curses.

“And that is a?”

“They are matter brought to life by a mage. They have no mind of their own and only live to accomplish one task that they are given.”

“And you are worried about it why?” She replied to him. “It’s no Leshen.”

“No but I prefer the Leshen. A Leshen can bleed.”


“This one is made of rock and silver blades will barely scratch it. They take time to kill.”

“I don’t mean to add to your worries but you have a promise to upkeep this evening.” Sasa pointed out.

“Is this really the time to reminding me of something?” He snapped at her.

“It’s Pinkie’s birthday party at the farm.”

Oblivion fell silent and he hung his head for a second as he bit back another stream of curses. “I may be late depending on the Golem.” He admitted to her. “I may send you back with a note on your collar.”

“Send me back?” She growled.

“You can’t fight this one. Your claws are as useless as mine against it. One hit from it and it would knock your head off your shoulders.”

She paused at his admission and crept around him to look at the monster in question. He watched as she leaned out and then looked back to him. “Okay maybe you have a point. How do you plan to fight it if your sword is useless?”

“Carefully. Fire and poison are useless against it. Yrden can slow it down so I can pound away at it but it slows it down doesn’t stop it.” He replied to her.

“Those are what you use most though.” Sasa pointed out and he nodded. “So what will you do now?”

“If I have the right oil I’ll use it, which can help to weaken it. I don’t have any of the correct bombs to use though.”


“Dimeritium specifically. But I do not have any and I don’t have the materials to make one. Last one I fought I used a larger blade than I have with me and that seemed to be able to chip away at it easier. But my crystal blades aren’t large enough for that tactic.”

“Do you still have that blade?”

“No. I sold it to Eskel a year ago.” He admitted with an annoyed expression, as Sasa looked at him. “It was more his style of fighting than mine. I rely on speed and stamina while he goes for brute force.”

“Ahh. Well, now what?”

“Now I send you back since the party should be getting started by now and I call on my saddlebags to see what I have with me.”

He summoned his saddlebags and a scroll and quill. As he wrote out the note to Applejack and the others his magic rooted through his bags for the right oil. He gave a pleased sound as his magic pulled out a vial of the correct oil.

“Lucky.” Sasa said to him and he nodded in reply to her. He threaded the note into Sasa’s collar and clipped it in place by the buckle of her collar. “What does it say?”

“Basically? I’m fighting a monster and will be late.” He replied to her as his magic summoned one of the crystal blades and he began to soak the weapon in the oil.

The Witcher watched as the blade drank in the oil and its color altered to dark blue to match the oil. He also pulled a potion from them and drank it down quickly. He could feel the potion go through his body as his nerves felt as though they were on fire and he breathed through the feeling. He sent his saddlebags back to his room after replacing the empty vials within it. With his saddlebags gone, he leaned up against the tree once more and breathed in the scent of the forest around him. His crystal blade hovered at his shoulder as he turned to look down to Sasa.

“Go.” He said aloud to her as he spun out from behind the tree and advanced slowly on the Golem.

The tiger took off from him as he moved slowly. His orange eyes remained fixed on the Golem as it spun to face him. The Witcher was silent as he walked slowly into the small glade that the Golem now seemed to guard. It didn’t move as he stopped more than ten feet away from it. The Witcher was quiet as he waited for the Golem to make a move of its own. He watched as it prepared to move and suddenly broke into a charge. He gigged to the side as it charged past him and collided with the same tree he had hidden behind only a minute earlier.

He spun in place and scored several hits on the Golems thick rock hide and backed away when it turned back to him. He could see that the blade had scored deeply and he hoped it had been deep enough to allow the oil to do its work. He quickly cast Yrden and paused on the outer edge of the circle of runes.

“Come on.” He whispered to himself and waited.

The Golem walked heavily toward him, the ground shaking under its steps. Oblivion watched the heavy arms swinging at its sides. Each arm could weigh over one hundred pounds each and could remove his head from his shoulder easily. He would not admit it if asked, but he hated fighting Golems. Oblivion prepared to advance and see if a flurry of attacks could do the same amount of damage as it had done to others he had faced.

He charged forward and the Golem swung at his head and he dodged under the strike. His blade once more went over the Golems hide and he spun to stay behind it and began to string together a barrage of hits that he hoped would stagger the Golem. He cast Yrden once more and the Golem slowed down and that allowed Oblivion to keep attacking. The Golem staggered under the impacts and Oblivion kept up his attack. The Elder Witcher backed up as the golem regained its feet and swung at the Witcher.

He dodged out of the way and put some distance between himself and the Witcher. As Yrden once more was tossed over the land he paused and waited as the Golem turned to face him. His mind went over how to face off against the monster and he went that upsetting its charge and its fists were the main problems he faced. It bore down as it charged him and he cast Aard as it entered into Yrden circle. It was knocked off balance and Oblivion rolled around to attack the back of the golem.

He fell into a series of swift attacks, his hooves danced over the short grass as he spun in a tight circle, his blade swung in time with him as he scored numerous hits on the golems hide. It staggered under the assault as he drove it to the ground. He descended on the monster as it rolled to get up. He summoned the second weapon and it spun in his magic as he drove the oiled blade through the monster and left it in place, allowing the oil to keep working.

The Golem managed to get to its feet as he rolled away from it. It began to shudder as he backed up. It lowered itself and charged the Witcher. Oblivion cursed and dove out of the way.

Sasa ran to the barn and focused on the open upper door. She gathered herself to jump and leaped through the open doorway. The feline paused as Twilight was the first to see her. The purple mare wore a party hat and approached the cat.

“Sasa. You made it.” She called out as she neared the tiger. “Where’s Oblivion?”

She stopped at Sasa’s side as the cat tilted her head to show off the note attached to her collar. Twilights magenta aura pulled the note free and unrolled it. She scanned the note and looked at Sasa who nodded in confirmation.

“Hopefully he is going to be okay. Whatever he is fighting must be pretty big if he sent you here instead of helping him.” She said to the cat who nodded again.

Sasa reached out a paw and brushed back the straw that littered the barn floor. “He will join us here.” She wrote out and Twilight nodded.

“Wil he be okay though?” She pressed.

“He has fought this kind before.” Sasa replied. “While he does not like them he will win.”

The mare nodded and looked back at the others. She set the note down on a nearby table and rejoined the group with Sasa at her heels.”

Oblivion leaped back as the golem slammed its fists into the ground, enraged by the stallions continued attacks. It charged him and he spun out of the way to allow it to run itself into a tree. He attacked the rear once more and spun to attack once more. The monster roared and he backed away as he let Aard roll over the monster once more.

Aard did its job and pushed it back toward the tree. Oblivion didn’t chase it as he had used it to keep it from spinning on him. He had already been hit once and it had sent him rolling through the grass and dirt. He hadn’t bothered to brush himself off after being thrown to the ground. Instinct drove him to finish the fight as the golem began to slow down, the oils finally beginning to take more effect. He had left it embedded and called on the secondary blade that stayed within the band. The golem was beginning to shudder as the oils took effect and the potion he had drank allowed him to fight on with greater strength and resilience.

“Come on.” He whispered as the blade spun in his magic and his claws flexed in the dirt.

The golem spun to face him once more as it shuddered and pieces of it began to give way, pieces of its body were beginning to fall away and its size began to diminish. One arm fell to the ground with a resounding thud and the Witcher watched as the main body began to crumble. It charged him once more but halfway to him it fell to the ground and crumbled into dust.

His crystal blade fell to the ground as his magic reached out for it. The blade hovered in the air as his magic covered it and it moved back to him as he sent both backs to the band on his leg. He shook himself as the adrenaline from the battle began to wear off and his muscles trembled for several seconds before he shook himself once more. His hooves carried him to where the golem fell and he could see the imprint of the monsters upper form. He paused before he began to paw his way through the dirt in search of the pieces he would need to recreate a few of the potions and oils he had used.

“Finally.” He sighed as he finished his search and sent the pieces to his saddlebags, then he whirled in place now he was ready to head back to the farm.

“Welcome to the party Chosen.” Sasa greeted him as he came through the barn doors.

He said nothing to her as he joined them. Twilight turned to see him and she smiled at his approach. She pointed her horn at a party hat and he shook his head. He mouthed the word no to her and she let it drop.

“You’re filthy.” Sasa teased. “Did you get hit by that thing?”


“And? I see your head is still attached.”

“It caught me in the flanks.”

“Did you win the fight Oblivion?” Fluttershy asked him.

“Yes. The threat is gone.” He assured her.

“Ya look like ya fought a dirt pile.” Applejack said to him.

“I did. It was a golem which is made of earth and magic.” He replied.

The mares looked to him and then back to Pinkie who smiled as she blew out the candles on her cake.

“Let’s party!” She shouted.

Author's Note:

I might remove this later. I am not sure if I like how it worked out. Let me know if there are any glaring issues with it. I will probably take a bit off of this one to work on the others for a bit. Thank you for reading and please enjoy!

Edit: 8/20/2019
Edit: 8/29/2019

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