• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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6: To Track a Filly...

Oblivion woke up and rolled out of the bed that he was using at the library. He had chosen to sleep with his armored collar on and had also kept his cloak on. He stretched and his magic opened the door. He could see that Twilight was awake, due to the glow from his Spirit Sight even showing up through the wall, and he went down the stairs and into the kitchen. He looked into the kitchen and saw the mare reading the paper. He walked silently into the kitchen and moved to one of the chairs.

“Good morning Twilight.”

“Ahh!” Twilight yelped and dropped her paper, she nearly fell but Oblivion's magic caught her. He sat her back onto the chair and waited. She flushed and picked her paper back up. “I think you need to walk louder and good morning to you as well.” She commented.

“I’ll make note of that request.” He replied and sat down.

Twilight looked over and her magic poured him a cup of coffee and set it down in front of him. “Oblivion, can I ask you something?”

He held his coffee in his magic and took a few sips of it. He held it to the side and looked to her.

Twilight looked at her paper before going on. “Your magic is very different from most Unicorns. You seem to be able to simply decide something and your magic makes it happen with no back lash to you at all. You were able to teleport so easily. When you teleported to help me with Nightmare Moon could you see where you were going to land?”

Oblivion thought back to the events of that day. “No, I had no idea. I just focused on it and decided that was where I wanted to go. In hindsight that was quite reckless of me. I’m simply glad I didn’t end up in a wall. Heard about things like that happening from a couple of sorceresses. And they wondered why I hated to use portals.” He chuckled at the arguments he had gotten into about things like that with Triss.

Twilight stared at him. “So you had no idea where you were going to land?” He nodded. “How in Equestria did you manage that?”

“To be honest I decided that if I could find you I would find a good fight. I knew that you had gone with the Elements so I focused on you and ended up pretty close, actually.” He replied to her.

Twilight blinked. “Wait, so you focused your magic on me and let it lead you?” He nodded. She blinked at him before slumping in her chair. “You are the most mysterious pony I have ever met. You are easily one of the most powerful ponies I know as well. That includes the Princess.” She said to him.

Oblivion thought over what she had said and leaned back against the back of the chair. She waited for him to speak. “I’m not sure what I can tell you. Yes, I have my secrets but so does anypony. I have no idea how I would do if I went toe to toe with either Princess but I know that I would not give up. As you have no doubt noticed I do not give in.” Twilight nodded. “But I have no desire to fight her. A mock spar sure, but unless I have a need to, I have no desire for an all-out fight.”

“Thank you for your honesty. I am glad to hear that you don’t want to fight the Princess. But that doesn’t answer the question about how strong you really are.” She stopped when Oblivion barked out a laugh.

“Twilight, I will be honest I have no idea about the limits of my abilities. As much as I like testing my own limits I have no need to do so at this time. I will help out with practicing as you had mentioned since I can learn as well in that case but I see no need to exhaust myself just to find out.” He replied to her.

Twilight nodded in agreement. “Your right. As much as I would like to know what you can do I’m not about to push either of us and risk injury. Thank you again for saying that you’ll practice spells with me. Spike is a wonderful assistant but he can’t do spells as you can.”

Oblivion nodded. “I see no reason not to help out when I am able. To be honest, I am interested in the type of magic here. Applejack called it Unicorn magic, so I am curious about its mechanics.”

“Wait right here,” Twilight said as she got off her chair and left the kitchen. Oblivion sipped his coffee and waited. Twilight came back into the room with 2 books in her magic, “Here we go. These two books are the history of magic itself, how it works, and other subjects. These should answer a few questions for you.”

“I’ll have to come by and read them when I’m finished at the farm.” Oblivion started to say when Twilight scoffed and waved a hoof.

“This is a library. You can take them so long as you take care of them. Are there any other subjects you like to try out?” She said and looked to him expectantly.

“What do you mean? And I would like to know the history of the kingdom.”

“A library. That is a place where ponies can borrow books. So long as they come back in the same condition that they left in.”

Oblivion stared at her. ‘A pony can simply take a book? One does not have to pay for them?’ He stared at the books as she turned and walked back into the library itself. She walked around Spike who had come downstairs and was walking into the kitchen.

“Morning Oblivion. How did you sleep?” The dragon asked him.

“I slept fine, Spike, thank you. The bed here is longer than the one at Applejack's so it's quite comfortable. At the farm, I usually sleep on the floor due to the bed being too short.”

“On the floor? That sounds like it would hurt.”

“On the contrary it's fine for me. Sleeping in a bed that's too short is more painful.”

Spike looked thoughtful before he nodded. “That's true. Since your so tall that would hurt.”

“It does yes. I’ve done it before and found that the floor is preferable.”

Twilight walked back into the room with one book held in front of her. “Here is a book about the start of Equestria's history.” She set it down on top of the other two.

Oblivion nodded. He finished his coffee and stood up from his chair. He could see the sun from the window across from him and saw that he needed to leave if he wanted to be on time for work. “Thank you again, Twilight. I need to get going if I am going to be on time. I’ll return these to you as soon as I finish them.” He moved them from the table to his back.

“Take your time. I’ll walk you to the door.” The purple mare led him through the library and opened the door.

He walked through the door and left the library behind him after nodding to Twilight before leaving. He walked back to the farm and within a half hour, he was walking through the front gate. He went into the farmhouse and into the kitchen. Applejack and the rest of her family looked over to him as the door opened. Apple Bloom jumped out of her seat and trotted over to him.

“Where were you? Were ya all righ’? The filly asked him as she tapped his foreleg.

He cast a glance to Applejack who shook her head. “I was speaking with Twilight and lost track of time. I stayed over there and helped her yesterday as well.” He told a small lie to the filly. While it didn’t bother him to do so he knew that Applejack was an honest pony so he had looked to her for her opinion. He saw Big Mac and Applejack's eyes linger on the collar around his shoulders for a moment.

“Oh. So ya borrowed some books from ‘er as well?”

“Yes, I did. Pardon me while I put these upstairs.”

He saw the filly stiffen a bit as he walked past her and went up to the stairs. Upon going into his room he noticed immediately that his saddlebags were not under his bed as they were meant to be, they were in the middle of the room. He set the books on the bed as he focused. He had stopped in the doorway, and his senses were immediately on edge. He looked around as the rest of his Spirit Armor crawled over him. His eyes began to glow as he narrowed them. Hoofprints were shown on the floor and he was able to discern the age of the track. He discovered that the newest track was smaller than the others. He knew immediately who it was, as a newer scent hit his nose. He used magic to put his saddlebags around his body.

Apple Bloom!” He roared.

He heard a yelp and then a bang as the door was slammed shut. He pivoted on his heel and advanced on the stairs. He got to the bottom to find the Apple siblings staring at him. Applejack was the first to speak.

“What was that? Ah’ve never seen that filly move so fast.” She said as Oblivion came to a halt.

Oblivion growled. “My saddlebags have a magic lock on them. I had placed them under the bed so they would be left alone. When I got up there they were in the center of the room and appeared to have been tampered with. Judging by her reaction and my own tracking that filly tried to break into them.” He explained.

Applejack and Big Mac both stiffened at what he said. He could see both of their spirits roil. He saw anger go across them both. But it was Mac that got up from where he sat and stormed over to the door. He pushed it open and looked out.

“Apple Bloom!” He hollered.

Even Oblivion cringed at the tone. Though his own anger came back, replacing any surprise. He didn't hear any response to Mac’s yell. His own eyes narrowed as he looked down and the small hoof prints jumped out at him. He pushed past Big Mac and began to follow the tracks. He heard Applejack start after he and Mac fell in as well. He followed the tracks in silence with the siblings following him.

“She’s running.” Was all he said in a comment.

“She better hope she’s got a good explanation. Or that filly is grounded for a month.” Applejack said, anger in her voice.

“Eeyup.” Was Mac’s reply.

“There is no good reason to attempt to either break into or steal from another.” Was Oblivion's growled reply.

Oblivion walked forward and then stopped. He looked up into a tree and his cat eyes glowed as He stared into the wide eyes of a yellow filly. His growl was loud enough for her to hear.

“Apple Bloom, git down here!” Applejack was at the bottom of the tree beside him.

The filly acted as though she did not hear. She looked away and Oblivion felt his anger jump. He whirled around and his rear hooves hit the tree. The buck was as powerful as he dared to make it, so as not to damage the tree, but he still left hoof marks in the bark. The filly yelped and fell into the waiting forelegs of Applejack, who glared at her. Oblivion turned around and felt Mac’s hoof on his saddlebag. The red stallion pulled him back until he was standing beside him. The Unicorn could see that Mac was as furious as Applejack. Oblivion's eyes were still narrowed and the glow was constant. Applejack set the filly down, Mac stepped forward as well and Oblivion stepped up to the other side of Applejack. His magic took off his saddlebags and he set them in front of the filly, who cringed at the sight of them.

“What in the hay were ya doing with his saddlebags?” Applejack's angry tone was leveled at the filly.

She didn’t say anything as she looked away from the saddlebags in front of her. Mac reached forward and pushed them closer to her. Oblivion felt his temper slip at the fillies lack of response.

“Apple Bloom...” Mac spoke to her. She still refused to speak.

That was the final straw for Oblivion. He reared up and brought his hooves down onto the ground, it shook at the impact. “That is enough little filly. You will answer your siblings immediately and explain yourself.” Oblivion snarled at her. She startled and tears came into her eyes. She looked to each of them and found that, despite Oblivion's tone, Applejack and Mac were on his side. She looked at the saddlebags and started to cry. Oblivion's stomped a hoof and she hiccuped.

“Ah wanted to see what was in ‘em!” She wailed. Oblivion's gaze remained stone and his eyes glowed in anger. “Ah saw them under the bed when ah went into yer room ta see if ya was there. But ya weren’t and ah saw them under the bed. Ah tried ta pick them up and they were too heavy so I dragged them out. Ah tried to open them but they wouldn’t open so Ah tried to force them open. But they won't open! So ah tried jumping on 'em and Ah heard something that sounded like glass break. So ah ran away from them and closed the door!” The filly wailed and cried in front of them.

Oblivion's eyes opened wide and he picked up the saddle bag. He opened both sides and a strong scent hit his nose from the left one. He closed the right and examined the left bag. “Shit.” He muttered and looked into the bag. He levitated out two broken bottles and sighed in anger. “Well, those are destroyed. There is no way to replace these potions. Their ingredients do not exist in this area.” Oblivion's magic went into the bag and the flames destroyed the tiny bits of glass and fluid that had spilled. Oblivion closed his eyes and shook his head. “I can repair the bottles but the contents are lost.” Oblivion's eyes opened and he glared down at the filly. He put the saddlebags back on his barrel and he spun to leave. “I leave the punishment to you, AJ. I only hope it is fitting.” He walked away leaving a sobbing filly and her two angry siblings.

He walked back to the farmhouse, went up to the stairs and into his room. He closed the door behind him and took the saddlebags off his body. He opened them and used his magic to lay their contents across the bed. He was surprised to see that even the extra weapons he carried were in them as well. He looked at them and found that they seemed to have a great deal more storage than he thought they did. He put everything back in them with a sigh and opened the wardrobe at the back of the room. He hung his saddlebags on a peg that was inside it. He closed it and created a lock similar to the one on the door. He locked it so that only he could open the doors. He heard the door to the kitchen open and a sniveling filly walked up to the stairs. He heard her knock on the door. He finished what he was doing and opened the door.

Apple Bloom stood outside the door and looked at his hooves. “Ah’m really sorry Oblivion. Ah didn’t mean ta break anythin’. Ah was just..”

“That is no excuse to try to steal into another's things. This is beyond a simple mistake, Apple Bloom.” He spoke to her and then walked past her. He closed the door and heard it lock behind him. He went down the stairs, leaving the filly behind him. He walked outside to find Applejack and Mac waiting for him.

“Ah’m sorry Oblivion. Ah had no idea she tried to get into yer saddlebags. We decided to talk to ya about her punishment. Since it was your things she broke. Is there truly no way ta fix those?” Applejack said as he came to stand in front of them.

He shook his head. “Unfortunately no. Those potions were made with pieces of monsters' essence. A monster that I am certain does not exist here. The bottles themselves have been fixed but the contents cannot be replicated.” He advised both of them. “She did apologize but this is something that I cannot forgive. There is a reason I made sure they could not be gotten into. The potions inside them cannot be used by regular ponies. They are designed to aid a Witcher in a battle with specific monsters. They give us the ability to not be poisoned or affected by bites from the monsters we fight, for example. If she had drunk one of them it would have been lethal.” He explained. Applejack's eyes widened at the implications of the potions in his saddlebags. “I used the wardrobe in the room to safeguard them further. I placed a lock on it that makes it so nopony can get into them except myself.”

Applejack looked over to Big Mac who nodded. “Well, we should discuss her punishment. What happens to somepony who steals where you're from?”

Oblivion stiffened. “The punishment where I am from would be looked down upon here. Theft is not a crime that is taken lightly. As it can lead to much worse later in life. Ponies are punished with jail if they are lucky, others would lose the hoof that was used to steal.” He watched as both of them stiffened. “As I said, looked down upon here. Where I am from things are treated very differently. This is what happens in the cities. In the villages, punishment varies. It could be a beating, or more depending on the parents.”

“Wow, things are taken pretty seriously.” Big Mac replied and looked at the Unicorn as he nodded.

Applejack recovered and looked at him. “Never thought that it would so differn’. How is it handled by a Witcher?”

Oblivion laughed. “Extra practice, tending to every sword in the keep, cleaning the entirety of Kaer Morhen, among others. Witcher's are reclusive at best so we handle things ourselves. A beating is the kindest where I am from. The extra work on top of normal activities is exhausting and usually is enough to break any desire for further stupidity.”

Applejack suddenly smiled. “Ah think ah have an idea.”

Mac looked over to her. She smiled and winked at both of them.

“Apple Bloom!” She yelled, summoning the filly to her.

The filly opened the door and came outside, her head down as she walked slowly to them. “He’s still mad, Applejack. Ah tried ta say ah’m sorry but...eep!” She yelped when she looked up and saw Oblivion standing with them, looking over his shoulder at her. She walked slowly up to them.

Oblivion stepped past Applejack and stood next to her. He waited for the filly to reach them before he looked to Applejack. “Apple Bloom ya did something that ya know is wrong but ya did it anyway. Ya always been taught that stealin’ is wrong. If ya had asked ah’m sure Oblivion would have explained why they are locked. But instead, ya jumped on them and broke some things that he brought from his land. After talking with him ah think ah have an idea fer yer punishment. Big Mac an Oblivion will have a say in this and can add more if they want.” She looked to the two stallions who nodded and waited for her to continue. “Ah asked Oblivion how ponies who steal from where he is from being punished. He explained and after listening ah think ah have a solution. Ya will do all his chores, the work we had for him, and ya will do anything he asks of ya till he decides ta forgive ya.” All of them stared at the mare in reply. She went on after seeing their looks. “He will still get paid for yer work since ya have shown that ya can’t be trusted.”

Oblivion stared at the orange mare as he thought over her decision. It made sense but he didn’t like the idea of not working and still being paid. Even though the idea was sound he was hesitant. “Applejack, I’m not certain this is a good idea.” He started when she put up a hoof.

“Don’t worry. The chores we have for ya are pretty easy since Granny decided to lessen the work on ya for a week due to ya getting sick. Don’t look at me like that. Ya thought we wouldn’ know. Twilight told us everythin’.” Oblivion blanched. “Ya need to take it easy anyway. So this is perfect as a punishment. She will do yer work when she gets back from school. Any errands ya need to be done, like a new book, will be run by her. Ah think that it is fitting.” She said in response.

Mac nodded. “Eeyup.”

Oblivion sighed and looked to the filly in question. She looked up at him and to his surprise, she nodded as well. He shook his head before answering. “Very well. I will give this agreement my approval. Despite my own reservations, I will abide by your choice.” He started to walk back to the house and Apple Bloom ran past him.

She got a hold of the door and opened it for him. He looked back at the siblings. Applejack put a hoof over her mouth and tried not to giggle. Mac just shrugged at him. He sighed and walked inside. His magic covered his armor and it slithered across his body back into the collar around his shoulders. His forelock was in his eyes and he used a hoof to move it out of his face. “Ugh. Should have asked Applejack about a bath.” He replied and was about to open the top of the door when Apple Bloom started pushing his legs to the stairs. He allowed her to push him and walked up the stairs.

“Y'all wait in yer room and ah’ll get a bath ready for ya.” The filly told him.

He looked at her before he acquiesced and went into his room. He used magic to pick up one of the books Twilight had loaned him and laid on the floor to wait. He read over the history of magic and was halfway through the first chapter when Apple Bloom rapped her hoof on the door jam. He looked up and regarded the filly.

“It's all ready. Ah made sure it was nice and warm fer ya. Ah also set out the soap fer ya.” Apple Bloom spoke to him.

He could see that she seemed nervous and she watched him intently as he moved the book away from himself as he stood up. Apple Bloom jumped up and she pulled the thick book onto her back and led him to the right of his door down the other hallway. She pulled an abrupt left and pushed a small stool to the right of the tub and set the book down and opened it to the page he had been reading. He saw a raised ledge that the book could sit on to make sure that it didn’t get wet. She moved the soap into reach and then jumped back to look at him. He didn’t move and she suddenly ran out the door. “Sorry enjoy yer bath.” She said as she held the door and pulled it closed.

He shook his head at her antics and looked to the steaming water. His magic locked the door and he pulled his cloak off and laid it across the counter. The breast collar went back onto his medallion and his wings moved on his back. He stretched them out and the joints popped with the sudden movement. He spread them from one wall to the other, a couple of inches were still hitting the walls. He looked to the enlarged wings and decided to estimate their size. From what he could estimate they were close to 16 feet in length. With a couple of extra inches but he was confident that he knew the length of them. He brought them back down to his sides but they were hanging loosely in place. He had every intention of cleaning them off as well.

He looked to the steaming water and put one hoof into the tub. The water was warm and comfortable. He stopped himself from jumping in and stepped into the water. He stayed standing as he picked up the soap bar and then lowered himself into the water. It went across his belly and he laid down in the water. He cast a shield over the book and then another to make sure that it didn’t splash onto the floor. The water went over his back and he let himself lay in the tub. He heard a quiet knock. He grumbled quietly. “Yes?”

“Is there anything else ya need?” Apple Bloom said from the other side of the door.

“No, I’m fine, thank you for asking.” He replied.

“Ah okay. Ah’m gonna ask Applejack what yer chores were so ah can get started.” She told him.

He heard her hooves trot down the hallway and he laid his head down in the side of the tub and relaxed. It had been a long time since he enjoyed a warm bath. He brought his head up and he looked down to his wings and let them float beside him. He looked at his book and began reading.

After finishing the first three chapters he closed the book and set it on the counter. He used the soap to clean his mane and fur. After finishing that he ran the soap over his black feathers and cleaned them as well. He was upset to see the dirt and grime coming off them. He cringed and decided that this would not happen again. He had to much pride in his appearance to let this happen once more. When he was finished he washed himself off and used the towel Apple Bloom had left to dry off his fur. He looked to his wings and patted them dry as well. He noticed that a few feathers were out of place. The stallion used his claws to preen the feathers and he removed ones that were coming out. The feathers he removed were held in his magic and once he finished he incinerated them to prevent others from finding out. He looked around and found that he was still wet and used his magic to dry off the rest rather than find another towel. He used the mirror and found his mane was tangled so he used a brush to straighten it out and took care of his tail. He drained the tub and shook himself. The breast collar of his armor returned to its place and he started to pull his cloak back on. He paused and looked into the mirror. He was turned sideways and saw that he was indeed a very thin pony. He pulled the cloak back on and was glad to see that it covered how thin he was. He had never been very thick but on a pony, he just looked sick.

“May have to look into this. There aren't any ponies my size here that I have seen. I’m not sure what a normal weight is for a pony of my size.” He looked away and finished cleaning up before leaving the bathroom. He dropped his book off in his room and closed the door behind him. He walked down the hallway and went outside. He saw Big Mac and Applejack watching as Apple Bloom ran back and forth between the barn and a pile of baskets. She carried them from the barn to the edge of the orchard. Oblivion would have finished the task with magic but the filly didn’t have that option. He walked up and stood next to them.

“Howdy Oblivion. Apple Bloom said ya were enjoying a warm bath and it seems she told right. Ya seem better.” Applejack told him.

“Quite. I’m actually glad that Apple Bloom was listening in for once.” He responded. The ponies laughed and he looked back to the running filly. “Well, she will certainly be tired when she’s done.” He pointed out.

Applejack nodded. “Yup that's what we're hopin’ for.”

Mac nodded and looked to the stallion. “Yer quite the sight when yer angry. Yah tracked that filly right to ‘er hidin’ place.”

Oblivion chuckled. “Tracking her was easy. Normally a track that I would do could go on for miles. So 30 feet was not a hard track in comparison.” He told them.

Both of the other ponies looked at him. “Miles? What’s the longest ya have tracked anythin?” The orange farm mare asked.

Oblivion thought about it for a few moments. “Let's see. I think that would be when I had to track, bait, then battle a fiend a couple of years ago. That was three days I think. The baiting look a few hours and then waiting for it to come back to its lair was a couple of hours so altogether a little more than three days. As for looking angry. It's not easy to get a Witcher angry. But when you do manage it, I’ve heard its quite the sight.”

“It is.” Apple Bloom hollered as she went by.

He shook his head and looked back to the ponies. “Wha’s a fiend look like?” Mac asked him.

Oblivion looked to him and exhaled as the image came to him. “Well, it's a monster that can be as tall as ten to fifteen feet high. They run on all fours and typically the elbows, hind legs, chest, and back are covered in thick black or brown fur. They have antlers like a deer only much larger and close to twenty to twenty-five points. They have claws on their forelegs and a mouth with teeth like mine, only much larger. They have eyes like goats only there are three of them. They have horns on their heads that are also similar to a goat in that they are curved. They sometimes have a long tail but not always.” He stopped with his description to find all three Apple siblings staring at him. He looked at them. “You asked.”

Mac barked out a laugh and nodded. “That we did.”

Applejack nodded, Apple Bloom shook herself and went back to work. “Ya aren't being so formal with us.” She observed and looked back to the Unicorn, who started.

“Hmm. Kind of fell out of it while I was at the library. Literally.” He admitted. “I can go back to it is preferred.” Both siblings shook their heads. He said nothing as they all looked back to Apple Bloom who was on the last few buckets. She panted as she finished and sat down on the ground in front of them.

“All right filly, yer done with that chore.” Applejack said, earning a cheer from Apple Bloom. “On to the next one.” Apple Bloom groaned and fell backward. “This way.” She walked away with Apple Bloom following. Oblivion and Mac both laughed at the filly.

Mac looked to him and nudged his shoulder. “Y'all come with me for a minute. Ah, need yer help.” The farmer told him.

Oblivion nodded and followed him. They came up to a pile of wood and Mac turned to him. “Can ya stand next to those there boards?” The Unicorn nodded and stood beside them. Mac used a saw to mark the length of the wood he needed and thanked the other stallion. Oblivion walked away and found a tree with some shade and laid down under it. He used his magic to summon a book and went back to reading. He looked up occasionally to see if he was needed for anything more but found nothing. As the day wore on he found himself enjoying the quiet of the orchard and the shade from the tall tree. He noticed the sun going down and stood up his magic placed the book on his back and he walked toward the house. He noticed that Mac was not by the woodpile any longer and guessed that he was inside.

“Hey! Oblivion!” Applejack hollered and he paused.

Apple Bloom was walking behind her. The filly appeared dead tired but looked up to find Oblivion waiting for them. She trotted up to him and reared up to her hind legs. She reached for the book on his back. He looked back at it and then to Applejack, who shrugged. He levitated it down to the filly who put on her own back and walked to the house.

“I can carry the book.” He commented once she was out of sight.

“Ah know that. But Apple Bloom is thinking ya shouldn’t do anything.” The mare told him.

He rolled his eyes and started for the house as well. They walked in and Apple Bloom was coming back down the stairs. She climbed into her chair at the table and laid her chin onto the table. “Ah will ne’er try ta get into another ponies saddlebags again.”

“Should have thought of the consequences first,” Oblivion commented.

Apple Bloom looked at him and nodded.

“Oblivion.” Mac was at the top of the stairs. The red pony motioned for him to follow.

Oblivion went up the stairs and followed him into his room. In his room, he found a bed that was longer than the one he had before. He started and looked at Big Mac. “This one should fit ya. Can’ have ya sleepin’ on the floor.” He replied to Oblivion's look.

“Thank you. You did not have to.” He started only to have the farmer silence him with a wave of a hoof.

“Yah ah did. Yer stayin’ here and ya should not have ta sleep on the floor jus’ cuz yer tall. That's not fair to ya.” He replied and refused to hear anything more about it.

Oblivion nodded and the two stallions went back downstairs. Applejack made dinner and they ate in silence. Apple Bloom finished first and went to go wash off. Then Granny Smith went to bed, followed by Oblivion and Mac. Applejack stayed up to tuck Apple Bloom in. Oblivion climbed into bed and was pleased to find that it was larger than it needed to be. He locked the door and dropped his cloak onto the desk. He let his wings stretch out as he allowed himself to sleep.

Author's Note:

Okay so this was just an interim chapter but I used it anyway. I will add the next one on my usual upload days. It is on the short side but not to bad. I have been writing other chapters since inspiration hits me at odd times and I end up writing chapters for sections that haven't happened yet. Thank you as always everyone!

Editing went faster with this one. All ready
12/17/2018 Edit 2: Typing errors and grammar
Edit: 11/12/2019

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