• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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60: Competition...

Oblivion looked to the castle as they landed and the Witcher stood silent as Sasa yawned at his side. The carriage came to a halt and he jumped out of the confines of the carriage. The Witcher set his saddlebags in place on his barrel as the guards took to returning the carriage and unpacking as needed. The black stallion walked through the front door and into the hallway leading him to the throne room. The doors were pushed open for him as he walked toward them. He said nothing as he walked through them and Sasa chuckled as the guards closed them. He approached the pair and they both smiled at the sight of him.

“Welcome back, Oblivion,” Celestia said to him and smiled as he gave a slight nod to her.

Luna smiled widely and came down to hug him before rejoining her sister. “Thee met with success?”

“Naturally,” Oblivion replied to her. His magic gripped the small bag of ashes and it was dropped in front of them.

“I assume this holds the remains of the monster?” Celestia asked him. “At least it is not as startling as the last monster.” She went on as he nodded to her.

“Least this time you did not drop a head in front of them.” Sasa laughed.

Oblivion chuckled as she bumped his shoulder. “It is not a full head this time around. Wraiths turn to ash upon defeat.”

“Thank Equestria for that.” Celestia chuckled as the small bag vanished into his saddlebags once more. “We have not heard anything about the other monsters. Once we do we will reach out to you once more. I will have your fee sent to your account.”

Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head as he spun to leave the room. The feline on his heels as his horn lit to teleport them back to the farm. He paused at the sight of the Captain of the Guard.

“If you do not rat him out I will find Blue Blood to do it for me,” Sasa vowed to him.

Oblivion sighed and nodded to her. “Shining?” He called out and the pale white stallion turned to see the black stallion approaching him. “A moment of your time.”

“Of course. What can I do for you? How was your hunt?” He asked as they hoof bumped.

“It was a success,” Oblivion said as they fell into place and walked slowly down the hallway.

“A Lunar Guard came to me and mentioned that the village you were going to was his own. Did he make it in time to be of help?”

Oblivion nodded in reply. “He made it in time but he was far from helpful.” Oblivion countered and at the others look he went on. “He is known to the guards that I had with me and they dreaded his attempts at aiding us. He challenged them to take their place at my side. He failed every test I gave him to test him in the skills they had developed over time with my training.”

Shining grimaced. “I had heard that he was a bit of a glory pony but I thought he would shelve that desire to help his own. I trust I was incorrect?”

“You were. When he failed to impress in those tasks he challenged me.” Oblivion said.

Shining’s eyes went wide and he shook his head. “Damnit.” He cursed under his breath. "Am I correct in assuming that he lost?”

“Quickly. He was defeated quickly and sent on his way. I had thought that would silence him but I was incorrect as well. While sitting with my team I heard a scream in the woods and went to investigate. A young mare had ventured into the woods upon being told the Wraith was likely gone and that it was safe.”

Shining stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide. “You’re kidding me? No, you’re not. That’s not your style.” The Captain shook his head and a low growl escaped him as he looked to the black stallion once more. “Is she all right?”

“She will be fine. I got her to Cross for initial treatment and the village took over after that. But she was also the Mayor's daughter.”

A bark of laughter escaped the angry Captain of the Guard. “The irony of that does not escape me. And then?”

“I instructed my team to guard the edge of the forest while I hunted the Wraith. They were also told to detain Sight Line when he reappeared. When he did they acted as commanded. When I returned he was subdued due to the thrashing he had received from vantage and the others. Before you ask it was mostly verbal.”

Shining nodded and began to walk forward with the Witcher at his side. “By the Goddess. When he gets back here he will be lucky to still have his position if I have my way. I will not allow any pony to act in such a way that could bring disgrace upon the Guards, either Solar or Lunar.”

“He did not uphold any sense of honor. Even after he had been bested by not only my team but also by Sasa he did not accept that defeat.”

Shining shook his head and a snarl tore from him. “I will have his tail for a banner when he gets back here. I will speak with Princess Luna as well, as the Lunar guard is under her normally. I have been leading them until recently.”

“I will leave that to you and her then. For now, I will return to Ponyville until more of the monsters have been sighted. Until later.” He said to the Captain, who hoof bumped him in reply and walked away to tend to this own tasks. A flash of blue flame and a scroll dropped into his magic.


We are all in Cloudsdale to support Rainbow for a competition. Please join us soon.

Twilight and the girls

Oblivion looked at the scroll then to Sasa who waited for him to speak to her. “Cloudsdale?”

“Oh that’s where Pegasus ponies are from. What are they doing there?” Sasa asked him in reply.

“Something about supporting Rainbow Dash in a competition.” He responded as his horn flared to teleport to the others.

His eyes opened as Twilight and the others stared at him. He could see that Twilight’s horn was lit with her magenta aura, her eyes wide and blinking as he looked back at them.

“Yes?” He said to them as his horn lit to summon Sasa.

The great cat appeared at his side and she vanished into the clouds. A loud yowl came from her as his magic gripped her once more. His eyes were wide as he levitated her back to him and she trembled in his magic.

“Hang on.” Twilight suddenly called out and her magic covered Sasa as well. She cast a spell and he waited as Sasa still trembled, her aqua eyes were wide. “Okay put her down.” She said and released her magic.

Oblivion set her down carefully, his horn still lit to allow him to grip her if needed. She said nothing as the ponies all stared at her. Oblivion allowed his magic to fade as her paws were solid on the clouds. The black stallion waited as his companion finally calmed down and he raised his head to speak to them but he paused at the sight of the hovering Rarity.

“What is going on?” He finally asked.

“Sorry, only Pegasus ponies can walk on clouds. Except for you, I guess.” Rainbow said to him as she patted the feline.

“That explains why Sasa fell through them. But what is going on with those?” He said as he tipped his horn to Rarity.

“Aren’t they marvelous?” She gushed and spun in the air to show them off.

“They are something,” Oblivion admitted as he looked at them. The wings were close to ten feet tall and about as wide. They had colors flitting through them and appeared the same as a butterfly’s. “How?”

“I found a spell that makes temporary wings, but it was too difficult to do more than once. So I found an easier spell that lets the rest of us walk on clouds. So that is how those happened.” Twilight informed him. “But how are you able to stand on clouds?”

Oblivion shrugged and looked to Sasa. “I am of the Northern realms. Perhaps that could have something to do with it. Have you recovered?”

“That was terrifying. I would rather fight a pack of Nekkers than do that again.” She said to him.

Oblivion chuckled and patted her fur. “I did not know either so we are both at fault.” He said to her. He parroted her words to the others and they all giggled.

“Those were scary.” Pinkie said to her.

“Would rather fight them than fall through the clouds again.” The cat replied with Oblivion speaking for her.

“So what do we do now?” Oblivion said to them.

“Fluttershy and I can show you guys around. None of you have ever been here so there will be plenty for you to see.” Rainbow said them and turned to lead them forward.

Oblivion stayed close behind them as they walked into the city. The roads were all made of clouds and even the buildings appeared to be made of the same material. While he was curious how it could be made strong enough handle the weight of ponies and everything else that came with them he also figured that it was written into the mechanics of the world itself and if he tried to understand it all at once he would end up with a migraine for his efforts.

Ahead of them, Rarity was basking in the attention the wings brought her and Twilight called up to her to warn her about them. “Be careful with those wings, Rarity. They're made from gossamer and morning dew, and they're incredibly delicate. Be careful not to bump them into anything.”

“Or get too attached to them.” Sasa groused.

“I sure would like to see where the weather is made.” Applejack said to the others.

Rainbow looked over her shoulder to them, a smile crossing her muzzle. “Okay everypony almost there. But we need to get into the right gear for it. Hopefully, we have something tall enough for you Oblivion.”

“If not then I will wait outside.” He assured the mare.

They paused as Rainbow and Fluttershy opened a closet that was outside the large door of a building. It was built the same as an inn but it ballooned out from the back and grew in height and width. The mares all got into small jackets of stark white and he watched as Fluttershy pawed through them and found one in the back that looked to be broad enough for him to wear. He slid into the jacket but it was tight across his shoulders and he looked at them and shook his head. He got out of the outfit and gave it back to the pale yellow mare.

“I will wait out here. Sasa cannot go inside without the same outfit I assume?” He said to them.

Rainbow looked apologetic to him and he waved a dismissive hoof to her and leaned his flank against the wall to wait for them to return. Sasa laid down at his hooves and he allowed himself to sag against the wall for a moment before he rolled his shoulders and stood straight once more.

“You feeling better?” He asked her through their connection.

“That was terrifying. I was not kidding about the pack of Nekkers.” She replied.

He gave a wry chuckle and nodded. “I don’t doubt it.”

“Have you free fallen like that? Without wings?” She asked him.

He was quiet as he considered her question. “Yes. A few times.”


“I do not recommend it.” He admitted. “I was on a ledge fighting an elemental and it slammed its arms onto the ledge just as I hit it for the last time and the ledge broke away.”

“Oh by my claws.” She whispered. “Go on.”

“It was the first time I free fell like what you described. I remember looking over my shoulder and seeing nothing but darkness under me. I fell against the side of the mountain and rolled down the length of it. It ended and I fell through the air once more. It was pure chance that I fell into the sea and I was able to start swimming.”

Sasa nuzzled him and nodded her head. “I was not expecting that when it happened.”

“Neither was I if I am being honest. I assumed that since I was standing just fine that you would as well. That was my own lack of foresight.” He replied to her.

“I don’t think either of us was ready for it. I didn’t even think to ask about the letter telling you to go to Cloudsdale. I should have asked. You’re not in the habit of telling more than you need to. We both failed to ask more.” She reasoned to him.

“Fair enough.” He said to her and they fell silent.

They were silent as minutes ticked by and Oblivion looked up as the sound of hooves caught his ears and he looked to the front doors as ponies came out of them talking about Rarity’s wings amongst themselves.

“Oh, Gods.” He cursed under his breath.

“Geez.” Sasa hung her head for a moment as they waited for the others to return to them.

The Witcher saw them coming and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of Rainbow Dash’s diminished Spirit. “What happened?” He asked as Twilight trotted up to him.

“We were going through the factory and when we got to the room with rainbows Rarity made a bit of a show and her wings showed colors through the wings and created a very pretty effect. One pony said that she should join the competition and now she is going to join in.” She informed him.

“Okay, that explains how. But what happened to Rainbow?”

“She’s really upset about the competition and I don’t think she can compete. She’s already convinced she will lose.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes and looked at the rainbow maned pony. He looked up to Rarity who hovered above them. His eyes narrowed at her as she was still enamored with her wings. ‘Those need to go.’ He thought to himself and he nearly lit his horn too but through them but he paused. ‘They need to be able to pull themselves up by their hooves and move forward.’ His horn went out and he looked to Sasa who nodded to him, a silent agreement to his own thoughts.

“I will not let them get hurt, but I can’t solve their problems for them.” He reasoned to her. “She can get past this.”

“It won’t hurt you to say something to her though. Perhaps she just needs a bit of a kick in the tail.” Sasa replied to him.

Oblivion fell in step with the pale blue mare who looked dejectedly at the ground as they walked. “Rainbow?”

“Yeah?” She said to him, her voice faint and beaten.

“Beaten already?” He said to her and she glanced to him.

“I can’t do the Rainboom so I might as well not even try.”


“The Sonic Rainboom is an aerobatic maneuver. I did it once when I was a filly but I haven’t been able to do it since then.” She informed him.

“What allowed you to do it back then?”


“Perhaps if you can recall what allowed you to accomplish it then will allow you to do it once more.” He reasoned to her.

“It’s hopeless. Why even bother?”

“I did not take you for one to quit so easily,” Oblivion said to her. “You have a choice to make now, Rainbow. You can falter and fail to accomplish what you dream of. Or you can spread your wings and rise to stand above it. You have the potential to rise. Your friends know this and will stand at your back. Show them all your courage.” He bumped her shoulder as finished speaking and broke away from her.

Her eyes followed him as Sasa came to stand by her and nuzzled the pale mare. They came to stand in front of a structure that reminded Oblivion greatly of a coliseum. The more he looked at it the more certain he became of the fact that is exactly what he was looking at. They gave Rainbow and Rarity their last words and the rest of them went to the spectator section. Twilight had to convince the ushers that Sasa was no more than a pet at the entrance to allow her entry. Oblivion looked at the giant cat as she went over to them and began to purr. She began to rub her head against the first stallion who blinked at her and a smile went over his face as his eyes fell on her collar and he allowed her in. They took their seats and Oblivion watched as Celestia joined them and took her own place and waved to the crowd.

“She got here quickly.” He said to Twilight who giggled.

Sasa roared in cheer as the Wonderbolts were announced and they tore across the sky, streams of smoke coming from their tails. They moved into a line, then into a bunch and exploded outward with a flash of fireworks. Three of the six took their place close by the monarch and waved to the crowds. Oblivions eyes narrowed at the sight of the three. Two of them were in high spirits while one of them was not. His eyes stayed on the stallion and they narrowed as he tried to make out more of his features from under the costume he wore. The only features he could easily see was his dark blue almost black mane, a pale blue coat that was paler than Rainbow herself, and his cutie mark on the costume. It was a yellow lightning bolt with a pair of white wings on either side. Oblivion committed it to memory and would look for the pony at a later date. His spirit was not in danger at the moment but he would need help later if he did not improve on his own.

His attention went from the Wonderbolts to the mares and Sasa as they cheered for the first pony to come out. “What numbers are Rainbow Dash and Rarity?”

“I’m not sure. I think Rainbow signed up really early so she should be in the top five.” Fluttershy replied to him. “Rarity should be last or close to it.”

He nodded and went back to watching the event in front of him. The fliers did their tricks and the next one moved into place as time went on neither Rainbow nor Rarity showed up. Oblivion leaned out to look at the curtain and he could see the spirits of both mares still inside. They paused in between performers and Oblivion watched as Rainbow and then Rarity came out from behind the curtains and the stallion blinked.

“What is she wearing?” Sasa asked him.

“I am not sure. It’s not flattering in my opinion. But who am I to judge when I wore armor almost one hundred percent of the time.” He admitted to the feline.

“True. But she looks like a cross dresser.”

Oblivion snorted a laugh and coughed to cover it. “I can’t argue that.”

“You can’t comment because it’s hideous. If I could make an expression it would be one of horror mush like the one Blue wore when he saw the dresses from before.”

“That was awful.” He admitted.

The music began and it was a classical mix that was very, unlike Rainbow. As she began to get herself together Rarity was spinning and flitting around above them. Oblivion looked back to the pale Pegasus and watched as she began to weave through the pillars. Sasa roared, cheering for the Pegasus as she moved.

“There she goes!” Twilight yelled, glee in her tone.

Oblivion watched her closely and he was pleased to see her doing well until she bumped one and spun into a wall. He cringed for her and Sasa rumbled in sympathy. Rarity spun in front of them and began to twirl more as Rainbow gathered herself and took to the skies once more as well. She began to spin the clouds and appeared to have finally gotten her nerves under control. She spun the fourth cloud and it went out of control from her and collided above Celestia’s seat. Sasa gave a visible cringe and looked at Oblivion who shook his head.

“She’s still letting little things get in her way.” He said to the feline who nodded.

Rarity began to head for the upper air and Rainbow followed her up, going higher than her counterpart. He watched as Rarity came to rest in front of the sun.

“Aren’t those made of dew and gossamer?” He asked Twilight who sat at his side.

“What are?”

“Those wings you made?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Just making sure.” He said to her as he went back to watching the mare as the wings cast colored light down on the coliseum.

“Oh that is pretty.” Sasa said to him.

He gave a slight nod as he watched. His eyes widened as the wings disintegrated and she began to plummet to the ground below. Oblivion rose and jumped down to the pillar ahead of them as he watched as she fell past him and the Wonderbolts went past him. He waited as they reached her and her flailing knocked each of them out. He jumped from the pillar and allowed himself to free fall. His wings spread under their illusion and he beat them once to give him more speed. He didn’t care if they were seen now he needed to save them.

“Chosen!” Sasa yelled to him. “Rainbow is coming!”

He flicked an ear back to hear the sound of the mare approaching them. He looked back as she came abreast of him and he nodded to her as she went past him. The air around her began to bend and shift. As he watched as a bit of lightning began to go around her, the colors of the rainbow beginning to flow over her as a loud boom like thunder went through the air and he watched as she took off, a rainbow of sparkling light in her wake. He folded his wings back into place as his horn lit and he teleported himself back to the others and waited as the rainbow went over them and then under them. He allowed a slight smile to tug at his mouth as the mare came back to the ground to hear the cheering around her.

He watched as Rainbow looked around them and then her eyes landed on her friends. Fluttershy was jumping up and down screaming as the others cheered. Sasa roared and Oblivion was quiet as the mare's eyes fell on him and he bowed his head to her and she smiled. She mouthed thank you to him and he gave her a sly wink as a smile went over her muzzle.

The group stood off to the side of the coliseum with Rarity standing in the hot air balloon that had gotten them up to Cloudsdale. Oblivion stood with them as they spoke of the event.

Rarity looked contrite as she spoke to the Pegasus mare that she had upset. “I want to apologize to all of you for getting so carried away with my... beautiful wings. I guess I just lost my head.”

Oblivions eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of the wings but he ignored it and let it go. “You learned your lesson I would hope?”

“Oh most certainly.” She assured him. “I got carried away and let all the attention go to my head. I took your thunder from you Rainbow Dash.”

“It’s okay. I just wish I could have met the Wonderbolts when they were conscious.” She admitted with a shrug.

Oblivion said nothing as the three ponies she had helped came up behind her and one of them reached out to tap her shoulder. Oblivion watched as her eye widened and she stared at them, a hoof going to her face.


One of them spoke to her as the other two stood at her hips. “So you're the little pony who saved our lives. We really wanted to meet you, and say thanks.”

Oblivion said nothing as Celestia approached them and stood a bit off to the side. Sasa went up to her and nuzzled the mare affectionately. Oblivion walked over to her and leaned his head in to speak to her. “If she had not been able to save them would you have acted?”

“Of course. But you were closer than I was. Would you have?” She countered him with a sly smile.

“Naturally. But I am not able to teleport more than one pony at a time.” He admitted to her.

She looked at him and he chuckled. “What would you have done then?”

“I would have levitated all of them and teleported myself back to bring them here.” He replied quickly to her earning him a bit of a shoulder bump from the chuckling white Alicorn.

“Of course.” She replied quietly.

He watched as she approached the small group who bowed low to her.

“Hello everypony.” She greeted them.

“Princess Celestia. I am so sorry for ruining the competition that Rainbow would have surely won. She is the best flier of all of them.” Rarity said to the monarch.

“I agree,” Celestia said to her with a wide smile. “That's why, for her incredible act of bravery and her spectacular Sonic Rainboom, I'm presenting the grand prize for Best Young Flyer to this year's winner, Miss Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbows' eyes went wide once more as she began to repeat her earlier excited mantra as the crown of golden wings was placed over her head. Oblivion stepped back with Sasa as they were once more chatting excitedly.

“You scared the hell out of a lot of ponies when you jumped off that pillar.” Sasa said to him.

“I’m amazed they even noticed me.” He replied to her.

“Oh they noticed when the tall black Unicorn took a head-first dive off the pillar and into the air.” She responded, a laugh in her tone. “I’m amazed Celestia did nothing though.”

“She would have, had Rainbow and I failed.” He countered. “She knew that if Rainbow did not succeed I would have finished what she started.”

“That’s a fair point. You would have saved them. So what would have happened if you needed to show your wings?”

“Then they would have shown and I would not need to worry about hiding the fact that I am an Alicorn.” He admitted with a slight shrug.


“And that would have been horrifying.”

Sasa chuckled and nuzzled him as Rainbow flew off with the Wonderbolts close to her. “She got what she wanted.”

“Yes she did.” Oblivion chuckled and nodded to the feline. “She earned it though.”

“I agree.”

Oblivion paused in his conversation with Sasa as Rainbow suddenly paused and made awaiting motion to the others as she flew back to Oblivion and hovered close by.

“I guess I owe you a big thank you.” She said to him and rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “You were right. I just was so convinced I was not going to win that it was hard to hear. But you were right. So thanks. I heard what you said when I realized that Rarity was in trouble and it helped me shake it all off.”

“I knew you would not fall Rainbow. It’s not in your nature to fail when you are needed.” He replied to her.

“But you would have saved them all…”

“Only if you had failed.” He replied quickly, cutting her off. “You didn’t need me to save them.”

She smiled and hugged him tightly for a second before letting him go as he pushed her away and toward the Wonderbolts who had waited for her. She went back to them and the mares all looked at him as he rejoined them to catch a ride back to the ground below.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long delay. Hit a roadblock with this one and it took a kick from Thunder to get it right. So as always thank you and as always Enjoy! let me know if there are any major typing errors. My editing program died. :twilightoops:

Edit: 8/12/2019

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