• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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54: Returns and a Boon...

Oblivion paused outside the palace doors as his magic sent the Elemental back to the ground and he gripped Asmara in his magic and removed the bracelet on her leg, despite her cursing at him when he took it. She sulked in his magic as she was brought back to the throne room. He set her down and her shackles were replaced. Second Sight was silent as she was placed close by her. The Unicorn mares own hooves were shackled and an inhibitor ring sat on her horn. The pony that had been detained was lowered to the ground and shackled as well. His hooves were shackled as they waited for the others to join them once more. Oblivion looked him over and didn’t see any bottles or anything on him that would make him think that he would be able to kill himself should he awaken.

“Do you know him Second Sight?” Celestia asked her.

“Who? Him?” She replied and looked to the unconscious stallion. “No. Never seen him before today.”

The royal nodded and looked to the black Unicorn who shook his head as well. The guards that were now assigned to him joined them and stood behind him, information. Oblivion looked to them and then to the Royal Sisters who snickered at his blank look. The stallion was quiet as he considered their next moves. Sasa stood beside him and bumped his hip to alert him to her presence.

“How many monsters remain Oblivion?” Celestia asked him.

“Four, I believe.” He replied.

He reached back to his saddlebags and pulled the reports from within and his magic held the report of one of the Wraiths and it was incinerated as he looked to the others. He held up the remaining four and the Alicorn’s nodded in understanding. He set them back in his saddlebags and looked back to them once more.

“I can go and finish these and return as quickly as I can. Since you have, unknown to me, assigned me a set of guards then it should be finished quickly.” He said to them as the four guards looked away for a moment as he spoke.

“Not today,” Celestia replied to him. “You have been sorely missed and your friends and family have need of you at their sides for a while.”

Oblivion glanced to the group and mares and they nodded as smiles crossed their muzzles. “True enough.” He replied to her.

“Yer not goin’ nowhere.” Applejack said to him with a stamp of her hoof. “Yer family needs ta see ya fer a bit.”

Oblivion nodded in understanding to her and waited as the Alicorn’s looked to the detained ponies. “So what is their fate?”

“Asmara and Second Sight will be tried in separate trials. I may call upon you to help layout the timeline of things. But for now we will detain them further and the pony that you captured will be interrogated at a later date.” The Sun Princess went on.

“Understood.” He replied to her.

“How long can the remaining monsters be allowed to move on their own?” Luna asked him.

Oblivion was quiet as he considered her question. “None of them are in immediate proximity to the original reports. I do not anticipate that they will interact with ponies so long as they are given a wide berth. If they are tested then they will attack. I recommend that the reporting ponies be alerted to their proximity and request an update.” He advised.

“Consider it done,” Celestia said to him. “We will have a copy of the reports sent to you immediately when we receive them.”

Oblivion nodded as Blue Blood approached him. Oblivion lowered his head to the stallion. “You said that you had need of my help before I departed?”

“Yes. I have not sent a letter to Miss Rarity since this happened and now that she is here I find myself hiding from her.” He admitted with a sheepish stance.

“That is all?” Oblivion replied quietly. Blue Blood glared at his reply and the black Unicorn nodded in understanding. “I would recommend simply apologizing to her now. Trying to send her a letter later will only confuse and upset her.”

“I know but…how?”

Oblivion shook his head and a heavy sigh escaped him. “Stay with me a moment.” The black stallion raised his head and looked to the mares. “Rarity? Can I trouble you for a moment?”

“What?” Blue Blood gasped and looked ready to bolt, a look from the black stallion kept him in place.

The mare approached him and a kind smile crossed her features at the sight of the Royal. “It is good to meet you face to face Blue Blood.” She said gently to him.

“The pleasure is mine.” He whispered back.

Oblivion managed not to roll his eyes and looked to the mare. “I believe that Blue has been lax in his letters and has not sent one recently.”

“Well of course not. I would have been shocked had one arrived. Since you are the one that gives them to me, Oblivion dear.”

“Precisely.” Oblivion replied and broke away from the two ponies to allow Blue to speak on his own.

Sasa remained close by the Prince to allow him to take courage from her presence and hopefully ease the nervousness he felt. The black Unicorn approached the other mares and they waited as the others spoke. Twilight reached out to him and set her hoof on his shoulder, rubbing away some of the dirt and dried blood.

“Are you okay? You’re filthy.” She said to him.

“I’ll be fine. Nothing a night's rest can’t cure.” He replied to her.

“And a bath.” Applejack added at the sight of him. “Ya are covered in dirt and mud.”

“That’s true. I could use a bath.” He admitted and looked at his fur.

Spike jumped from the purple Unicorns back to the floor and then trotted up to Oblivion's leg. “Hey, Oblivion?”


“Can I get a boost?” He asked.

Oblivions magic covered him and he looked shocked when the Unicorn set the baby dragon on his back and didn’t seem concerned by the action. “You’re okay with me sitting on your back?”

“It’s fine. I suppose after having a few others sit on my back I’m not as worried about it.” He admitted.

“Who sat on your back?” Spike asked, his eyes wide and curious.

“A Godling, a drowner tried, and a few others.” He replied. “They weighed more than you.”

“Cool. Whats a Godling?”

“A two-legged creature. Fairly small and lightweight given the size of the creatures around them typically.” Oblivion replied.

“You let it ride on your back?” Spike asked, his eyes uncertain as the stallion looked back to him. “You HATE anyone on your back.”

“True. I suppose in time it’s something I got over.” Oblivion replied and looked back to the ponies in front of him.

“Wonder upon wonders.” Applejack teased. “And you’re okay with a party as well. Who are ya and what did ya do with my brother?”

Oblivion shrugged and looked over his shoulder as Rarity hugged the nervous Prince. The Unicorn said nothing as she rejoined them and Blue Blood motioned for him to come to him. On his back Spike huffed and Oblivions magic set him on the ground and he trotted to the prince.


“Thanks for that. I was afraid to even talk to her.” He admitted.

“It’s fine. I told you it would be fine.” Oblivion replied.

“I said the same thing if you recall.” Sasa teased.

The Prince chuckled and nodded as the she-cat joined them. He rubbed his hoof over her fur and looked to the mares that were hobbled and sitting at the base of the throne beside an unconscious stallion.

“What will happen to him?” Sasa asked.

“We will put him in protected custody to prevent him from hurting himself,” Blue replied to her. “While that happens we will work on what more information we can get from Asmara and Second Sight. I hope that this is as far as their business goes.”

“I think so.” Oblivion replied to him. “So far as I can tell their plan did not extend past the Elemental.”

“That’s a relief. So you’re going home?” Blue asked.

“I will when they reach it. I do not like trains.” Oblivion admitted. “I did not stay in the last one very long before I teleported myself home.”

“Geez.” Bleu shook his head. “Well then what will you do while they are on the train?”

“The gem needs to be returned to its place.” Oblivion replied and looked to the gem around his neck.

“Oh. Good point. The last thing we need is that gemstone getting lost somewhere. I will send a note to you if we need anything. For now, I am going to take a nap. Haven’t really slept well in a while.” He admitted.

“Get some rest Blue.” Oblivion held out his hoof and bumped it against Blues as he nodded, a wide smile on his muzzle.

Oblivion looked to the mares as they waited for him to rejoin them. He walked back to them as Blue left the room after waving goodbye to the others. “I will join you when you reach Ponyville. While you are using the train I will return this gem to its place and join you then.”

“Oblivion!” Celestia called out to him.

He looked over his shoulder and she motioned for him to join her. The black unicorn walked over to her and Luna and waited for her to explain.

“Is it possible for others to use that gem?” She asked.

“Not really. If they pour an emotion like anger or pain into it then the Elemental can be summoned and can kill those it finds. If they attempt to damage the gem the Elemental will attack those who are near to it and those it sees as a threat. Why?”

“I was wondering if it could be used to protect Equestria.” She admitted to him.

Oblivion stared at her for a moment before he blinked and shook his head. “Absolutely not.” His voice was firm as he placed the gem into his saddlebag and closed the lid.

“Are you certain?” She pressed. “Think of how many lives it can protect…”

“No.” Oblivion stated and turned to leave. “It is not meant to be handled by ponies or any others, Celestia. I can see what you mean but using it will create more death than you realize. When it was taken from its original place it was used to harm ponies and cause them to fall to despair and eventually kill them. I will not permit it to be used by anypony. Not even myself.” He said to her.

“Leave it, sister.” Luna said to her and set a hoof on her shoulder. “Our friend is correct. If he says that it is dangerous to the ponies then we must listen to his words.”

“You're right. Thank you, Luna. Please keep it safe Oblivion.” She finally said and a smile went over her muzzle.

Oblivion rejoined the mares and Spike and Sasa was on his heels as they left the throne room and through the halls to access the city around the palace. “You gonna stay with us while we wait?” Spike asked him.

“Yes. I’ll stay with you until then.” He replied and nodded to the baby dragon at his hooves.

“Cool.” The dragon petted the stallion’s leg and looked at his clawed hand. “Are you bleeding?”

“Not that I am aware of.” Oblivion replied and lifted that leg to inspect what the drake was saying. “No. It’s most likely dried.”

“So you got hurt?” Twilight asked him as they all looked to him.

“I did at one point. I am fully healed so it does not need to be addressed at this time. The remaining mud and blood will come off when I get a bath this evening.” He replied and looked to the train tracks.

“So you’re…Okay?” Fluttershy asked him.

“Yes. Nothing permanent.” He replied to her and a nod of his head.

“Are ya certain?” Applejack asked him. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she regarded him.

“I promise you I am in no pain and am not hurt.” He assured them. “Simply tired. The journey back here took time and no small amount of effort." He admitted to them.

“Long as yer okay.” Applejack said to him as the train pulled to a stop in front of them.

“I will send Sasa with you to allow her to tell me when you arrive in Ponyville.” He said to them and the cat groaned at him. “I don’t think the cavern I need to get to will allow you within it. The last thing I need is for the cavern to fight against you.” He responded to her grumbling.

“Ah. I see. That makes sense. Be careful Chosen.” She replied and boarded the train with the mares and Spike.

Oblivion waited for the train to pull away before he teleported away and into a distant clearing. He lifted his saddlebags off of his girth and set them on the ground. His magic removed the gem and he set it around his neck once more. His magic lifted the saddlebags and he sent them to the wardrobe in his room and made sure that it locked as well. His wings pulled from his sides as he removed the tie from his mane and looked back as his wings spread. He waited as they extended to their full length and he gave them an experimental flap before he took to the air. His wings beat easily as he gained altitude and allowed his wings to hold aloft. The tie vanished from his magic and went to his saddlebags. He could resummon it at any time. The black stallion was silent as he flew, his wings speeding him through the air. He knew that he was not as fast as Rainbow but he had no desire to be that fast, he enjoyed the flying that he did on his own.

Oblivion was quiet as he reached the cavern's general location. He looked down and tried to see any land mass in the endless sea beneath him. His eyes scanned and found nothing. He stopped in the air and hovered as he looked around, his expression uncertain for a time. He looked down at the gem and his magic held it aloft before him. As he looked at it a pulse went through him and he waited as a whirlpool appeared below him and he allowed himself to slowly lose altitude and hovered a few feet above the pool. His orange eyes narrowed and he realized that he was close enough to find it now that he had the gem to guide him. His magic glowed brighter as he summoned a potion from his saddlebags. The Killer Whale potion sat in its bottle in his magic and he gulped it down and shook his head at the taste. It flowed down his throat and he could feel a slight coolness go over him as it took effect. He sent the bottle back to his room and looked down. His wings snapped closed and he allowed himself to plummet into the water and he gasped at the sudden cold.

His magic set the gem back in place around his neck as he allowed the whirlpool to spin him and then push him out the bottom of it. He had gulped in a breath and put his head underwater, despite the stinging salt water he opened his eyes and was able to see underwater reasonably well. Due to the potion, he could see even better the deeper he dived and it allowed him to hold his breath longer. As he dove the gem glowed around his neck and he could see the cavern entrance ahead of him as he could feel his lungs starting to burn, signaling that the potion could only do so much for him as he swam for the entrance. He recalled the entrance and was uncertain if it would be easy for him to gain entry. He knew that holding his breath would only do so much for him and even he would need to breathe.

His eyes widened as the Elemental reached out of the entrance of the cavern and a hand gripped him tightly and he was yanked through the mouth of the cavern. His eyes closed as he was thrown into the cavern and he rolled to his hooves, his magic blazing as the Elemental flowed back into the cavern and vanished. He blinked at the spot it had been and then looked around him. The caverns walls glowed and he would see a dark spot in the cavern wall.

“Well, that makes putting it back easier.” He admitted aloud and walked over to the small gap. “It was cut, not sure how well it will fit now.”

He pulled the gauge and chain from it and the cavern shuddered and he waited to see if he was now being seen as a threat. When there was no further movement he slowly pressed the gem back into place. The cavern wall shuddered and moved to accept the piece of itself that it had lost so long ago. Oblivion held it in place to ensure that it remained where it was needed and when the wall accepted it once more he moved away and his hoof went back to the ground. He backed up as the wall continued to shift and move. He said nothing as they all began to push outward and the ground around him shifted and he watched as it shifted and undulated under him. He dared not dig his claws into the floor of the cavern to avoid creating an issue with its guardian. The movement stopped and he looked around him as a voice came from within and echoed through his mind.

He pulled his head back as images flashed through his mind. Images of his life on the Continent and then forward to the life he had in Equestria. His head rang with the speed that they were shown to him. He shook his head free of the ringing that now went through him and he waited in silence for the next action. An image of the former Guardian went through his mind and he focused on the image and recalled the image he had of the prison he was kept in. The cavern shuddered as he focused on the image in his own mind. The cavern continued to shudder but went silent quickly. An image of a white mare crossed his mind and he countered with one he had of Equestria and the cavern shuddered once more. The image of the red stallion returned to him and he used the one from before and the cavern pitched under his hooves and he was thrown off his hooves and he rolled into the wall. He looked back to ensure that his swords were in one piece and were not damaged. A relieved sigh escaped him as he got to his hooves once more.

“What does it want? The former Guardian is the one that removed the gem and I just returned it. So what is the missing thing it wants?” His mind raced and he focused on what it had shown him so far. “Does it want Equestria?”

He looked around and the walls continued to shift and move as he thought over what he had seen. “Or is confused about me?”

He knew that the cavern had been attacked by the former Guardian and that Equestria had later used it to locate him and then bring him here. He focused and brought forth an image of the fight with the Leshen and then began to push that memory outward. The cavern pitched but he held his footing as it went suddenly still. He waited as an image of the Leshen came back to him and he focused on the fight once more and pushed it outward.

“We know you.” A voice boomed outward and he pinned his ears at the volume as it echoed in the confined space.

Oblivion gave a quiet groan and shook his head. “I was brought here.” He responded.

“Yes. We called on thee and the Heart of the World gave thee a task.”

“Yes. I was called on to become a Guardian to the World Spirit and those attached to it.”

“Yes. We remember. Thou were fated to die in that past world and thou refused to fall.” The voice called out. “Thou refused to die.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply immediately. “Sounds about right.” He admitted and waited as the cavern continued to move.

“Thee have returned a piece of Us. What is the price?”

Oblivion paused, caught off guard by the question. “The price?”

“Yes. Thou are a being that charges for the lives of those you have slain. Thou will slay the one that attacked Us?”

“In time I will yes.” He replied. “I am not able to end him now. I don’t have the knowledge of the World Spirit and the power it holds.”

“Thou will though?”

“Yes. He will fall in time.”

“We shall wait for that time. But thou have still righted a wrong done to Us.”

“Yes. That is true.” Oblivion admitted.

“Thee have earned a Boon of Us.”

“A boon?” Oblivion asked. “You wish to reward me for returning what was stolen?”


Oblivion was quiet as he thought it over for a moment. “There is nothing that I have need of.”

“Thou were sent away from this world for a time. Thou came back.”

“Yes. I am needed here. Those from the Continent do not need me any longer. My body there is dead and gone. While I will never forget them they do not need me any longer.” Oblivion replied, hoping the cavern understood him.

“Thee ask of nothing?”

“Correct. I cannot think of anything that I need.” He replied.

There was a long pause in the conversation as the walls of the cavern gently shone in the dark. “We wish to gift thee of ourselves in turn.” The reply came to him. “A piece freely is given.”

The cavern rotated and the stallion gripped with his hooves and hoped to not be thrown from his hooves once more. The cavern stilled suddenly and he nearly overbalanced. The caverns floor began to brightly glow and a section of it faded and began to form into a basic shape. Oblivion leaned over it and his eyes watched as the ground concaved in. He was shocked at the shape that was becoming clear to him. A sword of crystal came from the ground and lifted free of the floor of the cavern. He could see the hilt becoming solid with the same stone as the floor of the cavern. He watched in silence as the blade was close to the same length of his normal blade and it held the same crystal gemstone as the walls. It spun slowly in the air before him and a second item raised as well. He looked down at the item became a small band of crystal and he backed up a step as it moved toward him.

“Raise thy foreleg, it matters not which one.”

Oblivion had the feeling that this was important and he raised his right foreleg and the band circled just above his hock and sized to stay in place on his leg. He moved his foreleg and it did not move and he watched as it glowed for a moment and then went back to its normal coloring. Ruby and sapphire colors filtered through it, constantly changing as a mix of both. He looked up as the sword began to glow and it spun to face him, the tip pointed to him. He braced himself as it moved and vanished in a flash of golden light. The particles in the air hovered and went to the bracelet around his hock. A second blade came forth from the ground and did the same thing. As he watched it went to the bracelet as well.

“Thou have always carried the swords of your worlds making.” The voice boomed to him. “These are of this place and are mixed in pieces of many worlds. These will not break nor fail, We can ensure that. So long as this place stands so will the gifted blades. Should thou have a need they will come with not a thought. That band cannot be moved and will never fail.”

Oblivion raised his leg and looked at the shifting colors of the band on his leg. “So I will not need my swords on my back any longer? And these will come to me at any time I need them?”

“Yes. They will react to thou’s body and will be what you need. Should thou need to slay a monster of your world or this one, then that blade will come to you. Though need not to force the action.”

Oblivion stood silent and his mind thought silver and the blade appeared before him it hovered in pace, ready for him to grip with his magic or a hoof. He thought of the steel and it hovered in the other place as it was sent back to the band on his leg.

“Thou have done Us service and We do not wish that to be forgotten. Thou returned Our piece with no thought of rewards. Thee are needed here and We will see thou again one day.”

Oblivion sent the blade back to the band on his leg and he looked to the cavern around him. He turned to leave, he reached the exit and paused in place. He turned around and bowed deeply to the cavern around him. The Witcher was silent as he looked up and the caverns walls and floor flashed colors around him and he gave a rare smile.

“Thank you.” He said as he turned back to the exit.

It opened and allowed him to leave. “Thou are worth keeping in this world, do not forget.”

The words echoed through him and he inhaled as the waters crashed over him and he swam for the surface. His wings spread and propelled him upward. His head broke the surface as his lungs burned and he gasped for air. He looked around him and he looked over his body and found the embedded dirt and dried blood coming loose in his fur.

“Well. A bath is no longer required.” He thought to himself. His body ached as exhaustion still bit at him and he allowed himself to float in the water.



“We are home.” She said to him, her voice soothing.

“I will be there in a moment.”

The black Alicorn was quiet as he looked at the band around his leg and his magic settled around it and it didn’t come off. He groaned for a moment and then his eyes widened as a thought struck him. His magic circled it again and he switched the enchantment from the tie in his hair to the band on his leg. He could turn it on and off at will. He looked back and saw that his wings had vanished, while his swords were still visible. He left them in place as he focused on the teleport back to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Okay, this was done quickly so please let me know if there are any mistakes. I did not get a chance to do an in-depth edit. So sorry but I have a few things to take care of. Sorry! TYhank you as always for reading and for the support! Enjoy!

Edit: 3/7/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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