• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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09 Unwelcome surprises

With the light maroon red moon that slowly crawled its way over the star filled night skies, it allowed many ponies to fall peacefully asleep and get some of their much needed rest. They didn’t even look up strange from the color of the rock. Yet the unicorn seamstress was granted everything but. Her nature simply didn't allow her to sleep for the wonderful night. Rarity was a child of that very night and thus destined to roam through its darkness until the dreaded dawn did its turn once more over the horizon. The only time of the day she was allowed to have her slumber as the sun of Celestia stood high in the skies.`

Rarity opened her eyes again and they looked like an absolute mess. The unicorn just left her bed with some uncomfortable sounds. To her it felt as if she only had her eyes closed for less than one hour after she had returned to the building. The mare moaned and groaned in a soft tone while her cracking bones brought her over to the relaxing chair in her bedroom. With a loud plop did she dropped herself in the chair as the bags under eyes could be seen clearly in the moonlight that shone through the curtain. Just after she sat down, one of the curtains was opened up further in order to have some natural light in the room. Rarity was dead tired and unable to collect her mind to cast a magical spell on the candles. Yet not allowed to sleep.

“Just why... am I not going to the princesses?” she muttered to herself in the drunkenness that was caused by the lack of sleep. Everything inside her head was set loose and thus allowed the thoughts to run freely through her mind. But she only came down to one simply conclusion upon the question that was asked. “Oh right, that is why. A vampony as the element of generosity, and the knowing of vamponies existing in general. That is going to be appreciated just so very much!”

The attention of her eyes took their turn to the room while her horn charged itself up just a little bit. As much as it was true that the moonlight illuminated the room, it was only kept to one part of it and she desired more light to have a clear visibility but also hoped not to wake up her sister. While the little flame of the candle on her desk emerged it shone some light in the darker corners and thus created a better look at everything that stood in the room.

Against the back wall was the posterbed with the reddish curtains to be found. Her beloved bed on which she had had spent so many amazing nights and comforting moments with her sister. Not far away from that stood the desk which had a view right out of a window. For the rest there was her walk-in closet in which she stored most of her dresses that were used for private usage and next to that there were a couple glass cabinets to be found. And the shelves of those cabinets were filled with the most beautiful gems she had collected over the years. Only the rarest and most precious looking gems she found on her travels could earn a spot on one of the shelves. Rarity could truly speak of luck that Spike was able to contain himself the way he always did when he was in her bedroom. Though the times that that happened to begin with also were fairly much zero. It was the thought that counted for her, she thought to herself. And finally there was her own bookshelf.

Rarity smiled a little bit as she let her horn coat once more in her signature blue aura. She let her eyes fall upon a window that was located next to the bookshelf. On the exact opposing side from where she sat. The curtain before the window opened itself with her magic and she let her white coat bath within the pleasant light of the moon. A light that shone powerful through the circular window of the boutique. Even if it was a little reddish she didn't care one bit about it. The light shone down proudly through the room before it made contact with the once so humble and open unicorn tailor. She lowered her body within the chair and allowed a soft moan to leave through her closed lips.

Her red rimmed eyes fell upon the - close to be - full moon and she mumbled some words to herself. Words that were the result of a deep thought process that went through her even when her brain worked at half of its capacity. “One thousand years. Such a long time, so much death, so much return, so much regret. Yet for me, a possibility... I have become immortal because of something, but at the cost of more than I would rather pay.” Another deep exhale left her body through the nose as in her mind another argument erupted. But her eyes kept staring at the moon they were following its every movement on the nightly skies.

At least that was the plan. For her body just pulled the lids shut every few minutes which led to a microsleep from the mare. A sleep that wouldn't last for a mere two minutes with each sink in.


In the end opened Rarity her eyes again before she stood up from the chair without much troubles. She closed all of the curtains by hoof before her eyes were set upon the godlike bed. With a slow trot would she have made her way over to her ever so loved bed. Rarity knew that the first rays of the sun would come up soon enough and she then could get a true sleep. The unicorn just dropped herself in her bed and landed face flat on the pillow. There was some sputtering of her horn that happened as she tried to call upon her magic in order to move the blankets over her body. But no matter how she tried, it was literally impossible. There was no strength left in her body. Her marathon of staying awake had almost come to an end and that was probably the best

A bit annoyed by the sudden revelation allowed the unicorn to discharg her horn as a whole and released a gentle growl toward herself. Her tail moved itself along her side and let her mane cover the right side of her face. Her eyelids finally closed themselves while Rarity finally managed to travel to the deepest part of her mind, towards her dreams. As the sound of a soft snoring filled up the room as a whole, she finally was granted her much needed desire for sleep.

And it wasn't a moment too soon either. For far on the horizon that laid in the direction of the Everfree forest there was the celestial sun that rose up from its own slumber and called upon a new day as it’s rays worked like a wake-up call. That was of course for everypony that didn't happen to be a farmer and was thus already working on the fields.


On the opposing side of the grand bedroom, in her very own one, had the little Sweetie Belle woken up due to the same rays of the sun which shone in her room. And those rays managed to fall right onto her little nose. The nose twitched just a little bit before she let out an adorable little sneeze. A sneeze that caused her eyes to be shot open and showed the world their emerald green rims. She gave a loud yawn before her legs stretched a little bit and managing to sit right up in her bed. Her eyes went through her little room and a tired yet joyful sounding sigh left through her mouth.

“Another day, new crusading to do,” she spoke softly to herself. “I wonder if Rarity is already awake. Usually she is.” Sweetie couldn't resist herself any longer and she let out a small giggle before she removed the blankets off of her body. With a gentle hop and humming in her voice, she jumped out of her bed and almost hopped over to the door.

“But first, refreshing time.” The filly giggled before she opened the door with a hoof. The first thing to peek out was her head and with her eyes she stared down the dark hallway. Streams of light could be seen in a gentle manner and appeared to be coming from the lower cracks of the door. It created quite an interesting play of light and was something the filly always seemed to have loved. With a smile on her face she left her bedroom and trotted up to the bathroom in order to her refreshing needs.

When the filly opened the door of the room, she was greeted by a bathroom covered with the curtains. She tilted her head to one side before it was then shook with a giggle. “Rarity, you’re silly. The bathroom doesn't need to be covered,” the filly said and without a second thought in her mind she opened the curtain. Her action resulted in letting the bathroom indulge itself in the warm light of the rising morning sun.

Sweetie took a couple sniffs in the air and smiled widely as she recognized the scent that hung there. “Hmm, lavender.” The filly took a couple more sniffs before she turned herself over to the sink and let it walk full with water. And then she plunged her entire face into it. It certainly was a rather unique manner to wash the face, but it seemed to be working for her every time. It was after the face washing that the young filly started to sing to herself in a soft tune not to wake her sister up. “~We are the Cutie-Mark-Crusaders, on the quest to find out who we are~” With her face being cleaned by the towel and all she moved on to the next point on her mental checklist. Which happened to be brushing her teeth.

The filly looked up in the mirror after she was done with her teeth and she showed herself a wonderful smile. The way she stood before the mirror at the time, reminded her a lot at how her sister always stood there when she was doing her eyelashes. “Why Sweetie, what do you look smashing today,” the filly spoke to her mirror image. The voice in which she spoke tried to imitate her sister’s as best as she possibly could. Though the attempt failed as her voice cracked from all sides and in result erupted the filly in a joyful yet quiet laughter.


In the end did the filly left the bathroom after she had closed the curtains again and found herself on the hallway once more. Her eyes turned themselves over to the door of the grand bedroom and with a simple trot she made her way over to it. Once she reached the oaken door did the young pony place her left ear against it. She tried to listen to any form of sound that could be heard. Yet everything stayed as silent as a graveyard inside.

With the sheer curiosity that went through her body had the hoof of the filly made its way up to the doorknob. Which it began to unlock with a slow turn. Under the sound of a small click was the door unlocked by itself and Sweetie pushed it slowly open. With a gentle screech of the hinges, the gap became big enough for her to slip through and that was what she did. The filly found herself within the walls of her sister's bedroom and her eyes got fixed on the posterbed that occupied the room. The blankets were placed over the backside and some of it just took refuge on the floor.

Sweetie tilted her head again at the shown sight for it wasn't the usual one to see in Rarity’s bedroom. Then she caught the tail of her sister that also hung over it and swished from side to side. The tail was more than enough to create a wide smile on her face.

With the innocent thought of her sister being awake, the filly changed her pace from standstill to a gallop almost in an instant. Just before she reached the bed, she jumped up on it and managed to land right on top of Rarity’s cold body. “Morning sis!” she spoke her words in a joyful and cracking tone.

“Whahaha!” was the only thing that Rarity could bring out before she launched both herself and her sister into the air. But where Sweetie fell back on the bed without a problem, Rarity’s head disappeared right between the two mattresses of the bed. Under a deep and unhearable muttering she managed to pry her head back out of the gap and gasped for the fresh air. Then her head turned itself over into the direction of her sister. “Sweetie Belle! Never, ever, wake a sleeping mare,” she spoke with a stern voice as her red rims fixed themselves upon the young filly. Rarity could speak of true luck that her wings didn't expose themselves due to the sudden, and overall rude awaking.

“Sorry sis,” the filly spoke after her ears had dropped and her voice turned to sad.

The mare let out a small moan of discomfort while she dropped back in her bed. But the words of her sister did went through her with some difficulty as well. “Just, let me sleep, Sweetie...” Rarity mumbled up before she turned her body in such manner that she would sleep comfortable.

“What!? No, did you forget? Today is our special day!” the young filly said as she gazed over to her sister in a genuine confused look.

“Special, day..?” Rarity questioned while she rose her head up from the pillow. It got rested upon her neck while one of her eyebrows rose itself up. The mare truly had not even the slightest of clues just where her sister was talking about.

“Yeah! You, Applejack and Rainbow are supposed to help me, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to get our cutie marks!” Sweetie spoke in her usual happy tone as she explained it to her sister.

Rarity simply blinked towards her. In the eyes it could be clearly seen that she was grinding her gears about it all. “What!? That was, that was today!?” she then spoke up as it all came back to her, most of it at least. Which still wasn't all too much to begin with.

“It is! We are going to bath in the sun, have lunch together and then play and try to find our marks!” Sweetie said with the joy still in her voice. “You insisted on sunbathing, remember?”

A shock went through the elder sister as the words echoed within her ears. Rarity wasn't prepared for anything and thus had no idea how to tackle the situation given her condition. Not going would break, if not shatter, the heart of Sweetie. But going would mean the risk of revealing anything if not everything to two of her friends. Adding the whole fact that Rainbow would be there as well, it only became more uncomfortable for her.

With some time having passed, she let out a deep exhale and fixed her red rimmed eyes onto the green ones of Sweetie. “As much as the sunbathing is wonderful, I, I have had my share of vitamin D already. More would be too dangerous. I am sorry to say Sweetie, but I must stay out of the sun for a little while.”

“Aww... But I wanted to bath in the sun with you!” the filly replied while she dropped her head.

“D’oh Sweetie, we can still do that, but later in time. How about you get yourself ready, then we shall go,” the elder sister said with a weak smile before she stroked a cheek of Sweetie.

“Already done that sis,” said Sweetie as her head rose back up with prideful smile. But what caught the unicorn the most, was the fact that there wasn't any remark about her cold hoof or anything the like.

Rarity gave a nod and shook her head lightly under a gentle giggle. “Then go downstairs and wait for me, please. I will be done in about half an hour.”

The filly nodded and just hopped off of the bed. After that she made her way out of the bedroom. Is she really that stupid, to not have felt anything or is it something else that drives her? the unicorn thought to herself as she just watched her sister go the way she did. But Rarity then returned to trying to figure out just how to solve the tangled mess of a situation she managed to get herself in. One fact was for sure though. She had to be as normal as possible against her sister and friends, no matter how hard that would even become. Especially with her still not having fully rest for once.


With half an hour having passed, the unicorn of generosity made her way down the stairs as she was already wore her black cloak. But the hood of the cloak was left down and with her lips curled up, it created a small smile as she saw her beloved little sister at the bottom of the stairs. “Are you ready, Sweetie?” she spoke with her usual kind and caring voice while making the last step down.

The young filly nodded and ran over to the door which she opened with haste, almost a bit too hasty. With the sunlight that rushed right into the building, the older unicorn pulled her hood up just before the light managed to reach her. Sweetie turned her attention to her sister. She tilted her head upon seeing the hood up, covering the head of Rarity. “Why are you wearing that?” the filly asked with a curious tone.

“This? Oh this is to block out the sunlight. Now, shall we go?” the mare replied. Her red irises went over the little filly before her.

Sweetie nodded to the explanation that was given to her and ventured through the door. She ran after her own tail for a little bit as she waited for Rarity who took her gentle time to emerge out of the building. She hoped that the cloak would do its work again and that it did. Not a single ray of light penetrated the cloak and the door got closed behind her.

“Where were we supposed to meet each other again, Sweetie?” Rarity asked just before the filly stopped running.

“Uhm, I believe by the Acres. You remember it, right? It was told three or four days ago.” Sweetie replied with an uncertain smile.

“Three, four days ago, you say? Where was I then?” her sister mumbled in herself before the red rims shot open from a sudden realization. For that was around the same amount of time since she got turned. But her memory was still like a strainer. That whole week happened before she woke up during the storm had been blurry and overall just gone from her mind.


The two unicorns began to make their way over to Sweet Apple Acres with a gentle trotting pace. Sweetie walked in front as Rarity just followed her. The mind of the elder unicorn was still trying to figure out what had happened in that week to the best of her abilities. Even if it was just the smallest of things, it could help. Yet she kept an eye on her younger sister, using her as a navigator.

But during the pondering of her mind she had forgotten that they almost reached the Acres and there she could be found. The orange coated, blond maned earth pony with her signature cowgirl hat. “Howdy ya’ll!” she spoke up with her usual happy voice as she leaned against the fence and saw the sisters coming.

“Hey Applejack!” Sweetie said cheerfully as ever. “Where is Apple Bloom?”

“She’s in the barn, partner. Waiting for ya from what Ah’ve heard,” the cowgirl replied before she nudged her head towards the massive, red colored barn. Without saying anything else had Sweetie made her way over to the barn in a galloping pace. The green eyes of Applejack fell upon the cloaked figure that remained with her. Of course she noticed the red eyes but decided not to focus on that, as there was something else on her mind. “And who might ya be? Don’t tell me that mare bailed out on it and that she hired a foalsitter for the day,” spoke Applejack while a hoof rubbed her chin.

The figure let out a familiar sounding chuckle before the red irises fell on the cowgirl. “Oh Applejack, are you that bad in recognizing me? Then again, given this cloak. And, I would never turn down an event like this, you know me too well for that.”

“Rarity? Is that you?” she asked in utter confusion but also a bit ashamed of her words.

The figure nodded gently as another gentle chuckle left her. “It is me, Applejack. And before you ask, I have had an overdose of vitamin D lately. So I need to stay out of the sun sadly.”

“Ah can see that clearly. But what are those?” Applejack said as she pointed to the irises.

“Part of the incident,” the unicorn replied quickly as she didn't wanted to explain it all again. The earth pony nodded in an understanding manner and let out a soft sigh. She couldn't help it but to feel sorry for whatever might have happened to the unicorn but also her own spoken words.

It was the silence that dominated between the two of them for a short amount of time. Yet suddenly was the sound of wings that almost breached the sound barrier. A sound that fell in both their ears and the mares gazed up into the skies, only to catch a rainbow colored trail. “Heh, what do ya know, there is our very own daredevil.” Applejack chuckled before she held her stetson closer against her head.

The cyan coated pegasus landed almost right in front of them without any warning given and both ponies had to hold their headgear firm due to the sudden shifts in wind. But on the back of the pegasus was a orange coated and purple maned filly to be found. One who hopped off of the back like nothing. “That was amazing, Rainbow Dash!” the filly spoke up while her mane stood in pretty much every possible direction. With all the excitement and adrenaline that raced through the filly’s body she jumped up and down on the spot and fluttered her with her own tiny wings.

“If you thought that was amazing, you should be on my back when I do a Sonic Rainboom.” Rainbow said with a cocky voice and her eyes closed up.

“So, awesome! But I gotta run now, the Crusaders are waiting for me! Bye Rainbow, bye Applejack, bye... uhm...” The little filly didn't finish the sentence and galloped straight to the barn where sounds of joy came from.

“What is that filly,” said Rainbow after she opened her eyes. The cerise eyes of the pegasus fell upon the black coated mare and within a second got the air filled with a scream of pure terror for a few seconds. A scream that came from the ever so though Rainbow Dash. “N-Nopony said she, she would be here!” she managed to speak up after the sounds had died down.

“Calm down Rainbow, tis only Rarity,” said Applejack with a calm tone. She placed a hoof on the shoulder of the near hyperventilating pegasus.

“That is who I am referring to!”

Applejack switching her eyes between the two mares and knew something had happened between then. And she wasn't in the mood to and watch the crusaders and her friends. The cowgirl let a deep sigh leave her before she spoke up her words. Her words of true honesty. “Look, Ah don’t know what happened between the two of ya, but can we behave like adults in front of them? Tis not every day we do things like this.”

Luckily for her, they both nodded in agreement to her as Rarity took the word. “For the girls?” she asked to Rainbow as the rims disappeared and reappeared in a blinking motion.

“For the girls,” answered Rainbow, who still was uncertain of the business.


And so it happened that the day ventured forward. The three mares and the fillies had the time of their lives. The always enthusiastic Crusaders tried everything as usual and the three mares helped them the best they could.

When the noon hour hit them, Applejack served up the classical Sweet Apple Acres lunch and all of them enjoyed it as much as they could. It was taken note that Rarity never ate anything but only drank the applejuice that was being served. After a quick explanation done by her did all the other ponies nod and returned to their normal activities that were planned for the day.

It was with the sunbathing that some true trouble came for the elder unicorn. The three fillies tried to get her out of the shadows and into the full shine sun. But she struggled against it as she laid perfectly comfortable within the shadows of the tree with her hood down. When she did had more than enough of them pushing her, she told them all over her condition and why she remained within the shadows.

But hearing what she said then actually clashed against the words spoken earlier towards Rainbow. The pegasus wanted to make a remark off of it so badly but also couldn't break the promise she made to her friend. In the end she just decided to keep her mouth shut, together with her eyes. Maybe it is too hard to explain it to the three of them as it was against me and Twi, Rainbow thought to herself before she continued her own bathing.

As the day eventually and for some sadly came to a closure as the time to leave for home had fallen upon all of them. Sweetie Belle herself happened to have been too tired to struggle against the words of her sister. She even went willingly on the back of Rarity where she almost fell asleep on right away.

The unicorn said her thanks and goodbye’s to both Applejack and Rainbow Dash before she made her way over to the house of her parents. A house that stood on the edge of town and was going to be the little walk before it would be reached. But once reached, it would be like nothing else in her life.


Pearl, the mother of both Rarity and Sweetie, tucked her youngest filly in her bed and gave her a loving kiss on the forehead before she made her return to the living room. The room where her beloved husband - Magnum - and oldest daughter could be found. A daughter who let out a sigh as she had a troubling matter on her mind. “Mother, father, can I talk to you for a moment, it, it is about Sweetie,” she started. “Nothing bad though, don’t worry about that.”

“’Course you can honey. What do you wanna speak about?” Magnum replied while her mother came into the room carrying three cups of tea.

“Well, due to recent advancements in the store and the interview I told you about, business has been raising through the roof. I, simply do not have the time to get her over the floor all of the sudden. She is still welcome of course, but we need more structure into it. Like, every weekend or every two weekends. And if it is needed somewhere in the week, contact me first please, so I can prepare everything,” the unicorn spoke up with a knot in her heart. Of course it was needed to be discussed. Yet the truth behind the matter was something that she just couldn't say. Not even against her own parents. She was terrified to death that if they would figure it out that they would disown her and declare her an outlaw.

Pearl took place on the couch and cuddled up against her loving Magnum. They both understood what their daughter was talking about. “Well, I do not see a problem in it to be honest, it will be a little hard for her though, to get used to it and all. But after a couple weeks she will be used to it. Though Rary, you look tired, maybe you should go to bed as well. From what Sweetie told us, the both of you had an exhausting day,” answered Pearl while she looked into the tired eyes of her grown-up daughter.

Rarity gave a nod to her mother and finished up her tea with a couple of long sips. She set her cup back on the table and stood up from her seating in order to leave the living room as a whole. She spoke her goodnights to the both of them and made her way up a set of stairs. Once the unicorn stood on the hallway of the second floor, she walked into the room that always could have been considered to be hers for as long as she could remember. At least it was until the day she moved over to Carousel Boutique. An emotional day for the whole family but one that happened for possibly the better.

Rarity’s eyes stared out of the window while both of her elbows had been placed on the sill and supported her head. The red rimmed eyes fell on the moon, a moon that was even redder than the one before. But the odd thing was that it almost seemed as if it was calling her. Haunting her even within the depths of her mind.

In an attempt to shake the matter off of herself, Rarity laid down in her bed and allowed her head to meet up with the pillow. She tried once more to gain some of her much needed sleep. But just like last time, her nature didn't allow it. She needed to stay awake until the next dawn.

And to make matters only worse, the thirst had returned as well into its full force. The blood that was taken from Trixie was all used and the hunger had started to rise up once more. She needed to feed, and she needed to do so soon enough.

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