• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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30 Changes for the worst

The night that followed up after her day in Canterlot was just as easily passed away as any normal one. That was until the morning sun was inviting enough to get out of bed of one so desired. In the grand bedroom of the Carousel Boutique was Rarity having a little trouble. The soft rays shone down the slightly opened curtains and on her face. They teased her eyes a little bit in order to open themselves. But where she normally would open them and smiled to tackle the day, there instead was a moan of pure discomfort which could be heard as she hoisted herself up on her bed. “Ugh,” she groaned in herself as she didn't felt herself wake at all. More correctly, she felt herself almost as if something had drained her from her life force.

Her sapphire blue rims showed themselves finally to the world but were usually their normally so vibrant coloring could be seen, they had dimmed down by a bit before being rubbed by her soft forelegs under a small yawn. It was only after the legs removed themselves she was given a better opportunity to look around her room. Everything just stood as it had always been in her eyes.

From the stand which housed the wonderful looking gem that was inherited by her grandmother hadn't moved one bit and on the desk laid many different kinds of papers for dresses and just loose ideas. But something on her bed sheets themselves that caught her attention more than anything else.

“In all goodness of the world..?” mumbled Rarity in a careful and rightful frightened tone. That was just before she brought the sheets a little closer towards her face. It was done in an attempt to inspect some of the odd red dots that could be found upon it. “Blood? The mosquitoes are getting more annoying than I originally had expected. Time to bring out the old remedies then,” spoke Rarity after she discovered just what it was on her bed sheets. Though unknown to her, was the very fact that there were two little scars could be found in her neck. Two scars which laid almost directly above the most important vein in her neck, the carotid artery itself.

With her right forehoof did she went over the neck area before a loud yawn left through her mouth. The unicorn was everything but clearly awake from the night. Yet as the hoof went over the entire neck, it could feel two little bumps. "Are you kidding me here?" she muttered to herself while she classified the them as marks made by the dreaded insects. She was everything but happy about them and a deep sigh left through her nose. The hoof lowered itself again and the unicorn just sat there for a moment with both of her forelegs on the blankets as she looked through the room.

Rarity just shook the little dots off and eventually left the bed under a soft muttering. “Great, can change the sheets as well today while I did it not even a week ago. Oh well, might refresh myself first before doing anything else.” The unicorn left the bed and left the mess for what it was. She made her way over to the bathroom instead. The very place where she would prepare everything for a long and hot shower in order to wake up in full for the upcoming day. Any weakness or form of drainage, she always had solved in that manner. Just because it was a thing that stood equal to heaven in her mind. And it had helped her out on more than just one occasion.

While the hot water made its way over her coat and mane, Rarity let out a deep sigh of comfort and she closed her eyes. S rose up on her hindlegs with great care. The unicorn allowed the streaming and steaming water to be caught against her chest and she flicked her tail happily against the wall. The mare released a gentle moan of pure joy upon all the feelings that were going down her body.

She picked up the bottle of soap for her mane with the help of her magic and poured some of the thicker liquid within it. While she leaned against the wall, Rarity started to rub the soap through all of her mane. The unicorn of grace tried to not miss a single spot and did succeed upon it rather well. Given the fact just how much mane she had to wash.

Not much later was her entire mane dyed in a white coloring from the bubbly goods. With another charge of her horn would she have removed the showerhead of off of its place. She moved it all the way over her head and mane. Her forelegs were used to spread or wash away the shampoo that was in the hair with a gentle applied force.

The same ritual was done for her coat albeit it was more in the need of magic. Because the only parts of her body that she could wash with her forelegs, outside of the mane, was the neck, chest and belly area. Everything else had to be done with her magic unless she wanted to risk a major injury.

In the end had Rarity dropped back down on all four of her legs and with the help of both her magic and hooves she gave herself one last round of water to get rid of all the soap that that still could be found on her coat and mane. Though the white bubbly soap against her ivory coat was something that was rather difficult to spot with the naked eye. But the mare didn't care as she loved it and it all went accompanied with the sounds of some soft humming of self-composed music to let the time pass by. While she stood in a steaming shower.


All the sudden she cut off the water supply and the humming died down before the curtain of the shower got surrounded by the aura of blue magic. And then it was pushed away to reveal the misty insides of the shower. At first it was her left foreleg that left the shower and it was placed upon a towel that was set on the ground.

Streams of water made their elegant way down the leg through the natural created channels in her fur before the right foreleg was placed in front of it. Only then did her hindlegs step out of the shower and on the towel. There she stood in a beautiful and elegant pose. One which really showed her cleaned body in its full glory. With the sunlight reflecting upon it, Rarity looked like she was a shining gem.

Her tail hung down due to the masses of water and it was just being dragged over the ground while her mane had dropped itself before her right eye. The water dripped off of her body from all sides while steam left her from behind. She always loved to take a shower in temperatures that were hot. Everything combined was without a single doubt in almost every stallion's mind, a view worth to kill for.

Her horn charged itself up a little bit while she closed her eyes and there were more towels that got levitated into the air. Towels that were used in order to dry herself off from the watery heavens on earth. It was something she did with great pleasure before she wrapped her signature white and goldish colored, silk bathrobe around her body. Her signature warm smile found itself on her face and a little giggle left her on the very thought of what the day would had in store for her. A feeling she usually woke up with.

“Hmmm, now that was just divine,” she said to herself as the towels that were used dropped themselves to the ground. The mare walked up to the washbasin in order to further make herself up. For the change from being just out of bed, to the fully proper mare as everypony knew her as, was still a chore to do but one she did with love.

A couple minutes had she brushed and combed through her mane and tail. All in order to regain their unique curling in them. For it were those curls within her hair which were part of her looks. The looks that set her apart from almost all of the other ponies. It made her, a rarity. When she was one hundred percent happy with her looks, she smiled in the mirror and then left the bathroom as a whole after having it cleaned up a bit. She left it in order to trade it in for the kitchen downstairs to enjoy a wonderful yet simple breakfast.


It was a breakfast that was made up from a simple slice of toast with some molten cheese on top of it and a glass of milk. Simple but enough to begin the day that laid ahead. It was not much to begin the day with but the unicorn wasn't the world’s biggest eater in the morning. She just couldn't get more down her throat then just that what laid on her plate. There had been periods in her life she didn't ate at all during the mornings, but that was a major mistake of her. Ever since her health went back because of it, she slowly returned to eating in the morning again.

“Very well then,” spoke Rarity to herself after she had swallowed the final remains of her milk and left the kitchen table. The energetic mare had received some of her life force and did the dishes with the help of her magic. When everything was set back and down, she made her way over to her working area with a smile.

“...Who is next?” Her eyes had regained some of their coloring more brighter coloring during the breakfast but also because she had taken the time to recover from the night. Thing had happened in the past night that were unexplainable to her and she didn't even knew about it. Yet as her eyes looked around the many mannequins which all wore unfinished dresses for commoners and high class ponies alike, there was just something that sparked within the body of the mare. An unnamable force that was unique to her or at least in Ponyville and she was just willing to start working on whatever had priority.

With a strong nod that was given to herself began Rarity to do what she loved doing the most and did it all as the warm and bright smile remained on her face. Her magic was doing its job as it was supposed to be while the mare herself was humming self-made tunes and songs from her youth alike. All of the sounds were echoing through the room. Which created a wonderful choir and orchestra to be heard.

The day itself was a pleasant one. Not a single cloud could be found within the skies while the sun was warm and pleasant to both travel and work with. Many ponies came to pick up their order from the famous boutique through the daily hours, whereas others decided to drop an order off. And then there was the - from time to time - though conversation with the mare. They were nine out of ten times about the design of the desired piece of clothing. But the client and the tailor always left the meeting room with a smile on their faces, they had always agreed on the design both given and received. Some even came in just to have a conversation with her to check in on the latest news or just because they liked talking to a mind like her own.

There was of course the fifth kind of ponies who just came by window shopping or looking around to all the beautiful products that stood on display. It were those which Rarity never minded to have over the floor. For the pieces that stood on her displays had two main purposes set up by the mare herself. The first one being some lovely interior decoration whereas the second one had a more business side to them. For they were also meant to show a, possible, future client just how well, far and sometimes even daring the craftmareship of Rarity went in her designs.

The unicorn did her job always with a smile and no matter how many times she was interrupted from her stitching, a smile never left her face. Though she had the urges to just wanting to lock herself up in the work area from time to time given the sometimes annoying questions some of the customers had. But as with every day, it had to come to an end. As soon as the clock tower of Ponyville hit five in the afternoon did the mare close her boutique for clients and customers alike. Though she kept working on dresses and other projects in peace for another hour or two. It mostly depended on how her mood was and what still had to be done before she prepared her dinner and just enjoying an evening off.

But the night that came, it would become a night like no other she had ever been through. For that night she would turn into a being of myths, folklore and ghost stories told throughout the ages. Because fears and horrors were on the point of becoming one beautiful but deadly reality.


Rarity was just sitting down in her chair with a good book before her eyes. A fantasy book which she read through her red framed glasses. But the more she read, the more her body temperature seemed to rise up. As if she would have a starting flu of any kind. Though the stubborn mare tried to shake it off and just kept reading. That was until her head was pounding harder than ever before and thus caused a terrible headache to follow up. She closed the book and leaned back in her chair while she waited for it all to just pass by. “M-Maybe I should have e-eaten a bit more tonight… or Fancy carried it over?” spoke Rarity to herself. She tried to find a logical reason behind her symptoms.

Though all of the sudden there was the feeling of needing to throw up that rushed through her body. Because she didn't wanted to spill her stomach content anywhere in the living room, she held her mouth shut with both her lips and a forehoof. After that would she have swallowed it back inside. With the disgusting taste in her mouth did Rarity shook her head. The mare stood up from the chair before she tried to walk a couple of steps.

Then it couldn't be stopped anymore. She was almost by the archway that lead to the main hall of her home it happened. The sounds of vomiting could be heard loud and clear. She feared the worst for her wonderful carpet on the floor. But it was a situation of luck by bad luck. It only stayed by sounds and spazzes of her body while the content stayed where it should be.

“W-What’s going, o-on?” she questioned after the events with tired eyes. She began to feel herself just becoming sicker by the second. As an added present to the stack, her back became sore. The feeling of something that just wanted to rip itself through her bones and skin without mercy rushed through her. In her mind did Rarity went through all the diseases that were known to her to while she tried to place the symptoms she had at the moment by just one.

But nothing there was nothing inside her mind that could even remotely match the horror and disgust which she was experiencing then. She was suffering something that was completely unexplored for her and was just sickening to say the least. The pain, the rest of the feelings, she wanted to do nothing else but make it all stop.


Yet in order to make matters even worse than they already were, her upper jaw became aggrieve. All while the same feeling in her back remained there. She tried to keep herself standing through the pain, trying to stay the tough mare she could be and wanted to be. But it was all in a vague hope that would be over not much later. Then there was scream of the purest pain and agony did its turn through the living room. A scream that was accompanied by the sounds of flesh being torn to pieces by something unknown.

Blood splatters were sent from both sides of the unicorn and hit both the nearest wall and floor. Tears of agony rolled down her cheeks as her sapphire blue eyes got closed off from the world once again. But on her back, there was something that nopony could have held possible. Something that only two other ponies on the face of the land had.

For on her back there was a pair of wings that looked like those of a bat. The wings which had literally ripped themselves through her skin while a bone in her spinal cord had morphed itself to hold them. It had changed into that of a socket the pegasi had in order to hold them in place. Yet there was a slight complication with them. It was a fragile and makeshift one. That fact was more than enough to make any pegasus cringe in the fears of not being able to fly with them.

The freshly gotten wings just fell down to the ground while no force was placed into them yet. The unicorn hadn't even the slightest of idea that they were there. Their almost transparent purple skin showed off bright as the bones used as the connection points were the same white as her fur. The mare herself just dropped herself to the ground due to the intense levels of pain and despair. “M-Make it stop..!” she begged in a quiet tone. A beg made towards any force that could hear her pleas.

In her mouth there was another change that happened as her tongue could feel two of her teeth that became longer. Yet the pain in her back was too much for Rarity to focus herself on that smaller change. Though what truly happened in her mouth was that her teeth, that two of her canines were slowly turning into sharp and deadly fangs. Fangs that were good enough to pierce themselves through flesh and tear it away if they had to. Her tongue kept going past them while more tears streamed down her face of utter agony as she laid on the ground.

Rarity wanted to scream as loud and as long as possible in pain but the stubborn mare just didn't do it for the soul reason of it being unladylike. But drastic times, ask for drastic actions and it was no exception. Shortly afterward it was the will to release sounds that took the upperhoof and her voice took over the living room of the boutique with a high pitched scream. Screams of utter agony did their turn through the entire room, horrible screams of somepony that was on the brink of death. That was true in more than one manner of saying. Yet nopony could hear them and thus help her with her sufferings.

Behind her closed eyelids there was another and final change that took place. Her normally always so warm and from time to time inviting, sapphire blue rims were put to rest. They got replaced by something that was just as horrible as the wings and fangs. For there was a new coloring that boiled up within them. A crimson red coloring that would become her iris as her core body temperature lowered itself to fairly much nonexistent.


After a couple more screams and winces in pain were being made before the mare managed to control herself a bit more. She dared to stand back up on all four of her hooves and in response did her weak wings curl themselves almost out of instinct around her belly and back. That action that was done had created the ever so elusive nightgown she would be wearing from that day forward until the day she would truly pass over to the afterlife.

But the eyes of Rarity kept themselves closed no matter what as she felt the feeling of a fever coming up again. In her mind there was one side that forced herself to just open her eyes and embrace the thing she had become. Whereas the other however just prayed it was all one bad dream that had fallen upon her.

“W-What’s going o-on?” she managed to mumble in herself after the screams died down. She indeed opened up her eyes. The gaze that was revealed to the world went accompanied with the seducing yet terrifying crimson to bloodred rims in her eyes as her wings unfold themselves once again. Her head turned itself from side to side and gave the eyes a good time to watch the spread wings in their full glory before a grin of utter insanity formed itself below her nose. All of the sudden she just erupted out in a loud and somewhat diabolical laughter of pure evil and malice.

During her snickering session had Rarity managed to stand herself back up on all four of her legs as firm as always. Her first action done were a couple steps back into the living room to inspect the wings a bit more and give her all of the space she required.

Rarity’s head turned itself right again as her wings gave a small flap before they curled themselves back around while her eyelids closed themselves halfway. That motion created a very manipulative stare from the mare as she started to wander a little around. “What has, h-happened..?” she questioned herself. Her brain had managed to kick back in and she took note of the horrifying changes.

The eyes opened themselves as wide as they were allowed. She released yet another scream, but the one that left her was a scream of pure terror and fear. A scream that could be heard by the neighbors, if she had those. For the boutique was a building that was standing all alone in the street. The nearest building was right across the street. From there was it impossible to hear the scream she let go.

Rarity closed her eyes once more before she just erupted in tears on the very spot. Softly and silently she started to sob in herself upon realizing the monster she had been turned into due to whatever reason. No longer was she the simple unicorn tailor that everypony knew her as. Instead she was turned into something even she didn't know that possibly existed.


There she stood, panting from her unstoppable sobbing. In a moment of mental tiredness, the primal instincts of the vampony in her saw the opportunity to take over the brain. Which did that with the greatest of pleasure. The sobbing got turned into a maniacal laughter as she rose up on her hind legs and spread both her forelegs and wings out to the sides. “Changes, for the better I would say!” she shouted into the thin air after her laughter had died down. But for long it didn't stay silent though. Her insane laughter rose up again almost straight away after she had spoken the words.

In the lights of the boutique that were created by the candles and her shadow could be seen on the wall. It was a sight that was of utmost discomfort. For the being with the wings and fangs was visible on the black spots, looked even more hideous than what she looked like in reality. Even though she saw it with her own eyes, Rarity’s very own mindset kicked itself back in.

It was only then that a mental struggle between herself took place. A struggle that would have dominated the mare for the rest of her existence on the face of the lands. On one side there was her regal posture, the mare everypony knew her as. While on the other side stood the mare she had been turned into. The vampony in herself, a predator of both body and mind through seduction and manipulation.

A fierce battle took place between them as the body was only a toy for her mind, playing around with her like it was nothing. But one blow, one clash of the both of them at the same time caused something within her mind. It caused a power cut to happen within her brain. A cut that would have her knocked and blacked out for the very remainders of the night while in her head, the clash simply continued.


Meanwhile and just outside of town had the Apple family found themselves all collected around the fireplace as Granny Smith simply looked upon all three of her grandchildren with her old but always loved smile. Just the mere sight of the three together made her life worthwhile. Apple Bloom was peacefully asleep in the hooves of Applejack as the cowgirl herself laid gently against her brother, Big Macintosh who was still asleep and smiled in return while a peaceful sigh left through his nose.

“Oh this sight just makes the butterflies in my belly fly up again,” spoke Granny in a chuckling tone. The crisping of the wood was one of the few sounds to be heard outside of the breathing of the mare and filly.

“Ah know what ya mean Granny, never seen them two of them this tired,” the red stallion spoke as her. It surprised the elderly mare a bit as it became apparent he had only closed his very eyes. With a single chuckle that left him, his sap green eyes were gently revealed again and he gently yet peacefully made his hoof go through the mane of his eldest sister.

“You know Mac, I have been wondering for a long time now. You know I ain't life for-”

“Granny, let’s not speak ‘bout that subject again, please. This moment, Ah wish to cherish with mah heart.” Big Mac replied while he looked his grandmother deeply in the eyes. The elderly mare could see the twinkle of truth in the eyes of her oldest grandchild and nodded in silence before she rest her old eyes on the sight once again.


In the treelibrary of Ponyville could Twilight have found herself working on something that she found worthy of reading. But it was more time consuming then everything she had read in the past six months. She was given a book about tomes for spells that were vastly remained unexplored. But as eager as she was, the studious unicorn managed to perform one spell that even made her stare in utter disbelief.

Being knocked back by the vast power that was released from her, by then smoking horn, the young mare rubbed her forehead a little bit before she opened her eyes again. Only to stare at somepony she knew all too well. “Oh no..!” she said while stared at a much more mature looking version of somepony. Somepony who happened to be nopony else then herself.

“So we meet again,” her elder even image said with a grinning smile on her face.

“So it seems. But why are you here again? Is doomsday really coming now?” the present day mare asked in all of her curiosity.

“More or less... But it is never too late to change the timeline, as long as you know just where it went wrong,” the future version of herself spoke as it rose up on her hind legs and she leaned against the desk. “Besides, you brought me here this time instead of I myself.” The torn catsuit wearing mare crossed her forelegs over each other and a sly grin was formed. With her free eye she kept it keen on the younger Twilight to see her reaction into the fullest of detail.

“Suppose you have a point there. Anything I should know before either I sent you back or you get brought back?” the present version of the mare asked out of sheer curiosity.

“Nah, nothing really. Just keep doing what you are always doing and everything will be fine. Besides, too much foreknowledge is something truly dangerous.” Twilight from the future replied as the sparks of lightning traveled once again over her tattered catsuit. But deep within her heart did the future version of Twilight knew the truth all along. Of the horrible days that would be coming if things weren't changed. With her one visible eye she gazed over the present Twilight with a smirk. “Guess time is not the greatest of fans of having me here. Shame really, I like this time. So carefree.”

“So it seems. Doesn't it hurt to travel through time like that, and why do you always wear that suit and look like that?”

The future Twilight let go a chuckle before she spoke the words in her defense. “It doesn't hurt as much as you think. You just get stretched out and brought back together, much like gravity pulls you to the ground. You’ll get used to it, trust me. As for the looks, I just loved it and decided to stay with it.” The last set of words were spoken to conceal the lie of the future of the land. She was a smart mare and knew to never spill too much against her past version.

And under a loud zap of magical electricity was the future version of the eager unicorn gone once again. She had once again vanished into thin air while some sparks could still be seen running their way over the ground she stood on. “Most curious to meet your future self every now and then. Wonder if it is possible to meet a past self. Oh wait...I just did, well sort of.” Twilight chuckled gently to herself before returning back to her studies. She closed the book out of which she got the tome and the title of it read, Spells through time, past and future closer to the present.


Meanwhile, deep into the future of Equestria stood the future version of Twilight back in her torn down library. With the sun that shone through the cracked and broken windows she was just reminded to the terror that had fallen over on the land. A terror that once was called generous.

With a sigh she sat down on a table and looked over to a banner that hung outside. The banner that was the used by the unicorn kingdom back in the ancient days. Except that it had changed the design, for the mane and coat coloring where that of nopony else but Rarity, and in the mouth were deadly fangs to be seen. “How could we have been so blind? Her of all...” In a moment of frustration did she rose back up and slammed her hoof into the ground before she snarled into the thin air. The course that fate had taken, was one that should have been prevented at any cost.

If that was going to be the future of Equestria, nopony must have ever got to knew it. Yet time always had been in flux. The time where this Twilight was could possibly have been an alteration upon the timeline. Yet the time in the age she just had visited was too young to truly tell the fate of the magical land of friendship and harmony. Events were bound to happen, events that could change and reshape the future as it was known.

“There she is! Get her!” was shouted in a stallion's voice all the sudden just outside of the library. The clatter of armor was caught in her ears and she knew what time it was.

The unicorn looked only up from the sudden voice and smirked a bit towards it. There was a reason of just why she wore her attire, and they just happened to be it. “Hello boys, did you miss me? Heh, suppose your queen still wants my head on a stick, or to become her pet dog? Well, I’m ready for each and every one of you!” shouted Twilight in return. Her horn charged itself up to strengths that only she could call upon. “I’ll take you all on!” She was ready to fight to the death against the forces outside. A fight she would win, no matter the cost.

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