• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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06 A beautiful meal

“I, I am flattered, lady Rarity,” the stallion replied after a couple seconds. At first he didn't truly understood that what she meant, but his brain managed to give him the hints required. The stallion looked towards the cloaked mare after she had spoken her words. He admitted he had the greatest of difficulties to keep his eyes off of her beautiful shaped body. There was something mysterious and ominous about her as they walked down the empty streets of the town under the company of the moon high above them. The wind blew its gentle breeze through both of their mane as the light created by houses, candles and the very stars and moon shone down upon them. But even with all of the light they had, surprises lurked around every corner and in the darkness.

Little did he knew was the fact that she was toying around with him. Rarity returned the looks of the stallion with a seducing and persuading stare from time to time. To make him even fall more for her, the mare swayed her hips from side to side in a slow and teasing manner. Even with the cloak that covered all of her body, the movements that were made could still be seen without a hitch. “So, hot,” he mumbled while he stared at her covered flanks. Yet in silence he hoped she didn't hear it though not much went unnoticed for the ears of the vampony unicorn.

They came closer and closer to the lane where the circular building stood and as they finally did arrive at the boutique. The eyes of Mixmaster managed to tear themselves from her body and irradiated a look of pure awe as they fell upon the building itself. “The famous Carousel Boutique,” was all he could say. The building stood before him mighty and tall. Yet it too was concealed within the darkness of the night and only added even more to the ominous night that was happening. The response made it even more clear to the unicorn that he wasn't a local of any kind and such a fact gave her a major advantage for the game of hunter and prey that was unfolding itself between the two of them.

Rarity gave a confirming nod to his words before she opened the door to her home with a simple charge of her horn. Her head turned itself over to him and gave off a seducing glare with her eyes half closed while the rest of her body slowly entered the building. “Would you like to, come in?” she asked him. Mixmaster stared back into her eyes and not a single muscle in his body was able to resist her. Without any question that rose up within his mind, he followed her into the boutique and closed the door behind him like the gentlecolt he was.

Indulged in the darkness of her home, the stallion stood before the door and tried to look through the darkness. To see what wonders of cloth she had on display within the store that she owned. But he saw nothing with the exception of pools of shadow. His eyes were of course adjusted to the darkness, but unlike outside, within the building everything was just pitch black.

“Now, if you please want to go to your left and take place on the sofa then I shall be there in a moment,” the mare spoke in her seducing tone and Mixmaster obeyed in silence. He walked through the archway that led him to the livingroom but the darkness within it was a bit unsettling for him. The stallion had a couple quick looks around before he found a small box of matches that laid on top of a cabinet. After that he noticed the large candles that could be lit. With a smile on his face he lit some of the candles to create a certain atmosphere. Little did he knew just which kind was made.

When the last match was blown out, he made his way over to the sofa and dropped himself into the comfortable seating. However, Mixmaster felt himself quite uncomfortable when he just plopped down upon the sofa but tried his best to shake it off nonetheless. Not knowing what she did want of him though. Of course did the guesses made their way through his mind but he shook those off as well.

Due to a sudden gust of wind that blew through the room went some of the candles extinguish by themselves as others simply dimmed down by a lot. The sudden change let the room plummet into a shadowy yet oddly romantic mood, at least in the eyes of the stallion. And without a warning of any kind it was nopony else then Rarity who appeared under the archway. She stood in a teasing pose as her eyes were half way closed. They gazed even more seducing over to him while her tail kept the private parts a little bit more private.

The stallion looked back unto her near perfectly shaped body and had to do his utmost best to contain himself. But what caught the most of his attention was the clearly visible purplish nightgown. For the piece of clothing was truly the creme de la creme.

“You do not have to leave anytime soon, right?” the mare spoke in her seducing tone while her red rimmed eyes kept themselves fixed upon his body. The stallion simply blinked a couple times in utter confusion at the words that were spoken.

Mixmaster was almost bewitched by her beauty and tried to make his reply up. “W-Well, I, I do not have a-any plans, at least, n-not yet,” was all he could bring out after some seconds of thinking. The mare formed a slow but sly grin on her face before she made her way up to him. The stallion couldn't keep his eyes off of the mare as he only got more and more attracted by her beauty. “D-Do you have p-plans, l-lady Rar-r-ity?” he asked after he had gathered all of guts.


Rarity walked up in an even slower pace while she teasingly showed her flanks in their full glory to him. As the gap between them became less and less, the unicorn kept staring into his eyes with the dreamy ones of her own and spoke up her words. “I do have a plan, yes.”

Mixmaster couldn't do anything with the exception of just sitting where he sat and let her come. He was literally stunned by her beauty and a couple drops of sweat made their way down his face as she approached him more and more. His eyes kept themselves locked upon those of her while his body stiffened even more. “A-And that b-being?” he asked in an innocent tone before a gulp was to be released.

Rarity allowed a small chuckle to leave before she had reached him. Without a warning given to him, she slid over his body and let herself rest upon that of him as her tail removed itself from the private parts, making them more public. “How about we indulge ourselves in a bit of, pleasure?” the unicorn spoke as the tip of her tongue made its way over her lips.

His eyes shot open widely in response to the motions made and the words that entered his ears. All of it caused him to literally freeze on the spot and leave him unable to move. Though he was able to talk to her. “Y-You m-m-mean..?” Mixmaster felt the cold body she had resting against his but given how he was frozen himself, it almost didn't seem to matter in any way.

The mare nodded at his stumbling of words and replied with some of her own. “I mean that, yes.” Mixmaster gulped shocked at the spoken revelation that came from a mare who he only had read about in magazines. To a certain degree had his wildest fantasies come true.

Finally and through luck did his eyes took themselves away from hers and under a deep blush he inspected her body with a quick glance. It was so perfect, yet so natural. But as he looked to the nightgown she wore managed the stallion to notice that something was wrong. Instead of it being made from any kind of fabric, he thought to be seeing skin.

Before his suspicion couldn’t be confirmed. Rarity had leaned their bodies further into the seating of the sofa and his head fell upon the pillow. The mare just continued to gaze deep into his eyes with the same look. Mixmaster laid in a horizontal way on the sofa and was once again caught by her seductive gaze. Shivers of cold went through his body and he wanted to say something about that, as well as the gown she wore but that action was nullified. For Rarity simply set her right forehoof against his lips. “How unmannered, looking down on a lady’s body,” she spoke up in a sensual, hot tone. She had caught the stare within the eyes of the stallion the moment it lowered itself and she had set her plans into motion. Full, motion that was.

“W-What?” was all he could say after the hoof gently removed itself from his lips.

“I know you want me. And I, want you,” the mare spoke under a soft moan while her eyes never lost contact with his.

“W-Wait, c-can we s-” But before he could speak further his eyes got locked within the deadly red rimmed ones and he lost the ability to even think straight as Rarity suddenly kissed him full upon the lips. As the mare closed her eyes completely, it were her forehooves that wrapped themselves tightly around his neck in order to hold him closely with her.

The eyes of Mixmaster once again shot open when he realized she was actually kissing him. Her tongue slipped itself forward in a gentle motion and was asking permission to enter as she used her hind legs to rub his flanks. For some unknown reason did the stallion return the kiss deeply back to her as he slowly wrapped his front hooves around the neck of the mare.

He allowed her tongue to enter which immediately started to play with his. The stallion let go a soft moan in pleasure as they kept kissing each other deeper than expected. For him it was something he never had done before in his life, making out with a mare. Let alone one that was considered one of the most beautiful the land had to offer. The stallion found himself in a dream that was coming true. A dream that would turn and twist into a brain consuming nightmare.


Rarity broke the kiss ever so carefully after a near two minutes and while she pulled back there was a small string of saliva that came with her. Through the string they were still connected with one another before it eventually just broke to pieces. As a slight chuckle left her she stroked the left cheek of the stallion in a calm manner. And once more did her words left the mouth in the seducing tone. “Did you like it?”

The only thing the stallion could do was to just give a simple nod as the mare was still rubbing his cutie mark. But he could feel his own private parts grow bigger and bigger. Eventually it poked right against the underside of the unicorn above him. “I know you want it. Do not resist it, I won't bite,” the mare spoke up in her seducing tone as she of course had felt the poking.

As much as the stallion wanted it, it was not right in his eyes. He couldn't do it for the fact there was somepony else waiting for him. Mixmaster shook his head in a disagreeable manner to her last words but she continued to tease him deeper and deeper. It was only then that the vampiric unicorn realized the facts as they were. The very fact that no matter how much she tried, she would never be able to bring him into the deepest state of seduction. Rarity knew that the time was there. Time to still her everlasting thirst for blood. And the stallion below her, he was the perfect candidate.

She slowly extended stroking from his cheek down to his neck as well. But as she did so, the seduction got broken for a little bit and he started to shiver at the cold hoof that made its way up and down his neck. It also managed to regain him the ability to speak again. “W-Why is... Why is your h-hoof, s-so cold...l-lady Rarity?”

The mare let go another chuckle in a dark tone before she spoke up her own words in the a dark and uncomfortable tone. “Do not worry, my prey. You have nothing to fear, not anymore.” Rarity gently tilted his head to one side. And she saw that a vein in his neck had sprung up due to the sudden temperature change on the skin.

But then he thought about her words and as his head got moved, his eyes shot open widely. “W-Wait, what did you call me!?” he spewed out in response to them.

Though all hope was already lost for him. Rarity had opened her mouth under a terrifying sounding hiss and she made her sharp canines appear. The poor stallion could only have watched them while the feeling of screaming in utter terror occurred to within him. Yet the chance to do so was never given to him. The mare lowered her head closer and closer to his flesh. Under the sounds of a final hiss had she allowed her fangs to be sunken within the neck of Mixmaster. With the sound of skin being punctured was it all over. The small holes that were made into the skin caused the blood to rush out of it. That blood went straight into the mouth of the monster. A monster who began to feed from it in a pure enjoyment.

The blood that left through the created wound flowed freely into her mouth. Only to be swallowed under the sounds of moans of a terribly pleasure. The nightgown of the unicorn began to expand upon itself in order to reveal the two batwings. The stallion managed to see the revelation with his eyes and thus it confirmed his earlier suspicion stone-hard. But as they spread themselves, they didn't open in a casual way. For they had opened in a triumphal manner over him.

Still being able to see the sights that played before him, Mixmaster was able to witness the monster that she truly was. The devil that lurked below the wonderful looks she carried. A creature of legends and myths that had become a creeping reality.


Rarity kept drinking from his blood well passed her required needed amounts. All the blood that entered her mouth from that point on was taken in pure pleasure just for the taste. To her it was the most richest of drinks she had ever had in her life. She was in a strange way literally drinking the juices of life. The mare only left the wound when there were only a couple swallows left before the stallion would pass away. Something that could be considered a major upside point for him was the fact that he had passed out from the heavy amounts of blood loss.

When Rarity finally did let go of the wound she rose her head up to the ceiling and stared at it with a mad glare in her eyes. From deep within her body it started to boil up, a feeling that was purely primal had made her to release a roar that was dark, pleasurable and triumphal. Drops of blood ran down from both of the sides of her mouth and collected themselves on the lowest point of her chin before they dropped back down unto the blacked out stallion. While the sound of the roar died down, it slowly turned itself over into a dark chuckle. But even the chuckle died down in order for her to speak up her words. “The taste... exquisite! The hunt...” Rarity let go a small moan of pleasure as her eyes fell down his neck. “Even better.”

Some blood still came out of the wound and the mare licked it up with her blood wet tongue. She swallowed every last bit of the liquids that had entered her mouth. “Why did I kept denying it? It is the best thing that ever happened to me,” she spoke to herself. Her mind then brought up all the facts again before shattering them completely. Rarity erupted in a dark laughter as her wings flapped themselves a little bit. As more time had progressed she finally removed herself from the body of the stallion and made herself standing on the ground again.

She kissed the stallion once again lightly on the lips and left a small mark of blood on them. Her horn began to hum with power and the near lifeless body levitated itself up into the air while Rarity peeked to the outside world by walking by some of the curtains. “More silent than a graveyard,” the mare mumbled to herself before she made her way over to the front door and opened it in a careful manner.

She left with the body and found herself in a near dead, foggy Ponyville. With a door that fell back in its lock behind her did the mare thought of an actual place to hide the body and with a slow pacing she moved through town as silently as possible. That would have become his fate. After having served as the meal for the devil, he was just going to be dumped like it was nothing. The stallion could only pray that he would survive the onslaught he went through.


Rarity kept herself strictly to the shadows as she found her on the way over to the very bar she had found him. The task to do the thing was easier said than done given the fact that the fog was thicker than she originally had expected it to be. Though the unicorn wasn't the most idiotic of ponies and didn't drop the body right in front of the building. Instead she entered a small alleyway that was found next to the building.

“You have been a wonderful meal, darling. Rest for now,” she said while she brought the body passed herself and laid it next to a garbage container with great care. The body got placed in such a manner that made it appear that he had been drinking too much and thus was sleeping out his intoxication. Being satisfied with the result turned Rarity herself around once again in order to go home and get some much needed rest. At least some sleep that was required for the upcoming interview the following day.

Once more she allowed her uncloaked body to move itself in silence through the night. Her horn had discharged itself and the alleyway fell back into its natural darkness. The red rimmed eyes of the mare looked through the fog while she was even more careful around herself. For anything could happen along the way.

When she finally did came back home, there was the feeling of regret that rose up in her while she dragged her own body up the stairs. In the end Rarity just dropped herself in her bed and only let the struggle between herself erupt once more. “What is wrong with you, Rarity..? Just why... why?” she muttered as the blue aura appeared around her horn as the door to her bedroom closed itself and she curled up into a ball. With care did her eyes closed themselves and she spoke the last words for the night. “Just, why..?”

The more she pounded her mind on the question, the more blood tears collected themselves below her eyes. The tears of blood that eventually streamed down her cheeks once again, some made their way to the tip of her nose before they fell on the bed sheets.

For the couple remaining hours of the night kept the once so normal unicorn thinking about her done deeds. Deeds she never even thought of doing yet she still did them. Was it the course for her life? To adjust everything in order to be a bloodsucking monster of the night? But aside her guilt feelings, there was one other question that remained in her head, why her? As much as she tried to sleep, it just couldn't be done because of the thoughts racing through her mind.


In the far end had the moon just make room for the sun which raised up as it did every morning. The warm and pleasant rays of the morning vanquished the cold and dark grasp of the night as the moon lowered behind the mountains in the west. The mountain ridge even further than the mountains of Canterlot. A place that was simply known as Misty Peaks. A place of both adventures and myths. But above all, it was home to a small portion of the Griffon Empire.

Rarity let go an annoyed moan as she saw the first rays fell through her curtains, illuminating the room. “Bloody hell,” was the only thing she could bring out before the pillow was lifted and placed on top of her head in an attempt to block it out. But she couldn't take it anymore and just crawled out of her bed. The attention of the mare turned over to the dried up blood stains that could be clearly seen on the sheets and a feeling of disgust rose up within her body. “I'll clean those later,” the mare muttered before she opened the door of her bedroom with a simple charge of her horn and ventured down the hallway to the bathroom. Only to disappear within it in order to refresh herself sincerely.

With time progressing a little bit, she would have left the bathroom and looked as new. “Now that, was refreshing,” the mare said with a relaxed yet forced exhale while she made her way over to the stairs with elegance and grace. Her mane was wrapped in a towel that bounced gently up and down with every step she too from the stairs. Only to end up in the living room where she just waited. Waiting until the time was there to leave for her appointment.

The unicorn closed her eyes again for a little as her mane dried up and she fell asleep, finally able to gain some of her much needed and desired rest.


Time had been progressing a lot further than she thought, she shocked up out of her sleep and gently removed the towel from her mane. Her mane fell back in its signature and perfect curl and it was something that pleased her deeply. “You still haven't lost that touch, Rarity,” she spoke happily to herself before she hoisted herself up from the chair. Rarity made her way back up the stairs and had the intention to return into the bathroom where she would apply some makeup on herself and disposed of the used towel.

She entered the bathroom again and the towel was dropped on the ground. She proceeded by taking some of her mascara. She applied some of it on her eyelashes under a soft hum. Not too much and not too little, just perfect. And after the mascara she began to apply a bit more makeup until she looked like perfection itself.

She had one last look to her reflection in the water as her mirror image could not be seen anymore. But she smiled to the sights nonetheless and left the bathroom for the last time that day, making her way down the stairs once more. “The time has come now. Time to grab my chance. And I take it with both hooves,” she spoke in a happy tone to herself. It almost appeared to be that she had forgotten the events that happened with the stallion, or she didn't want to remember herself upon the facts.

The unicorn trotted over to the hatstand which still housed her cloak. A small grin appeared on her face as her horn coated itself within the blue magical aura once again. The cloak got levitated above her body before she allowed it to just be dropped over the whole of her body. The black fabric surrounded her from all sides once more.

With a deep and forced inhale did Rarity place the hood over her head and the horn discharged itself. The mare turned herself around towards the door and reached out for it once again. Rarity was truly hidden within the comforts of the fabric and stepped outside into the vast world. A world in which her eyes gazed upon the weakly shining afternoon sun.

Her pacing was a confident one as she left the dark comfort of her home and into the world filled with light. The door fell shut behind her and Rarity made her way to the edge of town. But she didn't stop there once she had reached it. Instead she went further away from the town as her appointed meeting point laid somewhere differently.

For it laid within a small restaurant that was named: ‘In the blue Goat’. A place that wasn't known by many and it was probably for the best if it was kept that way. The unicorn started to hum gentle tunes to herself while she kept going further away from the calm and peaceful village.

But where Rarity walked away from the town, back into it there were other activities that took place. More specifically in its famous tree library was another unicorn mare who had an entirely different problem to deal with. If Rarity only know that where her friend had been through ever since she left the boutique on the terms as they did.

For her drawn conclusions just might have become more true than she originally wanted them to be.


Earlier on that same night, during the young evening and inside the well-lit cottage that was home to nopony else then Fluttershy, could the pegasus have found herself busy taking care of her little critters like she always did. Most of the creatures were present but something still bugged the mare. “Oh Angel, where are you?” she spoke in her quiet voice as she looked everywhere for her little bunny. “Angel? Would you come here for some snuggles?” It was odd to say the least. As much as it was true that Fluttershy was walked over - if not steamrolled - by a bunny. Yet that same bunny would never turn down an offer like that down. Not in a million years.

“Oh no... What if, what if something happened to him! Oh, I got to find him, I got to find him now,” she spoke to all the critters present as the little bunny didn't appear. “Has, anyone seen Angel last?” All of the critters looked to one another and then shook their heads in a negative manner. But then came a little hummingbird to her who buzzed something within her ears. Something that made her jump right into the air with her wings spread out.

All of the animals present looked to her when she came back down and looked out of the window. “Oh poor Angel, all alone out there?! D-Don’t worry, mommy is going to get you!” Despite being the most unlikely pony to go out in the night, Fluttershy managed to gather all of her guts and she walked over to the front door. All of the creatures that were inside the house tried to warn her for something they called the beast. Of course it scared the pegasus to death but she spoke her words after a deep sigh. “No animal is matching in power then an angry mother. I will find you Angel. On my word.” There was nothing that could possibly stop the pegasus from not going and the creatures gave it up.


Not all too much later did Fluttershy found herself walking through the dark woods of Everfree. She tried everything in her might to find her little Angel. Scent, footprints, quiet yelling, all got done to find him. But she never got any response of any kind. “W-Where are you, Angel?” the mare questioned as all of the hope to find him slowly left her body as a whole.

Yet the mare had forgotten one thing. And that was that there was always light at the end of a tunnel. Even for her there would be in one form of the other. Whether she would actually agree with the light she would be seeing was a question in and of itself.

The grayish yellow coated pegasus walked passed an entrance that led over to an opening in the woods without giving it too much attention. Then her head rose itself up and she went straight into reverse, back to the entrance. For within the corner of her moderate cyan eyes she thought to have caught something. As her eyes watched better, they only grew bigger and bigger.

The shy pegasus of kindness looked right at a terrified Angel. She was, for the moment, the luckiest mare in the land and just rushed over to the critter without much thought through her mind.

“Oh I missed you so, so, so, much!” Fluttershy spoke after she had picked him up and nuzzled the nose of the bunny. But Angel himself had a bit of different plans. He woke her up out of the dream by a slap in the cheek and pointed to the woods. “W-Where was that good for Angel? What, what are trying to say?”

But it wasn't Angel who needed to answer that. Because the beast released a roar of utter domination and it jumped out of the woods. A large and gray furred wolf that was the size of the mare if not bigger with ease. Teeth and fangs were ready to cleave through the meat of the poor pony. A pony who yelped aloud and was frozen in utter fear. A quick meal for the wolf that had kept its eyes on the bunny for a good set of time. It was a treat, an upgrade even.

The predator rose up its claw and Fluttershy managed to either duck or fall to the ground. Mere seconds later was there the howling sound that came from the creature. One that could be heard through the entire woods of Everfree.

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