• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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11 A cup of blood filled with regret

The blood left the wounds that were caused by the fangs in a slow manner. It entered the mouth of the vampiric unicorn as if she was part of the normal bloodflow from the filly. Rarity swallowed it under soft and horrid moans of pleasure. She loved it as disgusting as it was. Just the sheer taste of the liquids that could be found within her mouth before they made their way down into her body, it was indescribable. The elder sister closed her eyes while she enjoyed every possible second that she was draining the life liquids from her sister with great and terrible shame. Her beloved little sister.

The little filly herself only stirred deep while the events happened to her. In her own mind it all appeared like it was a dream and Sweetie believed holy in it. The young filly kept saying to herself that she was vast asleep in her bed and that what was happening was just another nightmare. Sweetie Belle kept her eye forcefully shut and she didn't had any form of intention to just open them any time soon. All while more of her blood left her body by force it did made her weaker and weaker. The young filly kept stirring deeply through the whole ordeal with her eyes closed. All the way until she didn't move anymore.

Rarity felt that the struggling against her had become less and eventually just stopped. After that would the sapphire blue eyes of the mare had been revealed once more. She moved her mouth away from the wound in a shaking manner. Every fiber in her mind couldn't believe it. A small string of her own saliva that was covered in blood held contact with the two ponies for a little bit longer before it just broke into two pieces. One piece just hung on the lips of the mare and was ready to drop while the other part fell back into the neck of Sweetie.

Under a light pant did she let her eyes fall upon her prey while her tongue moved itself passed her blood covered lips. The small string was taken with it as she cleaned her lips like nothing happened. But as she did that had the tears of blood and realization made their way down her cheeks. Rarity shook her head violently from side to side while she let a hoof rest upon the created wound. She even pressed against it in order to stop the flow of blood from leaving. “No, no, no, no,” she spoke through her tears.

Without a second thought that went through her mind did stood she up from the chair. She rose up on her hindlegs and with great care she walked away. While she carried her unconscious little sister in her forelegs. One of her hooves was pressed against the wound while she left the living room. Her other leg was used for a stable hold for the filly to rest in. Rarity began on the careful ascent up the stairs with the bathroom as intention. But with every step she took, there was another tear of blood made its way down her cheeks. A path that ended on the coat of her sister.


Rarity’s horn charged itself up once again on the terrible and overall unfortunate night. It was one of blackest nights that she had ever endured in her whole life, a night that was about to get only worse for her feeling. The door of the bathroom opened itself and she entered with before closing the door once again. The sounds created by both the horn and the door was kept was low as possible as the elder sister didn't wanted to have her parents found out what had happened.

The tears from both eyes met each other by the chin before they fell on the coat and made of the near lifeless little filly. The mare lowered her body and placed the body of her sister on the rug of the bathroom while she sniffled in a gentle manner. “I am so sorry, Sweetie. I, I shouldn't have left my room tonight,” spoke Rarity to her sister in a tone that was filled with nothing else but regret. She was begging for forgiveness already. It was in the moment about the only thing she could possibly do.

Her horn was still lightly charged and with her magic it opened a small cabinet that housed all of their medical supplies. Rarity’s eyes went over everything in the search for some alcohol, bandages and plasters that she could use. Use them all to clean and treat the wound she created on her little sister.

With her free hoof had Rarity managed to grab a towel before she spotted the needed equipment in the corner of her eye. The things got levitated into her direction before they were placed right in front of her. While the fear could be read in her eyes, Rarity removed her hoof from the wound with hesitation. The blood travelled once again through the open wounds that were created by those horrid sharp fangs. Her sharp fangs. A gaze of utter disgust for herself was given while she stared down at the wound and knew she had to act fast.

The unicorn dipped some of the alcohol onto the towel before she dapped it over the wound with care. It was something that resulted in the flesh becoming a bit more clean from the already dried up blood. Not to mention that it got disinfected from any possible diseases.

Rarity also had a faint hope that her sister would be coming back to her knowledge because of the biting alcohol. But the hope was flown over as the filly didn't even move a muscle in response to the burning substance that came in contact with the open wound by accident. After a couple more daps were done against it, Rarity just removed the towel from the neck and threw it aside in order to place the bandages over it.

More and more tears fell out of the eyes of the unicorn. The whole situation had emotionally become too much for her to handle. She wasn't used to much to start with anyway. Yet she stood on the brink of losing her only sister, her one and only little sister. It was horrible to say the least, though abhorrent would be a better word to describe her situation.

In the end and through her many tears that were shed did Rarity still managed to place the bandages and sticking plaster over the wound before she crawled back upon her hooves. In one swift motion of her head could Sweetie Belle be found on the back of the unicorn. The blue aura disappeared from the filly but not from around her horn. The vampiric mare still needed a light in the darkness. She had to see where she would be going when she left the bathroom.

The unicorn then just skipped forward on three legs for the fact that she held Sweetie close to her with a hoof. The filly was held much closer than that she ever was within her life. Yet in secret, even in denial of herself, had the elder sister already given up hope for her beloved little sister. The amounts of blood that she had taken away from her were more than enough to end her life for certain. Her lifeless heart filled itself with something she truly deserved at that point in time. Pure regret was flowing right through her body.

Before she walked down the hallway in a gentle pace was the bathroom door closed and she had a look over the hallway to see if everything was still closed and dark. Everything appeared to be fine in her eyes and as she went down the hall while being able to wipe some of the tears away. Though they created a mess from her perfect coat. “Just how could I be so stupid..?” the mare mumbled while she turned her head over to the body of her lifeless sister.


Rarity made her way over to the bedroom of Sweetie and increased the charge of her horn once again in order to open the door. But instead of just placing the filly in her bed like she saw her earlier that night, she did something else. As the body got levitated off from her back rose the mare up on her hindlegs and thus stood again in a bipedal position. She allowed Sweetie to fall in her forelegs where she hugged the body like the true sister she could be and always should have been. But as the two made contact with each other again there was something in the chest of the filly that could not only be heard, but also be felt.

The ears of Rarity twitched softly before she turned her head down, facing her sister’s chest. Ever so careful and almost not believing what she heard, Rarity laid Sweetie back in her bed and discharged her horn as a while. That was done to eliminate the mistakes of their magical powers colliding in one way or the other. Then she lowered her own head to the chest again and let her ear hover above it a bit as she started to listen more carefully. Just hoping to hear that mysterious sound again.

Boom, boom. Boom, boom.

The blue eyes of the unicorn started to light up as she wiped away the new tears she had gotten. The sound indeed originated from within her little sister’s body. Though to be more correct: it originated from her sister’s very heart. The little heart did its work once again, meaning that Sweetie was still alive. Weakened like never before, but alive and that was what counted.

As soon as she made the realization did Rarity let a deep exhale of relief out through her nose and didn't care of just how her sister was brought back to life. Instead she tucked Sweetie in like their mother always had done to the two of them. But she added a little twist of her own. Something that came over the years that Sweetie had spent in the boutique and was even adopted by their mother. For Rarity finally gave her sister a small kiss upon the forehead with her cold lips just before she made her over to the door for her departure.

But her way as interrupted by the sound of a couple moans which were followed up by a weak sounding voice. “W-What happened..?” echoed through the room. Rarity however, didn't wished to discuss what happened and knew she would get over it. Under a soft screech the door closed itself as she made her exit. She left Sweetie Belle alone and filled with questions. Something that was a worldfirst for her and she was struggling deep with her moral code.


Back in her own bedroom did Rarity just drop herself down in her own bed and pulled the blankets over her body. Even more tears had formed themselves below her eyes once more. She tried her best to stay normal. To stay the pony she always had been, the mare she still saw herself as. But with her having taken the blood of a relative, she was broken in her mind from the events as they had happened.

Many tears of blood continued with their way down her cheeks and soon afterwards they fell down unto the pillow. All of it while the night continued to pass by and just had to make room for the upcoming day. And a terrible day it would be. But it also would be the very first time she would get enough hours of sleep after one another.


With the sun starting to rise up only after a couple hours that Rarity had dropped herself into her bed. The mare had managed to fall asleep after having blamed the events on herself for just so long. But in another room had her parents just woken up and did their daily routine of waking up and refreshing like nothing ever had happened. Neither of two even had a clue of what had happened during the cursed night. Not even the blood covered towel was noticed by the either of them as it was hidden out of sight among the other dirty cloths.

Pearl would have made her way over to the door of Rarity’s bedroom where she knocked on it a couple times as her sweet voice echoed through the place. “Rary, are you awake?” She waited a couple seconds but she didn't get any answer from the always so early up Rarity. The mare knew enough and made her way over to the door of Sweetie’s room and knocked on that one before she began to speak again. “Sweetie, are you awake?”

“I am mother,” a weak voice spoke from the other side. Pearl opened the door and was greeted by the near lifeless, emerald eyes of her youngest daughter.

“Honey, what, what happened to you? Don’t tell me you skipped another night trying to think about your cutie mark, now did you?” the concerned mother spoke while entering the room. She made her way over to the bed in the hope to head what had happened. When she had reached it, Pearl just sat down next to her daughter on the bed itself. She just looked at her with a questioning look in curious wait for the answer.

“No mom, I didn't do that...” Sweetie replied softly.

“Then what... oh my good lord, what is that on your neck?” Pearl said in a confused tone. She had seen the bandages that were on Sweetie’s neck. The bandages were white and her coat was white. White on white doesn’t get seen that quick even for the sharpest of eyes. Only when looked at for long enough or close enough it could be seen which was just what Pearl had done.

The eyes of the filly slowly fell upon her mother and she shook her head from side to side. “I, I don’t know mom... I just, don’t know.” But before her mother could respond in any form to the words spoken had Sweetie closed her eyes again. The filly lost all of her muscular power and fell back into the pillow, right back to a peaceful sleep.

Pearl let out a deep sigh while she continued to gaze over the sleeping filly before she gave a stroke through the mane of her youngest daughter. “Rest for now, Sweetie. Rest for now.” And then she stood back up from the bed, still being completely unaware of the events that had happened the past night. But she started to wonder just what could have been going on. The mother left the bedroom as a whole but she kept the door open just a little bit. Wide enough for sounds to make their way through it.


The day ventured onward in its normal manner, Pearl and Magnum did their daily things while knowing that both of their daughters were deeply asleep. Yet neither parent even dared to wake them up. It was only when the clock hit the late afternoon that the sound of something descending from the stairs could be heard within the ears of the mare.

Sweetie Belle had come back to her strength during her sleep and was her regular, happy self again but didn't want to remove the bandages from her neck out of fear for what laid beneath it. Both of her parents were relieved that she was better again, but couldn't help it to just wonder what could have caused such a thing. Let alone who placed it there.

As for the vampiric unicorn, she was still sleeping like a dead rose in her bed. But as the sun lowered itself in order to make place for the moon, she woke up from her plagued slumber. “Ugh,” was just one of the many moans she let out while she turned herself around under the blankets.

“Why, Sweetie..?” she muttered and without a warning she just threw the blankets from her body. Rarity managed to hoist herself upright in her bed under the sounds of a forced exhale. She felt that she needed to go. She just to leave the house of her parents and make her return back into the shadows of her own boutique. The only place she knew she wouldn't harm any more family members. Rarity turned her head over to the window and pulled the curtain aside with a light charge of magic. Where she hoped to see a wonderful Equestrian afternoon was all that she was greeted with the thick gray clouds of rain that were forecasted to make their appearance.

Another deep exhale left her as she got off of her bed and started to mumble in herself. “At least there is no sun today.” Rarity opened the door of her bedroom and ventured down the hallway. She went straight into the bathroom in order to refresh herself and think of something to get away, an excuse to just leave them behind with their questions unanswered.

Her eyes fell upon the blood covered towel that she had used save the life of her sister with. Upon the sight of it Rarity knew that her parents could have seen it as well. Especially given the fact that it laid on top of the laundry grid and it wasn't that hard to miss at all. Yet it seemed to have being washed. Once more did her heart just filled itself with regret for her done deeds.


In the end had the mare of grace made her way down the stairs while she wore her black cloak over her body but left her head visible. She had at least found the courage to peek inside the living room and tell them all her made up lie for her departure. As she peeked into the room was the whole family present.

Pearl had been asking Sweetie just what had happened to her but got the same answer over and over. The young filly just didn't knew how it had happened for the last thing she remembered was being tucked in bed by her mother. So instead was Pearl just cuddling with her beloved youngest daughter as Magnum was reading through his daily newspapers. Out of all the ponies present it was their mother who was the first to take note of her older daughter and smiled to her as she patted another spot next to her. “Come join us, Rary," she spoke up with a happy tone in her voice And just upon hearing the nickname, Magnum laid his papers aside and turned his head over to the doorway. His eyes fell upon Rarity and a smile formed itself below his muzzle.

“I am sorry to say this, but I have to leave right now. Twilight is expecting me in the boutique for some advice about tailoring. Sounds like she wants to practice some herself,” she spoke with a semi confident sounding voice and looked over all of the ponies that were present.

Her mother nodded in an understanding manned to the words while her father looked at her in a questioning manner. “If she really wants to know about it, you might have a competition for your business. Nothing wrong with that though, just some healthy competition.” That was her father at his peak, both in the looks as in the words. Sweetie just smiled and waved to her sister before she went back to snuggling against the chest of Pearl.

“Take care honey,” her mother said with a loving smile on her face.

“You come back to visit soon again, right?” Magnum replied in a semi suspicious sounding voice before he narrowed his eyes towards her.

“Of course I am going to, dad,” spoke Rarity while she smiled to all three of them. "You know I am not that low, right?" The stallion allowed a snicker to leave him at the reply he got and then just smiled towards Rarity with a confirming nod. But before she could make her departure it was Sweetie who had different thoughts and removed herself from the warm hold of Pearl. Almost within an instant she found herself hugging one of Rarity’s forelegs as she looked up to her big sister.

“I will miss you sis,” she spoke with almost watery eyes.

“D’oh, I will miss you too Sweetie, more than anything. But, I really have to go now, otherwise Twilight is waiting for me,” answered Rarity while she wrapped her free foreleg around her little sister.

A couple more seconds went by as the sisters just hugged and cuddled the other in a loving manner. Both Pearl and Magnum had to do their best to hold their d'aws from letting them out. Sweetie eventually let the leg of Rarity go and only smiled to her with a small tear that left her eyes. The elder sister couldn't resist it anymore and just nuzzled the nose of her sister before she finally made her departure towards her own home.


Rarity found herself on a bit of a different road home. She was walking parallel to the treeline of the both mythical and fearful Everfree Forest. A forest that had both been generous to her as well as frightful. With her eyes that went over the nearby surrounding, they scanned it for any form of life that could possibly be out there. But aside from the usual birds and critters, there was not another single soul of a pony that could be seen. An exhale of relief left her nose before she disappeared in a set of bushes. Rarity disappeared out of sight because of something that she just had to do. Something she rather didn't do to begin with though.

The mare sat down on her behind among the bushes and the blue eyes closed themselves off from the world. Her forced breathing became a bit heavier as she rose a fore hoof up to her mouth. Her mouth opened itself in a nervous manner and widened itself to its fullest extent. The fangs were retracted in her upper jaw line and the hoof started began to shake deeply as the seconds just crawled by.

Eventually the hoof just got shoved inside the mouth of Rarity, far enough to tickle her uvula before it was removed again at the speed of lightning. Almost in an instant had she hurled a couple time. A couple empty hurls which disgusted her to the bone. But then the entire content of her stomach was rushed out under a moan of utmost discomfort and disgust respectively.

After a couple more empty hurls to close it off, Rarity just spit whatever there was left in her mouth out and opened her eyes once more. Only to have them fall upon the puddle of acidic goo that laid before her. An acidic goo that was as red as blood and just left her very body. The blood of her sister was forcefully removed from her unholy body. The elder sister really just rather starved then having the blood of her sister fuel her. “D-Disgust... disgusting,” she shivered to herself while she rose back up on all four of her hooves in a shaking manner.

She wiped her lips clean with a foreleg before continuing on her venture back home like nothing happened. Rarity left the goo just as it was in order to let it dissolve over the course of time. But on the entire way back to the boutique, she was having an uneasy manner of walking. The mare looked like nothing when she traveled down the street in which her home was located. She had nothing in her stomach to be consumed and the bags below her eyes were visible with ease. The rims within them had turned into a dull blue color. To make the matters even worse, the rain had threatened to drop itself almost any minute as she looked up into the skies above.

Everypony she passed by on her travels was wondering what could have happened to her but none had the guts to just step up and ask what was going on. Some mumbled about her being a visitor from the woods, a savage even. Yet Rarity didn't even listen to them all. For she had enough problems on her head as it was already.


After the long trot she had managed to reach the boutique and opened the door with her magic when there wasn't anypony in sight. Rarity opened a door that lead to a world of darkness alone. But on her face she got a slight grin while she walked through the doorway and closed it behind her. Her horn charged itself a bit deeper and in no time were all the flames of the candles burning freely again.

She hung her cloak on the hat stand and made her way over to the living room. When she entered the room and her eyes had made their turn over it to see if everything was still the way it should have been, Rarity dropped herself onto the sofa. She made herself comfortable upon the piece of furniture and just closed her eyes while she mumbled once more against herself. “How could I have been so stupid to do such a horrible thing to my own sister? Granted I needed blood, but why couldn't I just turn away?” As she spoke her rambling, the rain had started to tick against the building’s many windows. To her it was an indication that she had arrived at her home not a moment too late.

The unicorn kept pounding her head over the matter while the eyes kept themselves shut, she could just simply forget it had ever occurred as she did with all her other meals. But the last one stood out like no other and stung her like a knife through the heart. “I need to set up rules for myself. For this, this is unheard of. I can not have it I feed of friends and family, nopony must know what I am! What hides behind my face and under my cloak.”

With the minutes passed by that were spent alone and deeply in thought and isolation. Many ideas made their way through her head as she even started to question her very own believes. What was right to do and what was wrong. Her entire concept of normal was turned upside down.

But all of the thoughts, all of the new and old ideologies disappeared like snow before the sun when her ears caught the sound of her mailbox being opened was heard. There were a couple things that fell down on her doormat, including something that sounded heavy. It was due to the rather suddenness of it that the unicorn startled a little bit. She released a soft yelp while her eyes opened themselves as wide as possible.

“It, it was nothing, just the mailmare, Rarity,” she said to herself in an attempt to calm her mind and feelings down. She crawled out of the sofa under the sounds of a soft moan with her destination being the front door.


While her eyes gazed over the mail that laid on the doormat, she began to blink a couple times at a certain package. For next to the usual orders on paper, commercials and invoices, there was something different on the mat, something she had been waiting on for years to happen. Yet her wish was finally granted as it literally laid before her.

“The latest edition of EquinFashion! With this month an exclusive interview with miss Rarity from Ponyville.” she spoke and quoted from the magazine’s cover. “Preview issue.” Those words were spoken by her as they were stamped on the plastic housing of the bookwork. Seeing the sight before her was without a doubt one of the most beautiful moments in her life. And it was something that caused the memories of what happened just a couple hours ago to be suppressed in a dark corner of her mind. Just waiting their time to haunt her again.

With a happy trot had she made her way back into the living room and dropped all the other letters and papers on the table. But instead of just plopping down and read the magazine, Rarity went over to the kitchen to take out an unopened bottle of red wine and a glass for its consumption.

The unicorn then made her way back to her sofa and was she walked, she poured some of the wine into the glass. Under the sounds of a soft ‘plof’ did she fell down in the sofa. She took the invoices and orders out first, sorting them by date and subject before she placed them all together in an ordered manner.

The mare then took a couple gentle sips from her wine while she giggled at some of the ideas her clients wished her to make into actual designs. Then she turned her attention of the newspaper. It was nothing truly of her interest with the exception of one small article that was named: Mysteriously bitten pony healthy again.

Her eyes made their way swiftly over the article and she discovered that Mixmaster had overcome his injury and didn't remember anything with the exception of a couple drinks with his mates. He had forgotten he went with the unicorn at all. And that was something which pleased her to a great amount.

“And now... it is time to read that interview,” said Rarity to herself as she took out the thick, near book like, magazine and looked in the index just where her interview stood.

The day had once again slowly being traded in for the night as the red moon shone a deeper red than it did the nights before. But Rarity didn't had an eye for it as she was reading the whole magazine from beginning to end while keeping her interview as the last thing to read. Just to be a major tease towards herself.

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