• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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29 Blast from the past

The sun was shining its warm rays on the land without a cloud visible in the skies. Just another perfect day in the kingdom that was ruled by the princesses of the sun and the moon. On the train track that was going away from the rustic town of Ponyville and heading over to the busy metropolis of Canterlot, could the train be found that was traveling at its full speed. Its mighty pistons were powering the metal beast forward under huffs and puffs of steam that left through the chimney in the front of the train.

It was a requirement that the engine was powerful and fast if it wanted to live up to the record it had been building up over the years. For the train that traveled past Ponyville happened to be not only the fastest way to travel but also was the fastest train the railroad company had at their disposal. Not only was she the fastest but also the strongest as it pulled six carriages behind it. Three of them being the normal ones as the remaining three were private ones.

The train was thundering down the metal road which laid before it at an amazing speed and the soaring landscape that went by was just amazing to see. Not to mention the enormous power of the wind that would enter if one of the windows was opened. It was something not many had seen, and even though the technology was simple physics, every trip just looked like it was powered by magic itself.

It didn't matter for a particular purple maned unicorn. If it was her tenth or one hundredth time she traveled in the train, Rarity always was fascinated about it. Yes she was a lady up and top for certain but it was just this machine that interested her to no end. How a thing as simple as that had made the travel time so much shorter, albeit the fact that the workers that left the locomotive were always black from the coal. It fascinated her that through a simple force could move such a big and heavy thing so swiftly. It was a thought to think about and as per usual, she did that. All the way in the last carriage, in the last compartment she could be found sitting on the bench. Her head was supported by her left forehoof while her eyes gazed over to the outside world which was racing by. It almost made it look surreal in some cases as a smile could be seen on her face.

“Mademoiselle, would you like something to drink or eat?” was asked all of the sudden through her compartment and it shocked the unicorn out of her thoughts. Rarity turned over to the door and she saw an earth pony stallion that stood in a suit in the door opening. Just behind him, was the cart with drinks and snacks that would be offered during the long trip. For the first stations from which the train would leave, was all the way up in the Frozen North. Then it would made the way down and turned around Ponyville to go to Canterlot.

With the question surpassing her a bit, Rarity looked at the gray coated stallion and she nodded very gently to him. “Uhm, yes, do you have some red wine? Or white, do me a white one from the house, please,” she replied to him before a weak smile got formed.

The stallion nodded to the order and picked up both the glass and the bottle and went inside the cavity she sat in. The glass got set upon the little table and he poured the rich liquids into the glass with a little flair. “If the madame doesn't mind me asking, you’re heading to Canterlot, right? What business do you happen have to there or is it just for a visit?” he spoke up in a polite tone as he had filled the glass to the required amount. Which was a little odd, as Rarity kept signaling for more and more until she finally stopped.

“I don’t mind you asking, dear. Such long travels by my own do end up being a bit boring after a little while. No, it is not for me personally I’m afraid. Not this time at least. I have some business with the royals themselves to attend too. Just a tailoring job though. Nothing all too serious or fancy, but still, it for the royal sisters and that, is quite the something in my eyes.”

“That it is indeed, madame. But I’m afraid you will have to excuse me, there is another round of delivery waiting for me. Good luck with the majesties,” he replied under a smile of his own. The gray stallion gave her a little bow and then left her alone just as mysterious as he came.

“I want to thank you kindly for the wish darling,” the unicorn spoke with the smile still standing. Rarity released a little giggle after he had left and she took a sip from the wine. “Curious stallion, one of the first to ask about the journey taken. I think, he must be a new one.” And then she turned her head back, back to the passing by landscape while she took continuous sips of her gotten drink. “Without a doubt a new one.”


With the passage of time itself, did the heavy train that finally rolled down into the grand Canterlotian Station. From the moment that the mighty machine came to standstill were there many ponies who wanted to leave in all their eagerness. Some of them had been in there since the departure from the North and just wanted to stretch their legs as best as they could. Something that was understandable in the eyes of most travelers.

Yet the unicorn made her departure from her compartment just after the main masses had left. She never liked it when all of the ponies just pressed against one another to leave the train and the station was the final stop for the train anyway. That was before it would return back to the quiet town and turn upwards to the icy landscapes. It was something that gave her more than enough time to get off in her own pace, which was what she did.

The door fell back against the carriage behind her as her warm sapphire blue eyes looked up at the majestic building were the literally enormous station was built in. Princess’ Cross was the nickname given to it because of all the statues it had from past and present royals and the title that dominated was of course, princess. Outside of the marvelous statues, architecture and overall mood, there were dozens of tracks that met each other or split themselves before going into the many corners of the land. Trains drove by, stopped and departed all within seconds for and after each other on each of the platforms as the mare wanted to keep looking to them. But the particular trip to the capital was not for pleasure, she was there for business. Business with the royals of the very land and she could not forget that whatsoever.

Rarity left the wonderful looking station with a little pain in her heart for the fact that the architecture was truly something she admired. Not to mention the fact she adored it and it even gave her a couple ideas for dresses to make in the near future. With one last gaze at the station as a whole, had the mare turned around in order to leave the station.

Once she stood at the head entrance of the station, her eyes fell on a familiar view and sight. That one long street that went straight up to the most beautiful building it had to offer. The very castle of the city, Canterlot Castle itself. With a twinkle in her eyes, Rarity started to make the journey from station to castle and had some true difficulty to not do some window- or actual shopping. Canterlot she always loved, and nothing would change that anytime soon. All but, one, little exception.


“Oh, oh, oh, are my eyes lying to me? Look who it is, miss Picture Perfect herself,” a white coated, unicorn stallion spoke up in a nagging voice as his eyes even allowed themselves to fall upon Rarity. The mare had just entered through the main gate of the enormous castle, and out of everypony was it him who was her second greeter. The first one being the guards that stood on watch. Somepony she rather avoided like the plague every single time if she was within the borders of the place.

“Shut it, prince Royal Pain,” was the only reply he got out of her. Rarity's usual and friendly looking eyes turned into a set of angry ones while they rested upon the idiot of a stallion. She had not forgotten how rude the particular stallion treated her on one of the most important events in the land - the Grand Galloping Gala -, her first nonetheless.

“Well, well, well, getting better with the insults, now aren't we?” he replied in a chuckling tone. The mare huffed a little as she wanted to punch him so badly in the muzzle. But given his royal standards, she was not allowed to do so. And thus Rarity could only boil in her own soap while she made her way past him and further into the majestically castle.

“Are you leaving me already, fair lady Rarity?” where the last words he spoke to her before the mare disappeared out of sight and a guard came up to the prince in order to speak with him about certain matters. The more they spoke to each other, the more the prince forgot about Rarity, who didn't mind it at all.

The unicorn herself allowed a deep sight to leave her mouth as soon as he was out of her field of view before letting her eyes fall into a window as her mind reminded her of her meeting with the royalty. “I can’t believe I once fell for that pain in the flank,” muttered Rarity in herself before she continued her way to the throne room.


After she had passed by a couple hallways and turns had she reached the one she needed to be. While she arrived did the clock strike two in the afternoon. That made the option available to either just enter the room and greet the mares she was supposed to meet already, or watch an event that was not seen by many due to reasoning unknown. The change of the Royal Guard before the throne room was about to begin.

Some lightning quick thinking was done in her mind did the unicorn gave a slight nod to herself. After that she backed herself up against the opposing wall of the door. For Rarity did not want to interrupt the ceremonial change in any possible manner. Her blue eyes laid themselves upon the two guards that stood with their proud chests stuck out and she couldn't help it to just smile. Not only were they strong, they were also rather handsome in the eyes of the mare.

Her warm eyes kept themselves on to two gray coated stallions that were standing guard before the door of the throne room and in the distance there was the clattering of both armor and hooves that could be heard. Rarity turned her head towards the origin of the sound and there they came. One corporal accompanied by four other guards were marching into the hallway and made their way towards the other two. Even though they didn't spoke a word, their attire, pace and weaponry of spears was intimidating enough not to mess with them and the lady of fashion didn't had any intention to do so.

The corporal came closer and closer to the door. The four guards behind him lowered their pace until they stood still while the white coated corporal moved over to the two who were guarding the entrance. With one quick step of his hooves he turned himself towards the two and gave a nod. The two understood the sign and gave a nod back before they stomped their hooves one by one on the ground while they held their head high and the spear in their wings. After the stomping did the two stepped forward after which they turned to their left and started to march a little further, away from the posts.

Two of the four guards that were resting on the place then stomped their hooves in the ground before marching over to their respectable places. And it were the wings that drove the bottom of the spears into the ground. “Hey, huh!” the white coated corporal shouted before the remaining two marched up and past him to join their fellow soldiers.

A nod of the corporal meant for the two new guard did its turn. They gave a nod back and he turned himself around, facing the group. He marched through the gap in between them and when he found himself just before them began the other four to march with him at the same pace before disappearing out of sight. But their clattering could be heard for long before it died down, it left the hallway empty and silent just as Rarity found it.

It was a ritual that was mostly done without sound but one that was filled to the brim with power, honor and respect. Standing guard before the very room of the princesses of the land one lived in was to be considered one of the highest honor a guard could ever receive during its service.

Though the job itself was long and tedious for those who stood on watch. For not a single word could be spoken when one stood there and not a single movement be made. The only exception it being if it would be out of defense. Other than that, the guards looked like they were statues that had been glued to the ground itself.

Rarity had been watching with big eyes to the events before the door of the room which got opened upon themselves. With the opening door, it allowed her to gain access to the throne room itself, to the highest of Royals of Equestria. She came back up from her position and gave a nod and a smile to both of the guards.

She stood still for just a moment to see if she would get a response, but they kept themselves on the codes given. Rarity then made her way across the hall and entered through the door to join the meeting she was invited to. A meeting of importance for her. A meeting of dresses which would be for the princesses themselves.


Hours had gone by before the unicorn stepped through the doors again. She was meet by the warm, late afternoon sun. Designs for dresses were racing through her head but she also was a little disappointed. For none of her designs, no matter how beautiful they were, the royals didn't saw fit for them sadly enough. Dozens of sketches were made but all got turned down in a polite manner.

As deep sigh left her mouth as her head lowered itself as she made her departure from the throne room. “Puh, what do they know from fashion? They might rule the land, but if they prefer to walk naked around the Gala, then so be it. Not that they normally wear cloths to begin with. Oh well, better luck next time I suppose,” she said to herself. Yet her pace came to a hold by one of the windows that looked out over the gardens of the castle.

But the more she looked, the more she started to identify things within the garden. The statues were among one of the first to be seen, especially the one that housed the Draconequus once more. There was a sight however, that even blew her mind away.

Deep in the garden there was an armor wearing unicorn could be seen training under the guidance of an elder stallion. Rarity first thought it was just a normal routine job for the guard, keeping himself in his shape. But when it took off his helmet and the blond, sweaty mane dropped itself. Rarity could only say one name towards the little scene. “Royal Pain?”

After a little while of keeping her eyes on the stallion’s training and processing the seen sights before her, she began to head out of the castle in order to just trot through the metropolis a little bit. She had the hope that it would both brighten up her mood and maybe resulted in her buying something nice for herself.


She was just minding her own business and gazed through some shopping windows with a calm expression. Yet a voice that she hadn't been heard in ages did its turn through the air. “Well, well, well, lady Rarity, how long has it been since we last spoke?”

The ears of the unicorn perked themselves upon the sound as her head turned itself around in order to see the mysterious speaker. But what her eyes saw was somepony she had least expected. “F-Fancy Pants? I, I don’t know when the last time was... maybe the party on which you met my friends?” she managed to bring out against him.

“Why yes, what a lovely bunch they are indeed, so diverse from another. Can’t see how things will get boring with all of them,” he replied under a soft chuckle before he fixed his monocle. “But don’t mind me asking, what is this lovely mare doing in this wonderful city today?”

The unicorn had managed to calm herself down from the rather pleasant surprise and a combination of a sigh and a chuckle left her. “You have no idea, my dear. You honestly don’t. And I don’t mind you asking me that, for I am just doing some window shopping,” she replied with a warm smile while she thought back to the party. A party that was both a hit and a miss and let her meet the unfriendliness of the higher circles.

“How delightful,” he spoke up but it was then that Rarity took note of the absence of a mare that could be found with him most of the time. Her mind was weighing the odds off against one another if it was her place to question it and her mind was giving her right in the matter.

She gave a small nod as conformation to his words before she turned her whole body around. Only in order to face him better as the question left her mouth. “If I may ask, where is Fleur?”

“Ah, miss Dis Lee, I say it with shame in my heart, but she has been feeling ill the past couple of days and thus been unable to accompany me on my many trips of the day. The doctors said she is having a bad form of stomach flu,” replied Fancy Pants before he shivered a little bit. “Most unpleasant to say the least.” The stallion then took his monocle out of his eye and rubbed it clean with a handkerchief that bared his initials. Though he never lost track of the mare her eyes.

Rarity gave him a nod of understanding as she knew just how terrible such a flu could be from both own experience and seen it happening countless times. But before she could give him any form of reply did the polite and well-dressed unicorn stallion ask her a question that came rather out of the blue. “Would you like to share a cup of tea with me, just because the opportunity is given to us?” Then the kerchief disappeared within his pocket again and the glass was placed before his eye with a polite smile.

“I would love that to be honest darling,” replied Rarity before she returned the warm smile. The stallion took one of her forelegs and planted a very gentle kiss on it like the gentlecolt he was. The unicorn mare blushed a little in response upon the done action before she released a small giggle. He offered her a hoof and together they ventured down to the edge of Canterlot. Down to a small restaurant that was rather unknown to the big crowds but had a magnified view over the valley and in the very far distance, the nice and quiet town of Ponyville.


Once the two unicorns had reached their destined place, it was the stallion who allowed his horn to charge up. The action was done in order to pull a chair for her back. A chair on which she sat down on with unseen grace. Rarity gave him a warm smile and a nod as a silent ‘thank you’ before he took place on the opposing side of her.

Soon enough there was a waiter who came to take their orders and the two of them ordered the same things. Both Fancy and Rarity ordered a piece of cream cake and a cup of tea before their conversation started out over casual subjects such as the wonderful weather, the view they had from their position and that what they both had done in each other’s absences.

“Here you go madame, monsieur,” the waiter said as he had returned and ever so gently placed down the order before he gave a smile to each of them. “May you enjoy it.” Both unicorns nodded back to him as they said their thanks and he was off again to help other customers that had come in order to have their dinner.

The conversation of the unicorns returned to their normal goings as the mare revealed just why she was in Canterlot that day as the stallion listened to her words with the greatest of interest. All while the both of them took sips from their tea ever so often. “They, declined, your designs?” he spoke a little in disbelief after she was done with her story. “Now that I just find hard to believe, especially when they came from such a wonderful and refined tailor as yourself. Something is not right about it if I hear your side of the story. Then there is of course the other side on which they are having their reasons,” he replied with a baffled tone.

Rarity took a piece of her pie on her fork and brought it to her mouth while she carefully listened to his word before nodding in agreement to them. “That is rather true, Fancy Pants. But what those reasons might be, we might never know.”

“Very true, very true indeed yes. Mystery follows no matter where those two are going or what they are doing, but it always seems to land right on its hooves. With or without the elements,” the stallion replied with calm to her words.

“You, know of the, elements?” Rarity asked a little confused after she took the bite from her fork and had swallowed the little piece. “How, if I may ask? For I believed that everything was remained rather quiet about them.”

The stallion allowed himself a very light chuckle that was aimed towards the words of Rarity. Then he shook his head lightly in a disagreeable manner to her. “Nothing is kept quiet here, darling. And of course I have heard of them. Everypony did after the actions that were done in order to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord. But what intrigues me the most, is just how casual you all stayed after it. I do not mean to offend you nor your friends, but many would have claimed a seat in the throne room upon doing such actions for the crowns and gaining such high titles,” he explained in his regular voice before he finished his tea.

“Well, I have to admit, there were times were both Rainbow Dash and myself had been thinking about such things, but we both never truly had the desires or the motives to do so. If there is one who should, it would be Twilight given how it was her that brought us all together the first time,” replied Rarity in return. She set her fork in the last piece of her slice of pie left on her plate.

“A very interesting story indeed, milady Rarity. One that has been awakening my own curiosity. But sadly, the time has been running rather late for us both today. What do you say, if next time I shall come to Ponyville and meet you in your lovely boutique?” the stallion said while he kept his eyes on her.

The sapphire blue eyes of the unicorn grew a little wider of delight at his words while she nodded. “Why yes, that would be wonderful. How are you the day after tomorrow if I may ask?”

“I don’t have that much planned for the day after tomorrow. I wanted to spend the day with Fleur, but given her illness, I do not think it is the wisest thing to do. For I don’t want to get sick myself. I should be able to come yes. Does the early evening suit you?” he replied with some haste.

“Another point I can see and yes, that time does suit me very well yes. I will be looking forward to it, my dear,” replied Rarity. A smile formed itself on her lips. A smile that only got wider if she wouldn’t watch over it.

The stallion rose up from his chair as he stuck his hoof out in order to shake it. “Then so it shall be, the day after tomorrow we shall meet each other again, fair lady Rarity.”

Rarity shook his hoof under a warm smile as she spoke her. “We shall, my dear sir Fancy Pants. But I’m afraid you have excuse my rather rude departure, I have to catch my train home.”

“Oh none taken dear. Go, go and catch your train,” he said under a light chuckle and with one last bow to each other, the mare made her departure from the little restaurant.

The stallion himself watched her gallop away and returned the wave she made in the end before she had just disappeared into the mass of ponies. Fancy Pants couldn't help it but to let out a light chuckle before her crossed his forelegs on the table. "Remarkable mare that she is. Truly one of a kind," he spoke up to himself before he noticed some bits that laid on the top, next to her plate. One of Fancy's eyebrows rose itself up before he knew the exact meaning for it all. "Clever girl."


Rarity galloped through the many streets of the metropolis with the train station coming closer towards her. And before she realized it, she was standing in the line of the ticket booth. Yet the fear of missing her train was something that never left her. For the mare herself always had been on time with almost every single occasion and, as lovely as Canterlot was, she rather would spend the night in her own bed.

Luckily for her, was she able to get the last train to depart from the station that would go to Ponyville and the line shrunk a lot faster than she had expected. Time didn't had to progress long before she found herself facing the stallion behind the booth as she spoke her words. “Single ticket to Ponyville, private compartment, please,” she spoke up to him in a polite voice. He nodded and prepared the ticket as the bits were placed on the counter and soon enough she received her ticket. And with it she was access to the many platforms that the station was rich.

In all of her haste did Rarity galloped towards the platform only to see the train standing ready to make its departure. The conductor was waiting for the last passengers to board and just in the nick of time, she managed to get in while having her ticket shown to him. It wasn't a second too early as he was starting to close and lock the doors before he was yelling. “All ‘board! Train is ready to depart!” He jumped into a carriage himself as under a loud yet majestic whistle of pure and awesome power, the pistons of the train came into motion once again. Mere seconds later had the machine left Princess' Cross and traveled out of the station, unto the right track. There it then would have thundered down it to bring her back to her beloved town and home.

Once again was Rarity gazing through the windows of the carriage to the then darker outside world and she closed her eyes a little. And gently lost her contact with the physical world.

But in the end she was woken up from her light sleep in a rather rude manner. For the fact that the train that pulled on the breaks, it caused the whole train to shock before it came to a standstill. After Canterlot was the first stop going to be Ponyville and the brakes gave an indication that they had rolled into the station of the little town she had been calling home ever since she was born.


The unicorn departed from the train and made her way over to her home without much attention given or gotten in the warm evening and went accompanied by the pleasant moonlight. “Aah, home sweet home,” she spoke to herself as she entered her beloved home. Then she made her way over to the stairs that were leading to the upper level. She could swear she had fallen straight in her bed.

Rarity would have loved to take a shower first, but she needed some much needed rest after such a busy but pleasant day of traveling and working. The mare tucked herself in below the blankets and before she knew it, she was off in a deep sleep.

But when she was asleep, there was a set of pure white teeth that appeared out of nowhere and were accompanied with two dark red rims that could be seen within the shadows of the night. And within the row of teeth, two of them elongated themselves into razor sharp fangs. Fangs that belonged to a being whose red irises were gazing upon the sleeping unicorn with a sick glee.

Whatever this being wanted from the unicorn, it would be everything except pretty. The two red rimmed eyes continued to gaze over the sleeping unicorn with all of their sickening pride. Yet the creature itself traveled through the darkness. Even with the curtains of the boutique open for just a little bit, it was still a complete darkness. For the moon had hid itself behind a cloud and the being hissed in a soft tone towards the fasionista.

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