• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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26 Even the toughest of hearts, need kindness

The little dragon made his way back to the library with tears of sadness that poured out of his eyes as he couldn't get the words spoken of rage out of his head. His childish and innocent mind kept reminding him on them as the skies had turned dark for yet another incoming thunderstorm. It was far in the distance that the rumbles of the thunder had started to do their turn. He kicked some stones away that laid in front of him, only to have them land back before his feet.

“How could you have been such an idiot? Didn't you ever even realize she is far too good for... for the assistant of a librarian..?” he mumbled in himself through the sobbing. A deep sigh left his mouth before his head was turned up to the skies. He just watched the dark clouds above him. After a few second would the very first drops of rain have made their way down to the ground, and into his face.

“Like it wasn't bad enough already,” muttered Spike before he changed his pace into a more running one while the library came into his field of view. The pacing kept itself as more of the rain was pouring itself harder over the quiet little town.


Twilight on the other end was still sunken deep in her books and she read through them with her glasses. A cup of steaming tea stood next to her on a small table while she had laid down on the couch within the living room. It was a considerable odd place for her to do her work but it worked if she wasn't in the mood to hang around in the study of the library.

Her eyes kept looking over all the books that floated before her while she was reading through each one of them at the same time. It truly was a unique ability that she had gained. It was the true result of something that was developed over time during her numerous studies. But the assigned book to decipher, she didn't got around for some reason. The main reason for it was just time itself. An excuse that was as old as the measurement itself.

Yet before she even knew it, there was a bright flash of lightning that illuminated the room brighter than ever for just a split second. And then the room allowed itself to be illuminated once again in the lights of the candles. Her traditional ‘wha’ did its turn through the room while she was launched into the air. The surprising bolt had disturbed the young mare from her concentration. After she had landed back on the soft cushions would her eyes have managed to turn over to a window and they got the world outside in her view. A sight that wasn't pretty at all.

After a couple seconds of gazing towards the raging storm, her mouth opened itself once more to release some mumbling in herself. “Spike...wherever you are, please be inside.” And the storm itself didn't knew of stopping either as bolt after bolt got send towards the earth and the roaring rumbles dominated the skies. Not even the mightiest dragon roar would have been able to overthrow the sound of nature's rampage itself. The pegasi had created a monsterstorm for whatever reason and the corporation in Cloudsdale would have to explain their actions at some point in time. She just prayed it was done with good intentions, unlike some other times.

Yet there was much mystery that went on in the pegasus capital. That was something everypony in the land knew all too well. But all that was truly known was the fact that being outside with the gusts of wind, the rain like hail and the thunder that roared like beings of old was a very bad idea. Twilight released a deep sigh to herself and took her attention away from the window. She wanted to clean up the made mess and just take the rest of the day off in order for her mind to give the gained information a place.

But just then it was the door of the library which opened itself and a soaked, black catsuit wearing, purple skinned dragon walked in under the sounds of a soft sobbing. The steams of the rain that walked down his face were hiding most of the dried up tears. “H-Hey Twilight,” he managed to say as he tried to stop his sobbing. It indeed stopped but only because of the groans in pain he made as he tried to take off his suit soaked and sticking suit.

“Afternoon Spike, where have you... allow me to help you with that,” the unicorn replied while she saw his struggles. The mare let her horn be charged a bit more. Soon enough had the suit gained the same magical aura around it and grew bigger in size. All the way until it was big enough for the baby dragon to just step out of it without a hitch.

It was a thing he did the very second it was possible and walked further into the living room. A small sigh left the nose of the unicorn as the suit turned itself back to the original size and she placed it to the side, making it a worry for later. The aura left the suit and then reappeared around her glasses which were then levitated off of her nose and got set on the same table the gently steaming cup of tea took its residence.

Her horn gently discharged itself and Twilight shivered slightly as some of the magic flowed back into her body. “Never getting used to that,” she said softly to herself. After that she made her way back to the sofa, but she never sat down upon it. Instead she stood next to Spike and in silence there was a warm hoof placed on his shoulder. She guided him over to an old looking rocking chair that was big enough for the both of them and was just referred to as their 'comfort chair’.


Spike got the silent message and the two of them took place on it together. The mare allowed her warm body to not only dry his scales, but also comfort the cold body of the dragon as the bothering questions couldn't hold themselves anymore. “What happened, Spike?” she asked in a whispering yet kind tone. Almost in a tone that could be spoken by a mother.

Some uncomfortable moans left his body as Spike was not willing to recall the memories that raced through his little mind. But there always had been something about Twilight, that made him feel comfortable when he spoke to her. She had been there all his life acting like the mother he never truly had. The mare could be in so much studies she truly forgot the world around her, but the slightest hiccup of the baby dragon, broke that like a finger snip or hoof clap.

A deep sigh left both his mouth and nose before he finally answered the question asked to him with some difficulty. “R-Rarity, flipped out against me... D-Don’t ask how or what. But let’s say, she broke my heart for her,” he brought forth. He snuggled up against the chest of the mare.

The unicorn just couldn't believe the words Spike told her. Sure, she would have expected them to come from a pony like Rainbow Dash for sure. But not from the unicorn of grace. She was always such a sweetheart to him after all. She wrapped her forelegs a little tighter around him while starting to nuzzle his forehead with great care. Yet she didn't had any words to speak with the exception of two little ones. “Oh my...”

“Yeah,” was all Spike said in response.

They just sat there like a mother comforting her son in the rocking chair as the seconds turned to minutes. Minutes that on their turn became hours. The storm had erupted into the most violent one of the past six months. It almost matched the strength as the one on the very night that Rarity woke up and discovered that her appearance had changed forever.

For the thunder rolled in one after the other as flashes of lightning didn't stop coming, one above the Acres, one above SugarCube Corner and one in the far distance, near the Everfree forest, all could be seen at once for those with an watchful eye. The light was everywhere for just a moment and so was the danger.

“Come on Spike, let’s bring you to bed.” Twilight eventually spoke as she uncurled her forelegs a little. Her tail removed itself from his side before the dragon stopped snuggling the chest of the mare. He responded to her with a silent nod.

The both of them stood up from the couch while they prepared for the journey to the bedroom. The hooves of Twilight then softly clattered against the wooden floor whereas Spike moved silently over it. Together they moved up the old staircase before the two turned themselves into the ever so loved bedroom. And it was there where the dragon wanted to do nothing else but to crawl in his basket and forget the day had ever happened to him.

Twilight let her eyes fall upon the events and out a small giggle to this before she made her reply. “How about sleeping in my bed for the time being, Spike?”

His entire head perked up to the rather unexpected reply from the unicorn as he blinked a couple times slowly. “Huh? I-In your bed..?” he brought forth in a careful manner.

She gave him a small nod as her horn charged itself once again and gently levitated the little dragon over to her much more comfortable laying bed. But before she placed him down in it, the blankets got pushed aside in order to create space big enough for two beings to crawl under them, which is just what the mare did before carefully discharging her horn.

The magical aura disappeared around Spike and he fell a couple inches down before he met the soft mattress of the bed. He crawled up and into the hooves of Twilight who pulled the blankets over the both of them.

“Goodnight Spike, may you sleep well,” the mare said before she kissed the forehead of the dragon. Then she fell in a deep asleep herself. Her studies had worn her out for the day. Even though the day hadn't even hit the evening.

“Night, mom,” replied Spike in the end. Just before he erupted out in tears once again. He silently spilled them over his cheeks and the fur of the sleeping mare as the minutes crawled by. Yet in the far end did even he fell asleep but he was in for the worst night rest in years as nightmare upon nightmare plagued him. Yet none were strong enough in order to wake him up screaming for his life but terrible enough to make him suffer deeply in his mind.


“What have I done? What have I done!?” the ivory coated unicorn shouted to herself as she was pacing up and down like a mad mare though her boutique in the late and storming afternoon. Her hooves brought her all over the place as her eyes were seeing both sadness for the dragon and rage for herself. “How could I have ever been so stupid to allow my rage to take over, a-against Spike no less!” she spoke to herself. Not even Rarity could have believed the scene as it happened.

Countless thoughts were racing through her mind after her eyes had been shut off from the world. Thoughts that were about her spoken words and she tried to place herself into his position when the eruption happened. But only to let a cold shiver go over her body from the sheer cruelty if her own voice and even her appearance at the time.

Rarity couldn't believe it, but the facts were clear as always. The sapphire blue rimmed eyes were revealed once more to the world. To see the living room of her boutique as they were filling themselves even more with rage. A rage was purely meant towards herself, and herself alone.

The mare her breathing animation became heavier with each passing second while her horn was charged up like never before. Whenever she would call upon her magic, it would coat the horn in elegance and grace, almost like a true lady. But that time, it just surrounded her horn like a raging fire. An eruption of anger and hatred that come from the base of the horn, and went all the way to the very top. “You, stupid, idiot!” she shouted against herself. The humming sounds of the magical power became only louder with each passing second.

Before she could even knew what was going on did one of the vases that stood in the living room got shot by a magical beam. A beam that was fired in a moment of pure insanity and desperation. The shattering of the glass had an interesting and unusual effect on the mare for sure, as it were the sounds that woke Rarity up from her delusional nightmare in order to prevent her breaking even more of her property.

“Oh no... C-Can this day, possibly get e-even...worse?” she said to herself while her eyes gazed upon the shattered vase. And what they saw, was another sight she would regret. For in the light of a thunder flash it was clearly seen, the coloring, type of glass and its non-existing content.

That broken vase that was made by somepony, or some ponies in fact, that were so dear to her that it caused her entire pose turned from a raged one into a shocked one as her left forehoof placed itself before her mouth. “I’m so sorry, Sweetie. So, so sorry,” she said with a sad voice. Her wings uncurled themselves in a manner from the shock that raced through her body.

Rarity could remember the day she got the object just so very well, almost as if it was the day before. A day that was filled with joy and her mind brought her back for another travel down the infamous memory lane. Back to the day she first laid her eyes upon it.


“Come on sis! Today is your big day!” the voice of a young filly with a loud crack in it spoke. All the while there were sudden shifts of mass that could be felt on the bed of the purple maned unicorn, who managed to raise up from her sleeping position.

The covers got removed from her eyes as a loud yawn followed before she finally found the time and place to speak and saw her beloved sister. “Morning Sweetie, and I know the day of today perhaps even better then you do.” Her entire expression changed into an asking one before she dared to ask a burning question in a silly sounding tone. “Can I have a big hug please?”

Without a second thought did the little filly turn in for a warm, tight yet soft hug as she wrapped her forelegs around Rarity as she did the same. “But of course! Everything on your birthday!” replied the filly as she started to nuzzle the chest of the mare.

Seconds were passing by slowly, but to them, it looked like minutes. Wonderful minutes of pure sisterly love which they would cherish for the rest of their lives. But as the parted from the hug, Sweetie planted three kisses on the mare her cheeks as she spoke joyfully. “Happy birthday Rarity!”

“Why thank you Sweetie,” she replied as she returned the kisses as well.

“You go ahead and prepare yourself, then Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and I will handle the rest,” her sister spoke while giving one last nuzzle.


And so said, so it happened. The purple maned unicorn prepared herself for the upcoming day of guests and parties. Sweetie and the other members of the Crusaders had prepared the living room and kitchen for the same reasons.

Eventually did an all made up unicorn ventured down the stairs in a dress she had made herself and was just perfect for a birthday party. Especially hers. With a smile she walked into the living room was pleasantly surprised from both the guests and the overall cheery mood of the party that was already going. Given it is Rarity that was spoken off, she took her time while preparing.

Every single soul that entered the boutique greeted her happily as they were returned just as happily. She took place in her chair before everypony present did the same ritual as her sister did before going over into the coffee or tea and the cake made by the lovely couple of Mr. and Ms. Cake.

Then came the time of opening the presents and the Crusaders were a little too eager to start off as they brought their present first. The eyes of the mare fell upon the rather odd sized package as she questioned in her mind what it could be before smiling. “Oh fillies, you didn't have to do it.”

“But we had to, sis!” answered Sweetie in a cheerful voice. “Now open it up!”

“Alright, alright, don’t be too hasty. Has mom never told you that haste is never a good thing?” she replied under a soft giggle as her horn charged itself up to unwrap the rather carefully packed present.

Sweetie looked over to her fellow crusaders before she turned herself around to her mother. Within the emerald green eyes could Pearl just read the question and she let out a giggle. “Your sister is right, haste is never a good thing. Though there are the occasional exception.” The young unicorn nodded to the words before she turned back to her sister with a smile

Yet as the insides were revealed for all to see did the birthday mare her eyes began to water up gently. For what got out of the box was the most wonderful, and a little random, vase she had ever seen in her life. “It’s, it’s magnificent! W-Where did you got it, if I may ask? From miss Luck or her friends?”

“Nope, we made it ourselves!” answered Apple Bloom proudly as she stood her chest out a little bit. Scootaloo chuckled a little bit at the scene before doing the same.

“Remember when we went to get our cutie marks at glassblowing? There we created it. Though we didn't got our mark...” said her sister as she also joined the other two.

“I, I... I am truly, truly speechless Sweetie,” the mare said as a gentle tear left her eye and just took all three of the young fillies in a thankful hold.


Her eyes opened themselves again as streams of bloody tears ran down her cheeks. “I am so sorry, Sweetie, I didn't know what went through me...” Without any kind of warning given or gotten, did the unicorn just ran up the stairs and headed for her bedroom at a near lightning speed. But only to plop down on her bed with her face being buried in the pillow to cry many more tears of sadness.

But when she laid there, the matter with Spike also came back to her like a hammer that hit a wall. The impact was so hard that the stones just shattered. Once again did the many thoughts ran through her before coming up with, what seemed to be, the only true conclusion to the matter. A conclusion that would put it to rest, or so she hoped.

Rarity turned herself around and held the pillow tight against her chest with her forelegs as she gazed towards the ceiling with blood streams all over her face. “It was bound to happen of course, a dragon and a pony can never be together in the first place. Let alone, with the thing I have become because Celestia knows bloody why! No, it, it is better this way,” she spoke in a deep sigh of both regret and relief left her nostrils. She closed her eyes once more as the sun was still standing high in the skies but the sound of the rain did its turn on the many windows of the boutique made it near impossible to judge the actual time of the day.

“Spike, I am so sorry it had to happen this way, if, if there was another, I would have done it,” said Rarity to herself before she closed her eyes again. But through the streets of Ponyville, there happened to be one pony who dared to make its way through the pouring rain. A blue coated, very light blue maned being who wore a light purple, star patterned cloak and hat. If the pony had to be judged, it looked like a wizard from the ages long ago. The pony had its tracks set for the Carousel Boutique and made sure that the eyes were hidden from the crowd as the gem which figured as a crest piece, shone and sparked gently with her magical powers.


While it was true that the mysterious pony was the only one who dared to be out in the thunderstorm, there was one pegasus that had hurried its way back into the small home at the edge of the Everfree. With the mane and coat being soaked from the rain, the door of the cottage fell back in its lock and the panting filled the room.

With much effort had Fluttershy returned to her own home and she was more than happy to be there once more. For the storm that had been released was one that scared the shy pegasus to near death. With the thunder rumbling and the rain ticking against the window, the pegasus made the decision to first take a long and hot shower before she would do anything else.

The pegasus passed her little Angel bunny without a word. That caused him to have looked up to her from his position. Normally he would receive a pet of some sort but there was just nothing. He peeked his head around the corner and saw how his owner went up the stairs to the second floor of the cottage. A floor where her bedroom and bathroom could be found together with some more rooms. Rooms he never had entered or didn't lay in his field of interest.

With her mane still dripping from the waters of nature did Fluttershy enter the bedroom and her eyes fell upon the bed that stood there. It was a simple bed but she laid comfortable within it and liked it. None ever heard her complaining about it for certain. For the rest there wasn't much to mention outside of the many walkways for the critters to walk around and poles for the birds to rest upon. Last but not least was there also a clothing closet. A rather big clothing closet.

Fluttershy opened one of the doors under a sigh and she looked through the outfits that hung on the racks within it. Even though she was a pony and didn't wear clothes on normal occasions, she still liked the feeling from time to time. And as it was, the storm was one of those times. Her eyes went over dresses that were made by Rarity and she shook her head by nearly each of them.

“As wonderful as they are, they are all just too, complicated,” the mare said to herself before she saw something she wanted. With a smile on her face she took the item out of the closet and laid it upon the bed. Her eyes were staring at a light black colored nightie that was perfect for her to slid in and wear. “Uhm, been some time since I last worse you, you always have been so comfortable in my eyes. Soft silk, hmhm.”


Then she was off to the bathroom in order to refresh herself from the storm that raged over the world outside and would continue to do that for an unknown amount of time. With the towels that were placed upon the ground and her in the shower, would the waters of goodness have streamed over her body. To her it felt like every bit of dirt got washed away from her body and she still had to begin with washing herself thoroughly.

Little songs and lullabies were hummed by the pegasus while she took her shower. The steam created by the temperature of the water penetrated her nose and she closed her eyes in a gentle manner. While the water clashed against her back, she knew the time was there again. The time to witness that what she had been hiding for since the day she had received it, a day ever so long ago and so deep within the woods of Everfree.

While she stood in the shower, Fluttershy released a deep sigh through her mouth before she moved herself up in a bipedal pose. With one of her forelegs that acted as a support did the shy pegasus lean against the very wall. The free hoof was used to move itself over the chest and belly. Shocks of pain went through her as she moved the hoof over three particular places that laid rather close to one another.

Fluttershy dared to open up her eyes and she stared down to both her chest and belly. Even through the fur it was clearly visible to see, the very scars made by the wolf she was attacked by. The wolf that had changed her life as well. But the mare her changes didn't happen to be as drastic as those of Rarity. Yet little did the two mares knew of their condition from one another.

Where the two would have met up every single day at least once, their contact had watering down after the events. Letters were sent out on a rare occasion but they never met in the flesh ever since. But if they would meet, it would be a thing that would change itself in the far future of the two. They were both unique beings in the world, made even more so with their conditions. The chance existed that they would have engaged in a fight. The thought was bleak, but the possibility there.

The pegasus kept staring at the created scars and she just couldn't believe the whole fact that she was still alive after such a brutal attack. Memories of what happened after the claw sank down in her flesh she didn't had anymore. And for a pony like Fluttershy, that was a gift given by the goddesses of the sun and moon. She even prayed in silence every night for that. With the help of the attack she happened to be a little bit spiritual then she always had been.

“At least, they aren't as worse, as they could have been,” she said in a soft tone she lowered her body again. With all of the power in her body did she tried to take her thoughts away from the scar but that was asking almost the impossible. All she really could do was just to continue with her shower and jump in her nightie to start enjoying an evening on the couch with her critters.


Which was the exact thing that Fluttershy did for the remainders of the day. With her being fresh and feeling like new, the yellowish coated pegasus walked back to her own bedroom and with one well-placed motion, she slid in her nightie that laid on the bed. With the silk that touched upon the still gently moistened fur and skin, she released a little moan which was followed up by a giggle. “Oops,” she said without much sounds. She brought her hoof before her mouth to cover it up quick.

Fluttershy left her bed and straightened the light black and comfortable nightie. A nightie that went all the way down to the knees of her hindlegs and covered most of the body in a nonchalant manner. It was a simple thing really but that was how she liked it at best. The mare had always loved it and nopony could ever bring something in against that. But its biggest advantage was the fact that it managed to cover the scars she had gained.

In order to hide what had happened to her, every time when Fluttershy left for the outside world, she wore something varying from a t-shirt to a dress. As long as her belly and the scars got covered up, she was more than happy. For all of the ponies she knew, didn't had to know about what she had gotten over time. For she was too afraid of what they might say of her, a fear that was rightfully placed into the hearts of those unknown and unfamiliar.

While she laid down on the couch in the living room, another moan left her as the water that was stuck in her ears finally had left them. Angel made his way up to her chest and looked her in the eyes with a questioning gaze.

“Of course you may, Angel,” she spoke to him and in response he made his spot comfortable to sleep on. And for the first time since she had arrived back home got the little white bunny the much desired pet behind the ears before he fell asleep in peace. Fluttershy herself on the other end continued to wonder just what could have caused the storm and for how long it would continue to rage on.

Yet her biggest concern didn't laid by herself. It laid by all of the creatures that lived outside. Creatures that couldn't leave their little homes because they were hidden deep within Everfree. A frightening thought that haunted her ever since she took the job as animal caretaker. Yet the woods were known for its tough animals and whether the philosophy was liked or not, in nature it was survival of the fittest.


Even though the storm was still raging on in all of its mysterious glory, the rage that could be found within the heart of a pony is one thing to be cautions around. For no amount of rain, wind and lightning could have beaten that. It was especially true for the cloaked, hat wearing, blue coated pony that had made its way towards the Carousel Boutique. For that pony possessed a power greater than the storm unleashed over the rustic little town. The day was already worse and a particular ivory coated unicorn had asked the forbidden question out loud.

It would be the pony that dared to walk on the streets in the terrible weather, that would be answering the call that was being made. Yet neither of the two would know just what laid at stake.

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