• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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25 Hearts must be broken to conceal the monster

Spike had made his departure from the boutique and Rarity began to do her things. She knew that she would be busy with it until the morning sun rose again over the lands. The things which she did helped her to get her mind off of the matters that had been raised during the conversation with the baby dragon. In the far end were it her eyes which laid themselves on the few dresses she wanted to continue that had almost being completed and she saw the whole picture for each of them. Each of the projects would become a wonderful piece of art, if not masterpieces in a new league.

In the far end of the night had Rarity managed to do some of the much needed accountancy of the boutique. She then headed over to a window and just looked to the visible world on the outside. And to make the frightening discovery that the day was almost upon her.

The ever so cherished journal was levitated in a small aura while she made her way up the stairs and into the bedroom with the usual grace. It got placed once again in the drawer where it laid in the middle. A smile had appeared on her face before she pushed it shut again. The click of the lock did its turn through the room both soft and quick. She took the key out and hid it where it always had been. Right below the pillow of her bed. So simple yet so secure. The mare had no idea why she placed it always there though.

The unicorn dropped herself on the bed itself in order to get some of her much needed slumber. Under normal circumstances would she have used her wings to tuck herself in. Though that time they weren't given the opportunity to do so. Time itself had caught up with her. For the moment she placed her head on the pillow had Rarity fallen in a deep slumber after being busy all of the night. The entire and gentle curving bedroom of the unicorn got filled with the sounds of her breathing animation, even though she was undead and didn’t require air anymore.

Not much later after she had closed her eyes and departed to the dream realm were the first rays of the sun that gently peeked over the horizon. They gently teased the ponies who were still asleep with its warmth. Ponies all over town started to wake up, some slower than others but eventually everypony had managed to hoist their body out of the comforts of their beds. Whether they liked it or not.


In the tree library of Ponyville had one little dragon some deep trouble waking up while the sun shone through the windows. It cast its ray of warmth over him to heat him up for the day. Though instead of waking up and getting ready to do his job, the young dragon pulled the blanket further over himself while he moaned in a gentle but nagging manner. He just didn’t wanted to get out of his basket. And who would have blamed him for that? The pillow was soft and he laid comfortable.

A small and cute giggle did its turn through the room. On the other bed was a mulberry coated mare who could be found sitting upright. Her eyes were focused on her assistant before she turned herself back to the sunlight that was knocking against the curtain. She wanted to open them even further than she already had for herself but as she thought back about what just happened let Twilight them being shut. The mare made her way out of bed and walked up to the basket of the little dragon.

Whether he liked it or not, she gave him a kiss upon the exposed part of his head and then received an almost motherly stroke over his cute little head. Twilight rose herself up the spot and smiled down to him before she spoke the words with a soft tone. “Sleep well little Spike, you need it.” She would have ventured down the stairs in order to start creating the breakfast she loved and begin with her morning studies.


Time didn't had to progress long before the kitchen would smell delicious as many treats were being baked by the studious unicorn. Over the passage of time was Twilight taught the finer arts of cooking from Ponyville’s top bakers, who happened to be Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Together with the sound of humming some songs from her younger years that started to make their turn through the room, she let her eyes carefully gazed upon everything. As her calculating mind made sure nothing would go wrong or walk out of hooves.

“~How can I help, I am new you see, what does everypony do? How do I fit in without my magic, I haven’t got a clue~” she sung soft while memories of the past gently boiled back up in her mind. She remembered them so lively and could only smile upon them. “I can never forget that day.” Twilight spoke while a sigh of nostalgia left her nose before she went further on what she was working on. Her tail was swaying happily from side to side as she accomplished many great successes in her cooking arts.

“I still wonder,” she mumbled to herself as she picked up a glass of orange juice and looked deeply to it. Yet the more she stared, the more she gained a questioning look in her violet rimmed eyes. “Could it be true that Sweetie Belle really managed to burn it, all that time ago?” The cooking incident with the young crusader had fascinated her ever since Rarity spoke about it and it probably was one of the biggest unsolved mysteries within the family of the unicorn.

Twilight had done many attempts to replicate the result both with and without the knowledge of Rarity herself over the course of time. But they always seemed to have failed about it. No matter how much she tried her best, the unicorn of magic was just unable to burn, juice. “Maybe, just maybe, it is the best that it is never revealed. I mean, burned juice? You can’t burn liquid, or can you?” She released a giggle to herself and shook her head. “Oh Twily, you are getting crazier with the day. Just, just stop thinking about it and enjoy it.”

As she let her eyes go over everything that stood on the table, there was something she remembered. Something one of her friends told her ever so long ago and the eyes of the mulberry unicorn fell on the cheese that laid simply on a plate. “No Twilight, stop thinking about that! It’s not possible, now shut it.” The mare took place behind the table and rubbed her eyes a bit under a groan that left from her throat. “Ugh, it’s too early...” Only then did her head soar down where it met the top of the table with a soft thud.


Far after the breakfast had been made and even eaten by the mare, it was the dragon who managed to wake up himself from his deep sleep. Spike allowed his green eyes to be shown to the world before he crawled out of his basket under some under breath mumbling. He made his way out of the room and down the stairs.

Under the sounds of a big yawn was he greeted by the mare he viewed as his mother. “Morning Spike, what took you so long?” the unicorn spoke before she took another bite out of her bread. Even though she was done with her breakfast, she had to admit that she still was a little hungry. “Not liking the sun after the nightlife of the bigger cities?”

His green eyes glared over to her before another yawn left his mouth and that time covered it by his hand. “Couldn't get out, it was laying just so comfortable. Now I am out of that comfort...”

The mare giggled a little bit after she had swallowed the piece and she charged up her horn. Twilight placed her reading glasses before her eyes and took a gentle sip from her tea. “But now you can take on the day, right? Doing the things you want to do or have to do.”

It was after those words he realized just what he had planned and didn't want to lose any more time than he already had been wasting by laying in his basket. “Yeah, that is true. Hey, you mind if I take today off? There are a couple things I want to do now that I’m finally back,” he spoke to her while joining her on the table, looking over to the food. Or what Twilight had left over just for him. “Wow, y-you made this?”

Twilight smiled ever so warmly and gently over to him as she gave a nod to his question. “Mmhm, I certainly did, Pinkie and Applejack taught me a little over the past six months.”

“I can tell that!” the dragon replied before he stuffed his mouth full with food.

“And of course you may Spike. Have fun with whatever it is you are going to do. If you need me, I am probably here in the library itself. Princess Celestia has given me a very interesting thing to learn and I don’t want to fail her. It is a book she had found somewhere deep within the library of Canterlot and she wants me, me, to decipher it! If this goes right, I might know a new spell!” But all of the sudden a small blush appeared on her face accompanied with a small awkward giggle. “Oops... I am going to far once again, don’t you think?”

The little dragon swallowed all that was in his mouth and he gave the mare a look she knew out of thousands. “You think?” he then replied in a little cheerful yet dry tone. But it was also obvious it was meant as sarcasm and Twilight had him through almost in an instant.


Eventually he left the table with his belly filled to the rim and allowed himself a polite burb which was followed up by a giggle from the both of them. “I’m off now. Take care Twilight!” he said. And before she could say or do anything, had he rushed back upstairs in order to do something. The unicorn didn't really pay that much attention as she had returned back to her books and scrolls. Twilight started to read through them over and over while trying to store the received information in her mind.

She let the table being the mess it was, she would have cleaned up another time during the day. But her eyes could never turn themselves away from the mysterious book that stood under the glass bell. “I wonder, just how much information there is in you.”

Soon enough the dragon walked back from the stairs and he carried something in his curled up tail. Spike didn't even made an attempt to sneak passed the unicorn in order to make his departure from the library. For he knew that Twilight had delved too deep into her studies so that she wouldn't even notice him as a whole and he left the library without a word said to her.

Once the dragon stood outside, he took a deep sniff from the fresh air before an even deeper ‘aah’ of pure morning joy was released. He walked out of the shadows of the tree which were cast by the then pleasant and strong sun before he made his way through the calm streets over to the very street the Carousel Boutique stood. His green eyes gazed upon all the houses while he listened gently to the sounds coming from them, only to smile brightly with his lips covering his teeth.

But there it came, rising on the horizon like the castle in Canterlot itself. Ponyville’s very own Carousel Boutique. Home and shop of the most beautiful mare and top notch fashionista in the land. An ivory coated, purple maned and sapphire blue eyed mare who lived under the name of Rarity. A mare he knew and loved with all of his heart without a certain doubt. But he didn't went to her for a normal visit of any kind.

No, Spike needed to be sure of a couple things he had taken note of during their meeting. And with all the rumors that did their turn through the town about her didn't make things to be working in the favor of said unicorn. His eyes had a look of dedication within them. A dedication he only would have gotten for a couple of things in his life.


The closer the dragon got to the building, the more he trailed off to the bushes that stood at the side of the paths. He went all the way down to the point he just hid himself in some of them. All of the bushes were located just to the side of the circular building and the road which gave him a near perfect view upon it. Spike took the package out from his tail and he laid his eyes on the very black rubber suit he was forced to wear while he, Twilight and Pinkie wanted to break into the Starswirl-the-Bearded-wing of the Canterlot Library. For some reason did Twilight still had his suit hanging in the closet together with that of her own. He had wondered time and time again just why they were still hanging there in the first place. But with the situation as it was, he was glad for it.

With a couple swift movements had he managed to hoist himself in it and fiddled around a little. All of his actions were done in order to make himself as comfortable as it was possible in it while trying to keep the squeaking to a minimum. For ponies that looked around the bush or even in it was the last thing he possibly need. When he was totally fine with the way it sat around his body, he returned his attention back to the boutique.

Spike was aware that Rarity always left a window open in the back in order for fresh air to come in. He also knew just what window was going to be open. Though his eyes fell upon all the closed curtains windows and that alone managed to raise some questions in his mind. The little dragon jumped out of the bush and rushed his way undetected, on clear day no less, over to the back of the building in order to find the much desired window. It was even a surprise to himself that nopony saw a black catsuit wearing dragon running from the bush and towards the building. Either that, or they just didn't wanted to see it. It had to look pretty embarrassing in the eyes of ponies.

Spike ran to the back of the building where he pressed his body against the wall. It seemed he was trying to hide from something. With his heart beating within the throat, he looked up to the wall. And then he managed to see it, his very ticket to enter the building without disturbing the unicorn. Or so he hoped with just about every fiber of his body.

For the dragon caught the only window that was not closed off by a curtain and he thought that luck found itself on his side once more given the fact that it was indeed standing open as always. Spike crawled his way up to it before he pushed his arm in the gap in order to fully unlock the window. That gave him a chance to enter the building without her noticing it. At least, that was the plan. Though not every plan was a complete one hundred percent watertight and he knew that better than nopony else.


It was after some fiddling, pushing and squirming around that he found himself in the kitchen of the boutique where everything appeared to be more than normal and he didn't paid that much attention to it. “Now if I was her... where would I hide those things of myself..?” he said to himself almost with no sound before his eyes shot open as wide as possible. “The bedroom of course! Wait, am, am I really going to intrude her bedroom?”

Spike then was faced before the ethical choice of either doing it and thus intruding the most private room in the house of his love, or not doing it and thus sitting with the questions that had been raised within his mind. A tough decision it was for the dragon without a doubt.

But in the end and years of spending time with Twilight helping out had caused his desires for answers to be much greater than any other feeling he had. Before he could even realized it, he was making his way over the hallway that was leading to the staircase. The staircase that would lead him up to the second floor for the boutique. Closer to the bedroom, closer to Rarity, closer to answers.

Yet before he could go up on it, his eyes went over nearly everything that was to be seen in the living room. “Well this place certainly is creepier when there is no light...” Spike spoke up in a whisper. His eyes tried their best to watch through the darkness. The things he always could clearly identify in the light, looked like deformed figures within the darkness.

It startled him to say the least, especially with the scent of the burned candles that went through his nose. Spike a little shiver as he just made a run for the staircase. He didn't want to spend even one more minute within the living room. And if the living room scared him that much already, he wouldn't even dare to set a foot in the working area.


The soft screeches of the wood did their turn through the boutique. The sound came due to the sudden shifting mass on them when Spike moved up. With careful eyes he kept looking up and down to see if there was anything that could indicate other forms of life waking up. Yet then he found himself on the very top of the staircase all of the sudden. The dragon sighed in utmost relief before he looked through the hallway with a set of uncertain eyes. His mind thought about just where her bedroom might be as he took a careful note on each of the doors.

On a guess of either pure luck or remembrance from previous visits, he went the right direction but still listened by every door to hear if somepony was in there. But no matter which door he tried, everything stayed as silent as the grave before he reached the final door of the hallway. The door that was truly leading over to the bedroom of his crush ever since he arrived in Ponyville.

With his ear placed against the door with care, he heard that there was not a single sound to be heard from the room behind it. The thought of her not even being home rushed almost instantly occurred into his mind. A thought that satisfied his guilt feelings to a decent and tolerable level. His hand that reached for the knob. Though before he would turn it, he kept listening to everything but there was nothing to be heard once again. After realizing there was nopony else, he opened the door with caution and allowed himself a peek inside before going in.

In his eyes fell the grand bedroom of the famous Carousel Boutique. The room where the mare herself always retreated to in order to gain of her much needed rest for the night. His green eyes gazed in every direction but couldn't see anypony in it with the exception of a non-moving hump of blankets on the bed. Spike initial thoughts were that it were just some blankets. Maybe she had forgotten to store them away in a hurry as she left her boutique early for something? Or something else in that same fashion. The reasoning he came up with was that the mare wasn't home while he was around. At least, that were his thoughts. Thoughts he prayed on with his life.

He had begun to scurry around the many belongings of the mare in the hope to find something that could help him with his many questions. Not a single inch was left unexplored in silence before he just gave it up. Over the desk, through the books, passed the collection of gems and even below the bed he searched for anything that could have helped.

Of course there were many different things that he found during his searching. For when he went over the bookshelves, he couldn't help it but to look in a couple photo albums which went from moments after her birth, all the way up to the point that she left her parental home. Yet there was another one that seemed to continue upon that point to the very present. The baby dragon could only smile to the wonderful pictures he saw from his crush through the years. Even though he knew it was something he wasn't truly allowed to see from her.

When he made his way passed the shelves and glass cabinets that were filled to the brim with the most beautiful precious stones and jewels, his mouth was watering to take a little nibble out of each of them. Rarity's famous gem collection was something that always had been in his mind since she spoke about it. It was tough for the baby dragon to keep his greed under control and his hunger small. Yet he did it nonetheless and it was quite the impossible feat. Especially since it felt near impossible to remove himself from their hypnotizing shine but the dragon was stronger than the stones. A thing that he could only hope to be right at.


Though in the end if his searching did Spike gave up the quest he had set out for. For there was nothing to be found that could possibly help him in one way or the other. With a sigh that left through his mouth he had one last look over the room before his eyes fell back on the bed. And also to the hump of blankets. “Just what..?” he mumbled to himself.

The baby dragon made the decision to lean against a pillar with the thought it is being able to hold his rather light weight. But the more he leaned against it, the more the pillar started to shift and eventually the inevitable thing happened. The pillar which housed an enormous diamond from which he didn't know the true origin began to tip.

Before he even knew it, it had fallen over and under a loud crash was it sent through the room. The crashing sound was unbearable to hear when it made contact with the ground. The sounds caused Spike to have yelped and jump backwards. He couldn't believe what he saw happening with his own eyes. For the landing of the pillar was so hard that the stone structure had both shattered and cracked on certain spots.

The dragon had his ears covered due to the deafening sound that there was created by it and his eyes looked around after it to see if there was truly nopony home. His heart was beating even deeper and faster in his throat as he prayed upon the princesses. Spike released a deep gulp as he looked over to the damage done with a look of sorrow and regret. But on the bed, under the mountain of blankets, his worst fears were at the point of becoming a reality.

For the hump of blankets he thought that was nothing, was in fact the unicorn herself who laid below them. While it was true she used to be on top of them, something had caused the sleeping mare to just pull them back over her. Old habits don’t wear, she always said about it to herself. In utmost silence did she rose up in her bed and her ice cold, sapphire blue eyes glared over to the dragon. The mare couldn't think of any words to speak for the matter that just had occurred and as she saw the situation before her.

It was after a certain amount of time that her eyes boiled up with rage as she finally saw just what he had knocked over. But also the whole fact he was in her bedroom. “Spike!” she shouted while the rage continued to boil within her eyes. The normally so graceful and friendly unicorn left her bed and with powerful steps walked over to him. The mare never took her eyes away from him and even released a little growl.

A shock of fear was that what struck the little dragon and he froze on the spot. He was scared because of her voice. He had no idea of just what he could have done to avoid her wrath. There was a loud gulp left him before he gained the courage to turn his body gently around towards her. Then he was faced with the set of enraged and mad eyes of the mare as he stumbled to speak his words. “Y-Yes..?”

Rarity looked down into his eyes before she spewed her words without any form of thought. “Just what is the purpose you are standing in my home, in my bedroom no less! And just destroying one of my most prized possessions, a gem which I once got from my grandmother on her deathbed! What do you have to say in your defense against this, hm?” All that she cared for at the moment were the answers he could give on them.

The wings that were curled up around her back wanted to reveal themselves just so badly. They wanted to release even more steam against him. But the action was always denied by a deeper part of the mare’s mind. All of the muscles within the wings were held as tight as possible to make sure that they wouldn't uncurl from her body.

In her eyes did the pupils had their own troubles as they didn't wanted to make the switch over to their alternative red coloring before him. But if Spike would have looked closely upon them and deeply in them, it was visible that some parts were crimson red. It looked like the veins behind the iris had set up or even broken, but it was in fact the alternative coloring of her beautiful eyes. Eyes that continued to look enraged towards him while a deep and powerful huff was made by her.


But the only thing that left his mouth was some blabbering that couldn't be understood by even the greatest of ears. It was after a few seconds of it that she had enough of everything, of nearly everything he had done to her. Rarity was being blinded by her own rage once again. Spike may have seen it as acts to express his love to the mare, but all she saw was a ruination of her life.

In a moment of a pure and almost primal rage, and possibly the worst of it all: unknown to herself, she spoke the most hurtful words she could have ever said to the little, baby dragon. “I have had it more than enough with you, you come here most of the time willing to help me. But all you do is causing me to go out of the frying pan and into the fire! You say you love me, a pony! While you are a dragon! Ponies and dragons can not stay together given their difference as species and you, you are even a baby dragon who works as a librarian assistant!”

Spike could only watch as the rage had consumed the mare he loved for every single bit she always stood for and his eyes were already watering up. He could almost just burst out in tears as he kept listening to her words. “Y-You have c-changed...” he started after he let out a sniffle. “You are no longer kind. B-But you are... a, a monster of your former self. But, but if you want it this way, t-then so be it... I, shall leave you alone, for the rest of time...” All of his words were spoken with trouble caused by the bleeding heart. The tears that were building up, were streamed down his face the more he spoke before he turned himself around.

“So this, is how it feels to have, a b-broken heart...” He then left the room with speed and under a loud sobbing. He continued to just run away from her. Yet it was only until the front door had fallen shut that Rarity came to the realization of just what she had said to him.

It was like snow before the sun that Rarity’s rage disappeared and she set in the chase. She jumped down from the stairs in order to not lose even more time than she already had. But she forgot one important thing. The time of day had made the sun stand high on the skies as its rays shone down upon the land with great power.

When Rarity opened the front door, she got her eyes blinded by the bright sunlight as she tried to see just where he had ran off to. A mere second later her eyes could make out a figure that ran away, a figure that appeared like a black spot in her eyes. Her hooves were gently moving in order to go behind him but the sun was too much of an obstacle and there he went, leaving her field of view.


Rarity had done it. She had broken the heart of the only dragon that ever loved her. And one of the very few beings she had feelings for herself. Feelings which she never had admitted to anypony she had ever met.

She might have been a vampiric and undead mare but the feeling going through her after realizing what she had done, made her sick of herself as the wish to just step into the sunlight to be burned. She wanted herself to suffer for her crimes. It was a thought that came to her mind but she wasn't strong enough to do it. Against her will she returned into the darkness of her home while tears of blood ran down her face, deeply regretting her words spoken to him.

Spike ran around without any heading through the streets. His loud sobbing could be heard all over the street he was on. His small heart was broken by the mare he loved so much. All because of an accident he couldn't have prevented from happening. Both of his hands made their way into his eyes to wipe them clean before he set his course to another destination. The destination would have been no place other than his home.

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