• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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49 Confusion and sweet revenge

A deep smirk had appeared on the face of the vampiric unicorn. Her horn hummed louder than expected with all stored energy and she just waited. She waited for a small mistake on the side of Fleur. One little mistake that would have literally cost her, her life. From time to time there were streams of blue magic that fell from Rarity’s horn while she stood there. She panted little bit at the pure strength that raced through her body. The unicorn wasn’t used to storing such amounts of sheer and awesome magical powers inside of her body.

On the opposing side of her had Fleur lowered herself through her forelegs and screeched her left one over the floor. She huffed out a small cloud of steam through her nostrils while keeping an eye on her advisory. Her own magic had been collecting for the same amount of time as well. But being the pony she always had been, the larger unicorn mare just wasn't used to having that much flowing through her body at once. It was a problem they both had and they both dealt with it in their own manners.

Her horn shone in the same color as her eyes which were never torn away from the vampiric mare. Even one fraction of a second of losing attention would have meant death coming her way. Deep within them it could be seen, just how rough she had it coming towards her. If Rarity would get her way, it would become only worse. A thing she couldn’t allow.

Even though the two of them could be found within the very bedroom of Fleur Dis Lee her mansion, none of its staff was either being called upon by the owner or woken up from the commotion that the two of them made. There was a reason why they weren't called though. That reason being the sheer fact that the larger unicorn wanted to end the vampiric personally. It didn’t matter to her what the costs would have been.

Though where Rarity had been trained even a little in her magical power through years of working in the boutique, Fleur had done about nothing to hers since she left elementary school. It was at the moment that the powers became too great for her body. In the end she dropped her attention just a little bit. There was a deep wince of pain that traveled through her body. A wince of pain that had been caused by her own magical current.

The vampiric mare noticed the wince instantly and looked up from it. “Ahh!” Rarity hissed in a dark manner. She then released the held charge of her horn at once. “It was a pleasure.”

With one eye still being opened and fixed on the vampiric unicorn, Fleur managed to rise back on all of her hooves. She was panting deep while she tried to work herself over from the pain that was racing through her body. “You, liar...” were the only words she could have said.

Rarity only returned those words with a grin of utter darkness and within her opponents very heart could it be felt. The sharpest pain which Fleur had ever felt - sharper than the fangs of Rarity sinking into the veins - had found itself racing through her precious and elegant body. The larger unicorn could only drop herself to the ground while she would reach out for her chest. Fleur had both of her eyes firmly closed as she tried her best not to give into the pain she was suffering.

Even though her horn was still charged with the magic, the pain that was racing through it caused her to discharge it. The magical current was unable to be fired in an attempt to save her. With slow and gentle seconds did the violet aura became fainter up to the point it had dissolved into nothing but the white horn. Sparks of the magic could be seen traveling over the floor, as well as her forehead. Sparks that were both innocent and harmless on their own. Her body kept wincing itself in pain though. Fleur just wanted to scream the lungs out of her body. Yet all that left her were silent moans as she stroked her chest in a faint attempt to calm her aching heart.


Deep within the basement of the Ponyville Hospital, had doctor Goodheart released a deep and tired moan. He tried to open his eyes again but with more care. Their green rims were revealed to the world again. They could see the room, but only vague. The splashes of white and red were just blurred pools to him. Though as his mind came back to him, so did his clear vision. And his eyes opened themselves wide at the sight before him. A sight that was upside down. With one slow motion and a moan had he managed to turn himself around on his belly. Yet what his eyes saw was everything but good.

In those very eyes he caught the deceased body of doctor Wild. The aged stallion shook his head from side to side. “N-No... This isn't possible... This, isn't!” he spoke in a whispering tone to himself. Even though the hole that went through his chest made it visible to his naked eyes. He was dead and there was nothing that could have been done about it. The elder doctor just couldn't believe it. He even refused to believe it that he was really dead and gone. The doctor tried to deny it all, that he was suffering a dream of some kind. That the world he looked was something surreal even. Though they were made up as good excuses to make the mind believe what wasn’t true.

It was after a good minute of just plain gazing that he was able to take his eyes off of the horrible sight. The poor stallion let them go through the room and couldn't see any of the burned skin in which she was covered at first. “W-What in all of the... things holy?” he mumbled up. He tried to find the traces but failed on all accounts. “This... I’m too old for this madness.”

In the end he allowed his eyes to rest upon the table that housed the burned unicorn only a couple hours ago. When the empty table fell in his eyes, there was a shock of remembrance that went through him. With all the strength he had still left within his body, would the doctor have turned himself over to the door. There he took notice that it was closed for some reason. Many thoughts traveled through his mind while he could only predict that one thing had happened. Rarity had escaped them. And with that, was she at large. Roaming through the lands of Equestria.

While a thoughtful moan left his mouth had Goodheart gathered more bits of strength that were left inside of him and tried his best to crawl over to an intercom. An intercom that was magically powered much like the lights and went through the entire building. He didn't care who would pick up at the other end, he needed help for any soul available.

Under moans and winces of pain had the near bloodless stallion managed to reach the wall where the little, magical device was mounted. He looked over to it and knew the risks of the operation he was about to execute. But it had to be done otherwise it could be too late and the hospital needed to bury two doctors instead of one. “This... this is going to hurt,” he muttered to himself. After that he hoisted himself straight up on his hooves. But due to his own levels of blood still being dangerously low, the struggle was even bigger than he could have ever imagined. He huffed and puffed while he rose up. The stallion used everything in his knowledge to keep him standing up. His best option was to lean against the wall itself. He was in the need of some stability and that was the best thing that he had.

After a dreadful attempt at standing up, the stallion had indeed succeeded on his wanted task and stood before the magical intercom. While the deep and long pants left his mouth, the stallion took the horn from the device and placed it against his ear. Much to his luck and surprise did it still work as it should do. With a throbbing head he dialed the first number that came to his mind. If it was the right one had to be seen though. That was because of the fact that his vision faded in and out every few seconds. It originated from the lack of oxygen that was supposed to be carried within the blood. Blood he didn’t have anymore.

For seconds he prayed in the silent hope that somepony would pick up on the other end. Though he could feel himself losing grip from the world. And then was the horn on the other side picked up. “Hello?” a tired female voice spoke in his ear like an angel. Even though the tone was different, Goodheart knew straight away who it was.

“Nurse, R-Redheart? G-Goodheart h-here, I need, I need h-” More words he couldn’t speak. His vision blacked out and he collapsed back on the ground, accompanied with a loud thud.


“Do you feel the pain, you high class wench? The burning pain that is raging through your heart?” Rarity said in a sinister tone while Fleur still laid on the ground. The larger unicorn winced ever so deep in pain and kept her eyes firmly closed in response. For the larger mare wasn't even able to raise her head up towards her attacker nor had the ability to scream or talk returned to her. The more pain went through the body of Fleur, the more the tail of Rarity maneuvered itself in between her hindlegs.

The flocks of hair teasing the insides of her thighs with care. Then they went passed the lips of her marehood. In response to the pleasurable feeling did she released a moan of secret pleasure through her mouth before being released to the world. Fleur looked away in disgust but kept herself silent for the coming ordeal.

Though the rubbing continued on before the vampiric unicorn made her way over to the tortured mare. She swung her hips from side to side in a seducing manner while she came. When she did stood before Fleur, the deepest and most eerie grin of the night was right there on her face.

A grin that was caught by Fleur. She had dared to open up her eyes again. Even though it was a hopeless attempt to save herself, she still tried to reach inside of her chest while the pain kept raging through her heart. Rarity enjoyed the sight of agony with sick pleasure. She showed it clear to Fleur when she placed a hoof below her chin.

The horn of the vampiric unicorn increased even more in its charge, the other white coated mare her head and body were then levitated towards the head of Rarity herself. The larger unicorn tried to scream or even moan in pain. But no sounds left her with the exception of her smacking her lips. Fleur was raised up towards the red rimmed eyes of the queen of Tartarus herself.

Aside the pain thundering through her body from the raise, had Fleur closed her eyes again. She had no desire to see what was about to happen to her. Yet where she expected more and more pain to flow through her, she felt a cold kiss that was being made on her lips. Taken by the utmost surprise, Fleur managed to open up one of her eyes to see what was going on.

Much to her own surprise, there was something rather unusual to be caught. She saw that the unicorn that was out for her utter destruction, gave her one last kiss upon the lips. One last honoring in her eyes. Little did Fleur knew that it was done as a last, mocking insult to her.


With the passage of a couple seconds would Rarity have parted from the kiss under a soft moan of guilty pleasure. “Being a mare that loves a mare, doesn't seem to be that bad. Don’t you agree?” She erupted out in a sinister chuckle afterwards. Her hoof still rested upon the lower jaw of Fleur. “Oh how rude of me, your time has come darling,” said the winged unicorn in an unusual soft and even kind tone. She spread her wings out to their maximum width before she released even more power from her horn. The deed was about to be done and nothing would have stopped her.

In response was it the whole body of Fleur that got covered in the magical blue aura. Despite her own will, she was set vertical in the air. Her hindlegs still touched the ground in a normal manner. Rarity had forced her to stand bipedal. Fleur’s forelegs still covered the chest which stood proud towards Rarity. The vampiric mare did a step or two back and just watched. She would just watch while the events unfold themselves before her.

Not before both of Fleur her forelegs were separated from the chest and spread to either side of her body. “N-No!” Fleur managed to bring out in a soft voice. Her first word since the ordeal began had been spoken. “P-Please!” But deep within her chest, right in between her lungs could she have felt feel it rushing back like it had been doing all the time. That agonizing feeling of her very heart that wanted to tear itself out of her body. It didn't seem to be caring for anything that would be harmed with its departure.

The way the pain felt was in fact the grim reality which Fleur was suffering. For veins ruptured within her body from the heavy yanking. Blood was allowed to flow free through the insides. Her chest was shaking from both the pain and movements. Fleur didn't had anything to comfort herself with anymore. The rib cage wouldn't be able to hold it forever and both mares knew that. Fleur still managed to open up both of her eyes wide. She could only have stared into the red rims of Rarity with a pleading look. The vampiric mare returned the gaze with one that was as cold as ice. There wouldn’t have been anything in the world to change her mind.

It was when the shiver of the gaze did its turn, that the bones shattered. The hide got torn away like it was some kind of cheap fabric. That was the moment, for the sternum was piercing right out of her chest. Tears of utter agony left Fleur her eyes. She knew what would be the next thing to leave her sore, broken body.


The eyes of the aged stallion opened themselves wide. They began to scan around the room as he reached for his chest. “With in the name of Celestia,” he spoke under a deep panting. His eyes closed themselves again under the sounds of a deep exhale. He allowed his body to drop itself back within the bed he found himself in. “Has happened..?”

His green rimmed eyes opened up once again and much to his own surprise, he found himself in a hospital room. Confused of just why he was laying in there himself, the stallion turned his gaze over to the curtain covered window. He released a deep sigh at the sight and then spoke his words. “Not getting any help from there...”

His green eyes looked over to the other three walls if there would be something of interest on them. But that wasn't the case. They all would show him the same kind of the yellow wallpaper. On the wall to his right happened to be the door that would be leading over to the hallway. Another deep sigh did its turn before he inspected his own body from right to left. It was when his dulled out eyes fell upon the wrist of his left foreleg, that he found a tube filled with a red substance going into it. That sight alone rose up more confusion and curiosity inside his mind. Is she, is she draining me!? Why not just kill me straight away for crying out loud?

But all the thoughts of the vampiric mare was dispatched when his eyes went up over to the things the tube was attached to. He caught up a infuse bag of blood that wasn't draining him, but giving him blood. “Now I have seen everything,” he spoke to himself in a mumble. There was a bit of strength in his head and even less bit in his forelegs but the rest of his body simply felt like it wasn't even there. The eyes closed themselves again before his mind wandered off in realms only he could visit. The realm that was his own mind.


Fleur Dis Lee found herself in a forced bipedal stance, still within her own bedroom in the mansion. There she gazed at her very own, still beating heart as it was levitated before her eyes. It had been ripped out of her body by the vamoiric unicorn that stood before her. A unicorn who appeared to have been the queen of Tartarus herself. For the first time since her torture began was Fleur able to scream in utter agony.

Rarity brought the heart over to her side and just dropped the body of Fleur on its backside like a broken toy. As soon as it hit the ground, the aura disappeared. The vampiric mare snickered into herself when the heart was close enough to her. And like the sick psychopath that she had become, her tongue made its way over it. She took all the blood that she could collect into her mouth until it was swallowed into her body.

The vampiric unicorn did this a couple more times before it was all cleaned up and levitated it back over to the deceased body. “Revenge is sweet, Dis Lee. But avenging is even sweeter. And you should have learned this, I always get what I desire. No matter what,” spoke Rarity in a manner. She spoke almost as if Fleur was still alive.

Her ears twitched upon the quick and sudden sounds hoofsteps. Steps which made their way up the stairs. With a soft hiss had she turned her attention over to the door and the windows of the bedroom. It was truly going to be fight of flight for the vampiric mare and with the body of her ex-slave deceased, she had what she wanted.

On the staircase it was nopony else then Ruby who was making her way up. She reached the final step accompanied with a slight wheezing. Within mere seconds had she managed to catch up with her breath. Her eyes looked over to the bedroom door and she gulped a bit. She placed her hoof on the door knob and began to hope that things wouldn’t have been that bad. Ruby could only have prayed that it wasn't something that bad. She hoped that Fleur had gotten a nightmare or something in that fashion and that was why she released a scream. Ruby’s thoughts couldn't be more wrong.

The door swung open as a whole and all of her thoughts were completely annihilated. Her eyes fell almost right away on the unicorn with her chest erupted. “N-No,” was all she could bring out before making a quick scan of the room.

There was a set of curtains that could be seen moving whereas the window behind it stood open wide. The maid did the only thing she could do. She galloped over to the window and looked from the ground up to the skies. All in the hope to see something that would indicate just what had been attacking the owner of the house. Though the more she looked to the world outside, the less she got to see from anything. For the fact that there was nothing to be seen did frighten her a lot. But she had to set her fears aside and concentrate herself on a different matter.

Her attention turned back over to the deceased body and she placed a hoof before her mouth while gasping loudly as she saw the pool of blood that only expanded upon itself. The shock went through her own body once again when her eyes fell upon it and she saw exactly that what was the cause of death. After a good minute she managed to remove her hoof and shook her head heavily from side to side. “This house is cursed,” she said carefully. “This estate is cursed from basement to attic!”

Ruby needed to let the other employees know what happened to their boss, how she found their lady just like that without any trace of another pony who could have done the crime. Though she was having her suspicions. Suspicions which ran wild and wouldn't stop very easily.


“Goodheart? Are you awake?” a deep and stern stallion’s spoke up. It made its way into the mind of the doctor. But the older stallion just wanted to sleep a bit more. Though the tone alone was enough for him to open his eyes. The stallion turned his head over to the side of the door as the sounds came from there. Then he fell in his eyes, the director of the hospital. A brown coated, blue eyed stallion that wore a black suit.

Goodheart only moaned softly at the sight while he started to fear a bit for what would happen. The stallion shook his head while he closed his blue rimmed eyes for a moment. “Goodheart, Goodheart, Goodheart, what do I have to do with you to begin with?” he then spoke up towards the elderly doctor.

“E-Excuse me?” Goodheart spoke a bit nervously and tired.

“I should put you on trial for the murder of Wild.”

Those spoken words only rose the confusion further for the doctor in the bed. “What do you mean, Longlove?” he said before he blinked a couple times.

“Don’t you remember it anymore then? You killed Wild in the operation room in the basement, just before you called help from Redheart,” explained Longlove while he walked closer over to the bed under a deep sigh. “The question is, just why did you do it?”

Goodheart gave him a small huff while he formulated an answer within his mind. “Hmph, I didn't kill that poor soul. You weren't there, Longlove. You weren't there when we were scraping off the burned skin from her body, you weren't there when she rose up from that table like it was nothing. You weren't there when the creature set its fangs into both our necks...”

Longlove kept a close ear to the words spoken before he simply countered the words almost right away. “You did what!? I told you to not operate her. She was too badly burned from the fires. Did you forget I was there too when she was hauled into this place, hm?”

“No Longlove, I didn't forgot that part. But isn't it a creed of the doctors that no matter how small the chance is, life should be tried to kept intact? Your bloody policy,” said Goodheart in his defense.

“She couldn't be saved and you know it,” returned Longlove with a snarl. The stallion set his forelegs upon the bed and rose up a bit. Then it was the brown coated that released a deep huff of his own for he was right, it was indeed his very policy.

“That burned crisp of nothing, just happened to be a phoenix of some kind! For she rose back up from her ashes, consuming the blood of Wild before sticking her bloody horn right into his heart. I tried to defend myself from her, b-”

His words were cut off by an angered Longlove that jammed one of his forehooves right into the metal bar at the foot end of the bed. “Quiet about those mythological creatures you fool! You know they do not exist and they never will. You know what I think?”

“Speak up, not that any of my words would convince you otherwise,” answered Goodheart. He knew his case was lost anyway. Longlove wouldn’t have listened to him in any way.

“I think that you are schizophrenic, you thought that it was her who did it all, but instead it was simply you. It was you both drained him and then killed him. But how you managed to drain yourself is a mystery for me to figure out,” spoke Longlove in his stern voice. He kept his eyes firm on the doctor in the bed. He was scanning Goodheart for any response that proved him right.

The answer he got was more than enough to enrage the stallion. Goodheart wanted to argue the words so badly as they were so incorrect about him. But gave the decision of not speaking towards his higher official. “You are a good doctor though, Goodheart. I will not charge you for the deeds, what I will do however, is placing you on a good none-active. Starting when you are fully healed again. Good day,” were the last words spoken by Longlove. The suit wearing, earth pony stallion turned himself around and left the room through the door. He just left the heartbroken doctor in the bed.

Goodheart leaned back within his bed and closed his eyes. “I hate him, just so much,” he mumbled to herself. But only after the door had fallen back in its lock. Which meant that he was truly left alone once more.


When the sun finally did its first peeks over the hills to call in the new day. The vampiric unicorn knew it was time for her to seek shelter among the shadows. She wasn't wearing any of her protective clothing. And the news of the boutique being burned to the ground had been spreading like the fires it received. She made the decision to only travel through the shadows from then on. She would make her return to the silent town under the company of the thick vegetation of the woods.

Like a fox she sneaked and walked passed ponies on the main road with the minimal amount of sounds created. The sun made its way over the skies at a slow rate. Rarity would have encountered the great open plains that stretched themselves out before Ponyville in the late afternoon. The mare knew that she couldn't pass over it due to the burning sun and decided to walk even deeper into the shadows. She continued on with her path through the trees and made sure that no part of the sun's deadly beams would hit her coat anywhere.

It was after a long time of walking that she found a rather comfortable spot to lay down in. Rarity lowered herself on her hooves and curled up into a small ball of white fur. After that did she shut her eyes. The mare hoped that the sun wouldn't reach that far into the woods as burning would be about the last thing she needed. With all the events that had happened to and with her, she was in the need to get some sleep. The very spot she found herself in, was just perfect.

Many hours would have passed by before the sun got traded in for the moon. When the first light of the moon shone upon her face, were her blood red rimmed eyes showed to the world once again. Accompanied under a pleasurable moan did she rose up from the ground. She did not only stretch her body, but she also uncurled and stretched her wings. The mare gave them a couple flaps before she let them curl up around her body again. “Am I, truly going back there?” Rarity questioned herself as images boiled up in her mind, images of her in the inferno.

For her feelings she needed to close the dreaded chapter of her life off somehow, she needed to witness the destruction that was caused by one simple action. A small twinkle did its turn through her eyes and she began to venture over towards the little town she always was happy to call her home.


“Sister, are you ready to go?” a dark blue coated, alicorn mare spoke up. She faced the princess of the sun, who sat upon the throne in the castle of Canterlot.

“I am, sister, we shall go right away. I think the others are at the point of going as well. We do not take the carriage, we shall fly,” the elder sister spoke up. After that she made her departure from the throne. With a regal and sad trot she came down from it and made her way up to the balcony in silence. Everypony present in the room felt those same feelings.

“And so we shall,” spoke the princess of the moon. Her tone was sad as well. She would have followed her sister’s lead and made her way to the balcony.

Both of the mares made their way up the balcony of the giant castle in Canterlot and with a powerful blow of their wings, they found themselves into the air. Their heading was set for Ponyville. There they would meet up with eight other ponies for a rather important meeting.


With the mares soaring through the skies, had the vampiric unicorn made way over towards the very street her boutique was located in. Only to release a deep sigh. Turning back wasn't an option anymore. Rarity kept walking until she reached the burned out and broken down boutique. It once was a centerpiece of the town, but when she looked at it, it was nothing more but ashes.

The unicorn sat down on her behind while she thought back over the times she had spent there. Most her life she could be found within the walls of the building. Doing what she loved the most. Tears of blood were building up under her eyes and it didn't took too long before they were streaming down her face. As the tears streamed down she began to whimper in pure emotional pain. Her lifework was destroyed, her true life taken away just like that. “I am no longer a mare... but a monster," she spoke under the whimpering.

For many minutes to come she could be found there. She was crying deep in herself while her hatred and despise got replaced. There was a sadness which she hadn't felt in ages.

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