• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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38 Fears and horrors never stand equal to facts

The cyan coated, rainbow maned pegasus soared through the skies high above Ponyville in all of her speed. All of it was just to make sure she wouldn't get caught by anything. The images of a flying Rarity that was hot on her tail, the one who was ready to make an end to her life, were present within the mind of the terrified Rainbow. Thoughts that she couldn't shake off of herself and the loyal mare found herself trying to run away from her fears once again. All the while many tears streamed down her face. She was afraid and had no heading, the most dangerous combination to fly in was done by her. She was asking for any kind of accident to happen.

She was on the run for something that wasn't there. It only made her come back to her senses when she heard no other set of wings slicing through the air. At least no set that was big enough that they could carry a pony. When that realization was made in the mind of Rainbow, she calmed down by a lot and pulled on the breaks of her own flying.

The mare landed upon a lonesome cloud while she couldn't believe the facts. Not the way they were both presented to her and had played upon in her mind. Rarity hadn't turned into a monster yet her mind kept playing with her as it always has been doing. It made the matters worse than they really were as the fear for both Rarity and vamponies had taken the pegasus to the neck and wasn't letting go either. She hovered high above the clouds that shrouded the early evening before the broken rainbow maned pegasus dared to open up her eyes. But only to have them fall and stare at the full moon as she continued to sob in her own misery.

The mare laid herself down upon a cloud and kept looking at the rock high in the skies. Tears continued to stream down her face as the sobbing sounds were dominant in the nightly skies. “W-Why Rarity?” Rainbow managed to ask through her sobbing. “How c-could you do this t-to yourself?” Thoughts and fears just raced through the mind of the poor thing like there was no tomorrow for her. The latest one even more crushing on her mind than the previous. Insanity was coming closer and closer before it would knock upon her door as loud as it could. The pegasus flicked her tail in an angry manner as the eyes were closed once more. Rainbow let out a deep moan of deep emotional troubled pain while the balanced upon the fine line that still walked in her mind.

The mare needed rest, a good rest under any circumstances. There was just one pony who would be able to give her that much needed comfort, at least there was to her knowledge. Her eyes opened up again and trailed off from the moon before they moved over to the clouds below her. The visible holes she had made in them were clearly visible and it was through those holes, some of the faint moonlight fell onto the land. But as the pegasus looked even better at just where the light fell onto. Yet then was a faint smile that grew on her face.

The tough pegasus wiped away all of her tears and not much later, she stood up on the cloud. Rainbow rose up on her hind legs and kept her forelegs against her sides as she kept looking down. “Geronimo,” she whispered against herself in confidence. After that she just dropped herself from the cloud. Rainbow plummeted towards the ground and almost like a rocket she made her way through the clouds again. Her eyes were set on a building where somepony lived that she considered her closest friend in the whole of the land. A certain earth pony mare that lived in a sweet-shop.

The shop come closer and closer in her sight, the lights of the candles were still on and visible through the windows. When she saw the lights shining bright, did the pegasus spread her wings out in order to slow down her fall. The lights appeared to be working as some sort of beacon of hope for her in some unknown manner. Rainbow still found herself going out of the nosedive towards the ground and gently pulled her body back up in the manner she was supposed to be flying. Not even twenty seconds later her hooves made contact with the ground in a fashion as if nothing happened to her.

“Hehe, still got it,” the mare said to herself. But only before she made her way up to the front door of the building. Her right foreleg moved itself up shaking quite the bit before she knocked three times at the door. After that did the wait had to begin. The wait for the door to be opened.


Inside the almost candycoated building did the ears of the overactive, pink coated, earth pony mare sprung up after the knock entered her ears. “Now just who wants to come at an hour like this? I am busy baking those gem cupcakes for Spike and after that the apple ones for the Apples have to go in the oven,” said Pinkie to herself before she shook the knock off of her mind. The mare didn't give into it as the work she was busy with, required her utmost concentration. Something that happened truly rarely. The mare continued on her baking while she hummed her traditional cupcake song softly to herself.

She walked over to a plate that had half-done cupcakes and her eyes went all over the working place in order to find what she needed. The yellow wallpaper fell in her eyes, as well the massive kitchen she had worked in for ages. The old stove was something she had always loved about it but the over was where the true magic happened. Yet none of it was where she was looking for in all truth.

That was until she laid her eyes upon a basket of fruit. A basket that was filled with apples. Both red and green were all mixed together and with a twinkle in her eyes, Pinkie hopped over to the glass bowl while an expression of utter glee formed itself below her muzzle. “Just what I needed!” she said in an excited voice before she allowed her body to do its work. With one nudge of her nose she managed to lift up the whole bowl. And then she flipped it in such a manner that would cause it all to land safely on her back.


The door didn't got opened and so did Rainbow knock another time. The second time she knocked a little louder so it could be heard all the way up to the attic of the sweet-shop. The loud sounds made the pink mare cringe her teeth and drop her ears against her head before the delicate balancing act started for her. She moved from one side to the other and every time did the bowl just threaten to be dropped. Until it was finally at the place of its arrival.

Pinkie sighed in utmost relief for the fact that nothing had been broken. Yet the knocking door was still giving her the necessary troubles. Finally she did gave in and bounced over to the front door. “This better be good,” the mare mumbled to herself before her hoof reached out to the doorknob.

She opened the door with a swift motion and stared down into the of Rainbow. Her ears sprung up in an instant and own eyes grew ever so big in return. In one action had Pinkie wrapped her forelegs around the pegasus and just yanked her inside before the door was closed again. “Oh, Rainbow, I, I didn't know it was you, the Cakes normally don’t want me to open the door at this time of day, but...” Then her rambling suddenly came to a hold and she had a good look to pegasus as a whole. “Why are you here?” she asked in her happy tone before she nuzzled the nose of her friend with a set of closed eyes. The question of questions was asked, awaiting its much desired answer.

“Hehe, it is something I can understand Pinks, but hey, c-can I sleep here tonight?” Rainbow replied in a soft voice. She returned the nuzzling, a little bit ashamed of it but also happily. It felt good for her that there was somepony out there who she could trust. Somepony that was like her in more than one way. It gave her heart just a little bit of peace. Only, a little bit.

“It’s a bit on short notice but I, don’t see a problem with that to be honest, I just need to finish up some things in the kitchen and then we can have our slumber party!” said Pinkie after her eyes opened themselves again.

The eyes of Rainbow widened themselves a bit before she shook her head in a disagreeable manner. “N-Not really thinking about a party, Pinkie. I just need rest, a good rest for once,” she spoke up to her friend.

“Oh...” Her ears dropped themselves once more before the mare turned herself around to continue on with her work. “Just go up to the attic and then I shall meet you there. All the way up the stairs. And Dash, don’t wake them up will you?”

“Will do, Pinks. And thank, in advance,” replied Rainbow in a soft voice. She gave a small nod to Pinkie to confirm she knew where to go. Then the pegasus walked over to the stairs as she was quiet on her hooves. Given the time, Rainbow knew the family Cake was already asleep because of their foals and waking them up wasn't exactly on her priority list.


After a small journey which was taken upon the two long staircases found Rainbow herself by the door that was leading to the attic of the sweet shop that was playfully dubbed ‘SugarCube Corner’. The pegasus didn't hesitate all that much to open the door and just wandered into the room in which Pinkie had taken her residence. It was a room which cleaner than the last time she had been there and Rainbow allowed her eyes to pick up the many objects that stood in the room of her hyperactive but also one of her best friend.

In her eyes she caught a simple bed and closet that were located on the left side of the room. While on the right there was a table or a desk and a couch. It was a simple room but it did the needs for Pinkie. There was one thing however which did caught the attention of the pegasus more than anything else.

For just above the bed that stood sideways against the wall, there was a picture to be seen. The curiosity of the pegasus took her over and she walked over to the object and when she stood just before the bed, it could be seen perfectly clear just what it was. A picture held the image that was from Pinkie Pie and her family way back when she was still a filly. “How long haven’t you seen them..?” Rainbow asked herself out loud as she kept staring at it.

“You truly want to know?” was spoken through the room all of the sudden “It has been years since that I left the farm, that picture was taken on the day I left, the day I decided to pursue my true calling. What do I miss them,” the voice of Pinkie echoed through the small bedroom. The mare herself could be found in the doorway, just leaning against it. Though no matter how sweet her voice sounded, it was still enough to let Rainbow jump a little bit in the air and make her mane and tail shoot in every direction while her eyes widened themselves but her pupils shrunk.

“W-Will you never, ever do that again Pinkie, these last months I have been a little bit, on edge…” Rainbow replied after she had fallen down on her behind. A hoof was placed on her chest in a faint attempt to calm down her rampaging heart. With the strength left in her body managed Rainbow rise back up but she never dared to let her chest go.


Pinkie almost right away knew what she could do in the situation. She walked up to Rainbow with a slow and gentle trot in her hooves. Before the pegasus even knew it, she was being nudged onto the bed. The mare was confused to what was happening and going to happen as she laid her down on her back. “I, I knew you were crazy, Pinks. B-But you can’t be, s-serious here? Right?” Rainbow spoke up in a genuine confused tone.

Though the earth pony gave no heed to the words as she had turned herself around and went looking for something that she called her ‘pet’. A pet that was unusual to say the least, for it was a toothless alligator. “Here Gummy, Gummy, Gummy,” she said while looked into every direction of the room.

Upon the calling he came, the almost tranquil little fella that was considered a ‘pet’ to begin with. Even though Rainbow had a tortoise, she still couldn't wrap her head around the alligator but gave up arguing a long time ago. The earth pony mare didn't let any time to waste before she picked him up and nuzzled his little nose.

She then bounced back over to Rainbow with a smile and placed the creature on her chest. The pegasus glared a little bit confused over to what both had happened and just what to actually do with him. Pinkie could read the question in her eyes and she let a giggle from both the look and just the sheer confused pose Rainbow laid in with her forelegs fell upon themselves. “Cuddle him, it will calm you down. Trust me,” she spoke in her reassuring voice.

“O...kay...” Rainbow replied with a pair of raised eyebrows. Her eyes fell back on the reptile. Gently did her hooves made their way over to the little alligator who blinked with his eyes separately and she started to cuddle him ever so lightly just to be safe. Rainbow even went so far of bringing him over to her face for a nuzzle. But instead of the desired nuzzle, he had a different idea and gave her a cute lick on the face what caused a blush to appear on the face of the pegasus.

“D'aww! He likes you!” Pinkie spoke happily before she allowed herself to fall upon the bed as well. She laid down next to Rainbow as a big smile occupied her face. “But how do you feel now?”


Yet the odd, if not completely strange thing was the very fact that Rainbow did feel herself much, much more comfortable when she cuddled the little reptile. All her fears had fallen down into a small container which got locked away for her feeling. “But Dashie, what has set you so much on edge then?” the earth pony continued to speak as her head was risen up from the bed and rested on one of her forehooves while its elbow rested on the mattress.

“R-Rarity, Pinkie,” the pegasus simply replied.

“Rarity?" the other mare spoke in a confused tone. "How can she do that?” she added with a raised eyebrow.

“I have said it countless times... She is a vampony, yet nopony wants to believe me. Am, am I growing insane?” she questioned while she held the alligator close against her.

Pinkie couldn't help it and she allowed a little snicker to leave her which ended in a snort. “Dash, do you know how unreal that sounds? I mean, our Rarity being a creature of such myths? The chance is bigger that Twilight will become an alicorn then Rarity a vampony,” she spoke while she shook her head from side to side. When she had spoken her words, the earth pony erupted out in another session of giggling. She dropped her body back on the mattress and laid next to Rainbow.

Her blue eyes closed themselves off from the world in order to make way for the night. A full day she had been standing in the bakery and that had made her mentally tired. Not to mention all the work she always did around everything. It was true that she had a lot of energy going through that body of hers, but at one point in time it had to be replenished.

Time didn't had to progress long before the earth pony’s gentle snoring could be heard. The gears and pistons in the mind of Rainbow began to turn and twist over the spoken matters while she listened to the peaceful and oddly cute snoring of her friend. “Now that you say it,” she spoke in a whisper. She finally had come to the conclusion of just how ridiculous her own thoughts happened to be. Just how crazy she allowed herself to become by nothing more but rumors she heard herself and told. The fact that she let her mind play such big games with herself. Rainbow was still holding the little alligator who also had fallen asleep as well and the mare continued to pet him over his back.

With the passage of some more time let the pegasus gently loose from the hold of Gummy who made woke up from the stopping motions. His purple eyes blinked a couple times before he walked over to the mane of Pinkie and disappeared inside of it to continue his slumber. The tired pegasus closed her own eyes and she was wanting to get her much desired night rest. A rest she didn't got in months and was followed by a dream of both pure fun and joy.


Somewhere in the hillside just outside of Ponyville, in the showwagon that had been rebuilt by the hooves and magic of just one pony in particular, could Trixie be found by herself. She had sat down on her bed while her thoughts were racing through her own mind. Many thoughts of her earlier life as well as thoughts that happened not all too long ago.

Her head banged itself a couple times against the wall before she rubbed the spot. And then she spoke her words under a deep sigh. “Trixie, why don’t you remember just what happened before you found yourself by the backdoor of that dreaded boutique..?” It was a question she tried to find the answer on every night, ever since it happened to her. Yet what was probably the most interesting fact of it all, was that she didn't spoke in her regular third person voice. It was something rarely seen but behind the rough and tough showbissmare there still laid a simple unicorn of simple thoughts.

The book that came against her head caused a form of amnesia which even Twilight couldn't have been able to figure out. As icing on the cake was every single bit that had to do with the vampiric kind of ponies and Rarity from an hour before she was bitten until she woke up behind the boutique, just gone. It was unexplainable to her just how it happened and she was too stubborn to just go up to the building and ask what happened to her. Pride was something that stood high on Trixie’s moral list and there was a joke that she should have been born as a pegasus in Cloudsdale.

The unicorn released a deep sigh of before she charged up her horn a little bit and let it coat in its magical aura. Soon enough did most of the objects in the wagon found themselves afloat as Trixie closed her eyes with an unseen force. She was about to perform something that had been taught to her ever so long ago. Something she learned on the school for Gifted Unicorns before she resigned from it for reasons better left unspoken.

While her mind sank lower into the void of memories, could Trixie feel that she was able to do so much more in her subconscious up to a point she found herself just wandering through her own mind. The deepest form of magical meditation a unicorn could ever go through she managed to achieve. She tried everything within her might to find the lost memories but it didn't matter where she went to or what she did. For it all ended up in a failed attempt. Trixie came to the conclusion that she truly had lost a part of her memory.

But that still she didn't want to give herself over all that soon. She began to delve even deeper in her mind. The mare tried to figure out through other memories just what it was she had lost. It was once again a desperate attempt that was being made by a desperate unicorn who wanted nothing else but to have the knowledge of those blacked out moments.

Trixie opened her eyes again in the end. All the objects got set back on their original places and her horn discharged itself under the sounds of a growl. “Why can’t Trixie remember a single thing from those days..? Why is she just unable to do so!?” the mare muttered in herself as she laid down on her bed. A single tear made its way from her eye and unto the pillow as she whispered the last set of words. “Why am I unable to do so..?”


Though what happened in reality after that the vampiric unicorn had thrown her out of the boutique that day was something unseen. With the sound of the roaring thunder high above the skies that still did their turn, the storm was still going. The rain knocked against her hat and cloak before the blue coated unicorn mare carefully opened her eyes under a loud and uncomfortable moan. The sight they caught was an unpleasant one to say the least as the pounding of her head became more and more apparent.

She found herself on the backside of the famous Carousel Boutique while the rain hailed down from the skies and a sudden flash of lightning shocked her a little bit. In reaction did Trixie retract her head a bit more against her body as she used her forelegs for even more protection.

After the passage of the deafening sound managed the unicorn to dare and extend her head once more and let her eyes look up to the skies and her surroundings. “How... how did Trixie, end up here..?” she whispered to herself in genuine curiosity. Her eyes fell upon the boutique itself and there was a spark that went through her mind. A spark that spoke to her about illness within the building, that she just had to get out of there and return to her own home as fast as her legs could carry her. But with a still pounding head was the message difficult to understand for Trixie and she brought a soaked and muddy right foreleg up to her forehead in order to rub and hopefully soothe the pounding.

It was only when she was rubbing the leg over the rest of her face, that Trixie realized that she had been laying in the mud on the road which was created by the rain. The mare yelped in silence before she lowered her leg again and left her coat as it was. With all the power she had in her body was the horn charged up. Yet she continued to stare down the empty street. Her soaked hat and cloak fixed their way over her body again to give her at least some form of protection.

The hat would be making sure that there at least was nothing falling in her eyes anymore before Trixie started her journey through the sludge, the journey back to her wagon. “Why, can’t, Trixie, remember... anything?” she muttered to herself in despair. Her head turned itself into the direction of the circular boutique for the last time and held her pacing. She let her eyes run all the way up to the top of the building before they caught a flash of lightning that struck the very top of the boutique. The flag post also had a double purpose to it, that being the building’s lightning conductor. A simple modification made by Twilight but it did its job more than enough.

The magician got a little scared from the scenery that was created and her hooves were just ready to carry her around the corner. The mare shook her head in order to get both the ringing and the heavy pounding out of it. But the aching of her head never left her, it would be following her for the rest of the night and day whether she wanted it or not. Trixie set her eyes back on the outskirts of town, to the hills and eventually her little comfortable home.

Without a true second thought in her mind she just galloped through the near dead streets while her eyes fell on the many houses and some of the souls that dared to be out during the heavy rainfall. Some of the ponies asked out to her of what possibly could have happened, but when she just galloped passed them, they could only return to their own business.

But the ponies of Ponyville of course hadn't forgotten the mare that brought an Ursa Minor to their town. From time to time there was the occasional insult which was heard by the unicorn and it was at the outskirts of the town that the last one was thrown at her. “Get out of our town and stay out!” a red coated mare yelled at Trixie through the rain. She had been crying in silence and tears had been streaming down her cheeks from all the insults.

Trixie came to a slow standstill and she turned herself around to the pegasus mare. A mare who gulped deep for she had a big mouth indeed, but was more bark than bite. “Trixie, goes in and out of this town, whenever she wants it! And you, shall hold your mouth against Trixie, or Trixie shall teach this peasant of a pegasus a lesson! A lesson not to be forgotten soon.” Below the hat was the horn of the unicorn already charging itself again in order to release the powerful and possibly devastating blast of magic.

The wings of the pegasus sprung open in the pouring rain as she yelped loudly before she just galloped away in fear for what could come her way. Trixie released a deep huff before the power of her horn got discharged again. With her eyes she kept watching the mare until she was truly gone. The cloaked magician turned herself back around and she continued on her way through the horrible storm.


High up in the skies there was a team of pegasi that were under the lead of the mentally absent Rainbow Dash were all working on the sheer power of the storm as the moon stood high above them all. Despite her fears, she was still responsible for the weather above and around Ponyville. Nopony could escape the grasp of work no matter how much they would have wanted it.

“I am going to look how everything is down there. Be right back!” Rainbow shouted just before then dropped herself through the thick clouds. All in order to look at the storm torn apart land. What her eyes caught was a beautiful storm that raged over the land. A deep and prideful smile began to occupy her face before she caught something else in her eyes.

Her eyes caught the running magician and in her guts she had the feeling to just go after her, but in her mind she had a deed to do. In the end did the pegasus just rose back and made a report of what she saw. It was the indication of the storm which had to become even more intense than it already was. It had been a stormy year it had already and it would only get worse.

Something where the cloaked magician was not happy with. But she did manage to get to her wagon just before the storm erupted out even further. Soaked and dirty as she was, she didn't care about it at the time. Her mind was killing her all that she wanted to do was just sleep. Sleep through the rest of the night and pray that everything would be alright the following morning. Which was exactly what she did.


While the morning sun rose back up again, Trixie woke up back in her wagon, with her head still against the wall. And her prayers had been answered, for she had remembered the night she crawled away from the boutique and back to her humble carriage in the form of a dream. As she moved her head away from the wall and let it fall in her forelegs, there was a deep sigh left through her nose. Trixie gave her face a rub all over before her eyes looked out of the window with a smile on her face. “The Great and Mysterious Trixie... Hmhmhm, Trixie likes that,” she spoke to herself while the smile only got bigger and bigger.

She had settled the matter in her mind over the course of the night as well. Trixie would let the part of her memory just lay to rest and continue on with her life. Continue to rebuild it as she wanted it to be without being called names for her failed attempts in the showbusiness. She wanted to not just be a good mare, but a great mare. Even though she didn't remember what Rarity was or what happened before she woke up in the pouring rain and mud, Trixie was having peace with it as at least some of her memory was back.

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