• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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32 The final honours

Under a loud gasp for air did the eyes of the unicorn open themselves. She rose straight up in her bed in utter fear. She was panting with deep motion to herself while she tried to recall her mind of what just happened in her dream. Her eyes looked over to the curtains to see if the sun had been coming up already. The mare couldn't even tell just for how long she had laid asleep and turned her eyes back over to the bed sheets and the pillows.

The vampiric unicorn took a pillow close to her and cuddled it like a filly’s stuffed animal. But while she did that, it became known to her that during her slumber she had been crying. Both her pillow and blankets were wet from blood that made its way down her cheeks. “What have I done..?” mumbled Rarity under her breath before she dropped her head against her chest. It was then that she felt just the sheer emptiness that was inside of her very body. Her heart didn't beat, her lungs didn't took the air and yet she was more alive and breathing then she could have ever thought.

Countless thoughts of horror and despise raced through her mind the more she realized just what she had become with time. Even though it had been months upon months did the trouble of the lady and beast still wreck her mind. On the one side she had of course accepted it all, but on the other she wished it never happened. Not to mention that the unicorn was quite the drama queen and liked to over-exaggerate, which on its turn fueled her fires only more. A vicious circle of the highest shelf. And to make the matters even worse than they already were did the words spoken by Trixie echo through her mind, ‘words have it that you have changed over the course of time.’ They were not only remembered but also very softly spoken by the mare herself.

With the passage of time had Rarity removed herself from the bed before her hoof made contact with the soft carpet of her room. It was a brilliant feeling to have something that soft below her hooves and it did ease her mind for some reason. But not by all too much she had to admit. Her eyes closed themselves again in order to just recollect her mind as a whole and glue it back together into its original shape. To figure out just how much there was even possible for her at that point in time.

The unicorn tried her best to come up excuses that it wasn't her who killed the fancy stallion. But her mind had different plans. It just kept hammering on the fact that, even though she had changed, it still was her who set the fangs into his flesh and drained him from all of the blood. Rarity needed to make up for it in one way or the other. And there was only one way for her that would make that a possibility. There was just one way she could possibly ask for the redemption of her tainted soul and beg for forgiveness.


Without a second thought that crossed her mind did the unicorn walk down the stairs. She charged up her horn in order to levitate her black cloak to her before she dressed herself in it. Rarity placed the hood over her head with a hoof and her red rims disappeared from the darkened area. Only the ice cold, blue rims were visible once again. A deep exhale left through her nose while she looked towards the door. Rarity knew that there was no way back, not anymore. She had done the deeds and the price had to be paid. But the price that would be paid for the events set in motion, would be a lot higher than she dared to have gambled for.

After the considerable fast change of wardrobe, she rushed out of the front door and made her way straight into the burning late morning sun. Her ice cold blue rims had a difficult time to adjust themselves on the burning light and the mare let out a couple hisses. The eyes were firmly closed in order to prevent any damage to happen to them.

“For the sake of everything dead...” muttered Rarity to herself after she closed her eyes for the amounts of light. But in the end did the unicorn open them again and she was able to see everything as it was once again. Almost though. When the sun shone too bright at certain places, that caused her to just see just spots of light without anything identifiable.

With her sight restored for the most part, she allowed her rims to gaze over through the street she was in. A street that she knew all too well and hoped to find where she was looking for. For she found herself in one of the town’s main market streets to which her boutique was stationed on, yet it was almost deserted. Market day itself would only be two days away and then, then it would be browsing with ponies from all over the area. Yet it was the silence of the street, that comforted the unicorn for the most part as it was.

There was of course the occasional pony and the unicorn moved further up to the main street where it was literally crowding with ponies of all kinds. “Bloody hell,” she mumbled in herself before her legs began to move her around. Rarity’s horn was still charged and the magic closed the door before it died down again. With the door locked she was ready to make the travels to come. Her eyes had themselves peeled at almost at the streets she passed the houses, the skies and even the other ponies. Many ponies she passed were wondering just why a pony would wear such a dark cloak on such a lovely day but as per usual, none found it their place to ask.


Though there was one stallion who had seen her coming out of the boutique and he was one of the very few who had the guts to walk up to her. “Excuse me, miss Rarity,” he spoke up from behind her in a Scottish sounding accent.

Rarity’s pupils shrunk into near nothing as she heard the calling of her name for the first time in months as the shiver went down her spine. In any normal case it wasn't the biggest of issues. Though that time it wasn’t a normal case. Just for the fact that she was out on the streets and his voice was something unknown to her. The unicorn wanted to give him no hearing at first but her dead heart had different plans it wished to play. Her pacing gently came down to a hold and the cloaked figure turned itself around in order to face the mysterious speaker.

Yet what she got was a rather good looking, trench coat wearing light brown coated and darker stallion. Well, well, well, what do have here now? Handsome, stylish, wonder who it might be, she thought to herself as she gave a light stare to his appearance.

The stallion himself looked right into her blue eyes as his own and he walked further up to her. “So, it really is you then, isn't it? You have confirmed my suspicion,” he spoke up with a faint smirk. “Word has it that you haven’t been seen in months. Why is that, if I may ask?”

The mare knew that her absence wouldn't go unnoticed by the town's residents but for somepony to actively go out and look for her, that was something new. “I, I do not know where you are talking about, sir. True that I am indeed Rarity, what concern does it give you? On any of the matters really,” she replied with a sharp tone. He was daring, she had to admit that to him. But whether that would be a good or bad thing had to be found out.

“The silence of the boutique has been keeping itself on for far too long. Things must have happened in there unspeakable to the world, and that is why you hide yourself,” he explained to her before a sigh left him. “Which is a true shame in and of itself, that such a fine lady like yourself, made such a downfall.” He then straightened something the mare hadn't picked out from him yet and that was his trusty red tie.

“Who are you..?” the mare dared to ask in with one of her visible rims being a whole lot smaller than the other. “Why do you sound from up north?”

“Maybe because I am, from up north. But that’s important. What is though, is that I’m nopony. Just a traveler and a wanderer,” he said while he took out a pair of glasses and set them upon his nose. “Though royalty, doesn't suit you at all when I see you like this.”

Rarity’s eyes shocked open as wide as they were allowed and she did a small step backwards. “W-Was that an insult, sir? If it was, you caught me at a very bad time to annoy me,” she replied to him in a tone that was everything but friendly.

“As I said, I’m nothing more but a traveler and a wanderer,” the mysterious stallion spoke up in his defense. “But, I think I must go further now. Miss Rarity, have a good day and, allons-y!”

“What..?” she said as she blinked a couple times and shook her head to the last set of spoken words. But when she looked back to the place that the stallion stood, he was just gone. “H-Hello?” she spoke in a soft tone. Not much later was her attention caught by a whirring noise that appeared implacable in her mind. Something that was just unknown to her very ears. Confused as could be did, Rarity continued on with her journey as if nothing happened. But inside of her mind she was everything but calm.


With the sound of a screeching wooden door that opened did the mysterious stallion let his eyes fall upon the tattered catsuit wearing, mulberry coated unicorn. Once again she leaned against the desk with her forelegs crossed over one another. “I take it that the meeting has gone well,” she spoke up upon his arrival.

“For as much as I could do, yes. She is a good mare, Twilight, and you know that. It can’t possibly be that she caused all of this mess, right?” the stallion spoke up. “You must have burned though. A timeline got demolished and yet, you remember our conversation. Nopony is supposed to survive the burning of time. That one second after this, that hellish inferno that consumes everything that walks behind time.”

Twilight shook her head in a disagreeable manner before a deep sigh left her. “You haven’t been in the future I was being send me back to... she was a tyrant and I want to prevent that no matter the cost. If it is still the real Rarity, she knows at what point in time she has to decline on what will be given to her. May the sun and moon stand with her.” She had made the decision not to make any remarks about her burning through time. She had her fair share of scares from that. Only a winch was given by her. The memory of jumping from one time-line to the other, nopony should have remembered that horrid fact.

“Since when did you became spiritual?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Since... the day she showed me the different her and world-order, Time Turner.” One of her forehooves was placed before her body and the horn charged up. It created a purple orb in the palm that was spin around and a silent tear ran down the cheek. “Everything is complicated, isn't it.”

“Tell me about it,” the stallion replied before he let out a deep exhale. “I just hope I didn't messed with a fixed point in time. Those are really, really messy to clean up. It wasn’t locked though, so there’s that hope.”

“That makes the two of us then...” answered Twilight in a quiet tone. Within the sphere the images arose of a monster that sat on a throne. Images of horror and despair which had to be seen for real to be believed. A thing the two had wanted to prevent at any cost. They hoped that a certain pony was still mentally stable enough to separate right from wrong at one specific point in time.


Street after street did Rarity pass by. She just walked all of them up and down but no luck was to be found for her trips. She kept trotting through lane and street when she was about to give up hope, but then there was a spark in her mind which made her eyes shot open wider than ever. “Luck, is what I need around here these days... that’s it!” she said to herself while a wide smile formed itself in the darkness of the hood. Without a second thought in her skull, her hooves began to gallop through the many streets of the town. But since they knew their destination to go to, it went a lot easier.

There it came into view. It was shining bright in the sunlight on the horizon, the flowershop of Ponyville’s very own flower trio. A shop that was being ran by three mares who had dedicated their lives to them. To grow of the most wonderful flowers that were known to the land. Letting the flowers grow was only one part of their job as also they maintained them. And as icing on the cake, the three of them did used them to make wonderful products. From simple bouquets to ceremonial pieces, they crafted it all with their hooves. What Rarity was in the world of fashion, they were in the world of the flowers without a doubt.


When Rarity entered the building, it became apparent that it was a rather simple shop that they had for themselves. At least much simpler than the complex design of the boutique the unicorn was living in. Either way, it did do its purpose nicely and a small greenhouse was attached to it where most of the events took place and the mares could be found.

The unicorn was allowed access to the shop. It wasn't somepony’s home but a public space. Pretty much like she could enter the bar on the night she lured Mixmaster to her home. A small bell located by the entrance alerted the mares that there was a customer for them and the chime of the bell was something both sweet and pleasant to hear in the air. The unicorn then walked up to the counter of the store as some rumoring could be heard in the background. She let the trio have all the time they needed because she had all the time in the wide world. The unicorn turned herself around to have a better view at the building as a whole.

A series of long tables stretched themselves through the entire length of the building, all filled with all sorts of plants and little trees. From roses to tulips, to lilies and even, flesh-eating plants. Yet there was one flower that looked like a wonderful tulip with its flower leaves spread open a little bit that had gotten the attention of a bee which made its way down to do itself good with the nectar of the flower.

Rarity’s eyes kept themselves peeled at the play and just when the bee sat down, the leaves of the flower closed upon the poor bee and the consuming part initiated. Her eyes managed to look at something else and she allowed herself to read the note that stood before the flower. “Well that explains a lot,” chuckled Rarity to herself before she turned back to face the counter.

Not much after the little feast, there was a very pale, yellowish coated earth pony mare with a mixed raspberry colored mane that out of the greenhouse. A smile occupied her adorable looking face when she entered. “Afternoon, how may I help you today,” she spoke to the customer.

The cloaked mare turned her head to the side as her body soon followed to get the mare into clear view. “Are you Rosalina Vanilla Luck if I may ask?” said Rarity in her most normal tone. The pony rose an eyebrow in a gentle manner. The very fact that somepony knew her full name was unexpected. But she shrugged it off while giving a confirming nod to Rarity.

“Then I am having the right mare. You see, a very dear friend of mine, has passed away recently. And due to the given circumstances I had myself, I didn't make to the funeral, but I still wish to place some flowers by the grave. C-Could you make me a nice bouquet, please?” The further Rarity spoke in her words, the harder it actually got for her to speak as she sniffled lightly while wiping a small tear of blood away. With the hood still up was the tear invisible and only appeared as a red dot upon the hoof of the unicorn.

“Oh you poor thing. If, if you give me about an hour, I should be able to fabricate something for your friend. And my condolences for you as well.” Rosalina replied under a slightly saddened tone.

“Thank you, so very much,” the cloaked mare said as she dropped a small bag of bits on the counter and turned herself around. Only to make her departure and disappear on the streets of the town after the chime of the bell.


Rose made no time to waste and she returned into the greenhouse and started to look up the best flowers she could find that were also suit for a funeral. But the traditional coloring was thrown right out the window for she was always trying to find new and daring things, whereas the other two kept to the more traditional going of events. The behavior of Rose sometimes got her into trouble but most of the time were the ponies just amazed by the creations she made.

Soon enough there was a magnificent bouquet of mixed flowers that had emerged in the hooves of the yellow coated pony. Roses as a base, surrounded by tulips and finished off by some vegetation. The coloring was quite the unique combination for the roses were a very soft but inviting red, whereas the tulips were about the same coloring as her coat, combining that with the vegetation green, it created a magnificent play of color. Even Rose herself was just amazed at that what she had made for the cloaked mare.

For the working mare did the hour had pass by ever so fast. But for the unicorn it seemed that the seconds themselves were hours passing by. She found herself wandering through the warm streets but her hooves stayed as cold as they were. The coolness that only the dead could give was pulsing through them. Rarity granted herself to sniffle from time to time as the eyes were closed, making a gap of only blackness in the hood of the cloak, an empty void. Almost the same as her heart was at the moment. Tears of blood made their way past her cheeks to her chin or nose and unto the ground the more steps she took.

Off in the distance, the clock tower of Ponyville with its mighty bell created by its earth pony founders did its loud chime, a chine both pleasant to hear and strong enough to silence everypony in town. There it went again, and again, before the final chime did its turn. “Four o’clock,” the mare mumbled in herself as she started to make her return to the flower shop.


The door of the little shop got opened gently as the cloaked mare took a step inside where she opened her eyes again and thus allowed her blue rims to become visible again for the first time since her journey back. The pale yellow mare appeared out of the greenhouse with a smile on her face as she proudly presented the wonderfully fabricated bouquet.

“I know I shouldn't smile by such an unfortunate event, miss, but I can not help it to be just proud on what my hooves created. It’s all yours, I truly hope you will be able to give this loss a place in your heart.” she spoke in a voice filled with sympathy while hoofing over the uniquely colored bouquet.

“I, I understand darling. And you have all right to be so,” replied Rarity before she took the bouquet with a hoof before letting her horn charge itself up in a gentle way. The flowers got levitated out of her hoof and held it before her face before she inspected it deeply. “You absolutely have all the right to be so. And to that, I can only say, thank you miss Luck, for everything,” the mare said as she brought the bouquet to the side of her.

The earth pony allowed a warm smile to form itself with her lips under a soft nod. No words were spoken further as the silence of sadness took hold of the shop until the unicorn released a deep sigh and said her final words. “I wish you good luck and farewell.” Before Rosalina could speak another word, Rarity had turned herself around and had already left the shop.

She still managed to get a reply, even though it was spoken against midair. “And you too miss, you too.” But as she kept looking at the door, there was something that kept bugging her. “Wasn't that... Rarity, the tailor?”

“Rose!” was shouted from the greenhouse. “We need your hooves here!”

“Alright Daisy, coming!” the earth pony replied. The thoughts had to be shaken off of her mind as she had her business to attend to. The mare left the shop and disappeared into the rather mysterious realms that was the greenhouse.


Rarity held the flowers up with her magic as she made her way down the streets of Ponyville. She had her destination set on a place she rather didn't want to go to, but had to go to. Even if it was just to release some of the feeling of guilt that went through her body.

The more she walked to the outskirts of town, the more the weather was threatening to become worse. The cloudless blue skies were filled up with white clouds at first before those turned into dark gray ones. If one was paying attention very well, there were a couple pitch black ones who could be picked out rather easily. Though the pack of clouds had one advantage to it and that was that they blocked out the sun as it was already descending from the skies.

With a slow motion did Rarity dare to remove the hood of her cloak. Her head became visible for the public again in all its glory. With a light shake did her mane curled up to their natural pose as it hung a little before her right eye as her hooves kept going. She turned her head up into the skies, hoping it would stay dry for at least a couple more hours and she seemed to get her wish fairly much granted. “They call it the rain season for a reason I suppose, the Corporation has been busy again,” she spoke to herself before letting out a deep sigh. She lowered her head again in order to keep her eyes peeled on the road ahead.

Her route brought her aside the edge of the forest that indulged fear in every living soul that as much had heard the rumors about it. Though Rarity didn't care for the stories that were being told, the legends spoken and the myths it housed as she knew most of them and her mind was not in that particular place to start with.

The pacing had lowered itself to a slow and sad trot of defeat. With her head that hung low and her magic charged up ever so slightly in order to hold the flowers up, her eyes dared to close themselves off of the world once more before another small tear of blood left her left eye.

While the sun lowered itself further and further to make way for the moon and therefore the evening, the temperature had changed from a warm and inviting one, to a much cooler and almost freezing one. Almost as if it was changing into the heart of Rarity, which had become frozen, but still could feel everything with it.

Even under the thick pack of clouds, it became obvious the night had fallen over the land as she had reached her destination. An overgrown part of land filled with upstanding stones. Around the perimeter there was a metal fence to be found as the iron doors were gaping open, unable to close due to the rust that had been collecting itself in the hinges. The eyes of the mare opened themselves to watch the neglected place under a deep sigh. “Cemetery Lunar Rest. What has ever become of you after your landlord’s own death?”

It was true that the sacred burial grounds were fallen into a state of decay after the landlord himself passed away a couple years ago. Many rumors would say that his spirit still wakes over the piece of land. Rumors of ponies spoke that they saw his spirit at night, watching the paths and doing his job wherever it was needed. Much as he was seen doing on his last day on the earth. A sad end for a stallion full of life and joy. Life gives and takes, as the proverb goes.

Rarity was quite familiar with the stallion. He came once or twice a month to have his ceremonial outfit repaired by her. He wore the piece of clothing day in and day out. It wouldn't come to a surprise that she was devastated after hearing about his passing away. Hours she shed tears about him, thinking about the times he came into her store, the lovely conversations they had together.

"I hope you found rest darling, something not granted to every soul,” spoke Rarity to the thin air before she made a small sign on her chest. A sign that was a mixture of the sun and the moon and stood for the united Equestria she lived in. Only after doing that, she dared to enter the cemetery. Her eyes were already gazing upon the many stones but she was looking for one name in particular.


After a short amount of time her eyes laid themselves on one stone and her hooves brought her closer to it. This was it, the very grave she was looking for. The grave of the stallion she brutally took away from life. Rarity lowered herself on her hind legs and allowed her behind to touch the grass ever so softly. She assumed a sitting position while the bouquet of flowers was placed against the stone itself.

The vampiric unicorn held a minute of silence out of respect for him as more tears of blood rolled down her cheek, each leaving their red trail behind them on her skin and fur. But after the minute had passed, Rarity dared to speak her words. “Hey Fancy Pants, it, it seems odd that I am here, f-for you, but I couldn't get it out of my head not too come. L-Last night I was plagued with the dream. One that, made me remember with happened all those months ago. I thought many things just about how you passed away, looking for clues and signs. But it was me all along. I, I am so sorry. I didn't know what made me do it... I beg, I truly beg for your forgiveness Fancy Pants, b-but I can understand it, if, if you don’t... I-In all honesty, it should have been me who was laying in your place, w-would have saved the world, a, a lot of trouble...”

Yet the more she spoke her words, the more the tears rolled down her cheek and into the grass of the grave. For minutes she sat there while emptying her heart about things about him and about herself. Hoping in vain to find any form of redemption for her soul.

As much as it was true that the remains of the stallion were never found after his disappearance, a funeral was still held one month after it. It was an actual funeral with a closed casket. The ponies who were attending it imagined him resting in there with peace. For many that was their form of closure, accepting the fact he had gone to the great beyond, under the guidance of princess Luna and Celestia. Little did all of them knew what really happened.

“I, I shouldn't be bothering you any further, you, you deserve your rest. I hope, I truly hope you are able to find that. That is the wish I have with whole my heart,” said Rarity under a sniffle before her hoof wiped the almost dried up tears of blood. Her head rose itself up to the skies as she released a saddened sigh and to allow them to fall upon the thick pack of clouds.

To make matters even worse, her face was met by the first drops of rain for the storm that had been lurking for hours now. Finally it saw its chance to erupt without mercy. It was being build up, before the rage of nature and pegasi was released over the land once again.


But unknown to Rarity was that in the forest to which the cemetery was connected to, there was a figure. A mysterious figure who was watching over her. A figure that had heard her every word, her confessions of the murder and her wish. Ever so gently it dared to leave the comfortable hiding spot and made its way over to the mare in silence. The white coated unicorn was still mumbling deeply in herself as her head had lowered itself to read what was actually written down on the tombstone.

‘May you rest in peace Fancy Pants, beloved stallion and fiancé.’

“Why couldn't I control myself that night..? Why did I allow nature to overtake me..?” was caught in the ears of the mysterious figure as it came walking closer and closer to her. And when it was close enough, its white right foreleg placed itself warmly on the cold, cloaked shoulder of the unicorn. Whose eyes grew small upon the sudden feeling.

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