• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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14 The hunt continues

Two months came and went by since the Blood Moon occurred. Rarity was getting quite used to her new ability to switch the coloring of her eyes. But she primarily stuck with her blue coloring. It felt much more natural to her and nopony questioned her anymore about it. Yet it was the cloak that still formed a major trouble. That was also the reason why she almost never showed herself out in the daylight. Rarity was rarely seen and the speculations of course began around her. But the unicorn loved all the guessing and thoughts to a certain point. For they could never have been more wrong about her.

In secret had she perfected her wings as well. Though the mare was nowhere near as advanced as the average pegasus with them. The unicorn was only able to glide a little bit and use the wings for a boost while galloping over the land. Long flying trips or trips that actually meant flapping the wings at a constant rate would cause an unbelievable pain within the back. To be more correct: her very spine.

The Carousel Boutique had fallen behind its usual schedule by a lot of time. Yet it still managed to keep running strong. Strong enough at least to keep itself afloat while the unicorn of the home was busy getting her meals delivered at home. And the new times she was awake didn't work in anypony's luck or favor either. An unusual and eerie silence had covered and shrouded the building for the most part but none ever dared to ask her about the truth of the situation. Which was probably for the best.

Rarity had indeed kept her word and didn't fall back to her desires as she allowed them to happen during the Blood Moon. Instead she used the fine curved lines of her body to seduce her prey to fall into a hypnotized state and making them only think about her before the ferocious strike would be taken place.

The always so open community of Ponyville became rather closed and distant when it came to the first class fashionista. Even though they didn't know what was going on, it still just felt creepy. And in those two months, the only pony that frequently came and went by the boutique was nopony else then Sweetie Belle. No other friends nor family, just her little sister. But a lonely live had to be lived if she wanted to keep her secrets close to her.


A young unicorn mare found herself galloping through the dark, foggy and empty streets of Ponyville. The clopping of her hooves and her panting where the only sounds that were heard in the streets. High in the skies shone the crescent moon bright while clouds floated before it every so often. It was abundantly clear that the mare was running away from somepony or something. She was scared to death because of it. The horrifying expression in her eyes revealed it all.

Her legs brought her through streets and alleyways with ease and luck. But her stamina began to run lower while she huffed and puffed from exhaustion. An exhaustion that made her turn into an alleyway. An alleyway that ended with the worst possible thing she could encounter, a dead end.

The green coated unicorn mare galloped all the way down until she had reached the wall. Her gold rimmed eyes gazing upon the solid, immovable object. “No,” the mare spoke scared as she felt the hope fade yet searched in pure desperation for some form of exit to be around. Yet her attention was caught by a second set of hooves that came closer to her. A set of hooves which made her turn around quick in order to see what was haunting her. She only turned herself around to see all of her hopes on a good ending fading away within a second.

For within her eyes she caught another figure that stood by the only exit. Hidden among the shadows, yet clearly visible. A perfect white grin could be seen among the darkness. A grin that was filled with teeth and two enlarged canines. As the trapped mare started to hyperventilate even more was a set if ice cold, sapphire blue eyes slowly revealed to the hopeless mare. As well as a mane that ended in an almost perfect curl caught within her eyes. “N-No!” the trapped pony brought out fearful. She knew the stories and myths about the creatures of the night and she was positively certain that she was being trapped by one. “Please, spare me! I, I will do everything you desire but please, don’t kill me!” she pleaded as she only pressed her body more and more against the wall.

The grin slowly faded away as the being in the shadows gently walked forwards. A female sounding voice then spoke through the air. A voice that was dark and had sinister undertone. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, you have a nasty habit of bringing a lady to such a filthy place for a meal. I had expected more from you, darling.” Then the figure just leaned against one of the walls of the alley while keeping its eyes upon the green coated mare.

“W-What do you want from me?” the mare asked while she rose up on her hindlegs and kept her back against the wall that blocked her escape. She was desperate and stared right into the eyes of the lion. Both figural and literal. Flashes went passed her eyes with option of what she possibly could do against her attacker. But the question would be: was she capable of doing them?

“Oh not that much, just enough to feed, me,” the voice replied before it formed a smirk with the mouth. A smirk that revealed the fangs just slightly.

“Who are you!?” the mare asked while she was both scared and confused. In one faint attempt to get out, to ensure her escape and possibly freedom. The green coated unicorn charged up her horn in a brilliant amber coloring. But she was weak in the magical arts and never truly practiced it further than the occasional levitation spell.

“Oh please, spare me your pathetic magic tricks, darling. For magic will not help you here. Stronger even, nopony can,” the voice spoke up as a response to the usage of magic. The creature knew it was worth nothing for the fact that, it could relate to it.

“W-What do you mean?” the mare asked after her horn had discharged itself. The body of the green coated unicorn turned itself a little bit around and revealed the cutie mark she wore. The mark was revealed within the light of the flame powered lantern that was placed at the end. It in fact was the only source or even form of light in the alley. And the mare stood right into it.

A mark that she wore revealed itself as a lyre. As the figure allowed its eyes to stare for a little bit of time on the mark, it knew just who this unicorn was that tried to get out. The ice cold sapphire blue irises rose back up and glazed over to the gold rims of her soon-to-be prey. The eyes of the green mare fell upon those of the figure which send a shock through her body. An ice cold shock what resulted in shivering in utter terror. “W-Why me?” she managed to stumble out.

“Because... for the simple fact I am thirsty,” it spoke in return while it glazed only deeper into the gold rimmed eyes. “Wrong place, wrong time, shall we say.”


The other unicorn gulped loudly as she caught the spoken words. “T-Thirsty? Can, can I offer you something to drink?” While the face and a big part of the body of the figure were still shrouded in the shadows it took a couple steps forward. A step forward in the light of the lantern. And that what was revealed to the green unicorn only came as a big shock. The eyes widened themselves as she shook her head, not wanting to believe it. “R-Rarity..? T-The tailor who suddenly, w-went silent!?”

For within the light was she revealed as a whole. With her purple mane that went in a perfect curl and her ivory coat reflected some of the light. “Yes... the tailor... Quite ironic don’t you think, the pony you least expect it from, is the deadliest. Don’t you think, Lyra Heartstrings?” Rarity replied under a deep grin. She closed the gap between them even more with a set of powerful steps. The other unicorn tried to charge her horn again and just lash out towards her. But the fear that raced through her body had broken her concentration. The only result she got was in the form of a couple worthless sprouts of gold colored magic that left it. Lyra gulped deep while she still stood bipedal against the wall. The feeling as if she was about to get executed by an magical execution squad traveled throughout her body.

Rarity had moved herself over to the middle of the road with a menacing grin that almost screamed death for Lyra. Yet to add insult to injury, it were the purple skinned wings of the ivory coated unicorn that slowly uncurled themselves under the sound of a pleasurable hiss as she came even closer. It created a posture that was even more intimidating and for the first time were the fangs revealed in their full size and glory.

The green coated unicorn didn't know where to look, the ice cold eyes, the sharp fangs in the mouth, or the set of wings that looked like they came from Tartarus itself. But it all resulted in just one question that rushed through her mind. A question she dared to speak up in a voice filled with fear. “W-What are you?”

“A living, legend,” answered Rarity with a smirk. She too rose up on her hindlegs and placed her forelegs on top of Lyra’s shoulders. The both of them stood bipedal and their eyes were only ten inches apart from another.

“S-So this... is why..?” Lyra stumbled out as she tied all the information she knew about Rarity together. Her gold rimmed eyes rested upon the fangs that were ready to sink themselves in her very flesh. A small hiss of both pleasure and indulging fear left the mouth of the ivory white mare in response to the half asked question.

Lyra took it in as a yes and her entire world just crumbled before her very eyes. Everything she once believed about truth and lies was shattered by this monster. The green unicorn silenced herself and began to shake more in pure fear for what would happen to her. Her shaking and shivering came to the point where Lyra just fell down to the ground. She had literally fainted from her fears and thoughts that went through her.

“Oh, come, come,” said Rarity before she charged her horn up. She let the terrified mare rise back up on her hooves with the help of a simple levitation spell. Back into the bipedal position but never allowed to do much more. And as a kick starter did Rarity send a small magical current from her own horn over to Lyra’s.

The current did its work almost immediately and woke her up. The golden rimmed eyes got revealed again and they just glazed to Rarity. “N-No... It, it is not true!” the mare said as she caught the demonic sight before her. In an instant she struggled a little bit against the vampony. She wanted to release herself from the hell she was in but there was one little problem. Hell didn't want to release her. For she was still stuck within the levitational hold of the ivory coated.

“Darling, look me in the eyes please,” replied Rarity in an unusual kind and almost seducing tone. The other mare heard the change of tone and Lyra did what was asked almost automatically. The gold rimmed eyes gazed deeply back in the ice cold blue ones of Rarity who slowly reached the mare with a hoof. “No need to be scared, my love. You do, love me, right?” she spoke as the hoof stroked a cheek of Lyra in a calm and almost comforting manner.

To the question couldn't the mare do much else then give an approving nod. But the gold rims suddenly turned away from the blue eyes and gazed upon the fine lines of the white mare before her. “Yes, I, I do love you...” Lyra spoke in a soft voice.

“Prove it then.”


The green unicorn turned her attention back to the eyes and shook her head deeply. She tried to get her clustering thoughts straight again. Remembering life to her as it was, how it was supposed to be. “N-No...B-Bonny,” she mumbled as she tried to break through the seduction. Rarity only huffed a little bit in response. She abruptly stopped with her plan in her tracks as she knew it had failed. Instead, she moved her hoof down from the cheek and touched upon the neck of Lyra.

“Looks like I have to do this the old fashioned way,” the ivory mare mumbled to herself. Without a second to spare had she forced the mare further against the wall. With all of the strength she had in her undead body was she kept in place. The green coated unicorn once again tried to fight Rarity off with all the strength in her body. But after a few seconds did Lyra saw that it was a hopeless situation. She looked again into the eyes of the monster and shivered in terror at the sight that was presented to her.

“Shh... shh. My prey, this will hurt you a lot more than you think,” whispered Rarity before she moved her head over to the neck of the gold rimmed unicorn. With each deep inhale that was taken by Lyra, it caused their bellies made contact and just like the hooves on her shoulders, it sent a cold shock through her body.

“W-Why?” the green mare asked while she still was terrified. Though before she could do anything else did the ice cold tongue of the other unicorn make a lick upon her the neck for whatever reason. There were a couple light moans that left and she shivered only more. It was the moaning that was the signal for Rarity to move further up in order to stimulate the excitement even more. Her tongue left the neck alone again and she moved back up to the face of Lyra.

As their eyes stared again into one another it was Rarity who could feel the warmer breath of the green coated unicorn against her neck. The lust made its reappearance within her body from the frightened and sensual breathing. The lust that could rage through the body of the vampony. The purple maned unicorn moved her lips closer and closer towards those of Lyra.

Before the other mare even knew what was going on were Rarity’s stone cold lips planted themselves on Lyra’s. Doing the action resulted in a deep kiss which brought the green mare deep into the seduction of the vampiric unicorn. Something she couldn't break out easily the second time.

The green unicorn wrapped her own forehooves around the neck of the ivory mare in a slow and trembling way. She even went so far to pull her offender closer against her. Rarity made the kiss even deeper while her tail swished happy from side to side. One of the cold hooves of the purple maned unicorn moved itself over to her neck and gently stroked it. An action that resulted in Lyra shocking up a little. The action had a secondary effect which was that it pleased the vampony a bit more during the kiss.

All the veins in the neck of Lyra set themselves up and became clearly visible under the skin. Rarity was more than ready to let her sharp fangs sink into one of the many blood rich veins of the mare. Finally she could fill herself with the rich bloods after the long and amazing hunt.


The sapphire blue eyes spotted a suitable vein and the kiss between the two was broken from the vampiric unicorn her side. Their lips slowly parted away from one another and Rarity’s went over to the chin, the cheeks before they made their way carefully over to the neck. When she had her mouth free again had Lyra found herself not only in a deep seduction of Rarity but also the ability to speak again. In her mind it was only the purple menace she could think about. Every other thought was simply blocked out of her mind. “Never leave me... Never,” she spoke in a loving tone that was accompanied with a soft panting from their kiss.

Though Rarity showed no attention to the spoken words while her lips removed themselves from the neck. They had given their last kiss to Lyra and dinner had itself served for the vampony. A dinner that she had to hunt for. A dinner which had proven to be a little challenge to catch. Yet in the end was it as worth as every other meal she had gotten.

The green mare expected another kiss to be taken place as the head went down again but instead she was treated with a sharp pain of two things. Two sharp things that sank themselves down into her skin. Lyra let out a small gasp for air she started to realize just what was going on. And just a second afterward was it the seduction that kicked back in again. That made her forget the pain she was going through and allowed herself to let out a moan of mixed emotions every so often.

Her blood ran out of the created wounds and gushed straight into the mouth of the ivory monster. A monster whose wings flapped a little bit in pure pleasure. She swallowed the red liquid and couldn't help it but to just moan in a deep pleasure each time it traveled down her throat. The blood was pure and filled with a mixture of emotions that she could taste. Though it were fear and pleasure that seemed to be the two she tasted the most. The adrenaline was just as equally mouthwatering for Rarity, who thought to have found herself a jackpot.

The green coated unicorn still had her front hooves around her hunter as another moan left her. But in a careful manner she wrapped one of her hind legs around one from Rarity before Lyra gently nuzzled the very cheek of her attacker. She was lost and disorientated from the complete seduction that was created by the words and kiss of the vampiric unicorn.


As time progressed further on and the nuzzling got weaker until the green mare struggled to keep her head up. In the gears of time had she lost all the strength that was in her body and the head just dropped itself backwards. It landed right against the stone wall. Lyra gasped for air while the hold of her leg became less and less as well. And not much later, all four the legs just went numb. Something that originated from the heavy losses of blood.

Rarity then made herself able to remove her mouth from the wound and she licked up the spilled blood with a couple long and slow licks. She rose her head back up to look her prey in the closed eyes. The horn of the unicorn discharged itself and the body of Lyra was dropped to the ground. Rarity then moved her tongue over her lips and licked them clean from any remaining blood. “Ahh, that was divine,” the unicorn spoke after she had swallowed the left overs. She took a couple bipedal steps backward from the severely weakened mare to give herself a bit more space.

Rarity’s head rose itself even further upward up to the point that her eyes were fixed upon the moon. And then, in the depths of the night itself, she left go a soft hiss of pure satisfaction. Her wings gave one powerful flap before she finally dropped herself. Back to the ground where she belonged with all four of her hooves. Once she stood back on all four of her hooves, the wings curled themselves back around her body. Thus the mystical nightgown was once more found around her body.

“Now... you will fall asleep and just think of this as a nasty nightmare, darling,” spoke Rarity in the seducing tone towards her prey. The green coated mare tried to nod but her body was too weak and she lost her consciousness quicker than expected from the loss of blood.

The ivory unicorn placed Lyra in such a position that made it seem as if she was drunk. The effects would kinda be similar to that of a hangover for she had lost every bit of knowledge from the world and blacked out. Rarity charged her horn up gently. “Have a good rest, my prey,” the vampony spoke as a small stream of magic left her horn and made its way over to the green coated unicorn. It rested against the wound as if it was some kind of bandage.

It was in fact a new spell that Rarity had learned in the past two months to help her remain even more hidden in plain sight. The spell would have stopped the bleeding effect and heal the wounds created by her but not resupply the blood that was lost. It was a simple yet effective spell. Which was exactly the thing that she needed. In the end did Rarity turn herself around and walked out of the alleyway. She walked back into the main street with the hope nopony saw her. Though it being the depth of night, not much folk would be out on the street to begin with.

Another gentle and near inaudible hiss of satisfaction left her as she had consumed more than enough blood to make it through the night. Rarity turned herself into the direction her boutique stood and began on the journey back to her loved home. She was ready to continue on a couple projects before her bed would call her.


Rarity’s eyes allowed themselves to fall upon the many dark houses she passed while she ventured through the foggy streets. Despite the fog being as thick as it was, it was still possible to look forward for some distance, enough to make up the road ahead. But as she walked by the houses, her mind thought up rather sick things and even sicker desires. Things she rather pressed back deep within her mind, locking them up for good.

Just how would it taste to drink from a filly or a colt that isn't my sister? she thought to herself before she just shook her head in a disagreeable manner to it all. The desires where there without a doubt, but she always managed to prevent herself from not doing so. “You are still a lady, Rarity. Not a bloodthirsty monster who goes on a rampage through this town,” were the words she always would use to kick herself back into the real reality.

Her legs carried her a little more through the foggy streets of the town before she entered the one she remembered the most, the one where the Carousel Boutique was located on. “My once so lovely store, reduced to a simple shop,” she mumbled after the silhouette of the building had become visible through the fog. It curved and twisted in unimaginative ways which made it look like something from a horror story. “Now just hope that next Nightmare Night it is also like this, then it would definitely scare them all away. Unless,” the unicorn said to herself while she let her eyes fall upon the building hidden among the fog.


Rarity let go a deep sigh as she entered through the front door and allowed the flames to reemerge upon the many candles. The mare made her way straight into the working area of the boutique. The unicorn dropped herself down behind her desk as she allowed her eyes to look upon a board before her. A board that held all the orders that had yet to be completed. Unfinished projects for those who requested it, the very core of her business.

“That one is having more priority. But I have the fabric for that one...though...but I need to finish that one as well,” she mumbled while she looked at the orders and set notes by every single one of them with her quill.

In the end she stood up and made her way over to the middle of the room where she rose on her hindlegs. “Just one way to do this,” the unicorn spoke before a grin was formed on her face. Her horn charged itself with magic deeper than it was done during the night. The soft humming of its power had filled the room. The flames on the candles dimmed down or even went out as a whole. The blue aura was more than enough light to illuminate the area in her eyes. There were a couple mannequins which started to levitate themselves into the air as some rolls of fabric joined them and got laid over them. Soon enough, everything was joined by a set of scissors, needles and threads.

The ivory coated, purple maned unicorn mare had changed over time without a single doubt. But it was unquestionable that she still had her love for fashion. It was something that never had died down through all the time that had passed. Even in her vampiric life it was to be considered her everything. It even went so far that it kept her sane on one way of the word. A way to pass the flow of time which made the nights seem shorter and the days less dreadful. The perfect cover operation in her eyes.


Her eyes had fallen down on the clock and she read the time off of it. It was something that created a shock deep within them and the mare. “Dear goodness, this early already? I think I head to bed soon enough, before sunrise,” she spoke up while the mannequins were placed back on the ground again and everything stored itself nicely in their respectable racks and shelves with the help of her magic. The humming of her magic slowly died down as the blue aura disappeared before completely discharging it and letting the room shroud itself in darkness once more. But as the light faded away, she saw her accomplished work just for a little while. “Ha, so much done in so little time, the clients shall be happy,” she spoke in the total darkness of the room.

Rarity left her working area and trotted up the stairs and towards her bedroom. A bedroom in which she made sure that every single curtain was closed before she allowed her gorgeous body to drop itself down upon the side of her poster bed. She reached over for her pillow and lift it up in order to reveal a small diary beneath it. The mare picked it up and started to look through it while trying to reach the final entry of it.

As she came to the entry she was looking for was an extra page turned in order to start on a fresh one for her writing. With another simple charge of her horn there was a quill that levitated itself over from the desk and to the book. While her quill wrote down the new entry, her eyes fell a little off the book and just stared into the distance. It was something that she could do it for the fact that in her mind she spoke the words and they were simply written down by the quill through her magic.

The quill was placed back on the desk and the mare dropped her body back against the mattress of the bed while the book was levitated over to her face. Rarity began to read the freshly written words one by one. With the result read, she couldn't be more happier.

“That should be enough for tonight. The sun is almost coming up,” she said after her eyes fell on the clock. She read the time and could only release a little grumble. The book was levitated over to the desk where it was placed in a drawer that could be locked with a small key. The key itself got turned and locked the drawer tightly shut. It would have hidden its content from any pointy noses. Then it was the key which levitated up and hid itself under the pillow of the unicorn.

Rarity closed her eyes while she pulled the blankets over her body. Only after her wings had embraced her though. And soon enough did she fell in a deep slumber. A slumber that went accompanied with some light snoring. The moon disappeared and the sun started to rise, starting up the day of most ponies.


But somewhere on the other side of town while the sun was still crawling its way up, the little Sweetie Belle woke up from her sleep and jumped out of her bed like she did every other day of the week. She still had the mark or a scar, in her neck from the mysterious attack. Neither her parents nor Sweetie herself did or wanted to know what caused. Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo couldn't bear seeing it as it was a fresh wound, but as the two months passed by them, they grew over their fear. Also adding the fact that by that time the scar had reduced itself into two very small spots below her fur and nothing else.

“Mom, I am going to Apple Bloom!” Sweetie spoke as she left through the front door.

“It’s okay dear, just be back home with dinner,” responded Pearl while she finished doing the dishes from their breakfast with a smile. Sweetie nodded to her mother before she closed the door and took a deep inhale of the new and fresh day. And then she was off, off to farm of Sweet Apple Acres.


With the suns early rays that fell all over the lands to mark the new day, Fluttershy opened her eyes from another rough night. For two months she had been doing things in the night that caused her to sleep just plain terrible. Not so bad that it became uncontrollable though. But more than enough to make her cranky from time to time when she woke up.

And the worst part of it all, she didn't know what she was doing at night. The pegasus didn't know if it was caused by nightmares, sounds of critters or what else there possibly was. With gentle steps she walked down from the stair and towards the ground level of the cottage. Under the sounds of a yawn she greeted all of the little critters that were around like usual.

If she only knew that what truly happened that dark evening within the Everfree Forest. The night that the beast attacked her. A beast that seemingly had left the woods almost a month ago according to reports. It either went by itself or it was hunted down by something. Either way, Fluttershy was glad that the creature was gone so that her critters could roam free through it again.

The pegasus walked into the living room where she just dropped her body upon the couch with a moan. All of the critters looked at her and the mare closed her eyes again. All in the vague hope to fall back in a deep sleep.

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