• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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34 One mare has so many uses

The rain continued to pour itself down upon the vampiric unicorn and her new found slave. They were already soaked to the bone from it. Not to mention that they were covered in dirt from the fight. The wound in the neck of Fleur had sealed and healed itself up because of the vampiric blood that still resided in her. Her other injuries was still being worked on. The hoof of Rarity made its way down her cheek under a smile. “Let’s go home, darling. This weather is nothing for ladies like us,” she spoke in a sensual sounding tone. With her cocktail of mixed blood drunk, it tasted even better than she could have imagined. Though it would be something to keep an eye out for.

The other mare could only nod to the command as she ever so gently rose back up. But before their brawl had Rarity taken off her cloak as a whole in order to make full usage of her bodies features. And that same cloak had to be found of course and thus the eyes of Fleur scanned high and low for it through the mud and grass.

With a small amount of time having passed did she allowed her horn to finally charge up and soon enough got a soaked and muddy black cloak levitated over to them. The purple maned unicorn glared over it and then shook her head in a disagreeable manner. “No, I won’t be wearing that muddy thing. With a bit of luck, many ponies are still inside of their houses,” said Rarity in a tone of disgust. After that she just tossed it into the bushes.

Almost right after she had done that, there was a deafening roar of thunder that trembled and rumbled through the skies. “Without a doubt,” added the mare before she curled her wings around her body for the first time after the fight. The motion send a shiver through her body in response to the cold drops of rain on them which were now against her body.

“Then so it shall be, my lady,” replied Fleur. She was in full control of the other unicorn. Her mind was washed away and the only thought within it was to obey her. The clusters of Rarity’s hooves had wrapped themselves around every part of her mind. Which they remodeled and crushed it with care. The larger mare looked around herself before the eyes fell back upon Rarity with an odd expression within them. And soon after it there was a question which dared to leave her mouth. “Uhm, t-to where if I may ask?”

Upon hearing the question did Rarity gently rose up an eyebrow under a surprised look for she didn't expect it that the brainwash was that heavy. Then again, she never had made anypony her true slave. Little did she knew that the hypnosis could go even further if she so desired to. “Well, to my boutique of course, darling,” the vampiric mare replied in an odd and kind sounding voice. She then traded her still standing position in for a gentle pace. Fleur only blinked a couple times before she turned herself around. She would have just followed suit. The cloak of Rarity got reduced to ash by a small flick of her horn. Her mistress didn’t need it anymore, so why would it be kept in existence?

Together they left the graveyard in order to head home in the raging storm. The gusts of wind were howling through the trees and to make it even worse, right in their faces. With the strong headwind it caused the rain to fall upon them like hail while roars of the mighty thunder scared every living creature to the brink of death. But the two ponies had a destination in mind and would go to it, no matter how tough the storm would become.

“Fleur?” yelled Rarity at one point as she stumbled on three legs for one was trying to keep as much rain out of her face as possible. “You don’t happen to know any spells for a shield against the weather, now do you?” The two found themselves totally exposed on a land road that would bring them dangerously close over to the parental house of Rarity. Staying by her parents was about the last thing she needed in the weather as it was.

The larger unicorn made her way from behind her lady while she shook her head. “I’m afraid I don’t,” she replied. Her eyes turned themselves back over to the visible land ahead and had to take out a flock of mane. What she saw was only more trouble that laid ahead of them. Troubles that weren't in the form of ponies, but mother nature herself was throwing everything she got at them. For the front that was created by the pegasi, had merged with another one that laid above Everfree.

“Then we can only keep going as we did, soaked we are already. Let’s hope it stays with that,” replied Rarity as she continued on her walk. Her slave gave a small nod in response and together they continued to fight the elements once again with nothing but their mind in good hope and hooves to shield.

They strolled around before Rarity to take notice of an intersection she knew all too well. It was the very one she always had to take to go to her parents’ house. Left for her parents, right for the rest of the town. Without any form of thought on her mind did the mare knew she had to go right upon it. They would take a path that brought them over hills and past forests before they finally noticed the very, very outskirts of Ponyville.

The vampiric unicorn her eyes began to twinkle upon the sight. Her wings spread themselves for small hiss of pleasure. “Ah, home sweet home,” she brought out. But Fleur thought to make a smart use of the opportunity and lowered herself a little bit. She then crawled right under the wing of her lady and used it as a small umbrella. Rarity looked at the other mare and blinked a couple of times at the bit at the odd sight next to her but let it for what it was.


But over in the house of her loved parents, could both Pearl and Magnum found sitting in the living room. The stallion was reading his daily papers whereas the mare was pounding her mind. Both of her daughters were out there, somewhere in that horrible storm. The thoughts were crushing her to an extend none could ever have expected.

In silence she stood up and walked up to the window that the living room had to offer and she looked, just looked to the outside world for a mere minute. “Magnum dear, have you heard anything from Rarity with this weather?” Pearl asked all of the sudden. She tore her attention away from the window. She turned her whole body around before a sigh left through her nose. “Nopony should be out with this.”

The stallion laid his papers aside after he heard the words. With his own eyes he looked to his wife and gave her a reassuring smile. “I haven’t, but you know she keeps things to herself right?” he spoke to her in a comforting tone. “She is a smart filly, she knows it is too dangerous to go outside.”

“I hope that you are right. I mean, she is also an element after all... maybe I’m just over concerned for our little filly,” said Pearl before she gave one last look to the storm outside. She then walked up to the sofa he sat on.

“It is only natural that you do it,” the stallion said as he opened his hooves for his wife. “Mothers are that way, I have seen it with mine and with yours. Overly protective, but well meant.”

She dropped herself with love in his hold and not much later found they found themselves cuddling in each other’s hooves. The silence had taken over the room but their hearts were beating in sync. With their eyes closed could the two have found themselves almost as the only beings on the world. It calmed both the mare and the stallion down from any trouble that they may had on their mind.


Earlier that day had the Cutie Mark Crusaders collected themselves as a group and had been busy for most of the day. After a rather wonderful dinner by the Apples, could the three fillies be found sitting in the treehouse before the storm erupted. It wasn't something they were particularly happy about as it kept them inside whether they liked it or not. But it also set the gears in motion to ‘help’ the little Sweetie Belle and her memory.

“I tell you Sweetie, what we saw that day was true. And then that freakish concussion of yours. I smell a setup!” Scootaloo shouted through the whole clubhouse. She walked all over the place in frustration. The little pegasus just couldn't sit still during it all and was digging up events from long ago. A thing that Apple Bloom didn't appreciated in the slightest and Sweetie just shrugged it off in order to prevent a fight happening between the pegasus and unicorn.

“Scoots, that day is a day we agreed to never speak of again! And just what do ya do? Talk and talk and talk. Can’t ya be quiet ‘bout it for once?” the earth pony filly replied from a recently added beanbag. Though in response did the pegasus just drop herself on her behind for once before releasing a soft groan of discomfort.

“You two, are just crazy. One moment you are fighting, the next accusing my sister for being something she isn't,” replied Sweetie to the whole situation with a giggle. Though deep inside of her was there the chewing feeling of the truth. That the story of Scootaloo wasn't something made up. And it was Apple Bloom who tried to protect the innocence that the unicorn filly still had.

In her mind she stood on a three forked road. One way was with Apple Bloom, another with Scootaloo and the third was a rather unique one, for the third way was her sister. “I don’t know who or what to believe anymore... Maybe Scoots is right, maybe you are right Apple Bloom. The fact still stays that I can’t remember that day. Tell me we went dragonhunting and I would have believed you,” the unicorn filly brought out before she dropped herself on a small mattress.

“Sweets, you know... Ah can’t say it,” said Apple Bloom before she leaned forth in her beanbag and rubbed her forehead. “Even Ah don’t know what to think of that day. Too much happened for mah mind to handle. And Scoot, shut up ‘bout that.”

Scootaloo got even angrier and released some annoyed sounds. “I’m telling you, vampony!” And then there was a deafening thunder roll which silenced all three of the fillies in an instant.

With a shiver that went over each of their little spines did the three fillies just looked at one another with a dead terrified expression on their faces. Neither of them even as much dared to speak up a word to what happened. And then they made themselves ready to just lay on their mattresses and sleep the storm out. That was the plan, if it worked would be another story.


Rarity and Fleur stood still for a small minute before they continued on the final part of their journey, the final sprint to the boutique. The larger mare had a little difficulty keeping up. Her legs had to bend deeper than she did before. She just wasn't used to all of the physical workouts. And adding the fact that being drained from blood wasn't working out well either. Yet everything was going nice and smooth with the only exception being soaked from the rain and their mane being a mess. A thing which they would survive.

It was when they were galloping down the road to enter Ponyville that their eyes got blinded by a sudden bright light. A light that was probably the brightest they had ever seen in their lives. Both of the unicorns rose up on their hind legs and closed their eyes as Rarity released a dark hiss while Fleur allowed a scream of fear to leave her mouth. Though the scream and hiss were nothing compared to the deafening rolling sound of the thunder that came next. The larger mare turned herself around faster than light while she was whimpering for her life.

The deafening sound went passed by them as if it never happened. It was the same sound that silenced the three fillies in their clubhouse. All over Ponyville could that one roll of thunder be heard in all its pride. Fleur to look up after the roll was over and her heart was beating in her throat from just the fear she had gotten.

With the skies still as black as ever, their lights rich and plenty and Fleur turned back to Rarity to see if she was alright. It where the eyes of the vampiric unicorn that went further. They had fixed themselves on a spot that laid around two dozen hooves before them. A burned spot that was still smoking and smelled like overcooked meat. “T-That w-was close,” she spoke in a soft voice but loud enough to be caught in other ears.

The other mare turned herself around again and took note the spot as well. Her eyes went big and the pupils small before she gave a simple nod to it. Fleur released a soft gulp before she dared to ask some words that were on her mind. “Too close, my lady. A, a little too close for comfort, if you ask me... Run?”

“Run, and follow my lead,” replied Rarity. She was off almost in an instant. First she kicked her pace into a light trot before it was turned into the galloping that was matching the speed of that of a racepony. The vampony also uncurled her wings and gave powerful flaps with them before she set her hooves back on the ground. The actions combined granted her the ability to cover a lot more ground in a lot less time. Fleur tried her best to keep up and managed to do so given her larger legs. Those enabled her to take larger steps and thus cover as much ground as Rarity. Though her stamina was far, far lower.

The unicorns passed the open plains before Ponyville, the fields of Sweet Apple Acres and Ponyville’s main street before they found themselves on the final crossroad to the Carousel Boutique. Rarity made no time to waste as her horn charged itself up in order to open the front door of her home and slowed down her pacing. As her pacing lowered down did the wings curl back around her body and the mystical gown had returned. Fleur did the same before she could feel the warmth of the building that surrounded the both of them and the door fell back in its lock.

They were home once again but soaked to the bone and stone cold from the devastating weather. Neither of the ladies ever liked rain and never went out when it did, they could see the trip they had as a make up for all of it.


Rarity grinned a little bit as she caught the panting of Fleur in her ear but also started to pray for the fact that nopony had seen the both of them running around the streets. “F-For this one time, up the stairs, left and second door to your left, bathroom. Get a towel for me and yourself, please,” she spoke up while her horn kept itself charged. She wanted to lit all the candles inside the darkened building. Fleur nodded and while she still was some panting from the sprint, she made her way up the stairs. Not much time later had she disappeared out of sight and was consumed by the darkness that was still dominating the upper level.

The vampiric mare watched her go up before she discharged her horn. Her eyes closed themselves while she began to enjoy the surrounding she found herself in once more. She took the warm air of the boutique to her with a small sigh of comfort. Rarity was home once again after yet another terrible encounter outside. But her little trip had created a new ‘ally’ or asset for herself.

A bit of time had been going by before a pleasant feeling could be felt on her back. The feeling of something rubbing against it was send through her. The eyes opened themselves in order to catch an even more pleasant sight. Fleur Dis Lee who was wrapped in a big towel while her wet mane hung down in and to the side of her face. “Smashing, ever considered of holding that look?” Rarity asked in a teasing tone upon the sight.

Fleur allowed herself a light giggle as her magic wrapped the towel even further around Rarity. “Maybe my lady, if you so desire.” With some slight nods of her head got the wrapping towel turned into a near suit while the vampiric unicorn watched in pure amazement. After a couple small minutes had passed did Fleur ask the question. “Does my lady like it?”

Rarity began to inspect how she looked like before a bright smile occupied her face. “Why yes, yes I do like it. And you may address me as ‘Rarity’ as well.”

“As you desire, lady Rarity,” replied Fleur before her horn got discharged from the purple aura. She couldn't help it but to look for any errors that she might have created in her creation of the towel suit. But no matter where she looked, there was nothing to be found except the wonderful curves of Rarity’s body.

The unicorn walked up to the living room and dived into the sofa. Under a moan she made herself rather comfortable on it while she didn't care just how seducing she laid down on it. Fleur followed her and giggled softly at the sight before she took place in a chair. Rarity’s laid themselves upon the mare and words came who gently left the mouth. Words that were spoken from her mind as a hoof rubbed itself against the chin of the lady. “Now my slave... where else can I use you for aside my snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner?”

“T-That is up to you, I am in for... everything,” the larger mare stuttered at first before her tone turned into a loving one. The more the mares looked one another in the eyes, the more the mare could feel the mental pull towards Rarity. And with that did her desires rise within her body. Desires to please her mistress in whatever way that happened to be possible.

The blue rims of the unicorn moved themselves over to the clock before letting out a small sigh. “Go to bed first, today has been rather busy and interesting for us both. If you go up the stairs, left and then the final door, that is where you shall sleep. Next to me, in my bed.”

Her whole face dropped a bit upon hearing these words before she made her reply. “A-Are you sure, my lady?” Rarity gave her a simple nod as her response. A deep sigh left the nose of Fleur as she carefully stood up as her mind came up with something rather interesting.


Fleur made her way to the hallway and the aura returned to her horn. Which allowed her towel suit to loosen itself up with care. It was the sound of the horn being charged up which made the vampiric mare to look up to what might happen. Her eyes then caught the falling towels.

Beneath them were the slender hips of the larger unicorn revealed in their full glory. The still moistened tail swayed from side to side in a teasing manner. And with that had she disappeared behind the wall as a whole. Not long after the teasing foreplay did the clatter of hooves on the wooden stairs do their turn. Rarity shook her head with closed eyes in order to release some thought from her mind. “She won’t fail to surprise, now will she?” she mumbled in herself before a light chuckle left her. “I might find some uses for her, eventually.”

With the aid of her magic did she allowed a bottle of wine and a glass to be levitated over to her spot where the liquids were poured into the consumption glass. A fine glass of the red liquid was something which she always had enjoyed over the evening and old habits never seemed to wear down. Vampiric or not.

In her mind was the race already going as fast as it possibly could. There were countless plans for usage made up within seconds of one another. They differed from a slave of ultimate pleasure to a slave of hard labor. The more she delved herself in her mind, the more the night was starting to venture on as it always did. In order to come through it more comfortable had Rarity opened up a bottle of red wine. Her mind kept pounding about the matter. She was considering what would be the best. All while the storm on the world outside kept raging on.

The unicorn walked up to one of the windows and moved one of the curtains to the side while she held her glass in her magic. She let her eyes fall upon the outside world and just witnessed what was going on. Flashes of lightning lit up the world everywhere they struck before the rolling sounds took over the atmosphere. It was a sight she both loved and hated ever since she was a foal.

“I can of course feed her so much, she will have tons of blood in her for me to feed on, but just how will that part work?” Rarity said to herself while she found herself leaning against the windowsill. A gaze of questions formed itself in her eyes before the glass was brought up to her lips to take a sip of the red liquids it contained.


Hours had gone by while Fleur laid comfortable in the posterbed of the unicorn. Even though she was skeptical at first about it, she still just fell asleep like it was nothing due to her exhaustion. But where Fleur slept, Rarity had been pounding her mind for a usage for her. A usage that didn't involve just feeding off of her. Though the new ideas she got were only crazier than the last. Under a deep sigh she gave it up for the time being.

Her mind couldn't come up with a simple use for her slave aside personal pleasure and need. With the sounds of a small ‘tok’ on the wood was the glass placed back on the table while Rarity laid long out on the sofa. Her horn allowed the blue aura to disappear just that. She released yet another deep exhale from her stone cold body. She needed to take her mind off of things for some time. The mare had to release some of the mental stress that had fallen upon her.

Rarity managed to bring herself up from her position on the sofa and left it. She began to stroll around the ground floor of the boutique, wandering around aimlessly. “Hmm, what to do, what to do..?” she whispered to herself. Her head turned itself over to a side and in her eyes there were many pictures that hung on the wall.

She went over each of them, there was just one which caught her attention deeper than the others. A picture that was of the unicorn when she was just a young filly. “Well hello,” said Rarity to herself. Her horn charged itself up and levitated the picture over. It allowed the unicorn to relive the day it was taken as if it was the day before.


A young and free, white coated and purple maned unicorn filly ran over the plains just out of Ponyville before she just dropping herself into the pleasant heavens that was the morning grass. The sun had just rose itself from its own deep slumber and the warm rays tickled the little filly’s belly and back who released a giggle in response.

The sapphire blue eyes closed themselves off from the world as the giggling continued and she snuggled up against the lovely grass as she felt something up and laying on her belly. Curiously to just what it could be, the young Rarity opened her eyes. But when she opened them, her blue rims met the ever so innocent and filled with love green rims of her foal sister. The filly couldn't hold herself and just wrapped her forelegs around the foal and it softly yet closely against her.

“Oh, will you look at that. Honey, take a picture, this is just priceless,” a female voice filled with both pride and joy echoed. And before the little unicorn could react, the snapping sound of a camera shutter did its turn. Locking the moment of the young filly that was laying upside down in the grass while her forelegs calmly held her sister against her as small sprouts of grass were to be found within her mane, for as long as the picture would exist.


A small smile appeared on Rarity’s face as her eyes opened themselves under a little giggle. “Where has the time gone to mother, father... Have I been growing up indeed so fast as you told me?” Rarity questioned herself. But that question was just one small portion of the questions that went through her mind as she placed the picture back on the wall.

The unicorn made her way over to the working area after she had returned the picture. She hoped to be able to move some work for the remaining hours of the night. But when she entered her beloved area, a thought shoot into her mind. A thought of having forgotten something rather important.

She managed to drop herself in the chair behind the desk and her eyes went in almost every direction. Her horn got once again covered in the blue aura in order to levitate her glasses over and placed them before her eyes, creating a rather serious look on the mare her face. On the far side of the room was a closet being opened and instead of fabric, sewing equipment and everything else as it would be expected from her, there were dossier files. A near dozen of them and its content would be going back up to five years in the past.

What resided into that closet was something that was for her eyes only. For it was the entire administration of the Carousel Boutique. Every financial up and down the store once had was registered in the documents and updated periodically.

The entire upper row of files got levitated over and set before the mare whose eyes began to glare over each of them. “I knew I had forgotten something, the bloody taxes...” Rarity muttered to herself as she opened a file that was simply named, ‘invoices’ and plowed her way through it. She wrote down the price of everything she had bought in the past year on a piece of paper as her magic allowed the quill to move itself.

In the end got everything counted up in her head. The lips were moving the whole time but not a single out loud word got spoken before the final number was written down. “One hundred and seventy six thousand, five hundred thirty two bits,” she mumbled to herself after the quill was laid down. Her eyes glared over the number and she allowed a gulp to be heard for she didn't expect the number to be that big. “Well, seems I need to do a little bit less with the expensive fabric then. Next files...”

The invoices file got placed back to the rest of the group as the file named ‘expenses’ got laid before her and the ritual repeated itself. Eventually another number got written down and now the face of the unicorn almost saw even more white before she brought up the final dossier. A dossier that was simply labeled as ‘sales’.


In the far end and clocking in at almost against the morning were the first two numbers added up to each other and done minus the one from the sales which then came down to a grant profit. Rarity literally banged her head multiple times into her desk upon seeing that number getting close to the zero, if not going in the minus.

But during the rather ridiculous act of hers, there was one bright idea which came into her mind. An idea which caused her to grin like a mad mare, her brain was already seeing it work the more she thought about that. “Yes, yes! That is it! Rarity, you are quite the little genius,” she spoke in a happy tone about herself. She leaned back in her chair as the grin kept itself on her face.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, echoed through the ground floor before the unicorn allowed her eyes to fall upon the clock. “Six in the morning, I best head to bed for now, sunrise is soon enough,” whispered Rarity. She stored all the files by one another before they were being levitated back into the closet. The unicorn locked the closet again with her magic and made sure the magical lock was active on it so that no other eyes aside those of her own would be able to open the door.

The grin was still standing on her face as she hopped up the stairs and gently walked into the bedroom in order to crawl into bed next to Fleur. But her cold body against the warm unicorn had a shivering effect accompanied with a small moan. The hoof of Rarity made its way gently passed the cheek of the other unicorn before she said her words in a whisper. “I have big plans for you my slave, plans that will save us both from falling too deep from our stands.”

Rarity positioned herself in her normal sleeping pose before allowing herself to sleep deep while the rain of the storm still ticked gentle against the windows. Far in the distance could the thunder be heard ruling the skies.

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