• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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41 Old friends, new doubts

Rarity lowered her hoof from the wooden door were both of the unicorns awaiting any response with patience. They would have waited for anything that would be coming from the inside of the cottage. At first there was nothing while the birds continued their songs and some of the critters could be heard walking inside, just scurrying around as they usually did.

But as the seconds went passed by there were more sounds that came inside which managed to have dimmed in their tone until they were nothing more but the sounds of wings flapping. All of the birds left the cottage through the open windows and specially constructed holes in the roof. The vampiric unicorn grinned a little bit while the larger mare looked in complete and utter confusion to what was happening.

It was only then that Rarity dared to retract the parasol for the fact that the door found itself standing within the shadows of the passing sun. She knew there was somepony home and the mare allowed her eyes to watch over the many holes and walkways in the hope to see some little creatures but her eyes caught nothing at all on the side they stood on.

Her attention was then brought back down to the door as the sound of it being unlocked could be heard rather clearly. Its signature clicking did its turn and under a soft screech of the wood and hinges it slowly opened for the two unicorns. Rarity knew exactly just who to expect whereas Fleur could only guess about it.

In the opening she stood in a shy but rather calm pose. The grayish yellow coated, blue eyed, light pink haired pegasus. One who wore her black nightie to cover up her scars that ran across her belly. The eyes went over her visitors and as soon as they saw her friend, they began to sparkle and an soft but cute squee left her under a light blush. “Rarity, it is so good to see you! Please, come in,” said Fluttershy while she made way for her friend.

What she didn't know however was that Fleur also happened to be present. The sheer joy of just visually and physically seeing Rarity before her not so long after she had visited the boutique had overwhelmed her as a whole. Granted the other unicorn was a little bit angry that she didn't got recognized, but could understand the reasoning of the pegasus to a certain degree.

As Rarity made her entrance because she was welcomed into the cottage, Fleur entered as well and the eyes of the pegasus shrunk a little bit. “Uhm, Rarity..?” she whispered in the ear of her friend. “Who is that again?”

The vampiric unicorn allowed a gentle chuckle to leave her and replied in the same tone. “She is my caretaker, Fluttershy. You remember Fleur Dis Lee, right?” The pegasus gave her a small nod before she walked back to the door and closed after the both of them had entered. A smile could be found on her face as then proceeded to guide her friend and its caretaker over to the living room. They left the near empty hallway and walked through another door.


Once the three of them entered the living room they took note that there was not a single other soul that could be seen in the usual so crowded cottage. Both Rarity and Fleur took note of the changes with their eyes almost in an instant. But where Fleur didn't gave it too much attention to the matter, Rarity was worried just a little bit. She could only have hoped for the best. The two of them had a lot of catching up to do with one another. Rarity was even unaware of Fluttershy’s scars to complete everything. She found it odd that she wore cloths in her house, so something had to be up.

“Allow me to get some drinks and then you have to tell me everything Rarity, it has been such a long time since we last spoke to each other,” said Fluttershy in her normal voice while she pointed over to the couch. “Please, take a seat.”

The pegasus always happened to be quite shy and quiet when others were around. But against Rarity she became a bit more free with herself. Its cause could be found due to their years lasting friendship and many close moments they shared with one another. Where the others sometimes couldn't make time for her given their jobs or deeds, Rarity always was prepared to drop everything and just help her in her needs.

“Some tea would be nice darling,” replied Rarity before she gave a smile to her friend. Her body sat down on the couch. “And you have to tell me a lot as well. All those months in bed never did me anything good to begin with.”

“Do you happen to have some forest fruit tea?” Fleur asked with a questioning gaze in her eyes. After that she also sat down on the couch like the true lady she was.

“Oh, w-why yes I do have that yes. So, two tea for you then?” Fluttershy asked on her turn and both of the mares gave a nod. With their confirmation she was off to the kitchen where she would prepare everything for three cups of tea.

Back in the living room it was Fleur who was getting her doubts about the pegasus mare. She moved up to one of Rarity’s ears with one gentle motion. An ear in which she would whisper the words that were on her mind. “I am not sure about her, my mistress. She seems so, odd. Have you seen this house?”

The eyes of Rarity sprung open as wide as they were allowed from the words that Fleur spoke. She took them as a deep insult that was made towards the house of her longest and best friend. The vampiric unicorn couldn't help it as the feeling of just smack her slave in the face with the parasol crawled up in her. But being the lady she is, she made a quick count to ten in her head in order to stay calm or at least calm down before her own words would leave her mouth. “Yes Fleur, I have seen this house, many times before as a matter of fact. And keep in mind that I know her for years now. I know who she is, what she is. And if I see you questioning one of my friends again, a fitting punishment will be placed,” the unicorn whispered in return before she set her eyes on one of the windows.

“Fine...” Fleur replied under a deep sigh before she began to look around the building a bit more. She had to give the pegasus credit for being able to actually live in the house. For the holes and walkways it had for the critters and birds. Even though she was impressed, she never truly showed it towards Rarity.


Meanwhile was Fluttershy moving all over the kitchen in order to gather everything that she needed for the upcoming tea party. From the cups to the sugar, to the plates and milk while the water was boiling at a calm rate on the little stove. The pegasus started to hum soft tunes to herself. Even among the chaos she had caused, Fluttershy managed to smile bright.

The pegasus had set the little cream filled pastries upon the plate and had one last look to see if everything was in order. For order was something Rarity and herself both loved more than anything else in the world. Then the little whistle took its turn through the kitchen and made her yelp in return due to its suddenness. Her head had been too long with the snacks instead of the actual tea. Her blue eyes glazed over to where the sound came from and when the truth was discovered she let out a deep sigh of relief at it. While the whistle continued to blow, the humming was caught up once more.

Fluttershy took the little water heater from the fire and poured the water into the cups after which the bags of tea got placed in them. In all three of them went a bag of forest fruit flavored tea and she left them in there for a minute. A minute to let the water extract the tastes and smells. It would create a very strong tea, but that was how both Rarity and herself loved it. If Fleur would like it, had to be seen through time itself. While she had to wait, the pegasus then went looking for any other edible treats she could give her friend and her companion in silence.


Back in the living room had Rarity laid her eyes on the window which was positioned in the shadows. She looked further than just the window, she was looking to the world outside of it. A world that was filled with the brightest lights of the sun and it colored the land in all of its mystical and magical aspects. Yet the more and deeper she looked, the more there came the feeling to release a small sigh through her mouth.

A sigh which spoke of many feelings before her eyes fell back to one of her forelegs and she felt the burning tingle within it once again. Rarity winced slightly at the memory she had from the very first time she encountered the sun in her new state of living. But the watchful eyes of Fleur took notice of the actions as they happened and she softly spoke up. “Anything the matter, my lady?”

The words shocked the unicorn deeply and caused her to make a little jump on the sofa. “N-No,” replied Rarity quick before she turned her gaze back up from the hoof. “Just, some memories of the past that came back up again. Nothing too serious.” The other mare gave a simple nod before she nuzzled the cheek of the lady with the greatest of care.

Just on time had the pegasus returned with a tablet on which the cups of tea rested and was to be found on one wing. Whereas another plate filled with snacks on the other. “Here we go,” she spoke while she walked in further. But then she realized she still had to put it all on the table but she had no idea just how she could be able to do so. Fluttershy never was the mare of asking favors, but in the case she was facing, she simply had to. “Uhm Rarity, c-could you..?” Fluttershy asked while she kept switching her eyes between the content on her wings and her purple maned friend.

“Hm? Oh yes, sorry,” the unicorn replied when she got the question. She allowed her horn to charge itself up afterwards. It coated itself in her signature blue aura and soon enough were both plates levitated into the air. Fluttershy smiled in a thankful manner before she took place in a chair which stood on the opposite side of the couch. Both plates made their touchdown on the table and Rarity took all three cups and levitated those over to Fluttershy, Fleur and herself after which she discharged it finally.

“Thank you, Rarity," they both said in a small choir before Fleur and Fluttershy looked at each other in the eyes and giggled in a gentle manner.

“Oh my, that was quite the unexpected thing. But, if I may ask, how are you feeling Rarity?” the pegasus asked after her giggles had died down. She took a gentle sip from her tea while her ears perked up to listen. Her curiosity had been raised by the sudden visit of her friend alone and she wanted to know the fine details about it. As long as Rarity was willing to tell them of course.

“Well, I can honestly say I feel myself much, much better than I ever have been in though months. That illness really just set me down on everything you can imagine, Fluttershy. Months in your bed, coughing and vomiting while your will to do something just isn't there. That is the Hoofington Flu for you. If one has the desire to suffer the fires of Tartarus, that is the best manner without actually going there,” the unicorn explained with a dark undertone. After that she took a sip of her own. Of course most of it was a lie, but the symptoms were that of the flu itself.

The ears of Fluttershy dropped themselves deeply as she heard those words spoken and she placed her cup back on the table. “My goodness, t-that is horrible! T-Though may I ask, just how you two met each other?”


Fleur couldn't help herself and she allowed a soft chuckle to leave her as Rarity took the word again. “Some months after the unfortunate passing away of Fancy Pants, Fleur began to lose everything she had and was in the need of both money and a home. And one day, I found her knocking on my door. She told me the whole story and the boutique was not making any form of profit so I did the most logical thing, I took her in and allow her to do my job.”

“B-But you are better again, doesn't that make her like, the third wheel on the carriage?” Fluttershy dropped in response by pure accident.

The glaze of Fleur fixed itself on Fluttershy with a loud huff while she lowered her own cup from her face. “Well excuse me, but I am still sitting right here and hearing perfectly fine!” the mare spoke up in an angry tone. A tone that wasn't heard from her in a long time. But Rarity knew exactly when that tune was used for the last time and she wasn't happy with the thought.

“Eep! S-Sorry, I, I didn't know what went through my head by asking, s-sorry,” yelped Fluttershy and in silence she begged forgiveness. Though she crawled up further in her chair. She muffled herself deeper into the chair, it were her mane that covered her face and thus gave a bit of protection. It was the natural defense for the pegasus.

Rarity released a deep sighed at the mares and knew she had to be the solver of the troubles. “Calm down, the both of you. As for your question, no. She does not become that since I always could have used extra hooves in the boutique, but I always was too stubborn to not take them.” The unicorn spoke up in a calm and kind tone. One which was understandable for the both of them.


Both the larger unicorn and pegasus seemed to have calmed themselves indeed down from their little exchange of words. Yet it was Fluttershy who released a sigh of relief on the answer that she got but also on the fact that the unicorn boiled down. Fleur on the other end also had some questions and even something she forgot to do. Her eyes sprung open upon the realization and the words came quickly after. “Dear goodness, where are my manners? But I do not think we even had a proper introduction to each other. The name is Fleur Dis Lee.”

The eyes of Fluttershy shrunk a little bit upon the introduction and was still crawled up inside the chair. “F-Fluttershy is the name,” the timid pegasus spoke in response.

Despite the quiet tone in which the words were spoken, Fleur could still make out the words as she gave a nod to the spoken name. “Pleasure to meet you, Fluttershy.”

The pegasus her mane were also still covering her face before she spoke her words even softer. “The f-feeling is m-mutual.” Through a gap within the mane there was still one eye that was visible and it was that eye which caught some rather odd spots in the neck of Fleur. And almost right away she got a slight shiver over her body. A light and invisible one to both of the unicorn. But Fluttershy knew exactly what those were and where they came from.

“Say Fluttershy,” said Rarity in the attempt to help her friend out of the shyness, “where are all the little creatures that normally roam around?”

“Hm?” the pegasus mumbled as she indeed did crawl out of her mane, but only slightly. “Oh, they are, uhm, on Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was so kind enough to take them all off of my hooves for today. It is something she does quite often nowadays. And in return I help her with the harvest. It is quite the agreement we both made but it is paying for the both of us.”

Rarity gave an approving nod while she couldn't help it but to picture the sight of Fluttershy bucking the apple trees. The image in her head was something she had to give a little giggle too. A giggle that was low in volume in order to not upset her friend. “I see my dear but isn't hard to do that? I mean, Applejack is quite the strong earth pony. But tell me, how have you been all that time? I did quite miss our spa trips every Sunday afternoon, maybe we can resume those?”

Fluttershy grabbed her cup with care again and took a small sip as her ears kept themselves perked at the words of her friend. Fleur was just paying attention to the two and didn't had the desire to meddle herself into their business. That was what she thought, but in reality had Rarity ordered her to keep her mouth shut to prevent the yellow coated mare to yelp once more. “Well, if you are okay with that, we can always do that Rarity. I mean, that was one of my most favorite activities of the week. Plus spending time with you, made me always feel so comfortable,” answered the pegasus under a light blush on her cheeks before letting go another, adorable squee.

Both Rarity and Fleur just had to let go a soft ‘d’aww’ at the sound before they took gentle and silent sips of their own tea. Fleur leaned a little bit forward to take a little snack with a hoof as she thought that the usage of her own magic in somepony else's house was unladylike. But in the moment of her going forward did the markings in the neck became even more visible and by then Fluttershy knew more than enough as many fears and thoughts came up in her mind. Out of the six friends, she was the weakest one but tried her utmost best not to give of any signal of having seen what she did.


The larger mare leaned back in the sofa and nibbled from the little snack. It almost dripped off of her face that she was enjoying it. “I have to admit, this is simply delicious, Fluttershy. What is it if I may ask?” she asked after having swallowed the first bite from it.

The pegasus had a better look at what she had taken from the plate while letting out a soft and thoughtful ‘hmm’ sound. “I do believe that that is a roll of forest fruit. Basically a piece of puff paste and some fruits fresh out of the forest which is gently heated to make a small crust. It is quite the easy treat to make and so delicious.”

“That it most certainly is yes,” replied Fleur with a smile and nod after she had eaten the whole thing. It was a small thing, but it did help the two of them to bound with one another even if they didn't knew it.

Then the pegasus returned her attention to her old friend and just looked at her for a about a second. Just that one second, of absolute silence between the two of them. “But Rarity, to come back at your question, I have been oddly bored for the past months. Although there was one event which, I will probably be carrying with me forevermore,” said Fluttershy much to Rarity’s surprise. The pegasus let her eyes to separate from those of Rarity. The mare was still looking at her of course, but not into them directly.

“H-How do you mean that Fluttershy?” Rarity asked in a genuine confused tone before she tilted her head to the right, away from Fleur. The flock of mane that always hung from the side of her face rested upon her shoulder. Her blue rimmed eyes closed and opened a couple times as she tried to figure it out herself.

“Let’s say... I got attacked by something in Everfree some months back and... well...” With the sounds of a deep sigh did Fluttershy crawl out of the chair. She rose herself bipedal on the ground. Her nightie came all the way down to her knees and she looked to both Fleur and Rarity. “It’s, it’s not pretty to see.”

Rarity stroked her mouth and chin in one motion before her words left her. “Shy, just show me what happened will you.” Fleur was not given any opinion in the matter which was a thing that was probably for the better.

“O-Okay,” said Fluttershy in a soft tone. After that would she have lifted her nightie up to her chest. Then it was revealed to both of the unicorns. The scars that traveled over the pegasus were visible through the coat. Rarity and Fleur were both horrified to say the least. Neither of them even dared to speak words, let alone breath. Yet it was Fluttershy who broke the ice cold silence between the three of them. “It happened when Angel was lost once. I tried to find the little bunny within Everfree and when I did finally found him, he had lured the company of a wolf I have never seen before. And it is that wolf, that I now carry inside of me.”

The story itself was believable enough for Rarity with the exception of one little fact. One little word spoken by the pegasus stood out from all of them. “I-Inside of you? Don’t tell me that... Fluttershy, if,” the unicorn of generosity replied with a slightly raised eyebrow to her friend. Almost as if she dared to be questioning her.

“D-Did I say inside? I, I meant on me, on me of course,” the pegasus countered quick as a sudden interruption. Fluttershy wasn't wanting to go deeper into the subject as a whole and whether she liked it or not, came up rather quickly with a diversion. Something she was oddly good at. “Anyway, of course I had my critters to keep me company, but there always happened to be something missing, and that happened to be you. I don’t know why though.” The mare then lowered her nightie again before she allowed herself to just drop back into the chair to resume their conversation.


Yet Rarity didn't trust the words of her friend but let them sail by for the time as it was. “Let me guess darling, this is the part where you tell me you happen to have a crush on me?” she spoke as she secretly started to spy on every single movement that the pegasus would make.

Those words came truly out of the blue for both other mares. Where Fleur only rose an eyebrow and looked at Rarity, Fluttershy shocked up in a genuine manner as she shook her head rapidly from side to side. “Dear goodness n-no! I would never do such a thing Rarity, and you know that. No, I admire you as one of my dearest friends in the whole world. But, but that’s it!”

As she was relieved in her mind with both the answer in words and body language of her friend. The vampiric unicorn took another sip from her tea and set the empty cup back on the table under a smiling grin. “I know Fluttershy, I was just playing with you,” she replied before she leaned back in the couch. “Good to see that hasn’t changed one bit about you.”

Then it was the turn of the pegasus to let go a little snicker before she inspected the attire of her friend a lot more. Even though they had been sitting together for quite some time by then though a good view on it was not truly granted until that moment. “I have to confess, that dress you are wearing looks marvelous, made it yourself I take?” asked Fluttershy after the gentle inspection.

“I did yes. The first dress I created after I felt myself better, which was in fact yesterday. Spend the entire night working on it.” the mare replied proudly. “Of course, I did spent a long time in the recovering phase, but yesterday was the first actual day I felt myself perfectly fine.”

“Pardon me, but did you say, night?” Fluttershy asked before she tilted her head to the side. It was quite unbelievable for her to hear that Rarity would have even been able to work through that.

“It’s a side effect I got from the Flu, I have far too much vitamin D in my body and have to avoid the sun at all cost. Watching it like this, in the room it is not a problem, but when standing in it directly it will, that will cause some serious problems in my body. That is also why I have the parasol with me, to make sure it doesn't happen. I have spent such a long time on that bed, I don’t want to return to that,” replied Rarity in a normal tone. After that she pointed to the object that she had sat next to the couch.

The pegasus gave a couple small nods here and there as she understood the story all too well. “Hmm, I can understand that yes. Most have been horrible, not able to do anything what you wish to do,” said Fluttershy in sympathy for the mare.

“It was, it was,” the unicorn spoke under a deep exhale. Fleur had kept herself during the conversation for rather obvious reasons. She had no place to talk as the two mares were reliving memories of the past and present. All she could do was to watch in silence and follow the conversations as they went on.


Not much later did the casual chats erupt as they always would between the two as Fleur kept herself quiet and kept watching both her lady and the pegasus while she kept an eye on the sun ever so gently.

It was after a moment of silence that Fluttershy opened her mouth again. “I hate to say it, b-but could you two please leave, all of the critters are coming back soon enough and I need to begin on my own dinner before feeding them all,” she spoke to the both of them.

The eyes of Rarity shot open as she looked at the clock in the cottage and did the discovery herself. “Dear goodness, t-that late already! What do you say, Fleur? Shall we make our departure?” Fleur gave a nod in response and together they rose up from the couch as Rarity charged up her horn to pick up the parasol and rested it on her back as Fluttershy walked over to the front door. She held it open for them both.

“Again, I am so sorry I had to ask,” the pegasus apologized to them both.

“Darling, I do completely understand where you’re coming from. Besides, our visit got extended to a degree we lost track of time right? But we shall see each other again in the boutique.” Rarity said before her lips curled up into a toothless smile. After she had processed the words spoken to her, the pegasus blushed a little bit before she gave a nod in agreement.

Both of the unicorns made their departure from the cottage and Rarity opened her parasol in order to cover herself from the sun while she waved over to her friend. Fluttershy waved back under a smile of her own and leaned against the doorway.

Once they both disappeared out of her sight got the door to the cottage closed again and a feeling of sickness boiled up in the pegasus. Almost making her throw up yet she managed to keep herself calm. “N-No, that is impossible, Fluttershy. And you know that! Rarity is not such a being, Fleur must have gotten those bite marks from another creature, maybe a fruitbat who mistook her for a marshmallow? But... given what happened to me, would it be possible that..?”

The doubtful pegasus started to clean up the living room before she cooked herself some dinner. But never, ever would the thoughts leave her mind and continued their crossing. All the words she got from Rainbow about the matter with Rarity contributed greatly at the doubts she was having. Uncertainty was haunting her once again as it always had been.

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