• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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13 Return of old desires

While Rarity still could be found on the stone floor of the throne room kept the shadows swirling around in their vortex formation on the throne. The bloodred rims reappeared as the lashes of lightning became less and less intense before they just disappeared out of existence as a whole. The rims slowly focused themselves upon the many stained windows while they appeared to be going back in the memories of itself. “Great ponies, fallen in the hooves of mortals... Burned or slaughtered as if they were nothing,” the voice of Shiva spoke in a saddened tone. The rims removed themselves from the windows and disappeared once again in the swirling shadows. They retreated back into the depths they came from.

“Ugh... Hmh,” the ivory unicorn moaned a little while her eyes slowly opened themselves again. But instead of the expected blue rims were the crimson red ones revealed to the world. She couldn't help it to just bring her forelegs up to her forehead and just began to rub it as the other undid herself from the tangling cloak. “W-What happened?” she spoke up in a soft voice. She tried to remember the events as they had happened. With the cloak being released from her body had the purple wings uncurled themselves from her body and gave a gentle flap with them to get some fresh air around her which was then breathed in.

In response to the sounds did the rims return in the vortex in response to the sounds made by Rarity. The dark chuckle filled the room suit. “I granted your favor, my child. You wished to be able to switch the color of your eyes. You are able to do so now. Walk to the sink over there and see it for yourself. In order to switch the coloring, imagine yourself with the opposing color in your eyes and watch what happens,” spoke Shiva while the eyes pointed over to a corner in the room.

Rarity caught the words that were spoken and she crawled back up on her hooves. Her wings curled up against her body again. She released another moan when she felt their skin rub against her coat. Whatever happened, she didn't land softly. She slowly made her way over to the sink that stood on the right side of the room, right in between two stained windows.

As she came closer, the image on the left window was to be revealed as some sort of fountain. A fountain in which a pony was bathing in blood and a banner it could be seen above it. A banner which spoke loud and clearly, Aqua de Vida.

The unicorn watched over the image with both eyes narrowed to pick up everything there was to be seen on it. “Waters of, vitality?” Rarity mumbled to herself while her mind continued to figure out just what stood there. What the words actually meant in the context of usage. Though in reality she already knew that more than well.

The mare turned her head over to the right one. That image showed a vampony who stood at the helm of some seaworthy vessel and the stallion appeared to be conquering a brutal storm on the high seas. She had to admit one thing though: the heavy leather yet classy looking attire that the stallion was wearing was rather stylish to say the least.

But the mare didn't know just who these ponies were or what they had done and she also didn't care for any of it. For she was only interested if her wish was truly granted. Under a deep exhale she looked down in the water filled sink and just glared into it. She simply staring at her own reflection within it. An image in rippleless water was the only way she could truly admire her beauty.


In the reflection of the water she saw her unnatural red eye coloring but there was another catch. For they irritated hatred and cold. It was a look that a murderer gave after the victim had left the life behind itself. It were the rims that caused her to lie about lenses against her friends whereas her family hadn't asked anything about it. Which was noteworthy, but if it worked, she had nothing to fear from them.

Continuing on that thought alone did Rarity close her eyes while she imagined herself with the pair of haunting red rims. A couple seconds had passed by before the mare opened her eyes once more and she stared right into the waters below her. She allowed her eyes to stare at the possible result that would or wouldn't be there.

Initially when she stared down into the motionless liquids, it was her red coloring that was the dominant one. But the more she gazed, the more her blue rims became the dominant coloring within her eyes. The blue pressed the red just out of sight. Rarity began to grin like the mad mare she was. With her eyes she watched the changes that took place right before her. “Perfect,” she spoke to herself while she inspected her sapphire blue rims the best she could. She could change the coloring at any time she wanted but as she looked back into the throne room that she noticed something within her vision. Everything appeared to be darker than it used to be.

She quickly made the conclusion that her vision was spread out over both eye colors and would only use her red coloring for when the hunt for fresh blood would be made. Her attention removed itself from the eternal gaze that was looking at the images and got turned over to the throne. Rarity gazed deeply into the blood red rims within the swirling shadows as the voice spoke up. “You don’t seem to be scared. Tell me, what do you feel around me?”

Rarity was genuinely struck by the question as she didn't expected it to be asked against her. And thus had to think for the answer to it. “Security, I think. The feeling that nothing can hurt me, that I can take on the whole world. Almost, like a motherly heart. As strange as it sounds,” replied Rarity after a few seconds had passed. In order to be more ladylike she made her way back to the throne so that they could talk more face to face. But it wasn't any ordinary walk for the fact that she swayed her hips from side to side as if she wanted to persuade somepony into doing something for her.

“Hmhmhm, that was the answer I was hoping for my child,” the voice spoke while the rims moved a little up and down in a nodding manner. “Feel free to spend some days here as long as the Blood Moon stands high. In a couple days, it is over again and everything shall return to normal again then, making it safe for you again.”

The unicorn nodded in a understanding manner. “Thank you, Shiva, for everything,” she spoke while a small smile appeared on her face. A smile wide enough to reveal the two enlarged canines. “Though could you answer me this, Aqua de Vida, it means the blood of others right? It’s through that, that we can survive, right?”

“It is nothing for I only wish the best for my children. And your wish was something reasonable and harmless,” the voice spoke as it slowly began to fade away just as mysteriously as it came. “Your way of thinking, is correct.”

“But may I ask, where is my room?” the mare spoke up curiously. The answer that was given on her previous question did settle down her mind by a lot. But if she only knew that was knocking at her door.

“You shall know when you find it,” were the final words from the voice before the rims disappeared in the vortex. After it, it was the vortex itself that slowly died down into nothing more than it originally was. Sheer nothingness.

Rarity gave a nod and waited for the vortex had died down completely before she turned herself around. Only to face the giant doors once again and ventured towards them. “I wonder what she meant with those words,” she mumbled to herself in response to the final spoken words. The unicorn picked up her cloak again and let it rest just over her body again as it usually sat. None of the buttons were being closed nor the cords tightened.


She walked passed the oaken doors again and stared down the long hallway. The words and stories of the queen came and went through her mind as she couldn't believe it. Everything about her seemed to be Mary Sue instead of the other way around. But she didn't wanted to think about it too much. For after she was allowed to leave and the mare would never return to the place. Rarity let her eyes fall upon everything that could be seen in them. Mainly the many hallways that were leading to Celestia knows where and the many candles that were the only light source in the closed of hallway.

But as her eyes fell on one of the doorways there was something that told her that she needed to go through it. She carefully trotted towards it and with a shaky hoof dared to open it. With the door opening under the sounds of a soft screech, she peeked inside the hallway, only to see it leading up into stairs. “Right... what else did you expect?” Rarity spoke up to herself before letting out a deep exhale through her mouth. The unicorn set her hoof on the first step and so began the long, circular way up. Up into one of the castle’s many towers.

Many, many more steps were passed while the unicorn began to feel like she was getting close to the floor where she needed to be. I was a good thing because her hooves were sore from the walking. On a small plateau she found another dark oaken door just like those leading to the throne room. The only exceptions being that the one before her was not engraved at all, smaller in size and the very feeling of needing to be there only became stronger. Without much hesitation she just opened the door and left the staircase, only to find herself within one of the tower’s rooms. The very top room to be more exact.

While the sound of a soft panting gently filled up the room did she close the door behind her and allowed her eyes to fall upon the simple yet efficient room that she could consider her home for the couple of days. It appeared to be containing a small poster bed with black transparent curtains, a fireplace, a couple of chairs and a small table from what she could see.

There was another door that was caught within her eyes. A door in the same oaken texture as the one she just had entered, but this one had some wonderful carving into it. “I could really use a bath right about now,” said Rarity to herself. She assumed there was an actual bathroom behind it.

The thought of taking an actual bath was something that pleased the unicorn more than enough to not waste more time than she already had. Being quick on her hoof she made her way over to the door. A door which she slowly opened with a hoof. After the sound of it being unlocked fell in her ears, Rarity then just swung the dark wooden door open in order to reveal the things hidden behind it.

It was revealed that behind the door laid a bathroom that was mostly made out of the same material as the castle itself: the dark colored stone. Her eyes first fell on a small cabinet and a sink, two things she didn't care for at that moment. But what did caught her attention was the bathtub the stood in the near middle of the room.


Her horn charged itself a little bit and thus was allowed to be coated within the blue aura. A couple of towels were levitated from their resting spot next to the sink, to around the bathtub. It was something she always did in order to catch up any spilled water. But it was also to have something to hold her hooves on for when she would leave the tub and thus not slip over the floor.

“Now then, let’s relax,” she said to herself with a big smile. With one quick yet graceful move she flung off her cloak and it landed somewhere before the door. And with another she managed to land right in the bathtub and assumed a relaxing position within it. Her horn was still charged and she allowed the tabs of the valves to open up with it. Her eyes closed themselves off from the world.

Though much to her own surprise wasn’t there water that ran out of the heads of the faucets. Instead it was blood that left them and began to fill up within the tub. While the levels slowly rose did the warm blood came in contact with the stone cold hooves of the unicorn. It was in the moment when the two things made contact that it sent a shock of utter pleasure throughout her whole body.

Rarity allowed herself to release a small moan of pleasure in response to the shock. “Oh, yes,” she whispered into the world. The levels of blood in the tub rose further the longer the taps stood open. The ivory mare allowed her coat to soak some of it up.

In the end she discharged her horn and with the loss of magical power were the tabs closed upon themselves. The flow of blood stopped and the mare lowered herself a bit more in the tub in order to get a full relaxation. The tub was long and wide enough to support her in the pose she would assume when she would have gone to bed. The perfect curl within her mane disappeared under it and was just floating freely on top of the red liquids. Every single strand of hair spread itself out and soaked up the coloring, making it blood red instead of the usual purple.

For some reason was the whole fact that she was bathing herself in blood not taken as an actual surprise to her nor did it freak her out. Though the pleasurable feeling had probably something to do with it. And to make matters even better: it was a free meal. Even though she was bathing within it, Rarity still consumed the liquids until she was filled with it. “That...that was some, of the best blood I have drunk to date!” the unicorn spoke up in a happy tone. She uncurled her wings just enough to let the blood travel through their skin. She returned to her more relaxed mental state as she had planned and tried to clear her mind.

The blood that got soaked up in her fur nestled itself there and would stick there until either wiped or licked off. All the while she just fell in a state of total relaxation. The warm blood kept sending its shocks through her body. And each shock she got often ended up in a moan of pure and some true pleasure of guilt.


She laid comfortable within the tub, there were some - to be considered odd - desires that returned to the mare. Desires that were long lost and either forgotten or suppressed away in the dark corners of her mind and heart. Desires which nopony had ever seen nor expected from a unicorn of her caliber and class. But then, at the literal most random of times, they had returned to her. The question only would be, would she give into her desires or not? The desires of a mare being in an intense heat.

With the blood that surrounded her entire body and causing her to shock in a hidden and guilty pleasure that she tried to withhold for years by then. “W-Would I satisfy myself if I just, do it?” Rarity asked herself out loud as one of her blood covered hooves rose up from the tub. Her eyes were opened slow in order to look at it with a wondering and questioning glare. “To do or not to do. That is the question I ask myself,” she spoke after her philosopher side came up for just a moment. Rarity gulped a little bit before the hoof lowered itself back into the pool of blood. Only to start the rubbing of her hips in a gentle way. To be more precise, she was rubbing her cutie mark.

“Maybe, maybe this one time, I can give in,” she whispered with care. The mare continued the rubbing against her own cutie mark. And as her hoof went over the three glorious looking diamonds on her flanks there was already a moan that left her. A rather sensual sounding one as if she was being teased by a worthy stallion.

Slowly did the hoof made its way away from the mark and over to her thighs, her inner thighs to be correct and there it continued to stroking in a loving yet pleasurable manner. But as soon as she did it, the feeling of guilt rose up in her. It made her stop the rubbing for a little as a deep exhale that left through her mouth. “You have wished for it for years. Suppressed them for even longer. Give yourself the chance now, Rarity. Does it hurt to it just once?” she questioned herself as her eyes fell shut again.


The mare let go one last exhale before she did gave into her desires and continued rubbing against her inner thighs. While the rubbing continued, it was her mind that delved into her most dark fantasies. A couple moans of pleasure left her mouth while she enjoyed the rubbing to its fullest. Only after that would she have made the final step of her game. Without any second thought her hoof moved over to the space right in between her hindlegs.

“Oh, oh, oh, yes! C-Come on... for, mommy,” she spoke in pleasure while her hoof tingled the most personal and private parts of her wonderful body. The mare only gained a bigger grin on her face the more she kept rubbing and the more her fantasies got unleashed. Her eyes kept themselves closed at all time in order to fully enjoy the effects of her deluded visions. “You like this, don’t you? Mommy will take good care for you,” she mumbled as her hoof send a shock of pleasure through her body. What then resulted in a sensual sounding moan from the mare.

Her hoof then slowly began to penetrate the gate below her tail and made its way inside of it with care. But the biggest thrill was not the hoof entering her body. It was the warm blood she was bathing in that did that. For it also entered the gate and the holy areas that laid behind it. The red liquids warmed the stone cold parts of her flesh up. The mare released her biggest moan yet and squeezed her chamber a little bit. Rarity let her hoof being caught by it as it was gently pulsing through it.

“Oh, yes! Don’t stop... this, this is divine!” she almost shouted as the feeling of pleasure did their turn around her body and the unicorn fully enjoyed them. She didn't care for anypony or -thing that would have been in the castle and could hear her. It wouldn't be long before she would release years of buildup feminine waters while her hoof kept teasing her cold flesh as the blood continued to warm it up.

What followed was the loudest moan in pure, lustful and guilty pleasure yet to leave her as a whole. Her entire body shocked a couple times as her waters got squeezed out of her goddess-like body. They would meet up with her hoof before they got mixed with the blood in the tub which then created an even stronger mixture. “Hmm, ahh,” were just a couple of the sounds that Rarity released under the tidal wave that was released by her.

When her body stopped trembling from the enormous amount of satisfying pleasure, Rarity rose her hoof back up and her eyes were opened again under sounds of a light panting from the happened events. “I always wondered, what it, would be like,” she spoke up while she looked at the hoof. It was then brought over to her lips and her tongue licked up the mixture of her very own body fluids and the blood. While the mixed liquids made their way passed her tongue and down her throat another moan of pleasure filled the bathroom as she spoke in a satisfied tone. “Perfect taste. Hint of, marshmallow?”

Rarity allowed herself to leave a dark chuckle as the hoof lowered itself below the surface again as the eyes closed themselves again. She just continued to let herself relax once more as she tried to catch up with her breath. the feelings that rushed through her, the very lust she had experienced was something that was breathtaking for her. Always she was the proper lady, but just for a moment she dropped that and indulged herself into the pleasures life could offer. And she loved it ever so much. But it probably wouldn't become something she would be doing every day, or week for that matter.


Eventually she removed the seal out of the bottom of the tub and the blood levels started to descend. But she didn't move a muscle under some slight panting in utter pleasure. “Hmm,” was all she could say in response to the calm air meeting up with her blood stained coat again.

After a little while had the blood removed itself out of the bathtub and she left it with elegance in her exit. The perfect ivory coat of the mare was mixed with wet blood and it created an odd yet fitting combination for the unicorn. She turned her eyes over to the mirror and could see her general body shape in the mirror. “I am, the Blood Countess,” she spoke up in a seducing tone before a snicker left her. The towels that were not used on the ground got levitated towards her in order to dry herself off of the reddish goods.

Rarity left the bathroom for what is was and the blood soaked towels were dropped on the ground. The batlike wings uncurled themselves from her body to their fullest extent. They were left hanging in a relaxed position but she couldn't resist it to flap them a couple times. From time to time it seemed so, surreal to her. Under a giggle she left the bathroom with grace to trade it in for the bed. A bed which appeared to be calling her name just so badly.

With a light jump she landed into it where the mare made herself comfortable on it. Resulting in her laying on her back. “Yes... I can, live like this... until the end of time,” she spoke while a dark chuckle followed up with a smirk. Her wings slowly curled themselves up around her body in order to ‘embrace’ her in a hug. She could look normal again and no more lies had to be spoken against her friends and family over her appearance. The mare was one step closer in the desire to uphold her life as it was before everything.

She laid on the bed and her eyes began to close themselves while her horn charged up one last time. With her magic she closed the curtains before the windows. The red moon was lowering itself behind the horizon and Rarity had no interest in seeing the sun. Though if she had looked more closely or had looked at all, it became known to her that there was in fact a second moon rising on the horizon.

It was of course an illusion that was quite possibly made by Shiva. For she had a domain that was shrouded within the darkness of the night all of the time. Yet the longer Rarity stayed on the bed, the more comfortable she got in it and eventually she fell asleep with a peaceful and satisfied mind. Time didn't had to progress all that long before the soft snoring of the unicorn began to fill the room.


We are a dying breed, was the one thought that was continued to be spoken within the realms of the shadows. The realm where Rarity had entered once, but Shiva resided into it. Her age had consumed her body of flesh and it had decayed as a true deceased body should yet it were the rims of her eyes that could be saved by herself. The visible rims were the true rims of the pony she once was, ever so long ago. Death doesn't wait for anypony, was another thought she had swirling around. Shiva knew that her time would eventually be there. That she ceased to exist after having spent such a long time upon the faces of the land. She couldn't die because she was already dead. Life wouldn't be granted to her for it was forbidden.

There was only one true thing that she could do before her existence came to an end. And that was the fact of calling her successor. Though that would be a lot harder than originally thought. Because of the fact that she lied to Rarity. It was true that she was around for a long time but she never was truly a queen of any kind. The title was given to herself, by herself. For she was one of those who had survived the stampede of the Dark Ages. But Shiva never needed to fight anything, nor did she ever needed to hide. She was somewhere nopony could possibly find her.

It has to be done that way, my brothers and sisters. There is no other way for our species to live forth. And the latest addition, might as well be the key we need. She’s the element of generosity, after all, Shiva thought as the rims became visible within the realm of the shadows. The dark world laid before her essence. An essence that sat as high as Celestia and Nightmare Moon but with the mane of the younger Luna. We shall watch her over time before the final call is made. How much time we give her, nopony knows. Now leave me, my mind needs rest.


Deep within the more green woods of Everfree there was the howling of the wolf had died down yet the beast itself was nowhere to be found. On the opening within the trees she laid, lifeless, scratched, bitten. The body of Fluttershy was harmed beyond belief. Nothing could have survived such an attack without fighting back in the least bit. But fighting back was something she never did. The pegasus never could have done it because of her assertiveness. Angel the bunny had been by her side all of the night and he tried his utmost best wake her up.

The little bunny never truly had the chance to say goodbye to her as it all seemed that she had left life. And deep in his heart, he knew he should have been kinder to her, a lot. Small tears left the poor creature his eyes as he buried his face into the coat of the torn open mare. He sniffled a couple times as the wind picked up in the trees. A wind which in Fluttershy’s own belief only came when a soul was ready to travel from one life to the next.

With the wind going by kept Angel his face buried against the slowly colder getting body of Fluttershy. He just wanted to scream out and beg the heavens to let her stay among the living but he was too emotionally broken to do so.

Yet in the darkest hour of one’s life there would be a light that shall be revealed at the end of the tunnel. Even in the case of the little bunny. For the voice of Fluttershy filled up the air with her soft tone. She used the winds to let her words travel further. “A-Angel..?” the torn open mare spoke even more quiet than usual. “R-Run, l-leave me here... g-go back to...” But as the words fell into his ears did the eyes lit up and he hopped over to her face. Angel nuzzled his nose against hers and Fluttershy managed to give off a weak smile before she coughed a couple of times. Her left foreleg twitched ever so light before she continued on with her words. “Go back to, the cottage, they, they need you there. T-There is n-nothing you can d-do for me. Except, wait.” And with those words spoken gave the young and possibly kindest pegasus from Ponyville her last breath as what she was.

Angel understood the words that were spoken by his owner but he didn't wanted to leave her alone. He continued to nuzzle her nose with his own and his teary eyes. Angel found it, unbelievable and even surreal. Fluttershy, the mare who had cared for him for so many years, was gone and there was nothing he could go against it. He would stay with her even after her having passed away. For he had too many occasions to make up with her.

Though it was impossible for any animal to just disable its fight or flight reaction. Not even the heartbroken Angel bunny could stay with his dead owner as the scent of the beast reappeared in the air. He thought about fighting it, but he was just one little bunny. He was nothing compared to the wolf and he knew that all too well.

In the end he did the most heartbreaking thing that was ever in his life and he abandoned her for what she was. He left her behind for his own skin. Some might have called him a coward while others a hero. And then there was the bunch that spoke of another fact, that it was its nature.


With an howling jump did the wolf of Everfree jumped out of the bushes again and circled around the body of Fluttershy. It snarled and growled towards it as if the body was still alive. As if Fluttershy herself was still alive. And with the full, red glowing moon right on top of them there was something that happened within the body of the dead mare. Without any other action sprung her eyes sprung open and the moderate cyan coloring was gone. It was replaced with a gray rim and the veins in her eye were visible for all to see.

The beast howled again towards the moon and was soon accompanied by another howl. A howl that was filled with just one emotion. And that emotion was nothing else then utter sadness.

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