• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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07 Same matters, different perspectives

Deep within the bowels of Ponyville’s only tree library, within its very bedroom that was filled with shelves of books and a desk, in the bed and covered up by blankets did she lay down. She had laid down in order to come to her much needed rest. The librarian, Twilight Sparkle, found herself stirring deep in her sleep while she let out a moan of utter discomfort. The unicorn kept her eyes firmly shut as her head laid on the pillow and the both of her forelegs took refuge above the stars and moon covered blanket. Not even the sweet rays of the mighty celestial sun were able to awake her from the slumber.

“N-No! P-Please, I, I beg you, no!” Twilight mumbled in her sleep before she turned her head to another side again. It was within the fraction of a second that her eyes shot open and she rose up in her bed. Twilight simply sat there while she was panting for her life and sweat made its gentle way down her forehead. “Spike!” she yelled all of the sudden and in utter despair for her housemate.

Twilight straightened her body a bit more upright in the bed and she started to shiver in true fear. The blood vessels in her eyes were clearly visible together with the bag under her eyes which decorated half her cheeks. In other words, she was a total wreck to look at. “Spike! W-Where are you?” she questioned through her racing fears. “T-Take it easy, Twilight. J-Just follow t-the checklist.”

The young librarian tried to get out of bed by kicking her hindlegs off to the side. She placed them on the ground in order that she could leave. Yet the reality resulted in the fact that she just fell right back onto her bed. Twilight’s hindlegs were tucked against her body and she just pulled the blankets over her head. Yet even through the done action did her hind hooves became visible on the other end of the bed. “This is not true... It, it was just, it was just a dream, right?” the unicorn mumbled deeply in herself and through the blanket before another moan of thought left her. Yet Twilight couldn't resist her feelings any longer. She had to check up on something. Something that was of rather great importance for her personally.

With her head still kept under the blankets would she have moved a hoof over her entire neck area with care. The motions that were being made almost seemed as if she was looking for something. For not only did she inspect the sides of her neck, also the front and back if it wouldn't be spared. Just be sure, she always told herself.


With time having passed for a little while would she have removed her hoof out of her neck. The blankets were opened up again and a hoof was placed on her chest. She released a deep sigh of pure relief below the blanket. “Thank Celestia herself. Spike! Where... oh.” What followed was a small and embarrassed giggle as she realized the facts as they were. “Right, he is on vacation of course.” Twilight then threw the blankets further off her body and she took a swig of fresh air that was brought in by a gentle breeze of wind. She rose her body right up again and her eyes just went over to the curtain covered windows.

A small, light brilliant raspberry colored aura started to coat her horn as the pillow behind the mare got the same aura around it and moved itself upright against the headend of the bed. Something that was perfect for Twilight to just lean against. Which was what she did before the sounds of a small ‘aah’ of comfort were released into the room. But soon after it her gaze went throughout the room with a keen eye while she mumbled her words. “Now then Twilight, recollect your mind and what did you see in your dream?”

In general there were the normal bookshelves that housed a near countless amount books for her to read during stormy nights or whenever she felt like. But there was something that was missing, something that was very dear to her. With her horn still charged up did she open up the curtain in a gentle manner to let the light of the sun illuminate the bedroom. “Good morning,” she spoke up under a gentle giggle as her eyes looked further than the window for a small amount of time. Her right forehoof stroked through the overall messy mane in an attempt to at least get it into model before she would refresh herself, if she was going to do that to begin with.

But then her eyes went back to looking for that something she wanted so much. They were given a better look over the many shelves that occupied her room, shelves that were filled with books of facts and fiction and scrolls of spells. Some of the books contained information about everything and probably most importantly, everyone.

Her eyes turned over to the messy desk with a slow glance. It was the very desk where she always worked behind until deep in the night. Scroll above scroll with the occasional book still just laid there. Quills that were never set back in their respectable holder laid somewhere in between it all. It could be considered a surprise that none of the jars of ink had fallen over. But it was at the sight of the desk that her eyes gained a little twinkle in them.

A twinkle that was created because she had caught that where she was looking for. Even if it was buried under many scrolls and closed books, Twilight was still able to see it. “Hey, so there is it where I left you,” she spoke up with a caring and much younger tone.

The charge around her horn increased itself a bit and below the scrolls it rose up. A stuffed animal that looked like it had gone through its days. “Smarty Pants!” Twilight spoke the voice of a foal when the plushie got levitated within the air. The grey coated, stuffed-up horse made its way over to his owner who was ready for him with spread open forelegs.

She discharged her horn and thus let Smarty fell into their hold. Only then should have cuddled him deep before her eyelids fell down once again. With the animal that held her company close to her, she wanted to allow herself to remember the horrible dream she had been through.


The eyes of the librarian mare were revealed once more and they turned their attention to the plushie. She gave it a soft kiss over its little head that was followed up by a gentle chuckle. “Smarty Pants, you are having no idea how ridiculously I have dreamed last night. One of my friends, Rarity, turned out to be a vampony and she tried to feed off me,” she spoke up in a chuckling voice.

Twilight turned her gaze up and out the window where she was met by the wonderful morning display. The unicorn let out a deep yet peaceful sigh before she gently shook her head from side to side. During the motions did her eyes fell back on her beloved plushie. “But that is nonsense, for vamponies are only myths and folklore. They don’t exist for real,” she continued to speak while she cuddled him even more. She allowed to let her head rest on top of that of the stuffed horse before loving herself in thoughts unknown. With time passing by, she just sat there. She forgot all about her studies, her responsibilities and tasks that laid ahead of her. It was a time of just her, Smarty Pants and the memories that belonged to them.

Her eyelids fell down for the third time while she continued with the cuddling and the seconds slowly turned into minutes. Everything showed it to her that she was able to fall right back asleep and she tried it for the longest of times. But after some time had passed by, it was her body that started to struggle against her. She had to go out of bed or her body would keep forcing her to do so. It was a battle she couldn't win, one of the very few that she couldn't.

Unwillingly were the eyes of Twilight opened again and she nuzzled Smarty Pants once more while she kept him close to her. With another charge of her horn, she levitated the stuffed animal up a little bit. Then she crawled out of her bed under the sounds of a slight yawn. The mare made her departure from the room and went down the hallway. Followed up by descending from the stairs of her multileveled tree library.


When Twilight reached the ground level, Smarty Pants was placed upon her back and she gave her eyes the time to look around. The sights that her eyes caught were some one that pleased her immense. Even more bookshelves then there were in her bedroom and filled with a near infinity of books on them. It created a warm and almost fuzzy feeling inside of the unicorn her body. Some even said that she was in her true element when she was surrounded by all the books.

A smile appeared below her muzzle and Twilight turned herself towards the kitchen with a little hop in her walking. Her horn was still charged up and with the help of her magic she prepared some tea for herself. Next to the sound of water boiling got the room also filled with the sweet humming tunes of Twilight herself. Tunes that were from long ago, from ages where her brother and herself were young and carefree. Times which she would cherish for all of eternity.

But for every good thought, there was one that haunted her. Her dream - or better said - her nightmare kept coming back at her in a most unpleasant manner. With a flash that appeared before her eyes she relived the moment for just a few seconds. That twisted face before that of hers, a set of blood red irises that pierced through her very soul while they had a pure white coloring around them. All of those things simply erupted her in a shiver of deep fear.

To make the matter even worse than it already was, she did knew to whom that face belonged. She knew that the creature was nothing more than a myth but it all seemed to be so realistic. It didn't make any sense to her as the face from her dream was from nopony other then one of her greatest friends, Rarity herself. In her ears she could hear the crazy laughter echo again which was soon followed up by the burning tingling in her very neck.

The whistling of the teapot caused the mare to snap out of it all and she gently shook her head under a soft moan. The unicorn levitated that boiling pot from the fire and carefully poured the water within the cup. “Ugh, stop thinking about it Twilight, just, stop it,” she muttered in herself before the pot got placed aside her. She picked up a small bag and dropped it within the water. “Just stop it. And think clearly for the moment. The facts, before the myths.”

All of the sudden she turned her head around in a manner as if she heard someone or something behind her. Her eyes fell to rest upon her cherished stuffed horse and kept looking at him with a set of curious eyes. “Hm? What was that Smart Pants? Yes, I know I have so much to do, but I cannot think straight right now,” she spoke against her plushie. Her head got turned back around to continue with what she was doing.

The mare took out the bag of her much desired blueberry flavored tea and dropped it on a plate that was used to store the tea bags on. Yet the thoughts continued to race through her mind. The little bag had been within the water for some time and thus it created an abnormally strong tea. Luckily for Twilight was it something that she could live with. But next to the strength had it also cooled down by a lot. The temperature almost came to the point where she would have nothing but ice tea.


After some passage of time itself had she taken herself out of her thoughts and let the cup levitate into the air. Twilight wandered back into the living room where her eyes gazed upon the hundreds, if not thousands of books. “Need to reorganize everything soon once more,” the unicorn spoke to herself. She wandered up to her ever so comfortable rocking chair. In which she carefully allowed her body to take place in. The cup of near cold tea got placed on the small table on the side and Smarty Pants was placed down on her belly.

Her eyes moved themselves over the room once more but that time they fell upon the set of books she leaned out to a friend. Twilight hadn't given herself the time yet to place them back on the shelves but when her eyes got placed on them, it was her curiosity that was sparked. The light brilliant raspberry aura increased once more in sound as the books got the same aura around them. Soon enough they began to levitate towards the mare who looked at all their respectable titles. “Why would she..?” she wondered herself as a hoof stroked her chin in a thoughtful manner.

The mulberry coated unicorn blinked a couple times before she erupted out in a light laughter. Yet she still managed to speak her words through it. “Oh Twilight, you can be so silly sometimes.” Without much further thoughts she placed the books back on the ground but held one before her. The book opened itself and she read through it as she giggled every time the thought crossed her mind. “Rarity, a vampony? Oh that doesn't even make any sense! Vamponies are myths and no facts.”

She held Smarty Pants closer to her while she took gentle sips from her cooled down tea. Her eyes were reading every single word thoroughly and processed by her mind. Though the more she read, the more dots became connected for her. “What in the hays name? Red irises, tend to stay in all day, not a fan of sunlight,” she mumbled as she kept on reading. A small spark appeared in the eyes of the mare before she made the final connection. In response to it however, she just threw the book away and crossed her forelegs a bit tighter. “Stupid book,” she muttered after the last sip of her tea had made its way down her throat. But something deep inside of her mind made it all so clear on the facts. Yet the fact-based unicorn didn't want to believe them. She couldn't even believe them because she would speak ill about a true friend of hers.

“Vamponies are fiction, nothing more than a myths and folklore based upon misunderstood events and mostly used to scare little foals, Twilight. They just can’t exist, even by magical standards,” the unicorn spoke confidently to herself to keep her logic into existence. Though her entire gaze turned differently as she thought about what she had been reading and compared that to the behavior of Rarity. “B-But the facts, all pointed to it. They, do, not, exist,” she mumbled deeply in herself. “They don’t and that’s it!”

She was in a struggle that divided her mind into two separate parts. At one end she had her scientific side where she tried to find logical explanations for the matter and kept to deny that vamponies were real. On the other end, were her own emotions. She had seen the changes of Rarity and all of them matched those mentioned in the book. Twilight released a deep sigh of confusion and leaned a little deeper in her chair while she cuddled the stuffed animal. She was not willing to believe it. There had to be other reasons of just why the changes happened to Rarity and Twilight sought in every corner of her mind for a possible excuse, no matter how ridiculous it even was.

“It, it is just so unreal. Thousands of years thought to be a myth, and now they apparently exist? I can't wrap my head around it. Of course, she can also just have a skin condition, but that doesn't explain everything,” said Twilight while her eyes let themselves drop upon Smarty Pants. “How about you, what do you think about it?” she asked him a tone of utmost uncertainty.

But before Smarty Pants could ‘answer’ in any form of his own, there was a knock on the door. A knock that disrupted the confused silence of the library. A knock that caught the attention of the unicorn of the home and the empty tea cup was finally set back upon the table. Twilight charged up her horn just a bit more in order to unlock the front door.

It didn't took long before the front door had unlocked itself and Twilight spoke her words. “It’s open.” Almost right away it was opened by the visitor in a hasty manner. She appeared to be having a visitor that had entered the building without a problem but appeared to be scared to death. Things would only get more complicated from there on.


Before Twilight could even greet the incoming pony, there was something big that flew into her room. Something that was almost faster than light and left a rainbow colored tail everywhere it went. The - by then even more - confused unicorn blinked a couple times while her eyes trailed the thing around. Her eyes tried to keep themselves fixed on the being soaring around. “What in the world of..?” was the only thing she could whisper up. Curious to what it was, she kept her horn charged up in case the mysterious visitor wanted to harm her. Yet the trail was something she had seen before. From one particular pegasus to begin with.

In the end had the trail worked its way under a table and it never left it yet the sounds of teeth that clattered against each other was present. The unicorn stood up from her rocking chair and placed her plushie back in it chair. After that she would have turned herself over to the little table. With care in her steps she approached the table and she lowered herself on her hooves in order to assume a laying position on the floor. With all of the guts in her body she extended her right foreleg ever so gently in order to lift up the table cloth.

What she caught in her eyes was a shivering was a near death terrified cyan blue pegasus mare. A pony she knew all too well, if not a little bit too well. “Rainbow, w-what are you doing here, if I may ask?” Twilight asked carefully when she tried to find the eyes of the mare.

The pegasus her moderate cerise irises turned over to the unicorn. The fear was just readable in them like an open book. “H-Her,” she managed to say through all of her shivers and fears.

“Who, Rainbow?” Twilight asked a little curious but also careful. Confusion and Twilight never went well together but she found herself in a situation where it dominated her mind. She needed clearance in it and she needed it almost right away if she wanted to be able to say anything about it..

“T-T-That mare... R-Rari...” Rainbow managed to bring out in an utterly terrified voice.

“Rarity?” replied Twilight in a calm manner.

The name alone went through both the marrow and bone of Rainbow as she shivered only more in response. One of her hooves made its way all over her neck as sweat dripped down from her body. The wings were tucked forcibly against her body but the muscles seemed to be stressed in such a manner that they were able to spring open and make an escape if it would be needed. The hoof appeared to be looking for something, something that where the mare not even sure was where it was for. “N-Not bitten,” she spoke in a slight relief tone but her fears wouldn't leave her alone that easily.

The routine that was done actually reminded her of her own that morning and according to what she knew, she continued on with it. “Calm down Rainbow, it was nothing but a dream. Besides, vamponies do not exist, remember,” she said in a reassuring voice while her attention was kept to her friend. She wanted to come closer and give the pegasus a tight hug, but given the position she was in, her mental instability, it would be everything but a good idea.

“You do not know! She tried to bite me, drain me, drink me! Me!” replied Rainbow in a tone that was full of fear while she crawled even further under the table. Little did she knew that half of her body had already left the backside and thus laid in the open.

The unicorn let out a small sigh before her mouth opened again to reply with words of her own. “Rainbow, you do realize it was just a dream right? But to be honest, I had the same dream. It was just a nightmare, Rainbow. Nothing to worry about.” She had made her own confession against the pegasus and could only hope that it would be taken well. Another thing that was taken rather, wrong by Rainbow.

“N-Nothing to worry about? Nothing to worry about!? Then explain to me how Rarity doesn't like the sunlight anymore all the sudden! Or why she walks around in a black cloak covering her entire body just as Zecora once had! I saw her going out of town like that today, my cloud had drifted off once again to her home and she left like that, Twi. Explain please!” yelled the terrified Rainbow back in response. Her eyes left the unicorn and went from right to left in repetitive motions. She would be making certain that nothing would have been able to catch her, at all.


Twilight began to think about the words that her friend had spoken. She then allowed the gears and pistons in her head to ponder deeply in order to come up with an actual logical explanation for everything that was mentioned. “Well, it is a little odd indeed, I do agree on that. But that does not stand equal to her being a monster. It is Rarity we are speaking about remember, our own little fashionista. Maybe it is just something with fashion, you never know what goes on in her mind about it. I remember how she once had to make that dress for a high client in Canterlot? She didn't let one stone untouched around the subject the dress had to be in,” she eventually replied. “...And, she’s our little drama queen. Best not to forget that little detail.”

“Oh, yeah, that explains the cloak. But what about those, those soul-piercing eyes of her then! Those are just downright creepy, Twilight and you know it!” Rainbow answered after she had moved just a bit forward before her eyes locked onto those of the mulberry unicorn.

“She told me those were contact lenses for her glasses and so did she told you, you were there when she said it, remember,” the mare said towards her friend, for she believed that that was the holy truth.

“Twilight,” spoke Rainbow to interrupt her without any pardon whatsoever. “Her eyesight is perfectly fine! She only uses those glasses to see better while she does her frou-frou thingy!”

As the words entered her ears was the initial response that the eyes of Twilight shocked open from the sudden revelation. The unicorn shook her head a couple times in order to think reasonable once more for herself. Her eyes fixed themselves upon Rainbow once more as the gaze in her eyes told everything. “W-What did you just say here!?” the unicorn asked in surprise. She felt that her entire world was about to crumble down into rubble and dust.

Rainbow had managed to peek her head out from under the table. She would have let her eyes rest upon those of Twilight even more. “Look, you may know her for some time now, but I've known her far longer. She never, ever wore those glasses unless she was working. And think about everything we have done, every time we were together, did she ever wore her glasses then? When we went to defeat that dragon? When we found the elements? Or even at the Grand Galloping Gala? And all the other countless things. I do not remember that at all!” she spoke up with a terrified yet confident look in her eyes. Whether Twilight wanted it or not, she had to give Rainbow her right.

“Now that you say it Rainbow, that is an odd thing indeed. What else could create such a thing? Genetic disorder perhaps? I have read it somewhere that it is possible due to the genes, the color of a ponies irises can change,” spoke Twilight on response after she was given the opportunity to think a bit more over the matter. Her mind brought up memories and in each of them, Rarity was seen without her glasses. “Though it doesn’t happen overnight, it takes it time so...”

The two mares were strangled within their own conspiracy theories and that caused them to forget possibly the most important question of it all, if not one of the simplest either. What if Rarity had always worn lenses and they didn't knew about it? There were so many ideas about their friend.

“But I am done yet!” Rainbow interrupted. She never gave a true answer to the words of Twilight though. “How about that nightgown she wore when we came? It didn't really look like fabric if you ask me! More like, some sort of leather or, or skin even. Or when I wanted to open the curtains, she resisted remember! Twilight, the facts are shoved in our faces, Rarity is a vampony! Yet you refuse to believe it while the facts are there!” The words that were spoken by the unicorn, were fired right back at her in full. Yet Twilight was fully aware of the fact that Rainbow was paranoid. It was something she never forgot in her mind while she worked out a conclusion.

The unicorn couldn't do much else then just letting out a chuckle at the explanation spoken by the terrified to death pegasus. Twilight shook her head a little bit before she gave off a warm smile to her rainbow maned friend. “Rainbow, what do you have a living fantasy. Truly, our Rarity a vampony? Do you even know how unreal that sounds? Yes, there are indeed facts pointing into that direction but it simply is not true.” But as confident as she spoke to the pegasus, so uncertain she was within the realms of her own mind.

The eyes of Rainbow shrunk deeply as another thought crossed her mind and she simply returned to her safe spot under the table. “She, she is not here now is she, i-in the nearby surrounding I mean,” the pegasus asked with care. Twilight shook her head and the two continued to argue about the matter. It was a matter they both knew that was the same. But each of them had a different perspective on. A perspective that clashed deeply with the one from the other. Which on its turn was fuel for the raging argument.


After hours or arguing against one another and both of the mares were defending their points of view rock-solid while still being doubtful in their minds. It was the sound of the afternoon newspaper that fell on the floor which caused both ponies to look up and stop their talking almost right away. For most of the day it had been silent in the library and that was the first sound to ever come from the outside world.

Twilight charged up her horn and levitated the pieces of paper over to their area. Though Rainbow was still under the table and scared to death, Twilight had made herself again comfortable within the soft cushions of her rocking chair. Smarty Pants had taken his residence once more in the warm hold of the unicorn for a deep snuggle that went on for hours.

The unicorn’s first intentions were to place the papers aside and continue on their argument s if nothing happened. Yet there was an article on the front page that caught her attention and caused her pupils to shrink. Without any kind of warning given, she started to read through the article. The mare mumbled some of the words that were written down.

Rainbow had grown curious to just why Twilight was so silent and she perked her ears greatly in attempt to catch the words. Mere seconds later she carefully listened to the rambling of Twilight. “Stallion found in alley near café, taken from nearly all his blood, no further injury, according to witnesses the stallion left with a... a...”

“A what, Twilight?” Rainbow dared to asked as she had grown more curious. The mare dared to keep her head out even further to fully catch the revelation that was about to be made.

With fear that filled her voice did Twilight spoke up the words as they literally stood in the paper. “A white coated unicorn mare who had a curled, purple mane and tail…”

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