• Published 16th Sep 2013
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Blood Curse Boutique - Rarity Belle

With the discovery of herself being a vampony, will Rarity be able to keep her personality high or will she fall into the madness of her own mind? What followed her ever since a stormy night, was a life of deception and blood being spilled.

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05 Friends and wine

“Yes it is me, and you two disturbed me from my slumber. Thank you very much for that little fact,” the dark voice spoke up. Rainbow and Twilight shivered in an uncomfortable fear before they turned their attention back to the door. “Give me a moment, then I shall open the door for you two.” The mares turned their heads back to each other in pure shock. They were about to face her, in the morning.

Stuck by their wildest of fantasies on the morning that was already unusual to begins with had neither of the two mares by the front door even the slightest of ideas just what to expect that would happened. Whether it be good or bad had to be discovered through time. Yet somehow they managed to turn their attention back over to the front door of the boutique and thus broke the contact with the terrified eyes of either mare. Countless thoughts raced through the minds of them both. Thoughts that implied the same fear that they had for a certain zebra ever so long ago.

But the zebra turned out to be rather harmless and even had good intentions upon the visits paid. Yet the tables turned almost half a circle in Rarity’s case. The two had known Rarity for a long time and she never had given a tone like that. Questions arose while fear took hold of them. A fear that wasn’t dominating their minds yet so they could think straight, for the time being.

Within the walls of the boutique did the shadows came to life and formed blobs on the floor. Those blobs of darkness moved themselves over to the exact spot of where the unicorn had fallen asleep. Once they had reached the spot, they began to swirl in a slow motion in order to create a small and overall silent vortex which would only become bigger as more blobs joined. In the very middle of the vortex was the shape of something that looked like a mare taking its place.

More and more particles were added to the mysterious being before the vortex stopped moving around. In the silence of the building, in the depth of darkness and suspended within the air did the remaining particles of shadow shot inside the pony-shaped thing.

The action would eventually have resulted in the full creation of the ivory coated unicorn mare. Under small lightning strikes that were as blue as her magical charge returned the power of the mare into its full force and Rarity took a deep breath as she was merged back with the real world once again.

She opened her eyes and saw the last of the bolts making its final shine before it disappeared out of existence. The mare blinked a couple times in order to adjust her eyes to the lights of the real world as they were. As lovely as that was, I won’t be doing that again anytime soon, thought Rarity to herself. The mare made her appearance as normal as possible with a couple strokes and brushes that were done through her mane. The mare her eyes then moved over to the door and proceeded towards it under a soft and calm hum.


Rainbow turned her head over to Twilight before she spoke her words in a near silent whisper. A whisper that reeked from the fear. A fear that come from the deepest part of Rainbow’s very soul. “I think you are right, something is off...” The other unicorn just rolled her eyes in response to the words and thought a couple things to herself about Rainbow before she fixed them back on the door.

They both were curious on just what happened to the seamstress that caused her voice to be as dark as they heard it. Twilight wanted to know the specifics whereas Rainbow just wanted to know what the hell was going on. Two different minds, both wanting to know the same but interpreting it differently. Rarity was going to be for a tough conversation between the two whether she liked it or not. And the two of them would listen to the lies spoken to save the skin.

With a couple clicks that came from the other side swung the front door of the building open under a magical blue aura. A magical aura the two knew more than well to recognize just from whom it was. Both the pegasus and the unicorn stared into the darkened hole that was opened up. A hole that didn't reveal the boutique as they were used to see it.

For no pleasant lights or open windows to let both the sunlight and cool breezes of wind into the building. Instead they saw a much darker version of it. A version that was so dark that it was almost impossible for both Twilight and Rainbow to see anything inside. All of the curtains were closed and not a single candle in the whole visible part of the building was lit. It truly was just a straight up black hole. A black hole where one of their friends apparently lived in. The questions only continued to raise but the answers would be hard to figure out for the both of them.

“Are you two going to keep just standing over there or do you want to come in?” Rarity asked before her silhouette passed by the door. Rainbow let her eyes fall upon Twilight who simply nudged her head towards the door. But the pegasus didn't understand the silent code. In response would the other unicorn have rolled her eyes once more under the sounds of a soft groan.

Twilight took the lead as she stepped into the boutique with a bit more confidence than Rainbow, who was literally shivering at her hooves. The rough and tough pegasus from Ponyville was scared to her very soul for whatever reason. When they had made their way inside, the door gained once again the magical aura around it and closed itself again. Rainbow let out a small yelp in response to the sudden slam as her eyes widened themselves in the darkness. Her wings spread themselves wide open, creating wind that messed with the mane of the mulberry unicorn.

“Don’t be such a foal!” Twilight yelled in a raised whisper. She nudged the side of the terrified pegasus with her elbow and looked at her rainbow colored friend.

“Well excuse me, miss element of magic!” Rainbow replied under a growl while the wind created by a pair of wings that tucked themselves back could be gently felt on the back of Twilight.

“Would you two like something to drink?” Rarity’s voice suddenly asked before her red rims were visible by the archway that would lead over to the kitchen.

“Uhm, yes. Some tea please, preferably citrus,” the other unicorn replied. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and found her way to the much desired sofa of Rarity. With a gentle motion she let her body to drop itself on it and a small smile came to her face.

“N-Nothing, thank you,” the pegasus stuttered as she tried to find the sofa as well. With the passage for a few seconds she took place next to Twilight. But couldn't resist herself to separate their ways more than a couple inches. Twilight could even feel the fear that raced through the pegasus and that opened up a new set of questions for her. Questions that sooner or later would have their answers in one way or the other.

The seamstress gave a nod to the both of them as she spoke her words. “Give me a moment, then I shall make two cups of tea. But first, some light would be nice, wouldn't it?” Both of the ponies gave a nod and around the horn of the posh lady it appeared the blue magical aura once more. Soon enough were the candles lit again and the living room was too be illuminated by their lights. Twilight was simply amazed by the sheer perfection in the spell cast.

“I see that spell did you good, you have mastered it completely,” she spoke up with a smile towards Rarity.

“Just to illuminate the boutique in the dark my dear, nothing all too complicated about that,” she replied. The charge would have disappeared after it and she went back into the kitchen.

Where the light revealed the room to be within the near perfect condition it was just that what bothered Rarity. For she knew she had flipped the table but for some reason it stood as it always had done. It was something that she considered to be fool’s luck and decided not to make an elephant from a mosquito.


With the passage of a couple minutes did the fashionista return into the living room while she levitated the two cups of tea. One was brought over to Twilight whereas the other got placed on the table. Rarity had one look over to Rainbow before the words left her mouth. “You sure you don’t want anything, Rainbow?” The nervous pegasus shook her head from side to side and Rarity allowed her body to fall within the comforts of another chair with a nod. “Then so it be, but if you want anything, just speak up.”

Her eyes gently made their way over to her two friends but when she made eye contact with Rainbow. The pegasus had a better look at the red irises she had, instead of her usual blue ones. A fact that only added more fear to the already edgy mare.

Rainbow gazed back into the eyes of the unicorn and the irises just almost pierced right through her soul, giving her the feeling that Rarity could sense the fear within her body. She shivered as if she was struck by a blow of ice cold wind and barely was able to even speak her words out to the others. “R-Rarity, w-what are those?”

“You are talking about my eyes, aren't you?” Rarity replied in her calm and sweet voice. The pegasus only gave a nod to the thoughts. A sigh left through the nose of the unicorn before she took a sip from her tea. The eyelids locked the rims off from the world for a little bit before the cup was set back on the table. “Well, I shall tell you the same as Twilight. These are new contact lenses I have because my glasses would obscure my field of view too much while working.”

“B-But why red? Why such a soul piercing color?” Rainbow asked through even though her fears crawled further further through her body.

The question was what struck Rarity the most. It was a question on which she wasn't prepared. In her mind she tried to come up with a valid excuse that appeared plausible. On the inside it was chaos but outside however, she simply took the cup in her magic again. “That I do not know to be honest,” she replied after a couple seconds of thought. “Guess I just liked them without truly thinking they would make me look like, this.” Once more was the cup brought over to her lips and she took a gently and silent sip from the liquids. The pegasus nodded ever so gently in an understanding manner. Though no matter what the words said, she was still shivering for her life.

“Say Rarity, what is, that?” Twilight took over the words and she had taken note of the incognito bat like wings. It was something that sparked her curiosity more than the other parts of the ivory unicorn.

“Hm? Oh this?” Rarity said before she pointed at it with a hoof. “This is my new nightgown. I didn't had the time yet to change myself. Given the fact how two certain ponies managed to wake me up before I could do it myself.” Her words were cutting, but she still gave that wonderful smile.

“R-Rarity, you know we don’t normally wear cloths right? Right?” Rainbow spoke up while she rose both of her eyebrows to the unicorn. More and more she got cornered by the two ponies yet the purple maned mare managed to keep herself calm under it all.

The unicorn let go a small chuckle at her friend under a soft shake of her head. “I know that more than well, Rainbow. However, a lady must always dress as the occasion calls for. Granted I am not right now, as you obviously can see.”

Twilight giggled a bit awkwardly at the remark of her waking up and let her eyes move over the many closed curtains. The very sight of them only boiled up another question within her mind. “Rarity, why do you still have your curtains closed?” she spoke up before she took a sip from her tea. “Delicious tea if I may add.”

“As I said before, you mares woke me up and I didn't had the time yet,” the mare replied casually. She took another sip from her tea and took her time to swallow it.

Rainbow Dash just didn't trust the situation anymore and despite her shivers, she was able to boldly speak up. “Mind if I open them?” And without waiting for an actual reply to be gotten, she stood up and made her way over to one of them.

Rarity on the other end stayed surprisingly calm on the outside during all of it. She truly had an amazing poker-face. After she had set the cup back on the table did the words leave her calmly. “Yes, yes I do mind it Rainbow.” Little did either of her visitors knew that she was truly terrified as well. The unicorn was scared to death that they would figure out her secret and she would go to nearly any length to prevent it from happening.

Rainbow ceased her motions dead in her tracks and slowly turned her head over to the mare as Twilight placed her cup on the table and fixed her attention on Rarity in silence. “W-Why?” the pegasus asked as confident as she possibly could.

“I do have my reasons for that which I do not want to share.” Rarity spoke up. But as the words echoed through her her mind, Rainbow made her way back to the couch and dropped herself next to Twilight again. Though something wasn't completely right about the attitude as her forelegs crossed themselves and she let out a soft ‘hmph’.

“Why don’t you want to speak about it?” Twilight asked out of sheer curiosity.

The question made Rarity exhale deeply while she tried to forge a reply within her head. “As I said, I do not wish to speak about it,” was the only thing that left her.

“Fine, be the obscure one again, Rarity!” Rainbow almost shouted. She couldn't contain herself any longer and stood up. Faster than usual and expected she made her way to the front door.

Rarity followed her blue coated friend with her eyes as she spoke her words. “Be quiet with th-” But before she could speak further had Rainbow opened the door and just slammed it shut as she departed. The slam created an echo that thundered through the whole building. “...Door,” she finished up.

Twilight turned her head back to her friend and the gaze within the violet rimmed eyes spoke more than a thousand words. “Are you hiding something for us, Rarity?” she said in a tone that was new, even for the seamstress. Rarity heard the words from one of her closest friends, it made a feeling of guilt to rise up within her. A feeling that would only haunt her through the remainders of time to come.

But no matter what she felt, she managed to keep a straight face before her friend. “No I do not, Twilight,” she replied in a neutral voice before she discharged her horn completely. Unknown to herself, she had drunk up her cup but only discovered it when she wanted to reach it again.

“Then at least tell me why you object about opening your curtains.”

Rarity shook her head to the favor and her eyes fell shut for a few seconds. “I do not wish to speak about it Twilight, let me be as I want to be. But is there anything else I can help you with on this morning?”

The other unicorn let go a sigh at the subject change but gave her a nod as conformation. “Yes there is. The books I borrowed you, I would like to have them back.” Rarity understood the request and charged up her horn a little. The books were levitated over to their rightful owner. Who on her turn took them over with her own magic. “Thank you Rarity, I hope you gained some knowledge about the subject you wanted to know about and I want to thank you for the tea.”

“You are very welcome, Twilight and I did find some useful information indeed,” she spoke while her friend rose up from her seat. Twilight was ready to make her departure from the boutique and made her way over to the front door with a smile.

Rarity followed her and opened the door for Twilight with her own magic. The mulberry mare turned herself around at the last possible moment. She moved her mouth over to one of the ears of Rarity and began to whisper in it. “You should to the doctor for your skin condition, maybe he knows something.” The unicorn winked and then made her true departure and had forgotten to ask about the other favor she wanted to as her. Rarity chuckled a little bit under a calm nod before she waved over to her friend.


After Rarity had closed the door again she turned herself around and faced the building’s interior once more. Though the looks in her eyes gently turned into a stone cold one and let out a small grumble before muttering in herself. “Twilight either suspects nothing or everything. Rainbow is suspicious...” She trotted to the door of the basement and opened it with her magic before she went down the spiral stairs again. “Might want to make the best out of it now, won’t we?”

She gained a madmare look in her eyes while she descended from the stairs and gave her eyes a good time to watch over the basement. “Time, to redo the interior.” Her horn got charged up once more and all the mannequins got removed from the dresses they wore. And under the sounds of loud tears, each of the failed dresses were ripped apart on the made stitch marks like it was nothing. She showed not a single grain of mercy against the failures.

“Now, what to do here..? For I have gained more fabric so that can be stored, the mannequins will remain in here,” she spoke up after the final tear was made. Minutes had passed by while all the mannequins that were still levitated in the air got set back on the ground in an organized manner without a single drop of sweat that made its way down on Rarity.

Her eyes gazed over the emptied basement which she had created. The unicorn got an idea of what she wanted to do with it. An idea of utter madness it was without a doubt, but it had to wait for another day as she realized something to do. Something that she was abruptly stolen from. “That interview is coming up faster than expected. But first, some sleep,” she spoke to herself as her magic picked up all of the newly gained fabric. All the old dresses were no more in existence. Even the first set of failed gala ones wouldn't be spared from their final fate.

Rarity walked back up the stairs and made her way over to the working area where she just dropped all of the fabric on a table. With her keen eyes she sorted all of it out nice and tidy before the mare turned herself over to the front door and made sure the sigh was set on ‘closed’. As her eyes caught the sign being set in the manner, Rarity walked up the stairs to the upper level and a fang revealing grin came to her face. “Now then, some sleep and then a nice meal. Delivered at home of course,” she spoke to herself with a dark chuckle.

She hopped off the stairs and into the hallway which led to her bedroom. Before she knew it, Rarity found herself within the warm embrace of the pillow, blanket and mattress once more while another thought caused her to mumble in herself with closed eyes. “Maybe that whole coffin thing is just made up. For the comfort of this bed is just goddesslike.” The mare let out a small chuckle and as the day ventured forward she fell in a deep slumber. A sleep that was even better than the one she got within the shadows.


With the hours passing by did woke Rarity up as the sun was setting itself and made way for the glorified night. With the orange light of the sun being visible for her, none of the light actually penetrated the curtains of the bedroom. With some of the covered light falling upon her, she began to bath gently in it. Oddly enough it didn't create any form of actual burn damage on her skin but within her heart it could be felt though.

But the pain was something she could live with for it wasn't all too bad. “Excellent,” she spoke in a pleased tone before removing herself out of the bed and making her way down the stairs. “Time to get myself some dinner,” the mare mumbled before she took her cloak from the hatstand and wrapped her body within it. With the hood of the cloak covering her face, it only showed those eerie - if not downright creepy - red rims instead of eyes.

While her hoof extended over to the knob of the door it got opened and she left the boutique for what it was. With her eyes she scanned the empty streets and the door closed itself with a small change of her horn as she was already on her way over the streets.

She would be wandering through the streets of Ponyville and the many ponies she encountered looked up strange to the cloaked mare given the fact they didn't know who was behind the hood. Instead of making a talk to them all, the unicorn simply continued on her journey while the sun only came closer to vanishing behind the hills.

Eventually the mare came across a small and friendly looking tavern where the sound of ponies laughing was loudly heard and just had a fun time with one another. With the moon standing high on the skies by then had Rarity removed the hood from her head and gave herself a better look at the building from which the sounds originated from. She decided to enter the old looking place and pushed the front door open ever so gently.

Yet upon the opening of it did every single stallion and mare that was present fell silent. Each of them gazed over to the unicorn while they blinked one after the other. It became rather clear that they weren't used to strangers. Yet Rarity walked further in with a calm pace. She let her eyes fall upon a stool by the bar. Before she reached her desired stop, her eyes made their way over to the inner architecture of the building. In her mind she could associate it best with westerns cities or towns like Appleloosa and Dodge City.

She sat down on one of the stools by the bar and it was quite clearly visible that she wasn't looking for trouble of any kind. The souls in the bar returned to their own doing after they had figured it out. Soon enough was the whole place indulged once more in laughter, clinking of glasses and playful tunes were played on the piano.

The barkeeper made his way up to the unicorn and was revealed to be a muscular stallion with a friendly appearance. “What can I get ya, miss?” he spoke in his deep yet friendly voice towards her.

“A glass for red wine, please,” the cloaked unicorn replied with a curled lipped smile. He nodded and without further questioning prepared a glass of the finest red wine he had in stock.

“Say, excuse me the question, but ya do not came here that often, now do ya?”

“Not at all to be honest. I just happened to have stumbled in by accident as a matter of fact. For this is a lovely looking place and I heard the ponies in here had tons of fun,” the mare answered.

The barkeeper chuckled to himself in near silence while pouring the wine into a glass. “Miss, take this from me, I have been running the place for five years now, and no matter how depressed one comes in, they always leave with a big smile on their face. I think it is atmosphere of the Rampaging Stallion, but it can be anything else. Maybe something in the drinks, hehe.”

“Rampaging Stallion?” Rarity said in a confused tone. “Isn't that name a little, countering, the atmosphere?”

“Used to be a rampage here and there. Here you go miss,” the barkeeper replied before he gave her the glass she had asked for. The mare had a good look at the wall behind him in the meantime. Racks which held the drinks filled the wall behind the barkeeper and a lowered part of the ceiling held the glasses. For some reason she loved it.

“Thank you dear.” she spoke with a warm smile as she took the glass with her magic and brought it to her lips.

“As I said, it used to be a violent place until I made some changes, now it is pretty much the happiest bar in at least whole of Ponyville,” the barkeeper spoke proudly.

Rarity took a sip from the glass while listening to his story with great interest. “I see darling and I have to admit, it is very lovely indeed.”

The barkeeper nodded to her in a thankful manner and began to clean more glasses and help other customers as she simply sat there, enjoying the wine to its fullest. Yet from the corner of her eyes she saw that a light grey coated stallion took place next to her and he had his head turned into her direction. “Evening miss,” he spoke in an accent that was unfamiliar to her.

“Evening dear,” replied Rarity after her own head turned itself over to him. In her eyes she caught the grey coated, blond trimmed maned and tailed stallion. His posture reminded her of Big Macintosh, but just a bit smaller.

He let go a small smile before he took a swig from his cider bottle. “The name is Mixmaster.”

While the name fell in her ears did Rarity placed down her glass and gently gazed even closer to him. “The name is Rarity.”

The eyes of the stallion shot slightly open and he looked at her. “R-Rarity, a-as in, the lady Rarity!?”

The mare nodded and Mixmaster stuck out his hoof to shake hers. “It is an honor to meet you, lady Rarity. For I do appreciate your line of work very well and must say that I am quite the fan of it.”

“It is a pleasure meeting you, Mixmaster,” the unicorn replied as she shook his hoof gently with a small grin upon her face. As their hooves made contact, the stallion could feel just the sheer cold that was irradiated from it and a slight shiver went over spine.

The stallion didn't care for the shiver as the evening had been quite cool and she had just entered. But there was something within Rarity that wanted to burst out. Her retracted fangs elongated themselves again after she had spoken her words. After they had separated again from the shake turned Rarity her face straight again and prayed that they would go up again. Yet something like that was easier said than done.

She kept on imagining and hoping while one by one, her feelings were shut down in order to prevent anything to happen. What seemed like hours for her were in fact mere seconds as the fangs returned back into their hidden position. Rarity took a deep and long sip from her wine in order to just celebrate the victory and opened up the conversation with the stallion.


The two kept talking for a good set of minutes about the casual things and about who they were and did. “Say, would you like to guide a lady back to her home?” Rarity eventually asked in a kind and innocent voice as the talk neared its end.

“I shall walk with you to your front door, lady Rarity,” the stallion answered under a soft blush.

The mare nodded and finished her fifth drink with a quite moan of hidden pleasure. A soft one that was only audible for those literally near her. She left a couple bits on the counter that would be her payment and before she could leave her stool, Mixmaster had already crawled off of his and was asking in silence for her hoof.

With a small smile did she took it and he guided her over to the front door of the bar and opened it for the high class unicorn. But as they passed a table with students from Canterlot University, each of the ponies were on the hard cider and clearly drunk as a skunk. Yet what was most surprising was that they hadn't caused any troubles other than some noise. One of them, a stallion with a reddish coat and light blue mane yelled up to Mixmaster with a silly grin on his face. “Seems you finally have a date, Mixie! Nice catch you got there!” And after the words, all the students erupted out in laughter.

“Oh shut up! I still have higher grades than you, literally.” Mixmaster said in return before a faint blush formed itself on his face and he made his way over to Rarity. “Now, lady Rarity, where to?” he asked her as the door fell shut behind them.

“To my home of course, darling,” she answered. But her tone had changed, instead of her usual sweet and pleasant tone, it had become a highly seducing one. One that shocked the stallion a little bit, but he seemed to be enjoying it nonetheless.

They would have made their way through the deserted streets of Ponyville. The stallion followed Rarity on a close hoof while another question formed itself within his head. A question which he accidentally allowed to go into the air. “So, uhm, lady Rarity, next to making dresses, what else do you do?”

Rarity chuckled in a slightly dark yet seducing manner. The tone of her voice changed itself into one that wasn't only seducing but also persuading while the words left her mouth. “Do you want to find that out yourself?”

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