• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,635 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Far, Far, Far Away

As the Drake family was enjoying a late breakfast, far off in the distant city of Canterlot, a little lavender filly was walking down the halls of the royal castle with her idol and now personal teacher.

After the events of yesterday, Celestia had returned to Twilights side, she granted Twilight a position at her school, and after seeing that she was actually able to hatched Spike's egg, she made Twilight her personal student. Today being the middle of summer vacation and the school being shut down for another two months, it was decided that Twilight would be granted extra time to study.

Celestia looked at Twilight, she smiled at the filly. "So, Twilight, what would you like to try on your first day?" Asked Celestia.

Twilight thought for a moment, then for a minute, then for a few minutes as she started to hyperventilate. She was panicking. 'Oh no, what if she thinks my request is to simple, what if its so simple that she laughs at me, but what if it's to hard, she might think that I'm arrogant.' Twilight looked at Celestia. 'Oh no she's looking at me, come on think, say the first thing you can think of.' "Teach me how to move the sun." Said Twilight.

The hall fell silent. Then Celestia started to giggle, but to maintain her royal façade, she used her wings to cover her mouth. But it wasn't enough to stop the filly from hanging her head down in shame. "I'm sorry princess."

Celestia sighed as she calmed down. She wasn't giggling at Twilight, she was not that cruel, she was giggling at the request. Celestia kneeled down to Twilights height and used her wing to lift the fillies head. "Twilight, I'm sorry, I can't teach you to move the sun, if I did that, I would be out of a job, besides you would have to deal with the nobles, and that's boring." Said Celestia as she giggled.

Twilight laughed at the joke as she shook her head rapidly. "No thank you, though I would make reading the nations main pastime." Said Twilight.

Now Celestia started to laugh, royalty be damned. The two laughed for a few moments. Celestia wiped her eyes to remove the tear. "I haven't laughed like that in years."

Twilight lowered her laughing to a giggle, then she calmed down. "How about instead of the sun, can you help me work on my levitation, my older brother can already lift the couch at home, but all I can lift is the lamp." Asked Twilight. It was true, her older brother was training in the royal cadet academy, and he has been training hard, so his magic was much stronger than hers.

Celestia smiled at the request. "Of course, Lets head to my study, and you can practice on some books I have there." Said Celestia, Twilight nodded as she followed the princess to her personal study.

When they arrived, Twilight threw herself into her practicing. Soon 2 hours had passed, and it was time for lunch. By this time Twilight was able to lift 7 large tomes, with some slight balancing difficulties, but it wasn't a problem, these were just copies that Celestia had acquired long ago, the original prints were still in the library. "Ok, Twilight, its time to take a brake, if you use too much magic, it will take even longer for you to recover." Said Celestia.

Twilight looked shocked. "WHAT?" Asked Twilight disappointed, but not wanting to argue with the princess, she nodded. "Yes princess." Said Twilight.

Back with the Drake family, it was time for the big life changing talk. Outside, all of the children were going around doing what ever they wanted. Maud was helping Marble and Limestone move all of Pinkie's rocks she didn't get to before she left, Pinkie had disappeared the moment they got outside, and the rest of the girls were just walking around with Spike, who was acting like a dog, using his nose and claws to dig in the dirt.

But inside of the house, all the adults were talking. "Igneous, Cloudy, I know what we're going to say is probably going to sound crazy, but..." Said Bright Mac.

"You want our daughter to come live in your town, so she can be part of Spike's life, correct?" Assumed Igneous.

Cloudy nodded. "It wasn't that hard to assume, in truth, Pinkamena is not like our other children, she is destined for greater things, and it is clear that her destiny is not here on the farm. All we ask is for you all to keep her safe, we Pies have a saying. 'Through a river, through a mountain, and through the sky, we stand together for a Pie.' We have taught our daughters by this saying, and since Pinkamena has decided to raise Spike along side your daughters, she will see everyone as a piece of the Pies. If you can also follow this, we would be happy for Pinkamena to leave the farm knowing that she will be around her family." Said Cloudy.

Bright Mac was shocked, he thought it would of been harder to convince them to let Pinkie leave the farm. "Um... Yeah, don't worry, We apples have a saying as well. 'From the roots to the seeds, Apples stick together, because were family forever.' So even if Pinkie isn't a full Apple, we would never think of treating her any less than one." Said Bright Mac.

Igneous nodded. "Very well. Pinkamena will be allowed to leave the farm." Asked Igneous.

Everyone smiled at hearing the news. "Thank you." Said Pear.

Outside, Spike was digging around a large bunch of rocks, AJ and Rainbow were watching him but they were talking to each other to see who was stronger. Rarity was talking to Maud about the geode she found yesterday. Fluttershy was talking to Marble about living on the farm, and about what kinds of animals called the area home. Limestone was just working.

Suddenly Spike had dug a small hole in the ground, and started to dig up a few gems, then a couple more, and then he had a small pile. "Mama!" Said Spike as he clapped. 'I can't believe I found so many yummy things, I hope mama's will like them.' Thought Spike.

Rainbow walked over to Spike to see what he had found. "Hey kiddo, what did you find?" Asked Rainbow as she picked Spike up out of the hole. Spike pointed to the hole. "Mama, yummy stuff, secret." Said Spike.

Rainbow sighed as she smiled at Spike. 'This kid is going to be a book worm at this rate.' Thought Rainbow, but she kept smiling at Spike. "Really, that's so cool." Said Rainbow as she placed Spike on the ground, she looked at Spike. "Spike, do you want me to get the yummy stuff out of the hole?" Asked Rainbow.

Spike shook his head. "No, I wanna." Said Spike as he crawled back into the hole.

Rainbow chuckled. "Ok Spike, do you want me to help you?"

Spike shook his head. "No, I wanna keep secret until ready for mamas." Said Spike as he started to move the gems out of his hole. Spike looked at Rainbow. "Mama, secret, turn around." Said Spike.

Rainbow chuckled. "Ok Spike, mama will turn around." Said Rainbow, but this didn't stop her from waving over all of the other girls.

The first to arrive was Applejack. "AJ, Spike has a secret for us, see if you can get a better idea." Said Rainbow.

AJ nodded as she walked up to Spike. "Hey Sugar Cube, whatcha looking at?" Asked AJ.

Spike jumped, he tried to toss the secret back into the hole to keep the surprise. "No, not ready." Said Spike. "Mama, turn around."

AJ chuckled. "Ok Spike." Said AJ as she walked over to Rainbow's side.

Next was Fluttershy, she walked over to Rainbow and AJ. "What's up girls, is Spike ok?" Asked Fluttershy.

Both girls nodded. "Yes Shy, he's fine, I think he wants to show us something. I think he wants all of us here before he will show us." Said AJ. Fluttershy nodded as she walked up to Spike to tell him she was here.

"Spike, do you need some help with this secret, mama is good at keeping secrets." Asked Fluttershy.

Spike looked at Fluttershy. "Mama, secret, not ready, can't see." Said Spike.

Fluttershy giggled. 'Awe, he found something for us, he's so excited, lets humor him.' Thought Shy. "Ok Sweetie, I can wait, but I know we'll love it." Said Shy.

Spike smiled as he went back to his hole. Next up was Rarity, she walked up to the group of girls. "Girls, please tell me Spike is not in that hole and getting all dirty again?" Asked Rarity.

AJ sighed. " Yes Rarity, Spike is in the hole, but he is doing something, so please hold off on your obsession of cleanliness, for a little while just till Spike is done."

This was asking a lot from Rarity, but this was something Spike was doing, and he was really passionate about it, so she decided to agree to the terms. "Fine." Said Rarity as she walked over to Spike. "Spikey Wikey, how are you doing?"

Spike looked at Rarity. "Mama, secret, almost done, wait with mama." Said Spike who was covered in dirt and dust.

Rarity nodded. "Ok Spikey Wikey, but after that you're getting a bath." Said Rarity as she walked over to the others.

Suddenly Pinkie popped out of nowhere right by the other girls. "Hey girls, what did I miss?" Asked Pinkie.

All the girls looked at Pinkie. "Pinkie?!" Yelled all the girls in shock.

"GIRLS!" Cheered Pinkie.

"Where have you been?" Asked Rainbow.

Pinkie shrugged. "I needed to get the party all set up, it took me a while to get the streamers up." Said Pinkie, she then looked to Spike. "What's Spike doing?"

"He says its a secret for us, and he says its almost done, go tell him your here." Said Fluttershy.

Pinkie nodded as she walked over to Spike. "Hey Spike, are you almost done with the little secret?"

Spike looked over to Pinkie, he nodded. "Mama, I done, hold on, need to get ready." Said Spike.

Pinkie nodded as she walked back to the others, and waited for Spike to finish up his little surprise.

A few minutes later. "Mama, almost finished." Said Spike.

He crawled over to Rainbow first, in his claw was a rainbow quartz gemstone he had found. "This for Mama." Said Spike as he placed the gem on the ground by Rainbow. He walked back to his small pile and pulled out another gemstone from it. Spike crawled over to AJ with a small orange citrine gemstone and placed it on the ground. "This for Mama." He walked back to his pile and grabbed a pink morganite stone, he brought it over to Fluttershy and placed it behind her. "Mama, this look like you." Said Spike. He made another trip to his smaller pile. He grabbed a topaz and brought it to Pinkie. "This pretty like Mama eyes." Said Spike as he left it on the ground. Lastly Spike made one last trip to grab the last gem of his small pile, he grabbed a small amethyst and placed it behind Rarity. Spike went back to beside his hole as he smiled. "Mama, look." Said Spike as he smiled.

All the girls turned around and looked at the gemstones Spike had given them. Rainbow picked up her gemstone, she looked at it and she saw a small rainbow inside of it. Pinkie looked at the gem. "That's called a rainbow quartz." Said Pinkie.

Rainbow smiled as she walked over to Spike, she carefully placed the gemstone on to the ground. Rainbow lowered herself to Spikes level and smiled at him. She kissed Spike's nose. "It's perfect Spike, I love it." Said Rainbow.

Spike smiled. "I love mama." Said Spike as he hugged Rainbow.

AJ looked at her stone. "That's citrine." Said Pinkie. AJ smiled at the small gem. This was the first thing that her son had given her, and she was going to treasure it forever.

AJ walked over to Spike and nuzzled his head. "It's lovely Sugar Cube, I'll keep it with me always." Said AJ.

Fluttershy picked up her gem. "That's a great looking morganite, and it matches your mane." Said Pinkie.

Fluttershy looked deep into the gem, she started to cry. Spike saw Fluttershy crying, he was worried that she didn't like it, so he started to cry. "Mama not like it!" Cried Spike.

Fluttershy gasped as she ran over to Spike and nuzzled his head. "No, no, no, I love it. It's perfect Spike, I'm just happy to have such a wonderful son like you." Said Fluttershy as she nuzzled Spikes head even more.

Spike looked up to Fluttershy. "Really?" Asked Spike sniffling.

Fluttershy smiled at him. "Really. You are just the best little dragon in the world." Said Fluttershy.

Spike smiled at hearing this, he wrapped his arms around Fluttershy's neck. "I love you mama." Said Spike.

Fluttershy gasped. 'He just said his first whole sentence.' Thought Fluttershy as she returned the hug to her son. "And I love you too Spike."

Pinkie picked up her stone. "Awe, its a great looking blue topaz." Said Pinkie as she looked at the gemstone, it was super shiny, and reflective, so Pinkie being Pinkie, she started to make silly faces. This confused all the girls, but Spike laughed at all of the silly faces she was making. Pinkie walked over to Spike. "It's superfantabulusly great Spike. I love it." Said Pinkie as she kissed his head.

Lastly Rarity picked up her gemstone. "Ew, that's an amethyst, and it's really pretty." Said Pinkie. Rarity looked at the gemstone, she looked deep into it, then a multitude of possible clothing designs popped into her head, all of them accented by beautiful gems. 'I need to get these ideas on paper before I forget them.' Thought Rarity, but then she looked at Spike. 'Actually, I doubt I'll forget them.' Rarity walked over to Spike. She smiled at him. "Spikey Wikey, you have just given me a great idea, and its all thanks to this." Said Rarity as she showed the gem. "It's perfect, but I have an idea, would you mind if I turn it into a necklace?"

Spike cocked his head. "Neckwess? What's that?" Asked Spike.

Rarity giggled. "A necklace is a piece of jewelry that hangs around the neck." Said Rarity as she motioned her hooves around her neck to show Spike what a necklace was. "I want to make sure to keep your gift close to my heart." Said Rarity.

Spike nodded. "I want to be near mama." Said Spike, he looked at the others. "Make neckwesses too?" Asked Spike.

All the girls looked at their gems, they wanted to keep them forever, and a necklace was perfect for that. They all looked at Spike and nodded. Spike clapped happily. "Yay, mama like my gift." Cheered Spike, all the girls smiled.

Igneous walked out of the house. "Children, come in to thy house, we have much to discuss." Yelled Igneous.

All the girls looked at Pinkie's father. Rarity used her magic to place Spike onto her back. "Sorry Spike, the necklace will have to wait for a little longer." She looked at Spike, he was still dirty. "Besides it's bath time." Said Rarity.

Back with Twilight and Celestia. It was time for Twilights parents to come pick their daughter up for the day. Celestia only had so much time a day to devote to Twilight's studies. The two were waiting right outside of the castle gates, waiting for Mr. Night Light and Mrs. Twilight Velvet to arrive to retrieve their daughter. Celestia looked to Twilight. "Remember Twilight, don't try and over do it, your only up to 9 tomes, anymore will cause a strain on your little body." Said Celestia.

Twilight looked at the princess. "Yes ma'am. Tomorrow, can we try that apples to oranges spell I found, I want to see if I can change an apple into a lime using the same idea?" Asked Twilight.

Celestia giggled. "Sure, but lets try apples to oranges, before we go for another fruit." Said Celestia.

Twilight nodded. "Ok princess, but one day I will turn a pear into an apple." Declared Twilight.

Pear felt a shiver run up her spine.

Celestia nodded. "One day, my little pony."

"Twilight!" Yelled a gray mare with a purple and gray mane.

Twilight looked over to the mare. "Mommy!" Yelled Twilight as she ran to her mother, but she stopped half way. "That's right." Said Twilight as she turned around and ran back to Celestia. She wrapped her little legs around Celestia's larger one as she hugged the larger leg. "Thank you for a great day princess." Said Twilight as she let go of the princess and ran back to her mother.

Celestia smiled at the happy filly. "No problem Twilight. Have a great rest of the day." Said Celestia. The princess walked back into the castle, and headed for the throne room. It was time to read the reports from the Royal Transport Commission. Celestia sat on her throne as a older stallion walked in levitating a large stack of reports dealing with the nation wide transport system. Most of the reports were about repairs that were needed, fuel cost reports, and complaints from passengers. The stallion placed the pile in front of the princess.

"Princess, here are the weekly reports for the Transport Commission."

Celestia nodded as she pulled the first bunch from the pile. "Lets see here." Said Celestia.

This report is to notify the commission of 11 round trip tickets at the Ponyville train station, the tickets were given to Bright Mac Apple, Pear Butter Apple, Bow Hothoof, Windy Whistles, and Cookie Crumbles. In their company were five fillies, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. All five fillies signify that they are the guardians of one Spike Drake, a recently hatched, purple dragon with green underbelly, eyes and spines. This is to show that Mr. Apple will repay the debt for the tickets due to an emergency, that required the group to travel, and due to the suddenness of the emergency, he was unable to pay.

Signed: All Aboard.

Celestia looked at the paper, and read the message. Her eye started to twitch. 'No, that's impossible, Spike should of been in the Dragon Lands, there is no way he was in Ponyville.' Celestia looked at the Transport Commission stallion. "Thank you, I need to deal with something that has just come up, I will finish the reports later." Said Celestia as she the teleported all of the reports except for the one she was holding to her study.

The stallion bowed. "Of course Princess." Said the stallion as he left the throne room. Now that she was alone, Celestia looked to one of her guards. "Guard, bring me Corporal Swift Flight. RIGHT. THIS. INSTINT." Yelled the princess using the Royal Canterlot Voice. "I NEED TO TALK TO HIM RIGHT NOW!"

Author's Note:

Well, Swift flight is found out, The girls are bonding with Spike even more, and Twiligh is starting down the path towards her destiny.

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