• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,632 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Kindergarten calamity Pt.2

While Spike was waiting for Celestia's response about his decorations, he was drawing some gems on the paper, to represent him. His desk neighbor leaned over to Spike so he could introduce himself to the dragon, the colt was a grayish white pegasus with a slicked back black mane. "Sppt..." Spike looked to the colt and smiled at him.

"Sorry, do you need something?" Asked Spike.

The colt shook his head. "Nah, I just wanted to talk to you, the names Rumble." Rumble stuck out his hoof.

Spike took the hoof. "Spike Drake, it's nice to meet you."

"Cool, hey earlier you wrote something then burned it, why did you do that?" Asked Rumble.

Spike shrugged, he got this question a few times before. "Well, my grandma used her magic to allow me to send small things through my fire, and I wanted to see if she could send me some gems for my poster."

Rumble nodded. "That's so cool, but is it true that you have 5 moms, my older brother told me that 5 of his classmates have a dragon for a son."

"That's right, I have my Mommy, my Ma, my Mother, My Mama, and my Mom." Said Spike as he counted off his mothers.

Rumble started laughing. "Geez, I have one mom, but you have 5."

Applebloom and Sweetie glared at Rumble, they didn't take kindly to hearing someone laughing at their nephew or their sisters. "Spike, are you ok?" Asked Applebloom.

Spike gave his aunt a nod. "Just fine Aunt Blo..." Spike's cheeks suddenly puffed up.

Applebloom and Sweetie's eyes went wide. "Duck!" Yelled the 2 fillies as they pulled Rumble out of the literal line of fire. Soon Spike couldn't hold it back, and with a very loud belch, the letter from Celestia exited Spike's mouth in the form of fire, it then condensed into the letter, and landed in front of Spike.

Spike groaned at the feeling of getting letters. "I really hate when that happens." Said Spike, it was much easier to send then to receive them, that's why everyone tries to limit replying.

Not only did Rumble notice, but the whole class was now paying full attention to Spike. "THAT WAS SO AWSOME!" Cheered a little gamboge pegasus filly with a cerise mane and tail. She ran over to Spike and got right into his face. "That was so cool, can you do that again, how big can you make the fire?"

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle pulled the filly off of Spike so he could catch his breath. Miss Board ran over to help Spike up. "Spike, are you alright?" Asked the teacher, she was worried for her student.

Spike nodded in response. "Yeah, I just don't like it when I get something back."

Miss Board hadn't heard anything about when Spike got something through his flame. "Spike, have you told your mothers about this?"

Applebloom and Sweetie nodded. "He has, but the princess says that he needs to wait until he's a little bigger for it not to hurt, so he knows he needs to wait." Said Sweetie as she glared at Spike, Applebloom doing the same.

Spike gave them both a sheepish smile. "That's it, I swear."

Both girls groaned at how stupid their nephew was. "Your lucky we love you." Said Applebloom.

Miss Board smiled at seeing that this wasn't new for him, and that he was going to be just fine. Now was time to deal with the one that escalated the situation. "Scootaloo, please say your sorry to Spike, it was very rude of you to ask him questions while he was not feeling well."

The little filly in question looked sheepish as she nodded. "Yes ma'am." She walked over to Spike and gave him an apologetic smile. "Ha, sorry about that whole asking you questions thing, but that was so awesome." Miss Board shot the filly a glare. "Right, while it was awesome, it was not right."

Spike started laughing at how much she reacted. "Your not from here are you?" Asked Spike.

Scootaloo shook her head, she wasn't getting the joke. "Uh...No, my mommy and daddy are exploring, and they asked my aunts to take care of me."

Spike smiled. "Well, I guess that makes sense, I've lived in Ponyville for most of my life, and many ponies know me." Spike pointed to his aunts. "This is Sweetie Belle, she's my aunt, and this is my other aunt, Applebloom."

The 2 fillies smiled at the newest filly and gave her a smile. "Hi, it's nice to meet you both." Said Scootaloo.

Diamond cleared her throat. "Right, this is my friend Diamond Tiara." Rumble did the same. "And my new friend Rumble."

Miss Board smiled at seeing that introductions to the new group were going well, but when she looked at the clock on the wall she noticed that first period was almost over, and that was all the time she allowed for the posters. "Everyone, finish your posters soon, our first lesson will start in 20 minutes."

This made Spike snap out of the distraction and grab his message. Spike looked at the paper and noticed the little note on how to remove the gems. Spike placed his claws at the edge of the little gem doddles and started to pull up. Out of the papers Spike started pulling out his gems. Everyone watched as Spike kept pulling gems out of a flat piece of paper. "HOW?!" Yelled Rumble.

Spike shrugged as once he grabbed the last gemstone off the paper, he read the note on the back. "Thanks Grandma." Spike placed the letter in his bag, and now that he had his supplies, he started braking them up so he could more easily crush them. Rumbel and Scootaloo were shocked to see Spike easily brake rubies, sapphires, and emeralds.

But the moment they noticed Spike try to sneak a bit of the sapphire into his mouth, they ran over to him before he killed himself. "STOP!" Yelled the 2, they didn't want to watch as somepony took their new friend to the hospital.

Miss Board sighed as she got out of her seat again to go see what the commotion was. "What is it this time?" Asked the teacher.

They both pointed at Spike. "He's going to brake his teeth." Said the two.

Miss Board looked at Spike. "Spike, what's going on?"

Spike was just as confused. "I have no idea, Miss Board. I was just going to have a sapphire bit from the large one that my Grandma sent me."

She looked at the filly and colt. "That's the problem!"

Miss Board sighed as she gave Spike the ok. "Rumble, Scootaloo, dragons eat gems. Spike is going to be just fine." There was a sudden crunch sound that sent a shiver up her spine. "Spike, chew more quietly."

Spike chuckled as he swallowed his gem. "Sorry." He looked at Rumble and Scootaloo, and opened his mouth to show them that he was just fine. "See, no problem."

Rumble and Scootaloo sighed. "This year is going to be interesting." Said Rumble as they went back to their seats to finish up their posters.

After the first class period, it was time for reading, but Miss Board decided to read all the kids a story, which was boring for Spike seeing as he was reading since he was 2 months and Rainbow needed his help reading her textbook for classes. Miss Board made a note of Spike's lack of interest. Then came math, simple little problems to help the kids learn to count and do the basics, and again Spike seemed bored at the whole thing, but then again every filly and colt looked bored, but Spike seemed more annoyed at it. Then the last class of the day for Spike and his class came. "Ok, to wrap up today, lets all head outside and go play." Said Miss Board.

This got everyone's attention as the mass of kids ran outside to the playground. "Remember to keep within the playground, kids." Yelled Chalk Board as she wanted to see how Spike was doing socially.

"Spike, lets go play hide and seek." Said Sweetie Belle.

"No, don't hang out with these girls, me and a few friends are about to start a game of soccer." Insisted Rumble.

"Spike, can you make another fire ball?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Spike, why don't we play on the jungle gym?" Asked Diamond.

Apple Bloom was the only one that wasn't trying to get Spike to play with her. "Wait for it."

Spike started chuckling, he wanted to play with everyone, but all of them asking at once was a little too much. "Aunt Bloom, what do you want to do?"

Apple Bloom walked over to Spike and placed her hoof on his chest. "Tag, you're it." This was enough to get all the kids off of Spike as they ran away from him.

Spike smiled at seeing his aunt come up with a great way to get everyone involved. "Ok, lets do this." Said Spike as he started to get some of the other kids involved.

Miss Board was just watching as one little filly got the whole class into a game of tag, no one was excluding Spike, and even she wanted to join in.

After the group of kids were exhausted it was time for them to go home. "Ok kids, some of your parents have arrived, go grab your bags and have a wonderful day." Said Miss Board as she noticed a few of the kids parents showing up early to see their kids.

Spike and Sweetie walked into the room and grabbed their bags. "So, maybe school isn't so bad?" Asked Sweetie.

"I guess, it was kinda boring though?"

Sweetie nodded. "I agree, so do you need to head to the farm to get anything for tonight?"

Spike shrugged. "I think Aunt Maud sent me this months gems, do you think Grandma Cookie will mind if we stop by and check?"

"Nope." Said Sweetie.

"Spike can you stay for a little bit?" Asked Miss Board.

Both Spike and Sweetie looked to their teacher, and Spike nodded worriedly. "Um... Sure Miss Board."

Spike waved to Sweetie as she walked out of the class to see her mother. Spike took a seat in his desk. "Miss Board, am I in trouble?"

The moment the word trouble left Spike's mouth, Fluttershy ran through the door dragging the others. "SPIKE!" Cried Fluttershy as she ran to her son.

Miss Board looked at the group of mothers and was a little worried about upsetting Fluttershy. "Um... well I guess I didn't need to pull you out of your class. Please have a seat girls, we need to have a quick talk about Spike."

All the girls looked at Spike worried that something happened. "Spike, did something happen today?" Asked AJ.

Spike shook his head. "No, well we did have a little incident during the first class, but all I did was ask Grandma to send me a few gems for my poster." Spike showed his poster and all the girls awed at the picture of them on it.

"No, that is not why I wanted to talk to you all. Please tell me about Spike's development so far?" Asked the teacher.

All the girls hummed as they thought for a moment. "Well he was talking in his first day, but it was kinda messy." Said AJ.

"But by day 2 he was using simple sentences." Added Pinkie.

"He was walking in a month." Added Rainbow.

"He was able to count up to the triple digits by 6 months." Added Rarity.

"And he loves to read with me and the girls, in fact we just finished this book from this author named AK Yearling." Finished Fluttershy.

Miss Board nodded at the information. "Ok, that is quite impressive girls, now I would like to have Spike do a few little worksheets before he leaves, they shouldn't take long and will give me a great idea on where he stands?"

"Sweetie, do you mind?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike shook his head. "No, but what about Grandma Cookie, she's waiting for me outside."

Rarity nuzzled Spike's head and smiled. "I'll go tell her right now." Rarity ran out of the room to tell her mother that Spike was going to be staying for a little while longer.

When she came back in, she smiled at Spike. "Spike, Grandma Cookie will be back in an hour to pick you up."

Spike smiled at the news. "Ok, thank you, Mother."

Rarity smiled as she kissed Spike's cheek. "Don't worry, Spikie, I know you'll do just fine."

"Thank you, now all of you back to your class." All the fillies kissed Spike's face and walked out of the room to get back to their class. Now that Spike and her were alone Miss Board smiled at Spike. "Spike, I'm going to go next door and grab those worksheets, why don't you have a snack while you wait?" Spike nodded as he pulled out some gem shards from the poster and started eating them.

When Spike walked out of the school, Cookie was waiting for him like promised. She used her magic to pulled him to her and started kissing his face. "Hi Sweetie, did you have a good first day?"

Spike shrugged. "Kinda, but I wanted to go home with you and Aunt Sweetie, but Miss Board asked me to stay and do some worksheets."

Cookie hummed, that was interesting. "Really, what kinds?"

"Math and reading, but I don't know why?"

"Hmm... well maybe you'll find out tomorrow?" She placed Spike on her back and walked into town. "Oh, I almost forgot, your monthly shipment of gems came in."

Spike smiled widely. "They did? Did aunt Maud find a..."

"Pink Diamond? She did and it looks ready to be eaten by a little dragon." Said Cookie.

Sitting in the class room was Miss Board, she was looking over Spike's worksheets, and she was sure that Spike was bored during the lessons. "How does a 4 year old, understand long division and basic algebra? More over how does he have a 6th grade reading level?" Both papers were marked showing that Spike got 100 on both of the hardest worksheets the school had.

Author's Note:

So maybe Spike did inherit something from his soon to be aunt? 3 more chapters to go.

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