• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,635 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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The Spike Of The Party Pt.1

It's been 2 months since the end of the reunion: The girls had started going to school, leaving Spike to his army of grandparents that took him on each of the girl’s days, and then leaving them with him on the weekends. But today was a special day, today was Pinkie's introduction to the world of party planning.

Spike had grown very much in his 4 months of life, able to walk on his own now, and even run for a little, but he was still a baby and his legs were still short, so he couldn't last long. But right now, he was sitting on Pinkie's back as he, his mama, and Ms. Cake were walking to a town in the White Tail Woods for the party. Mr. Cake had transported all the ingredients beforehand but needed to stay to man the shop. Leaving this weird group to handle the party.

Spike was looking up at all the trees in the woods. "So, why are we going so far?" Asked Spike.

Ms. Cake giggled. "Well Spike, this party is for an old friend of mine, her daughter is turning 7 and she wanted me to plan it. Me, Buttercup, and Strawberry Tart were so close back then, so of course I said yes."

Spike nodded. "Oh, is she nice?"

Cupcake nodded. "Very, but just make sure to be on your best behavior Sweetie?"

Spike smiled as he looked at the path. "I will, but how much longer till we get there, we've been walking for an hour." Pinkie and Cupcake have been walking for an hour, Spike has been on Pinkie's back for 40 minutes.

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, don't worry Spike, we're almost there." This was true, the town was just over the next hill. "See, even Mr. Writer knows we're close." Pinkie stop that, last time some readers got mad at how casual this happened, so as writer, I hereby ban Pinkie, Spike, and Discord from being able to communicate with me directly. Pinkie huffed. "Fine, bye Mr. Writer." Said Pinkie.

Spike shrugged. "Too bad, I thought he was cool."

Ms. Cake looked at the two kids. 'You know what, I'm not going to even question it.' Thought Ms. Cake as the group reached the crest of the hill and saw the town they were heading to. "Come on kids, we've just arrived." Said Ms. Cake as she escorted Spike and Pinkie to the town.

It was a small town like Ponyville, but there were some big differences, first there wasn't a train station, second many of the ponies we're looking at them as they walked, and third the whole place smelled like strawberries. Spike was more focused on the last one, but Pinkie and Ms. Cake were in the second category. In Ponyville, Spike was seen like every other pony, no one gave him a second look, but here, it was much different.

Ms. Cake cleared her throat. "Well, let’s head over to Tart's home and meet the birthday girl so we can make sure this party is great." Said Ms. Cake, she didn't want Spike to feel bad, and they did need to meet the filly.

Pinkie smiled. "Ok."

When Cupcake, Pinkie, and Spike arrived at a light red building, Cupcake knocked on the door. "Coming." Said a mare as she responded to the knocking. She opened the door with her magic and smiled at her old friend. "Well, if it isn't little Miss Cake, what are you doing standing there, doesn't one of the Sweet Three get a hug anymore?" Asked a dark yellow mare with a red main and tail.

Ms. Cake laughed as she hugged the mare. "Hey Tart, I haven't seen you since my wedding, how have you been?" Asked Ms. Cake.

Tart smiled. "Pretty good, Dumpling is so excited for her party tomorrow."

Pinkie smiled. "Well, you only turn 7 once." Then she hummed. "But what about of you turn 77, does that mean you turn 7 twice or three times?"

Spike looked at Pinkie. "Mama, I don't think that's how it works." Spike then got into the thinker pose and hummed about the validity of the number seven.

Tart looked at the filly and dragon. "Ok, I'm pretty sure I'm missing something." She looked at Cupcake. "C, please tell me she's not yours and I'm not seeing a dragon on her back?"

Cupcake sighed. "T, let’s go inside and I'll explain." Tart nodded and showed everyone to the living room.

"Um... would you like some tea?" Asked Tart.

Cupcake smiled. "Sure, that would be lovely, Spike, Pinkie, would you like something to drink?"

Pinkie smiled. "Can I have some tea as well?"

"Can I have milk?" Asked Spike.

Tart nodded. "Sure." Said the home owner and she walked to the kitchen to get the drinks.

When she got back, she distributed the drinks and she took a seat on her couch to hear about the filly and dragon. "So, C, how did this come about?" Asked Tart.

"Well, it all started 4 months ago..."

One explanation of how Spike came into their lives and how he's been doing in town later.

"And we walked to town today." Said Cupcake as she finished her tea.

Tart looked at Spike, she didn't say a word, she just got up from her seat and walked over to Spike. Spike was scared, he barely knew the mare and she was very close to him. But then she nuzzled the little baby. "I'm so happy that you have such a great family."

Spike smiled as he hugged her face. "Thank you, Ms. Tart, I love my mamas and I know they love me."

Tart smiled and she looked at Pinkie. "And, Pinkie, I would be happy to let you plan Dumplings party."

Pinkie smiled.

"Mom, I'm home." Said a light green Pegasus filly with a red mane as she walked into her home.

"Hi Sweetie, come say hi to Aunt Cake, and our guests." Said Tart.

Dumpling gasped as she ran over to her aunt. "Aunt Cake." Cheered the little filly as she flew up to her aunt.

Cupcake laughed. "Hello Sweetie, happy birthday." Said Cupcake as she nuzzled the filly.

"Thank you, and thanks for planning my party tomorrow."

Cupcake smiled. "Actually Sweetie, I'm going to be supervising the one who'll be throwing you're party. I'd like to introduce you to Pinkie."

Dumpling looked at Pinkie and she smiled. "Hi, it’s nice to meet you."

Pinkie smiled. "Oh, I have a great idea, how does a giant beach ball and juggling rubber chickens sound?"

Dumpling hummed. "Impossible, but great."

Pinkie scoffed. "I am Pinkie, Impossible is my middle name."

Spike popped out from Pinkie. "Mama, you're middle name is Diane."

Pinkie shushed Spike as she pushed him down back into her mane. "Not now Sweetie, it’s for dramatic effect."

Spike slid down Pinkie's back and landed on the floor. "Oh, what's my dramatic middle name?" Asked Spike, Shy-Dash-Pie-Belle-Apple was a mouthful.

Pinkie hummed. "How about Inconceivable?"

Spike gasped as he looked proud. "Spike Inconceivable Drake, it's perfect." Spike hugged Pinkie. "Thanks Mama."

Pinkie smiled as she nuzzled Spike's head. "It's inconceivable why no one wouldn't love you Spike."

Spike laughed. "Well It's impossible for me not to love you."

Ms. Cake giggled. "Pinkie, Spike, return to the world." Said Ms. Cake.

Spike and Pinkie giggled. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce Spike." Said Pinkie.

Spike smiled at Dumpling. "Hi, I'm Spike Inconceivable Drake, it’s nice to meet you." Said Spike as he took a bow.

Dumpling looked at Spike. "Mom, is there really a dragon in the living room?"

Tart nodded. "Yes."

Dumpling nodded. "Is he for me?" Asked Dumpling, not sure if she was ready to take care of a dragon.

Tart sighed. "No Sweetie, Spike is not for you, he's Pinkie's son."

Dumpling looked at Pinkie. "But that's imposs… Oh." Said Dumpling as she figured out the meaning of the name. She then giggled. She walked over to Spike and placed the little dragon between her legs, and she sat down. She nuzzled his head. "He's so cute. Hi Spike, I'm Strawberry Dumpling, it's nice to meet you."

Spike blushed, he had never been held like this by somepony that wasn't his mamas or family. "Um... It's nice to meet you too." Said Spike.

Pinkie glared at Dumpling. "Well, let’s talk about you're party tomorrow, but first it's time for Spike's nap." Said Pinkie, she didn't know why, but she didn't like Spike being so close to Dumpling.

Spike nodded as he yawned. "Yeah, It's 1 O'clock." Spike looked at Tart. "Ms. Tart, can I go take a nap?" Asked Spike.

Tart smiled. "Of course, dear, I'll show you to the spare bedroom." Said Tart.

Spike shook his head. "No, but do you have some fire wood?" Asked Spike.

Tart was confused but nodded. "Yes, it's in the back, but why do you need fire wood?"

Pinkie smiled as she snatched Spike from Dumpling. "Spike normally has a blanket, but we didn't bring it because he didn't want it to get ruined. So, he would normally nap with me or one of the girls, but I'm going to be busy with Dumpling, so that only leaves the fireplace." Said Pinkie.

Dumpling was confused. "He sleeps in the fire place?"

Pinkie nodded. "He likes warm places."

Spike yawned and nodded. "So, can I Ms. Tart?"

Tart nodded. "Sure, let me just go get some in for you and I'll light it." Tart got out of her seat and walked through the back door. She soon returned carrying a bundle of fire wood, she placed most of it into the fire place. She was about to light it, but she was stopped by Spike, he walked over to the fire place and shot a stream of fire onto the wood to start warming it up.

Tart and Dumpling looked at Spike shooting fire, then climbing into the fireplace as his body was engulphed in the fire, he yawned again and curled up on the wood bed as his eyes closed. Soon the only thing that was heard in the room was Spike's snoring, and the sound of the wood cracking.

Ms. Cake smiled. "So, T, did Carrot drop off the supplies yesterday?" Asked Cupcake.

Tart nodded. "Yeah, I moved them to the kitchen, but I also found some gems in the wagon, I thought they were decorations?"

Cupcake shook her head. "Nope, they're for Spike, he likes pony food, but he loves his gems."

Dumpling shuttered. "But his teeth, that's dangerous."

Pinkie shook her head. "Nope, dragons actually eat them, and Spike is no different." Pinkie hummed as she moved her necklace out of her hair. "He actually gave me and his other mothers these gems. Spike has one as well, but we left it at home, just because he didn't want to lose it. I told him it would be fine, but he wanted to be sure."

Dumpling looked at the necklace. "Wow, it's pretty."

Pinkie smiled at it. "It's my most prized treasure, because it came from him." Pinkie smiled as she put the necklace away. "So, Dumpling let’s get down to business." Said Pinkie in a serious tone.

When Spike woke up, he looked around for Pinkie. "Mama?" Asked Spike.

Pinkie popped her head into the now smoldering fireplace. "Hi Spike, did you sleep well?" Asked Pinkie.

Spike nodded as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, but got soot in them, which only make him dirty, but didn't hurt his eyes.

Pinkie giggled at Spike. "Come on Spike, it's bath time." Spike huffed as he'd rather sit in the ash and coals then get into the bath. "I have Gummy?"

Spike's eyes went wide as he got out of the fireplace. "Ok, where's the bath?" Asked Spike, he hated baths when he was alone, but with Gummy he was a happy little drake.

Pinkie giggled as she picked up Spike and placed him in her back, she was going to join them anyways, so she didn't care if her coat got dirty. Pinkie walked up the stairs and headed into the bathroom. There was a large tub and shower combo, full of bubbles and 2 large purple eyes in the tub. Spike gasped at Gummy and couldn't wait for Pinkie to place him in the bath. "GUMMY!" Cheered Spike. Gummy just licked his eye and blinked slowly, making Spike smile and giggle.

Pinkie smiled as she placed Spike into the bath and joined him soon after. Pinkie cleaned her coat and she cleaned Spike's scales, while Gummy just tried to bite Spike's snout.

But once Spike and Pinkie were clean, they took a few moments to relax. "Mama, why did Dumpling call me cute?" Asked Spike.

Pinkie smiled. "Because that's what you are, why bring it up?"

Spike hummed. "I don't know, when she called me cute, it felt different than when you or mamas call me it, or when grandmas call me it."

Pinkie hummed. "Spike, how did it feel different?"

Spike shrugged. "It just did, is that ok?" Asked Spike.

Pinkie nodded. "Yes, but don't worry about it."

Spike nodded as he played with Gummy in the bath.

After the bath, it was dinner time, Spike ate a baked ruby as everyone else had a hay burger and a salad. Then there was some idle chit chat between the mares. But Spike, Pinkie, and Dumpling were in her room playing some games. Spike grabbed the dice and tossed them. "8." Said Spike as he moved his piece across the board, he looked at the space he landed on, it was a card space, so he grabbed a card from the pile.

You have 2 choices, move back and role again, or take a dare from the pony to your right and move up 6 spaces.

Spike hummed as he thought about his choices. He looked to his right; it was Dumpling. "Ok, I'll take the dare." Said Spike.

Dumpling hummed as she thought of a good dare. "Spike, I dare you to mail a letter to the princess tomorrow." Said Dumpling as she giggled at the thought of Spike writing the ruler of the kingdom a little letter.

Spike cocked his head. "Why wait?" Asked Spike as he looked for a paper and quill to write to Celestia. Spike found some on Dumplings desk and started writing.

Dear Grandma.

Me and Mama are playing a game with a nice filly named Dumpling, I got a dare card and she wanted me to write a letter to you, I miss you, but I know you're busy with being the princess. Life in Ponyville is great, but me and Mama are helping throw a party for Dumpling tomorrow, so I don't know about mama’s day, sorry. But they told me that school is boring. Oh, I can count to 100 now, so I guess that's something. Mama was wondering if when you turn 77 does that mean you turn 7 twice or three times, I told her that it doesn't work like that. Oh, I need to go its Dumpling's turn.

Love Spike 'Inconceivable' Drake.

P.S. Mama, gave me the new middle name, I like it.

Spike rolled the paper and sent it to Celestia. Shocking Dumpling that Spike wrote the letter, then burned it. "Spike, why did you do that?" Asked Dumpling.

Spike was confused. "What, I wrote a letter to Grandma, just like you asked." Spike then puffed his cheeks and belched out a letter. It landed in front of Dumpling with the royal seal, she grabbed the letter and looked at the seal. Spike walked over to Dumpling and grabbed the letter.

Dear Spike, I love the new name, it sounds cool and mysterious.

Thank you for writing to me, I was just going over some papers about my school, and yes, it is boring. I'm so proud of you for getting to 100, I can't wait for you to become so smart. In my opinion turning 77 is even better than just turning 7, and on that day, anyone should be able to act like a kid again. I miss you very much Sweetie, and when I have time I'll drop by and see you and the girls. Tell this little filly, Dumpling, happy birthday for me, and tell Pinkie to have fun.

From Grandma.

P.S. Don't forget to love them Spike.

Spike smiled at the letter and handed it to Dumpling. "I get to move up 6 spaces." Smiled Spike.

Dumpling looked at the letter. "WHAT!?" Asked Dumpling.

Spike shrugged. "What, Grandma just wished you a happy birthday?"

Dumpling was confused. "No, how do you know the princess?"

Spike cocked his head. "Um... She's my Grandma." Said Spike not seeing a problem.

Dumpling looked to Pinkie for some help. "Pinkie, did you know?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah, she's very nice, and Spike's grandma, and I agree, I've already planned my 77th birthday." Said Pinkie.

Dumpling sighed. "You know what, I'm not even going to question it." Said Dumpling as she placed the dice into her hooves and rolled. "7." Dumpling moved her piece to the location, and she landed on a truth card. She flipped the card and read it out loud. "The truth is the answer we seek, move to the next ladder if you answer a question from the player to your left, lie and moved to the closest slide and lose a turn." Dumpling sighed as she placed the card down. She looked to Spike. "Spike?"

Spike hummed. "Um... why did you call me cute?" Asked Spike, he wanted to know.

Dumpling giggled. "Awe, well why wouldn't I call you cute, you're nice, funny, adorable, and you're really warm." Said Dumpling as she hugged Spike.

Spike blushed as he politely returned the hug. "Um... Thanks."

Dumpling smiled as she moved her piece to the closest ladder and moved up. Pinkie growled, as she rolled the dice. "12." Said Pinkie as she got to a challenge card. "Complete the challenge on the card and take the lead while sending first to last. Tell the one closest to you how you truly feel, and then give them a kiss."

Pinkie smirked as she pulled Spike into her barrel. "Easy, Spike, I love you so much and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you." Said Pinkie as she kissed Spike's cheek.

Spike smiled as he hugged Pinkie's barrel. "I love you too Mama." Spike then kissed Pinkies cheek.

Pinkie smiled, but she smirked at Dumpling as she moved her piece up and pushed Dumplings down.

Tart walked into the room. "Dumpling, it's time for bed, time to pack the game up."

Dumpling sighed. "Ok, I'll put it back in your room once we get packed up."

Tart gasped. "What do you mean from my room?"

Dumpling cocked her head. "I found this in your closet, actually there's a lot of games in there, I wanted to try twister, but I couldn't reach it."

Tart paled. "Sweetie, what game did you grab?"

Dumpling showed the box. "Truth or Mare."

Tart gulped. "How far did you get?"

Dumpling sighed. "Not far, but when I read the rules, something didn't make sense. Wouldn't it be crowded if 8 players played?"

Tart nodded as she was sweating. "Yes, that is absolutely right, hey, I'll pick the game up, why don't you go brush your teeth."

Dumpling was confused, but she nodded. "Ok, can Spike and Pinkie sleep in my room tonight?"

Tart gulped, Cupcake was in the spare room, and she didn't want to make her sleep with Spike and Pinkie, and she really didn't want to make Pinkie and Spike sleep in the living room. "Sure."

Dumpling smiled as she pulled the 2 to the bathroom so they could get ready for bed. Tart quickly gathered the board, cards, and pieces and placed them in the box. She looked at the box. "Truth or Mare, a game for when the night is young, but the spark is gone." Said Tart, she groaned. "I swear, I need to get rid of these, or at least store them in the attic so Dumpling can't get them." Tart levitated the box back to her room and stored it in her closet. But before she turned off the light, she heard the front door opening. "Oh no." Said Tart as she ran to the living room.

Standing in the living room was a royal guard, but this was still his home. He removed his helmet and his fur went back to its normal green color, and his blue mane changed to brown. "Man, I'm glad that the CO let me leave so I could make it for Dumplings birthday." Said the stallion.

Tart ran into the room and smiled at her husband. "You have to leave now, I thought we decided to make it a surprise?"

The stallion sighed. "But I've been away for 3 months, and I wanted to see my little girl and my loving wife."

Tart sighed as she kissed her husband. "Solid Earth, for Dumpling, head to the inn for the night, I just got her to bed and I don't want to wake her, Pinkie, and Spike up."

Solid was confused. "Who are Spike and Pinkie?"

Tart sighed as she kissed her husband again. "I'll tell you tomorrow, be here in morning for breakfast and maybe you should wear your armor, Dumpling has gotten pretty fast."

Solid sighed. "Fine, but just because the look she's going to have when she sees me is going to be priceless."

Tart smiled. "I love you."

Solid smiled as he kissed his wife. "I love you too Tart, just make sure to make pancakes, I haven't had your pancakes in months and rations stink."

Tart smiled. "Deal." Tart then popped in a few bits. "See you tomorrow."

Solid smiled. "And every day. I'm getting a transfer to the town station, I'm going to be home for a long while, so one more night away won't kill me."

Tart was crying, she could see her husband every day, after many months apart. "Go, quickly before I change my mind." Said Tart.

Solid smirked as he kissed his wife one more time. "One more night." Said Solid.

Tart smiled. "One more night."

Solid walked out of the house and headed to the inn, as Tart walked to her room and smiled at knowing tomorrow, their little family would be whole.

Pinkie and Dumpling were cuddling Spike as the little dragon was the best heater ever. Spike wrapped his tail around Dumpling and his arms around Pinkie, ready to help his mama throw a great party.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long delay, here is part 1 of 2. Please note that Dumpling does not see Spike as a love intrest, its more like a cousin that is highly affectionet, Pinkie is still Pinkie, she just doesnt know how to deal with Spike, and Spike is unsure himself.

As for the sexy board game, this shit actually happened to me, back when I was like 5, and it was a gag gift that my friend's mother got years ago. I remebered it, and actually looked it up now that I'm 22, and it was really not for kids.

Lastly this is the extent of that kind of talk in the story for now. Just for reference, the cover image is what Spike looks like right now.

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