• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,635 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Kindergarten calamity Pt.1

Spike was rubbing the sleep out of his eye's while sitting on the back of Rarity. "Why am I up so early?" Asked Spike, he was sure that 6am was not a thing until this morning, but it was, and that was when he was woken up to get ready for today.

Rarity giggled as today was a very special day, today was the day that Spike, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom started their first day of school. Sweetie yawned as she trotted beside her sister. "Yeah, why can't school start at a reasonable time like 10?"

Rarity couldn't help but smile at the fact that Spike and Sweetie had grown up so fast, they were already 4 years old and she was 10. "Well, look at it like this, class is over by 12 and then you have the rest of the day to go play with your friends. So a few hours of sitting won't kill you."

Spike groaned as he sighted the school house in the distance. "Mother, are you sure that it's ok that I go?" Ever since his first hatch day, where Celestia told him what he should expect from being a dragon, Spike had not changed that much, but when he was unsure of something, it took a lot of convincing to dissuade those doubts.

Rarity gave Spike a loving smile. "I'm sure Spikie, Mother has talked with your new teacher and she was more than happy to enroll you." That and the fact that Celestia wanted to make sure that Spike got an education and she attended the meeting, but honestly, the teacher was more than happy to let Spike attend.

"Aw, come on Spike, maybe you'll see your fillyfriend?" Teased Sweetie.

Spike blushed as he glared at his aunt. "She's not my fillyfriend."

Sweetie and Rarity giggled, Spike and Diamond Tiara had been very close over the years, and even if he denied it, he liked seeing her every time he had the chance. "Sweetie, stop teasing Spike." Said Rarity, but Sweetie just smirked.

Soon they arrived at the school and noticed that Pear was escorting AJ and Applebloom to the school. "Ma, Grandma, Aunt Bloom." Yelled Spike as he waved from the back of Rarity. All three looked at Spike and the Belle sisters.

AJ ran over to Spike and nuzzled his head. "Morning Sugar Cube, are you ready for your first day?"

Spike sighed, but he nodded his head. "As ready as I'll ever be."

AJ giggled at the little dragons lack of enthusiasm, but she was just as enthusiastic as he was when she was his age. "Don't worry Spike, it's not so bad."

Spike smiled as he nodded. "Ok Ma."

Soon a chalk white unicorn mare with a dark green mane walked over to Spike, but she was smiling at him. "So this is the little dragon I've heard so much about." She raised her hoof up to Spike and he took it in his claws. "Well, it's nice to meet you Spike, my name is Miss Chalk Board, and I will be your teacher for the year."

Spike nodded as he introduced his Mamas. "It's nice to meet you, this is my Mother, and this is my Ma, and my aunt Sweetie."

Chalk Board smiled. "Oh, I'm well aware of your family, and they all seem like nice fillies." Spike smiled at hearing that his mamas were liked.

Rarity then used her magic to place Spike on the ground next to Sweetie. "Spikie, it's time for me and AJ to head to our class, have a nice day and be a good little drake." Said Rarity as she gave Spike a kiss on the cheek.

AJ walked over to him and did the same. "We love you Sugar Cube."

Spike sighed as he watched his mothers walk into the school and head to their class. But Sweetie wasn't going to let Spike be sad, she started pushing Spike closer to the kindergarten entrance. "Come on Spike."

Sweetie pushed Spike right up to Pear and Applebloom. "Morning Spike, are you excited for our first day?" Asked Applebloom. She had adopted the style of wearing her mane with a large pink bow but she tended to mess it up by noon, thankfully Spike had hands so he would help her fix it.

Spike nodded. "As excited as trying to get Mommy out for Nightmare Night." That was a whole can of worms for a later time, but it never ended well.

Applebloom giggled as she nuzzled his face. "Well, don't be like that, me and Sweetie are here for you."

Pear nodded as she leaned down to Spike's face and gave him a big kiss. "She's right Sweetie, everything will be just fine."

Spike gave Pear a hug. "Love you Grandma."

Pear nuzzled his head. "Love you too Spike, now run along and have a nice day." With that Miss Board walked all the kids into the school building, and Pear walked back to the farm to get ready for the harvest.

Equestrian schools worked like this, from the age of 4, fillies, colts, and the single dragon, started attending, they would spend a few hours learning, then by 12 they would be dismissed, and each grade past that stayed another 20 minutes until they reached the age of 12, then they would start working and following their destiny. Meaning that the girls were going to in school till 2pm.

But right now, Fluttershy was sitting in her desk next to Rainbow and Pinkie, the latter 2 were trying to calm Fluttershy down. "Oh, but what if he gets made fun of, or what if Celestia sends him a letter and he scares the others, WHAT IF A HYDRA APPEARS IN THE ROOM!?" Asked Fluttershy hysterically, she was worried about Spike.

Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy and started shaking her. "Fluttershy!" Yelled Pinkie.

Rainbow sighed as she stopped Pinkie from shaking Fluttershy. "Pinkie, stop that. Shy, calm down, Spike is going to be just fine, and don't worry, if something does happen, we are just right down the hall from him."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and she started to calm down. "Right, he's a smart dragon, but maybe I should have had Harry stay with him?"

Rainbow groaned at the idea. "Shy, Harry, the large brown bear that is massive, now that would have scared some ponies." Soon Rarity and AJ walked into the class. "Yo Rares, AJ, tell Shy that Spike is perfectly safe."

Both mothers walked over to their friend and started telling her that he was going to be fine.

In Spike's class room, Miss Board was smiling at how many of the colts and fillies knew each other, Spike was talking and smiling with his aunts and Diamond, but the fact that a dragon was in the class did draw some attention from the rest of the students. But it was time for the official first day to start. Miss Board cleared her throat and this caught all the kid's attention. "Greetings, and welcome to your first day of kindergarten, this year we will learning how to write, read, as well as some basic math, and how to have fun, but to start off how about we all make a little poster to help others get to know us?" Miss Board started passing out a large piece of paper to everyone. "Make them unique, personal, and something that shows us who you are."

Spike looked at his backpack, he pulled out a pack of markers, color pencils, and crayons, while all the others were confused at what the heck the bag was, they all had saddle bags, and that thing clearly wasn't a set of saddle bags, but right now they still needed to work on their poster.

After 30 minutes, Spike was about half way done, he had colored the poster green and purple and drew a picture of his mamas, but there was something missing. Sure he loved his mama's but that wasn't all, he liked his gems, his fire, animals, parties, apples, soccer, rocks, candy, and his whole family. They made him happy and helped him become his own dragon. Spike wanted to show that in his poster, but there was one thing that he really needed to show. Spike got up from his seat and walked over to Miss Board. The teacher looked at Spike and gave him a warm smile. "Hi Spike, do you need some help?"

Spike shook his head. "No, but there is something that I want to add to my poster, but I don't have any, would it be ok if I sent a letter to my Grandma to see if she could send me some?" Asked Spike. After living in a town with very flammable building materials, the girls had taught Spike to always ask permission before using his fire in public.

Chalk Board gave him a small smile, she had been told of his ability when the girls tried to enroll him. "Sure, but please use a small flame dear, and make sure that you aim up." Spike smiled widely and nodded. Chalk Board pulled out a little piece of paper and handed it to Spike. "Use this."

Spike walked back to his desk and started his note.

Dear Grandma.
I need to keep this short, I'm working on a poster for class, but I want to add some crushed gems to the edges, can you send me a few gems so I can add them? I'll tell you about my first day later, I miss you.
From Spike

Spike folded the note and as promised he lifted it up before shooting a small flame at it, sending it to Celestia. But it still caught the attention of all the kids in the room.

Celestia was sitting in her office at her school for gifted unicorns going over some of the new students that were accepted. Since they didn't have Spike's egg anymore, they had to switch over to a artificial stone that projected a number that told the examiners how powerful they were. They were allowed to enroll if they could get a 150, and so far that was showing to be just as reliable as the previous test. "So far, I think that device is working great, it might be a little harder than Spike's test, but we give them a few tries." Celestia then thought back to the first time they used the device and came up with a baseline. "I wonder how Twilight is doing tutoring Sunburst and Moondancer, both of them were accepted last year, but neither of them showed much magical abilities, I just hope they have improved." With Blueblood having graduated and Cadance working hard to become the princess of love, Celestia had decided that it was time for Twilight to take on the roll of starting her destiny. She gave the filly the task of becoming a leader to some ponies that were preforming less than expected in their classes, and it was working well so far. Moondancer got a 154 and Sunburst got a 152, while Twilight got a 723 on her first time. So Celestia wanted her to teach them and help them improve. Celestia was so entranced in her thoughts that she didn't notice that Twilight and her companions had walked into her office to inform her that it was time for their study period.

But the young ones did notice the trail of smoke that flew through the opening on the window. Moondancer gasped, she had studied the spell before. "That's Mittam ignem familiae, but why would the princess be using that spell?" Asked the cream colored filly.

Sunburst, a orange colt with a dark orange mohawk mane nodded at the question. "Yeah, wouldn't it be easer to use the magical mailing spell that we learned in class last year?"

Moondancer nodded. "True, but clearly the sender is not able to use such a spell, or maybe the sender is not a unicorn, the spell can also be applied to paper and when burnt, it has the same effect."

All this talking was enough to brake Celestia's train of thought. "Well, I see that you 2 have been listening during class, but how have Twilight's practical lessons been?" Asked the princess.

Twilight smiled as she pulled the 2 into a hug. "Sunburst last got a 347, and Moondancer got a 326. I'm so proud of them."

Celestia smiled at hearing that. "And you my dear student?"

Twilight blushed. "1687."

Celestia giggled at seeing that her powers are coming along nicely, but there was still room for improvement. Celestia got curious one day and decided to use her most powerful spell on a spare device, she broke it and maxed out the counter at 9999, and she was holding back, but she couldn't expect regular ponies to ever reach her level. "Very good, now what do you need?"

"Well, it's our study period, and we were wondering if we could spend it with you?" Asked Twilight.

Celestia smiled as she loved it when Twilight was social and the fact that she had brought her friends with her only made it better. "Of course, but may I ask why you mentioned Mittam ignem familiae?"

All three ponies pointed to the letter on the ground. "That showed up." Said Sunburst.

Celestia blinked in surprise, she was so lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice that Spike had sent a letter. "Oh, lets see what is happening?" She levitated the letter to her face and started to read. "Oh, that's so cute, I'll send him some right away." Celestia placed the letter on her desk and ran over to the door. "Guard?"

Standing right by the door was a royal guard, and the moment he heard the voice of the princess he snapped to attention. "Yes!"

"Can you head to the royal vault and access the special safe in the front, grab a few colorful gems from there and bring them back to me as soon as possible?" Asked the princess.

The guard saluted. "At once Princess." The guard used his magic to teleport to the castle and ran to the vault.

Celestia pulled her head back into the office and smiled at her student. "Sorry, I just need to send something to him real quick."

"Him? Who's him?" Asked Sunburst.

Celestia's eyes widened, she wasn't thinking and completely forgot that her relationship with Spike and the girls was a secret. "No one."

Twilight smirked, she had been by Celestia's side for years now, and she had seen small snip its of the letters she had gotten every now and then, but she knew the name of the sender. "It's from Spike, isn't it?"

Celestia's groan could be heard around the city. Celestia walked to her chair and took a seat. "Yes, it's from Spike, and since you know how the spell works you probably know how long the links last. So to sate your curiosity, I will allow each of you one question."

Twilight's eyes sparkled, she'd known about Spike for years and now was her best shot at getting some answers. "Who is he?"

Celestia smiled. "He's someone very special to me."

Twilight groaned, she should have been more specific. "Um... why is he not using the message spell we learned?" Asked Moondancer.

"Well, as you assumed, Spike is not a unicorn, so he burns the letters to send them." Said Celestia.

Sunburst hummed as he thought of his question. "Um...Will we ever meet Spike?"

Celestia hummed as she tried to think of a response. "Uh... maybe, he's very busy and depending on if he does well, I think we can set something up." This seemed to spark a whole new set of questions, but before the princess could be bombarded with them, the guard returned with 8 gems in his magic.

"Princess, will these do?" Asked the guard.

Celestia took the gems and looked them over, once she was done, she smiled. "Perfect, thank you." The guard nodded and returned to his post. Celestia then pulled out a clean piece of paper and wrote her message.

Dear Spike.
Here you go Sweetie, have a nice first day and please be a good little dragon.
Always love you: Grandma

Celestia folded the letter and used a spell to embed the gems onto the paper. She then wrote how to remove them on the cover.

Spike, to get the gems off the paper, just pinch and pull and they should come off.

Now that her message was ready, it was time for her to send it back. She walked over to the window and used her magic to burn the letter back to Spike. Once the letter was gone, Celestia looked to her students. "Now, what would you like to talk about?"

Author's Note:

Three things, 1) I don't know how the school system actually works in MLP, but this was my answer for how AB, SB, Scoots were able to become councilors, Becasue when the show started and when it ended, at most it was only 2 years in cannon, going off of the reoccurring events. 2) The Blog with if Twilight should meet Spike early is over, and I had a feeling it was going to be yes, that is why I have already written those chapters. 3) I'm going to be jumping a lot of years now after the next chapter, to when he is 6, then to when he is 11, there are only 4 more chapters until I'm done.

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