• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,612 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Spike Shy-Dash-Pie-Belle-Apple Drake

Spike looked around at his new home, there were dozens of ponies going about their day, his eyes went wide at all the ponies. Pear giggled at seeing Spikes reaction. "Spike, do you want to go see the town?" Asked Pear.

Spike shook his head. "No, I wanna be family, mama's need make neckwesses." Said Spike.

All the girls nodded as Pinkie pulled out all of the gems Spike gave them. Pear smiled. "At least he knows that family is more important." Said Pear as she smiled. She looked to the northeast. 'I wonder how your doing Pa? Would you be happy for me now, knowing that your a grandfather to three wonderful kids and the great grandfather to the kindest dragon to exist?' Thought Pear as she tried to picture her father with them right now. Pear shook her head. 'No, he made that choice, I have my family right here.' Thought Pear as she smiled at Spike. "Ok Spike, lets head to town hall and make it official."

"Yay!" Cheered Spike.

The group moved through the town, with only Spike being unaware of the looks they were getting. Everyone else was completely aware of the looks, mares hiding their children from the dragon, stallions hiding the mares who were hiding the children, that was until a light pink mare with a magenta mane, opal eyes, and a bought snout ran over to the family, she was followed by a older lavender stallion with large white eyebrows dressed in a butlers suit and a baby carrier, that had a small pink filly with a purple mane inside.

The mare looked at the family and looked repulsed at the sight of them all. "MR. APPLE, Get that horrid thing off of your head!" Demanded the mare.

Pear, Cookie, and Bright Mac all rolled their eyes. They knew exactly who this was and she was not the least bit subtle of her opinions on everything imaginable. "Good to see you Spoiled." Said Pear, she looked at the old stallion and gave him a actual smile that showed real emotion in it. "Hello Randolph, its good to see you." She then looked to the foal in the baby carrier. "Hello Diamond Tiara, your looking as cute as ever today."

Randolph smiled at the mare. "Thank you Ms. Buttercup." He looked to all the others. "Good day, my name is Randolph, I'm the head butler of the Rich family, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

A little history, Pear and Spoiled got pregnant with their daughters near the same time, they went into labor near the same time, and they both went to baby play dates so the next generation could become friends, at the same time, but Spoiled would not shut her mouth every time some one would bring their foal in, and it got even worse when somefoal would try and play with Diamond. Spoiled would scream, take Diamond away and yell at the other parents to know their place in society, all while spouting that Diamond should only socialize with others of high esteem like her. Ok Back to the present.

"Randolph, please do not encourage this kind of behavior." She then looked at Spike. "And what is that beast doing here, shouldn't it be burning down a town and stealing gems for its pile or something."

Spike looked back at Spoiled. "Your mean." Said Spike simply. "This my seat, grandpa let me stay here." Spike looked to Bright Mac. "Right grandpa?" Asked Spike.

Bright Mac smiled, that was the first time Spike called him grandpa. Bright Mac nodded slightly to make sure Spike didn't get tossed off. "Yep, that is your seat."

Spoiled looked insulted. 'This beast has the nerve to insult me, doesn't it know who I am?' Spoiled walked over to Bright Mac to give Spike a piece of her mind, but she was stopped by all of the girls, Windy, Bow, and Cookie, they didn't take her calling Spike a beast well. "Move, that beast should be shown its place." Said Spoiled.

Rarity growled as her eyes went white. "Call him a beast one more time, just one more time and I will not regret what I'm about to do." Said Rarity.

Spoiled smirked. 'What can this little filly even do, she's no noble from Canterlot, the worst she could probably do is blow my hair a little, then I'll just go to the salon to get a make over again, Filthy can afford it.' Thought Spoiled as she said one simple word. "Beast."

Rarity roared as she channeled her magic into a teleportation spell. She unleashed her magic on Spoiled as she sent her to the small lake on the outskirts of town, and thanks to the rainstorm yesterday the banks were going to be muddy.

Once Spoiled was gone Randolph sighed in relief. "Thank Celestia, I have worked for Filthy Rich and his family for years, and I have never once regretted my decision to serve his family, that was until that harpy wormed her way into his heart."

Spike smiled as he looked to Randolph. "Nice meet you, Randolph." Said Spike. "I Spike." He then pointed to all the girls. "That my mama's."

Randolph smiled at the simple manners of Spike. "Its nice to meet you Spike, might I ask how old you are, you seem to know a lot of words."

Spike looked at his claws as he tried to think. He stuck out two claws. "I this many, I think."

Randolph smiled. "Awe, two years old, such a long life ahead of you."

Spike shook his head. "No, this many." Said Spike as he kept his claws out.

Randolph nodded. "Sorry, two months, you are a very smart dragon then, dragons your age only know a few words to help them get by and communicate with their parents." Randolph was very interested in dragons, and always requested the day of the dragon migration off so he could observe them.

Spike shook his head again. "No, this many." Said Spike as he kept his two claws out.

Randolph shook his head. "You can't be two weeks old."

"I not, I this many." Said Spike. "I see ball in sky this many times since I hatched." Said Spike still holding two claws out.

Randolph gasped. "Your only two days old?" Asked the stallion.

Spike cocked his head. "What day?" Asked Spike, he looked at Bright Mac. "Grandpa, what day?"

Bright Mac sighed as he pointed to the sun. "Spike, see the big ball in the sky, its called the sun, everyday Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun, she also does the same with the moon. When you see the sun then the moon one time its called a day."

"Oh." Said Spike as he looked at his claws, as he remembered how many times he saw the sun and moon. 'Ok so yesterday I saw the sun, then the sun again, then I saw a red sun in the distance, then when we got to mama's with lot of rocks, white ball was in the sky, that must be the moon, I slept for a long time, the moon was gone and the ball was back in the sky.' Thought Spike. He looked to Randolph. "I two days." Said Spike as he smiled.

But before Randolph could protest, the clocktower struck 4. Pear looked at the clocktower. "Shoot, we need to hurry, town hall closes in an hour." Said Pear. She looked at Randolph. "Randolph, I'm sorry but we need to go, were headed to town hall so Spike can legally be adopted by his mothers." She looked at Diamond. "Diamond, I'm sorry about your mother, but no one calls my grand baby a beast."

Diamond cooed, she looked at Spike, and smiled at him. Spike looked at her and waved as he smiled. "Hi." Then Pear and the others started to rush to town hall. "Bye." Said Spike as the family left.

Randolph sighed. "Come along, lets go see how much Spoiled Milk's anger will cost your father."

It didn't take long for the family to reach town hall, but it was still a while seeing as it was 4:30 when they arrived in the lobby. Pear rushed in and headed straight for the receptionist. A nice white unicorn mare with a brown bee hive hairdo was sitting behind the desk, this was Raven Inkwell. "Raven is the mayor still in?" Asked Pear as she reached the desk.

Raven smiled. "Your in luck, she just finished her last meeting of the day, but you better hurry, she's packing up right now to head home." Said Raven. "So Buttercup, what brings you here, I need to know so I can get you the proper form?" After her first week on the job, it was clear that the only reason anypony came to town hall was to complain or to request forms, so asking ahead of time was just easier.

Pear smiled. "We need adoption papers for an abandoned child."

Raven gasped. "That's horrible, who would abandon a poor, defenseless foal?" Asked Raven.

In Tartarus, Swift Flight sneezed as he was about to be thrown in his cell by the guards. "Get in there dirt bag."

Pear shook her head. "Its not a foal, Spike is a dragon baby that was abandoned by his mother." Said Pear as she walked over to Mac and retrieved Spike, she brought him over to Raven. "Spike, this is a friend of mine, her name is Raven Inkwell." She looked to Raven. "Raven this is Spike, my soon to be grandson."

Raven looked at Spike as she used her magic to pull out the proper form for adoption. "Fill this out and I'll stall the mayor." Said Raven as she gave Pear the form.

Pear smiled as she picked up Spike, she smiled at Raven. "Thanks Raven." Said Pear as she walked away from the desk to fill out the form.

20 minutes later, Pear looked at the form, there were only two more things to do before they were ready to see the mayor. She looked at the girls. "Ok girls you all need to sign on this line to say that your his legal guardians." Said Pear as she gave the quill she was using to the girls. One by one all the girls signed the form stating that they will take responsibility for Spike from this moment forward.

Pear smiled as she pointed to the very last thing they needed to fill out. "Ok, now the real question, what is Spikes full name?"

All the girls looked at Spike. When Raven returned she gave Spike a small pack of crayons and a piece of paper to occupy his time while the others filled out the form. Cookie was on the floor with Spike teaching him the colors as he was drawing a small picture. The girls thought of what to name him. "How about we go in the order he saw us first?" Suggested Rarity. All the girls nodded.

One by one, all the girls added to Spike's name showing that he was going to be a full part of each of their family's. Fluttershy was first, she walked up to the form, in the last two days she has experienced so many things in her life, but right now this was going to be the one she was not going to shy away from.

Spike Shy-

Rainbow walked over to add her part, she doesn't know it, but its because of her that Spike was finally hatched and now has her for such a great mother.

Spike Shy-Dash-

Next was Pinkie, because of Spike, Pinkie finally found the two things that will always be in her heart, parties and her son, and all of it was thanks to meeting the girls and finding him.

Spike Shy-Dash-Pie-

Up next was Rarity as she smiled at her soon to be son, thanks to Spike, Rarity had millions of ideas that she could use to bring her new found dream of being a fashion designer into reality.

Spike Shy-Dash-Pie-Belle-

Last was AJ, she was the final filly to become Spike's mother and she was so happy to know she was always going to be there with him instead of being in the big city with ponies that didn't even know the word hard work.

Spike Shy-Dash-Pie-Belle-Apple Drake

All the girls smiled at seeing Spike was about to be their son. Pear grabbed the form and walked over to Raven. "Raven we're done, can we see the mayor now?" Asked Pear.

Raven nodded. "Yep, gather everyone and we'll head to her office." Said Raven.

Pear smiled as she gathered everyone, but before they left Spike handed Raven the picture he drew. It was a crude drawing of a white mare with a brown mane, but it was clear to Raven that is was suppose to be a picture of her. She smiled at the drawing, then she looked at Spike. "It's wonderful Spike, thank you." Said Raven.

Spike smiled as Raven lead the group to the mayors office. "She's inside, have a great day." She looked at Spike as she kissed his forehead. "Thank you again for the picture Spike, and welcome to Ponyville." Said Raven as she walked back to her desk, she needed to head home and see if her job application for the position of the royal record keeper was accepted or not.

Pear and the others walked into the mayors office. Mayor Mare was a tan mare with a gray mane, she was just elected mayor a year ago and in that time she was doing a great job, except for Winter Wrap Up, Ponyville was struggling to clean up winter before Spring should arrive for years before she showed up. "Mayor, thank you for seeing us on such short notice." Said Pear.

The Mayor smile. "Not a problem, Raven told me about why your here, and I'd be glad to make it official, all I ask is to see this little dragon for my own eyes."

Fluttershy smiled as she got Spike and placed him on her desk. "Here you go." Fluttershy smiled at Spike. "Spike, remember what we talked about a minute ago, what do you say when we meet a new pony?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike looked at the mare as he smiled at her. "Hello, my name Spike Drake, I happy to meet you." Spike looked at Fluttershy. "I do it right?" Asked Spike.

Fluttershy smiled as she nodded. "You did great Sweetie."

Spike smiled. The Mayor looked at Spike, he certainly was a dragon, but he was nothing like the dragons she saw during the last migration. "Ok, may I see the adoption forms?" Asked Mayor Mare. Pear nodded as she gave the form to her. Mayor Mare looked over the form, everything was in order, all the t's were crossed and all the i's dotted. Mayor Mare took a deep breath. "Ok, I need his guardians to take an oath saying that once this meeting is over, Spike will be legally their son."

All the girls nodded as they walked over to the desk. "Ok, please place your right hoof on the royal seal and repeat after me."

All the girls placed their hooves on the royal seal. "I swear upon the royal emblem of the kingdom of Equestria…"

"I swear upon the royal emblem of the kingdom of Equestria…" Repeated the girls.

"That upon the finishing of this oath, I will do everything in my power to provide for Spike Shy-Dash-Pie-Belle-Apple Drake..."

"That upon the finishing of this oath, I will do everything in my power to provide for Spike Shy-Dash-Pie-Belle-Apple Drake..." Repeated the girls.

"I will support him, care for him, teach him, and I will treat him as if he was my own child."

"I will support him, care for him, teach him, and I will treat him as if he was my own child." Repeated the girls.

Mayor Mare smiled as she pulled out a stamp with the royal emblem of the sun and stamped it on the adoption form. She gave it to Spike and smiled at him. "As the mayor of Ponyville, and with the power vested in me by the ponies of Ponyville, I hereby release Spike Shy-Dash-Pie-Belle-Apple Drake into the custody of his 5 mothers, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkamena Diann Pie, Rarity Belle, and Applejack Apple." She smiled happily. "Welcome to Ponyville Spike, I hope you love your family as much as they love you."

Author's Note:


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