• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,635 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Whole Lot of Apples Going On Pt.3

After Rarity was finished taking Spike's measurements, and after letting Sweetie Belle say goodbye, it was time for Fluttershy and Spike to head back to the farm to inform Granny that Spike's suit will be done tomorrow. Fluttershy looked at Spike, he was sitting on her back and pouting. "Oh, come on Sweetie, it couldn't have been that bad."

Spike sighed. "But it was, Mommy. I was so bored, and I had to stay like this for a long time." Said Spike as he stood in a T pose. "And when I tried to talk to Mother, she said she needed to concentrate and that once she was done, we could talk."

Fluttershy was confused. "And what's so bad about that, you and Rarity were talking when she brought you down."

Spike sighed as he sat back down on Fluttershy's back. "I know, but it was like that for an hour." Said Spike. "Now we won't have time for another story, before we go see Grandma and Grandpa." Pouted Spike.

Fluttershy giggled at Spike. "Spike, is that all that's making you upset?"

Spike nodded. "Well, I guess, we'll just have to read a story when Grandma and Grandpa show up, and maybe they'll just have to join us. How does that sound?"

Spike smiled widely. "Come on Mommy, you know how Grandma gets when we're late." Said Spike.

Fluttershy giggled. "Ok Sweetie, let’s get to the farmhouse first and gather your stuff then we'll head to the house. Maybe if you’re a good little drake, Angel will let you hold him during nap time today."

Spike somehow smiled even wider. Pinkie was already taking effect on him. In the last month, Spike had been doing the impossible, popping out of nowhere, stretching his body slightly and even making weird comments. "Hey, they're not weird." Said Spike looking straight at you, the reader. But he was only looking at a wall of a building.

Fluttershy looked back at Spike. "Spike, who are you talking to?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike pointed to the reader, but to Fluttershy he was pointing to the wall. "Them, they called what me and Mama do weird."

Fluttershy giggled. 'Oh, he must already have an imaginary friend.' "Well Spike, maybe they mean it in a good way, weird doesn't need to always mean bad after all."

Spike looked at you. "Really?" Asked Spike. You nod in agreement. Spike smiled at the answer. "Ok, well me and Mommy need to go, it was nice talking to you. Bye."

You sigh in relief and call the author. He picks up. "Yes...What...But I didn't write him to be like that...Yes, I know the saying, but I control this universe, what I say goes. If I say that there's a giant meteor hurtling towards the planate, then there is, if I say the mare in the moon destroys the meteor with the help of a 90 megaton salsa bomb, then she does, and if I say that Pinkie Pie couldn't give Spike her fourth wall powers, then she can't." Said TAD2, the author of the story.

"But I did, I taught him how during that two-month time skip that you didn't feel like writing about." Said Pinkie.

TAD2 looked at Pinkie and sighed. "Fine, Spike has Pinkie powers now, happy?" Asked TAD2.

Pinkie nodded. "Yep, now when do I take Spike to that party that you mentioned a few chapters ago?"

"I'm thinking after the Zap Apple arc, then we're going to head right in to Spike's first birthday where he experiences his first greed moment, make sure to be ready for it by the way. Then I'm going to skip a few years, Spike will be living with each of you girls and all of you will come together and help him get ready for his first day at school, that's a few chapters right there. And to wrap this up until I find some more time to work on this, I'm going to have him meet a little dragoness during the migration when he's around 6. But this can all change, depending how I feel. Are you ok with that?"

Pinkie hummed. "Oh sorry, I wasn't listening to you, I was making your file for my party cave, you like blue right, and cookies and cream ice-cream?"

"Yeah." TAD2 looks around. "Hey, where are Spike and Fluttershy, this is a chapter about them, not a fourth wall one with you?"

"They made it back to the farm. Right now, Spike is putting on his necklace and Fluttershy is folding Spike's sun blanket, something you kinda forgot about after the first-time skip, might I add."

TAD2 groans. "Hey people like my story, sorry if I forget something every now and then, but I'm trying my best."

Pinkie giggled as she wraps TAD2 into a tight Pinkie hug. "I know, and I liked how my family got the most page time, it really meant a lot to me to see Spike getting to spend so much time with my family, while everyone else's parents got to move to town and be close to him."

TAD2 sighed. "It's fine Pinkie, so maybe when I have time, I'll throw in a holiday chapter where your family comes to Ponyville for Hearts Warming, how does that sound?" TAD2 Looked down expecting to see Pinkie, but all he found was a note.

Sorry, had to run. My shift was about to start, also I think the readers are expecting Filthy and Spoiled at the farm this chapter, and this gag has gone on too long.

P.S. If she makes my little Spike cry even a little... Let’s just say, my next batch of cupcakes might be made with Spoiled Milk.

With love, and a mountain of sugar, your favorite pony, Pinkie.

TAD2 Sighed as he put down the note. "Ok, Pinkie will not go crazy in this universe." Said TAD2 as he made a note on the front page of this story and underlined it seven times. He looked at the reader. "Sorry about that, between her and everything else it's hard to keep everything straight, and if you’re still reading this, what the heck is wrong with you, the main story is over there." Said TAD2 as he pointed to the farm. "Plus, I don't write so well with people watching me, so don't make me use my secret tiger on you, actually you wouldn't happen to have any raspberries, would you? He loves raspberries ...No... What about a banana? Really? Sweet, go stand on that X for a moment while I drop the 16-ton weight on you so we can wrap up this joke and get back to Spike... Thank you." Said TAD2 as he releases a 16-ton weight on the reader so he can get back to work.

"Sorry, where were we? Oh right, Spike and Fluttershy were about to leave for the cottage to meet Posey and Gentle."

Spike and Fluttershy were about to leave for the cottage to meet Posey and Gentle. When Pear met them in the living room. Spike smiled at seeing his grandma. "Grandma, Mother is going to make me a suit so I can help make Jam this year."

Pear smiled. "That's great Spike, and guess what?"

"What?" Asked Spike.

"The whole family is coming down to help as well, you’re going to meet all your cousins, aunts and uncles from all across Equestria, isn't that great?"

Spike gasped as he tried to think how many aunts and uncles along with the number of cousins he could possibly have. But after ten he was lost. He looked at Pear. "Grandma, how big is the family?" Asked Spike.

Pear hummed in thought. "Well, the Apples are around 300 members, add the relatives of all the girls, and you’re looking at around 350 or so."

Spike looked at his fingers. He had learned all the numbers up to thirty, but now even thinking about so many was confusing. "That's a lot." Said Spike.

Pear giggled at Spike. "Yes it is, Spike. But all that means, is more ponies are going to love getting to know you as much as we do, and they'll be here tomorrow morning, so you can't be like Pinkie and sleep like a stone." Suddenly a timer in the kitchen went off. "Sorry Spike, Fluttershy, I got to go get the chicken feathers out of the water, they can't be soaked for too long or the jam will turn green." Said Pear as she ran to the kitchen.

Spike and Fluttershy watch the weird display. "Spike, I think everyone has their own personal style of weird." Said Fluttershy.

Spike nodded. "Yep." He looked down at Fluttershy. "Mommy, can we take the Mare in The Moon story book home?" Asked Spike.

Fluttershy nodded. "Sure thing Spike, but we gotta remember to bring it back when I drop you off for the night, can you do that?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike nodded. "I will Mommy." Said Spike.

Fluttershy smiled at the answer, she walked over to a small bookshelf, she found the picture book in question and handed it to Spike. "Ok Sweetie, are you ready to go?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike nodded. "Bye Grandma, tell Ma, I love her." Shouted Spike.

"Will do Spike, have a nice time with Fluttershy." Shouted Pear in the kitchen.

With the goodbyes all done, Fluttershy with the book, Spike, and his blanket on her back left the farmhouse to make their way to Fluttershy's home.

As they walked to the front gate of the apple farm, they noticed Granny, she was talking to a brown stallion with a bowtie around his neck, slicked back dark gray mane and a trio of money bags for a cutie mark. Next to him was Spoiled, looking as pompous as ever, along with Randolph and Diamond Tiara in her baby carrier. Fluttershy walked over to Granny to tell her about Spike's suit and caught the tail end of the conversation she and the stallion were having. "I'm glad to hear that the Zap Apples didn't decide to skip a year, but it's so unusual for it to be so late, wouldn't you say Ms. Smith." Asked Filthy.

Granny nodded. "It sure is Filthy, but recently, everything has been unusual, ever since Spike entered our lives."

"Ms. Smith, just call me Rich, and I'm sad to say I have yet to meet this elusive dragon for myself. On that note, I have been informed by Randolph of my wife's attitude towards him, and all I can do is ask for forgiveness, might I please talk to him for a moment?" Asked Rich.

"Granny Smith, we have good news, Rarity said it'll be done by tomorrow, isn't that great?" Asked Fluttershy.

Granny, Rich, Spoiled, Randolph and Diamond all turned to see who was coming towards them. "Speak of the Dragon and he will appear." Said Granny. "That's great Shy, are you and Spike heading to your home to meet Posey and Gentle?" Asked Granny.

Fluttershy nodded. "That's right, oh we might have borrowed a book, I hope you don't mind?"

Granny shook her head. "Not one lick, Spike is really absorbing everything isn't he?"

Spike nodded as he popped out from under Fluttershy's mane with the book in his claws. "Yep, we're going to read The Mare In The Moon story next."

Filthy joined the conversation. "Awe, a classic, even when I was a foal. You must be Spike, it’s nice to meet you, I'm Filthy Rich." Said Filthy holding out his hoof.

Spike looked at the hoof, and chuckled. "Sorry, I'm kinda holding something." He looked at Granny. "Granny, can you take the book for a moment?" Asked Spike.

Granny nodded as she grabbed the book. Spike looked back at Filthy. "Sorry, it’s nice to meet you as well Mr. Rich, I'm Spike Drake." Spike looked at Spoiled and in his best impersonation of his Aunt Maud, he greeted her. "Hello, Mrs. Spoiled, it's nice to see you." He looked at Randolph and smiled at the older Stallion. "Hi Randolph, how are you today?" Spike looked at the little foal in the carrier and smiled at her. "Hi Diamond."

Spoiled just rolled her eyes at the dragon, Randolph smiled at Spike. "I am well today Spike, I see you are using full sentences now, have you started learning how to count?"

Fluttershy nodded. "He has, he can count all the way up to thirty now, we're trying to get him up to fifty by the end of the week."

Randolph nodded. "Awe, a great goal for one so talented."

Spike smiled at the praise. "Thank you." Said Spike. He looked at Filthy. "Mr. Rich can I play with Diamond?" Askes Spike.

Filthy smiled. Unlike Spoiled, Filthy wanted Diamond to socialize with others. "Of course you can." Filthy looked at Fluttershy. "As long as it's fine with you ma'am?"

Spike looked down at Fluttershy. "Can I Mommy? Please?" Asked Spike giving his puppy dog pout, something she taught him, and now he's using it on her.

Fluttershy sighed. "Fine, but only for a few minutes, Grandma and Grandpa will be arriving soon and we don't want to miss them." Said Fluttershy, she placed Spike on the ground to let him walk a little. "And remember, take it slow when you walk. Mommy will be only a few feet away." She looked at Randolph. "Take good care of him Randolph." Said Fluttershy giving him her best puppy dog pout.

Randolph bowed. "Of course, Ms. Shy." Said Randolph as he took Diamond and Spike over to a shady tree for them to play.

Spoiled looked at her husband. "Filthy, it's too hot in the sun, I'm going to go stand by the tree with Diamond." Said Spoiled as she walked away, not even caring to hear Filthy's response.

He looked at Granny. "Granny, back to what we were discussing, I also heard that this year the harvest has lined up with the reunion, is that true?" Asked Filthy.

Granny nodded. "You bet your biscuits it has; this year will be the largest harvest we've ever seen."

"What about the first batch of Jam?"

Granny chuckled. "Filthy, you know the deal, you get our first batch and we get 20% from the sales, but seeing as we're getting the whole family in this year, with me, Buttercup, Goldie, and the rest of us ladies making it this year. The first batch should be a lot larger than normal." Said Granny.

Over with Spike. Randolph was watching as Diamond and Spike were playing with his tail, they were laughing and smiling, there was very little that could have gone wrong. That was until Spoiled walked over and noticed Spike and Diamond. She ran over to them and picked up Diamond. "Get away from her, dragon." Said Spoiled, she then noticed the necklace hanging around Spike's neck. "I knew it, you dirty little thief, there is no way you could ever own something like that, it's obvious that you stole it from Ms. Shine's shop when she wasn't looking." Said Spoiled as she grabbed the necklace and snapped the band off. "I bet your 'Mommies' were in on it too, oh when I tell the guard, they'll be thrown in a cell for years, and you, you little beast will be taken away and finally removed from proper society." Said Spoiled as she walked away with Diamond and Spike's necklace.

Spike tried to run after her to get his necklace back. "HEY, THAT'S MINE. GIVE IT BACK!" Yelled Spike, but he tripped over his tail. There was no chance of him catching her, she was full grown, and Spike couldn't even run. Spike started to cry. "Mama's gave me that, it's mine." Said Spike as he wept.

Randolph, who was stunned by the actions of Spoiled, finally realized what was happening, he ran over to Spike and picked him up. "Spike, I'm so sorry, this is on a new level for her, In the name of the princess I truly don't know what she's thinking." Said Randolph. "Come, let’s go inform Ms. Smith on what happened." Said Randolph.

Spike sniffled. "Randolph do you have a quill and paper; I need to send a letter?" Asked Spike.

Randolph nodded as he pulled the things out of his suit. 'I wonder what he needs them for?" Thought Randolph.

Spike started to write a letter to the princess seeing if she can make sure he's not taken away from his mothers and they don't get taken to jail.

Princess, mama's need help. Ms. Spoiled is going to take me away, she took my necklace.

Spike sent the letter to Princess Celestia, hoping that she could help.

In Canterlot, Celestia was listening to her spoiled adopted nephew Blueblood. "And that's why we shouldn't allow anypony to be mean to me." Finished Blueblood.

Celestia sighed. "Blueblood, I know that colts your age are sometimes mean to you, but that's because you are mean to them, so for me, in your last year at my school for gifted unicorns, try and make some friends, that can see past the spoiled prince that you act like, and see the kind, happy, helpful little colt that you used to be. Actually, I might know somefilly that could help you do that."

Blueblood huffed. "Fine Auntie, I'll meet them when the school year starts, but I can't promise anything."

Celestia sighed. 'Hopefully, with Cadance watching her grow and Blueblood teaching her, she'll be ready for her future companion, by the time my sister returns.' Thought Celestia. She cracked her neck. "Sweet me, I've been sitting on this throne for way too long, I wonder when the girls will send me this week’s report on Spike, I love to hear about how so many ponies have accepted him, well except for this Spoiled mare, but it takes time to change the minds of ponies, and even longer for those with their heads so far up their..." Celestia took a deep breath. "Right, princess, can't use that kind of language." Said Celestia.

Suddenly the letter Spike sent flew into the throne room. "Speak of the dragon." Celestia looked at the letter hoping to find this week’s report. But as she read on her magic was slowly crushing the piece of paper. "OK, THAT'S IT, NO MORE MISSES NICE PRINCESS! NO ONE MESSES WITH MY LITTLE GRANDDRAKE." Shouted Celestia as she teleported to Spike's location.

It didn't take long for Randolph and Spike to get back to Granny, but now AJ was with her and Fluttershy. "Ms. Smith, Ms. Shy, I'm so sorry!" Shouted Randolph.

Everyone looked at Randolph. "Randolph what happened, and where is Spoiled and Diamond?" Asked Filthy.

But before Randolph could respond. There was a massive thud right behind him. "WHERE IS SHE!?" Yelled Celestia. She looked around and noticed Spike on Randolph's back, he was still crying. Celestia sat on her haunches, used her magic to pick up Spike and cradled him in her forelegs. "Shhh, don't worry Spike, no one is going to take you or your mamas away." She looked at everyone. "I want an explanation right now."

Randolph gulped; he has never been so close to the princess. "Your highness, what are you doing here?" Asked Randolph.

She looked at Randolph. "I received a letter from Spike, saying that a mare named Spoiled, stole Spike's necklace and told him he was going to be taken away from his mothers."

"SHE WHAT!!!!!!!" Roared Fluttershy and Applejack.

"AJ, I'll get the girls, you buck her into next week." Said Fluttershy as she flew the fastest anyone has ever seen her fly, but no one made a comment as all their jaws were dropped at the language she just used.

AJ looked at Spike. "Spike, I'm so sorry, I should have stopped her, but can you tell me where she went?" Asked AJ, she was trying to hold back all her anger, she didn't want Spike to see it.

"She said she was going to talk to a guard, and that you, Mommy, Mom, Mother, and Mama were going to be thrown in a cell, I would be taken away, but I don't want to go, I wanna stay with Mamas."

AJ smiled at her son. She took him from Celestia and brought him to her barrel. "Well good think that's not going to happen, you’re stuck with us no matter what happens, heck we'd even fight the princess if it came down to it." She looked at Celestia and mouthed 'Sorry.' But Celestia just nodded, she understood it wasn't anything more than to help reassure Spike. "And we'd would do it without a second thought, because you’re our little Spike, the greatest dragon in the world and our son."

Spike stopped crying and looked at AJ. "I love you Ma." Said Spike as he hugged AJ.

She smiled as she hugged Spike back. "And we love you too Spike."

Filthy looked at Granny. "Ms. Smith, I am so sorry for Spoiled's actions, she has never done something like this before, let's forget about this year’s Zap Apple Jam, I don't think I deserve it from the actions of my wife."

Granny huffed. "No, I don't think you do, but my father made a deal with your grandfather, you'll still get the jam, but unless the first words that come out of Spoiled's mouth are 'I'm sorry for making Spike cry.' You will never see another jar of jam in your life, and you will never be allowed on our land again. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" Asked Granny.

Filthy nodded. Suddenly all the girls appeared. Fluttershy landed back by AJ, Rarity teleported by Granny, her eyes were white and flowing with magic. Dash, in her anger barreled right through a tree, but she was fine, a bit covered in leaves, but fine. Lastly Pinkie popped out a hole behind Celestia, she looked ready to bake some cupcakes. "I told you if she made Spike cry, I was going to make cupcakes."

"Pinkie, no." Said TAD2.

"Pinkie, yes." Said Pinkie.

"No, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, and for the last time I say no, this will not be a universe with cupcakes."

TAD2 shrugged. "Cool. Now go comfort Spike."

Everyone was looking at Pinkie arguing with nothing, as her hair inflated and deflated rapidly. But it settled on inflated and she ran over to Spike and smiled at him. "Don't worry Sweetie, me and the big guy came to an agreement, everything will be ok." Said Pinkie.

Spike looked up. "Really?"

"Yep, don't worry." Said TAD2.

Spike smiled as he looked at all his mama's. "Ok, he says everything will be ok." Said Spike. He looked at princess Celestia. "Let’s go get my necklace."

All the girls nodded at Celestia. "Ok, let’s go." Said the princess. She used her magic to pick Spike up and placed him on her back.

Spoiled walked into town hall, hoping to find a guard to report Spike's 'crime', but the only pony there was Raven. Spoiled walked up to Raven. "Ms. Inkwell, I need to report a crime."

Raven sighed. "Sure, what happened Mrs. Rich."

Spoiled placed Spike's necklace on the desk. "I have proof that the little dragon should be locked away and shipped back to be with its own kind."

Raven picked up the necklace and gasped, but not because of what Spoiled thought. "I know, I think those five fillies are in on it too, could you please send the local guard to detain them and send word to Canterlot animal control that their services are required to relocate a dangerous beast." Said Spoiled smugly.

Suddenly the necklace was levitated in a golden aura and sent flying back towards the door. Raven was gasping at who just entered town hall. Standing in the door was Celestia, all the girls, Filthy and a very, very, very, very, very, about 12 more verys, angry looking Pear. Fluttershy told Pear what happened when they ran into her while running in town. "There will be no need for that Ms. Inkwell." Said Celestia.

Spoiled turned around and smiled when she saw the princess escorting all the 'thieves'. "Wow, I was expecting a few guards, but the princess, this is even better, and you even brought all of the little criminals with you."

"What did you just call the girls and Spike?" Asked Pear in a very ominous tone.

Spoiled smirked. "Awe, don't worry Buttercup, raising three foals, you’re bound to mess one up, maybe little Apple Bloom won't turn out to be so rotten."

Pear smiled. "Raven, do me a favor and take Diamond Tiara for a moment, I need to have a discussion with Spoiled."

Raven nodded as she used her magic to pick up the foal. "Hi Sweetie, your mommy needs to learn something important, let’s go see your daddy." Said Raven as she walked over to Filthy Rich.

"Hey, you bring her back here right now!" Demanded Spoiled.

"Oh, don't worry Spoiled, Diamond will be just fine, you on the other hand, I wouldn't hold my breath." Said Pear.

Celestia cleared her throat. "Well, I think we should let them 'talk' things out. Let’s go outside to give them some privacy." Said Celestia. She had seen that look on countless mothers before, that was mama Ursa Major levels of mad.

Filthy nodded as he helped Celestia corral all the little girls outside, they didn't need to see what was going to happen.

The last one to leave was Raven, she was making silly faces and talking to Diamond. "Yes, you are very pretty today, and you've grown so much." Said Raven. Once she was outside, Celestia closed the door. Raven looked at Filthy. "She's crossed a line you know; I know the girls bought that for Spike the day they adopted him. Spike showed it to me and told me the whole story on how he got it, last month when Buttercup stopped by for a chat."

Filthy nodded. "Yes, I know, all of them told me the truth, that is why I'm not going to intervene, I've pulled her flanks out of the fire for years now, but larceny and racism... That's just not the mare I married."

Celestia smiled at hearing that everyone knows Spoiled is in the wrong. "I'm sorry Mr. Rich, but I will need to take her into custody when this is all over, she did technically steal from Spike and since he is an equestrian citizen and a minor he is fully protected by the law, along with all of the girls who are minors as well, and accusing them of theft, the trial will be swift and the sentence will be long."

Filthy sighed but nodded. "I know, and I think that this will be for the best for everyone." He looked at Raven. "Ms. Inkwell, can I get some divorce papers, I have seen today that she is not the pony that I want raising my daughter."

"Of course, Mr. Rich." Said Raven.

"Ms. Inkwell, I am surprised that you are able to handle all of this so well." Said Celestia.

Raven shrugged. "I've learned to handle all of this, I know almost everypony in town and I know how to deal with them, but don't worry I'll be ready for my first day next week Princess." Said Raven.

Celestia sighed. "About that. Raven I believe your talents will be wasted by my side in Canterlot. Like you said, your one of the few ponies that can handle all this crazy, the craziest thing that happens in Canterlot, is seeing a noble complain about something stupid. So, I'm giving you a choice, stay here and support Ponyville, or leave all of it and spend 10 hours a day bored out of your mind?"

Raven laughed. "Ok, first off, I now know why the application form was so sparse. Thank you Princess Celestia, but I think I'll have to decline the job offer. Without me, this town would be nothing but nails and wood planks in a week."

Celestia smiled. "Very well." She looked down at Diamond. "Besides, now that Spoiled will be out of the picture, the little foal in your arms will need as many positive role models to remove all the weeds that Spoiled might have planted."

Raven nodded as she looked down at Diamond. "You know, that sounds pretty great." She looked at Filthy. "I think this little bundle of joy belongs to you?"

Filthy smiled as he placed Diamond on his back. "Thank you for taking her Raven."

Suddenly the door to the townhall opened and out walked Pear, she was carrying a knocked out Spoiled on her back. She looked at Filthy. "Rich, I'm sorry we took so long, but she made some good points, I made some good points, and we came to an agreement, but unfortunately on our way out she accidently slipped on a wet floor and hit her head."

Filthy nodded. "It's fine, Ms. Buttercup. I'm glad that you two could come to an understanding, but after today she will be unassociated with me and my family. I'm filing for divorce."

Raven nodded as she stuck her head into town hall to see the damage. Her desk was shattered, the walls had holes in them, the picture of Granny was fine, thankfully. "Raven?" Asked the mayor.

Raven looked up and noticed Mayor Mare was hanging from the chandelier. "Mayor, how did you get up there?" Asked Raven.

"All I did was walk in to say goodnight and Mrs. Apple tossed me up here and smashed your desk. What's going on?" Asked Mayor mare.

Raven chuckled as she levitated the mayor down to the ground. "Trust me when I say this, it all started with Spike..."

Mayor Mare sighed. "Stop, I get it, tell me in detail tomorrow." Said the Mayor as she walked past Raven, past the whole group of creatures standing at the steps, and straight to her home.

Raven pulled her head out of the door and looked at Mr. Rich. "Sorry Mr. Rich, but unfortunately townhall is closed for the day, come by tomorrow and I'll get you those forms you'll need."

Filthy smiled. "Thanks Raven, I'll be here bright and early, how do you take your coffee? I'll bring you some."

"Cream, three sugars."

"Done." Said Filthy. He looked at Pear. "Mrs. Apple, I must apologize once again for Spoiled's actions, tell Granny that after this year, our deal is off, you can have all the jam from now on."

Pear shook her head. "No." Said Pear simply. "Don't worry about it Rich, I'll talk to Granny tonight, once she hears about what happened she'll probably forgive you, seeing as you didn't have anything to do with this."

Filthy smiled. "Thank you, Buttercup." He looked at the foal in his legs. "Come on Sweetie, let’s go home it’s time for dinner."

Diamond giggled as she cheered. "YAY."

Raven smiled. "Well, I'm going to unpack my stuff, so I'm out as well. See you later Buttercup, girls, princess." She walked over to Spike and nuzzled his head. "You too Spike, I'm sorry you got dragged into all of this today."

Spike smiled as he hugged Raven. "It's fine, he told me everything was going to be ok."

Raven giggled. "Who told you that?"

Spike pointed. "He did."

"Spike, a little advice, no more fourth wall jokes for a while, their weird and might make readers mad." Said TAD2. "But comedy comes in three's, so were done."

Spike nodded. "Ok, have a nice night." Said Spike.

"I will, wait weren't you supposed to be somewhere today with Fluttershy?"

Spike shrugged. "I don't remember, hey isn't that Grandma and Grandpa, I got to go, bye."

"That's right, Posey and Gentle."

"Spike, Fluttershy, where are you?" Asked Posey and Gentle. It was way past three and their daughter and grandson never showed up at Fluttershy's house.

Fluttershy looked at all the girls and Celestia. "I forgot about my parents." Said Fluttershy. "Spike, come on, they must be worried sick."

Spike nodded, he looked at Celestia and wrapped his arms around her neck. "Thanks for the help today Princess, I was so scared."

Celestia smiled as she nuzzled Spike's head. "Your welcome Spike, and just call me Celestia." She moved Spikes necklace to show it to him. "Spike, would you mind if I take this with me for just tonight, I'll have the royal jeweler fix it up good as new?" Asked Celestia.

Spike nodded. "Ok, promise you'll give it back tomorrow?"

Celestia smiled. "I promise."

Spike shook his head. "Not good enough, can you make me a Mama promise?"

Celestia nodded. "Sure, can you show me how to make it?"

Spike nodded. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Said Spike doing the Pinkie Promise motions.

Celestia smiled. "Spike, I promise to return your necklace tomorrow no matter what, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Spike smiled as he motioned for Fluttershy to pick him up. She did and she placed him on her back. He waved at all his mamas. "Bye Mom, bye Mama, bye Mother, bye Grandma, bye Ma, bye Celestia." Said Spike as he rode his mother up to his grandparents.

Rainbow sighed. "I'm going home, the last hour was exhausting."

"But you didn't do anything." Commented AJ.

"Your point being?" Asked Dash.

"Just go." Said AJ. Dash nodded as she flew home.

"Me too, I'm going to try my first attempt at a gem cake." Said Pinkie as she drilled her way back to the bakery.

"I must say Au revoir as well, mommy is making dinner tonight and that teleportation was tiring." Said Rarity as she just walked to her home nearby.

Celestia sighed. "I'm going to uphold my promise, but Diamond Glare clocks out at 6, I must go so I can catch her tonight. I'll drop by tomorrow to drop this off." Said Celestia.

Pear nodded. "Ok Princess but be ready for the full might of the Apple Family, the reunion starts tomorrow and so does Zap Apple harvesting."

Celestia smirked. "Make sure AJ doesn't eat all the fritters and I'll be there for the first batch." Said Celestia.

Pear smiled. "It's all yours."

Celestia smiled as she teleported back to the castle with Spoiled who was going to be spending the night in a cell, leaving Pear and AJ alone. Pear looked at AJ. "Come on Sweetie, let’s go make sure Granny doesn't do anything rash."

AJ nodded. "Ok Ma." Said AJ as she jumped onto her mother’s back as the two walked home for a long night’s rest, while up above, many shooting stars decorated the sky.

Author's Note:

Wow, I really went off the deep end connonicaly with this one, and I'm actuall proud. This was writen in less than a day and I'm just shocked on how deep I went, theres rferences upon refreces, and i'm pretty sure I broke at least 8 walls with this one, maybe more.

But, Spoiled really got her comupence this time, and I think she really deserved it, taking his first gift from his mothers, thats just low.

Tell me what you liked, what you didn't, and please buy some raspberries for my tiger, Juniper, or at the very least buy a banana, that 16 ton weight it expensive, and I dont get to use it that often, only when I'm teaching others how to defend themselves against fresh fruit. And now for something completly diffrent, the whole Apple Family.

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