• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,613 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Spike and Pear were sitting in the lobby of town hall, Pear had no idea why she needed to watch Spike and no idea what to do with him, but right now she didn't care, this was a great time to bond with Spike. Right now she was telling Spike about the town's history, while omitting some of the less desirable points. Luckily the walls of town hall were filled with pictures and paintings of the many stages Ponyville had gone through.

Pear was showing a picture that was taken when Granny and her family were harvesting their first orchards crop, about 3 years after the Apples cultivated the land. Pear looked at Spike. "Spike, see this mare right here." Said Pear as she pointed at the picture of a very young Granny Smith. "Do you know who that is?"

Spike looked at the picture but ultimately shook his head. "Nope, who she?"

Pear giggled. "I don't blame you, that picture was taken over 70 years ago, but that is Granny Smith, your great grandmother. This was taken when she and her father Apple Fritter were collecting their first harvest."

Spike looked at the picture then he started to count his claws, but he still only had 10 claws, he now knew what a day was, but he had no idea what a year was. He looked at Pear hoping for some help. "Grandma, what a year?"

Pear smiled as she thought about an answer. "Well Spike, you know what a day is, we have 4 measurements of time. A day is when you see the sun and the moon. A week is 7 full days. A month is 4 weeks, or about 30 days, and a year is 12 months or 52 weeks or 365 days."

Spike looked at his claws, the highest he ever counted was 5, each being his mamas, so to him the number 30 was infinity. Spike looked at the picture again. "Granny old." Said Spike.

Pear laughed as she nodded. "I know, but if you want to stay on her good side, you tell her that even a spring chicken is older than her."

Spike nodded. "Ok." Said Spike. 'I don't get it.' Thought Spike.

Suddenly the rest of the family ran out of the mayors office with the music still playing. Spike and Pear looked at the weird display, both of them were confused. "Um..." Said Pear as she watched her husband walk over to them. "Mac, I'm guessing there's a reason for that?"

Mac nodded as he smiled at Spike and Pear. "Yep, but right now everyone is getting ready." Mac looked at Spike. "So Spike, what was grandma showing you?" Asked Mac.

Spike pointed to the picture. "Granny old." Said Spike.

Mac sighed. "Spike, what ever you do, never call Granny old." Said Mac.

Spike nodded. "Ok." But he was thinking. 'I still don't get it.'

Mac Smiled. "So, we should get out of here, town hall is closing." He looked at Pear. "So Buttercup, any idea on what to do?" Asked Mac.

Pear looked at Mac. "Well don't we need to go get the necklaces made?" Asked Pear, she was still out of the loop.

Mac shook his head. "We can do that later, and the girls are just heading to Ms. Shine's shop." Said Mac, trying to clue his wife into the plan. "We should show Spike the town for a while until the girls come and get us." Said Mac really not trying to spoil the surprise.

Thankfully Pear was very smart, she nodded. "Ok, well, how about we go see Cupcake, I want to see hers and Carrot's reaction to Spike?" Asked Pear. "Plus, imagine Spike's face when he has a cup cake."

Mac thought about the looks of everyone, they were all too good to pass up, so he nodded in agreement. He looked at Spike. "Spike do you want to stay on Grandma or do you want to get back on me?"

Spike looked at Mac and shook his head. "No, Mean Mare yell at you again." Said Spike.

Mac sighed as he looked at Spike. "Spike, what ever the mean mare does, just ignore her or tell me or grandma, we'll handle it." Spike nodded, Mac smiled. "Good, how about we go get a snack, you must be a little hungry after everything we've done today."

Spike stomach growled loudly in response to the idea of having a snack. Pear giggled as she looked at Spike. "Mac, when it comes to his stomach, there's nothing little about it." Said Pear as she started to head to the bakery.

Meanwhile with our excited group of mothers and Windy, they arrived at the jewelry shop. A old gray purple mare was sitting behind a case waiting for a customer to enter her shop, and when the group entered the shop she greeted them. "Oh, hello what can I do for you today?" Asked Ms. Shine as she looked at Windy.

Rarity cleared her throat, directing the mare's attention to her and her friends. "Ms. Shine, are you still taking orders?" Asked Rarity.

Shine looked at Rarity. The two knew each other, because Cookie would shop here when she was looking for some earrings, most of the time she would bring Rarity with her. "Why yes Rarity, I am. What do you need?"

Rarity placed her gem on the counter, all the others placed their gems on the counter as well. "Ms. Shine, believe it or not, but we are now mothers to the greatest dragon in the world, in fact he's the one who gave us these gems, can you chip off a small portion of each and make six necklaces for us?"

Shine sighed, there were a lot of questions running through her mind, but that could wait for a moment. She opened a small drawer under the cabinet and pulled out a pair of jewelers glasses. She started with the rainbow quartz, she was silent as she went to the citrine, then to the morganite, she looked at the topaz, and lastly to the amethyst. All of them were perfect and in all of her years of being a jeweler, she had never seen stones of this quality. She looked to the girls. "Where did you get these?"

"Our son found them." Said Rarity, she then thought for a moment as she smiled at what she just said. "I just said our son." Giggled Rarity. She shook her head. "Sorry, but yes, our son, Spike found them when he was digging in the dirt."

Shine smiled. "Ok, I'm going to be perfectly honest with you girls, 6 necklaces are not going to be cheap, but these gems are such a high quality, that even if I chip small parts off of them, they will be very useful to my work. So we'll call it even if you allow me to keep the small remaining chips from the process, of course most of the gems will go into the finished products, how does that sound?" Asked Shine.

The girls smiled, it was a great compromise, when they first came up with the plan the idea of the cost really didn't come into the folds. Rarity nodded. "That would be perfect, can you have them done in one hour, we're going to give it to him when he enters his new home?" Asked Rarity.

Shine looked at the gems one more time. She sighed. "Ok, it's not going to be easy, and if you want them perfect I'm going to need you to bring them back one more time. But I can get it done." She looked at the girls. "Now what kind of design would you like the gems to be cut in?" Asked Shine.

Rarity thought for a moment. "How about a simple diamond shape for me?"

"I'm an Apple, so go with that." Said AJ.

"A lightning bolt for me, that would look so awesome."

"Um... how about a little butterfly, if that's ok?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Oh, can I have a balloon?" Asked Pinkie as she smiled.

Ms. Shine wrote a note making sure to keep track of the order. "What about the 6th one, what shape should that be in?"

Rarity looked to the girls, but before she could ask, the greatest idea popped into her head. "A flame!" Yelled Rarity, she looked to Shine. "Make his a flame." Said Rarity.

Shine nodded. "Ok, that's easy enough to do, I'll seat them in gold with gold chains for now, does that sound good?" Asked the mare.

Rarity smiled as she nodded. "Perfect, thank you for doing this for us, Ms. Shine."

She smiled back. "Don't worry, but is there any chance I could get more of those gems?"

Rarity looked to Pinkie, they were on her family's farm, so technically Pinkie had the final say. Pinkie shrugged. "I'll ask my dad when I go visit them."

Shine smiled at the answer, it wasn't a yes, but it wasn't a no. "Ok, thank you for asking." She looked to Rarity. "Rarity, I'll have my son take them to your home when I'm done."

Rarity shook her head. "No, don't send him to my house, send him to Sweet Apple Acres, that's where we're going to be."

Ms. Shine nodded. "Not a problem."

Back with Spike, Pear and Mac, they just arrived at the local bakery. Pear smiled at the delicious looking building shaped like a gingerbread house. She looked to Spike, his mouth was open and a river of drool was flowing from it. "So, I take it you want to go in." Said Pear. Spike nodded, as the river was growing into a waterfall. Pear smiled as she walked over to the door. "Cup Cake, Carrot Cake are you two in?" Yelled Pear.

"Sorry Buttercup, we're in the back cleaning up." Yelled a mares voice.

"We'll be up front in a minute, take a seat and make yourself comfortable." Said a stallion.

"Ok." Said Pear as she walked over to a booth in the corner. Mac went to a wall and grabbed a high chair for Spike to sit in. Pear placed Spike in the chair as Mac took a seat next to his wife. Pear looked around at the shop, it was lively most of the time, and a perfect place for parties to be thrown. She looked at Mac. "Mac, I think I have an idea for where Pinkie could stay."

Author's Note:

Don't really have much to say about this chapter, just remember Granny isn't old, she's still younger than a spring chicken. Also I think I'm going to make each title from now on a little nod to a movie, but I'm not sure how that will work so it might not last long. First one to guess what movie this title came from will be honored in the next chapter. The hint: Pixar.

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