• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,613 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Whole Lot of Apples Going On Pt.5 (Spike Cotton Tail, Hoping Round The Water Pale)

After all the bellies were full, it was time for everyone to go back to work. But first Granny needed to get a status report from the buckers. Granny called Mosely over to hear how things have progressed. "Mosely, how goes the harvest?" Asked the older mare.

Mosely smiled. "Well the good news is, we're more than half way done with the entire orchard."

Granny sighed, she knew when somepony started a sentence with 'Well the good news is' there was always bad news. "What's the bad news?" Asked Granny.

Mosely sighed. "With so many ponies out there, running around, we've had a few accidents." Said Mosely.

Granny groaned. "What and to whom?"

Mosely sighed. "Cousin Apple Swirl and Cousin Apple Tart, both bucked the same tree at the same time, their bucks got shot back at them and they twisted their hooves, so they're out. Next was Cousin Betty, she took 5 Zap Apples to the noggin and she looks like a unicorn now. Lastly there was Cinnamon Apple, he missed the tree and landed square on the muzzle, he's out cold, and has been for the last hour or so." Said Mosely.

Granny sighed. "Ok, make sure they're fine before you go out again, then I'll join you guys out there once I'm done with the water." Said Granny, she said that they were going to get all the apples, no matter what.

Mosely looked at Granny in shock. "But Granny, you can't, you'll hurt yourself."

Granny glared at Mosely. "Mosely Orange, I was bucking tree's way before you were alive, I'm not going to stop now, just because I've gained a few gray hairs." Said Granny.

Mosely gulped, he had two options right now, first he could back down, and Granny might hurt herself, or he could keep fighting and Granny would be the one hurting him. Mosely looked at Granny. "Fine, but I'm going to be the one helping you." Said Mosely.

Granny huffed. "Fine, now mosey along Mosely, or your getting tossed in a bunny suit." Said Granny, and with that Mosely was back to work. He had come to visit during the Zap Apple harvest many years ago when he was a colt. The year before that, Granny figured out that if you sang the alphabet to the water while in a bunny suit, the jam reached peak shelf life. So she tossed, literally everypony, into bunny suits. The only problem was, after they were finished, Granny wanted to take a family photo of everyone in the suits. Mosely shivered as he ran to work. 'That picture still haunts me.' Thought Mosely.

Granny smirked at her victory as she walked over to the group of soon to be bunny suited singers. "Well, its time to get the suits on everypony." Said Granny.

Celestia, Spike, the girls and Pear all looked at Granny. Pear smiled as she picked up Spike, and pushed all of the girls and Celestia into the house so she could get their suits on. Celestia was confused on what was going on, three minutes ago she was sitting at a table, and now she was being pushed by a mare half her size into the house to get a suit. 'Ok, I'm like 70% sure Buttercup is a monster in pony form.' Thought Celestia. Once Pear got everyone into the house, she started to distribute the bunny suits. "Here's mine." Said Pear as she pulled out a mare sized bunny suit with a pink belly, slightly orange fur, and two long ears. She placed it on the couch. Pear found the first one that looked like it would fit the girls. "Ok, this one should be a right fit for Rainbow." Said Pear as she tossed the filly a sky blue bunny suit.

Rainbow groaned at the suit. "Really, do I have to wear it?" Asked Rainbow. This was a huge mistake on her part as the moment she said it, she was attacked with a triple puppy dog pout, the first was from Fluttershy, that one she had handled many times, so it had lost it's effect on her. But when Pinkie joined in, her resolve started to crumble down. But the moment she saw the look Spike was giving her, her resolve was destroyed by a cute nuke.

Then Rainbow's resolve was nuked again. "Please Mom?" Asked Spike. "I want us to do it as a family." Said Spike as he continued to look sad.

Rainbow smiled as she pulled Spike into a hug. "Of course I'll wear it." Said Rainbow as she started to put the bunny suit on, she wasn't happy about it but if it makes Spike happy, then she's ok with it.

Everyone smiled at Rainbow, who was blushing and trying to hide her face using her ear. "There, can we get going again?" Asked Rainbow.

Pear smiled as she found AJ's suit. "AJ, I found yours." Said Pear as she handed AJ a orange bunny suit.

AJ smiled at seeing her bunny suit. "Thanks Ma." Said AJ as she put on her suit.

Next was Pinkie's suit, but when Pear tried to give it to Pinkie, it wasn't on the pile anymore. "Hey, what the heck happened to the pink one?" Asked Pear.

"I have it on already." Said Pinkie as she showed that she indeed was already in a pink bunny suit.

Pear just sighed as she started to look for Rarity's, and she found it rather quickly. It was a turquoise blue suit with long ears that had a white lining. "Here you go Rarity, and I must say, you did a great job on it." Said Pear as she gave the suit to Rarity.

Rarity smiled at the complement. "Thank you Ms. Buttercup, but I'm most proud of the work I did on Spikie Wikie's." Said Rarity as she put on her bunny suit.

Pear smiled at a very large bunny suit, it was light pink, had long floppy ears and a little red bow tie around the neck. She looked at Princess Celestia and smiled. "Here you go Princess." Said Pear as she gave the suit to the alicorn.

Celestia looked at the suit. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' Thought Celestia as she accepted the bunny suit. She put it on and sighed at how well it actually fit her. 'If Luna ever finds out about this when she gets back, I'm going to retire right then and there.' Thought Celestia as she took a seat on the ground.

'Ok, 6 done, 2 to go.' Thought Pear as she found a little light pink bunny suit with long straight ears, but there were some holes in it. There wasn't time for a patch job, but then she remembered something important. She looked at Spike. "Spike, how high can you jump?" Asked Pear.

Spike looked at Pear confused. "I don't know?" Then he became worried. "Does that mean I can't help make the jam?" Asked Spike.

Pear smiled as she pulled Spike into a hug. "No, but the watering cans are about the size of you, so your probably going to need some help." She looked at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, would you mind letting Spike sit on your back while we hop?"

Fluttershy smiled as she looked down at Spike. "Well, are you ok with that, Sweetie?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike smiled as he gave Fluttershy a hug. "I am Mommy." Said Spike.

Pear smiled at hearing this. 'Perfect.' Thought Pear as she handed Fluttershy the little pink bunny suit. "Well, that's perfect, because this one has some wing holes." Said Pear.

Fluttershy smiled at the little bunny suit as she started to put it on.

(AN: Fluttershy and Spike's picture will be together, so hold on. )

Spike looked around, he was the only one without a bunny suit. He looked at Rarity. "Mother, where's mine?" Asked Spike.

Rarity smiled as she used her magic to levitate a little, baby blue, bunny onesie to Spike. "Don't worry, Spikie. Mother didn't forget it. Now let me help you get it on." Said Rarity as she used her magic to unbutton the onesie, she then picked up Spike and slowly inserted him into it. Rarity was taking her time, because she had added a row of holes for his spines and one for his tail. Once Spike's legs and tail were in the onesie, Rarity slid his little arms into the sleeves where she made the paws movable, to account for his fingers. Once Spike was ready, Rarity buttoned up the onesie and pulled up the hood. This was the most difficult part of the whole outfit, because, Spike's head spines would either be pushed down or they would have cut straight through the fabric. So Rarity had to add a little pocket for them, but that meant the first one would be sticking out. But now that she was looking at it, it made him even cuter. Rarity smiled at her work and how adorable Spike looked in the onesie. "Well, I hope you like it Spike." Rarity then lowered Spike down to the ground so he could see it.

Spike looked at his onesie and smiled at how well it fit him. He walked over to Rarity and pulled her into a hug. "I love it Mother, thank you so much." Said Spike.

Rarity smiled at Spike as she returned the hug. "Well, Mother made it with love, just for you Spikie." She then nuzzled his head. 'This will always be the most important outfit I will ever make.' Thought Rarity as she kissed Spike's forehead.

Everyone smiled at seeing that Spike liked his bunny onesie. Celestia used her magic to place Spike onto Fluttershy's back.

Pear got her bunny suit on and motioned for the group to head outside. "Come on everypony, we got some watering cans to jump over." Said Pear as she walked outside. Everyone nodded as they followed behind the large mama bunny.

When they found Granny, she was dressed in a light green bunny suit, and she was getting all of the filled watering cans in a circle. "And... There." Said Granny as she moved the last one into position. She looked at the group of ponies and smiled at them all. "Well, if I wasn't an Apple, I might just keel over right now at how cute you all look." Said Granny. She walked over to Spike, and nuzzled his head. "Well Spike, you ready to make some Apple Family Zap Apple Jam?" Asked Granny.

Spike smiled. "Yep."

Granny nodded. "Ok, I'll take the lead, once I've done a lap, next in line jumps in right behind me." Said Granny, she then counted how many laps they needed to do. "So with 8 ponies and one dragon, once everypony is hopping, we'll need to make 9 laps." Said Granny. She pulled out a tuner and gave it a blow to make sure everyone was in key. Granny started hopping around the watering cans while singing the alphabet. "A...B...C...D....E....F....G....H..." Sang Granny as she finished her first lap, so Pear jumped in next. This continued until the last of the ponies jumped into the trail. The order was, Granny, Pear, AJ, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, Celestia and Fluttershy with Spike on her back.

It took 20 minutes for the group to finish, and everyone was exhausted. 'Sweet me, I'm not cut out for this, I need to hit the royal gym more than twice a year.' Thought Celestia. She looked at the girls, they were sprawled out on the ground, but they were laughing and talking about how much fun it was to do this a family. Pear walked over to Celestia, and smiled at her. "Princess, you know Spike see's you as part of his family too, right?" Asked Pear as she took a seat next to the princess.

Celestia nodded. "Yep, that spell I put on him when he was a few days old has a name. Mittam ignem familiae, or loosely translated it's, 'Send to family with fire'. Anyone can forge a link if they know the spell, but overtime that link will degrade and disappear, normally its a day or two and the spell needs to be cast again. Unicorns actually used this spell during battle to get messages to the front lines. But links between those the sender sees as family, those last forever. The moment Spike sent me his first letter a few weeks after I placed the spell on him, I knew that Spike saw me as family, and I have to admit, I see Spike as my grandchild. I want the best for him, and seeing how happy he is here with the girls, it give's me hope that one day all of the creatures of Equestria can form bonds like the one all six of them have." Said Celestia.

Pear smiled at hearing the dream of the princess. "Well, I believe that day will come, maybe not in Granny's time, maybe not even in my life time. But I do believe it will happen."

Celestia smiled. "Thank you Pear, that means a lot to me." Said Celestia.

"How did you?" Asked Pear, she hadn't gone by that name in almost 10 years.

"What, you don't think I wouldn't do a little digging around to see who was going to be in Spike's life? I know everything. He is a stubborn old fool, but he does miss you Pear, he's just too much of a stallion to admit it." Said Celestia.

Pear sighed. "Yeah, that's where I get it from, I guess? How's he doing in Vanhoover?"

"He's remorseful for leaving the way he did, but he feels like you don't want anything to do with him. He bought around 20 train tickets, and never took the train, all just to come see you again." Celestia looked down at Pear. "Pear, do you know the real story about the Mare in the Moon?" Asked Celestia.

Pear was confused. "Yeah, legend has it, that long ago, your little sister, Princess Luna became filled with anger. She threatened to make the night last forever and having no other choice, you used an ancient form of magic to banish her to the moon for a thousand moons."

Celestia shook her head. "No, I let it happen. I didn't listen to her when she was upset, I was too focused on keeping the peace in the kingdom to see that she was making herself into Nightmare Moon, and I was the one who was fueling that anger and resentment. That is why I do what I do, so when the day 'my' Luna returns, I can show her that I was foolish to ignore her feelings, I was foolish for not finding a way to help her, and that I am sorry for not giving her the family she needed." Said Celestia.

Pear nodded. "I see." Said Pear. She wrapped the princess in a hug. "Thank you for telling me this princess, I hope you get that chance one day."

Celestia smiled at finally being able to release her emotions. "Thank you for listening Pear."

Pear smiled. "Hey, would you watch the girls and Spike, while I go have a private talk with Mac and Granny?" Asked Pear.

Celestia nodded. "Of course."

Pear smiled as she got up and walked over to Granny. They both walked into the house to talk to Bright Mac.

Once all three were in the kitchen, alone, Pear looked at the two. "Ma, Mac, we're going to Vanhoover once Pinkie gets back from her party. It's time I go see my father."

"Buttercup, are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Mac, he was fully aware of how she felt about him.

Pear nodded. "Yes, as much as I hate him for leaving like he did, he is still my family, and I don't want him to think he's alone." Pear looked at Granny. "Ma, I know you and him have been at each others throats in the past, but I want him to meet the girls, Macintosh, Bloom and Spike. So please, can I have your word that if he's willing to bury the hatchet, you will too? If not for me or Mac, do it for the kids?" Asked Pear.

Granny sighed. "Pear, I can tell this is important to you, I love you like a daughter, I love my grand kids, and I love Spike. We Apples are built around family, and now that you got me thinking about it, I realized that as much as I hate to admit it, he is part of the family, and family shouldn't fight each other. We'll go when the harvesting season is over in three months, and if he's willing to forget the past so we can all have a better family, then I will too." Said Granny.

Pear smiled as she hugged the old mare. "Thanks Granny." Said Pear.

"No problem Sweetie."

Suddenly Mosely ran into the house, he was frantic. "Granny, we did it. We got them ALL!" Shouted Mosely.

Granny, Pear and Mac all ran out of the kitchen to see the haul. But when they did they were left slack jawed. There was a pile of apples, the size of the house, right outside of the house. "How?" Asked Granny.

Mosely shook his head. "I don't know, but there are no more apples on the trees. We did it." Cheered Mosely.

Celestia smiled as she recalled an old memory.

"Sister, are those not Discords foul apples, that give a shock?" Asked Princess Luna.

Celestia nodded. "Yep, their not half bad actually, but they're a pain to pick, it takes a full year, and you only have a day to pick them."

Luna sighed. "Yes, that does sound like Discord's work."

Celestia sighed. "Well, I believe my time of freedom is up for the day." Said Celestia.

Granny walked over to Celestia and smiled at her. "Well, thank you for your help Princess. If you can find the time to come back soon, I'll keep a few jars of jam reserved specifically for you."

Celestia smiled. "Well, Zap Apple Jam is worth getting an earful from On Time." Said Celestia. "I'll hold you to that." Celestia teleported the bunny suit off of her and into her closet. "I hope you don't mind, but I'll be keeping the suit, you never know when Zap Apple's season is here and I want to be ready."

Granny smiled. "Well, I'll hold you to that then, and we call it even."

Celestia giggled. "Thank you for a wonderful time." Celestia then turned around and smiled at the girls and Spike. They were all napping in their bunny suits. She walked over to Spike and kissed his forehead. "Goodbye my little dragon."

Spike shifted and yawned, but he stayed asleep. "Bye Grandma." Said Spike as he went back to his dream about a land full of sweets and gems.

Celestia smiled as she teleported home. Granny walked over to the group of sleeping fillies and a dragon. "Get some rest, because tomorrow is Jam Day."

Author's Note:

Please know that I couldnt find one of Pear, sorry. So, yeah, Grand Pear, might be showing up soon. (If you got that far without dying). The Apple Family got the whole crop, and Celestia is Grandmomlestia now.

I'm going to be off of this story for a while, so I can focuse on my other stories and possible a brand new crossover. I'm baseing it off a french animation show called Wakfu, which was also a game, but I'm going to stick with the show. If i can get around to working on it.

I hope you liked this chapter, because I liked writing it.

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