• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,633 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Whole Lot of Apples Going On Pt.6 (Start The Day Right)

After the events of Harvest Day, the Apple family got a good night's rest, but it was time for everyone to help make the jam. The first to awaken were the elder ponies, they rose with the sun, bright and early. They had the most experience when it came to jam making and they knew exactly what to do to start the jam making process, but first, the early morning drink of choice, coffee. Granny walked down to the kitchen and notice that her cousins were sitting at the table already, they all had a cup of coffee. Granny walked over to the table and started the obligatory old pony talks. "So, who woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep?" Asked Granny. They all raised their hooves. Granny sighed as she took a sip of her black coffee. "Ok, we all know what's going to happen today. We got the whole cooking station ready and the moment Spike wakes up, he's going to light the fires, but I'm not going to take the chance of the jam changing, so I'm going to start half of them like normal." They all nodded. "Let’s go over how to make the jam just so nopony messes up."

"I'll peel the apples." Said Goldie.

"I'll core them." Said Rose Apple.

"I'll chop them into pieces." Said Strudel.

Granny nodded. "Good, once we have half of the harvest done, we'll start the jam. We should have all the spices, I ground a ton of them 2 days ago."

"The jars are ready." Said Rose Apple.

"And the water pot will be ready for sealing by 11." Said Goldie.

Granny smiled. "Good, after lunch we'll have our normal reunion activities, and then the picture of the whole family in front of the barn." Granny looked at a clock and noticed that it was 4 am. "So ya'll want to talk about ponies these days?"

"Oh, don't get me started, they're too busy to even give me the time of day sometimes..." This went on between the 4 of them until the actual sun was raised two hours later.

When Pear and Mac walked into the kitchen, they heard the tail end of the conversation. "I'm tell ya, just last month I saw a mare with her colt, being escorted out of a store. The colt knocked down a display and wouldn't apologize. If that was me and Apple Blossom, I would have made her apologize, or we would still be there to this day." Said Rose Apple.

All the elder ponies nodded. Pear and Mac sighed as they both shared the same thought. 'Different generation.' Pear smiled at the group of ponies. "Good morning everypony." Said Pear.

Granny smiled at Pear and Mac. "Good morning Buttercup, how are you feeling?"

Pear smiled. "I'm just fine, a little nervous about telling AJ and Macintosh about Grand Pear, but I want them to know their other family." Said Pear.

Goldie sighed. "So, you’re finally going to do it. I was starting to think that the kiddies were going to have to come to me to find out the truth in a few years, but I think it will have a bigger impact if it came straight from the pony's mouth."

Pear nodded. "Yeah, I got some really good advice from a friend and I want to see if he's willing to accept this."

Granny nodded. "Just remember, I'm going along with this only if he's willing to forget the past."

Pear nodded. "I know Ma, thanks."

Granny smiled. "Of course, my dear."

Mac smiled as he walked over to get a cup of coffee for him and Pear. Once he got the drinks, he and Pear sat at the table with the group and discussed how to handle the jam process for another 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes it was time to wake up the kids and the rest of the family for the reunion. Mac went to wake up the rest of the family, while Pear walked upstairs to wake up Apple Bloom, Macintosh, and the group of mothers and their son who refused to be separated last night.

Pear knocked on Macintosh's door. "Macintosh, time to wake up."

Macintosh yawned. "I'm up Ma, I'll be down for breakfast in a minute."

"Good, go grab Bloom, I need to go get Spike and the girls."

"Ok Ma." Said Macintosh.

Pear smiled and walked down to AJ's room. She walked in and smiled at the group on the large bed. The girls had fallen asleep with Spike at the center of the pile to keep him warm. They were not dressed in their bunny suits, because Pear and the girl's mothers got them out of them before bed. Now was the delicate part of the operation, getting the hydra out of the pile. First was Pinkie, she was the easiest to remove from the group because she didn't have her drum. Next was Rainbow Dash, she was easy because she loved to nap and not even a stampede could wake her up. Next was Rarity, she was snuggling Spike, Pear carefully separated Rarity and Spike and that's when she noticed that Fluttershy had wrapped Spike in her wings. Pear sighed. 'From farmer to surgeon. Ok, next is Fluttershy.' Thought Pear as she carefully started to uncover Spike from Fluttershy's wings. 'Carefully, carefully, don't set her off.' Thought Pear as she started to sweat.

"Um... Ma, what are you doing?" Asked AJ, she was fully awake and looking at her mother confused.

"AWWW." Yelled Pear, she was not prepared for AJ to be awake. 'Buck it.' Thought Pear as she pulled Spike and Fluttershy away from AJ, not even realizing that she was awake.

This woke up everyone in the room. They all looked at Pear. "Um.... Ms. Buttercup, can you put me down, if that's ok?" Asked Fluttershy, still in the leg of Pear, Spike still in her wings.

Pear nodded and quickly placed Fluttershy on the ground. She looked at AJ. "Sorry AJ, I just didn't want to wake you up, I was worried that you would start flailing."

AJ sighed. "Ma, I don't know where you got this idea, but I do not flail around at night, and I really don't like the name Hydra." Said AJ, she had no idea that she does flail around because she is asleep.

Pear sighed. "Well, it's time to wake up girls, today is Jam Day." Said Pear. AJ gasped and pulled all the girls and Spike out of the room so they could help. Pear was shocked to see her daughter drag off 4 fillies and a dragon. 'Ok, I'm like 90% sure that AJ is a monster in pony form.' Thought Pear.

Downstairs, Granny was finishing up breakfast for the kids. "And there." Said Granny as she finished a stack of haycakes for the girls. She picked up the plate and placed it on the table, she walked over to the pantry and pulled out a jar full of crushed sapphires, she walked back to her station and used the remaining batter to make Spike a special little haycake. "I still don't see how sapphires taste like blue berries." Said Granny as she dropped pebble sized stones into the batter and poured it into the hot pan.

Once it was done, she placed it on a plate and placed the plate at Spike's highchair waiting for him and the girls to run down here for breakfast. Suddenly Granny heard Pear screaming. Granny groaned. "She must've got hit." Said Granny as she walked to the closet and pulled out a First-Aid kit. But as Granny was making her way to the stairs she was nearly bowled over by AJ and the girls. Granny was lucky that she wasn't walking up the stairs when they came down. "Buttercup are you all right?" Asked Granny.

"Yeah Ma, just got a little fright." Yelled Pear.

Granny sighed as she walked back to the closet and returned the kit. She walked back into the kitchen to watch the girls and make sure they were ready. When she did however, she noticed something very concerning. It was Spike, he wasn't eating his haycake like a vacuum. Granny wasn't the only one to notice this, all the girls noticed it as well. Fluttershy looked at Spike. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

Spike looked at Fluttershy. "Something's wrong with the haycake." Said Spike as he poked at it with his fork.

Granny gasped as she walked over to Spike. "Spike, trust me the haycake is fine, I just thought to add some sapphires into the batter."

Spike shook his head. "They're not cooked then." Said Spike.

Everypony looked at Spike like he was speaking prench. "Spike, I don't quite understand, how can a gem be cooked?"

Spike looked back. "Well, amethysts are best when eaten straight or roasted. Emeralds taste horrible if you cook them but are perfect cold. Rubies are fine straight but release a great flavor when heated until it's slightly charred on the outside, and sapphires are delicious raw, and cooked, but if they're undercooked then they release a bitter flavor." Said Spike.

Everypony dropped their jaws at Spike knowing so much about gem cooking. But Rarity was the first to get hers back. "Spikie, how exactly did you learn about this?" Asked Rarity, she had seen Spike eat his gems, but he never took an interest in cooking them before.

"Grandma Cookie accidently burnt my ruby one day, while you were out with Grandpa Hondo. But it tasted great, so she tried again with an emerald, and it was horrible." Said Spike as he shuttered. "I didn't like it one bit, so she placed it in the freezer. It came out perfect and gave it more crunch. So then we started testing out gems together, Grandma Cookie placed a amethyst in the freezer and the oven, and when it was ready, the amethyst that was heated, tasted sweeter, but the one we put in the freezer was solid, when I took a bite of it I hurt my tooth. Then we tried the sapphires, when frozen they are hard but fun to crush, and if they're roasted they're very juicy, but if they're not roasted enough, they are very bitter." Said Spike.

Rarity groaned. 'Of course, Mother would find a way to burn gems.' Thought Rarity. Cookie was and is a disaster when it comes to cooking, the only reason Rarity is still alive is because of her father taking control of the cooking duties at home. Rarity looked at Spike. "Spikie, how long do sapphires need to be cooked?"

Spike hummed as he tried to remember what Cookie did to cook the sapphires. "I think Grandma cooked them for a few seconds in the oven, but when she opened the door there were flames shooting out." Rarity sighed. Spike just shrugged as he looked at his haycake and started blowing a small stream of fire to roast the blue gem.

It didn't take long for the haycake to darken in color. Spike stopped blowing the fire and smiled as he smelled the haycake. "Perfect." Said Spike. He was about to start eating but he looked at the haycake again. "Somethings missing...What is it?" Asked Spike.

Pinkie was the first to figure it out. She pulled a bottle of syrup out of her mane and drizzled a sticky lake's worth on to the food. "A haycake isn't a haycake if it doesn't have syrup." Said Pinkie as she quickly drizzled syrup onto all the haycakes.

Spike smiled as he activated his mouth and sucked the haycake into his stomach.

Granny, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow and AJ just sighed. 'It's Pinkie Pie and Spike, don't question it.' Thought everyone as they began to eat.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, I've been thinking about too much stuff. But one of those things was how much longer for the Whole lot of Apples arc, and I have determined that there will be 3 more chapters. Part 6.5 where they will make the jam. Part 7 where the reunion will happen, games, fun, family. Part 8 where the whole of the family will gather around the barn and take a family picture and say their goodbyes.

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